HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal CD Q.28, Health Care28. HEALTH CARE A. Describe the health care services and facilities that will be required to meet the health needs generated by this project. Please provide a letter from the various providers acknowledging notice of the proposed development and ability to serve the project. Nineteen hospitals or admitting medical facilities are located within a 10 mile radius of the DDRI. Exhibit 28-1, Hospitals/Medical Facilities within a 10 Mile Radius, provides a list of these hospitals. Figure 28-1, Hospitals/Medical Facilities within a 10 Mile Radius, depicts the hospitals' locations. The combined total of staffed beds for these facilities is 6,093. Five major health service providers in close proximity were notified about the development program for Increment II of the DDRI: 1) Cedars Medical Center, 2) Jackson Memorial Hospital, 3) Mercy Hospital, 4) Mount Sinai Medical Center, and 5) Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Exhibit 28-2, Letters to and from Major Health Service Providers, addresses these facilities' ability to serve the project. Emergency medical services are provided by the City of Miami Fire -Rescue Department. Exhibit 28-3, Letters to and from Chief Bryson, addresses the Fire -Rescue Department's ability to serve the project. Downtown Development Authority Downtown Miami DRI Update Question 28 — Health Care Page 28-1 BROWAR D CO. DAD E CO. MEDLEY ,000, VANNAW. ,RIEVad, tAVAI • SWEEIWA1fl Legend Hospitals/ Medical Facilities 027'020 00 Ten Mile Radius From Project Site 5 miles 00072VAIWP 10=1 ,IMI.P.70,110,Y NORTH 4WD!' BEACH taam...menv mum, 01.14• °CNA An OM VMOYEMM1,160,, 4110" 11 eorm,avgkr Figure 28-1 Hospitals / Medical Facilities Within A Ten Mile Radius FILENAME- W/99-04/graphics/041400,figure213-1 Source The Curtis & Kimball Company, August 2001 EXHIBIT 28-1 Hospitals/Medical Facilities within a 10 Mile Radius Exhibit 28-1 Hospitals/Medical Facilities within a 10 Mile Radius 1. Bascom Palmer Eye Institute 900 NW 17th Street Miami, FL 33136-1199 (305) 326-6000 Total staffed beds: 35 2. Cedars Medical Center 1400 NW Twelfth Avenue Miami, FL 33136-1003 (305) 325-5511 Total staffed beds: 493 Coral Gables Hospital 3100 Douglas Road Coral Gables, FL 33134-6990 (305) 445-8461 Total staffed beds: 150 4. Healthsouth Doctors' Hospital 5000 University Drive Coral Gables, FL 33146-2094 (305) 666-2111 Total staffed beds: 157 5. Hialeah Hospital 651 East 25th Street Hialeah, FL 33013-3878 (305) 693-6100 Total staffed beds: 411 6. Jackson Memorial Hospital 1611 NW 12thAvenue Miami, FL 33136-1094 (305) 585-6754 Total staffed beds: 1329 7. Larkin Community Hospital 7031 SW 62nd Ave. South Miami, FL 33143-4781 (305) 284-7500 Total staffed beds: 112 8. Mercy Hospital 3663 South Miami Avenue Miami, FL 33133-4237 (305) 854-4400 Total staffed beds: 339 9. Miami Children's Hospital 3100 SW 62nd Avenue Miami, FL 33155-3009 (305) 666-6511 Total Staffed beds: 238 10. Miami Heart Institute & Medical Center 4701 North Meridian Avenue Miami, FL 33140-2910 (305) 674-3114 Total staffed beds: 278 11. Mount Sinai Medical Center 4300 Alton Road Miami Beach, FL 33140-2800 (305) 674-2121 Total staffed beds: 694 12. North Shore Medical Center 1100 NW 95th Street Miami, FL 33150-2098 (305) 835-6000 Total staffed beds: 197 13. Pan American Hospital 5959 NW Seventh Street Miami, FL 33126-3198 (305) 264-1000 Total staffed beds: 146 14. South Miami Hospital 6200 SW 73rd Street Miami, FL 33143-9990 (305) 661-4611 Total staffed beds: 318 15. South Shore Hospital & Medical Center 630 Alton Road Miami Beach, FL 33139-5502 (305) 672-2100 Total staffed beds: 155 16. Veterans Affairs Medical Center 1201 NW 16th Street Miami, FL 33125-1624 (305) 324-4455 Total staffed beds: 515 17. Villa Maria Hospital 1050 NE 125th Street North Miami, FL 33161-5881 (305) 891-8850 Total Staffed Beds: 272 18. Westchester General Hospital 2500 SW 75th Avenue Miami, FL 33155-9947 (305) 264-5252 Total staffed beds: 160 19. Windmoor Healthcare of Miami 1861 NW South River Drive Miami, FL 33125-2787 (305) 642-3555 Total staffed beds: 94 EXHIBIT 28-2 (R) Letters to and from Major Health Service Providers CURTISL Ki M. B AT L August 23, 2001 Mr. Jose Camero Construction Administrator Jackson Memorial Hospital 1611 N.W. 12th Avenue Miami, FL 33125 Re: Downtown Miami DRI Update Health Care Services Dear Mr. Camero: In accordance with Chapter 380.06, Florida Statutes, regarding Developments of Regional Impact, we are required to notify local health care service providers and obtain from them information regarding their ability to provide our project with health care services. The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is applying for approval of Increment II of the Downtown Miami Development of Regional Impact (DDRI). The purpose of the DDRI is to simplify and expedite the process for the impact review of large-scale development. It has been used in the review of the American Airlines Arena, the Performing Arts Center of Greater Miami, and major residential and hotel projects in the Brickell and Omni areas of downtown Miami. The project area contains approximately 880 acres of intensive urban development. Approximately 78 acres of the DRI are currently zoned and developed as City parks. An aerial map showing the project location is enclosed. Also enclosed is a table showing the development program for Increment 1, which was originally approved in 1988, and Increment II, which is currently proposed. Please note that the DDA is currently proposing to expand the boundary of the DDRI. This boundary expansion is not expected to affect the development program. Please consider the proposed expanded boundary area in your analysis. Please indicate in your response your facility's capacity for serving our proposed development program, given your present and future projections for facilities and staffing. Please note that we have also notified other surrounding health service providers regarding their capacity to serve the DDRI. Your written response will be an integral part of the DRI application process. I respectfully request your prompt attention to this letter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (305) 648-0050. .;.;.; ;N.; ; , ; \ i • \ F, A s TliE CURTIS KINI,BALL....1::OMPANY 4 RI) 1 LA.CLUNA STRIET CORAL GABLES., Ft ORI 1..)A 3311(.., 111(1)!..\LE 01)5,, (,V5-(,)050 LAX (3051. 648-00.52 Mr. Jose Camero Downtown Miami DRI Update August 23, 2001 Page 2 Sincerely, Rob Curtis, AICP Enclosures xc: Adam Lukin, Downtown Development Authority v„Lourdes,Slazyk,•City of Miami Planning and Zoning File 2000-14 ," Pcmirmln Current Boundary Proposed Expansion Area DDR1 Boundaries FILENAME w2C00.1./ phis-A47.301.arzriil 19A9 So-: The Curtis P. Y.irrha11 Cornpany, ApriiI 2CA1 DOWNTOWN M|AM|DR[ DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Land Use Increment --- --------- XBuUdout' ---- Reserved with Major Use Special Permit May 28.3OQ3, |ncnernantU Bu|ldout— N1ay28.2OOWz Total Allowable --- Received Building Permit or Complete | | - Unreserved Credits - - Proposed Offimy (gross square feet) 656821 1,820,049 152.48 728 1,205,020 1.300,000 , Government ux/cr (gross square � RetaU/Servioe (gross square feet) 1'296.748 1.033 3DOOOO , � Merged with Office 75D�OD � 1.500Residential .204 Hotel (rooms) 4,500 | 2.739 6.718 � 2.835 997 _ 7.500 Convention (gross square 'ee, _ 500.000 vvnmeom/e/mousme| (gross square '"e` 750.000 � Institutional (gross ~+u="'"e` 200,000_ _ 200,000� 450.000__ (seats) 4.880 24.000 | 1O2O ^ 50000 Marine^Facilities | ' Merged with Office wmmo: 'Downtown oR'.Annual Status Rwporl'Sep. r.znn0;amenuevFeb, znn1. 2om upuateTeam xnp|yx/c Downtown Development Authority Downtown Miami DRI Update CURTI S MBAL August 23, 2001 Ms, Selma Zolotas Director of Facilities Management Veterans Administration Hospital 1201 NW 16th St. Miami, Fl 33125 Re: Downtown Miami DRI Update Heath Care Services Dear Ms, Zolotas: In accordance with Chapter 380.06, Florida Statutes, regarding Developments of Regional Impact, we are required to notify local health care service providers and obtain from them information regarding their ability to provide our project with health care services. The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is applying for approval of Increment II of the Downtown Miami Development of Regional Impact (DDRl), The purpose of the DDRI is to simplify and expedite the process for the impact review of large-scale development. It has been used in the review of the American Airlines Arena, the Performing Arts Center of Greater Miami, and major residential and hotel projects in the Brickell and Omni areas of downtown Miami. The project area contains approximately 880 acres of intensive urban development. Approximately 78 acres of the DRI are currently zoned and developed as City parks. An aerial map showing the project location is enclosed. Also enclosed is a table showing the development program for Increment I, which was originally approved in 1988, and Increment I, which is currently proposed. Please note that the DDA is currently proposing to expand the boundary of the DDRI. This boundary expansion is not expected to affect the development program. Please consider the proposed expanded boundary area in your analysis. Please indicate in your response your facility's capacity for serving our proposed development program, given your present and future projections for facilities and staffing. Please note that we have also notified other surrounding health service providers regarding their capacity to serve the DDRI. Your written response will be an integral part of the DRI application process. I respectfully request your prompt attention to this letter, If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (305) 648-0050, ; ;,Tflfl s T /1 S K1 COMPANY 41(1 LAGUNA S'T"PS FT CORAL, GABLE.S. F1 OR! DA :',3146 41-111,1V C.,,051 64S-0050 FAX (3051, 64S-0052 Ms. Selma Zokotas Downtown Miami C]FlU Update August 23.2DO1 Page Rob Cur -Lis, AICP Enclosures XC: AdamLuNn.Downtown Development Authority Lourdes S|azyk.City o[&4iomiPlanning and Zoning DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS Medical Center 1201 Northwest 16th Street Miami FL 33125-1693 OCT 1 8 2001 In Reply Reler To: Curtis & Kimball Company Attn: Rob Curtis, A1CP 4101 Laguna Street Coral Gables, FL 33146 Re: Downtown Miami, DRi Update Health Care Services Dear Mr. Curtis: 546/00/002 We have reviewed the information contained in your letter of August 23, 2001 concerning Increment II of the Downtown Miami Development Program. The ,Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Miami does have the capacity to serve any eligible veteran requiring medical care who is presently located in the development area. Our intention is to continue to provide care to the present or expanded veteran population of that area in future years. We will take into account the proposed increases in dwelling units and hotel rooms in our planning projections to assure we can meet the increased demand. It would be helpful for us to be kept informed of the progress of the construction and the estimated date the various sections will be opened for occupancy. Also, it would aid our planning efforts, if you could inform us of the size of the dwelling units (one bedroom, or two, etc.) and the approximate price that will be asked for lease or sale of the units. Please direct any future correspondence and/or communications relating to the development program to John Scheidt, Special Assistant to the Pirector at the above address or him can be contact at (305) 324-319]. S . C. Doherty Medical Center Director CURTIS. KIMBA. August 23, 2001 Ms. Sandra Pollack Director of Business Development Coral Gables Hospital 3100 Douglas Road Coral Gables, FL 33134 Re: Downtown Miami DRI Update Health Care Services Dear Ms, PoHack: In accordance with Chapter 380.06, Florida Statutes, regarding Developments of Regional Impact, we are required to notify local health care service providers and obtain from them information regarding their ability to provide our project with health care services. The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is applying for approval of Increment II of the Downtown Miami Development of Regional Impact (DDRI). The purpose of the DDRI is to simplify and expedite the process for the impact review of large-scale development. It has been used in the review of the American Airlines Arena, the Performing Arts Center of Greater Miami, and major residential and hotel projects in the Brickeil and Omni areas of downtown Miami. The project area contains approximately 880 acres of intensive urban development. Approximately 78 acres of the DRI are currently zoned and developed as City parks. An aerial map showing the project location is enclosed. Also enclosed is a table showing the development program for Increment I, which was originally approved in 1988, and Increment 11, which is currently proposed. Please note that the DDA is currently proposing to expand the boundary of the DDRI. This boundary expansion is not expected to affect the development program. Please consider the proposed expanded boundary area in your analysis. Please indicate in your response your facility's capacity for serving our proposed development program, given your present and future projections for facilities and staffing. Please note that we have also notified other surrounding health service providers regarding their capacity to serve the DDRI. Your written response will be an integral part of the DRI application process. I respectfully request your prompt attention to this letter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (305) 648-0050. (:OMMYN 4Y N'\ (7. N s p r, V \ (1. ,\ s 711E.CJTIS K 4 WI LA(.":0.....J S"1"' RE ET (.:1(..)B.,A1... GABLES. FL OBJ DA 314 Ell 0 N 6,1 SL 0050 FA.N. OELSL Ms. Sandra Pollack Downtown Miami DRI Update August 23, 2001 Page 2 Rob Curtis, AICP Enclosures xC: Adam Lukin, Downtown Development Authority Lourdes Slazyk, City of Miami Planning and Zoning File 2000-14 CU TIS L KI MBA August 23, 2001 Mr. Clemente Amezaga Director of the Physical Plant Bascom Palmer Eye Institute P.O. Box 016880 Miami, FL 33101-6880 Re: Downtown Miami DRI Update Health Care Services Dear Mr. Amezaga. In accordance with Chapter 380.06, Florida Statutes, regarding Developments of Regional Impact, we are required to notify local health care service providers and obtain from them information regarding their ability to provide our project with health care services. The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is applying for approval of Increment I of the Downtown Miami Development of Regional Impact (DDRI). The purpose of the DDRI is to simplify and expedite the process for the impact review of large-scale development. It has been used in the review of the American Airlines Arena, the Performing Arts Center of Greater Miami, and major residential and hotel projects in the Brickell and Omni areas of downtown Miami. The project area contains approximately 880 acres of intensive urban development. Approximately 78 acres of the DRI are currently zoned and developed as City parks, An aerial map showing the project location is enclosed. Also enclosed is a table showing the development program for Increment 1, which was originally approved in 1988, and Increment II, which is currently proposed. Please note that the DDA is currently proposing to expand the boundary of the DDRI. This boundary expansion is not expected to affect the development program. Please consider the proposed expanded boundary area in your analysis. Please indicate in your response your facility's capacity for serving our proposed development program, given your present and future projections for facilities and staffing. Please note that we have also notified other surrounding health service providers regarding their capacity to serve the DDR1. Your written response will be an integral part of the DRI application process. I respectfully request your prompt attention to this letter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (305) 648-0050. C L N \ r \ I "s.; • \ r A, r \ T1 9 f:1 .1101 FTR,FFT coRm ALF5„ FI(,){..7dr)A 531,40 f:, r\IL 643 0050 FAx ,305, 648,0052 Mr. Clemente Amozaga Downtown Miami DR] Update August 2J,3UO1 Page 2 Sincerely, Rob Curtis, /l|CP Enclosures xC: Adam Lukin.Downtown Development Authority Lourdes S|azyk.City ofMiami Planning and Zoning Fi|e2OOO'14 CL RTIS K1MBA August 23, 2001 Ms. Martha Smith Vice President of Patient Services Mount Sinai Medical Center 4300 Alton Road Miami Beach, FL 33140 Re: Downtown Miami DRI Update Health Care Services Dear Ms. Smith: In accordance with Chapter 380.06, Florida Statutes, regarding Developments of Regional Impact, we are required to notify local health care service providers and obtain from them information regarding their ability to provide our project with health care services. The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is applying for approval of Increment II of the Downtown Miami Development of Regional Impact (DDRI). The purpose of the DDRI is to simplify and expedite the process for the impact review of large-scale development. It has been used in the review of the American Airlines Arena, the Performing Arts Center of Greater Miami, and major residential and hotel projects in the Brickell and Omni areas of downtown Miami. The project area contains approximately 880 acres of intensive urban development. Approximately 78 acres of the DRI are currently zoned and developed as City parks. An aerial map showing the project location is enclosed. Also enclosed is a table showing the development program for Increment I, which was originally approved in 1988, and Increment II, which is currently proposed, Please note that the DDA is currently proposing to expand the boundary of the DDRI. This boundary expansion is not expected to affect the development program. Please consider the proposed expanded boundary area in your analysis. Please indicate in your response your facility's capacity for serving our proposed development program, given your present and future projections for facilities and staffing. Please note that we have also notified other surrounding health service providers regarding their capacity to serve the DDRI. Your written response will be an integral part of the DRI application process. I respectfully request your prompt attention to this letter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (305) 648-0050. C ki It 4 NI 1 I ' R I F IN I 4 I 14 " r r A, - o r„ 7 11 • • • r • '7. 1 • 1 r 1) '7, r r t1"" 1, A !tt. CLIRTIS KIMISA1.1 COMPANY 4101 irACOIINIA STIEFTCORAL (:4ABI, FS. tt ()RI DA 444.31.P, ICYSI '4054 0411 11110 FAX 4011", 648-0052 KAs- Martha Smith Downtown Miami DFOUpdate August 23.2OO1 Page RO�b CUrUG,A1CP EOC|OsV[os xo: AdamLukin.Downtown Development Authority Lourdes 8lazyk.City ofMiami Planning and Zoning Fi|e2OOO-14 CCRTIS K.I..M.B.A August 23, 2001 Mr, Peter Mills Director of Plant Operations Mercy Health System 3663 South Miami Avenue Miami, FL 33133 Re: Downtown Miami DRI Update Health Care Services Dear Mr. Mills: In accordance with Chapter 380.06, Florida Statutes, regarding Developments of Regional Impact, we are required to notify local health care service providers and obtain from them information regarding their ability to provide our project with health care services. The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is applying for approval of Increment II of the Downtown Miami Development of Regional Impact (DDRI). The purpose of the DDRI is to simplify and expedite the process for the impact review of large-scale development. It has been used in the review of the American Airlines Arena, the Performing Arts Center of Greater Miami, and major residential and hotel projects in the Brickell and Omni areas of downtown Miami. The project area contains approximately 880 acres of intensive urban development. Approximately 78 acres of the DRI are currently zoned and developed as City parks. An aerial map showing the project location is enclosed. Also enclosed is a table showing the development program for Increment I, which was originally approved in 1988, and Increment IV, which is currently proposed. Please note that the DDA is currently proposing to expand the boundary of the DDRI. This boundary expansion is not expected to affect the development program. Please consider the proposed expanded boundary area in your analysis. Please indicate in your response your facility's capacity for serving our proposed development program, given your present and future projections for facilities and staffing. Please note that we have also notified other surrounding health service providers regarding their capacity to serve the DDRI. Your written response will be an integral part of the DRI application process. I respectfully request your prompt attention to this letter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (305) 648-0050. r TIE Er C.1,JR:1.ES& KIMP,A E COMPANY 4101. TRFFT C01."..AE GAEIS. FI ORE DA 37,140 N IONF (45 0050 F&\ (30;,., 6 IS PC1.52 K8C Peter Mills Downtown Miami DR] Update August 33'2OO1 Page Rob Curtis, A|CP Enclosures Xci Adam LuNn'Downtown Development Authority Lourdes S|ozyk.City of Miami Planning and Zoning FQe2OOO'14 GURUS KIMBk August 23, 2001 Mr. James Abbate Director of Support Services South Shore Hospital 630 Alton Road Miami Beach, FL 33139 Re: Downtown Miami DRI Update Health Care Services Dear Mr, Abbate: In accordance with Chapter 380.06, Florida Statutes, regarding Developments of Regional Impact, we are required to notify local health care service providers and obtain from them information regarding their ability to provide our project with health care services. The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is applying for approval of Increment II of the Downtown Miami Development of Regional Impact (DDRI), The purpose of the DDRI is to simplify and expedite the process for the impact review of large-scale development. It has been used in the review of the American Airlines Arena, the Performing Arts Center of Greater Miami, and major residential and hotel projects in the Brickell and Omni areas of downtown Miami. The project area contains approximately 880 acres of intensive urban development. Approximately 78 acres of the DRI are currently zoned and developed as City parks. An aerial map showing the project location is enclosed. Also enclosed is a table showing the development program for Increment I, which was originally approved in 1988, and Increment II, which is currently proposed. Please note that the DDA is currently proposing to expand the boundary of the DDRI. This boundary expansion is not expected to affect the development program. Please consider the proposed expanded boundary area in your analysis. Please indicate in your response your facility's capacity for serving our proposed development program, given your present and future projections for facilities and staffing. Please note that we have also notified other surrounding health service providers regarding their capacity to serve the DDRI. Your written response will be an integral part of the DRI application process. I respectfully request your prompt attention to this letter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (305) 648-0050. r " r \ I ", • r. ; 1 A, I 11 17, A \ 17 17, \ ' 1 S '111i E (:U RTI &K1 NI RAI 1 t"'""("),\IPANY 4001 LAGUNA S FREE] CORAL (..:TAFI. ES. FLORIDA 33116 PION[ 105) 645•0050 FAX (305`,1:AF-11)052 Mr. James Abbate Downtown Miami OFtiUpdate August 33,2OO1 Page Rob Curtis, A|Cp Enclosures Xc: Adam LuNn.Downtown Development Authority Lourdes S|azyk.City mfMiami P\anningand Zoning Fi|m280O-14 CURTIS August 23, 2001 Mr. Raymond Fernandez Director of Plant Operations Cedars Medical Center 1400 NW 12th Avenue Miami, FL 33136 Re: Downtown Miami DRI Update Health Care Services Dear Mr. Fernandez: In accordance with Chapter 380,06, Florida Statutes, regarding Developments of Regional Impact, we are required to notify local health care service providers and obtain from them information regarding their ability to provide our project with health care services. The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is applying for approval of Increment II of the Downtown Miami Development of Regional Impact (DDRI). The purpose of the DDRI is to simplify and expedite the process for the impact review of large-scale development. It has been used in the review of the American Airlines Arena, the Performing Arts Center of Greater Miami, and major residential and hotel projects in the Brickell and Omni areas of downtown Miami. The project area contains approximately 880 acres of intensive urban development. Approximately 78 acres of the DRI are currently zoned and developed as City parks. An aerial map showing the project location is enclosed. Also enclosed is a table showing the development program for Increment 1, which was originally approved in 1988, and Increment II, which is currently proposed. Please note that the DDA is currently proposing to expand the boundary of the DORI. This boundary expansion is not expected to affect the development program. Please consider the proposed expanded boundary area in your analysis. Please indicate in your response your facility's capacity for serving our proposed development program, given your present and future projections for facilities and staffing. Please note that we have also notified other surrounding health service providers regarding their capacity to serve the DDRI. Your written response will be an integral part of the DRI application process. I respectfully request your prompt attention to this letter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (305) 648-0050. N 1. 17, I 0. 1" P 7.1 NI @N(; m4r.l'.111 I, G • 11 @<;nv TH E. CULLT1S 61,.. KIM RAI COMPANY ,1101 LAGUNA SERI 11 CORM (1A1311S. FLORIDA 421,46 1 1(1111,j111 1311115164111.0050 FAX 13051 (AFT:1(152 Mr. Raymond Fernandez Downtown K8|omn| DRi Update August 23.2OO1 Page Sincerely, Rob Curtis, A|CP Enclosures XC: AdamLukm.Downtown Development Authority Lourdes S|azyk.City ofM[anniPlanning and Zoning FUe2OOO'14 MAR 2 7 ZDD March 21, 2002 Mr. Rob Curtis l'rincipai Planner The Curtis & Kimball Company 7520 Red Road Suite M South Miami Florida 33143 Re: Downtown Miami DRI Update Health Care Services Dear Mr. Curtis: \\le have received your follow-up notification regarding the Downtown Development Authority's (DDA) Application for 'Development Approval (ADA). .As a major health service provider for the City of Miami and South Florida, we are prepared to serve the members of our community, including future downtown residents. Sincerely, 011 John Matuska President & Chit?. Executive C ficer Marcy Health System 1 Sponsored by the Sisters of Sc. Joseph of St.Augustine, Florida 363 South Miami Avenue / Miarni, Florida 33133 / 305-285-2121 / FAX (305) 285-2114 Miami Heart Institute March 25, 2002 RAT) C.urt is Principal Planner The Curtis & Kimball Corripanv 7520 Red Road, Suite 1\4 South lvtiarni„ FT., 3.3 i 43 Re: Downtown Miami I)RU Update Health Care Set -vices Dear 3\11.., Curtis: We have received your follow-up notification regarding the Downtown Development Authority's (DDA) Application for Development Approval (ADA) of increment II of the Do \vntown Development of Regional Impact (DDR1), As a major health service provider .for die City of Miami and South Florida, we plan to continue to serve the members of our cormnunity„ including future downtown residents. Sincerely, A.my Peri- enior ViH.e Presider Chief Of -rating 0.1fteer -L".)R,M 44S 10 01 MSNIC • 430t) Alton R't.ci • 'Miami. Beach, Florida 331-10 • Telephone (305) 674-2121 N11U • 47(11 N. Ntericlian Avenue. • Miami Beach, Florida 3$1,10 • Telephone. (305) 672-1.1.11, SCHOOL OF MEDICINE March 27, 2002 Mr. Rob Curtis Principal Planner The Curtis & Kimball Company 7520 Red Road, Suite M. South Miami, FL 331,13 Re: Downtown Miami DRI Update Health Care Services 'Dear Ivir. Curtis: We have received your follow-up notification regarding the Downtown Development Authority's (DDA) Application for Development Approval (ADA) of Increment 11 of the Downtown Development of Regional Impact (DDRI). As a major health service provider for the City or Miami and South Florida, we are prepared to serve the members of our community, including future downtown residents. Sincere] Ronald Bogue Assistant V.P. for Facilities and Services fritegnued Ilealth Services N1ai1ing Address: P O. Box 019132 (N1B82) Marnj Florida 33101 Telephone: 305-243-2840 Fax: 305-243,2843 EXHIBIT 28-3 Letters to and from City of Miami Fire -Rescue Department CU T. SLI7 KIMBA-r July 5, 2001 Mr, William Bryson, Chief City of Miami Fire -Rescue Department 444 SW 2'd Avenue, 10th floor Miami, Florida 33130 Re: Downtown Miami DRI Update Fire and Emergency Response Services Dear Chief Bryson: In accordance with Chapter 380.06, Florida Statutes, regarding Developments of Regional Impact, we are required to obtain information from the City of Miami's Fire -Rescue Department regarding its ability to provide our project with fire and emergency response services. The Downtown Development Authority is applying for approval of Increment 11 of the Downtown Miami Development of Regional Impact (DRI). The purpose of the DRI is to simplify and expedite the process for the impact review of large-scale development. It has been used in the review of the American Airlines Arena, the Performing Arts Center of Greater Miami, and major residential and hotel projects in the Brickell and Omni areas of downtown Miarni. The project area contains approximately 880 acres of intensive urban development. Approximately 78 acres of the DRI are currently zoned and developed as City parks. An aerial map showing the project location is enclosed. Also enclosed is a summary of the development program in table form showing the proposed land uses and amounts pursuant to the guidelines and standards in Chapter 28-24, F.A.C. Increment I, which was originally approved in 1988, and Increment II, which is currently being proposed, specify the type and intensity of land use in downtown Miami through the year 2009. We will notify you if the development program for Increment II is adjusted. Please note that the DDA is currently proposing to expand the boundary of the Downtown DRI to make its boundary consistent with the boundary of the DDA. This boundary expansion is not expected to affect the development program for increment ll. Please consider the proposed expanded boundary area in your anaiysis, Please indicate in your response whether or not your present facilities and staffing are capable of serving the Project. If not, please specify the additional staffing/equipment necessary to do so. Your written response will be an integral part of the DRI application process. I respectfully request your prompt attention to this letter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (305) 648-0050. Cl NIG NG I' t"," rry G".„„ "."," A 1.4 1 'I..\NhNC 1 CI"! RIF I S KINIBA. LI. c:::,c),Nu,A.Ny 4101 1..ACL1...110 A. ST P,IIE 1 (ICILAI. "G5A13.11.S. FLORA DA. 3:4c rH ON F" F305" (AB- 0050 FAX (30.54 6,4 8- 00":"LII M[ William Bryson O0VVRtovvn K8iorni DR| Update July S, 2081 Page Sincmneh, Rob CorUn.A\CP Enclosures M Adam LuWn.Downtown Development Authority Lourdes S|ozyk.City of VamiPlanning and Zoning Cathy Swee\app|e. Keith and Sohnars Paul Lombed, LembortAdv\oory Fi|e20OU-14 JAM W. BRYSC)N Fire Chief August 7, 2001 Rob Curtis, AICP Curtis & Kimball 4101 Laguna Street Coral Gables, FL 33146 Dear Mr. Curtis: 4::.ARLOS A. GI\ENFZ Cidy Manager After careful review and analysis of the proposed Development of Regional Impact area with the attached map and the development table, we have concluded that additional Fire -Rescue resources will be required to adequately protect this area once developed. The following additional units would be required: One Engine (or Quint apparatus One Rescue unit I wish you the best with your endeavor. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ,/ William W. Bryson Fire Chief WWB/acp Cc: Carlos A. Gimenez, CityManager DEPARTMENT OF HRE-RESCUE/444 S.W. 7nc1 Avenue/Miami, FL 3.31:30/(305 416-1600 Addres: P.O. Box :330708 Muni, FL 33213-0708