HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal CD Q.25, Police and Fire~000D25. POLICE AND FIRE PROTECTION A. If police/fire services, facilities or sites will be dedicated or otherwise provided on -site, describe them, specify any conditions of dedication and locate on Map H. Police and fire facilities are located within the boundaries of the DDRI and serve the City of Miami, including the DDRI. The location of these facilities are depicted in Question 9, Map H. These facilities are: City of Miami Police Department Headquarters, 400 N.W. 2nd Avenue; City of Miami Police Bayside Mini -Station, Bayside Market Place, 401 Biscayne Boulevard; • City of Miami Police Omni Mini -Station, 391 N.E. 151h Street; and, o City of Miami Fire -Rescue Station Number One, 144 N.E. 5th Street. Other facilities located near the DDRI area that also provide service to the area are: City of Miami Police Edgewater Mini -Station, 2515 Biscayne Boulevard; City of Miami Fire -Rescue Station Number Two, 1901 N. Miami Avenue; and, City of Miami Fire -Rescue Station Number Four, 1105 S.W. 2nd Avenue. Provide correspondence from the appropriate providers acknowledging notice of the proposed development and phasing, and indicating whether present facilities and manpower are capable of serving the project or specifying the additional manpower/equipment necessary to serve the development. If the provider is from another jurisdiction, the letter should also identify any non -facility -related problems in providing said service. Exhibit 25-1, Letters to and from City of Miami Police Department and City of Miami Fire -Rescue Department, addresses the respective agencies' ability and commitment to provide police and fire -rescue service for the Project. Downtown Development Authority Downtown Miami DRI Update Question 25 — Police and Fire Protection Page 25-1 EXHIBIT 25-1 Letters toand from City ofMiami Police Department LAI TIS KIMBA July 5, 2001 Mr. Raul Martinez, Chief City of Miami Police Department 400 NW 2nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33128 Re: Downtown Miami DR! Update Police Protection Services Dear Mr. Martinez: In accordance with Chapter 380.06, Florida Statutes, regarding Developments of Regional Impact, we are required to obtain information from the City of Miami Police Department regarding its ability to provide our project with police protection services. The Downtown Development Authority is applying for approval of Increment II of the Downtown Miami Development of Regional Impact (DRI). The purpose of the DRI is to simplify and expedite the process for the impact review of large-scale development. It has been used in the review of the American Airlines Arena, the Performing Arts Center of Greater Miami, and major residential and hotel projects in the Brickell and Omni areas of downtown Miami. The project area contains approximately 880 acres of intensive urban development. Approximately 78 acres of the DRI are currently zoned and developed as City parks. An aerial map showing the project location is enclosed. Also enclosed is a summary of the development program in table form showing the proposed land uses and amounts pursuant to the guidelines and standards in Chapter 28-24, F.A.C. Increment 1, which was originally approved in 1988, and Increment II, which is currently being proposed, specify the type and intensity of land use in downtown Miami through the year 2009. We will notify you if the development program for Increment II is adjusted. Please note that the DDA is currently proposing to expand the boundary of the Downtown DRI to make its boundary consistent with the boundary of the DDA. This boundary expansion is not expected to affect the development program for Increment IL Please consider the proposed expanded boundary area in your analysis. Please indicate in your response whether or not your present facilities and staffing are capable of serving the Project. If not, please specify the additional staffing/equipment necessary to do so. Your written response will be an integral part of the DRI application process. 1 respectfully request your prompt attention to this letter. If you have any questIone, pie me do not heltt t contact me et (305) 348-0050 ; \ I ;;;. ;;; ;;; ;;,;;; ; I [. ;\,;(; IHE CURTF.S & KIM COMPANY .I1Cn LAGUNA S"Igf FT CORAL GABLES. FLORE DA 331-40 PI ION F. (.305.1 (Yi 8-0050 FAX c,30`,0 648-0052 Mr. Raul Martinez Downtown Miami DRL| Update July 5,3OU1 Page Rob Curbo.AICP Enclosures Kc: Adam LuNn.Downtown Development Authority Lourdes 8|azyk.City ofMiami P|anningandZuning CaihySmoe1app|e. Ke4h nnd Schnans Paul Lambert, Lambert Advisory FDn2O0O'14 RALJL mARTIN.Ez chief of Police AUG 1 0 2001 Rob Curtis The Curtis & Kimball Company 4101 Laguna Street Coral Gables, FI. 33146 Dear Mr. Curtis: AUG 1. 4 2001. BY: CAR L. ()S A. GIv1iNiZ. ity Manager \Ve have received your letter regarding the Downtown Miami DIU 1....Ipdate. Pursuant.. to your request we have evaluated your proposal and find that the projected levels of development will have a significant impact on service demands in the Downtown DR.I area. It is our determination that the Miami Police Department will. have sufficient personnel. and facilities to provide services for projects in the Downtown Miami DRI project area. This commitment to providing services is based on a General Fund staffin level of 1.040 sworn officers. Should staffing levels fall below the 1,040 sworn number our department may not be able to provide adequate services to the project area, It should be noted that projects in this service area would still have to pay City of Miami Impact Fees for capital expenses required .to provide the proper level of .service. `QV'e are extremely pleased to see the projected development for ihis area and will cooperate at every level in making these new projects, a success. Should you have any questions please contact Major Joseph Longueira at. 305 579- 3491, R1\4:JTI Sincerely, BO\ 01.6777 NliJr]).1 , Chlt.401TAA11. t.:,111,1:26Y01 .010004. Au/n.1110. CURTIS K1MBA July 5, 2001 Mr. William Bryson, Chief City of Miami Fire -Rescue Department 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 101h floor Miami, Florida 33130 Re: Downtown Miami DR! Update Fire and Emergency Response Services Dear Chief Bryson: In accordance with Chapter 380.06, Florida Statutes, regarding Developments of Regional Impact, we are required to obtain information from the City of Miami's Fire -Rescue Department regarding its ability to provide our project with fire and emergency response services. The Downtown Development Authority is applying for approval of Increment II of the Downtown Miami Development of Regional Impact (DRI). The purpose of the DRI is to simplify and expedite the process for the impact review of large-scale development. It has been used in the review of the American Airlines Arena, the Performing Arts Center of Greater Miami, and major residential and hotel projects in the Brickell and Omni areas of downtown Miami. The project area contains approximately 880 acres of intensive urban development. Approximately 78 acres of the DRI are currently zoned and developed as City parks. An aerial map showing the project location is enclosed. Also enclosed is a summary of the development program in table form showing the proposed land uses and amounts pursuant to the guidelines and standards in Chapter 28-24, F.A.C. Increment I, which was originally approved in 1988, and Increment II, which is currently being proposed, specify the type and intensity of land use in downtown Miami through the year 2009. We will notify you if the development program for Increment II is adjusted. Please note that the DDA is currently proposing to expand the boundary of the Downtown DRI to make its boundary consistent with the boundary of the DDA. This boundary expansion is not expected to affect the development program for Increment 11. Please consider the proposed expanded boundary area in your analysis. Please indicate in your response whether or not your present facilities and staffing are capable of serving the Project. If not, please specify the additional staffing/equipment necessary to do so. Your written response will be an integral part of the DRI application process. I respectfully request your prompt attention to this letter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (305) 648-0050. R iI4, A h,!.1 r,,.„ 6 . N • I 1 l'•• A 1 TH cu M""is KiAtF,A44. COmPAr,ly 4101 LAc7,4iNA STRT;ET CORAL GAR !Ix Rom DA 33146 Nicx,..,IF (305. 6.48-F)050 FAX c30:5 64)01y452 Mr. William Bryson Downtown Miami DRI Update July 5, 2001 Page 2 Sincerely, Rob Curtis, AICP Enclosures xc: Adam Lukin, Downtown Development Authority Lourdes Slazyk, City of Miami Planning and Zoning Cathy Sweetapple, Keith and Schnars Paul Lambert, Lambert Advisory File 2000-14 WILLIAM W. BRYSC)N Fire (Thief. August 7, 2001 Rob Curtis, AICP Curtis & Kimball 4101 Laguna Street Coral Gables, FL 33146 Dear Mr. Curtis: ,C AUG 0 9 .110 in BY: CARLOS A. GIMENEZ City Manager After careful review and analysis of the proposed Development of Regional Impact area with the attached map and the development table, we have concluded that additional Fire -Rescue resources will be required to adequately protect this area once developed. The following additional units would be required: One Engine (or Quint apparatus) One Rescue unit I wish you the best with your endeavor. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, illiam W. Bryson Fire Chief WWB/acp Cc: Carlos A. Gimenez, City Manager DEPARTMENT OF FIRE-RESCUE/44-1 S.W. 2nd Avenue/Miami, FL 3.1130/(.305) 416-1600 mailing Address, FA), Bo, 330708 t.liarni,3233_0706