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Submittal CD Q.23, Hurricane Prepa~000C
23. HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS A. 1. Identify any residential development proposed within the hurricane vulnerability zone delineated in the applicable regional hurricane evacuation study, regional public hurricane shelter study and adopted county peacetime emergency plan. If so, delineate the proposed development's location on the appropriate county and/or regional hurricane evacuation map and respond to questions B.(1) and B.(2) below. Proposed mobile home and park trailer developments should answer question B.(1), regardless of location, or answer questions B.(1) and B.(2) below, if proposed within the hurricane vulnerability zone or the high hazard hurricane evacuation area. According to the Miami -Dade Office of Emergency Management (OEM) Hurricane Evacuation Map, the entire DDRI area is within the hurricane vulnerability zone except for a part of the Omni area, north of Interstate 395 and west of N.E. 2nd Avenue and a part of the Central Business District north of Flagler Avenue between Miami Avenue and N.E. 2nd Avenue. Residential development is a significant component of Increment II of the DDRI. As with all categories of the development program, the exact locations of the residential development within the DDRI's boundaries are not fixed and can occur throughout the DDRI area. Figure 23-1, Hurricane Evacuation Zones, and Figure 23-2, Hurricane Evacuation Zones - Enlarged, delineate the hurricane vulnerability zone as the evacuation zone for a category 2 or 3 hurricane. identify any hotel/motel or recreational vehicle/travel trailer development proposed within the high hazard hurricane evacuation area delineated in the applicable regional hurricane evacuation study, regional public hurricane shelter study, or adopted county peacetime emergency plan. If present, delineate the proposed development's location on the appropriate county or regional hurricane evacuation map and answer questions B.(1) and B.(2) below. The high hazard hurricane area requires evacuation for any category of hurricane. The DDRI does not include any areas within the High Hazard Hurricane Evacuation area, with the exception of Claughton Island/Brickell Key, which is within the Downtown Development Authority Downtown Miami DRI Update Question 23 — Hurricane Preparedness Page 23-1 MIAMI—DADE COUNTY Office of Emergency Managment HURRICANE EVACUATION ZONES V/ Brui sr V KIRD ST ti orsr ST. 1sn.4 31r31 9 3.3150 NW 715T,3r;_ , Nvr _69T113, NrN INY/ SOH SI • 3.21.1IL: stbh 14111 ST NO iiihi•S 33125 NE 7.971.-1—EY _ riST sT OJT-1i ST NE r. E—Eicrf-91 0 _ NE li 127 33128 .df 7113f-3°1 .6,.1 • 33129 33145-!.' SW tout s' - J-2 . 5 STCY 33140 BISCAYNE BAY ru tk9 tv N NM 05 > 7,q zia. pr• T VEHE11^".0Y-- _ 31 3132 -4% Q1134$,Ti 'IST_Sf LAO? 33139 Zil : ... = ......... r DoatuAtler Tan, .,.. ----- in-02ip:27.7r.-"11........ ifer.11q.7r............ il 7.• VP rm. 1....0 war r,417.7..."71.-.7..................,......— ......_ .....—,.._ Legend Hurricane Evacuation Zones: 2001 Season I All Hurricanes Hurricane Category 2 & 3 7-17; Hurricane Category 4 & 5 (111 Downtown DRI Boundary Figure 23-1 Hurricane Evacuation Zones Source: Miami -Dade County Office of Emergency Management The Curtis & Kimball Conpany, Revised December, 2001 FILENAME: w/2001-14/graphics/121201.1-iurrEvac Legend Hurricane Evacuation Zones: 2001 Season All Hurricanes Hurricane Category 2 & 3 Hurricane Category 4 & 5 © Downtown DR1 Boundary I Figure 23-2 Hurricane Evacuation Zones - Enlarged FILENAME: wf2001-141graphicsf 121201,HurrEvae,doseup Source: Miami -Dade County Office of Emergency Management The CurSis & Kimball Company, Revised December 2001 DDRI boundary but operated exclusively under a separate, independent DRI. Figure 23-1 and Figure 23-2 delineate the high hazard hurricane evacuation area as the evacuation zone for all hurricane categories. 3. Identify whether the proposed development is located in a designated special hurricane preparedness district. The DDRI is not located in a special hurricane preparedness district. B. 1. For each phase of the development, determine the development's public hurricane shelter space requirements based on the behavioral assumptions identified in the applicable regional study or county plan. Identify the existing public hurricane shelter space capacity during the one hundred year or category three hurricane event within the county where the development is being proposed and indicate whether the county has a deficit or surplus of public hurricane shelter space during the one hundred year or category three hurricane event. According to the assumptions of the South Florida Regional Hurricane Evacuation Study, April 1996, 22 percent of residents in evacuation zones will seek space in public shelters. According to the Evacuation Study's county -wide assumptions, multi -family dwelling units have a 57 percent occupancy rate for July, and a 71 percent occupancy rate for November. Year 2000 U.S. Census data for the census tracts comprising the DDRI area reveals an average of 1.87 persons per dwelling unit. Accepting the Evacuation Study's assumptions, and using census data on household size, the 7500 units in Increment II would increase public shelter demand by 1,760 persons in July and 2,192 in November. According to Michelle Walley of Miami Red Cross Disaster Services, in 2001 shelter space for all of Miami -Dade County is expected to have capacity for up to 49,000 evacuees. This capacity is significantly less than the estimated county -wide demand for shelter space of 143,000 persons during a Category 4 or 5 Hurricane (100-year storm event), based on 1995 estimates from the Hurricane Evacuation Study.' Further capacity will become available as new schools, which must meet standards for 1 Phone conversation with John Hulsey of the SFRPC, Monday, April 2, 2001. Downtown Development Authority Downtown Miami Dill Update Question 23 — Hurricane Preparedness Page 23-4 hurricane evacuation shelters, are built in Miami -Dade County. In addition, the Miami -Dade OEM and the Miami -Dade School District are working together to retrofit older schools and other public buildings for service as shelters. According to Vilma Vela, Mass Care Coordinator for the Miami -Dade OEM, planned retrofits of older schools and buildings will provide an additional capacity for 28,432 evacuees. 2. For each phase of the development, determine the number of evacuating vehicles the development would generate during a hurricane evacuation event based on the transportation and behavioral assumptions identified in the applicable regional study or county plan. Identify the nearest designated hurricane evacuation route and determine what percentage of level of service E hourly directional and maximum service volume the project will utilize. The nearest designated hurricane evacuation routes for the DDRI are Interstate 95 North and Interstate 395/ State Road 836 West. According to John Hulsey, Senior Planner for the SFRPC, hurricane evacuation clearance would be considered upon the basis of the DDRI's effect on clearance time, rather than the percentage of traffic volume the DDRI would produce. According to the methodology from John Hulsey's memo dated April 4, 2001 and included as Exhibit 23-1, Memorandum from John Hulsey, South Florida Regional Planning Council, the DDRI would increase the clearance times of out -of -County evacuation by 12 to 18 minutes, depending on the season and the distribution of dwelling units. The increase would raise the county -wide evacuation time for a worst -case scenario in November to 15.8 or 15.9 hours, depending on the distribution of residential units. This time is well below the 24-hour limit for evacuation time established in the Strategic Regional Policy Plan for South Florida (SFRPC, 1995, p.140). C. identify and describe any action(s) or provisions that will be undertaken to mitigate impacts on hurricane preparedness. 2 Parts of the Omni and Central Business District sub -areas are not in the evacuation zone, therefore reducing the number of units requiring evacuation. However, historically these areas have not been where residential units have been developed. Downtown Development Authority Downtown Miami DRI Update Question 23 — Hurricane Preparedness Page 23-5 The Miami -Dade OEM is specifically engaged in the coordination of emergency preparation and response for all government agencies involved in hurricane preparation. The OEM has prepared the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan for use by all participating agencies during hurricanes and other disasters. The lead emergency agency for the City of Miami is the Miami Fire Department Division of Disaster Management. The Miami Chapter of the American Red Cross coordinates evacuation shelters. Sections 20-3 (Development in either special flood hazard areas, or nonspecial flood hazard area), 20-4 (Development within special flood hazard areas), and 20-5 (Development within coastal high hazard areas) of the City of Miami Code of Ordinances stipulate the restrictions, precautions, and conditions that are in effect for all development in recognized coastal high hazard or flood prone areas. Downtown Development Authority Downtown Miami DR1 Update Question 23 — Hurricane Preparedness Page 23-6 EXHIBIT 23-1 (R) Memorandum from John Hulsey, South Florida Regional Planning Council And Letter from Frank Reddish Emergency Management Coordinator i South Florida Regional Planning Council MEMORANDUM TO: DICKSON EZEALA, FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS LOURDES SLAZYK, CITY OF MIAMI - PLANNING ROB CURTIS, THE CURTIS Sr KIMBALL COMPANY CATHIE PERKINS, MIAMI-DADE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT FROM: JOHN.,rIUL EY, SENIOR PLANNER DATE: APRIL 4, 2001 RE: DOWNTOWN MIAMI AREAWIDE DRI PRE -APPLICATION - QUESTION 23.B.2 At the pre -application conference for the Downtown Miami Areawide Development of Regional Impact, Increment II, held on March 14, 2001, at the offices of the South Florida Regional Planning Council, the question of whether or not the applicant should answer Question 23.B.2 was discussed. The applicant proposes to delete the question from the Application for Development Approval. Question 23.B.2 deals with the issue of hurricane evacuation clearance and the impact of development on it. For Increment II, the applicant proposes to develop an additional 7,500 dwelling units in the Downtown Miami area. Increment I contains an additional 997 unreserved housing credits. Combined, the applicant proposes that 8,497 dwelling units be added to the Downtown Miami area. Complicating this calculation are the following two factors: 1) the Downtown Miami area is about 80% contained within evacuation areas, but it is impossible to know the distribution of dwelling units inside and outside the evacuation areas at this time; and 2) the applicant can choose in the future to re -allocate credits for other uses to increase the number of dwelling units allowable for the project. The Downtown Miami area within the application consists of three sub areas: Brickell, the Central Business District (CBD), and Omni. Nearly all of the dwelling units built in Increment I have been located in Brickell. As a practical matter, all of the Brickell and CBD sub areas are located within evacuation areas for Category 4 and 5 hurricanes. A small area of the Omni, located east of Biscayne Boulevard, is also in an evacuation area. Only about 20% of the overall Downtown Miami area is outside of all evacuation areas as designated by the Miami -Dade Office of Emergency Management. For the additional dwelling units to have no impact on hurricane evacuation clearance, they would all need to be Iocated in the Omni sub area, west of Biscayne Boulevard. Clearly, this would be impractical, but the concept of steering future dwelling units into this sub area to reduce evacuation clearance time will be discussed later. 3440 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite 140, Hollywood, Florida 33021 Broward (954) 985-4416, Area Codes 305, 407 and 561 (800) 985-4416 SunCom 473-4416, FAX (954) 985-4417, SunCom FAX 473-4417 e-mail sfadmin@sfrpc.com April 4, 2001 Page 2 The Downtown Miami area contributes to four evacuation zones modeled in the South Florida Regional Hurricane Evacuation Study, April 1996 (Study). These are designated as zones 6 (Venetian Isles), 7 (South Beach), 8 (CBD), and 11 (Brickell). Evacuation routes designated by Miami -Dade County consist of two types: those causeways carrying evacuees to the mainland from the barrier islands; and those Limited access highways carrying evacuees throughout the County. The Downtown Miami area is not located on any of the barrier islands, rendering the impact of additional dwelling units on the causeways a moot point. We will assume that no-one will be evacuating towards the beach during a hurricane warning. The remaining impact to evacuation clearance that could be measured would be on clearance of evacuees out of the County. Evacuation Clearance time is the quotient of the number of vehicles estimated to be evacuating an area divided by the capacity of the exit routes to move vehicles through each hour. The Study assumes that 59% of evacuating vehicles in Miami -Dade County will go to public shelters, the homes of friends or relatives outside of evacuation areas within the County, or hotel and motel rooms outside of evacuation areas inside the County. The remaining 41% of evacuating vehicles are assumed to evacuate out of the County via one of five routes: 1-95, Florida's Turnpike, 1-75, U.S. 27, and U.S. 41. The Study predicted that in a Category 2 or 3 hurricane in 1998, it would take 7.5 hours to clear evacuees in July and 10.0 hours to clear evacuees in November. The predicted evacuation clearance times for a Category 4 or 5 hurricane under the same circumstances would have been 12.5 hours and 15.6 hours respectively. Since the distribution of the 8,497 new units proposed within the Downtown Miami area cannot be predicted, if we assume that all new units are located within either the Brickell or CBD sub areas (which has been the historical trend), according to the model in the Study, out -of -County evacuation clearance times can be expected to increase by 12 to 18 minutes depending on the season, with a worst -case scenario of 15.9 hours in a Category 4 or 5 storm in November. If, however, the location of the new dwelling units is equally distributed throughout the Downtown Miami area, with 20% located outside of any evacuation area, clearance time in a worst -case scenario is reduced to 15.8 hours, a reduction of 6 minutes from the previous example. Theoretically, the greater the proportion of dwelling units are located in the Oman sub area west of Biscayne Boulevard, the less significant will be the impact to evacuation clearance. The numbers that result here are well within the 24 hour limit in the Strategic Regional Policy Plan for South Florida (SRPP). However, any increase above 12 hours should be considered significant and mitigation (i.e. increased shelter capacity) should be considered as an alternative to out -of -County evacu ation. This analysis oversimplifies the true cost to Miami -Dade County of the additional dwelling units on emergency management issues. For example, it is clear that the majority of dwelling units would be built on upper floors and would Iikely be in no danger of the predicted storm surges that (in part) dictate the boundaries of evacuation areas. However, it has been postulated that the higher up in a building one is, the higher the category of hurricane wind one experiences (e.g. if a hurricane is categorized as a 3 on the ground, the wind may be like a category 4 on the 151" floor, and a category 5 on the 3Qth floor). Vertical evacuation may lead to frail and elderly residents being trapped on upper floors without electricity, with no elevators, necessitating rescue. At this time, Miami -Dade County Emergency Management has not endorsed the concept. Therefore, an impact can be expected to hurricane shelter capacity in Miami -Dade County as a result of the April 4, 2001 Page 3 additional units within the evacuation areas. Due to significant changes to shelter capacity in the County, the model in the Study can no longer estimate what that impact might be. Dr. Walter Peacock at Florida International University, Institute for Public Opinion Research may be able to indicate what the participation rates are for evacuation to public shelters from high rises downtown. The applicant should discuss with Miami -Dade County Emergency Management how to mitigate for these impacts. The County has been working diligently to increase shelter capacity through retrofitting schools. In short, the Applicant should answer Question 23.13,2, at least by describing the impact of the additional units on evacuation clearance. The clearance times are within our policies, but it remains to be seen how the County or DCA might react, especially considering the Governor's emphasis on evacuation clearance as a compelling _ tate interest. Miami -Dade County Fire Rescue Department Office of Emergency Management 9300 N.W. 41 Street Miami, Florida 33178-2414 468-5400 Fax: (305) 468-5401 March 26, 2002 Mr, Rob Curtis The Curtis and Kimball Company 7520 Red Road, Suite M South Miami, Florida 33146 RE: Downtown Development of Regional (DDRI) Dear Mr. Curtis: I have reviewed the development program of the DDRI for Increment II in the context of shelter capacity requirements. The position of the Miami -Dade Office of Emergency Management (OEM) regarding evacuation and shelter space is currently under review. It is likely that a new evacuation policy will not require the majority of the DDRI area to evacuate for a Category 2 or 3 hurricane. This new policy will continue to encourage persons to consider using shelters as an option of last resort. However, your estimates of a demand for 1,762 to 2,192 shelter spaces, based upon the current evacuation zone map, could be accommodated by the Booker T. Washington Senior High School, located just west of the DDRI area. This facility will provide space for up to 3,000 persons. Furthermore, we are also evaluating several other public facilities in the area to determine their suitability to be used as additional shelter space. Sincerely, Lvv Ran fi Reddish Emergency Management Coordinator Always Ready, Proud To Serve