HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal CD Q.18, Wastewater Mana~000818. WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT
A. Provide, in the table given below, the projected wastewater
generation at the end of each phase of development and proposed
wastewater treatment. Identify the assumptions used to project this
Table 18-1, Projected Wastewater Flow, provides a breakdown of the
projected wastewater flow for both the remaining unreserved
development program of Increment 1 and the entire development program
of Increment II. At project completion, the projected wastewater flow is
estimated to be 2,837,375 gpd.
Projections of the average daily wastewater flow have been estimated
based on Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (WASD) flow rates.
The WASD flow rates are provided in Table 18-1, Projected Wastewater
Flow under the column titled Average Daily Flow Rates.
While the projected wastewater flow created by new development in
Increment DI is 2,837,375 gpd, the actual flow created by Increment II will
be 2,837,375 gpd minus the flow allocated for the existing development
that is replaced. According to the policy of the Miami -Dade County
Department of Environmental Resource Management (DERM), when an
existing building is demolished for new development, the wastewater
allocated for the demolished building is transferred and credited to the
new development. Considering the variability of time and location for
development under the DDRI, it is not practical to estimate the amount of
allocated wastewater from demolished development that will be
transferred to new development. While the figures provided in Table 18-1
represent the total wastewater flow created by new development in
Increment II, they do not demonstrate the actual additional flow created
by Increment 11, which would be significantly less.
B. If applicable, generally describe the volumes, characteristics and
pretreatment techniques of any industrial or other effluents prior to
discharge from proposed industrial -related use(s).
The industrial land uses that are likely to occur inside the DDRI are
characterized as "clean" industries such as light warehousing and
telecommunications hubs. These industries support the office, retail, and
residential uses of the downtown and surrounding areas and do not
produce any wastewater or other effluents that would require special
pretreatment or disposal.
Downtown Development Authority Downtown Miami DRI Update
Question 18 — Wastewater Management Page 18-1
' ^
Land Use
of Use
Average Daily
Flow Rate'
Increment | Unreserved Development
{$ �
Hotel (rooms)
Residential (du)
997 �-
Wholesale/ Industrial (Bsf)
Institutional (os0 �
Attraction/ Recreation (meubs)�
Marine Facilities (offioe)(gsf)
Total Increment Unreserved Flow
Increment || Proposed Development
Hotel (rooms)
Residential (du)
Wholesale/ Industrial (goO
Attraction/ Recreation (oents),
Total Increment UProposed Flow
Grand Total
(Unreserved Increment | and Increment ||)
Source: The Curtis & Kimball Company, Auqust 2001
Notes: 'Miami -Dade Code or Ordinances.
2 Estimated demand rate based on Miami -Dade Code of Ordinances,
C. 1. If off -site treatment is planned, identify the treatment facility
and attach a letter from the agency or firm providing the
treatment outlining present and projected excess capacity of
the treatment and transmission facilities through buUdout,
any other commitments that have been made for this excess
and o statement of ability to provide service at all times
during orafter development.
Downtown Development Authority Downtown Miami oR|Update
Question 10-Wastewater Management PaQo18-2
& 2)��
Treatment of wastewater flows generated from the DDR1 will be
provided by WASD. Exhibit 18-1, Letters to and from the Miami
Dade Water and Sewer Department, addresses WASD's ability
and capacity to provide wastewater transmission and treatment
services for development in the DDRI through the Increment II
buildout date in May 2009.
2. If service cannot be provided, identify the required capital
improvements, cost, timing, and proposed responsible entity
necessary to provide service at all times during and after
To accommodate any new development in the Downtown area,
capital improvements will need to be made to the sewer
D. If septic tanks will be used on site, indicate the number of units to be
served, general locations and any plans for eventual phase -out.
As per the Agreement to Delete Questions from the Pre -application
Conference held at the South Florida Regional Planning Council on
March 14, 2001, a response to section 18.D is not required.
E. Indicate whether proposed wastewater service will be provided
within an established service area boundary.
The Project Site is entirely within the service area of WASD.
Downtown Development Authority Downtown Miami DRI Update
Question 18 — Wastewater Management Page 18-3
EXHIBIT 18-1 (R)
Letters to and from the
Miami Dade Water and Sewer Department
Department of Environmental Resources Management
July 5, 2001
Mr. J. Ray Rice, P.L.S.
Utility Liaison Engineer
Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department
3575 South LeJeune Road
Florida 33148
Re: Downtown Miami DRI Update
Water and Sewer Services
Dear Mr. Rice:
In accordance with Chapter 380.06, Florida Statutes, regarding Developments of Regional impact,
we are required to obtain information from the County's Water and Sewer Department regarding its
ability to provide our project with water and sewer services.
The Downtown Development Authority is applying for approval of Increment II of the Downtown
Miami Development of Regional Impact (DRI). The purpose of the DRI is to simplify and expedite
the process for the impact review of large-scale development. It has been used in the review of the
American Airlines Arena, the Performing Arts Center of Greater Miami, and major residential and
hotel projects in (he Brickell and Omni areas of downtown Miami,
The project area contains approximately 880 acres of intensive urban development. Approximately
78 acres of the DR! are currently zoned and developed as City parks. An aerial map showing the
project location is enclosed.
Also enclosed is a summary of the development program in table form showing the proposed land
uses and amounts pursuant to the guidelines and standards in Chapter 28-24, F.A.C. Increment I,
which was originally approved in 1988, and Increment I, which is currently being proposed, specify
the type and intensity of land use in downtown Miami through the year 2009. We will notify you if
the development program for Increment I{ is adjusted.
Please note that the DDA is currently proposing to expand the boundary of the Downtown DRI to
make Its boundary consistent witn tne boundary of tne inrIA. This boundary expansion Is not
expected to affect the development program for Increment 11. Please consider the proposed
expanded boundary area in your analysis.
Please indicate in your response whether or not your present facilities and staffing are capable of
serving the Project. If not, please specify the additional staffing/equipment necessary to do so.
Your written response will be an integral part of the DRI application process. I respectfully request
your prornpt attention to this letter.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (30 648-0
0 moNrly 7 NrI.IIAj I. 0 r I" I A NI NI C•J („; • e„ N 1r I I", I N V I A 1 0 A 0 V ,ri L
IE CURTI S& JMt3l CO M rANY /)1 AGUN,k sTRE ET COILGAB'. ES, FLORIDA 33046 i° HONE 3031643 0030 FAX 13051 64E-0052
Mr. J.Ray Rice
Downtown Miami DFl|Update
July 5,2OO1
Rob CurtiS, A|CP
xc: AdamLuk�n.Downtown Oavo|uomentAuthority
Loun1exS|ozyh`City u/K1iamiP|aoning andzonin8
CathySwoetopp|a. Keith and Schnerp
Paul Lambert, Lambert Advisory
January18. 2002
Ms. Ana Ge|abert-Sanuhez
Planning Director
City ofMiami Planning Department
P.O. Box33O7O8
lvl�orni.Florida 33233'O7O8
Re: [luvvnLov/n Miami DR] Update
Water and Sewer Services
Dear Ms, G8|@bert-Sonchez-.
It isnnyunderstanding that the MiarniDowntown Development Authohh/(DOA)ispreparing k)file
the Application for Development Approval (ADA) for Increment || of the Miami Oovvnk»vvn
Development of Regional Impact (OOR|). We are aware of the DOA'n application and the
development program for Increment U. |nourdiscussionswith the DOA.the CiiyofMiami Planning
Department, and the p �ec1consu|tanksatiheCUrUs&KinobaUConnpany.wehavea|ertedtheOOA
and the [|ih/ to sewer infras,truoture issues that must be resolved before the Increment |\
development program can baimplemented. VVeare aware that the DDAand the City VfMiami are
actively pursuing potential solutions and wewill continue towork with the City and the OOAtoward e
nnutuaUysaOsfactory resolution of all infrastructure issues.
RahaeBaUesterns. P.E.
Chief, Plans Review Section
Utilities Development Div'�sicn
cc: Adam Lukin.Downtown Deve|opmoniAuthority
Lourdes S|azyk.City ofK4iamiPlanning and Zoning
Jeff Bercmm,Baroowand RndoU.P,A.
Rob Curtis, The Curtis &KimbaUCompany
Marh 26, 200
The Curtis Kimball Company
Mr. Rub Curtis
7520 Red Road, Suite M
South Miami, FL 33 146
33 SW 2°4 AVENUE
MIAtv11, FLORIDA 33130-1540
(305) 372-6754
FAX (305) 372-6759
Re: Downtown Miami Development ofRegionallmpact, Increment 11 (DDRJ)
Dear Mr, CUlliS
DERM staff recently reviewed the Application for Development Approval (ADA) for the DDRL
According to ow review, the subject application meets the minimum requirements of Chapter 24 of the
Code of Miami -Dade County and the initial development order for 'increment II of the DDRI may be
During the course of the review, DERM staff made the following findings
Potable Water Supply
The subject property is located within the franchised water service area of the N Wa
Sewer Department (MDWASD). Water mains exist throughout the area
The source of water for these mains is 'MDWASD's Hialeah -Preston Water Treatment Plant, which has
adequate capacity to meet projected demands from this. project. The plant is presently producing .water,
which meets Federal, State and County drinking water standards.
The estimated potable water demand for the proposed land uses in "Downtown Mjaiui Increment II- is
approximately 2,107,000 gallons per day. Irrigation demand is not included in this estimate.
Notwithstanding that adequate system capacity is available for this project, DERM will require that
water conserving plumbing fixtures be installed in accordance with the requirements of the South
Florida Building Code in order to use more efficiently the southeast Florida water resources.
It is recommended that the landscaping conform to xeriscape concepts. included in these concepts is use
of drought tolerant plants, reduced use of turf grass together with efficient. irrigation system design.
Details of xeriscape concepts are set forth in the "Xeriscape Plant Guide froin the South Florida
Water Management District.
.Dowinown Niiami Development of Regional (DD.R.1)
Pe.7. 5 2
• •
The property is located within .the NtDWASD's franchised sewer service area that is currently serviced
by existing public sanitary sewer mains. This collection system includes a network- of gravity Lines and
force mains throughout the subject area. Wastewater is directed through several pump stations,
depending on the specifk location within the subject area. Pump stations involved ineludei 30-0002 for
the northern part of the site, 30-0001 for the central, 30-0008 for the southern part along Brickell
Avenue and 30-0156 servicing Brickell Key. All mentioned pump stations are ew-rently working within
the mandated criteria set forth in. the ',First Partial Consent Decree, Pump stations 30-0001. and 30-0002
have sufficient capacity for alt estimated development, However, pump station 30-0008 and 30-01 56
could only received 882,960 GPD and 193,380 GPD respectively before they exceed the razindated
criteria set forth in .the First 'Partial Consent Decree.
-Notwith.stancling the foregoing, in light of the fact that the County's sanitary sewer system has limited
sewer collection/transmission and treatment capacity, no new sewer service connections. can be
per -mined until adequate capacity becomes available. Consequently, final development orders for this,
site may not. be granted unless adequate capacity in the sanitary sewer collectionitran.smission and
treatment system is available at the point in time when the project will be contributing sewage to the
system or if approval for alternative means of sewage disposal can be obtained. Use of an alternative
means of sewage disposal shall be an interim measure, with connection to the public sanitary sewer
system required upon availability of adequate collection/transmissionand treatment capacity.
Sewage treatment and disposal for the area is provided by MDWASD's regional wastewater treatment
and disposal facilities. These facilities have limited available, capacity; consequently, approvalof
development orders which will generate additional wastewater flows are being evaluated by DERM on a
cas.e-by-case basis. Approvals are only granted if the application for any proposed development order is
certified by DERM so as to be in compliance with the provisions an.d requirements of the settlement
agreement between Miami -Dade County and the State of Florida IDepartment of. Enviro.nmental.
Protection., and also with the provisions of the. Environmental Protection Agency Consent Decree,
The above information is being transmitted to you at your request, and is based upon current Code
requirements and the available infonnation containedin the ADA. It is recommended that actual design
development be closely co-ordinated through this office to insure compliance with. all applicable Code
Should ou have any questions or be in need of additional infon-n2tion., please advise.
Enrique A. Cuellar, Chief
Code Coordination and Public Hearings
-Department of Environmental Resources Management