HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Miami-Dade Aviation Department CommentsCamrarerciai Airport htatn: interna€innal A3,pof_ L;cnrrai Aviatinfa Airports: Dade -Collier Training & Transition Homestead General Kendall-Ta,miami `rxecntive Opa-iocka Opa-Iccka West May 22, 2007 Mr. Roberto Lavernia Chief of Land Development City of Miami 444 SW 2nd Ave, 3rd Floor Miami, FL 33130 P.O. Box 025504 Miarn€, FL 33102-5504 1•'d`ti'•1 ,'r. lea !-d i;Grt_COm m am dddeegov RE: Airspace and Land Use Analysis for One Bayfront Plaza, located at 100 South Biscayne Boulevard, Miami, FL Folio No. 01-0112-000-2060 Dear Mr. Lavernia: The Miami -Dade Aviation Department (MDAD) is in receipt of the Large Scale Development Submittal, for an airspace/land-use analysis and determination letter for the above referenced project. Airspace Review: Our review finds that an assumed 1049 ft. Above Mean Sea Level (AMSL) structure height (at the top of the tower) does not conform to the Miami -Dade County Height Zoning Ordinance. The maximum height for this location ranges between 910 ft. and 949 ft. AMSL. This information was provided to the developer during the Large Scale Development Committee meeting on January 31, 2007. Once the developer has reduced the building heights, please re -submit to us indicating the building corners with GPS coordinates in NAD 83 indicating latitude and longitude in degrees, minutes and seconds (with at least two decimal places accuracy in the "seconds" number) for a more detailed evaluation for compliance with the Miami -Dade County Height Zoning Ordinance and Federal Aviation Administration requirements. Furthermore, our preliminary analysis indicates that this structure may impact the following Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS) surfaces listed below. The FAA will need to determine the effect of these impacts (if any) upon the developer's submittal of form. 7460-1 to the FAA. M. Roberto Lavernia May 22, 2007 Page 2 • MIA Runway 81_, IFR Departure: • MIA Runway 8R IFR Departure: • MIA Runway 9 IFR Departure: • MIA Runway 12 IFR Departure: • MIA Runway 26L LNAV Final Approach: • MIA Runway 27 VN AV Final Approach: • MIA Runway 30 LNAV Final Approach: Exceeds by 282.41 if Exceeds by 334.01 ft. Exceeds by 325.09 ft. Exceeds by 310.23 ft. Exceeds by 573 ft. Exceeds by 156.5 ft. Exceeds by 570.1 ft. Before proceeding with design, any proposed construction at this location exceeding 200 ft. AMSL must be filed with the FAA using FAA Form 7460-1, Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration. The form is available through this office or through the FAA website: https://oeaaa.faa.gov. This form should be mailed to: Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Airspace Branch - ASW-520, 2601 Meacham Blvd, Ft. Worth, TX 76137-0520. Alternatively, the form may be "e-filed" online at https://oeaaa.faa.gov In addition, any construction cranes for this project exceeding 200 ft AMSL (Above Mean Sea Level) must be riled by the construction contractor using the same form and procedures listed above. The airspace review process is governed by two different regulations: the Miarni-Dade County Height Zoning Ordinances and Federal Regulation Title 14 Part 77. The FAA has its own airspace evaluation requirements, and issues airspace determinations for structures and cranes based on the particular facts then presented before the FAA. The County's Department of Planning and Zoning (P&Z) or the applicable municipal building official determines whether the County's zoning requirements and height limitations are met, and FAA determines whether FAA building, marking and height requirements are met. This determination is based, in part, on the description provided to us by you, which includes specific building locations and heights. Any changes in building locations/layouts or heights will void this determination. Any future construction or alteration, including an increase to heights requires separate notice to the FAA and the Miami -Dade Aviation Department. Land Use Review: Based on the available information, it was determined that this site is located outside of any land use restrictive zones as depicted in the Zoning Ordinance for Miami International Airport (404- 203). Mr. Roberto Lavernia May 22, 2007 Page 3 Should you have any questions in obtaining and/or filling out FAA form 7460-1 or if I can be of any e :<: 'stance, please feel free to contact me at 305-876-8080. Sinc Jos Al R cis, R.A. Chi f of Aviation Planning Section JR/ah/cf Enclosures: I. Height Analysis Exhibit' 2. Height Analysis Exhibit 2 3. Cursory Review Email correspondence dated 11/07/06. 4. Miami Dade Property Appraiser Property Information Map Cc w/encl.: S. Harman A Herrera R. Bergeron N. Mata Subrata Basu, Department of Planning and Zoning Al Torres, Department of Planning and Zoning Maria T. Fojo, Department of Planning and Zoning Ana Gelabert-Sanchez, City of Miami Lourdes Slazyk, City of Miami Antonio E. Perez, City of Miami Earl Newalu, FAA ATO Philip Dahan, Florida East Coast Realty, Inc. File Zoning e .r } _�«wiWl.ias _rrt�emM 915 YfS LEVEL S ORFAC MIAM One Biscayne Plaza 100 South Biscayne Blvd. Miami, Florida Folio No.: 01-0112-000-2060 4000 SCALE IN T One Biscayne Plaza 100 South Biscayne Blvd. Miami, Florida Folio No: 01-0112-000-2060 m BISCAYNE �► 400 SCALE tN FEET May '8 2007 Ex -^=obit 2 Proper i 1\ a p My Home Miami -Lade County, Florida Property information Map L7igital Orthophetography - 2006 This map was created on 511812007 12:11:26 PM for reference purposes only Web Site G 2002 Miami -Dade County Al rights reserved. 242ft Summary Details: Folio No_. f -01 12-000-2060 Property: Mailing Address: 350 SE 1 ST NORTHWESTERN CAPITAL CORPORATION 100 5 BISCAYNE BLVD MIAMI FL 33131-201 1 h'roperiy imormanon: Primary Zone: 6401 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT CLUC: 0013 OFFICE BUILDING Beds/ Baths: 1:110 Floors: 19 Living Units: 0 Adj Sq Footage: 529,988 Lot Size, 98,273 SO FT Year Built: 1958 Leda! Description: MIAMI NORTH PB 25-75 BLi< 127N LYG E OF SE 3 AVE LOT SIZE 98273 SQ FT OR 14377-2218 1289 4 Sale Information: Sale Oi Saie Date: 112/1989 Sale Amount: 150 Assessment Inform ion: Year: 2006 2005 Land Value: $28,007,805.317,689,140 _ Building Value: $12,518,10t)520,276,320 Market Value: $40,525,905 $37,965,460 Assessed Value $40,525,905/$37,965,460 $0 $0 Total Exemptions- Taxable Value: $40,525,905$37,965,460 ttn: isi ?1s2.miamidade.2ovrr v o elorirtmap.asp?matpurl=htt g;s m 2.rrsia nidade.go... 5,18i2007