HomeMy WebLinkAboutapplicationv. for PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD and/or ZONING BOARD2 NAME: Ney Denis itiM Name? RESIDENCE- 2759 NW 6 Street CITY OF MIAMI APPLICATION CITY: Miami HOME PHONE: (305) 649-8965 EMAIL: drdenisroddlyahoo.com (+ i MEe) Merest 1JMl) (AdalnetsLme2) Rod (Last Name) hE 1h I4d 91 fir LOO STATE: FL CELL (305) 244-2708 PRINCIPLE BUSINESS/EMPLOYER: BUSINESS ADDRESS. 2759 NW 6 Street "(Adams uneu 21P: 33125-4325 FAX• (,teases Lane �J CITY: Miami STATE FL BUS. PHONE. EXT Would you like to serve on the Planning Advisoy Board? 16 Yes c No Would you like to serve on the Zoning Board? r Yes c No Please state if you have a preference for either board: Zoning Board Are you an elector of the City of Mini? ZIP. 33125-4325 Yes 1. Describe the quai'Ities. experience, expertise andlor abilities that you possess that would make you an effective board member that will act in the public interest. Spent from 1978 to 1981 on the board of Project A.I.S.P. (Arts Instruction for Special Population). Fte served 4 years on the CHy OTI ami Planrnng ArvFsory Board as a rnem"6ar; and"Co fiacrpeisoa7.-FTonn 1.999 tr 2002 he served in the Code Eni6ricementioertrfor t e-C14 a M iC�, he Isar board merlfer Of The Jay Mauna international Trade Consortium, Mtarnvi-Dade Counter, ttttou ITritrict i� ammisliner. Caclos C3 rmenez. Gann 6 n-PAE»m.m _ Page 1 of j ri D :i 2. Describe your educational background and general knowledge of planning and zoning.; ),. Dr. Rod has his degrees in Education, Clinical Psychology and Cultural Anthropology_ •=k Crk r..- 73- r) ••"( 3. Describe any prior community or personal involvement that you have had thiert.1-..-,t demonstrates interest in and concern for planning and planning implementatia. c":) Among his many talents, you can count on him to be an excellent translator from English into Frananti-or Spanlinaiid fileikiriarFa-mlickiTtistOrY In tfiltdtilifbeing the 'first Persohlti e Code Eitfoit enient flOth dbie Chitiesiii al a PlarilikirAdvie&Y.Bt5ird 0.411.knovit for his giftMlenguages ire teied by the Clty of Miamt rini!!itiOininnchannvi 9 4. Describe any planning or land use or growth management seminars thay you hav* attended. During bis 4 years in the Planning Board (20i72-2006) he went to all workshops and seminars available. He did the same in his 3 years in which he spends on the Code Enforcement Board. Plus, he was not linly board member for the Planning Advisory Board, but vice -chair and co-chairman. Also, He was a board member of project (Arts Instruction for SniradgcallalionPal. 5. Describe any membership in orgartizatimlb having he prkriary alit' of the furtherance of dissemination of knowledge of and suppbrt of sound plannidg and implementation programs. Due to his many years of community involvement, Dr. Rod belongs to numerous civic, private and public organizations dealing with our community. C.O.P. (Citizen on Patrol) Community meetings every last Thursday of each month and second Thursdays of November due to Thanksgiving. 6. beecrtbe any oitiet ace* evidencing knovAedge and interest in the public purposes of planning and plan implementation. A ikett,r_resident of the City of Miami, Dr. Rod has spent hi. hls adult iffe giving back to the communfty he loves. He is a community ectivisTalid-drzenlkft—Naclive—frillitrarifficWaliff-amrnunily. prinianly City Of111111ftil, Region. 41WW/Ift-thWCWWW-friver.-Regroli77" AVM Hasodiall‘PAIM&0701.01 Page 2014 I have read and understand the qualifications for members that are set forth in Sec. 62-124 of the City Code, and hereby certify that (1) 1 do not have any interest in the profits or emoluments of any contract, job. work, or service for the city. (2) I am in a position to represent the public interest, and do not have any personal or private interests likely to conflict with the pubic interest (3) I do not hotel any elective office in any governmental authority in the county or the city_ (4) I am not employed in a full-time capacity by any governmental authority in the county or the city. (5) Asa member of the planning advisory board or of the zoning board 1 agree to partidpate in at least one seminar on planning or zoning to be held in Florida, and approved by the city, during the course of each calendar year that I reman a member or alternate member of the planning advisory board or of the zoning board. xr *� (6) I acknowledge the; I am subject to removal from the board If I fail to meet this requirement each and evercyear Or awning board membership or alternate membership. `„ (7) As a prospective appointee 1 am subject to a personal appearance before the city commission, to of f(tt Elie lemon an opportunity to ascertain my proficiency in the English language. educational background anc)leneral of planning and zoning. (8) I am an elector of the City of Miami. An 'elector of the City of Miami' means a person who: '' (1) is a citizen of the United States of America; (2) is 18 years of age or older; (3) has not been adjudicated mentally incapacitated with respect to voting in Florida or any other state; r r (4) has not been convicted of a felony in Florida, or any other state, without having had his/her dvi rights he stun r (5) is a resident of the City of Miami; and (5) is registered to vote in the Ctty of Miami I agree to immediately notify the city dark if 1 cease to be a resident and/or an elector of the city during the term of my office. I agree that if I were to become a candidate for elective political once during my terror and quafiiy as a candidate for elective political office, such qualification shall be deemed a tender of my resignation from the board. 1 have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-611 dale Miami City Code which prohibits me from entering into any con- tract or transacting any business with the city or any person or agency acing for the city, or from appearing In representation of any third party before any board, commission or agency of which I am member. I also understand that prohbition upon activity which is set forth above remains in effect for a period of two years after 1 have left city service. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-613 of the Ward City Code which prohibits me from Booepting, directly or indirectly, from any person, corrasany, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contrail is or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money or anylhing of value whatsoever. except where given for the use and benefit of the city. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-615 and 2-617 of the Miami City Code which requires that I submit to the dry Berk a complete itemized list or all real property owned by me, whether the title be either legal or equitable, whether owned In whole or in part including corporate real property In which 1 have a controlfmg Interest or I am an officer of such corporation. I agree to submit to the city deck said information in the required form verified and under oath within 30 days of my appointment and 1 shall indude the following Information as to each parcel of land: (1) The legal deaaiption and common address; (2) The municipal or county zoning classification wherein the property is located; and (3) The manner in which the property is presently being utffized. 1 understand that 1 am required 1b Nst only those real properties that are located within the corporate limits of the city or those properties looted 500 feet beyond the corporate limits of the city. I agree to comply with all financial diadosute requirements of the City, the County and the State including the requirements set forth in Section 2-11.1 of the Miami -Dade County Code, and Florida Statutes Sec. 112-3145. I acknowledge that the code of ethics of Miami -Dade County shall apply to me as a member or alternate member of the planning advisory board or the zoning board and hereby agree to abide by all the provisions thereof For additional information on Code citations, please visit the websiie of the Office of the City Attorney at htiplienvw.miamigov.com/ dtyattomeylpages/Index-asp for interned links to citations. I recognize that membership on the planning advisory board or the zoning board requires my regular attendance and participation at board meetings. I understand that attendance at board meetings is subject to the following pant system: 1. Each member or alternate member of the planning advisory board and the zoning board who arrives after the beginning of the mei agenda item at leaves before the termination of the last agenda item, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the board, shall receive two points. 2. Any member or atiemate member of the planning advisory board or zoning board who accumulates more than 15 points in one calendar year shall automatically be removed and the position declared vacant Additionally, 1 understand that if I am appointed to the zoning board and 1 am absent, for whatever reason, from more than five (5) meetings in one calendar year, i shall be automatically removed from the board; or that WI am appointed to the planning advisory board and 1 am absent, for whatever reason, from more than six (6) meetings in one calendar year, I shall be automatically removed frorn the board_ Forman MMPA9r k1A1 Page 3of4 I hereby certify that all information in this application is complete, truthful, and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that i have read and understand the qualifications and conditions of membership listed in this application. Print Name Dr. Denis Rod Signature Date Yes rrr*traribiesa FURTHER 1NS7RUCTIONS Please complete this form and submit to: Office of the City Clerk ATTN: Assistant City Clerk 3500 Pan American Drive Miami FL 33133 (Pi Cl c, - 0-/ ..1 Information may be copied and pasted MID this form from other computer programs. Le. MS World Information that is typed directly Into the form may be 'Saved as Text' and then opened in other computer programs. For add/tional Information on the Planning Advisory Board andior the Znnrhig Board please contact Ms. Thresh. Fernandez, Executive Secretary, Hearing Boards, at (305) 410-2038 or email at: TFornande3@miamiyov. cop tr.n.tt leaMli «t rtrrrrrrtt Form DowdYMA-PAB1Z21-07O1 01 Page 4 of 4 Denis Rod A graduate of the University of Miami, Miami, Florida and Patrick Lumumba Moscow State University, Soviet Union (now Russia), Dr. Rod has his degrees in Education, Clinical Psychology and Cultural Anthropology. Although not an attorney, Dr. Rod has successfully helped handled litigation issues dealing with shareholders, contracts, and real estate disputes. Also, he has taken up to trial tort Cases. All of this while working at his uncle's law firm in Spain. Dr. Rod spent from 1978 to 1981 on the board of Project A.I.S.P. (Arts Instructions for Special Population), He served 4 years on the City of Miami Planning Advisory Board as a member, Vice -Chairperson and Co -Chairperson. From 1999 to 2002 he served in the Code Enforcement Board for the City of Miami. Currently, he is a board member of The Jay Molina International Trade Consortium, Miami -Dade County, through District 7, Commissioner Carlos Gimenez. Appointed by different administrations, he has served in the greeting committees for the visits of His Holiness, Pope John Paul II, H.M. Queen Elizabeth of England, H.M. King Juan Carlos of Spain, H.M. Queen Sofia of Spain, and H.R.H. El Principe Felipe de Asturias. Among his many talents, you can count on him to be an excellent translator from English into French and/or Spanish and vice -versa. He made history in this city by being the first person to ever speak in Creole as a Code Enforcement Board Member and Cantonese Chinese at a Planning Advisory Board Meeting. He's well known for his gift of languages. All of these occasions were televised by the City of Miami and shown on Channel 9 TV.