FILE ID: 0 7 r (i(] 3
Date: 05/24/2007 Requesting Department: City Manager
Commission Meeting Date: 06/14/2007 District Impacted: All
Type: ® Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Emergency Ordinance n Discussion Item
❑ Other
Subject: Removal of invalid utility markings on public Rights -of -Way
Purpose of Item:
A resolution of the Miami City Commission urging all County and Municipal Mayors of the State of
Florida to sponsor individual legislation to the Florida Legislature to amend the existing Florida
Statute, Chapter 556, entitled, "Underground Facility Damage Prevention and Safety", to require
excavators and/or excavating contractors to remove invalid utility markings from the rights -of -way
upon completion of excavations and/or demolition work and to promulgate procedures to address
violations for non-compliance.
Background Information:
Section 556.105, entitled, "Procedures", of the Florida Statutes requires that utility owners,
excavators, and/or excavating contractors place markings in the public rights -of -way when preparing
to excavate or demolish at a location. The statute does not require the utility owner, excavator, or
excavating contractor to remove the markings upon completion of the work (excavation/demolition).
These markings create not only an aesthetic nuisance but may cause confusion to other agents
working in the area since new markings cannot be distinguished between the old markings.
Additionally, this resolution is requesting that Section 556.107, entitled, "Violations", be revised to
address violations for excavators and/or excavating contractors that do not remove invalid markings.
This section should create a procedure for non-compliance and violations using a system that includes
but is not limited to inspections and fines.
Budget Impact Analysis
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Chief iivt/
Risk Management
Dept. Director
City Manager
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