TO :
Pedro G. Hernandez, P.E.
Chief Administrator/City Manager
G1 n + s, Di Iector
jef Procure en Officer
February 22, 2007
Acquisition of Services Utilizing
Scavenger 2000 Decontamination
An investigation was conducted by staff to determine whether Water Management Technologies, Inc.,
located at 10400 NW 33 Street, Suite 200, Miami, Fl 33172, is the sole source service provider for the
"Scavenger 2000 Decontamination Boat" for the surface cleaning of canals, outfalls, and the Bay, .for one
year, with the option to extend for two additional one year periods. Funding, in an annual amount not to
exceed $200,000, is from the Public Works Operations Budget, Account Number 001000.311003.6.340.
The Department of Public Works is seeking to establish a term contract with Water Management
Technologies, Inc. for the utilization of its "Scavenger 2000 Decontamination Boat." This vessel will
continue to reduce the contamination and pollution of all navigable canals, outfalls, and Biscayne Bay
waters, as proposed to the City. It is a surface trash collector that utilizes proprietary technology, with a
patent pending due to its uniqueness, for a decontamination and oxygenation process that has proven to be
beneficial to all navigable waterways by deep injection of pure oxygen. In addition, 262 outfalls will be
cleaned as part of the National Pollutant Discharge Environmental System (NPDES) Permit requirements.
The City desires to continue to utilize this unique technique to surface clean the navigable water within the
City. On May 22, 2003 and pursuant to Resolution 03-593, the City Commission confirmed a prior sole
source finding of the Chief Procurement Officer and approved the City Manager's recommendation for the
acquisition of these sole source services. At this time, the City is seeking to establish a term contract for the
continued provision of these unique services.
Accordingly, I am recommending that the requirements for formal competitive sealed bidding be waived,
and these findings be approved: Water Management Technologies Inc., located at 10400 NW 33 Street,
Suite 200, Miami, Fl 33172 is the sole source service provider for the continued utilization of the
Scavenger 2000 Decontamination Boat, for one year, with the option to extend for two additional one year
periods, for an annual amount not to exceed $200,000. Funding will be from the Public Works Operations
Budget, Account Number 001000.311003.6.340.
Pedro G. H�r�ini dez, P.E.
Chief Administrator/City Manager
DATE: 672*7