HomeMy WebLinkAboutCover LetterJUN--05--2007 1.4:31
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David Lawrence Jr.
Dr, Wil J. Blechman
Vice Chair
Valria C. Screen
Benjamin F. Gilbert
Isabel Afanador, Chair
Program Services Committee
Maria A. Alonso, Chair
Procurement Committee
Hon. Norman S. Gerstein
At -large
Jogee Gregoire
At -large
Dr. Steven E. Marcus, Chair
Human Resources Committee
Dr. Judith Schaechter, Chair
Health Committee
The Board of Dlrectore
Dr. Nelson Adams
Yvette Alamein
Karen Aronowitz
Dr. Linda Blanton
George M. Burgess
IvaIlsse Castro
Dr. Rudy Crew
Luis A. Gazitua
Ben F. Gilbert Jr.
Charisse Grant
Sara B. Herald
Hon. Berbera Jordan
Dr. Martin Karp
Hon. Lester Langer
Dr. Debbie Nogueras
Rep. Juan -Carlos "J.C." Planes
Alicia Reyes -Perez
Jacky, Russell
Hon, Isaac Salver
Eryca Schlrfman
Gerald K. Schwartz
Octavio P. Verdeja
Dr. Jose Vicente
Chet Zerlln
Modesto E. Abety
President & CEO
County Attorney's Office
Legal Counsel
The Chilldrelrt'sThust
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June 5, 2007
Vivian Bohoroques
City of Miami Office of the Mayor
444 SW 2nd Avenue
Miami, FL 33130
RE: Renewal of Promotion B. Prevention
Contract #623-193
Dear Ms, Bohoroques:
We are please to inform you that The Children's Trust board has
approved renewal funding of your prevention contract for
program year 2007-2008. Your contract will be renewed for an
amount up to $172,652.00,
We are looking forward to working with you in an effort to
promote positive child and family development and quality
prevention programming. Your assigned program coordinator will
be contacting you to schedule a contract negotiation meeting to
occur by June 29th. In preparation for the contract negotiation
meeting, your agency will need to adhere to the following:
> Submission of response/updates to the contract pre -
negotiation Issues that are attached to this letter,
> Complete and return in electronic format the annotated
scope of service (finalized program detail will be
incorporated as attachment A to the contract).
• Complete and return in electronic format the 12 month
budget and budget narrative (attachment B to the
contract) ,
a> Complete and submit the program contact and site
location form.
The above Items are to be provided to your program coordinator
In electronic format three days prior to the scheduled contract
negotiation meeting. E-mail submission Is the preferred method of
submission to the program coordinator. The budget form noted
above can also be downloaded from Tile Childgn's Trust
JUN-05-2007 14c31
CITY OF MIAMI 305 a54 4001 P.03
We are encouraging your agency and/or your legal counsel to review the revised
core contract, which is posted on The Trust website at
http://thechlldrenstrust,org/FundedprogramsForms.asp. Review of the core
contract prior to the receipt of the contract from The Trust should ald in reducing
possible delays in contract execution.
Your assigned program coordinator Is Robert Feller and can be reached by e-mail
at Robert@athechlld.renstrtjst.o q and by phone at 305-571-5700.
Please be assured that The Trust will work with your agency expeditiously to
execute your contract. Again, we look forward to working with you and your
agency In successful implementation of your prevention program.
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Scope of Services
Revised Budget form
Budget Instructions
Provider Contact & Site Location form