HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 2PHA Name:
HA Code:
Streamlined Annual Plan for Fiscal Year 20
Streamlined Annual PHA Plan
Agency Identification
PHA Name: City of Miami PHA Number: FL145
PHA Fiscal Year Beginning: (mm/yyyy) 10/2007
PHA Programs Administered:
❑Public Housing and Section 8 ®Section 8 Only ❑Public Housing Only
Number of public housing units: Number of S8 units: Number of public housing units:
Number of S8 units:
❑PHA Consortia: (check box if submitting a joint PHA Plan and complete table)
Participating PHAs
Program(s) Included in
the Consortium
Programs Not in
the Consortium
# of Units
Each Program
Participating PHA 1:
Participating PHA 2:
Participating PHA 3:
PHA Plan Contact Information:
Name: Roberto Tazoe Phone: (305) 416-1984
TDD: Email (if available): rtazoe@ci.miami.fl.us
Public Access to Information
Information regarding any activities outlined in this plan can be obtained by contacting:
(select all that apply)
® PHA's main administrative office ❑ PHA's development management offices
Display Locations For PHA Plans and Supporting Documents
The PHA Plan revised policies or program changes (including attachments) are available for
public review and inspection. ❑ Yes ® No. There have been no program policy changes from
PHA FL145's last Annual Plan submission
If yes, select all that apply:
❑ Main administrative office of the PHA
❑ PHA development management offices
❑ Main administrative office of the local, county or State government
❑ Public library ❑ PHA website ❑ Other (list below)
PHA Plan Supporting Documents are available for inspection at: (select all that apply)
® Main business office of the PHA ❑ PHA development management offices
❑ Other (list below)
Page 2 of 16 form HUD-50075-SA (04/30/2003)
PHA Name:
HA Code:
Streamlined Annual Plan for Fiscal Year 24
Streamlined Annual PHA Plan
Fiscal Year 2007
[24 CFR Part 903.12(c)]
Table of Contents
[24 CFR 903.7(r)]
Provide a table of contents for the Plan, including applicable additional requirements, and a list of supporting
documentsavailable, for public inspection.
❑ 1. Site -Based Waiting List Policies —
903.7(b)(2) Policies on Eligibility, Selection, and Admissions
❑ 2. Capital Improvement Needs-
903.7(g) Statement of Capital Improvements Needed
® 3. Section 8(y) Homeownership
903.7(k)(I)(i) Statement of Homeownership Programs
® 4. Project -Based Voucher Programs Page 7
❑ 5. PHA Statement of Consistency with Consolidated Plan.
Compete only if PHA has changed any policies, programs,
or plan components from its last Annual Plan. Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Page 6
® 6. Supporting Documents Available for Review Page 9
❑ 7. Capital Fund Program and Capital Fund Program
Replacement Housing Factor, Annual
Statement/Performance and Evaluation Report
❑ 8. Capital Fund Program 5-Year Action Plan
Not applicable
Not applicable
Form HUD-50076, PHA Certifications of Compliance with the PHA Plans and Related Regulations:
Board Resolution to Accompany the Streamlined Annual Plan identifying policies or programs the PHA
has revised since submission of its last Annual Plan, and including Civil Rights certifications and
assurances the changed policies were presented to the Resident Advisory Board for review and comment,
approved by the PHA governing board, and made available for review and inspection at the PHA's
principal office;
For PHAs,Applyin g for Formula •Capital Fund Program (CFP);;Grants;
Form HUD-50070, Certification for a Drug -Free Workplace;
Form HUD-50071, Certification of Payments to Influence Federal Transactions; and
Form SF-LLL &SF-LLLa, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities.
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form HUD-5007S-SA (04/30/2003)
PHA Name:
HA Code:
Streamlined Annual Plan for Fiscal Year 20_
1. Site -Based Waiting Lists (Eligibility, Selection, Admissions Policies)
[24 CFR Part 903 12(c), 903.7(b)(2)] Not applicable to PHA FL145
Exemptions: Section 8 only PHA are not required to complete this component.
A. Site -Based Waiting Lists -Previous Year
1. Has the PHA operated one or more site -based waiting lists in the previous year? If yes,
complete the following table; if not skip to B.
Site -Based Waiting Lists
(Name, number,
Initial mix of
Racial, Ethnic or
Current mix of
Racial, Ethnic or
since Initiation of
between initial
and current
mix of Racial,
Ethnic, or
2. What is the number of site based waiting list developments to which families may apply
at one time?
3. How many unit offers may an applicant turn down before being removed from the site -
based waiting list?
4. ❑ Yes ❑ No: Is the PHA the subject of any pending fair housing complaint by HUD
or any court order or settlement agreement? If yes, describe the order, agreement or
complaint and describe how use of a site -based waiting list will not violate or be
inconsistent with the order, agreement or complaint below:
B. Site -Based Waiting Lists -- Coming Year
If the PHA plans to operate one or more site -based waiting lists in the coming year, answer each
of the following questions; if not, skip to next component.
1. How many site -based waiting lists will the PHA operate in the coming year?
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PHA Name:
HA Code:
Streamlined Annual Plan for Fiscal Year 20
2. ❑ Yes ❑ No: Are any or all of the PHA's site -based waiting lists new for the upcoming
year (that is, they are not part of a previously -HUD -approved site based
waiting list plan)?
If yes, how many lists?
3. ❑ Yes ❑ No: May families be on more than one list simultaneously
If yes, how many lists?
4. Where can interested persons obtain more information about and sign up to be on the site -
based waiting lists (select all that apply)?
❑ PHA main administrative office
❑ All PHA development management offices
❑ Management offices at developments with site -based waiting lists
❑ At the development to which they would like to apply
❑ Other (list below)
2. Capital Improvement Needs
[ (), (g)] applicable to PHA FL195
24 CFR Part 903.12 c 903.7 Not
Exemptions: Section 8 only PHAs are not, required to complete this component
A. Capital Fund Program
1. ❑ Yes ❑ No Does the PHA plan to participate in the Capital Fund Program in the
upcoming year? If yes, complete items 7 and 8 of this template (Capital
Fund Program tables). If no, skip to B.
2. ❑ Yes ❑ No: Does the PHA propose to use any portion of its CFP funds to repay debt
incurred to finance capital improvements? If so, the PHA must identify in
its annual and 5-year capital plans the development(s) where such
improvements will be made and show both how the proceeds of the
financing will be used and the amount of the annual payments required to
service the debt. (Note that separate HUD approval is required for such
financing activities.).
B. HOPE VI and Public Housing Development and Replacement Activities (Non -
Capital Fund)
Applicability: All Pl-1As administering public housing. ''Identify any approved H0PE VI and/or
public housing development or replacement activities not described in the Capital Fund Program
Annual Statement
1. ❑ Yes ❑ No: Has the PHA received a HOPE VI revitalization grant? (if no, skip to #3; if
yes, provide responses to the items on the chart located on the next page,
copying and completing as many times as necessary).
2. Status of HOPE VI revitalization grant(s):
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PHA Name:
HA Code:
Streamlined Annual Plan for Fiscal Year 20_
HOPE VI Revitalization Grant Status
a. Development Name:
b. Development Number:
c. Status of Grant:
ERevitalization Plan under development
ERevitalization Plan submitted, pending approval
❑Revitalization Plan approved
Activities pursuant to an approved Revitalization Plan underway
3. ❑ Yes ❑ No: Does the PHA expect to apply for a HOPE VI Revitalization grant in the
Plan year?
If yes, list development name(s) below:
4. ❑ Yes ❑ No: Will the PHA be engaging in any mixed -finance development activities
for public housing in the Plan year? If yes, list developments or activities
5. ❑ Yes ❑ No: Will the PHA be conducting any other public housing development or
replacement activities not discussed in the Capital Fund Program Annual
Statement? If yes, list developments or activities below:
3. Section 8 Tenant Based Assistance --Section 8(y1 Homeownership Proiram
(if applicable) [24 CFR Part 903.12(c), 903.7(k)(1)(i)]
1. ❑ Yes ® No: Does the PHA plan to administer a Section 8 Homeownership program
pursuant to Section 8(y) of the U.S.H.A. of 1937, as implemented by 24
CFR part 982 ? (If "No", skip to the next component; if "yes", complete
each program description below (copy and complete questions for each
program identified.)
2. Program Description:
a. Size of Program
❑ Yes ❑ No: Will the PHA limit the number of families participating in the Section 8
homeownership option?
If the answer to the question above was yes, what is the maximum number
of participants this fiscal year?
b. PHA -established eligibility criteria
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PHA Name:
HA Code:
Streamlined Annual Plan for Fiscal Year 20_
❑ Yes ❑ No:
Will the PHA's program have eligibility criteria for participation in its
Section 8 Homeownership Option program in addition to HUD criteria?
If yes, list criteria:
c. What actions will the PHA undertake to implement the program this year (list)?
3. Capacity of the PHA to Administer a Section 8 Homeownership Program:
The PHA has demonstrated its capacity to administer the program by (select all that apply):
❑ Establishing a minimum homeowner downpayment requirement of at least 3 percent of
purchase price and requiring that at least 1 percent of the purchase price comes from the
family's resources.
❑ Requiring that financing for purchase of a home under its Section 8 homeownership will
be provided, insured or guaranteed by the state or Federal government; comply with
secondary mortgage market underwriting requirements; or comply with generally
accepted private sector underwriting standards.
❑ Partnering with a qualified agency or agencies to administer the program (list name(s)
and years of experience below):
❑ Demonstrating that it has other relevant experience (list experience below):
4. Use of the Project -Based Voucher Program
Intent to Use Project -Based Assistance
❑ Yes ® No: Does the PHA plan to "project -base" any tenant -based Section 8 vouchers in
the coming year? If the answer is "no," go to the next component. If yes, answer the following
1. ❑ Yes n No: Are there circumstances indicating that the project basing of the units,
rather than tenant -basing of the same amount of assistance is an appropriate option? If
yes, check which circumstances apply:
❑ low utilization rate for vouchers due to lack of suitable rental units
❑ access to neighborhoods outside of high poverty areas
❑ other (describe below:)
2. Indicate the number of units and general location of units (e.g. eligible census tracts or
smaller areas within eligible census tracts):
5. PHA Statement of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan
[24 CFR Part 903.15]
For each applicable Consolidated Plan, make the following statement (copy questions as many
times as necessary) only if the PHA has provided a certification listing program or policy
changes from its last Annual Plan submission.
Not applicable. There have not been any program or policy changes from PHA FL145's last
annual plan submission
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form HUD-50075-SA (04/30/2003)
PHA Name:
HA Code:
Streamlined Annual Plan for Fiscal Year 20_
l . Consolidated Plan jurisdiction: (provide name here)
2. The PHA has taken the following steps to ensure consistency of this PHA Plan with the
Consolidated Plan for the jurisdiction: (select all that apply)
❑ The PHA has based its statement of needs of families on its waiting lists on the needs
expressed in the Consolidated Plans.
❑ The PHA has participated in any consultation process organized and offered by the
Consolidated Plan agency in the development of the Consolidated Plan.
❑ The PHA has consulted with the Consolidated Plan agency during the development of
this PHA Plan.
❑ Activities to be undertaken by the PHA in the coming year are consistent with the
initiatives contained in the Consolidated Plan. (list below)
❑ Other: (list below)
3. The Consolidated Plan of the jurisdiction supports the PHA Plan with the following actions
and commitments: (describe below)
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PHA Name:
HA Code:
Streamlined Annual Plan for Fiscal Year 20
6. Supporting Documents Available for Review for Streamlined Annual PHA
PHAs are to indicate which documents are available for public review by placing a mark in the "Applicable
& On Display" column in the appropriate rows. All listed documents must be on display if applicable to
the program activities conducted by the PHA.
List of Supporting Documents Available for Review
& On
Supporting Document
Related Plan Component
PHA Certifications of Compliance with the PHA Plans and Related Regulations
and Board Resolution to Accompany the Standard Annual, Standard Five -Year,
and Streamlined Five-Year/Annual Plans;
5 Year and Annual Plans
PHA Certifications of Compliance with the PHA Plans and Related Regulations
and Board Resolution to Accompany the Streamlined Annual Plan
Streamlined Annual Plans
Certification by State or Local Official of PHA Plan Consistency with
Consolidated Plan.
5 Year and standard Annual
^::ir Housing Docume,:.:aion Supporting Fair I h as;ng Certifications: Records
reflecting that the PHA has examined its programs or proposed programs,
identified any impediments to fair housing choice in those programs, addressed
or is addressing those impediments in a reasonable fashion in view of the
resources available. and worked or is working with local jurisdictions to
implement any of the jurisdictions' initiatives to affirmatively further fair
housing that require the PHA's involvement.
5 Year and Annual Plans
Housing Needs Statement of the Consolidated Plan for the jurisdictions) in
which the PHA is located and any additional backup data to support statement of
housing needs for families on the PHA's public housing and Section 8 tenant -
based waiting lists.
Annual Plan:
Housing Needs
Most recent board -approved operating budget for the public housing program
Annual Plan:
Financial Resources
Public Housing Admissions and (Continued) Occupancy Policy (A&O/ACOP),
which includes the Tenant Selection and Assignment Plan [TSAP] and the Site-
Based Waiting List Procedure.
Annual Plan: Eligibility,
Selection, and Admissions
Deconcentration Income Analysis
Annual Plan: Eligibility,
Selection, and Admissions
Any policy governing occupancy of Police Officers and Over -Income Tenants in
Annual Plan: Eligibility,
Selection, and Admissions
Public Housing. • Check here if included in the public housing A&O Policy.
Section 8 Administrative Plan
Annual Plan: Eligibility,
Selection, and Admissions
Public housing rent determination policies, including the method for setting
public housing flat rents.
❑ Check here if included in the public housing A & 0 Policy.
Annual Plan: Rent
Schedule of flat rents offered at each public housing development.
❑ Check here if included in the public housing A & 0 Policy.
Annual Plan: Rent
Section 8 rent determination (payment standard) policies (if included in plan, not
necessary as a supporting document) and written analysis of Section 8 payment
standard policies. ❑ Check here if included in Section 8 Administrative Plan.
Annual Plan: Rent
Public housing management and maintenance policy documents, including
policies for the prevention or eradication of pest infestation (including cockroach
Annual Plan: Operations
and Maintenance
Results of latest Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS) Assessment (or
other applicable assessment),
Annual Plan: Management
and Operations
Follow-up Plan to Results of the PHAS Resident Satisfaction Survey (if
Annual Plan: Operations and
Maintenance and
Community Service & Self -
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form HUD-50075-SA (04/30/2003)
PHA Name:
HA Code:
Streamlined Annual Plan for Fiscal Year 20
List of Supporting Documents Available for Review
Supporting Document
Related Plan Component
Results of latest Section 8 Management Assessment System (SEMAP)
Annual Plan: Management
and Operations
Any policies governing any Section 8 special housing types
Annual Plan: Operations
and Maintenance
• Check here if included in Section 8 Administrative Plan
Public housing grievance procedures
❑ Check here if included in the public housing A & 0 Policy
Annua] Plan: Grievance
Procedures ,
Section 8 informal review and hearing procedures.
Annua! Plan: Grievance
• Check here if included in Section 8 Administrative Plan.
The Capital Fund/Comprehensive Grant Program Annual Statement
/Performance and Evaluation Report for any active grant year.
Annual Plan: Capital Needs
Most recent CLAP Budget/Progress Report (HUD 52825) for any active CIAP
Annual Plan: Capital Needs
Approved HOPE VI applications or, if more recent, approved or submitted
HOPE VI Revitalization Plans, or any other approved proposal for development
of public housing.
Annual Plan: Capital Needs
Self -evaluation, Needs Assessment and Transition Plan required by regulations
implementing Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with
Disabilities Act. See NH Notice 99-52 (HA).
Annual Plan: Capital Needs
Approved or submitted applications for demolition and/or disposition of public
Annual Plan: Demolition
and Disposition
Approved or submitted applications for designation of public housing
(Designated Housing Plans).
Annual Plan: Designation of
Public Housing
Approved or submitted assessments of reasonable revitalization of public.
housing and approved or submitted conversion plans prepared pursuant to
section 202 of the 1996 HUD Appropriations Act, Section 22 of the US Housing
Act of 1937, or Section 33 of the US Housing.Act of 1937.
Annual Plan: Conversion of
Public Housing
Documentation for required Initial Assessment and any additional information
required by HUD for Voluntary Conversion.
Annual Plan: Voluntary
Conversion of Public
Approved or submitted public housing homeownership programs/plans.
Annual Plan:
Annual Plan:
Annual Plan: Community
Service & Self -Sufficiency
Annual Plan: Community
Service & Self -Sufficiency
Annual Plan: Community
Service & Self -Sufficiency
Annual Plan: Community
Service & Self -Sufficiency
Annual Plan: Community
Service & Self -Sufficiency
Annual Plan: Pet Policy
Policies governing any Section 8 Homeownership program
(Section of the Section 8 Administrative Plan)
Public Housing Community Service Policy/Programs
• Check here if included in Public Housing A & 0 Policy
Cooperative agreement between the PHA and the TANF agency and between
the PHA and local employment and training service agencies.
FSS Action Plan(s) for public housing and/or Section 8.
Section 3 documentation required by 24 CFR Part 135, Subpart E for public
Most recent self-sufficiency (ED/SS, TOP or ROSS or other resident services
grant) grant program reports for public housing.
Policy on Ownership of Pets in Public Housing Family Developments (as
required by regulation at 24 CFR Part 960, Subpart G).
• Check here if included in the public housing A & 0 Policy.
The results of the most recent fiscal year audit of the PHA conducted under the
Single Audit Act as implemented by OMB Circular A-133, the results of that
audit and the PHA's response to any findings.
Annual Plan: Annual Audit
Other supporting documents (optional)
(list individually; use as many lines as necessary)
(specify as needed)
Consortium agreement(s) and for Consortium .loint PHA Plans Only:
.loint Annual PHA Plan for
Consortia: Agency
Identification and Annual
Management and Operations
Certification that consortium agreement is in compliance with 24 CFR Part 943
pursuant to an opinion of counsel on file and available for inspection.
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form HUD-50075-SA (04/30/2003)
7. Capital Fund Program Annual Statement/Performance and Evaluation Report and Replacement
Housing Factor — Not Applicable to PHA FL145
Annual Statement/Performance and Evaluation Report
Capital Fund Program and Capital Fund Program Replacement Housing Factor (CFP/CFPRHF) Part I: Summary
PHA Name:
❑Original Annual Statement
❑Performance and Evaluation
Grant Type and Number
Capital Fund Program Grant No:
Replacement Housing Factor Grant No:
Annual Statement (revision no: )
Performance and Evaluation Report
Federal FY
of Grant:
['Reserve for Disasters/ Emergencies ■ Revised
Report for Period Ending: ['Final
Line No.
Summary by Development Account
Total Estimated Crst
Total Actual Cost
Total non-CFP Funds
1406 Operations
1408 Management Improvements
1410 Administration
1411 Audit
1415 Liquidated Damages
1430 Fees and Costs
1440 Site Acquisition
1450 Site Improvement
1460 Dwelling Structures
1465.1 Dwelling Equipment—Nonexpendable
1470 Nondwelling Structures
1475 Nondwelling Equipment
1485 Demolition
1490 Replacement Reserve
1492 Moving to Work Demonstration
1495.1 Relocation Costs
1499 Development Activities
1501 Collaterization or Debt Service
1502 Contingency
Amount of Annual Grant: (sum of lines 2 — 20)
Amount of line 21 Related to LBP Activities
Amount of line 21 Related to Section 504
Amount of line 21 Related to Security— Soft Costs
Amount of Line 21 Related to Security — Hard
Amount of line 21 Related to Energy Conservation
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form HCUD-50075-SA (043.0/2003)
7. Capital Fund Program Annual Statement/Performance and Evaluation Report and Replacement
Housing Factor —Not Applicable to PHA FL145
Annual Statement/Performance and Evaluation Report
Capital Fund Program and Capital Fund Program Replacement Housing Factor (CFP/CFPRHF)
Part II: Supporting Pages
PHA Name: '
Grant Type and Number
Capital Fund Program Grant No:
Replacement Housing Factor Grant No:
Federal FY of Grant:
General Description of
Major Work Categories
Dev. Acct
Total Estimated Cost
Total Actual Cost
Status of
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form HUD-50075-SA (04/30/2003)
7. Capital Fund Program Annual Statement/Performance and Evaluation Report and Replacement
Housing Factor — Not Applicable to PHA FL145
Annual Statement/Performance and Evaluation Report
Capital Fund Program and Capital Fund Program Replacement Housing Factor (CFP/CFPRHF)
Part III: Implementation Schedule
PHA Name:
Grant Type and Number
Capital Fund Program No:
Replacement Housing Factor No:
Federal FY of Grant:
All Fund Obligated
(Quarter Ending Date)
All Funds Expended
(Quarter Ending Date)
Reasons for Revised Target Dates
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8. Capital Fund Program Five -Year Action Plan - Not Applicable to PHA FL145
Capital Fund Program Five -Year Action Plan
Part I: Summary
PHA Name
HA -Wide
Year 1
Work Statement
for Year 2
FFY Grant:
Work Statement
for Year 3
FFY Grant:
nOriginal 5-Year Plan
(Revision No:
Work Statement
for Year 4
FFY Grant:
Work Statement
for Year 5
FFY Grant:
CFP Funds Listed
for 5-year
Housing Factor
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form HUD-50075-SA (04/30/2003)
8. Capital Fund Program Five -Year Action Plan - Not Applicable to PHA FL145
Capital Fund Program Five -Year Action Plan
Part II: Supporting Pages —Work Activities
Year i
Activities for Year :
FFY Grant:
Major Work
Estimated Cost
Activities for Year:
FFY Grant:
Major Work
Total CFP Estimated Cost
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8. Capital Fund Program Five -Year Action Plan - Not Applicable to PHA FL145
Capital Fund Program Five -Year Action Plan
Part II: Supporting Pages —Work Activities
for Year :
for Year:
FFY Grant:
FFY Grant:
Major Work
Estimated Cost
Major Work
Estimated Cost
Total CFP Estimated Cost
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