HomeMy WebLinkAboutZB ResoMiami Zoning Board Resolution No.: 06-1232 Monday, September 25, 2006 Mr. Joseph H. Ganguzza offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolution: AFTER CONSIDERING THE FACTORS SET FORTH IN SECTION 1305 OF ORDINANCE NO. 11000, THE ZONING BOARD GRANTED THE SPECIAL EXCEPTION AS LISTED IN ORDINANCE NO. 11000, AS AMENDED, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, ARTICLE 4, SECTION 401, SCHEDULE OF DISTRICT REGULATIONS, TO ALLOW MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES OF A DENSITY EQUAL TO R-3 OR HIGHER, IN THIS CASE, R-4 FOR THE PROPERTIES LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 5211 NORTHWEST 17TH AVENUE, 1629 NORTHWEST 52ND STREET AND 1630-1640 NORTHWEST 53RD STREET, LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS EXHIBIT "A" (HEREBY ATTACHED), PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA; ZONED C-2 LIBERAL COMMERCIAL. THIS SPECIAL EXCEPTION WAS GRANTED PER PLANS ON ALE WITH A TIME LIMITATION OF TWELVE MONTHS IN WHICH A BUILDING PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT: 1) THE APPLICANT SHALL PRESENT ALL FINAL DESIGN DETAILS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ARCHITECTURAL PLANS, SITE PLAN, ELEVATIONS AND FLOOR PLANS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF ANY BUILDING PERMITS WHICH CLEARLY SHOWS HOW THE FINAL PROJECT WILL RESPOND TO A BETTER TRANSITION TO ITS NEIGHBORHOOD CONTEXT AND HOW THE ARTICULATION OF THE FACADES, SCALE AND MASSING WILL BE RECONFIGURED IN ORDER TO DETERMINE THE IMPACT TO THE SURROUNDING AREA STIPULATED UNDER SECTION 1305 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND 2) THE APPLICANT SHALL PRESENT A RECORDED DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS PROVIDING THAT THE OWNERSHIP, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF ALL COMMON AREAS AND FACILITIES WILL BE BY THE PROPERTY OWNER AND/OR A MANDATORY PROPERTY OWNER ASSOCIATION. IN ADDITION, THE APPLICANT IS REQUIRED TO RECORD IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS A UNITY OF TITLE OR COVENANT IN LIEU OF A UNITY OF TITLE BEFORE THE ISSUANCE OF A SHELL PERMIT. Upon being seconded by Mr. Angel Urquiola, • It is found that the Special Exception is required in order to have a density equal to R-4 "Multifamily Medium -Density Residential" in the C-2 "Liberal Commercial District" is appropriate. • It is found that the proposed design is not in keeping in scale with the surrounding neighborhood. It is also found that in order for the project to respond to the City of Miami Urban Design Standards outlined in Section 1305 should encourage the transition in bulk and scale to the surrounding neighborhood, by stepping the building down as it approaches the abutting residential properties to the east. (See attached Internal Design Review Committee comments attached). File ID#: 06-01066x Z.4 Miami Zoning Board Resolution No.: 06-1232 Monday, September 25, 2006 It is found that the design of the facades of the proposed building along with the proposed parking structure needs further study in order to explore the effects of the specified materials, colors and articulation chosen by the architect. it is found that with respect to all additional criteria as specified in Section 1305 of Zoning Ordinance 11000, the proposal has been reviewed and found to be adequate, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: Mr. Ron Cordon Away Mr. Miguel Gabela Yes Mr. Joseph H. Ganguzza Yes Mr. Charles A. Garavaglia No Ms. lleana Hernandez -Acosta Yes Ms. Chloe Keidaish Yes Mr, Juvenal A. Pina Away Mr. Angel Urquiola Yes AYE: 5 NAY: 1 ABSTENTIONS: 0 NO VOTES: 0 ABSENT: 2 Ms. Fernandez: Motion carries 5-1 Teresita L. Fernandez, Executive Secretary Hearing Boards File ID#: 06-01066x Z.4 C t T 0 t; M A M T P t_, N N I N Cz i) } ;' A R ?, PRi.,..: PPLICA'l too DESIGN Rt VJECOMM-E. S S .t'E{.is'\ ExCEI 3N UPTOWN PLACE 5211 NW 17;,., AvI cE NET DISTRICT: MODEL L CITY R' 07-11-06 City of Nliami Vision Statement: -To 13e an International Cily' which .Fsmhodiey Diversify, Economic Dpporlrrtrily, 1: fecttue CErslorrrer Sem/re and a 1.:1ighly Rated C uultty o/ .Life" COMMENTS: The following comments represent. the unified vision of the Pre -Application Design Review Committee, which consists of all staff members in the Urban Design and Land Development Divisions. *The application package is trussing critical items, marked in bold below The applicant may not proceed to the UDR.$ until these items are submitted to the Pre -Application Design Review Committee_ All other comments may be addressed in subsequent submittals to the Design Review Committee, or as conditions of the Major Use Special Permit. In the future, please provide one set of project plans at 11" x 17" size for the Committee's records. Architecture: • The proposed ten -story apartment blocks are not in keeping with the height and scale of the surrounding neighborhood. According to the City of Miami Urban Design Standards, outlined in Section 1305, all new projects must "Respond to the neighborhood context" and "Create a transition in bulk and scale." In keeping with these standards, the applicant should step the buildings down as they approach abutting properties, to a height and scale that is sympathetic to these properties. • The committee appreciates the use of retail liner at the ground floor. Provide pedestrian amenities such as benches, low planter walls, or space for cafe tables, so that the sidewalk will be activated with uses. • Provide treatment for the blank walls on the north and south facades of the building, in order to introduce scale and interest to these facades. s The proposed garage treatment is unacceptable. Integrate the garage into the design framework of the building, following the pattern of windows and balconies. • The applicant must provide screening for the openings in the parking garage. It is essential that all cars, garage lights, and mechanical equipment ate hidden from view. Please provide material information for the screening material chosen, and include a section detail of the garage opening with the applied screening material. It is our intention with these comments to aid in expediting Special Permit applications with your 1 voluntary efforts in making the necessary changes; thereby, avoiding any preventable delays particularly prior to a project's submission to the Large Scale Development Committee or the Urban Development Review Board. Landscape. Submit a landscape plan that specifics the species and proposed locations of all plant materials. Provide a complete tree survey of existing conditions including species, diameter and spread including all trees in the right-of-way. Please refer to the City of Miami tree protection ordinance passed in January 2005 and indicate how tree mitigation will be achieved. Please note that the City calculates tree replacement by the "sum of inches" of tree trunk at breast height, while the county uses square footage of tree canopy. 'I'he committee appreciates the provision of shade trees along the perimeter of the building. Move these trees to the edge of the curb to allow more space for the tree canopy, and to provide a wider, more continuous pedestrian realm along NW 52"" Street, NW 53" Street, and NW 17"' Avenue. The Planning Department reserves the right to comment further on the project as details and/or explanations are provided and may revise previous comments based on this additional information. ** Please note that the Planning Department reviews Special Permit proposals based on architectural design, site planning and urban design issues. The project still needs to be reviewed and comply with other department's requirements. It is our intention with these comments to aid in expediting Special Permit applications with your voluntary efforts in making the necessary changes; thereby, avoiding any preventable delays particularly prior to a project's submission to the Large Scale Development Committee or the Urban Development Review Board. Exhibit "A" Legal Description Lot 12Block 3, of FIRST AMEN.DI:D PLAT OF FLORAL PARK. accord ing to the Plat. thereof_ as recorded in Plat Book 8. at Page 5, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Lot 13 less Right of Way, Block 3, of FIRST AMENDED PLAT OF FLORAL PARK, according to the Plat thereof; as recorded in Plat Book 8, at Page 5, of the Public Records of Miar i-Dade Count}, Florida. Lot 14 less Right of Way, Block 3, of FIRST AMENDED PLAT OF FLORAL PARK, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 8, at Page 5, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Lot 15, Block 3, of FIRST AMENDED PLAT OF FLORAL PARK, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 8, at Page 5, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Zoning Board Action for Special Exception Motion: i move -that„ he request on agenda item # be (denied) ( ranted that -the requirements of Article 16 (were) (were not) sat+s edby relevant evidence in the record of the public hearing a) as stated in the City's finds or fact, or b) as demonstrated by the petitioner, or c) on the basis of the following: The Zoning Board, in its decision to (grant) (deny) the special exception, shall make written findings that the applicable requirements of this zoning Ordinance, Section 1305 (have) (have not) been met. Circle appropriate condition(s): 1305.1 Ingress and Egress Due consideration shall be given to adequacy of ingress and egress to the property and structure and uses thereon, with particular reference to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control and access in case of fire and emergency. 1305.2 Offsfreet Parking and Loading Due consideration shall be given to offstreet parking and loading facilities as related to adjacent street, with particular reference to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, internal traffic flow and control, arrangement in relation to access in case of fire or other emergency and screening and landscaping. 1305.3 Refuse and Service Ares Due consideration shall be given to the location, scale, design and screening of refuse and service areas to the manner in which refuse is to be stored and to the manner and timing of refuse collection and deliveries, shipments or other service activities, as such matters relate to the location and nature of uses on adjoining properties and to the location and character of adjoining public ways. 1305.4 Signs and Lighting Due consideration shall be given to the number, size, character, location and orientation of proposed signs and of proposed lighting for signs and premises, with particular reference to traffic safety, glare and compatibility and harmony with adjoining and nearby property and the character of the area. 1305.5 Utilities Due consideration shall be given to utilities required, with particular reference to availability and capacity of systems, location of connections and potentially adverse appearance or other adverse effects on adjoining and nearby property and the character of the area. 1305.6 Drainage Due consideration shall be given for drainage, with particular reference to effect on adjoining and nearby properties and on general drainage systems in the area. Where major drainage volumes appear likely and capacity of available systems is found marginal or inadequate, consideration shall be given to possibilities for recharge of groundwater supply on the property, temporary retention with gradual discharge, or other remedial measures. 1305.7 Preservation of Natural Features Due consideration shall be given to provision for the preservation of existing vegetation and geological features whenever possible. 1305.8 Control of Potentially Adverse Effects Generally In addition to consideration of detailed elements indicated above, as appropriate to the particular class or kind of special permit and the circumstances of the particular case, due consideration shall be given to potentially adverse effects generally on adjoining and nearby properties, the area, the neighborhood or the City of use or occupancy as proposed, or its locations, construction, design, character, scale or manner of operation. Where such potentially adverse effects are found, consideration shall be given to special remedial measures appropriate in the particular circumstances of the case, including screening or buffering, landscaping, control of manner or hours of operation, alteration of use of such space, or such other measures as are required to assure that such potential adverse effects will be eliminated or minimized to the maximum extent reasonably feasible and that the use of occupancy will be compatible and harmonious with other development in the area to a degree which will avoid substantial depreciation of the value of nearby property. Print Name gen"em Date