HomeMy WebLinkAboutSolid Waste LicenseBR) WARD /go.co r 1_ OR ID A ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DEPARTMENT Pollution Prevention and Rernedialion Division 216 SW 1d Avenue • Fort Lauderdale, Florida1 (954) 5191260 • FAX (964) 785-4804• SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT LICENSE • ,: Eddies ber SW W) O669,1-05 ,r, 'I1P PeiitMr. ,u:01552-04AC a -" =: 000003764 •.t. 74 t•; RO,, Nr ,Illy qI jA;;.f v FACTUTILNASIBIADDIFIESSi Sun RRocy ' LLC; Facility # 3 $,� 32511SW EOTh Dana Be*i h, FL 3331 • OPERATOR: Sun Recycling, LLC ATT'N: Charles Uusmano, President • r. APPLICAri'ji': Charles Cr inano: President Sun Reiyedli, LL( =t. 790E011brath Drive 1n 0ana, FL 33462 Phone: (561) 582-6688 autl5br4 docoin• • sand ;Oleo: elk aaFlt iidl . - ALL GENERAL CoNnmONS and SPECIfIC CONDITIONS, as'attached�� are all conthesidered eeddnoition constitute the requirements of this license. The Licensee is required to fully comply Any failure to comply with conditions or requirements as set forth may result in revocation or suspension of this license and may Subject the Licensee to enforcement action in accordance with provisions of Article 1, Division 4 of the Code, $loes of Chapter 27 of the Broward County Code of Ordinances Iri tsyYW t ficelly er'alt•lfilS #'h1 endesibest s i Ifl'l4fd s ' tO �t•lt•. NATURE OF BUSINESS: Waste Processing Facility DESCRIPTION:. A 5000 cubic yards per day waste processing facility utilizing a building and.pne£abricated picking line for the receipt and processing of construction and demolition (C&D) debris, yard trash and clean debris, The materials are sorted into recyclable constituents; recovered screened material (RSM), and non-proccssable material. Recovered screened material (RSM), is dined herein as dirt and fines which are recovered from a mixed solid waste sdneain through a "112 inch minus" Snead, other than land clearing' debris, Yard waste, or clean debris. All opt shall take place inside the building located on site. Prepared By: Steve Schweistein Application Received: 08/23/2005 Date of Issue: 12/30/2005 Renewal App. Due: 09/01/2010 Expiration Dom: ion unto Page 1 of 7 APPLICANT: Mr. Charles Gusmono FACILITY NAME: Sun Recyc LLC t3 EPD License Number SW-WP06691-05 DEP Permit Number: 0155292.006-S0 SPECIFIC CONDfl1CNS: Lion debris (C & D), yard m Section 62-701 of trash and dean debris as deriiirtod � received 1 the Only won and demolition A.C. and Chapter 27-?14 f o-�eo ' � shall be t1>$ Florida Administrative Code (F. % .�,��; per; foams shies, fiberglass, at this site. C &D is processed into the following � wood, -plastic, mules elc�n�ebris, and RSM. cardboard, also, fps and non-ferrous metals, putrescible wastes or material �pect d of being asbestos, 2 The hazardous or shall not Via[processShould � asbestos, hazardous and/or biomedical wastes be delivered at thersadous orbia c Caltine EPD, and shall arrange for the wastes to be rammed to facility, the licensee shall i�3' R0'�` the generator or disposed of in a manner approved by the EPD. trained to operate the facility with emphasis on 3. The i.icdnsee shall ensure all on -site are properly trained environmental controls, identification and proper m of prohibited materials, safety, and emergency procedures. for shall be on duty whenever the facility is operating. At least one spotter shall be n duty l be trained 4. n site to waste. Operators and spotters t� �dmnoe with Ride 62-70t waste is received at t1hb3Z0(1 ), inspect � incoming m accordance Each incoming load shall be inspected before being allowed to be deposited at the facility. Any loads 5,containing prohibited material shall be rejected separated from the incoming waste stream 6, prohibited material which inadvertently enters the facility shall be disposed of atn a minusad disposal within 48 hours from receipt on site and shall be stored in containersthe site and properly facility pursuant to Section 62-701, P.A.C. This material be removed from disposed within 48 hours from receipt of the material, C&D recyclable materials must be completed within seven (7) working days of receipt on site, y 7 All DO of incoming trash and Clean tunreated wood. S. The tntld , processing � of soliwaste d shall be conducted withinseparatedesignated areas inside the building as providedapplication. license 9. All recyclable materials shall be stared inside the building andshall clean � anfrdun�� � and container load is generated. get for clean debris, s�ltall not remain an site longer than thirty (30) calendar �,� screened material (RSIun, these materials REM shall be removed from the site and days from receipt Ott site. Within thirty (30) days of generation, properly disposed of at an approved location. 10. Non -recyclable solid waste separated from the incoming C&D waste stream shah be stared m'eontaindug and disposed of at a licensed disposal facility pursuant to Rule 62-701, F.A.C. This material shall be removed from site within seven (7) operational daysafter receipt on site. Page 3 of 7 APPLICANT: Mr. Charles (3us ma LLC 1!3 FACILITY NAME: Sun lac EPD License Number: SW-WP06691-05 DEP permit Number: 0155292-006-SO 11. Within 90 calendar days of receipt, all yard trash and untrested and upaint wO0d shall be processed and removed from the site. and/or painted wood that is received shall not be processed into wood chips with the clean 12. wood. Pressuressted from the incoming material stream, placed in a R,�, treated and/or painted wood shalt be extracted t to Rule 62-701, F.A.C. designated area and properly disposed at a licensed facility pure solid waste exceed 5,093 cubic yards, the approved volume detailed in 13. At no time shall � total �� cost estimate (dated March 31, 2004). the license application and �� No objocti�natsle odors allowed 14. Odors, dust, vectors, and noise shall be strictly controlled at all times. b1 the licensee arehall wed beyond the prey boundary. If any of the above are determined to be a proen►, vn of the promptly take any and all actions�y to correct the situation. The EPD noise regulations in Article Code shall be complied with at all times. leachate should be contained to prevent discharge and mixing with stornnwater and properly disposed of 15. All manner approved by the EPD. when not attended. Additional fencing and security meas� shall 16. The site shall be secured and kept locked be provided as necessary to secure the site and prevent unauthorized dumping. in a none location clearly visible to the general public 17 Theindiclicng the now of the enseea cntmaintain y, contactperson and telephone number in case of eanergency, hours of operation, and list of prohibited materials. e of the on site operator at the facility. This 18. The Licensee shall notify EPD in � prior name, address, phone number, and contact person, as notification shall include at a minrimum, �' well as a description of the operation. Withinsix meths from the date of issue of this license, a copy of the storm water permit for this facility is to 19. e provided to EPD. lime with the fwancial assurance r'eguir to of Rule 62-701.710, 20. The Licenseshall maintain documentation in accordance with Rule 62-701.630, F.A.C., by submnttin8 all required updated supportinggratbreuce in Rule 62-701.630, F.A.C. All submittals F.A.C., and 40 CFR Part 264, Subpart H, as adopted by in response to this specific condition shall be sent to: Florida Depsrtalt of Environmental on Financial Coordinator - , ection Twin Towers Office Stone Road MS 4565 Tallag 2600 hassee, Florida 32399-2400 Page 4of7 APPLICANT: Mr. Charles Gusmano #3 FACILITY NAME: Sun ley an updated closure cc* Estimate, in accordance shall annually provide to the EPD for approvalestimates shall be calculi � 21. The Licensee of Rule 62-701.630, F.A.C. The closure cost reference in Rule with an�62.701.630, F.A.C., and 40 CFR Part 264, Subpart H, as adopted by 62-701.630, P.A.C. M1 submittals in response t0 this specific condition shall be sent to: Braward County EnvironmentalProtection Dept Pollution Prevention and Radiation Division ATTN: Waste Regulation Sermon 218 S.W. 1st Avenue 33301 Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. ate shall also be provided to the Florida Department of Environmentall A copy of the updatedoclosure cost estims referenced in �ific condition 20. Protection at the aiddi'Cs 22. A record book shall be kept 01n site with the following information entered on a daily basis: received and processed (by type) (in cubic yards); and A. Quantity of racylid recywastclable recovered (by type) (in cubic yards); and C. Quantity of �lale material marketed (by type) (in cubic yards): and C. Quantity a (by in cubic yards) and identify the disposal locatian(s); and D E. Quantity o solid disposed or type) d disposed (in cubic yards) and id�Y the disposal E. Quantity the disposal location(a) nod the l a;quad and disposed of (in cubic yards) and identify F. Quantity ity o of RSM generated amount of RSM disposed of at each location. This information shall be summarized each month and submitted to the EPD by the fifteenth (15t) day of each succeeding monthat the address lasted above. ticket for each load which shall show volume, address, date, For of u disposal, a campy of the easeend-user notificatioa�, copy of written acceptanceof and type is �, truckname and institutional company, control implemented (as required) are to be maintained notification, and �y of instiWtional provided to EPD upon request. half and industrial settings is allowed under the following conditions: 23. Use of RSM in residential, be used in a marina approved " the EPD' A. The RSM may commercial, or industrial use b7'the appropriate B. The land receiving the RSM is zoned for residential, local goverment.de: appropriate written notification to the property C. Prior to the disposal of RSM, the licensee shall l at a minimum, shall be on company and owner of the site receiving the RSM. The include the following language: demolition (C&D) debris. The gmward recovered from construction this o ardl, 1) This Deal has Department ofProtection (EPD) has approved County spar Plaanim8 and Environmental Protection and industrial sattm8s. Its use has not based on operator testing, as fi11 in residential,water, in wetlands, or in been approved as fill in surface water bodies, areas of ground borrow pit reclamation areas. EPD License Number S WP0'bg 1-05 DEP Penult Number 0155292-006-SO Page 5 of 7 APPLICANT: Mr. Charles Guamano FACILITY NAME: Sun Recycling, LLC #3 for the reuse of recovered screen materials (RSM). 24. Sampling A. Baseline testing: t � mimed in the duidance Manual Sun Reayoliarg, LLC #3 srrbmitt�ed the general testing � baseline following as part of the applrcatian to modit'their op�� fa�litn-on 1nLb4 t i beBfle the sampling far and analysis lat � u B and C; and-P a Recovered Screen which was submitted 2002. testingto EPIC on �� l7, Material Baseline Sampling Report Additional sampling activitieswere conducted on January 17-20, 2003 mdirltal Reportwas submitted to EPIS on l±cbruary 26, 2003. Recovered Screw Material Baseline Sampling #3 site. As a result, the baseline testing is considered complete for the Sun Recycling, B. Compliance testing: is lase frequent, an S hues . 1) At a freq> cY of every US 1000etons every week, theSOP in �x B of the �� sample must be collected using . At laboratory, four GuidanceMenus' and transported to the laboratory for an theobtainedlaboratory, a� one r randomly selected of the weekly composite sample must be for total arsoonic usithan the ng EPA Method 3050. If the Malik of those aliquots must. analyzedforGleam* goal for arsenic inration resulting born this �� is greater must be analyzed for arsenic using EPAem3050 then the arsenic aliquotsthree on, if only one aliquot is analyzed, or the Method mean concentration The single arsenic of all four aliquots, if all four aliquots are geometric analyzed, shall be considered the resulting genic concentration for the weekly composite sample. of every 10,000 tons or every three mores, whichever is less � S 2) �� sample must be collected using methods in the SOP in Appendix the to the laboratory for analysis. At the laboratory, four ranGuidance Mantel and uis transported quarterly composite sample must be obtained niwith l each selected aliquots and one amlY 'amium, cadmium, mar', copper ing one analysed for total arsenic, lead, Precipitation Leaching Procedure (SPLP) EPA Method 3050. In addition, a Synthetic pmcip and analyzed �. extract, EPA Method 1312, of one aliquot must be prepared d a alyzed or volatile using organic using EPA Meth a2 n trd f ation for arsenic and the mean EPA Method 8270. The S' analyzed and the single SPLP organic concentrations far the other metals of all four aliquots analyses shall be considered the resulting concentrations for the quarterly composite sample. urce riaj paallr'8, or changes in the 3) At anytime �� change in the opea'ation or stiom the baseline data, the baseline quarterly results be cant c testing quarterly) sampling at the facility, the licensee may. q) Mier one Year of routine (weekly & q as. The EPD evaluation of request a reduction in the sampling P wd/or results of the eekly and sampling and other this request will be based upon relevant data for the facility. EPD License Number: W 2WP0669 OS DEP Permit Number: Page 6 of 7 APPLICANT: Mr. Charles FACILITY NAME. Sun Recycling, LLC #3 EPD License Number SW WP06691-05 DEP Permit Number: 0155292-006-SO C. Sampling Protocol with Rule Samples may be collected by an operator from the facility trained accordance �� 1) l from a FDEP approved 62-701.320{15), F.A.C., or by porsd'nne the SOP in Appendix S of the Guidance Manual is followed. analysis must have a FDEP approved Comprehensive Quality 2) LabmaAssurance Plan (Co�npQAP) accordance with the requirements of Chapter 62-160, F.A.C. Analysis of the SPLP extracts must be conducted using detection levels at or below MEP ground water standards and Via. D. Data analysis 1) Analysis of raw data will be performed using the prooechires outlined in Appendix C of the RSM Guidance Manual. lithe data for a chemical 9ccement (COC) nally limits for the distributed, then the arithmetic means and the upC of t means shall be calculated using the calculation method provided in Appendix e Guidance Manual• distributed, then a lognormal transformation of the da2) If the data we a COC is notnormallytion provided in Appendix C of the Guidance Mtn is allowed using data are normally distributed, then the transformed data can Manual. if calculatec log transformedageet c mean and the upper 95 percent � limit value for be used tQ).Thep the Appendix in C shall be followed for this transformation. the COC(s). p� E. Reporting 1) For management of RSM a Quarterly Report shall also be submitted to the EPD quarterly, April, July, and by the (15) day of the first month following a quarter the routine iue October). Two complete sets of all laboratory reports showing o and h a summary of the composite (weekly & quarterly) sampling, results of the leaching a she EPD office. data shall be submitted (use of electronic means subject to EPD approval) The summery of the routine sampling data shall include the following: The summary shall be in a table format and shall list the analytical results for the COC(s) 8-hour composite sample analyzed during the q�� and any evaluated in eachduring the ly sampling. The table shall also include information showing identifiedq corms to �h COC. For the purpose of this summer the FDEP'sOCsoil cleanup the direct exposure residential risk level or summary, a COC is one which leachability goal listed in the FDEP's soil cleanup goals. Pago 7 of 7