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III. Tab-4 Site Utility Study.
• September 2006 ONE MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT SITE UTILITY STUDY PREPARED FOR Renaissance at the Gables, Inc 2340 SW 32nd Avenue Miami, FL-33141 KHA Project No.: 043055000 Prepared by: KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 1691 MICHIGAN AVENUE, SUITE 400 MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 Kimiey- of n and Associates, { roc, • • SiteUtility Study Introductia "One" is a proposed 7-story mixed use tower with office, retail, banquet facilities and town homes. The proposed 7 story development will be located on approximately 2± acres at the SW corner of SW 32nd Avenue and SW 23"' Street, in the City of Miami, Florida (see Site Location Map -Fig 1)_ Table 1 below, depicts the details of the proposed project. Table 1 Project Summary Office Condominium 120,878 Retail (Ground Floor) 5,596 Ballroom/Banquet Facilities (Roof -top) 629 seats 9,483 Townhomes 4 12,304 Parking (Gross) (2 Basement Levels) 496 spaces 57,514 I. Drainage Existing Drainage System Based on the Survey provided by Schwebke-Shiskin & Associates and a site visit, there are a series of catch basins within the existing surface parking lot. It is assumed that a system of exfiltration trenches exist in conjunction with the catch basins. The proposed site development will require the demolition of the existing on -site drainage system. A new One-2340 SW 32nd Avenue Site Utility Study Page 2 • stormwater management system will be constructed to retain the runoff generated by the proposed development. Figure 1 Site Location Map Proposed Drainage System The proposed drainage system will consist of drainage wells to facilitate the on -site disposal of storm water runoff. In accordance with the requirements of the Miami -Dade One-2340 SW 32nd Avenue Site Utility Study Page 3 • • • County .Department of Environmental Resources (DERM), and the Miarn.i-Dade County. Public Works Manual the proposed drainage system will be designed to collect and dispose of the storm runoff generated by a design storm event of 5-year frequency and 24- hour duration.: (Section D-4, "Water Control", of Part 2). In accordance with Miami - Dade County code, no drainage connections or stormwater discharge will be permitted from this site to adjacent properties or right-of-ways. Based on preliminary calculations, it is anticipated that at least three (3) gravity drainage wells will provide sufficient capacity to collect and dispose of the design storm runoff generated by the proposed development. Preliminary drainage computations for the project areas are provided in Attachment B "Preliminary Drainage Well Calculations", which includes the basis for design. The Final drainage design for the project should be in conformance with the requirements of the Miami -Dade County DERM Water Control Section, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and other local, state and federal regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over the project. Flood Criteria: The proposed project site grade elevations will be designed to meet floodplain management criteria according to Federal, State, Miami -Dade County and City of Miami standards as follows: 1. The subject property is located in PANEL 189 of 625 COMMUNITY -PANEL NUMBER 12025C0189 J of the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). According to the National Flood Insurance Program, the property is located within Flood Zone X, which designates areas determined to be outside 500-year flood plain. 2. Miami -Dade County Flood Criteria elevation is estimated to be 7.0 ft. NGVD. This will be used to determine proposed minimum site grade elevations. 3. The Average October Ground Water table elevation is estimated to be 3 ft. NGVD. This will be used as the control water elevation for stormwater management calculations (Source: Miami -Dade County Public Works Manual, Volume 11- Design Standard Detail WC 2-2). One-2340 SW 32nd Avenue Site Utility Study Page 4 • • II. Water .Distribution System The water mains owned and operated by the Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (MDWASD) in the vicinity of the project are shown in the Table 3 below. Table 3 Existing Water Mains Location'.. Between Water Main(s) SW 23`d Street SW 32nd Ave. and SW 34th Ave. 4" SW 23rd Terrace SW 32'' Ave. and SW 34th Ave. 4" rd SW 23 Terrace Extending along SW 32nd Ave. and fronting a portion of the northern property line 12" SW 32nd Avenue SW 23rd street and SW 23`d terrace 16" Per the MDWASD Water atlas sheet (J-16) provided by MDWASD, a 4-inch and a portion of a 12- inch water main extend along the northern limits of the site within the right-of-way of SW 23`d Terrace. A 16-inch water main also exists along SW 32nd Ave. MDWASD may allow connection to the existing 12-inch water main. In addition, MDWASD may request additional fire hydrants be placed in the vicinities of the subject project. A final determination of the points of connection and requirements will not be provided by MDWASD until a Water and Sewer Agreement is requested by the owner. Service lines for domestic water, fire sprinkler systems and irrigation could be connected to the on -site water distribution system. Water service meters must be purchased by the owner and installed by MDWASD forces at the owner's expense. See Attachment "B" for a copy of the MDWASD water atlas sheet for the project area. One-2340 SW 32nd Avenue Site Utility Study Pave 5 • Sanitary Sewer Collection System Table 4 depicts the sanitary sewer mains owned and operated by the Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department within the vicinity of the project. Table 4 Existing Sanitary Sewer Mains Sanitary. Sewer aun(s) SW 23rd Street SW 32'd Ave. and SW 34th Ave. 8" SW 23rd Terrace SW 32nd Ave. and SW 34th Ave. 8" SW 32nd Avenue SW 23rd street and SW 231d Terrace 36" Per the MDWASD sewer atlas sheet (J-16) provided by MDWASD, 8-inch water main extends along SW 23rd Street and SW 22°a Terrace. A 36- inch sewer main also exists within the right-of-way of SW 32ad Avenue. The existing 8-inch gravity sanitary sewer main along SW 231-d Street may have sufficient capacity to accommodate the proposed development. However, this cannot be verified until an analysis of the existing 8-inch gravity line is completed. A letter of availability and further coordination with MDWASD is recommended to verify the proposed sanitary sewer service connection points and requirements for this project. MDWASD may require upgrades to the existing sanitary sewer system, but this cannot be dete►m„ined without a request for a Water and Sewer Agreement. MDWASD Pump Station #30-0152 receives the flows from these gravity mains. As of 09/25/06, this pump station is operating at an average yearly NAPOT of 4.69 hours which is 57.6% of its design capacity. Therefore, a new sanitary sewer pump station or upgrades to said pump station may not be required for the proposed development. A final detei !inflation regarding the status of the existing transmission system and the need for possible improvements will not be made until construction plans are submitted to the Miami -Dade One-2340 SW 32'd Avenue Site Utility Study Page 6 • • • County DERM Wastewater Section and a Sanitary Sewage System Capacity Certification Letter is issued. Please refer to Attachment "B" for the sewer atlas and Attachment "C" for Pump Station Monthly information. Table 5 Water & Sewer Flow Generation Type of Occupancy Total Avet.age Daily Flow (GPD) Office 120,878 sf 10/100 (GDP/sq. ft.) 12,088 Retail 5,596 sf 10/100 (GDP/sq. ft.) 559 Town houses 4 units 250 GPD per unit 1,000 B al lroomf Banquet Hall 629 seats 25 GPD per seat 15,725 Total Anticipated Flow 29,372 IV. Solid Waste Generation Solid waste generated by this project will be collected in standard on -site containers for refuse and recyclables_ Regular pick-up service will be provided either by private hauling companies and/or by the City of Miami Solid Waste Department, who will transport the waste to Miami -Dade County's solid waste facilities or private disposal and recycling facilities. The volume of solid waste projected to be generated by the project is shown in Table 6. One-2340 SW 32nd Avenue Site Utility Study Page 7 • • Table 6 Solid Waste Generation Type of Occupancy Quantity Usage rate Total Solid Waste Generated (Lbs/Day) Office 120,878 sf 6 Ibs/1000 sq ft/day 725.26 Retail 5.596 sf 0.006 lbs/ sq ft/day 33.57 Town houses 4 units 8.6 Ibs/ dweliin unitlday 34.4 Babgaet 629 seats 1 Ibs/ seat/day 629 Total Anticipated load (lbs/day) 1422.23 One-2340 SW 32nd Avenue Site Utility Study Page 8 Attachment A Preliminary Drainage Well Calculations • ONE City of Miami. Florida ill!b ICALCULATIONS ` RENCH DRAINS S S", (MASS DIAG — DERM C i • I. Site Data: A. Control Water Table Elevation 13. CountyFlood Criteria Elevation C. F.I.R.M. Base Flood Elevation = D. Average Road Crown Elevation -- E. Average Existing Onsite Grade Elevation F. Prop. Lowest Drainage Inlet Elevation 2. Total Site Area (A) A. Impervious Areas: Paver areas = Total Impervious Area (A 1) = B. Pervious areas: a) Green Areas = Total Pervious Area (A2) _ 3. Weighted Runoff Coefficient (C): 3.00 NGVD (Mean High "Fide elev. per MLW Bay Datum) 7.00 NGVD (Count] Flood Criteria Map, see Appendix A) NGVD Zone X (Map Not 2025C0189J - Appendix A) N/A NGVD 5.00 NGVD 9.00 NGVD 1.450 Acres (see Drainage Areas Map -Appendix i3) 1.380 Acres 1.380 Acres (95%) 0.070 Acres 0.070 Acres (5%) Runoff Coefficient Impervious (CI) = 0.90 Runoff Coefficient Pervious (C2) = 0.30 C = [(Al x CI) + (A2 x C2)] / A; C = 0.871 C x A = Total Contributing Area; C x A= 1..26 Acres 4. Time required to generate one inch of runoff (per DERM Water Control Section D-4) Rainfall Intensity (1) = 308.5 / [(48.6 x F-011) t (0.5895 +- F-2i3)] Frequency (F) = 5 years - Frequency Curve Q = CIA, V = Qt; V Vo in_) — CIAt(1 in.) 1" x A = CIAt(F in) n.) — Qt(i , t(] in) = Time to generate 1 inch of runoff ; Solving for to n ), t ) = 1" / (IC) Time to Generate one inch of run-off t(in) Time to reach the inlet (tc.) Total Time required to Re1Aeraate 1 in ofrunoff: = 11.48 Min. = 10.00 Min, 21.48 Min W043055000 - ONE - 2340 SW 32nd Ave\SU5u)RAfNAGE CALCS\WELLS - One.xls EASIN • • • 5. Cumulative Runoff (inflow Mass Diagram) Time CxA l (Min) (Sec.) (acres) (inches) (CFS) 8 10 15 21.48 30 40 50 60 90 120 18O 430 6(30 900 1289 1800 2400 5000 3600 5400 7200 10800 1.263 1.263 1.263 1.263 1.263 1.263 1.263 1.263 1.263 1.263 1.263 6.405 6.166 5.611 5.081 4.493 3.956 3.534 3.193 2.477 2.023 1.480 8.09 7.79 7.12 6.42 5.67 5.00 4.46 4.03 3.13 2.56 1.87 3,883 4,673 6,412 8,269 10.215 11,993 13,391 14,520 16.893 18,397 20,194 6. Drainage Well Design Discharge Rate: Based on well discharge rate of: 400 GPM/ft. Elead DW-1 Lowest Inlet Rim i Flee (NGVD)- 9.00 Uet. Water Table able elev. (NGyr)). 3.00 J4eadloss due to Flig)tcr:SG of Salt Water ; ( ) 2.2 3.80 Nell Discharges Rate (CFS) 3.39 6.0 eture Dimensions 8.0 DW-2 DW-3 9.00 9.00 3.00 3.00 2.2 2.2 3.80 3.80 3.39 3.39 6.0 6,0 8.0 8.0 Well Structure Storage Volume ((' 196.8 196.8 196.8 Well Discharge Rate (CFS) 7. Detention Time: 10.16 Total Storage (CF) The drainage well structure must be designed to detain runoff for a minimum of 90 seconds prior to discharge. Qd = Design Runoff Rate (CFS) _ Vd = Detention Volume (CF) = Qd x 90 sec. Vdi = Detention Volume Per Well (CF) W - Width of Well Structure (ft.) = L = Length of Well Structure (ft.) 6.42 CFS 577.51 CF 192.50 CF 6.0 ft. 8.0 ft. 590.40 Hm;,, is the minimum depth required from the top of well casing to the floor of the well box to achieve 90 second detention time: �mfa(ft.)=Vdi/(WxL)= 4.10 f. Top of Well Casing Elev. = 4.50 0. Elevation at Floor of Well Box (NGVD) Top of Well Casing Elev. - H,n;n = 0.40 13:W43055000 - ONE - 2340 & W 32nd Ave1SUS\DRAINACE CALCSS W ELLS - One.ris WELLS • • • 8. Excess storm water runoff excluding well structure storage: Time .:. Well Discharge Rate (CFS) Accumulated Well Discharge Volume (CF) Accumulated Stoma Runoff (CF) Total Overflow Volume (CF) (Min.) (S.) ' 8 480 10.16 4.877 3,883 -994 10 600 10.16 6,O96 4.673 -1,423 15 900 10.16 9,144 6.412 -2.732 21.48 1,288,70 10.16 .13,094 8,269 -4,824 30 1800 10.16 18,289 10.215 -8.074 40 2400 10.16 24.385 11.993 -12,392 50 3000 10.16 30,481 13.391 -17,090 60 360O 10.16 36,578 14.520 -22,058 90 5400 10.16 54,866 16,893 -37,973 120 7200 10.16 73,155 18,397 -54,758 180 10800 10.16 109,733 20,.194 -89,539 9. Excess storm water runoff including well structure storage: Accumulated Storm...Ruriorff (C) Storage Well Structure (CF) Accumulated e11 Discharge Volume (CO .... T tal Overflow Volume (C"). 8 10 15 21.48 30 40 50 60 90 120 180 480 600 900 1,288.70 1800 2400 3000 3600 5400 7200 10800 3,883 4,673 6,412 8,269 10,215 11.993 13,391 14,520 16,893 18.397 20,194 590 590 590 590 590 590 590 590 590 590 590 4,877 6,096 9,144 13,094 18,289 24,385 30,481 36.578 54,866 73,155 109,733 -1,584.52 -2,013.79 -3.322.44 -5,414.87 -8,664.34 -12,982.70 -17,680.51 -22,648,00 -38,563.52 -55,348.85 -90,129.20 Safety Factor Safety Factor 58 % 1.71 D/O H 043055000 ONE- 2340 SW 32nd AveISUSi€ORA€NAGECALCS,WELL5- One xis WELLS • Attachment B MDWASD Water and Sewer Atlas • r— ,,. f 11058 ( 74 ,--- 5 .,. ------ WEfi 1788 1 SW 22 ST 24- 2 Ti-1.)?0s ea Si Ie. Liacak SW 22 ST SW 23 S 7344 3 \ 1 SW23 TER 1.25' log84 1.25" 2790 3560 1 7944 2 OW2 134.060 RA.3/30/04 MIDTOWN LOFTS 12" 7944 1 3058 2, 21 TPR:j, 1_2571 24 7 77 24 \ 4 11288 1 - 36a3 11 286 Cr ., j2439 k 4 1 1008 1 g-- SEWER. ;2/ . . ..„ • . ; 277 • ... ..__": AS 169 5 160 ,y.y. - • __f 56E1 : 0.4(0 1 7 : 6°••" I 169 1 7 0 1 , __.• • y „I gy:44.58 5yrs.3556-) • ••• .75,5T y 4 yyyy; . 21 5N.22 ST 11'1,41115111J1., -2,-,L5'.,k . 1 1'5 1 224 y L 45'0 1733 21 • •• •• ••••• •• • .••••••. • •••••••• ••• -,-•••••• „y„,5•-"" 213 •.•.. 10' .".• L.... 565555.---57,510,,....---„..—..„8. . --- - - - • ., 9-5•55 la" < ..10207 . •-( ••• 255 1, 11 26R - . 270 271 •1 ., 0 .... -•-..., y,yy.,y / 065 • . ''- 68 .. 43 r 15_6.8 ,, :7827 ; ; 506 5/1 568 y1 18 ; 1., 30 J ,., 1 2 35 .. / '5_5_ • ' . ,.,. ..• "a 5 259 . 258 068 5i3 6 1566 .• 44 y ; 41 595 Y 48 „. yy, • 232 568 1 45 y 568 1 32 223 r 222 505 1168 46 3 35y 1 a a 48 —10' 55: L.7 r'••-•-••• . . 197 568 yy 5-3 008 ' 1811 558 1 411 195 0,65 1 34 / 10 233 50645 , 221 588 ! 35 234 220 109 '5. 200 , _ \ :, 3 i. 565 'c) ; T 4a "568 ,1 34 565 33 SVV 22 $T 196 ige 211 1 0 0 8 35 , 210 (.7 aoa /Mao 8g 40 ,) SW 22 ST 272 I = 568 27 WI 221ER 235 / 236 — 2 2 SW24 E. 74L" 011f16.11 6' ON 15 201 10S-' 1168 - 26 ' 6513 H a 2 568 c• 27 197 SW 21 TES, 11 207 205 10" a 10' 274 273 100 co 275 „„. • 1 568 L' 1, 1 1,1 276 10" 0. 10 254 253 252 . 5 _ 5 to 10'1 r.3ea 20 , 201 1009 (1 10- 27 fit 7 SW 22 ST I ' 1548 ) 5 6 8 j y 1 5011 d 1 566 • 1,1 27 yy 18 251 250 N1 568 1 c• 1 O. ,•.• • •• ••• 2403 ^ ^ a- 241 568 17 215 IJ I j 11 f 568 6 323 •;5 215 \\ 217 104 .\ to o i bug '') 5.,' 1 a z 27 '..-----/ 187 1. 5608 311 / 18- 6 185 53668 1.6,4 sLz 0 218 202 '25,94_ / \,5-'" 20 4- - 1 588 (588 .) „--- • ._ , 7 Is 21 1.•,'` 2a7 ‘-, 288 / 10 289 588 12' .- (1 aa '''‘k \• \ \280 '5 _,, I 2 2 \ •••„ ... ;'• 5. 5/ \ ........ _2"-.5- 288 2714, 213 1568 !18 ) 568 1 ON--Ti54 .--1 206,57 '''—‘., 105 / L\1653 9 ,l ' 7 501 . a > 10 320 293 24.1 566 )601 • Attachment C Pump Station Monthly Information • • • • mp St4tinn 0001 Infptmati n PgmyStation: 30-0152 Moo Page: mrWFni fl4V WAlEft SEWER r P?..R 5.E4i Addxesx'. F3215 SW27 ST Sod -Tawas8xtM9arr iT • F. • 9"'-113-3 Cemcrat¢r Class: I-... Speed: ti.P.- E Numbsa o9 Pumps: 3 YEa 'NAPOT NO: 4.69 Rea ttore(gpc4R 463,482 ProjNatwt: 5-76 6. Cap: 57_6 8t9/2IXl: 0 '.02.74 Y 7/12/2986- 4.75 3•50 811.4 0/0t 527.,. 1854 ;Y 5/164043116 0136 812 _.... 1Y 4f12120 4.57 914 Y 301/2606 , 4.32 8 .63 Y UJser. n-.rm M1AM! DADS rMatpriat� GIC TE 48ordogt nur e£Izce atom: a/1906 .xev-¢arr,r Telco/do, i .... ET -tack 0to Gross Caps-ity(ggol 12,240.1010 Station Reduction Facia .85 Sto Net Cap Cogii[gp4 Ep 5 /04 d 0apac9i7(gp[0 10,4040)0 IRtltcategnons(gp4 2.033,115 Date_ N,.NAPOT Avg Oa4-. Rdg Ftg: O Pump: Comptek 3awn(7E' 0_pa (54 CAI.... F i0R005R [BR©OSR .i0R5054._.. ;60005R BR1i09R [042os44 • Attachment D Maps 2 SW 22ND } SW 2PD S- • 2 SW 24T , I hibb.J11111 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. { 1691 Michigan Avenue, Suite 400 7icml Bench, Flan da 33139 Phone, 305-673-2025 Fax: 395-673-4882 _ E i n P1VJECT LOCATION } \ 2 ONE 2340 SW 32 AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA LOCATION MAP • Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 1691 Michigan Avenue, Suite 400 Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Phone: 305-673-2025 Fax: 305-673-4882 ONE 2340 SW 32 AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA AVERAGE OCTOBER GROUND WATER LEVEL 1960-75 Kimsey -Horn and Associates, Inc, 1691 Michigan Avenue, Suite 400 Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Phone: 305-673-2025 Fax: 305-673-4882 ONE 2340 SW 32ND AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP • Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. "." :;.,ems n 1591 Michigan Avenue, Suite 400 Atari Beach, Florida 33139 Phone: 305-673-2025 Fax: 305-673-4882 ONE 2340 SW 32ND AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA FLOOD CRITERIA MAP