HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII.Tab 3 Site Utility StudyDecen. ber, 2006 dgewater Tower AJOR USE SPECIAI PERMIT SITE UTILITY STUDY PREPARED FOR ICE, LLC Edgewater Tower Site Kirriiey-Horn and Associates, Inc, • December, 2006 Edgewater Tower MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT SITE UTILITY STUDY PREPARED FOR ICE, LLC Edgewater Tower Site Utility Study • • Site Utility Study introduction Edgewater Tower is a proposed 41-story residential development to be located on a 2.03 L — shaped acre site on the NE corner of NE 7th Avenue and NE 31 sc Street in the City of Miami, Florida (See Site Location Map -Fig 1). The Edgewater Tower shall consist of 201 residential units and parking facilities totaling 325 parking spaces. Table 1 Project Summary Parking (Gross) 325 Floor Area (SF) Residential Units 201 Edgewater Tower Site Utility Study Page 2 • • Figure 1: Site Location Map r PROJECT LQCATION E., 34TH ST i NE 1 1 NE32NDST ._4—._. 1-- r.---1 0 F-----t— Call 1NE 30TH TE 1 Z Ui 0 I Z ...„ 1 1-- >" ----‘----t—e.,1 a 1 9TH T a i (111.1 i \ U) 1NE 2E 1 H— Z 1 1"Zj E 29THST E-27TH TE \ NE 26TH TE NE 31ST ST NE 30TH ST NE 26TH ST k Edgewater Tower Site Utility Study Page 3 • • Drainage Existing Drainage System Based on site observations and available information, there is no existing drainage system serving the unoccupied site? A new storm water management system will be constructed to retain the runoff generated by the proposed improvements, as required by code (see below). Proposed Drainage System The drainage system for the proposed development will consist of drainage wells and exfiltration trench, for water quality purposes, if possible, to facilitate on -site disposal of storm water runoff. The 5-year design storm event will be used to design the stow.' water management system, in accordance with Section D-4, "Water Control", of Part 2 of the Miami -Dade County Public Works Manual. Based on preliminary calculations, it is anticipated that six (6) drainage wells will provide sufficient capacity to dispose of the design 5-year 24-hour storm water runoff generated by the proposed development. Preliminary drainage computations for the project areas are provided in Attachment "B" Preliminary Drainage Well Calculations, which includes the basis for design. The final drainage design for the project shall be in conformance with the requirements of the Miami - Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM) Water Control Section, Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), and other local, state and federal regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over the project. Flood Criteria: The proposed project site grade elevations will be designed to meet floodplain management criteria according to Federal, State, Miami -Dade County and City of Miami standards as follows: 1. The subject property is located in PANEL 183 of 625 of COMMUNITY -PANEL NUMBER 12025C0183 J of the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). According to the National Flood Insurance Program, the property is located within the following Flood Zones: (1) Flood Zone AE and has a base flood elevation 11.0 (See Attachment A.) (2) Flood Zone VE and has a base flood elevation 11.0 Edgewater Tower Site Utility Study Page 4 • • 2. Miami -Dade County Flood Criteria elevation is estimated to be 5.0 ft. NGVD. This will be used to determine proposed minimum site grade elevations. 3. The average October ground water table elevation is estimated to be 2.0 ft_ NGVD. This will be used as the control water elevation for storm water management calculations (Source: Miami -Dade County Public Works Manual, Volume II - Design Standard Detail WC 2-2). lI. Water Distribution System The water mains owned and operated by the Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (MDWASD) in the vicinity of the project are shown in the Table 2 below. Table 2 Existing Water Mains Location Between Water Main(s) NE 31st Street NE 6th Ave and NE 7th Ave 12" (Proposed) NE 7th Avenue NE 31st ST and NE 32nd ST 6" NE 32nd Street NE 6`h Ave and NE 71h Ave 6" In accordance with Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (MDWASD) criteria, a 12-inch water main is required along the frontage of all commercial developments. In addition, the City of Miami Fire Department may request additional fire hydrants be placed in the vicinity of the subject project. However, a final determination of the points of connection and requirements will not be provided by MDWASD until Water and Sewer Agreement is requested by the owner. Water service meters would need to be purchased by the owner and installed by MDWASD officials. See Attachment "C" for a copy of the MDWASD water atlas sheet for the project area. Edgewater Tower Site Utility Study Page 5 • • III. Sanitary Sewer Collection System Table 3 depicts the sanitary sewer mains owned and operated by the Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department within the vicinity of the project. Table 3 Existing Sanitary Sewer Mains Location Between Sanitary Sewer Line(s) NE 31s` Street NE 6`h Ave and NE 7th Ave 10" NE 7n' Avenue NE 315t ST and NE 32"1 ST 10" NE 32°d Street NE 6`h Ave and NE 7th Ave 10" The existing 10-inch gravity sanitary sewer main along NE 7th Avenue may have sufficient capacity to accommodate the proposed development. A letter of availability and further coordination with MDWASD is recommended to verify the proposed sanitary sewer service connection points and requirements for this project. MDWASD and DERM may require upgrades to the existing sanitary sewer system, but this can not be determined without a request for a Water and Sewer Agreement. MDWASD Pump Station #30-0002 at 925 Biscayne Boulevard receives the flows from these mains. As of 12/14/06, this pump station is operating at an average yearly NAPOT of 3.31 hours which is 33% of its design capacity. The pump station projected NAPOT is 5.2 hours, which is 52% of it's design capacity. Therefore, a new sanitary sewer pump station or upgrades to said pump station may not be required for the proposed development. A final determination regarding the status of the existing transmission system and the need for possible improvements will not be made until construction plans are submitted to the Miami -Dade County DERM Wastewater Section and a Edgewater Tower Site Utility Study Page 6 • • Sanitary Sewage System Capacity Certification Letter is issued. Please refer to Attachment "D" for Pump Station Monthly Information. Table 4 Water & Sewer Flow Generation Residential 201 units 200 GPD/Room 40,200 Total Anticipated Flow 40,200 IV. Solid Waste Generation Solid waste generated by this project will be collected in standard on -site containers for refuse and recyclables. Regular pick-up service will be provided either by private hauling companies and/or by the City of Miami Solid Waste Department, who will transport the waste to Miami -Dade County's or private disposal and recycling facilities. The volumes of solid waste projected to be generated by the project are shown in Table 5. Edgewater Tower Site Utility Study Page 7 • • • Residential Table 5 Solid Waste Generation 201 units 5 lbslunit/day 0.50 Total Anticipated Solid Waste Generated 0,50 Edgewater Tower Site Utility Study Page S • • Attachment A Maps Edgewater Tower Site Utility Study Page 9 E 36171-1ST NE'35TH TE 33RD NE 32ND ST NE 31 ST ST co NE 30TH ST NE 29TH TE NE 29TH ST NF 28TH ST PROJECT LOCATION • Kimsey -darn and Associates, Inc. acea -mew 591 Michigan Avenue, Suite 400 Miami Beach, Fiorido 33139 Phone: 305-673-2025 Fox: 305-673— 4882 EDGEWATER TOWER LOCATION MAP 3O APPaoxFMATE SOAL! 500 0 500 FEET NATiDNAi. FLcoc ,NSURANCE PR.6GRAfh FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND INCORPORATED AREAS PANEL 83 OF 625 C 1ThA: N;u;in Pu1c ;grit MAP NUMBER 202 C-133 J MAP REYI,ED _. i594 This ra an official cagy of a r. A t of :ne aoow: cgerenccd Rood map was t2cted using F-1,11T O LFne. TRis map Cnee net to tees enangms Of endm&nia which may have been made subsequent to the tlate as the title lack- Pot -he bast product information about Nat;o.na1 Flood 1-rpurarr8 Program loco maps Gteck tiw FEMA F1oon Map Stare a: '.vw✓r. msclama gov 111 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. con 1691 Michigan Avenue, Suite 400 Mlorni Beach, Florida 33139 Phone: 305-673-2025 Fox: 305-673-4882 EDGEWATER TOWER FIRM. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 1691 Michigan Avenue Suite 400 Miami Beech, Florida 33139 Phone: 305-673-2025 Fax: 305--673-4882 EDGEWATER TOWER FLOOD CRITERIA MAP Kimsey -Horn and Associates, 1691 Michigan Ave Suite 400 Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Phone: 305-673-2025 Fax: 305-673-4882 EDGEWATER TOWER AVERAGE OCTOBER GROUND WATER LEVEL 1960-75 • • 0 Edgewater Tower Site Utility Study Attachment B Preliminary Drainage Well Calculations Page 10 • EDGEVVATER TOWER City of Miami, FL DRAINAGE L SL T O S ° "FRENCH DRAINSYSTEMS" a' (MASS DIAGRAM— DERM CRITERIA) • 1. Site Data: A. Control Water Table Elevation = B. County Flood Criteria Elevation = C. F.I.R.M. Base Flood Elevation = D. Average Road Crown Elevation — E. Average Existing °.nsite Grade Elevation -- F. Prop. Lowest Drainage Inlet Elevation = 2. Total Site Area (A) _ 2.90 GVD (Mean High Tide elev. per MLW Bay Datum) 00 NGVD (County Flood Criteria Map, see Appendix A) 1 T 00. NGVD Zone VE (Map No.]2025COt83.1 - Appendix A) N!A NGVD 4.50: NGVD 5 30 NGVD A. Impervious Areas: a) Asphalt and concrete pavement = b) Roof areas + 1/3 NE Corner of Building = Total Impervious Area (Al) = B. Pervious areas: a) Green Areas = Total Pervious Area (A2) = 3. Weighted Runoff Coefficient (C): 2.030 Acres (see Drainage Areas Map -Appendix B) 0.'00 Acres 3,000 Acres 3.100 Acres (153%) ri 700 Acres 0.700 Acres (34%) Runoff Coefficient Impervious (C 1) = 0.90 Runoff Coefficient Pervious (C2) = 0.30 C=[(AlxCI) +(A2xC2)]/A; C= 1.478 C x A= Total Contributing Area; C x A = 3.00 Acres 4. Time required to generate one inch of runoff (per DERM Water Control Section D-4) Rainfall Intensity (1) = 308.5 / [(48.6 x F .1) + t (0.5895 ÷ F-2/3) Frequency (F) = 5 years - Frequency Curve Q = CIA, V = Qt; V(1 in) = Qt(1 , ), t11 in_) = Time to generate 1 inch of runoff V(1 i = C1At(I in.) 1"xA=CIAt4iU.) ; Solving for t(1 in), t(1 i) = 1" / (IC) Time to Generate one inch of run-off t(in) Time to reach the inlet (tc.) Total Time required to generate 1 in of runoff: 6.11 Min. = 10.00 Min. = 16.11 Min. O: LumieretWELLS-Lumin[are BASIN • • 5. Cumulative Runoff (Inflow Mass Diagram) Time: CxA (acres) l (inches) Q (CFS) Aecumulated Storm Runoff (CF) (Min.) (Sec.) 8 480 3.000 6.405 19.21 9,223 10 600 3.000 6.166 18.50 11,099 15 900 3.000 5.641 16.92 15,231 16.11 966 3.000 5.537 16.61 16,053 30 1800 3.000 4.493 13.48 24,263 40 2400 3.000 3.956 11.87 28,486 50 3000 3.000 3.534 10.60 31,808 60 3600 3.000 3.193 9.58 34,489 90 5400 3.000 2.477 7.43 40,126 120 7200 3.000 2.023 6.07 43,697 180 10800 3.000 1.480 4.44 47,966 6. Drainage Well Design Discharge Rate: Based on well discharge rate of: 400 GPM/ft. Head Well No 1 1.owc t Inlet Rim Elev. (NGVD) Oct_ Water : Table:elev. .: (NGVD) 1lea(floss :due to Higher SG Bead ori:Weil Acting (ft) Well Discharge Rale (CFS) : Well Structure Dimensions VJcl1 Stnicture. Si€rrage Volume (CF) Width (ft.) . Length (ft.) DW-1 5.30 2.00 2.2 1.10 098 4.0 1.0.0 1496 DW-2 5.30 2.00 2.2 1.10 0.98 6.0 10.0 2244 DW-3 530 2.00 2.2 1.10 0.986 0 10.0 2244 DW-4 5.30 2.00 2.2 1.10 098I6 tl 10.0 2244 DW-5 5.30 2.00 2.2 1.10 0.98 6.0 1;(t (? 2244 DW-6 5.30 2.00 2.2 1.10 0.98 6.0 I(i 0 ': 2244 Well Discharge Rate (CFS) 5.88 7. Detention Time: The drainage well structure must be designed to detain runoff for a Qd = Design Runoff Rate (CFS) Vd = Detention Volume (CF) = Qd x 90 sec. = Vdt = Detention Volume Per Well (CF) W = Width of Well Structure (ft.) _ L - Length of Well Structure (ft.) = Total Storage (CF) j 12716.00 um of 90 seconds prior to discharge. 16.61 CFS 1494.94 CF 1494.94 CF 4.0 ft. 10.0 6. is the minimum depth required from the top of well casing to the floor of the well box to achieve 90 second detention time: lim,,. (ft.) = Vd, / ( W x L) = 37.40 ft. Top of Well Casing Elev. = 0.80 ft. Elevation at Floor of Well Box (NGVD) = Top of Well Casing Elev. - ]l;n = -36.60 or,L„rn, re4WELLS-L,irTiere W EULs • 8. Excess storm water runoff excluding well structure storage: Time e11 Discharge Rate (CFS) Acc€uinrlat€d 'e11': Discharge Volume (CF) Accumulated Storm Runoff (CF) Total Overflow Volume (CF) (Min.) (See.) 8 480 5.88 2,824 9,223 6,399 10 600 5.88 3,529 11,099 7,570 15 900 5.88 5,294 15,231 9,937 16.11 966.41 5.88 5,685 : 16,053 10,368 30 1800 5.88 10,588 24,263 13,675 40 2400 5.88 14,118 28,486 14,369 50 3000 5.88 17,647 31,808 14,161 60 3600 5.88 21,176 34,489 13,313 90 5400 5.88 31,765 40,126 8,362 120 7200 5.88 42,353 43,697 1,345 180 10800 5.88 63,529 47,966 -15,563 9. Excess storm water runoff including well structure storage: 8 10 15 16.11 30 40 50 60 90 120 180 (See.) 480 600 900 966.41 1800 2400 3000 3600 5400 7200 10800 Accumulated. Storm: Runoff 9,223 11,099 15,231 16,053 24,263 28,486 31,808 34,489 40,126 43,697 47,966 Storagei ell Structure (CF) 12,716 12,716 12,716 12,716 12,716 12,716 12,716 12,716 12,716 12,716 12,716 Accueulat€ Well Discharge Volume (CF) 2,824 3,529 5,294 5,685 10,588 14,118 17,647 21,176 31,765 42,353 63,529 Total Overfio VolUme (CF) -6,316.52 -5,145.96 -2,778.88 -2,348.27 Safety Factor 959.01 1,652.64 1,444.96 596.69 -4,354.37 -11,371.47 -28,279.08 Safety Factor 0.35% 1.70% O.LumiereIWELLS,Lumi eiere WELLS * Edgewater Tower Site Utility Study Attachment C Existing Utility Records • .6/02/45 (LINE TO'BE REMOV D HASE� 197 YS/05112106 3 NE W TER _-{ 7 • • Edgewater Tower Site Utility Study Attachment D Pump Station Monthly Information • • Petmp S1silar Moaihfq Infoemation EMM MtPk11 DADE WATER _SEWER EPART!. BSCAYNE.91.4D Secd'rml ownst.04,w i"' • PT • 42iii.. &eneratoa $' Type. F-73Clans: 5peev& H.P.: .... Nvmfwt o[ Yampa: 5 Yeauly NAPDT [hes]: 3.31 Flea fbre[gpdj 2,719,926 Peej Napa[: 5.2 het X Cap: 52 Meratmrioaae Meal aavx pinziii358 Yetemery ET clock 57-3 S tnGrest Capacpq[gp.0 S7.9O9.010 S tation RedretienFecav .S S tn Met Cap Cettif[gp4 [0... S to 40 CapacikAg 34,5C0,000 truncated Flow:kiJ 5,766A06 Date: eio_A"5f�" l6RCgSR jfD kNTHYRN 9,27/06 NEIAikR ' �EA4ASR: F DENTRY 1417/11!05 INE.9049 Mo.NAPDT Av9Dady. 8d9Fka: 6Puogr' Cprmrmt:: livunom_ D-uo ream atrantOTiesult* . • • Kimley Horn was retained to perform a limited Site Utility Study and performed only those tasks specifically stated in our scope of services. The Client may use this report as part of its due diligence, but this report should not be used as the sole basis for the Client's decision making. We endeavored to research site development issues and constraints to the extent practical given the limited scope, budget, and schedule agreed to with the Client. Our assessment is based in large part on information provided to us by others (city staff DOT staff Utility Company Representatives, etc.) and therefore is only as accurate and complete as the information provided to us. This report is based on our knowledge as of December 19, 2006. New issues may arise during development because of changes in governmental rules and policy, changed circumstances, or unforeseen conditions. Our assessment is based on the desires of the Client that have been specifically disclosed to us. The Client should do its own due diligence to become comfortable with our findings and to be sure no other significant development issues exist. Major Use Special Permit Site Utility Study Royal Atlantic, Tract "A", Sportman Park, Section "A" City of Miami, Florida Page 13