HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplicationsCITY OF MIAMI APPLICATION
NAME' Donna Elizabeth
iFitst Name) i d)e)
RESIDENCE: 1080 NE Little River Drive
CITY• Miami
(Address Linel)
HOME PHONE: (305) 757-9848
EMAIL: dmddQ(beilsouth.net
(diress Lme 2)
iLaSt reamer A c)
CELL (954) 914-2822
(.7_ t
• m ,
"-1 - -.
ZIP:' 3138 "'
FAX: (305), 8f42-4
iAdcfress Liner)
(Address Line 2)
BUS. PHONE- (305) 285-9050 EXT 19
Would you like to serve on the Planning Advisoy Board?
Would you like to serve on the Zoning Board?
zip: 33129
�.~ Yes f No
is Yes (` No
Please state if you have a preference for either board: Planning Advisory Board
Are you an elector of the City of Miami? (: Yes
simerrsvoutaNT f4P mirlsoncnds.
I/OurequR I sped' - d lr _ s;)..
1. Describe the qualities, experience, expertise and/or abilities that you possess that
would make you an effective board member that will act in the public interest.
1 have worked in many aspects of the development and construction industry for any years.
Also 1 have revious experience on the Tannin advise board. _many __
Form a oNlMkPm1Zao7ol.ol Page 1 or 4
2. Describe your educational background and general knowledge of planning and zoning.
_gradiAatediligh_,_SstiovLin 1979 after which, I attended Allstate Construction College and receiv0 Certified_
BuigIngContractors license in June, 1982. Since then I have completed required continuing education cotma
and aCflulfecL... 2 additional Malt_ Cisifficalians in. Alt _coutnaction___.
I have baatlextenskelyinvohred in tha process of platting. aod_all_the_procese needed to demebappropatty
3. Describe any prior community or personal involvement that you have had that
demonstrates interest in and concern for planning and planning implementation.
I am currently a member of the Shorecrest homeowners asso. and have attended many meettrigs vaponsored by
the of Miami for the Miami 21 initiative_ . _
4. Describe any planning or land use or growth management seminars thay you have
S. Describe any membership in organizations having the primary aim of the furtherance
of dissemination of knowledge of and support of sound planning and implementation
_Shan:mg time lawrieraAtanciaganantihellpper_Eatildftreszunail_oraliamal_
6. Describe any other activity evidencing knowledge and interest in the public purposos
of planning and plan implementation.
Previous actions on the PlanningAdvisory Board
Form SairR1&MA-PA0/29-0701 01
Page 2 of 4
I have read and understand the qualifications For members that are set forth in Sec. 62-124 of the City Code, and hereby sorb y that
(1) 1 do not have any interest in the profits or emoluments of any contract, job, work, or service for the dty.
(2) I am in a position to represent the public interest, and do not have any personal or private interests likely to oonfict with the
public ihtereet.
(3) I do not hold any elective office In any governmental authority In the county or the any.
(4) I am not employed in a f t-ttme capacity by any governmental authority in the county or the city.
(5) As a member of the planning advisory board or of the zoning board I agree to participate in at least one seminar or planning
or zoning to be held in Florida, and approved by the afy, during the course of each calendar year that I remain a member or
alternate member of the planning advisory board or of the zoning board.
(6) I acknowledge that t am subject to removal from the board if I fait to meet this requirement each and every year after seaming
board membership or alternate membership.
(7) As a prospective appointee I am subject to a personal appearance before the city commission. to afford the dry commission
an opporttrtty to ascertain my proficiency In the English language, educational background and general knoisledge of
planning end zoning.
(8) I am an elector of the City of Miami.
An elector of the City of Miami means a person who:
(1) is a citizen of the United States of America:
(2) is 18 years of age or older,
(3) has not been adjudicated mentally incapacitated with reaped to voting in Florida or any other state;
(4) has not been convicted of a felony in Florida, or any other state, without having had his/her civil rights restored;
(5) is a resident of the City of Miami; and
(6) is registered to vote in the City of Miami
1 agree to immediately notify the city Berk if I cease to be a resident and/or an elector of the city during the term of my office.
I agree that if I were to become a candidate for elective polill=ai oflicte during my term and qualify as a candidate for elective political
office, such qualification shall be deemed a tender of my resignation from the board.
t have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2.611 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from entering into any con-
tract or transacting any business with the city or any person or agency acting forthe city, or from appearing in representation of
any third party before any board, commssion or agency of which l am member. 1 also understand that prohibition upon activity
which is set forth above remains In effect for a period of two years after I have left city service.
1 have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-613 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from accepting, directly or
indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contract is or might be awa-ded, any
rebate, gift, money or anything of value whatsoever, except where given for the use and benefit of the city.
1 have read, understand end agree to comply with Section 2-615 and 2-617 of the Miami City Code which requires tnat I submit to the
city dark a complete itemized list of all real property owned by me, whether the title be either legal or equitable, whether owned In
whale or in part including corporate real property in which I have a controlling interest or I am an officer of such corp ration. I
agree to submit to the city clerk said information in the required form verified and under oath vrttihin 30 days of my appointnment
and I shall include the following information as to each parcel of land:
(1) The legal description and common address;
(2) The municipal or county zoning classification wherein the property Is located; and
(3) The manner in which the property is presently being utilized.
I understand that I an required to list only those real properties that are located within the corporate limits of the dry or those
properties located 500 feet beyond the corporate limits of the city.
I agree to comply with all financial disdosure requirements of the City. the County and the State indudirg the requirements set forth in
Section 2-11.1 of the Miami -Dade County Code, and Florida Statutes Sec. 112-3145.
I acknowledge that the code of ethics of Miami-Oade County shall apply to me as a member or alternate member of the planning
advisory board or the zoning board and hereby agree to abide by all the provisions thereof.
For additional information on Code citations, please visit the website of the Office of the City Attorney at htlpJMnww.miamoov.comf
dtyattomey/pegeslndexasp for internst links to citations,
I recognize that membership on the planning advisory board or the zoning board requires my regular attendance and participation at
board meetings. I understand that attendance at board meetings is subject 10 the following point system:
1. Each member or alternate member of the planning advisory board and the zoning board who arrives after the beginning of the
first agenda item or leaves before the termination of the last agenda Item, et a regularly scheduled meeting of the beard, shall
receive two points.
2. My member or alternate member of the planning advisory board or zoning board who accumulates more then 15 pours in one
calendar year shag automatically be removed and the position declared vacant.
Additionally. I understand that if I am appointed to the zoning board and I am absent, for whatever reason, from more then five (5)
meetigs in one calendar year, I shall be automatically removed from the board; or that if I am appointed to the planningi advisory
board and 1 am absent, for whatever reason, from more than six (6) meetings in one calendar year, I shall be automatically
removed from the board.
Sum BocaltRAA-PAB2e-0701.01
1 hereby certify that all Information in this application is complete, truthful, and accurate to
the best of my knowledge and that I have read and understand the qualifications. and
conditions of membership listed In this application.
a Yes
Print Name Donna Elizabeth Milo
Date Thursday, January 4, 2007
AM R TtRU *WS.: ;
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1For addlttonll • olr• ih Plannlnq AdN it rt npf _ the ZONng board,
c or meal T1A3Ita perla der, • Secr at*ry, H*w* g .Bo.r ds, lit (30.r' )i
Pam PorduIW.PABl¢80701 01
Page 4of4
The Planning Advisory Board was created to advise and make recommendations to the Commission in
phases of the City's comprehensive planning program. Members appointed to the Board must be electors of
the City of Miami. Eight (8) appointments are required at this time:
• Commissioner Sanchez has two (2) nominations for seats:
• Commissioner Sarnoff has two (2) nominations for seats:
• Commissioner Regalado has two (2) nominations for seat:
• Commissioner Spence -Jones has two (2) nominations for seats:
Pursuant to requirements under City Code Section 62-123, our office placed a notice in a newspaper of
general circulation in the City, and has received applications from a number of individuals, who all comply
with the City's requirements.
The Zoning Board was created to: (1) hear applicants for the rezoning of specific properties and make
recommendations to the Commission; (2) act as a quasi-judicial instrument for granting variances or
conditional uses; and (3) perform such other functions as requested by the Commission. Members appointed
to the Board must be electors of the City of Miami.
Eight (8) appointments are required at this time:
• Commissioner Gonzalez has two (2) nominations for seats:
• Commissioner Sanchez has one (1) nomination for a seat:
• Commissioner Sarnoff has two (2) nominations for seats:
• Commissioner Regalado has two (2) nominations for seats:
• Commissioner Spence -Jones has one (1) nomination for a seat:
Pursuant to requirements under City Code Section 62-123, our office placed a notice in a newspaper of
general circulation in the City and has received applications from a number of individuals, who comply with
the City's requirements.
Please be advised the names and qualifications of applicants for both boards were submitted to the Office of
the City Clerk to be offered for consideration.
Names submitted
Berlin, Bret
Gabela, Miguel A.
Ganguzza, Joseph
Garavaglia, Charles
Gutierrez, Maria Beatriz
Mann, Maria Sardina
Milo, Donna
Moore Parks, Arva
Pina, Juvenal
Rod, Ney Denis
Shiver, Neil
Tarbert, Janice
Urquiola, Angel
West, Regina (Nina)
Young, Robert A.
for Nominees as Members
Board Preference
No Preference
Zoning Board
Zoning Board
Zoning Board
Planning Advisory Board
Planning Advisory Board
Planning Advisory Board
Planning Advisory Board
Zoning Board
Zoning Board
Zoning Board
Planning Advisory Board
Zoning Board
Planning Advisory Board
Planning Advisory Board
Qualifications of nominees are available for public inspection at the City of Miami, Office of the City Clerk,
3500 Pan American Drive Miami.
Office of the City Clerk
3500 Pan American Drive
Miami, FL 33133