HomeMy WebLinkAboutADGO I NUIIUA5, f I pRI;ANY 5. 711117 r METRO & STATE ORLANDO MimeI'r1,kl emir 1 177E MIAMI HERALD ro z 11) U 770095201 Ad Number: CITY OF MIAMI-CITY CLERK t a) ftl 0 CO W - f0 0 Al 2 N ;w 0 N N 0) CL (0 O 0 0. 0 '0 u) 0 co (0 x Cr) Orlando Man now _Austria's honorary consul Toby Unwin 33, a succomitur Orlando businessman, is Austria's newest honorary consul. Although he hat no Austrian heritage, doesn't speak Gorman and has novor boon to the country, Unwin hat the duty. ey tgavisR110 0111,ANIx1 —'Petry Unwtu was an unlikely Limon as Aus- tria's newest hoarse, OMNI!, ]Ic has no Allslrian heri- tage, ducl'' speak its ollicial laeguuge and has never even been ro the RI goon cr entry. 'w I r s cssrut busi- nessman itn clean back ground, and he did ask nicely. The 33-year-ald originally Own England read some line ago people could become an mrteur diplomat by writing foreign officials nod inquiring. After several usesshl] years, Austria Wok lsi n irp n II. 'lire job doesn't pay, but dues grunt the ability In Issue emergency visas, among other things. ''here's also a scrappy title --- hannnuy consul, Republic of Malik — that's a hit al panics, and n lieensc plate that ens get him out of tirkds. Llnwin's irony home is the official honorary consulate, with a plaque n the door and am Austrian flag outside that required approval from the local homeowner's assre- tioe. Visiting Austrians with legal problems en entrcpre- court intcrested In doing basi- s there might a utter Unwin's yellow Labrador, wife in child. Countries keep paid consul. ales and staff iu Wnshinglon end other big cities, Intl use people like llnwln to inexpen- sively expand (heir reach. Like other consuls, he is to be en ambassador to Americans and orally for Austrians lrnvclin>; living her The U.S. Ilcpailnent of Slate says foreign govern. cols have LUSH honorary nsuls In America, and Aus- tria has a than two dozen of them, Inetuding another in Miami. Unwin was given n few hums instart 's the oilier In late • j�11'Ili'll'K 'i,�i `114 1aw4.eewaa NEW DUTIES: Toby Unwin, of Orlanclo, has a new tido: honorary consul of Austria. The pub doesn't pay, taut It gives him a license plate That con set him col 01 tickets. October: a map of Auslrla, country's official language, nn Unwin soil."I've never met an stamps Inc official documents, his own and plans In visit Ants- Austrian that doesn't speak a Ctr of the nallnnal and Euro- trio this summer flawless English, so they're all peon anthems, sheet music for "I actually find (Germans talking English In you any. the same and three Hags. He quite difficult to learn, because way. tin•, been learning Garman, the I don't speak It every day," I1u alsn bus an interpreter nevi Elirdal3Community Development PUBLIC NOTICE Thcadry, Nash 1, 2007 al 10:0e AN City o1 Nlarni Commitnen Chabot 0500 Pan AmMean Drive Miami,FL73133 Federal regulationsgcvereas COBB ardalher HWpegams roryie that parixipalbglurlsdkllimpioridoc5uens wire reasonaNs noticed mil an appo0unry Iomnmentm say onsisloartsm memo/ I111Opogroms. In WIMP. pubic a dial d the pawed amondmcnlItt la IIIo Iro5og d rat coy' avails) h0001dhalew: ' Discussm and Pupated Aasddims wlhadairQlra treader d lads to iho Icrcw'cy-agafda bouts' 1, Seignaa0t0lleslb0O Anatol d1Lantanded BaalllribklNa0Lhmdl 1aAgencitYPmgllm lidivi1J4am1 dmeaul MOVERS, ka:- 11016121831 Toll 142.75000 542,7E0,00 Cily d Miami Depadmento' Camnurily Development pf6121B71 licton9 Oepoduilas lot Persons AM AMOS IHOFV1AFLag tan Panlal Arsislancc Told, 112,150.00 142,710.00 ' D.om'en and Protasis; H0sduaon arnharlling su acceptance d C060 lanes, in ono annul el $2,050 m0 ham Miami Oalb County lobe Disaster Recovery Program _____ novices. an.Gm...p„duwn Sieve,'Coa.rmo..ou.. f.C4 Mute to a,.a theory.. or it INoi ..001500lM. I tan Mnilsl.sw.uaae W W,kr,.m.n W,.wl.,t.admtmeun xe.n n. a....Nrmnmpr.l t^'!r aurvbr. 1.4w1 E, m11.4...W.a r,axr 0.pgmse or,a,m4(10Mnseealopre .,u,bwmamin.gry, u„a4.34015150M,0lI Iwaamen •40..Yxe a1.Oq a to ix ..a aramrll1a.0p.l.r.ar as a w IN iM An.. iwtee, Want. Ilal44 Hrao, Gmmw,5M 0000 1s.0ressi.0..nay n:lnae ad how .iMP.n, I11 00400l a' aan'-Ifrde Slat Rosso Nwsus or...sped Is rue. s.Pbt *some Or rv'a'eWn Ma to au I,.eapprl NMI... I.,v.•vmm1.eaf0.w0 dreled0lh o.wld'n1omwal7 some nfalan42M1mtwa+,...es 00.mp n00csohoo er sews inure Newspaper In Education Is proud to present an OUT -OF -THIS -WORLD Activity The Science of...Aliens. „Iran ml,', itl0.ra11:o, erhi111 Ell llaMiami 1.1460,111 01 5dervc01k Planetarium, an noi/one., sre a �s or n-fort, I,[tiv.nrs '011 torsi ore ells or 15011rn:..r1 ton lac], �'. ',t.rrlenl, or al' n,•r.. C.REAIUllE FEAIIf111: G,anl IwIMf1 lac lury,W 1 ,WOOLOI,O1' •1'i'N.`a-inn::.I' Alien Evolution ,.,tin ... -.tl `, a N COCO,n.o r �u.,rd. Ii' ea4'rer ea 1,1,1 ' L::,I',o'b,i,.,•,100.r raa-rlrn, vranr; nano; nlmrl'r. „ na n:,bee„Ih, r:d In Ills nn 'III:'nl, or s1d'1 n Ile. m.1.11 asp. ran, t'r.,.,rOPV li e1 aea.Lraucli-+eWoo I r si years i 1 :, b.,u. " o. vOolll, I E.olI r,, 11 111: i nnnLt For more Informatlan or to book a field trip tail (305) 640-4221 or Asti worw.miamfhd.orp as. (IE 52 TAM PA to call, just in case. Wobl:ang Hcneseder, spokesman fur the Austrian Embassy in Washington, sill! the c untry warded an Orlandn consul because the area draws tourists. Unwin MISa real oral choice whorl be r'ontactrd Illem to start an a(ion, passed n background check and offered ln'aperale nut of his bmre. Itenaa0dcr said about half of Austria's honorary consuls in Thu Unirud Stales woqurfrom Austria, while Ilia rot hors typi• crllly hay. some other co11001- Lion. The fact that Cowin louts I wasn't as important as the fact that he did meet the oilier requirements Honorary and regular con- suls perform many of the same functions, but gcnoral consuls re paid and much more likely In he citizens of the country they represent. Most honorary consuls have pother career. Unwin is in nisi edam and Finance, nod has written duce hooks about sat protection and time management. Many, like Unwin, are wealthy. Man sentenced to life in scheme to peddle radioactive material • A British man was sentenced to Ilia In prison for trying to sell the radioactive material strontium, which could be used to build a dirty bomb. 'PAMPA — IA5') — A men who tried to set up the sale of radioactive, bomb -making material to undercover agents has been sentenced to hie In federal prison. Christopher llenbow was sentenced in U,S. Uialrla Conrl in 'Pampa on Friday Thu British noumul was con utoted In October of conspir acy lu distribute cocaine, charge drat slummed from Ih proposed sale of the material. IIoo1olw, a3, met with two andnoa Tampa hotel in 200 ffered to set up a sale o three strontium 90 canister for$250 million each, aulhor'i tics said. Strontium 90 can b used to aoanroLleture a "dire NOTICE The School Board offIMIplaml•Dade County. Florida 33PEC A`n800RD MEETING rgbruary e. ROOT 11:00 A.M School Board Auditorium 1 5B0 N.E. Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 PURPOSE: To Approve Implementation of Rol Program for Rout Member Agenda Process add ter Approval of Biala Mamba Proposed Agenda Items_ This Special Mooting mnd5lab by The Scheel Board o1 Mlaml- Dade (aunty. amide. is provided In accordance with Scotia 1001.372, Pledda SIAIUEea, there May IA a0llan ley the Marilee ulml bans such as Personnel, anima, and outer pogroms. all anemia will be available by 11:02 eat, on Tuesday, Fearuary 6, 2007, A citizen wishing to some to the egmda Mudd submit a mince roquual W the Superintendent of Schools, Roam 160. 1450 N.E. Second Avenue. Nam', Rita 32122, by anon en Wednesday. February 7. 2007. For lather Informant., leatehone Men kltormallon Conic( 355-00E412E. HP.Aoutlln J. Barrens Chat. 21333T ATTENTION FILM BUFFS! MIAMI INTERNATIONAL FILM Presented by Miami Dade College FESTIVAL Ticket Soler to Goreral Public: Fob. i d Don't wont to wait? Jain the Miorni Film society fodoy and parchlae ttcka o before they go an role to the general public. For Mambos Only* Tickets on Bale February 2 4.4,,A1 rPpoo e,ear Intl Rh O.HAI 0A ft amm —� �' "1f Il i. V. iif www.mamfilmestival,com dIsklauoHauaSD ®m tomb." llenbow iaimed he was selling nonradioactive and harmless strontium, tat tl was unclear why the price of that material would be so higlr. Authorities stilt vent sure where the strontium is whether nonbow's claims ware legitimate, 'Chu Tampa 'tribune reported. 1n the 21103 meeting, Ben. bow said he could obtain cam lets of the isotope. He didn't know the Drug Enforcement Admin lslrmion 'aped Ire 11 g h1.1 • CI fly with government informants. An informant told Bonbon he was an Israeli official end offered drugs as a payment instead of the millions Den - bow requested, The Informant told Dnnbow N would he eas- ier to Trade drags for the mate- rial instead of paying for it with cash. llenbow (old the rote( &hint? /N:v !riot thus he thought he Ip(Ls Negotiating with the Israeli government. Nonbow told the court during his trial That he thought he was negotiating with Israeli government officials who wouid steer the materials ay f 1 it Aasislanr U.5. Altorooy Anthony Vercelli said law enforcement has tried to cor- roborate Benbow's claims with regard to strontium 90. "Whether that strontium 90 exists is still a mystery." he said. U.S, District Judge Eliza- beth Kovnchevlrh said Ben - bow could receive a reduced sentence if he helped track down She strontium. llenbow said he wouid "immediately" assist the arch A melange left by The Associated Press at the office able attorney Saturday after- noon was not Immedlalely returned. LOTTERY Lotto Jalcicoot Polls over to $32 million TAI.LAHASSEE — (API — Nu ticket matched all six Flor- ida Lotto numbers, causing Ilia jackpot to roll over he an esti- mated $32 mltllon, lottery offi- cials said Sunday. d A total f 132 tickets matched five numbers w win y6,524SP each; 6,744 tickets matched four numbers for SSB, and 144,541 tickets matched three numbers far $7.50, The winning Florida Lotto numbers selected Saturday: 15-