HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit'}'press` :Inutu)I license, S ipprrrt, and Upgrade Agreement 'This r\precinenl is hieing entered nun as tit the 2 7'1' day ul April, 2002 ("Ihte 1':17rctive i)ate") by and hcisti•en: t YI'I ESS('rlltl'tfllAHON 2935 Wineryiew 1l1 ive ltncheste hills, .\lielli(;mi 4ti.311)<) Teich -ix: (?4X) !35•?- 71)'S ("Cypress") CITY 01 MiAMI •11111 NIY .'"'` Avenue AND N1i:1mi, 1'I..3.112S Telclis.x: (305) 579-31(I( ("Licensee") 11'l11•:I41•,AS (',Ilrr;s and Licensee wish 1i enter into a rt±huiunslup in which (')-tires:: provides soft !Aisle nl+runt with product sippurl and upgl'ade svr:vice. to I.iccnsce Ott an arri,lal use basis, Tli1':ItI IC)I2i:, in consiclermiun of the mtrtu, l promises artd obligations cnuliiincd herein, the parties agrctr ;+, litllu+ce, (a) "(cypress Software" n1e:11t': the one or more base modules and secondary modules idcitilieri in the acenitntsunying Exhibit 1, together with any and till associated driven;, libraries, ildnit's, and other SIIC11 computer tiles, whether provided as cxcciii thlc tiles or not and whether delivered ui media to inatlr available In l-icensee by download or other eh:IAroiiC access, soil includin}! any 41p}:.1.:l,lr, i;a bt•I,:in,alt:r tlel'iicti) Or ad...killonal .othr:Ity MO.:1u10s that are pruaided by (cypress to Licensee shin Sht' El ecliii {lacy t-il I1nt ;\treertictit, The brut module includes both a serve! coat} oncnl 1i the fern, of at 1,2a•,t I,ir server -based epnsitory f I)ncu\'salt' 1 anti a number of seats for Ilse by chain computers in accessing, the 1)ucu\',ttlhO. (b) "('ypreNs Products- dean. the Cypress Suliw;i'e along is'ith (i) the content oh its ausociated dl unli'nt;milt. (11) the pr.mprIelltry output and file 1nnn,11. l[tilized by Ilse Cypress Software, inn! (lii) Ole nf`;irueliois and dil:t programmed into the hardware keys that arc prus'idetl by Cyllress tia' ll>i V.101 Ilse 1 vpness Soflu:trc. (c) "1)ocumented.I)efcei" means a nutttr1;ti deviation between the (cypress Software Lind its documentation svhic.lt Cypress is able to confirm through one of the pr i t iiires set forth herein. (d) -retrain' Support" mcaus: { 1 1 Telephone Support 'I t'li-phtttc support fur the current \'ersiiai vtl the licensed Cypress Botch,Ire proi, ides u;abrlity issues and critical prl+hleit thug) nixes- For ibe Irtunci!ialcly prrsrll;l', 1`er•;Itm. this a'rsn:c int'iut!c's uslhilllv issue,: until the next Version is released and I ririr.il lnohlam {huge liars until sit m.i 11is fnlluseirtl; the rcicast' of the current Version Usability support is provided for issues rchNitl; In the Cypress S lwllrc, including produci realm -es, Itlelili conlynanils, t'llrllil!tiFi+Iiin, setup nod aspects of the Lim.' inlCr(itc , To provide tliis telephone sullpttrt, (ypres>. shall provide and ruairtlaiu a telephuil s i1 llnrl line (the "t lul- I.ine-i sal°,irh will be :I :Illxhk In Licensee 24 hours a day. Sevin ,lays a week, incluilat)'. ueel.rllii; ,irid 11011d:1:0 1 )hell!; ( ypress' rc'ul.0 busmcss flours. calls itt the lint Lint: swill he aiti',i-.•rein ht :1 t7' trds. t.i nitlt t'�tc ss ii it tltialllitd to pro% lit! teiehhnne stupltral. Outside itt business hour;, calls to the IlI+I-Line tt ill he atssvt'rcti etlhei hy: fa)'a C1'p1'i•ss c:ritiilo}'t•,.• uhvt Is iµ1a111 i;'d Ill ltrniitle Iclephurie Support: or (I)) a recorded ntt'tiis;it,v which still '!I'•-e I}'.i ,'„ldater ti I[1111011C Illnllb Cl, n1 ;it lest mil. Cypress rewpl,Eyi'es i\h i ;ire y;Ililiivl L, prurldi telephone support, and (2r AN i cIuucr Procedures. t'ypit•,s' leasonahlc erforls lu provide Licensed: with avoidance prilecdlrres lur, or corrections or. 1)us'rli11LI1t CCl i)efects. 4c) "l;pg,rarlcs" means any a11d all updates, i•nh.rnccrncnts, nllulillcaliun,, patches, service parks, hill: lixe,, nL\vt'I IC,IeaS CS, add -on components, or other solt•xare p oviiied by Cypress to I.it:eitsee idler the li,llec'U\c liale of this ;\v.reeuicnl, it) "t.-pgrade Sun, ire- means the piwil,u,n of Ulu -trades In the t'yi,rr<:: Sotl\iare iihicI1 ('Spiess re`I+`:I?ems idler I}h' I'40.11+L I):IIL,71 tllr. \}tleell1Llll. 11 I..ierriser ree Lives au Upgrade to 1hL. CypiC , Sofli+'ire. I 'censer shall, ivilhin thinly i.tll) days, usslall the tipitradi• in place of the earlier .vvision :Ind shall Iheri•aller make no further use of Iho earlier 'version. lint ''(:unu'nel \ ear" Ineun, a nnC I I 1 year periacl teglnnirip on the' filTective I)alc speed -led above or on :in annual aruli\ersar\ or the I It:,e ive Date. (hl "Version" meads a release of Ihte ("yprL'ss Soflutire that Is identified by a unpin' Version lLli 111111ir I,nClt e5 •=t +, 3. ric), and this Version ulentil)ri ran he accessed untie! -About Cypress- 1n r11e Ilel]1 menu that Is displayed when the (:'}'press Soft ivare is run. Earls Version may he le -released au ihi1erent liine4 is a result of ('ypress' modifications of the ('ypress Software. send (hose re-released Ver,,IuhIs are identified by a build nunlher ilnt it+ listed follotviim the \'Lesion identifier. ,New rtivascs of the Cypress Sultwarti that are ltk'In lied usinll the current Vclilon iLl rn Iicr \+ dill a nevi build number shall not he iunsideretl a !W.V. Vrr,ion of IhL (.};,rL',, S,111uarc. 2 I"IC:I',\SF:. GRANT. Suhjcu In lht tenss and conditions of this :\1tn'enrcnl, Cypress ptranls to I li.IisCC a nun-c\r1u.ne I1LL11,L lr, u.c Ihv ('Spiess Siifttvar'e tin a non-public client:"stun computer ntlwork. This linen':e is limited to the number of:urlhIIII?ed inslulta(ioas despriht'il in Ilse next Section and shown an Fxbitul I. i, \lI,\113E12 Oh \I 1'llOI 1/EU 1Nti1':11,1„\ I IONS. 1 hc{'y'pris'. Siiiiiw:ucis being licc'nu'r1 for use on and Ili C011n1t'IIyIl with the llunlhci" of ,CIA e1S, i) s u\ nu11S, deal,, printers, faX 11nL5 iLk1llIlIL'+I all l:xllll'il 1" L10L11,CC Ina) not Vi%• more than the speed -Iva FlUtlll)er {El" servers, I),xll\:11i lls. seats, printers, and fax lines ante., 111en,ie n;rys ;iddii11,,n.11 ,multi licen;t ices to Cypress tor any such additional use. Itcinote iannpaier\ that are iiseil to :,errs ;1 I)u. n\';,uh (either directly or y1.1 a I ,Lai rlicul compute' I ;tie r,r r,l]il ell ii5 SCp;nale ',VMS 161 the pllrposc.s ,',1 ill -trimming the number of client rtimpulers with whirl' 111L' ()pies Software may hr. used, Each client rllnlluner that is used to access :r I )ue,i\''auil is uuloinuli.:,llly rqtisiercd hy' Illy ('Sprees S„ftware as a separate scat. Unec the. maximum :inlhurizcd number or seals has liven regislered by the t'yptcs, Snll\+are, no ulhiiunlntl Chem ci-)rnpnlrr. will he abut to accr•s. the 1)uLu\:lullfsl unles,. I"ieenseL pnrrha,es nd)liponal seals or unless Licensee suhSiitines one ,n np)rc previously unreeisicred t'lietil computers fur the same number. of other client computers that have been to!ro'rc.l by''h, ('\pre„ Software fe'r .it least one 1,nnlrcel hicnt\ (f 20) 1. ,x1)1)I"17ONAI, Sb::1"1 S (lit 11)1)I. I ha. I)uruig the tent of Iles :\p o:inkall. I..icLnser m;l) tic:cllse additional 1)cLrlVitults, solnvare modules, seals, Eir printer and fax line installations at ('yprrss' then prpi'lolnlit prices. ,Any such additional itchy \vile be subject to this i\l;reL'nirin [Intl will be considered a pall of the Cypress Si,lln ore iovercd by ibis Ari ecnidnrt. II:II2I)1\-Aill'; I3;1'.1. F.ii 1iSed \kith Rh. t \pit 5 Sottiiate Is our hard':\arc key" for cavil .,I tide sp.',';',iiii vi i,i ,IIahUli,cd •;:r,Sr, ply,lcrl e,sl,••I!5'iab kr. ll;e (Ipl �",� S,rI I'.L sire :lrlil 11111,1 1`6' i,,n11L1'le'11 lu i.it'll \r'liei cur IS It) Con ih Soflwaie. Also enclosed is a temporary hardware key tliai cart he niecl in emergency situations. This temporary hal'1ltcilt' kcv will enahie use or the Cvlslr•;S SUlrw,lrc' rltltip to 3(1 days oil ;mother server II.IiL ll, till' 1P)1 IIYe'cr ICac:+71. Illy u'I\rr tin u'))Irll the Cynics!. tititlWart' Isis h:elt 11Slailed is not able to run theC:vpre,s S1,lta.ait'. t1 I1(.)(:I:\1IC:\ I',\ I'ION. I nelI,srti with the (vpirss Sufittait. is one (:upy 411 the printed dl)t1t11)etllaliun, Licence may not copy the printed documentation, hill may purchase inIrlitional copies lrirr1 C"yhress, I'h,' (.yplCss 1illlwvire includes tln-IIIll1 documentation ;Ind LieetlSee may rtlttke a teasonabtt nustth<'r r1r Cilltio•s or Ihr incline (locuntenl;Itwn provi(led that it d+rs Hitt llrovitic llaenl to any third party other Thad ,;i a part of ;nl assignment of its I I['ht5 and obligations pursuant to Section 18 of this A.!ts cement. 7. I'ROIDIi(1 SIII'1'OR'r. la) Cypress' Responslhlgly, 1'vpiess will provide i.icensee with I'rnduct Support for the Cypress Sultvvale during 1I1e tei lu ,11 lhsti Al',recln('rtl. l-k'l'It9C[' ily'JLe Iha1 the truly perSrlrtncl of Licensee t4110;Sl: 41111hllriLe13 10 Ietl l4 .1 Product Support limn 4.yprvst, are those client clsi•[1s) o11 Licensee's 3;.slum \\h+ are li:i. !ill L\hlhil ., ant! l.icenece agrees that Most' personnel c':tch h;itc itccess 10, :alit ;Lr I.;l hi ttf running, the Administrltivr AI;urtl!cr m+ilvtare pIIvided by (.'ypress for use on LIL':clltiee's sysi cm. (h) License' 12,tsponsihili1y Cypress' tblipalnut to provide Product Support under this Agrec,i)4ent is i•xpre'ssly rolulukilled upon 1 arcosee providing cypress with such facilities, equipment and -airport ;1, :ire r.asl+rlably Iieicssaly for ('ypress Its pertain.' its obligations antler this Agreement Ifni:b ding, unll,ull limitation, letnote access to licensee's System If regllccted by C'ypr.,$) I r•,e:nsee ',;µrti's QIi install all Upgrades, If any, released by ('ypress for the Cypress Strrt\taie ,1n11 ('yltress shall not be obligated 111 pluvidc Pcoduet Support tudess Licensee has installed all such Upgrades. Licensee ills+ al reel Mal ('ypress' obligation t0 provide Product Support does not, in Tiny event, include support fir, or 4.71110'lliati111 with respect in, any product other than Me (vpress Sliflu,ic covered by 11uc Agreement. i11rin,linit, without limitation. issues rel;11111H I+ Ilk" operation i11 1.ICemsee''5 lord ;ilea or \,'Idt' sre'a Ili'lly+i k, issues relating to other 1111rd• pally sI)110ari nr ilsnea lt11a113it! tie Illz eontiplif;tiro+ ear 0pc'ratila!l 41 licensee's hardware. It, 11ottvlllhlinlltlllN) the forigiittir., Licensee requests Cypress' assistance involving! ar product other than She (')pres%'Sl?tlwalc covered by 1111s Agreement, anti if CyprC.s it I!,rc'c'S in its sole ttl5erGlon 10 provide [he requested 41sl timee, Licensee shall reimburses Cypress !or all expenses incurred by (-ypress, inrlu line, without limitation. Cypress' link. to Cypress' then -prevailing rates), innlerllils aril tt:r\ '1 In ;ten ie!intl 111e lrlfue�leil assist, 0t .. 1.1 SEIIV1(:.I:. (al l:ptt,r,ltll'l Provided. Cypress wilt provide licensee with all Upgrades ll)1' Ilse Cypress Software tli,st become a vat table during the lei 1.1 Ilns Agreement. tbf I, ions. ( \!Ness' 1111110,1ll17111C pit.%I,11 1 ;r odes let l.iewn,r: ,+lies no!y \V101i C'ypres,, eiuftnt! the ri,owe Or It. I1h ,nla, a5 conducted by (`yprrss in its sole discretion, develops and releases 1`11prades. phis \1'letlil.nt does not, however, obligate Cypress to develop any UJpgrades. :11l I_ pptt:ides, it arty, Mid ()press provides with respect to the ('ypiess tIltlware bet:tnfle part of the Cypress Software :intl 1)ei:0nri• subject It) all i1 the Iclins and conditions of this ;\lw;rcel1i1'111, i IItiS, any l.'pi!r:idl• Licensee receive% can be used in lieu ill, 1)111 not in addition to, any earlier versions of chi sull4 lit' hne4ldeii nl f!)r 1'1)1;ra A:i. (.psi lt,s SI!,411 determine, I1I its sole discretion, the Brent i11 !n,1v 1..IecE It, !-i: ri),ic, ,in11 t'lrirratlt, in;i\ Ito p ovided ill I1 ' fordi or, v ilh„ul H.111,911un- ma'.;niRr ,Ir.1:. 1 l) R(.I\3, , . a, .111 CIOCt.r.>nle c!ut, nlouti. 0 I' %I \1F:\ 1 .-1.ti1) •i:1\F.S. at (')press Fees. '1'o u.c the ('}'I71rs Sofnxare, Licensee must pay an annual liicrist' fee to t vp1 ss tier each (iilniaci l ern. 1 hi itccitsc fee includes tilt' tees h r 1'ttadlacl Support and l:Iry Lai?r Srrliie (_'1'pi s Will invnir: I.iL 11-,L annually for each (.'ontrni:l Year and the invoiced ( vpress fees ;IN doe ❑ntl pavahle taithiia thirty (3(]) days of the dale of t'ypress' invoice. For the first Contract Ye;lr, 1.lccmrr drill pay the First Annual Cypress Fee listed on l xhihtt 1. For each subsequent Contract Year, Licensee shall pay the amount irtv'oieN1 by Cypress which Will not cxr't•cd the immediately iately precedilip, Contract Year's fee by nitlru than tilt: "Maxi111111n Annual I'rre<rnt;let` Increase" lislyd !II Isxliibit I, unless ;ldd1liot1Ii! I)ncutiuu11s, software modules, scats, or printer or fax line insnlll,uiur, %yere purchased in the preceding ('onlract Year 1)111;uant to Section i!;hi. ara 1rd1i+'}i case the linut.uion oil 1111:1-cu,cd Ile: nrripo,cd by the Ma Anntim1 Pcrcc111;arc ncrra,1c nr l xhihkt 1 nk!I hr apple•d to oliat lroul.i Irtvc been the pieet'dmit {'nrtirret Year's fee,. !f rlte chat re fin :utt iiir,nai suits or niln!ules II.id not been plrti-raied nt't-oriiirl;' 10 Section 9tb'1. it 1 Purchase of Additional tie;its 11 Licensee purchases addglon;il Doi:u\ iutts, software Il1'41111es, seats, or primer in t:IX line installations during! IIIL. tom of Ibis Agreement, the price rue those arlllition.d items will be based on Cypress' then-plrcv'alpinp priers and tyall be pro -rated dutnlp. the ih('II•currt'nt ('ontracl Year ;nxunliup, la ttiir number of 'ninths remaining, in Iluii ('.iintracl Year, (rI Payment ltctluIrcnicnt For Illtx•I( I{enlivnl. In ❑ddiiioll 10 the hmrdlvarc key, the C_yplcss Software contains a tiresilal Ie.hnodogtcaE Incaiure for copyright prulectnin its the form of a block that automatically preteens the Cypress Software from rWlnuip. ninety I90) clays after r 0111:11clli eliicn1 of eat.'la {.'t1fNr;ir1 Y12,11', For each C' ntirLLI Year, once the (. yplcss Fee for rhal 1'rintruct Year has been {,,tuft ill hill, ( ,,press trill provide Licenser .till a pass;,vLrd that will rerlatlte the E11ih'}, and piriltlt 111i Lonti'iired the of the ()press tii,11•,t,tre lur the ren):lin(1er of that Conhail Year. 1‘1} 'lddiririnal Costs. 1 ivenser• shall also reimburse Cypress for ;ill actual travel and living expenses, it My, dial ('}'press inch', in providing Licensee with Product Support and l.lpgratic. tiervice or in otherwise assislinit 1,i4:t•ioce 14'ith the In.ttallalion ur use, ill'the ('ypress Software, with rcimbursemailt to be tin an ;i ilii urrcll h;isis. I_IL'LIISCC shall also rcinibui se ('.ypress for all cllar1.cs, 1f any, iiicurNd in connection With iir:cessii1 Licensee's sys1c1111s). ie) Taxes. Licensee is responsible for pitying all la\es (except tier Irises based on Cypress' nc1 income or capital stick) rel:'inr to tees piil.l to Cypress pursuant to lh:, A}rrecnlenl. Applicable tat .iinilunls, if ant, ale .ti'L 1 inclniikd in the I..'s set firth in this 1loreemetll Ii1 I.ali C'h:trl;ex. I -titer,,..' hill h,ry c;t.h (.)'press invoice h nil 1.114t Than ihirt> 1?11 days ;tiler 11'irll)1, I.ale. p,r:o1i Iii Sri ,111)1ei'1 to Il I.11.' dial ye ciILIa1 1u 11ii I4i 14 IS} the 1111111r' ierialinL 1111e ist'.illlislied from lane' to 11111i' lit liallp. (1t1c', I.)eartllt, 1lIC]11L'.all, phis niece percent (3"i11', railtl (IS) Ill: highest rite pc -run -tied iippileablo 111 UW\EltS111I'. The Cypress I'roilucis aro being licensed, not sold, to ireensve. i'ypress 1111'11s ail riitllt, title, mitt interest in :ul1l to Ilx' t'ypress 1'rullut lti; including copyrights and other intellectual 'Invert>. rights, I ins- Licemir trial not copy, distribute, modify, or 'he Me {',}press Products, or any plrllitlrl thereof, other than ,is expiesslP :Illihia'lleil by this Agreement. I l l'()..I'II)F..\"I'I,it.Il'\ Il.11.1':Itsi: l':\(il:\h:l•:ItlN(.;. L)urLLig tllr tern] of this Acrcctllcnt. ()pros,. ri:a1 I)r, 4i,I 1.r.,:ensee 11.id1 coiLlid,uri;.il inl, a'nration concerning the ('1pri',•, Ihotlu.ls for the purpo+r (a( .1sr;1,(illY Licensee in its tisi ,1r tbi. es, St)I)tsare. Subject 1i.1 Ihr' pi,nision of Honda Statute. ;a-uncut:Irks at, ptihlic record, I iu;, 1 ict'r.,ri ;1l4rees 111;11 it Will 4101 disc lo,r or 1i1:1I . L' llhi'ihlL ICI :Lily other lli:fson. irateoni1ii 0 or t'tLir i'rnu}. of ii•; Inr an!, ,uf.er;lnrpna'.:my sn;'h taint lcrali;ki ilifnrn1;:lion nr nlht)r •i inli,rlltati,an rthllln}t !n lllc lartaprirl:rry and ronlideal[[111 entunpl� eonluinrtl wilhin Illy Cypress Products, whether stroll informa1inn was received by Il in oral, written, electronic, ur other form. Nothing contained in 1ii s tlt,recIltolhl shrill be construedos 11rohthiIinl, Licensee from disclosing or oliterxvisc infornuuion eau rieniorie l:ne: (a) .,errs in Ihr I,uhlie don i nii al Ihr lime of dlsclusore or later conies min life Irllhllc (loinnio hy, srnnr nn.(rts other than nu nnauthnrlied act rn Il1rllislnn by Licensee, (h) was already In Licensee's posse-ssion al the hill(' (it (iltiClntillre•; (.c) Cy:ts supplit•d Ill Licensee without resh iclion by a llnlll party who is.under no obligation to Cypress to maintain such confidential information in conlidence; or (tl) %sus deyelope(I by Licensee independently cif any disclosure of cnniklcntial information by l urnc�rnlarc. Lte:rns(c may' not cause of I,i•r n111 afly part of the t y-prey Produces to hr teserse engineered, ifecontpiled, or disassembled. ex.. epl to the '..\cunt that applie:able law permits such activity lira withstanding cortlr,rry contractual obityatUh11 ILtIS 'IZI( I'ha) 141(.;1I I'S, The Cypress i'ruducls are provided with Ill s.i.Ri rhl) Ri(il l N. use, r1r1}alicVniult, U]' tlisclusut'C by the Ciuverulltent is subject to restrictions as scl forth in: sh(bll,lal Ire of Lh' commercial Computer Sotlw.lrr - Restricted Kihhts clause at 48 t_'pit; or xulrp,ul; Ib)131 and {cl or iglus in.hc.hlsit'al Dace clause ;it DV:\RS 2 .227-,7U13 arui sullharl fb)i5j of the Ii_'ilts in Computer Software (lathe a1 1)1 ARS 2'2.22+.7(11•4. as applicable ('ouiract0t.. lanulalltact is ('.\pews Corp+lralion, 2935 1\;ueryiew R1:hcslt'r Ilill.5, Michigan •IH3(hl• I3. WARRANTIES. ear LIN111'1 I',1) jIAltl)\\'Al(E AND. \VARIt.\ I \'. Cypress warrants to Licensee that the hard..e.Ilc keys ...surd media on which the solttsare. is Ntan ell will he be linen defects in material and \sorkhl 1u hllr fora period of ninety (90) days from the elate of receipt. 1b) 1..11\11I1 1) tiOVI-\VAltl? \VAlt1CAN •Y. C'yprca wtar'ranls to I-icensec that the Cypress Soliwait' well operate l%i1houl 1)ocionented L)eteells for a period of ninety (')0) clays from the date: of receipt. A I)oeuntenled Detect tvili he deemed to exist in Ibc Cypress Software only if Cypress is ripahle ul 1cl.hcating. a material deviation between Illu C'vpress Sullu•are iiitd its ticwameIl1Itinn Iltrntl:•h role of the following nlr:uis• 1 I) Receiving sufficient hulllt1h1 tills: from Licensee to en il)ie Cypress to replicate the (IeyIalsoo 0 11 eorripaler emit it;nlaiiull u•hllh 15 bulb comparable lu Licensee's sysIC1n and IS 1111410r CST! r's+ control., or, i1 1'\pt'ess is unable lu replicate the deviation in this manner, 1.21 Rc.:ciyln(t srilli h nl aex ess to I-,iecnsee,'s ayelrnt yis tliitl•tsp nuadersl ld1 enable C'y'lllINs ldr I t'piti alC III'• tice'I;ISlntl. if I-Il'ellse'C 1i>ks ()prvss III Coot -inn t ( evaalllnl 111 this manner. Licensee 11h9 rt5 4;1: II) :i Slell(C a It}ta{1CI11 011 IIIC st'r R'I Ill its 5\Slillh 441 te11I4:11 the Cypress ,Soflwire has been illslalirli, rind I HI grant ( press authorization tr. dial into that server 1i5i111; colnmiiiireatir1ns which licenser. shall ctlsllie is properly configured on its s}^,erne hi:I ire. Cyplesr+ ClioiS in. II' Licensee has a different modern configuration, uses ;I different communications pro}'r:illt, or fails In properly configure its communications smell' IlI. on the system before Cypress dials in, Licensee shall reitnbulse ('.\pees for all expenses In('Ilsrc(I h', 1'tiprea (irieilntam• Cypress Corporation's tint[•, (1[ 1_'ypruss l'nlputation'S their :+rra',Iihs:;' wlrs. ;Ind Ill.urI LAisI Ill 111:Ikiltg [hi pI11pet ennrxe[ions h luiin C'hlarc, S}'slcln anti If( +;11Ir:., •;e•eks Ire Trpli.'a11 IIl.: ,4cvs;tlil114 on I.i(:rll,,rr's,Yslinl ❑a: l tl 11 is rlt•Icl'rt'ime 1 that Ihr oh kill l' .a114e,1 h1, a third-p,lrt' ' are u'I,ieh l..ILCniee is 41,i111:, Illt'n. evctt Sl (.y111 C„ r11111,Ies 11'1[E1 ,r wor4;-arousni ;olulurn bt the problem. Licensee shall rc'inlhursc: C�p1 ,s for :11I [elepht.me, tune aneI ITilerluh eflarttcs incurred Irt resolving the problem, (e) I?X(•1:1'SI\'1 12E:N!EI)IE:S. For anrh 1)1,e111nC[1led L)CILcI that affects any ('yplt•ss Soft ore du1 nllt the 111111741' (c)lit dal• ta:Irraluy period. (•vptess slhtll, as Nunn as reasonably practicable and ,u n. otarl e111e1se, provide Licensee with an avoid:met! procedure for, or a correction of, the Documented E)cfec[; pruvidctl, however, Ihat, in lieu of providing Licensee ,'i11) an avoidance procedure for, or a correction elf, a I)ocunurnlyd I)t'Ii•c't, Cypress Inay, in its sole clixcretinn, oleo to have I.1e'ell`,.:e cease using Ills affected solllvart• alio1;elher. in which ease, Cypress shall refund to I ir'olr,rx Iho lnillsetl pnrittin n1 Ihc' liacnse 11.40S) Pohl ter Cypress for the rlireCteel soflw;iii for the !lean enrrcnl Contract fear- ketch unitised portion of the license fec(s) shall be determined by prtnalllll', the Iice'iSe feces) on a I:111v hatiis Ih1ttt;);holed the then current Contract Year'), These remedies ;e1r elelu,l e :idol arc in lieu ed all „Iln-r renu•die;, and Cypress' sale obligation for breath the honied te;urnnly pimidi-41 in Suhseetlrms 1;I.0 And I31b) are contained in this Subsection 1 ;le) (,I) l)IS('I.:\1111::ft OE 1%A1212;1N 1'Y. The lunite+l t1:u•ratiti+•s in Subsections 13(0and 13(h) ur slut \hreenlrnl ;11e nladt [n l.iccnsec e41.e'111%il e11 ant! cure In hen elf all other warranties. ('YPI21!SS NI:\K1 S NLs OIllhR \1'ARRANIIFS \VlIATS0FVFI2, IIXPRFSS OR Ii1PL1kI), WITH 121 (i:\RI) 10 1111: 1:YPR1iSS PRO1)11('IS. 1'RO1)t-1("I' SL!PPORT, LIPCiRA1)P. S1I2V1('I?, AN1)i1)R ANY 0'1111i12 hI\1T1.I2 IlI•:1.:1'IIN(1'I'11IS A(iRIJ N•1f:N'T CYPRESS 1:XPI,I('1TI.Y 1)11-1('I.,\INIS ;1l.I. \\ A1212Ati1'II:S OF \11 12('IIA,N I AII[[ 11 \ ANI) FITNESS F0I2 AA I'Al2'1'1(. 111.:\12 I11-112['t)S1: NO R1iI'121iSI:NI 1Cl'II.ON 2)12 (.1•11ILR AFFIRM/010N OF FACT. IN('I.l+l)IN(i 14(1 [' NOT 1..I1,01l110.10 STA'I'I(N•1N.NFN RI4(iA121)IN(i SL;fl'Al1ILI.1'Y FOR EISI. 4112 I'1121O12MANCF:. S11N.1, ill': (112 BE. I)I.Ii\Il1) TO BF A \VA12RANI'Y 012 121•.I'I2I(ti1':N'11A'FION 13Y (:' I'12F.S5 1:1112 ANY 1'11[21'4)SI:, NOR CUNT RISE '141 ANY 1.1:11111.1 I"1' (712 OISI.RiAVEION OF 1.'1'11121kSS WI lAI SO1•:VI.R, C:Y1'1213SS EXPRESSLY HOES N(11 WAR RAN 1 TI(,\T -111E{ CYPI:1 SS SI)FI VAItI:, IN 1V.11OLL OR IN PART, AVI1•I. BE I t21211I(-1-121-1:, \V11_i. OPERATE W1111 a r1 1` I F..RRLt'-f11)N UIt \VILI. I1I ('UMI':1l'I11I.1•: 1),11•11 ,ANT I I:1121)\Vr\R1: OR SOF1 \1':112Ii 01.11E12 THAN THAT SP('.(.'IFIIiI.) IN T111. 11( rt'l \I1.NT.\TIt.)'.. LICENSEE. \V.AI1'I:S ANY (.1.:\1N1 "fll:\T TIIL 1.1\lll-111) \VA1212..IN 11i•S SI.1 FCtRTEI IN S1.1tS1'('1IONS 131.tf ANI) 13(h) OR THE RI{:I\II:I)Y FOR It12I.:\4'11 t.il;.1::\(•I( SL1C11 LI\11T1.1) 11';\12RAN f}' FAILS (iF 11 5 ESSENTIAL 11112P(1SF let AIi124)4;A'tION OF 1.111E 1:11 11'A1212;1N f1'. The hltlltrci warranty in Stthsiclions 131a1 and 1 ;IIi a II I hr ru111 and veld if. I t) 1:1c cn re 11 :Iny'tnlc else whet than ('ypress modifies the ('1'prt4s 1'1041uc4s: is 11it Licensee doe, lull lI Iplemenl chmwes that Cypress provides to coiled or I:nln Ure Ih,• ('1press I'rothiets. [f. despite nn)• 1111+tli lli':lhut} of the S1.41r1441e, ('ypres. ran replu'.:Ile repo' led pri Mein in the. Cypress Software din cops Ihr warranty period as if the problem 'were a I)nerttnenlrtl I)c•li•c1, and if Cypress Then ha, a rradil} av:iilahlc avoidance procedure li)e. correction nt that p,uticular pruhlein, then Cypress aril) nonetheless provide Licensee lvilh Ihnl ;1144r4lancc' len,ccdurc roar, or thole concelinn ul, That r(•llurli•d problem for use 111 ilk, Cypress Softtcar.' as thnu)•II the rcpoiled problem % ewe a 1)oct1111et11ed !)creel, THE 11;':\12I2ANfl1-5 f:1INI..1) IN THIS ACTRL1'.MI NT SIIAI.I N4 )'1 APPLY IF THE F,\1LLUR1? 01' 'I 1I1', 1'1'1'I21:55 pit( 1)1J("f5 '11) P1:RIYH2\i 1S !alit' 111 :1(T'If)1?\f. N1(.il..l?(:I•, MISUSE. 1'!2U(iR.\\1N11N11 1:5}i, OR F.12107112 111 LICENSEE. I AIL :Rh OF LLLC'TRI('AL 1'OI\'11R, 1 .\11.1 ((.1i (,1• .1.NY CON1P1'TFR 11,1R1)\V \121. (I;N'I l 55 CAUSED 14}" C} 11P.FSS! (lR .\N}' :AN). K.IN1.) (')fllFlt 1It.\\; 1111 41121)1N-\12}" AND PlZOPE:R 1 SF OF llil tit )1- 1 l\ Al2F 1iY 1 10EN'51:1=, 411. l :\11.1 121: OF ESSENTI;\I. I'I.'121'Oti11... 1 l(l NSI:l::\NI) CYPRESS :\(GRFI:. i II,\ 1 1111. I ENil i .\ I !t 1NS yk'1:( ]} 1[:11 1N 511 i l(' .s 1.; AND I • (.)F .1N1S A0121'.1).1E I \V11 1. •\1'3'!"Y EVEN Il AN}' l.ih1l1hl) ht1i;\IFI?V SI'[.i(:11:1Ci1) IN THIS ;1(iltE Nil N l I:; rutiNI.) T) 13;IV1. ? rl[L,1:)) OF I IS 1'.SSIiN f1A1. PURPOSE, ANI) I<E(iAR1)I1iliti OF WHETHER LICENNIT I IAS A(:(:fil'l-l:J) ANY SOH -WARE OR SEItVlCIi I.N1)EiR 11lIS A( IRIilINIEN1'. IN'I)LN1\1'111. loll (_.,.press detcnd. indemnity, and hold Licensee halrnlcss from and against any loss, cost, iiiid expense that It In:11rs hccause of a claim that 115e of the (.),pros. Protitic'IS infringes any United • States c(?pyri1111t or patent of others. Cypress' obligations under this indemnification are expressly conditioned 011 Ilse following ( ?) f.iccl}tier most prnn:wilynotify Cypress in writing of any Stich claim; t2I Licensee must in wriling; gram ('pica sole control of the defense of any such elirinl and of all t1 Ctl.,illatiom for its settlement Of rl, lnprolnisL jil. ? iCCrnrr chooses to represent 11S ( 111'n interest r11 :+Ily sur.h .iC i L 11 I1141> 4111 %,, at Its own expense, him such representation (oust not pRjn.lh'l2 (-y pl ess' RJ' 111 to Crintll>l the delense (rI the e taint ail negotiate its settlement or e'o1111r r i r 1111s e' )', ( )) 1.11'l'lllh'1' 11111Si 1.4 )I.l1'r.IIC with ( yl,ress to lat:llltatl' the Settleinein or defense,' of the t:latln; afltl I.1) •I he: Ilion most not arise Neill modifications or loom the to, or eisn billatiou o1 pru(lucts pro,. i(.I411 11) Css ssrt1r 11011• prurllirtil h}' l.lccn;re or odic's. Ib) If any of the (yprc\s Product,. are, or in Cypress' opinion is likely to become, the subject of tt (.inked Stares copy! ip.ht or patent iuliinlr(•Itlenl claim, then Cypress, at its sole option and cxpunse, will ci4hul: f I) ruI tin for I.it'rrl,ec the right 1,, continue using the ('vprrs. Product(s) under the terms O- titis r\ t!l c"c'1,ICrlt: €•'-1 .Fps;}. . the ( }Terris 1'roilllllls) stlth pr+ltitICll that :Sri sir r.tantially equivalent 111 function, or rllutilly the Cypress Pruduet(s) s(1 I)srI they b('1:(111ie tlun,infrirlgitrt and substantially equivalent in function; or (,i) relentd 1n i.irsalsre the urn+sed portion of the license fee(s) paid to Cypress for the Then current r.'onilari Year for (hose, C'vpress i'nxluct(s1 grin(; Ilse to the infringement claim (such unused poi tIt it of the license I cisi %tali he determined by prnruiiim the license fee(s) rill Ir tl:nh, ha,1•. Ihrnll helot the thin curlrlls t or;.uact Year). i Iil' F(1R1-(illl.'\t,, 15 ('YPR1SS' 1:\t'I.1.5I\'I: O1i1.1(iAl'I(l\ 15'17'11 RI SI'l_('f TC) I.NFRINCi1?N11?N'1'lI€ IN 1.1'.I..Lf:CI'Ur\l, PR(tl'I•I:I'Y RAC -NITS. I ;;. I.[i11iTA '['IONS (}1r 1 I' R11,1'CY (II'I I.1NilIE:€) I.1:111IL1'IY O1' CYPRESS ('51'I2ESS' 1 1 \J1fi-I! 5 IN CONN1i("l' ON \\l1 I f'ROI),IC"(-S, PRt',Ul'(1 tiI'I'I'i)RT, l'1'(lftAI)1: Sl.k\ ICI., :\NI)%(Jl( ANY r>11lf-It tl \I 11 R I<1'L:\'I INC! l(1 I IIIS :1(iRI-LNII N"1 \VII:1 NIY) }i\C'F.I:1) "hl![: 1.II S I )1 \ I.II I \'sI ] \("11 r11.1 5' I',111) l ) l.'1'i'RIISS 1)1'I<ly+(i 1111:. CONTRACT YEAR IN \\'lI1('fl ( II I,1.1ii11.1'rY ARISES TOP, 1.11f: 1'I20Ul'("1 t)1. ti1.RVI('E (LVINIi ItIti11'€'{} IIP-; 1.I:\I)II ITV ANY C:i. i`1 1tI:LAFINO 11i 5I.!('II I-fA1{II.IFV SHALL. I1I: 1\1:\I)F WI I III`' 1041 I I t )T.,114 ()1\'iN'(i 1111{ ,\I.1.1'.(_iI1) ;\('1 OR ()MISSION UPON \\'1i1(.'l1 111f: ( I -11\1 IS li:\;F'1). II)) I•.\( I.1•SilI:N OE 1):1,11.\(;i:s Iti:(;ARI)I.E:SS 11 \VIII:.i1IER ANY REMEDY SET FORTH l IN I I IIS ;\(i12EEM N'f I'i\II.S OF ITS LSSLNI'IA1. PURPOSE OR OTHERWISE, IN N( 1EVEN 1 WILT. (.'YPRl'SS BE LIABLE 11) LICENSEE POR ANY SPECIAL, INCII11ENLAl. (71t CON'SLOLIENTIAL 1)\;\1A([I{S IN('1.11f31NG, [ltri' Nt)'f 1.I1\1[T'I?l) 'IU, LOSS Or DATA. LOSS OE REVENUE 012 PROFITS, FAILURE TO RE',.\LILT'. SAVINGS, PERSONAL INJURY.1'I:rl1''IiR[Y i'):\\IA(il•. oR ('lll\IMERCI:\l. LOSS— WHETHER BASED (N i3R1;A(.'ll )1 ( (ty;1RAC 1. TORT (IN( :LIMING NEGLIGENCE). PRODUCT LIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE . ;\NI) \VIII:TI]rR Olt NOI CYPRESS 11:\S BEEN ADVISED OF TII1•. I't Jssn li.11 Y (IF St.(I1 I1:\.'t1A(!F. (c) BASIS GE I'i'I': I1:\ItGAIN. LICENSEE; ACKN(.1\Vl 11)GI'S THAT CYPRESS HAS SET 1I'S FI'.I':s AN11 ENTERED Rlil:) INTO I'L115 AGREENIEN1' IN ItWANC1: [WON THE Lii\l1F.\111INS OI' LIA13ILI1' AND 'UHF DISCLAIMERS OF \VARRANI•Iliti ANI) I):\\IA(il , SET I OIt'Lf1 IN THIS A(1121:G1\IIiNI , r\NI) .111:\l 111OSIi LE i1TAT1ON S r\N'I ) DIS('I,:\L\II I1S I ()1t\1 .AN ESSI N i I:\l., 13;\SIS (11 1111'. li:\lt(i:\IN BETWEEN 111L 16. 7 I iiAl1 N: i I IUN (a) This \Itscrrtn:il has an initial lei ill' three (3) years and shall be automatically renewed annually diet:caller for additional Contract Years. This Ahreenn:It may be terminated by cilhrr party ut Illr rnt! of Me third C'nntrlrt Year or at the end of arty subscqut'ul Contract Year liy µwin:? :It Masi Ilrnco, ('tl i dltti adtanci'd %%Titter ii 'i ICe DI' suc'll lerltilrl:tt inn to Ihi other party 111titil such terininatior. ( pi .' shill hate no further ithlil!atli)i1S to i.tccusee tinder Seasons 7 and S of Iliis :\i;reLiti nE, th1 +\ party also has the right In let minAlc this Agreement it the other p;irly breaches a material provision or Ibis \itrecment. Tit ILant I ile this 1\greemen1 for material breach, the poiIy sc ehiul leittlitta(iorl must #!it'1: the other party notice or its intended termination and (he notice must describe the breath nl rcirom able cicl;oil. From the dome Lit -its receipt of that Ilnliil', the other early will Irl',1: thiI > l?1.11 ?Le ;; to tithe 1110 brilil'il In the rtr;ISnrt+dlItr ti;lllSfileh "ll 111 tl]F' party desiring termination. If the ISYttcrl hriailr t;111I!!). IISC h1 II1L' right of termination is not cured. LY11111i) that peitod, 1111s Agreement t4111 .1111FtI1SdticaI1\' be &Tilted, tt'inlinated at 11i CIILI nl tital period. Hoverer, nntut' lu (:1ltrei., o1 ;I skiTccleti [)iicaiiirii'tl 11C1 Ptl %%-Ill TRH t'0i1011:]t(' i Illli lee Ut Il:riiinii inn 1'1 this AL'reel eni. tc) boffin Of permtimaliom. 1;ptai termination o1'this Aurc'crrlirn for ally reason, f.icensrr will discontinue 1iirillet use i5!• Me Cypress PInilln:ts, 4491E promptly rt:till'n Io Cypress or, at ( )'I1n[sl request. [sill ,Irsilny ;Ell copies or Ow ('}'grew Products, and will certify hi Cypress irl tcriuns; Ihai it has clone so di titii' i I (11 Ohlit atiotts I he pri%tdrin-' tif Scctiun. I I. 1.1. ,u:�i 15 shall stirs ,e lermin,iilim n! lilts :Au't'catt•na IL) Termination Is siilhomt I'rejmtliee. -Termination of this Apseeitie it will he withtmt prejudice In the terminal l l li', parlt''s other debts ;mid Ir'nit1hL'S pursuant to this ,\t'rc'Ft111Cn1. I ' Ith' \'1':\1,. 1 1, ; n',1 : Im:lt t:, l rrlt, lc:; z . , 1 !end the C'yprc„ Irii,(ui I; nr :nl'. pnrtil,n Illert'tit \S 1L;\\1h:\ I. 11„ rl,, c .thsl! i':04 ,n':,'n tillh.h::Crtsc i'r ' li i1,,, I1' (cl' ail 1.1r iti 11:,11 nl I1. ti rights., tlulics or obligations under this y\gracntent without the. prior written consent of Cypress Corporation, and any such unauthorized assignrncrn, sub -license or transfer shall he mill and void. No assignment permitted by this Agreement shall relieve Licensee of its obligations under this Agreement it Licensee's assignee doe not fully perform such obligations. ItJ. SI:VI':1;;1\'('h. f_'1_,ALISIi, If any provision of this Agreement is illegal 171 unenforceable, it will be (lecmelt stricken from the Agreement artd the remaining provisions of the agreement Will remain in lull fol'cc ,)rid eflecl 20. t ''1'1Rl': AGRI 1':YU:NT, I'hi5 Agreement contains the entire uttcicrsta ncling of tho parties with respcel to its subject ltollter, and supersede and extinguish all prior oral oisi >vritten communications between the parries about its subject mutter, Any purchase order or similar document which may he issued by 1,ieensee in connection with this Agreement does not modify this Agreement. Nil modification of this Agreement will he effective unless it is in writing, is signed by each party, and expressly provides thin it an -tends this Attrcentcnt. 21. G(:)VER11M. LA\V. This Agreement will he governed by foul construed under the laws of the Slate of 1'hii ida. without resort lu its conflict of lanes principles. THE 1'AR'1It:S have oNeCulctl this Agreement through the signatures of their respective authorized repr ctii:nral i vcs. ('YI'RLSS CORPORATION CITY Ur M1A1`11 I.ly \t -.r. � ✓.. By Mary Hinz __{ sic -firm • t z President — (.'it A4futa er Date tl Dtite Attested by: Paul VaL;uoizi SecrCtary 1iy Atle.te.d by: 'sent A. 'Thompson 'its Clerk Si4 Approved as to insurance requirements: Hy A iL .C_l( Sue Weller S//- Acting Risk 'Management Administrator 13y Approved a. lm ,old correct 'toss: n Vihur o uor'ncy ('ypr :. '' : ii,l 1Li,: IV;tuli' ca rc;tr;lrrurl :r';ttivtnark„ utr.-)lttc'a Ctrl1 raltun i'nl.rpriss i.)U1I ii N1:!I ;roes'. I1 110 i 1)i ;i I Ii ea Nl. t,i !cr'". itu+slr<I1,:r fiuil `.cr"', nnJJ (. rc s,ll'cit"' are trnticm,u''si cat ('.pees; (.'orporaik r I'(':\ii sI rri is a Iris o;i.iik ul'