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Tab 2 Traffic Impact Analysis
11/22/2006 10 :50 FA URS 002(004 November 21, 2006 Ivis. Lilia I. AICP Assistant Transportation Coordinator City of Miami, Office of the City Manager/Transportation 444 SW 2nd Avenue (10" Floor) Miami, Florida 33130 Re: 3760 Bird Road Sufficiency Letter — WO. # 168 Via Fax and LIS Dear Ms, Medina: Subsequent to our October 3, 2006 review comments for the subject project, we have received a response letter and also the revised site plan showing the turning radius of the delivery trucks from Richard Garcia and Associates (RGA) on November 21, 2006. Photocopies of the response letter and site plan are attached herewith. Please note that this particular project is located immediately adjacent to the Coral Gables Trolley. As such, a Trolley Station along the southern periphery of this project with an internal access from the project will help to encourage the use of mass transit in Coral Gables. We recommend the applicant should explore the feasibility of accommodating a station within their site plan. At this time, we conclude that the traffic impact report along with the subsequent submittal meets all the traffic requirements and the study is found to be sufficient. Should you have any questions, please call Quazi Masood cr me at 954730.1881. Sincerely, U• . o t n Southern RS0 Raj hanmuga , .E. Seni r Traffic Engineer Attachment Cc: Mr. Antonio E, Perez, Planner II, City of Miarni Planning (Fax - 305.416.1443) Mr. Manny A Vega, Engineer I, City of Miami Zoning (Fax - ,305.416.1490) Mr. Richard Garcia, P.E, RGA Inc. (Fax- 305.675.5474) 1JR5 CorporallQn Lakeshore CRrilPiex 5100 NW 33rd Avenue, Suite 150 Fort Lmudarclale, FL 33309.6375 TP1: 954.739.1881 Fax; 954.734.179D • • • Major Use Special Permit (MUSP) Traffic Impact Study Provided for: H&H Development Co. 4535 Ponce DeLeon Blvd. Coral Gables, Florida 33146 By: RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INIC. November 21, 2006 3760 Bird Road MLJSP Traffic mpa • • ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION Richard Garcia, F.E. # 54886, certify that I currently hold an active Professional Engineers License in the State of Florida and am competent through education and experience to provide engineering services in the civil and traffic engineering disciplines contained in this report. In addition, the firm Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. holds a Certificate of Authorization # 9592 in the State of Florida. I further certify that this report was prepared by me or under my responsible charge as defined in Chapter 61G15-18.001 F.A.C. and that all statements, conclusions and recommendations mac herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and ability. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 3760 Bird Road MUSP - Traffic Impact Study PROJECT LOCATION: 3760 Bird Road Miami, Florida Florida Regis-tfation 1\1°,154886 e 140 • Date RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3760 Bird Road M€ISP �rcat€Ic I T i y • • TABLE OF CONTENTS ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION................................n....,.,.....,..,......,...........,.,.....,.,..,.,...,..,........,,....................... t EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 INTRODUCTION........................R..................,...,................,..,,.....,.,...,.....,......,.,.....,.,.,,......,.,..,..........., .� PROJECT DESCRIPTION LOCATION I I .7 TRIP GENERATION ti 1.3 TRAFFIC IC DISTRIIILFI :)N 6 1,4 TRAFFI I: A:SSI(NME:NT 6 1.5 St i`I TRA11,1C 8 2.0 EXISTING CONDITION 9 2.1 TRAFFIC FIC COL N"ES 9 2.2 GEOM[;:TRv 1I 2.3 `.SIGN ALIZAT"IO' " 1 3 2.4 TRANSIT SERVIC .S 14 2.5 TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR .LOS 14 2.6 INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS 15 3.0 FUTURE CONDITIONS 17 3.1 PLANNED ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS 17 3.2 COMMITTED DEVELOPMENTS 18 3.4 PROPOSED INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSTS 21 4.0 RECOMMENDATION 24 RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 7 0 it i Rog MLJSF r is Impact Study • • • UST OF FIGURES Fissure 1: Location Mop ....... Figure 2: Site Plan 4 Figure 3: PM Peak Site Traffic 8 Figure 4: 'xisting PM Peak Hour TMC s........................................................................... 10 Figure 5: Existing Lane Geometry' 12 Figure 6: Proposed Pf3 Peak TMC (2008) 22 LIST OF TABLES Table ?: Intersection Level of Service Summary v Table 2: Trip Generation Summary 6 Table 3: Cardinal Distribution 7 Table 4: PM Peak Hour Traffic Distribution 7 Table 5: PM Peak Hour Volume 9 Table 6: Transit Volume to Capacity !4 Table 7: Person Trip Corridor Analysis Summary 15 Table 8: Existing PM Peak Hour Intersection LOS 16 Table 9: Committed Developments 18 Table 10: Proposed Person Trip Corridor Analysis Summary 20 Table 1 1: Proposed Intersection LOS 21 Appendix 1: Appendix 2: Appendix 3: Appendix 4: Appendix 5: Appendix 6: Appendix 7: Appendix 8: APPENDICES Trip Generation Trip Distribution Signal Timing & Adjustment Factors Traffic Counts (TMC's & ATR} Committed Developments Transit Corridor Analysis (Person Trip) Intersection & Driveway Analysis RICHARD GARCA & ASSOCIATES, INC. Tr ffic Ir poct Study • Executive Summary The subject pr;cject is located at 3760 Bird Road in the City of Miami, Florida. This project as previously approved as "Bird Road MUSP". The approval consisted of a mixed used development with 260 dwelling units of Nigh -Rise Residential Condo / Townhouse, 75,000 square feet of General Office and 25,000 square feet of Specialty Retail,. This report provides a revised analysis for 320 thousand square feet of General Off ice, 20 thousand square feet of Specialty Retail and 40 dwelling units of Residential Condo / Townhouse. As before, the existing use was not analyzed nor have the existing trips been reduced from the future development. Lastly, this report has been update with new data and has implemented updates required by the City. The Trip Generation calculations of this project revealed there will be 67 net vehicles per hour (vph) entering and 258 vph exiting during the PM peak hour. The subject project is located in TAZ 1080 and has had the traffic assigned to the surrounding roadway and transit system using the MUATS Cardinal Distribution -- Cost Feasibility Plan for 2005. Link and intersection traffic counts were collected, averaged and adjusted for Peak Seasonal conditions and used in the link analysis and intersection analyses. This analysis was performed for the existing condition, background, committed and background and with the RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 760 Bird USP Traffic mpoctStudy • cumulative effects of the above and the project traffic. Although Bird Rood had an LOS F for the Roadway Mode., the corridor person rp analysis indicated on LOS C. Additionaii'", Douglas Road also resulted in a LOS C for all scenarios. The intersection analysis revealed the following results: Table 1: Intersection Level of Service Summary p0,- .,t,e.=..,-.,-.4,g:Z:'Ant,.:4,4,:"-{,,,,,,: at:04" 40*.,,stimitlarrygompmew40.ZWi-AgpiAzim,;78,:wAw"?4,, intersection Existing Proposed Delay LOS Delay LOS Bird Road & SW 38th Ave Bird Road & SW 37th Court Peacock Ave & SW 38th Ave, Peacock Ave & SW 37th Ct. DM & SW 37TH Ct 12,9 B 18.2 B 8.2 A 9.2 A 5.7 A 75 A 6.6 A 12.0 B : . .. .:, :. .. . . . .. . .. . .. . , ... . . . 8.3 A The results of the analysis contained in this report find that the levels of service thresholds are maintained within the LOS standard of E for the Person -Trip methodology. As such, sufficient Transportation Corridor capacity exists to support this development. The additional analysis performed consisted of intersection and driveway analysis. The results indicated the intersections analyzed will have some degradation but will not fall below an LOS 8 condition. e RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3760 • d Road MUSP Traffic impact Study I A) Introduction The purpose of this study is to revise the associated traffic impacts with the proposed re -de 'e opment of the site located at 3760 Bird Road in the City of Miami. Since this project was previously approved as the "Bird Road MUP", we have followed the same methodology used for that Major Use Special Permits (MUSP) as utilized in the City of Miami. Additionally, this report has been update with new data and has implemented updates required by the City. The traffic impacts to the adjacent roadways were evaboted as well as the intersections at all four corners of the site. Included in the analysis was the site driveway. These intersections were the most affected by this project and included a signalized intersection. This analysis was performed for the existing and proposed conditions during the PM Peak Hour. This report follows the methodologies adopted by the City of Miami's Person -Trip Analysis and conforms to the institute of Transportation Engineer's (ITE) Trip Generation, and Traffic Impact Studies Manual. Lastly, this report has evaluated the following: • Trip Generation . Existing Level of Service i Traffic Distribution . Proposed Level of Service • Traffic Assignment m Recommendations a Traffic Counts IZA RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 760 Bird Road MLJSP TTOThC frflpOctStudy li Project Description Location The subject project it is located on the south side of Bird Rood (SW 40Th Slreet / SR 976) jusl west of Douglas Road fSW 37"' Avenue) between SW 37,r, Court and SW 38ft' Avenue. Additionally, it is located between Peacock Avenue to the south and Bird Road to the north. The following lond use, as identified by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (1TE), most closely resembles the proposed revised development. These land uses are as follows: • Land Use 710: General Office with 320,000 square feet • Land Use 814: Specialty Retail with 20,000 square feet • Land Use 230: Residential Condo with 40 DU (Dwelling Units) Site access is provided via two (2) driveways, one on SW 37th Court and the other on Peacock Avenue, with the latter being used for loading. Figure 1 depicts the site's location map while Figure 2 is a site plan. Th/2'\ RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 760 ird Road USP Tr a f€C Impact Study Figure 1: Location Mop Q RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 7 0BirdRo c! Trft'sc r pact Stady • • • Figure 2: Site Plan CgA RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3760 Bird Road U P Tra tikc I p sct Study • 1,2 Trip Generation The trip generators characteristic Tor The s abject project was obtained from ITE`s Trip Generation Manual, 7Ed. ITE's Land Use (L'U) 7 i 0: General Office, LU 814: Specialty Retail and LU 230: Residential Condominium was used to determine the trip generation rates for the proposed development. The Trip Generation calculations results of the proposed development are summarized below. The ITE rates and percentages for PM Peak Hour Trips are included in Appendix 1. Table 2 below summarizes the greatest traffic impact associated with the subject development, which occurs during the PM peak. This report did not deduct the existing traffic from the future trip generation results. Lastly, the trip generation was converted to net vehicle trip by utilizing the City's Person Trip Methodology. This methodology uses 16% vehicle occupancy and a 14.9% transit reduction factors. Lastly, a 10% pedestrian and bicycle trip reduction was used. These factors are consistent with the values used in the City's DRI -- Increment II for the Omni Area. Additionally, no deduction was taken for internalization. As such, this is deemed a conservative analysis. RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3760 Bird RacI M1P Pa Study • • • Table 2: Trip Generation Summary Land Use (LU} Units !TE LU CODE PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS ITE TRIP GENERATION RATE IN CUT I TOTAL Trips Trips TRIPS General Office specialty Retail Residential Ccndo 1 Townhouse 320.000 SF 20,000 SF I 40 DU I 710 814 230 Of Gross ( I 1.49 2.71 0.52 80 24 10 396 30 11 47,5 54 21 1 Vehieie Occupancy Adjustment C 16.0% Trips 18 70 03 Transit Trip Reduction r 14.9% Of Gross Trips 17 65 82 Pedestrian/Bicycle Trip Reduction ( 10.©56 Of Gross Trips 44 55 Vehicle Trips 67 258 325 ,Net 13 Traffic Distribution The Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) for the subject development is TAZ 1080 as assigned by the Metropolitan Planning Organization's (MPO). The County's TAZ are included in Appendix 2. The corresponding traffic distribution being assigned to the following directions are outlined in Table 3. The corresponding appendix includes a TAZ Map and the corresponding Directional Distribution Summary for this zone utilizing the 2005 Cost Affordable Han. 1.4 Traffic Assignment The PM peak hour trips from Table 2 have been distributed and assigned to the existing adjacent roods. As evident from trip generation calculations, the PM peak hour represents the worse case. Table 4 was developed to depict the PM Peak Hour Assignments. RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3760 frd Road USP Taf6c impact Study Table 3: Cardinal Distribution DIRECTION DISTRIBUTION % 18.95 11 .76 3.69 I 29 11.18 20.69 11_84 20.59 Table 4: PM Peak Hour Traffic Distribution PM Peak Trips DIRECTION IN OUT Total 13 49 8 30 2 10 2 3 7 29 14 53 8 31 14 53 TOTAL 68 258 62 38 12 5 36 67 39 67 326 RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3760 d Road MUSP Tr lc 1rnpcict Study • Site Traffic The PM peak hour trips from Table 4 have been assigned to the adjacent intersections. Figure 3 depicts the site traffic assignments to the surroundng intersections for PM peak, hour. Figure 3: PM Peak Site Traffic 0 RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 376fi Ird Road i.1P Traffic It ipccf Study • • • 2.0 Existing Condition 21 Traffic Counts For the purposes of the corridor analysis, continuous 72-hour Automatic Traffic Recorder (ATR) was collected on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday September Soh through September 7t , 2006. These counts were averaged, adjusted for peak seasonal conditions and corrected for multi -axle traffic by utilizing the Florio CI Department of Transportation Peak Seasonal Correction Factor (PSCF) and Axle Correction Factors (ACF) of 1.03 and 0.98, respectively. Table 5 depicts the results of the peak seasonally adjusted existing PM Peak hour traffic volume. Lastly, these calculations are included in Appendix 4. Table 5: PM Peak Hour Volume ROADWAY DiR PM Peak Hour AVERAGE PM PEAK HOUR VOLUME NAME Tuesday Wednesday Thursday EXISTING CONDITION (Seasonal y Adj;usi 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 Bird Road {SW 40th St) EB 2354 2340 2345 2346 2,250 WB 2140 2212 2431 2261 2,168 LINK 4494 4552 4776 4607 4,418 Douglas Road (SW 37th Ave) NB 342 269 303 305 292 SE 814 no 777 $07 774 LINK 1156 1099 1080 1112 1,066 0 RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3760 irdRoadMVSP c Study Traffic • Additionaky, manual Turning Movement Couns (TMC} were token at the nearby intersections surrounding the subject site. These intersections were discussed and developed during the scoping phase of the project with the City of Miami's Traffic Consultant. Figure 4 is a graphical representation of the existing TMC that hove been seasonally adjusted. Figure 4: Existing PM Peak Hour 'FMC's Bird Rd Peacock Ave Co co I I 0 102 —184 9—."1 87 'r) RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3760 Sire Road / USP Traffic irrtpact Study • 2.2 Geometry Geometry: Bird Road (SW 40th Street / SR 976) Bird Road is a Class I' four lane divided State Road. it provides connectivity in the east -west direction and has auxiliary left turn lanes at most intersections. On -street parking is not alowed; however, bus stops do exist. Geometry: Douglas Road (SW 37th Avenue) Douglas Road is a 4 lane divided Class II arterial. It provides connectivity in the north -south direction. Auxiliary left turn lanes exists at most major intersection. On -street parking is not permitted; however, bus routes/stops do exist within this corridor. Existing lane Geometry The existing approach lanes are depicted in Figure 5 below. This figure also depicts the Synchro Model used to perform the intersection analyses. As evident the model was created using scaled dimisions of the subject site and surrounding area. As such, it is a geometrically accurate depiction of the existing conditions. RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3760 Bird adP Trafflc [ra pac Shady • • • Figure 5: Existing Lane Geometry Bird Rd Ci\ Peacock Ave m RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3760 81rd Road MUSP Traffic pa 'tudy 2.3 Signalization Bird Road & SW 38th Avenue (Intersection No. 1) The existing signal firning was obtained from MamiDade County Signals and Signs division. The existing PM Peak hour condition has a 140 second cycle length. The PM Peak hour Signal Operating Plan (SOP) consists of a three-phase operation. The first phase provides for a westbound left and through lead. This phase gives priority to the heaviest movement during the PM peak. This phase has 12 seconds of green indication followed by 3 seconds of yellow. The second phase is the East-West through movement which allows permissive left turns. This phase has 91 seconds of green indication followed by 4 seconds of yellow and 1 second of red. The final phase provides for a north -south through with permissive left turns. This phase has 25 seconds of green indication followed by 4 seconds of yellow. This is further documented in Appendix 3 as Asset ID 4689. RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 37 i Bird Re 5 Tr € €ic 9mp ct Study • • • 2.4 Transit Services For the purposes of the Person Trip methodology, transit services were obtained fro, '°I Miami -Dade Transit Agency. Table 6 depicts an estimate of the existing transit volume and capacity that provides services to the subject project_ These volumes and cop -cities were utilized in the person trip corridor analysis. Appendix 6 contains the existing transit volume to capacity calculations and supporting data. Table 6: Transit Volume to Capacity TRANSIT CORRIDOR TRANSIT ROUTE Additional Description 2004.2005 Peak Hr. Headway NUMBER OF TRANSIT VEHICLES IN PM PK HOUR TRANSIT VEHICLES NUMBER OF SEATS TRANSIT VEHICLE LOAD @ 150% CAPACITY ROUTE PM PEAK CAPACITY PM Peak Volume Transit vlc Bird Road (SW4Oth St.) 40 30 2 45 68 135 140 1.04 42 30 2 45 65 135 65 0.48 J Route 110 15 4 45 68 270 306 1.14 qj TOTAL 646 614 0.95 Metro Rail MR , Capacity from 2003 Miami EAR Abbiysis by KHA 9840 5194 0.53 TOTAL 9840 5194 0.53 Douglas Road (SW 37th Ave.) 37 30 ! 2 45 68 135 239 1.77 224 Coral Way Max 6 I 1 0 45 68 675 25 0.04 TOTAL 810 263 0.33 2.5 Transportation Corridor LOS A corridor Level of Service analysis was performed that follows the City of Miami's Person Trip Methodology. This methodology has been utilized in the City's Development of Regional Impact (DRl) - Increment II and has been accepted by both the FDOT and the South Florida Regional Planning Council. Lastly, this methodology is further detailed in the City's document: Transportation Corridors: Meeting the Challenge of Growth Management in Miami. m RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3760 Sird Road MLJSP Trafhc mpactStudy • The results of the corridor analysis reveal that all levels of service thresholds will be above a LOS E standard. The Bird Road segment analysis resulted in an LOS F condition for the roadway mode for all the scenarios. However, since sufficient transit capacity exists within this project, the resulting segment person -trip analysis was LOS C. Table 7 is a summary of the results while Appendix 7 contains the spreadsheet utilized to compute the seasonally adjusted existing condition, the future year (Le. 2008) background condition, the background and committed condition and finally, the proposed condition containing the cumulative effects. Table 7: Person Trip Corridor Analysis Summary ROADWAY DIR MIAM1 ADOPTED LOS CORRIDOR TYPE SEGMENT PERSON TRIP CAPACITY SEGMENT PERSON TRIP VOLUME SEGMENT PER-TRtP EXCESS CAPACITY SEGMENT PERSON TRIP FROM TO WC LOS Alatirar%aliaratArttliallataitagaNtOWNWLVW4MIXAMMWMAilt:IWAie150A7.5. Bird Road (SW 49th St) LeJure Rd Douglas R. EB E 4LD 13260 7384 5876 0.56 C DCU9IS Rd, LeJeune Rd. WE E 4LD 13260 9206 4054 0.69 C Dougs Road (SW 37th Ave US 1 SW 28 SL NB E 4LO 3690 707 2983 0.19 C SW 28 St. US 1 SE E 4LD 3690 1427 2263 0.39 C 2.6 Intersection Level of Service Analysis Intersection analyses were performed for the peak seasonal existing condition and the proposed condition at the four intersections described below using the Synchro/SimTraffic software. The results indicate the LOS is within acceptable guidelines for these types of facilities. Table 8 RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3760 BirdR d MUSP Trathc mpactStudy • provides c summary of the resLThis while Appendix 8 provides the rogrom output: The capacity analysis was done for the existing (-without site traffic) and proposed conditions (with background, committed and site traffic) for the PM peak hour for the foHowing intersections: • Bird Road & SW 38Th Avenue (Signalized) • Bird Road & SW 37th Court • Peacock Avenue & SW 38m Avenue. • Peacock Avenue & SW 37Th Court Table 8: Existing PM Peak Hour Intersection LOS Intersection Existing Delay LOS Bird Road & SW 38th Ave Bird Road & SW 37th Court Peacock Ave & SW 38th Ave, Peacock Ave & SW 37th Ct. 12.9 8.2 A 5.7 A 6.6 A RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3760 ird Road MUSP Tratflc mpactStudy • • • 3.0 Future Conditions 3.1 Planned Roadway Improvements The 2007-2011 Transportation improvement Program (TIP) was reviewed for possible roadway improvements near the subject project The Capacity, Safety and other Improvements map in addition to the Reconstruction, Rehabilitation and Resurfacing (RRR) improvements map was evaluated for improvements within a three year horizon. The only project listed for the analyzed roadways was Financial Management (FM) Number 4180931 as a resurfacing project slated for 2009. Since this is a resurfacing project, the proposed conditions were based on the existing roadway geometry. • RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3760 Bird Road tdSP Traffic Iripact Study 3.2 Committed Developments Ltillzing the City' s new REDPB iIZ E 43st) web -based cation that oil users to search for large-scale developments within the City, view projects in a map, and obtain specific project rotor ation and the August 2006 City of Miamil.rxrge Scale Development Report: 1995-Present the planning deportment was contacted with a list of committed developments. Excerpts from shot web site and report are included in Appendix 5, Committed Developments, along with the summary of the committed developments utilized here. Table 9 summarizes the committed developments utilized in the subsequent analyses. Table 9: Committed Developments ROADWAY NAME DIR Project Name Total Committed Traffic Person Trip Volume @ 1.4 PPV Mass Transit in Person -Trip @ 14.9% Bybios ? 2 3 4 5 6 Bird Road (SW 40th St) EB 5 5 7 1 WB 2 2 3 0 LINK 7 7 10 2 Douglas Road (SW 37th Ave) NB 0 0 0 0 BB 0 0 0 0 LINK D 0 0 I 0 -rQj RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3764 Bird Road USP Traffic Impact Study • 3.3 Proposed Corridor level o Service Analysis As with the existing corridor LOS, The City of h,Aia Ls Person Trip Methodology was used for the proposed future conditions were determined for the following conditions: Future Year (2009) with Background Traffic Future Year with Background and Committed Trciffic Future Year with Background, Committed and Project Traffic The results of the corridor analysis reveal that all levels of service thresholds will be above a LOS E standard. The Bird Road segment analysis resulted in an LOS F condition for the roadway mode for all the scenarios. However, since sufficient transit capacity exists within this project, the resulting segment person -trip analysis was LOS C. Table 30 is a summary of the results while Appendix 7 tab contains the spreadsheet utilized to compute the seasonally adjusted existing condition, the future year (i.e. 2009) background condition, the background and committed condition and finally, the proposed condition containing the cumulative effects. m RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3760 Bird ,Road MUSP Traffic Impact Study • • Table i 0s Proposed Person Trip Corti or Analysis Su mary ROADWAY 13 MIAMI SEGMENT AIaQP Cl-D CORRODS - PE PSLON `RIP LOS TYPE CAPACITY S SEGMENT PERSON TRIP VOLUME CP9z;N1 -t O FAL SEGMENT PER ";R P EXCESS CAPACITY S�. WENT PERSON V(C ' Res' _.---- LOS 1-000=, 10 ttk ��. ��� .: �'".. t31rd road' SW 4c th St1 LeJeuae Rd Doe Ias R ;m t ..\. '\ _wt..... .,.. xxs4s 0 58 .,.. . Milli 7435 5825 Deuaias P, LeJ Fete Rd. ou • las R d SW 37th Ave11111111111111111 WB E MOM 13260 9312 3948 0.76 US 1 $IfY 2e St INSMI111. 4LU I 3890 720 111111.1.1. S' 28. S iJS 1 S2 E 4LD 3690 1462 2226 0.46 Y ✓h;' �3LS'+xf.. �Js±A1�F! '�. e�' � �� < aIMMMIMMIIIIINIMMONINMIMMIMIMINMIIIIIIINIMIN +�,zy/�, �C...i. `,... � . - mom/ 3260 7443 �.. 5817 C.56 < Slyd road (SW 40th St LeJe ne Rt . Douglas Rd_win Dou.1as Rd. LeJeune Rd_ WB 1111111111111111111111111111111111111.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 N£31111.1111111112M MIIIMMEMIE 13260 3696 9315 720 394.E 0.76 297C 0.20 1111111.111111 1111.1.11111111 FJau Ias Road SW 37th Ave llS 1 SW 28 St. SW 28 S JS 040 C -w.... fi"'":'....,,, 11lMlnlaIIII. 08 e�,y ^-t,-'-:�:r^�"`..-'rr-.�-.. 1111.111111111111111Mill.....111111111Mill� ® 13260 4 i,,�•,.� =111M .:✓ - .,,„N-,� .r 7 5670 0.57 ,M� Blyd Road SW 40th St) LaSeune Rd. Do Rd. Dou.las Rd LeJeune Rd 111=11111EIM 4LD 1326L' 9� 934 3758 NIMMIMININIMMI ]� 0.25 2090 0.43 IIIMIMIIIIII Dou•las Load SW 37th AveMIMI US 1 SV'J 28 61. NE 4LD 3690 SW 28 S€_ U8 1 SS IMO. 4LD 3690 1600 m RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. P Trod Iract udy • 3.4 Proposed Intersection Level of Service Analysis Intersection analyses were performed for the proposed condition at the four intersections previously described. The results indicate the LOS is within acceptable guidelines for these types of facilities. Table 1 1 provides a summary of the results while Appendix 8 provides the program output. Lastly, utilizing the adjacent intersections traffic volumes the future driveway approach volumes were determined and the resulting SOS analysis was performed. Lastly, Figure 6 below depicts the future (2009) intersection volumes (TMC). Table 11: Proposed Intersection LOS Intersection Proposed Delay LOS Bird Road & SW 38th Ave Bird Road & SW 37th Court Peacock Ave & SW 38th Ave, Peacock Ave & SW 37th Ct. D/W & SW 37TH Ct 18.2 8 9.2 A 7.5 A 12.0 B 8.3 A \k4 m RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3760 bird Road SP T ct Study • • • Figure 6: Proposed PM Peak TMC (2008) From the information included in Figure 6 above we performed a driveway capacity analysis for the site driveway. The southbound driveway volumes were determined by adding the southbound through, eastbound right turns and westbound left turns then subtracting the right in volume the resulting calculations resulted (3+25+18+28=18). Likewise in the northbound direction, the eastbound left turn, westbound right turns and northbound through volumes was subtracted from left turn in volume; the resulting calculations resulted (41 +14+42-40 57). These correspond to the through volume at the subject driveway. RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. .3760 81d Roaci MIJSP Traffic mpactStudy • • 3.5 Transportation Control Measures Plan (TCMP) The developer recognizes the need to minimize the single -occupant Auto - Trip Based mode of transportation. As s.uch, every effort will be mode to promote the use of various modes available to this site. Such strategies as carpooling, ridesharing, and bicycle rocks will be considered in keeping with the City's effort to alleviate traffic congestion. Additionally, information will be provided to residents and patrons of the transit system. Lastly, amenities will be designed that encourage all modes of transportation and minimizes traffic congestion levels. RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3760 Bird Road MUSP Trafflc Impay • • 4,0 Recommendation The resuts of the analysis contained in this report finds that the levels of servicethresholds are maintained within the LOS standard of E for the Person -Trip methodology for the segment total. Additionally, all the intersections analyzed have acceptable Level of Service of B or better. The results indicated the intersections analyzed wiH have some degradation in volume to capacity but remain above an LOS B condition. As such, sufficient roadway person -trip capacity exists to support this development, Th(/' RICHARD GARCM & ASSOCfATES, INC. 3760 ird d MLLSP Traffic Impact Study Appendix 1: Trip Generation • RICHARD GARaA & ASSOCIATES, • • • Land Use {LU) General Office Specialty Retail Residential Condo / Townhouse 3760 Bird Road MUSP Project Trip Generation Analysis Units 320,000 SF 20,000 SF 40 DU ITE LU CODE 710 814 230 ITE TRIP GENERATION RATE 1.49 2.71 0.52 PEAK HOUR TRI OUT IN Trips 60 24 10 Trips 396 30 11 TOTAL TRIPS 476 54 21 Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment @ Transit Trip Reduction @ Pedestrian/Bicycle Trip Reduction @ Net Vehicle Trips 16.0% Of Gross Trips 14.9% Of Gross Trips 10.0% Of Gross Trips 18 67 70 85 258 I 325 Net Person Trips in Vehicles @ Net Person Trips in Transit @ Net Person Trips (Vehicle and Transit Modes 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 94 40 Persons/ Vehicle 1 24 117 362 453 456 115 71 Net Person Trips (Walking/Bicycling) @ 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle NOTES: Trip Generation from ITE 7th ED. Adjustment factors taken from Downtown Miami DRi Increment It for Omni Area. i Adjust for Passerby trip using ITE data attached. 16 61 77 • • Sal-curey of Trip Geeeration Calculaticn For 320 Th.GT.r.Sq.-Ft, of General Office Building August 17, 2006 Avg, Weekday 2-Way Volume 7-9 AY Peak Hour. Enter 7-9 AM Peak Hour Exit 7-9 AM Pepk Hour Dotal -6 PM Peak Holar Enter 4-6 PM Peak HO= Exit 4-6 PM PPak lour Total. ',w1 39 Hz, Generator, Enter Pm Pk Hr, (,,enerator, Exit AM Pk TrIr, renerator, Total PM Pk Hr, Generator, Enter PM Pk Hrf Generator, Exit PM Pk HT, Generator, Total Saturday 2-Way Volume Saturday Peak Hour Enter Saturday Peak Hour Exit Saturday Peak Hour Total Sunday 2-Wa7 Vddurie Sunday Peak Hour Enter Sunday Peak Hour Exit Sunday Peak Hour Total 99cje Standard Aajustnent Dliveay Rate Devi6Lion 0.19 1.55 1.21 1.36 G.19 ].55 0.2'3 1.24 1.49 2.37 0.22 0.19 0.41 0.98 0.08 0.06 0.14 6.13 0,00 0,00 1.39 0.00 0.00 1.37 0.00 0.00 1.39 0.00 0.00 1.37 2.08 0.00 0.00 0.68 1.29 0.00 0.00 0.38 3523 1.00 435 1.0G 61 1.00 496 90 1.00 1.00 1.00 61 1.00 496 1.00 80 1.00 397 1.00 477 1.00 758 1.00 73 1.00 61 1.00 131' 1.00 314 1.00 26 1.00 19 1.03 45 Note: A zero indicates no data available. Source: institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 7th Edition, 2003. TRIP GENERATION BY MICROTR.4.NS • • • SImmary of Trip Graneration Calculation For 20 T.G.L,A. of Specialty Retail Center August 17, 2006 Standard kd'.1....stment 7.)rvewav Rate De-Jiation Pactor Volume 2-T.t3ay Vo--e 44.'22 15.t)2 1.H. 6E6 7-9 AV. Peak Hco::r Erc'ter C.r...0 G.CC ..,',:) 2, 7-9 ,T,..M Peak Ecyir Ex:;.t.' 0.CG 0.0'0 "J.:30 7-9 :;'t.": Peak Hour Tot a .L.r.) 0.0CS: 1.01J Peak dcour Ex..t 1.52 0.0;-: 4-6 PM Peak Hour Total 2.1 1.S3 1.C2i Pj6 Pk 2r, Generato, Erlter 3.28 0.00 1.02; 66 AM Pk f'11, Generator, Exit3.56 C.00 1.00 AV, Pk Er, CnrP-ator, Toral 6.B4 3.57. a,D0 137 PY, Pk Hr, Generator, Eo.ter 2.01 0.19 1.00 56 ?V., Pk i4r, GeneraTaor, Exit 2.21 0,00 1.00 44 FM Pk Or, Generator, 7otal 5.02 2.31 1.00 laD Sturday 2-Wa7 Volume 42.04 13.97 1.00 E41 Saturday Peak Hour Enter 0.00 0.00 1.01 5 Saturdav Peak Hour Exit 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 qaturday Peak Hour Total 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Sunday 2-Way Volume 20.43 10.27 1.00 409 Sunday Peak Hour Enter 0.00 0.00 1.00 n Sundav Peak Hour Exi..-- 0,00 0.00 1.00 0 Sunday Peak Hour Total 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Note: A zero indicates no data available. Source: institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 7t0 Edition, 2003. TRIP GENERATION BY MICROTRANS • • Sumrory of- Trip Generation Calculation For 40 Dwelling Unit53 of Residential Condominium / Townhouse August 30, 206 -qtancar.o. Deviation ;-.1jrastment Factor Avo Weekday 2-Wa5.86 v VoIrme 3.09 1.00 234 7-9 AN Peak Hour Enter 9 97 13 7-9 AM1 Peak Hour Exit. 0,37 e.00 i.00 ls 7-9 AM Peak Heur Total 0.44 0.69 1.00 1.00 18 4-6 PM Peak Hour Enter 14 3.39 0.00 4-6 PH Peak Hour Exit 0.17 1.00 x 0.0C 4-6 FM Peak Hour Tot0.52 al. 0.75 1.00 (-21---/ 0.08 0.00 TM Pk Er, Generator, Enter 1.00 3 334 Pk. Hr, Generator, Exit 0.36 0.00 1.00 14 P.m Pk Ht, Generator, Total. 0.44 0.68 1.0e 18 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Per 0.63 C.00 1.00 13 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Exit 0.19 o.oe Loo RI PM Pk Hz, Generator, Total 0.52 0.75 1.00 21 Saturday 2-Wav Voluffe 5.67 3.10 1.00 227 Satrrday Peak Hour Enter 0.25 0.00 1.00 10 Saturday Peak Hour Exit 0.22 0.00 1.00 9 Saturday Peak Hour Teta1 0.47 0.71 1,00 19 Sunday 2-4av Volume 4.84 2.71 1.00 194 Sunday Peak Hour Enter 0.22 0.00 1.00 9 Sunday Peak Hour Exit 0.23 0.00 1.00 9 Sunday Peak Hour Total 0.45 0.70 1.00 18 Note: A zero indicates no data available. Source: institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 7th Edition, 2003. TRIP GENERATION BY MICROTRA.NS d Road USP Traffl it pa Study • • • Appendix 2: Trip Distribution RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. Traffic Anaysis Zones Miami -Dace Transportation Plan o the Year 2030) Directional Trip Distribution Report "ACT ttiANCL :ArEt 0..#1 • January 2005 Prepared by: X' Gannett Fleming In association with: PACO Group Public Financial Management Media Relations Group Miatni-Dade Interim 2005 Cost .Fe OS ible Plan • L',J:RECTIONS - ! 70TAL NNL SS7A VT/7 NNW 1066 TRIPS 6E36 201 133 677 646 487 4559 PERCENT 19.68 1.5.n 4.41 2.92 14.6 14.17 1G.66 18.25 1067 TRTPS 412 395 94 69 257 340 232 507 2306 PERCSNT .13 4.08 2.99 11.14 14.74 1D.06 21.99 1065 TRIPS 1076 979 265 110 570 994 740 1269 6CO3 PERCENT 17.92 16.31 4.41 1.83 9.50 16.56 12.33 21.14 1069 TRIPS 757 753 111 141 346 747 713 779 4347 PERCENT 17.41 17.32 2.55 3.24 7.96 17.18 16.40 17.92 3070 TRIPS 5079 2758 514 0 1507 4647 3347 5030 22882 PERCENT 22.20 12.05 2.25 0.00 6.59 20.31 14.63 21.9e 1071 TRIPS 3900 106E 75 C 729 2952 2500 3094 14216 PERCENT 26.73 7.50 0.53 0.00 5.13 20.77 17.59 21.76 1072 TRIP 736 279 12 0 171 562 356 621 27E7 PERCENT 26.60 10.08 0.43 0.00 6.18 20.31 13.95 22.44 3073 TRIPS 346 50 2 2 33 149 127 281 990 PERCENT 34.95 5.05 0.20 0.20 3.33 15.05 22.83 28.38 1074 TRIPS 815 73 3 0 96 406 364 777 2536 PERCENT 32.14 2.88 0.12 0.00 3.79 16.09 14.35 30.64 1075 TRIPS 629 427 17 8 145 402 257 563 2448 PERCENT 25.69 17.44 0.69 0.33 5.92 15.42 10.50 23.00 1076 TRIPS 579 180 12 0 182 455 295 504 2207 PERCENT 26.23 8.16 0.54 0.00 8.25 20.62 13.37 22.84 1077 TRIPS 965 497 41 0 223 7E2 493 1142 4123 PERCENT 23.41 12.05 0.99 0.00 5.41 18.48 11.96 27.70 1078 mRTPR 660 652 78 68 178 620 370 754 3380 PERCENT 19.53 19.29 2.31 2.01 10.95 22.31 1079 TRIPS 1268 940 39 28 515 7333 8E2 7.534 6534 PERCENT 19.41 14.39 0.60 0.43 7.81 20.40 13.50 23.48 1080 TRIPS 1088 675 212 74 642 1168 680 1182 5741 PERCENT 18.95 11.76 3.69 7.29 11..18 20.69 11.84 20.59 - 72 - 1/18A95 • • • 3760 Bird Road MUSP Project Cardinal Distribution (TAZ 1080) DIRECTION DISTRIBUTION % 18.95 11.76 3.69 1.29 11.18 20.69 11.84 20.59 100.00 Note: Based on MUATS & Year 2025 Plan Update, Technical Report: Directional Trip Distribution Year 1999 Model Validation and 2005-2025 Cost Affordable Plan, Date: December 31, 2001 obtained from Miami Dade MPD, Peak Trips IN OUT 13 49 8 30 2 10 2 3 7 29 14 53 8 31 14 53 68 258 Total 62 38 12 5 36 67 39 67 326 Traffic Assignment Percentage North 39.54 15.45 12.47 32.5353 Total • • • 3760 Bird Road MUSP Traffic Assignment Direction IN OUT TOTAL North 13+14=27 49+53=102 129 East 8+2=10 30+10=40 50 South 2+7=9 3+29=32 41 West 14+8=22 53+31=84 106 TOTAL 68 258 326 • • • 3760 Bird Road MUSP 27 32 Traffic Assignment 102 • • PM Peak Site Traffic 3760 Bird Road MUSP 376 ird Road L SP Traffic impact Study Appendix 3: Signal Timing & Adjustment Factors • RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. ALESI O eAYF, A'+1D4A LARD.E QTi 1o68 1081 Traffic Signal Asse I Project Site 29TH 0 0 C 1078 PERCIVAL. FROw' SHIPP,NG OAK 46F3K TIMING 4 479 DIRE RD & 38 AVE PAT OF EWG G R NSP Y WL 1 T 48 2 1. 4 1 23 4 12 72.) 2 T 54 57 1 4 1 20 4 10 3 3T53140 1 4 125 412 3 4 M101 90 25 4 12 3 5 N 47 49 1 4 I 22 4 11 3 6 T101 42 1 4 1 25 4 12 3 7 T 77 47 4 20 4 10 3 1 T 53 90 1 4 1 25 4 12 3 9 T 37 45 4 1 15 4 7 3 10 T 42 41 I 4 1 18 44. 3 11 1:101 99 1 4 1 26 4 12 3 12 T 15 72 1 4 1 23 4 12 3 13 T 42 41 1 4 1 18 4 8 3 15 E 15 85 1 4 12 4 5 2 16 E 15 85 1 4 1 12 4 5 3 17 E 48 72 1 4 1 23 4 12 3 18 7' 48 24 1 4 1 23 4 12 3 23 T 15 85 1 4 1 12 4 E., 3 24 T 37 42 1 4 1 15 6 7 3 MTN: 38 12 5 ENTER THE CONTROLLER NUMBER (/ - STOP) (SEC 34 TYPE: SA) 5 Y CYC 120224137 PH PIEAX IDOEV-E-EARLY 140PM PEAK 0/1 1401-J4 PEAE WITH 1241313 PEAK NO S 90EVE-LATE 140PM PEAK NO S 6 80E:ATE NIGHT 4 6 8ONNITE 4/0 150AM PEAK WITH 1202083 Al PEAK 1607444133 WEEKEN 24303 IN 24503 OUT 120G130443 IN 0/1 120013477E. OUT 0/ 11582413 DAY 7 7713713A1313 PHASE: , ."' ,t-----,, ,.._ -,....,,,, , G(w) t r- G(f) --. G(g) --- G(total) -, e, :77) R g % SPLIT . .0,_- - . • z:ou Waa:ls We maWoc c"teoozY uun01� 7mpe. county. ur - omoE, o�sn m�vx oa�a�ze ea %�o���) SR *en.oy�'uu� Se e�o — */ .' � ououeuos - 01/m/2005 opo u on r 0:/u2/2001 s ouoy/coos u�/zs/zuo� u oo oao � 91/0/200s 01/zz/20uu o wo 000 s 002»/2005 oI/oy/Tous u uo » »» o os30/2on5 02/01/2uns VA, o so � 02/0a/2025 - oz/zz/e= u uo u oa o oaia/oons ' oz/ze/xDC) u o oa u eo w 02/20/200E - 000maoos osa o on uo 52/2//2oo5 - 03/05/2005 n.»u o yx zz os/oc/zoos - oz/nQons u ea o�mn zz oa/zs/auos - ua/190555 u oa o ya it oazu/znos - os/ua/zoos u ye o ye na/zr/zoos - 04/0e/2oo5 oco n eu nmoa/zoo5 nmoo/znuo oee o on 16 ow10/2005 ' owN/zoO o ea o90 zr o*/m/znnu 04/21/2055 u In n aa zo o4/24/c005 00300005 0,01 GAP :e 05/01/2nos - 00002ous n sn : uo oo os/oa/znuS - 0504/z005 u,so o sa uz ns/zs/zuos - nu/zVzoos oOa o.an zz nszz/znM os/ua/zoos CAB a yo zo os/co/znn*' 06/0*2005 oAo o oo z« oo/oo/znns ' 06/11/2005 0.98 o.yn zs 0e/12/2005 - oe/ze/xoos o.na o�oa xs nu/19/zno5 06/202005 nAn 0.0 27 06/26/2005 - 07102/20as yn n- 9a zo onos/zvnu - 040e000s so n,yo zp uYzo/zoos - 07/160005 0.98 ou o//�/zoos - or/zs/zons o�va 31 07/24/205 - or/au/r000 n sn su 07/31/2005 - oa/06/2005 o.so 0.98 33 nn/nUzonu - 0e/13ao01 V0 0.0 so 05/z4Qn0: - oo/zo/znus u xo nsn M 08/210005 - 08/27/2005 0.92 opn so nn/zo/unos - op/os/znos 0.9s CAE 37 ns/0412005 - 09/m/2005 002 GAP so oy/o/znos - 09/1 V2005 0,98 0.98 so oy/znNnus - os/zu/znuo 0.95 o,ee «n 09/25/2005 - 10/01/2005 o.oa u�yo 4 i zo/nz/zoos - zn/oa/uuos se o-yo «u m/os/zonS - 10/M/2005 yo o.ys «s 10/102005 - 1022000s 0.98 o.oa 44 :1o/m/2nn5 - 10/29/2005 0,9n n.00 *u 10/30/200s - 11/05/2005 c�*o n,»n «s u/oa/enns - zuo/znns 0.98 2.98 47 11/13/20o5 - 11/19/2005 0.95 Kos 46 11/20/2005 - 11/2e2005 o,ea n.so «n 11/2W2005 - zz/na/znos n.en o.yn sn zo/oazoos - 12/10/2no5 038 o.an 51 12/zn2005 - 12/175005 neo oso sz 12/Iu/2005 12/24/znns oon yn sa 12/250005 - za/suunos n9a is n-aoz-znnn 12:40:11 0 ynozo'ill, J,osT oos o ys o ys uxs o yy n o� uo� oys nes a as o ns u e� o ms u ns cy"- o 9s a e5 o ys o e* n0s o yu n.os 005 o.o7-1 nyo oss 0,35 o.ss oes nss oss o.yo o,0 o ys «.*5 Ves o,ns ».K nns o.es o.ss u.ss o,eo o.os 0.0 o ss o,yu ous rK oes u.os Page o of zo 555srr [z'n,u'u] o_o7_AxT, 0 0 cnou Peak oeasoc Faczor caveonrY Report aaPazr Tile: x"", category; n/nz mzumr-oxna aooza *srk Dates op 1 0:007uos u K/ox/zoos o nuoy/xoos 4 oz/ao/cnus s oI/23/2005 ^ 7 02/0600M ^ n ou/zs/zouE - p oz/zo/zuo� °10 02/2//2005 °1z 03/0600" ~12 03/13/2005 °13 oa/cu/znos ^11 03/27/2no5 °15 no/cs/onos ^za 0400/2005 °o o4/17/e005 °18 04/21/2005 19 WHOM 20 05/0o/2005 zz 0505/2oo5 cz os/zzAnH zz 05/z9/2005 m 0e/ns0005 25 0e02/2005 2e vsao/:cos 27 ns/za/z000 ze o7/03/200* zs 0n10/20o* so 07/1r/2005 31 07/24/2005 so 07/31/2005 sa oe/or/uons sx 08/14/2n05 ss oo/21/2005 xa ua/zo/zons 37 09/04/2003 ao ny/iz/zoos ze nx/zs/cons 40. 0e/2�/200s 41 10/02/2005 42 10/09/2005 43 10/11F/20o5 44 zu/ca/zunn oa zn/awzons us zz/os/cuno m 11/13/2005 48 zz/uo/uoou «s 11/27/2005 �n 12/04/2005 51 12/11/20105 52 12/18/2005 53 zc/cs/zuos ~ raax aoaovn _ - _ s-Feb-zoos 13.2e.04 Page 2 of 6 mucr. :.yu 22/0'/,00s c s7 u,os 32m02501 1,92 2.0z 01/11/2uu5 z ux zo� oz/zz/oncs Ycz z oa 01/29/2005 x.cn 3.92 52/05/2005 o ou I oz 0202/2005 0.99 zoz nz/ze/aoos u�ya �oo 02/26/e00s o ae z:o oa/n/znns o eo zuo 0302/2005 Ma oo 03/19/2005 o�yn 1uo os/zs/zoe cAo z no n4/02/2005 ME z.00 01/vn/2005 0.92 2.0o oVza/zuos n.eo 1.00 04/cs/2005 0.99 z.oi 04/30/2001 1.00 1.02 os/nWznns inz z.us os/zVcoos 142 1.04 os/zz/zonu 143 z�os 0028/2005 2.02 1,04 na/nWzoou 1,01 1,03 oa/Iz/znos zAI :.00 0602/2005 1.00 :oz oe/us/uoon nnn 1.02 0-7/02/2003 i'nn i.02 nnoo/cnos oo 1 .00 07/16/2005 1.02 07/23/2005 1.02 o7/so/zous i .oi ns na/os/2005 1.0i � us oe/�a/�000 z.o� �ns un/zn/xoos i.oi 06/27/2005 1.0i i.os 0*/03/2005 z.oi z us 09/10/2005 -1 �nz z ns oy/o/znno 1,02 z.n� ny/24/2oo: z ona zo/nz/znos os na zn/oa/uoos z u, � n* 10/zs/2005 z.ou zzz 10/22/200s z.o� �oe 10/29/2005 1.05 i.07 c/ox/zous i.ua z.CIS 1.03 11/19/2005 o.yn 1.00 11/26/2005 0,98 inn 12/03/200: 0.98 z.nn 12/10/2005 0.99 12/17/2e0S 0,99 12/24/2005 o.yy 1.01 -12/31/2005 1.02 1ou 3760 Brd Road MUSP Traf19c1mpactStudy • • J /A\ Appendix 4: Traffic Counts (TMC's & ATR) RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • • Table: T-3 3760 Bird Road MUSP INTERSECTION APPROACH VOLUMES !INTERSECTION NO. INTERSECTION NAME APPROAC}1 MOVEMENT PM PEAK HR COUNT 5 Peak Hour Factor (PHf) Thursday, September 07, 2006 2 % PSCF F 1.03 PEAK SEASONAL ADJLJSTM 5 NT l BACKGROUND GROWTH Ca@_, 2% Committed f"OR 3 Years Ucvetu.mo is li 7 Not 'Tr'a c w!a Proyecl E 48 Site Traffic (VPI l n tl Tofai Traffic i(VPI i) 1 4.. T 2 i 0 Bird Road & SW 3Bth Ave SOUTHEOUNi7 SBR 44 45 48 1.U3 � 103 9 1401 t9 1428 _0 .._..__ 46 SHL 82 83 9B,W 0.__.._._. TOTAL 94 ......... 87 8 103 9 0 0 1ti 3 9 WESTBOUND MR B 1.03 2 0 4U WBT 1280 1.03 1.03 1318 18 1399 1441 WUL 17 19 19 313 1487 (5 TOTAL 1305 1.03 1344 1426 2 69 45 [i NORTHBOUNDWIT NBR 46 47 50 24 1.03 25 26 26 26 NHL 125 1.03 129 137 213 0 5mm 1337 44 119 167 302 113 1237rn 1 TOTAL 195 201 213 7 EASTBOUND E8R 11 1.03 8 7 12 EHT 1118 ._m 14 1.03 1152 1222 22'7 15 10 FBI_ 1.03 14 15 1:1 TOTAL _...__ i70.,. mj. ..,... TOTAL 2732 2814__. 2986 7 2993 Y 316 3 2 Bird Road & SW 37th Court SOUTHBOitNO SOB H7 � co Thursday, September 07, 2006 1.03 90 95 t3a .5 3 --__..... 0 1 98 1Et SI1T 3 1.03 ;} 3 _._........_._,........ ..,._..___. 0 ...__...... _,_ 5BL 0 1.03 _._......,_,.. 0 ......._ U ....._.__._...._ 0 0 TOTAL 90 r_..,......,._ 1113 93 9__. 8 0 98 WESTBOUND-7...._..._ WBR 16 _........_. 15 Ifs 16 0 WBT 1386 i-WBT 1428 151 5 '2 ._...__ 1517 7�....__,_ 19 �._...m.�.. 18 37 L 1536 25 1577 6 1 ©3 L TOTAL. 1407 1449 1538 2 1540 ; NORTHBOUND NBR 47co 1.03 48 51 31 45ci 9±a 12 471 N8T 11 1 LB 103 11 7 12 12 f3 0 7 t3 40 TOTAL 65 67 71 0 71 1 85 156 6 112..7 94 EASTBOUND EBB 7 1.03 7 8 B O 1 ENT 985 1.03 1015 1077 5 1082 45 EUL 66 1.U3 119 94 fd4 11 TOTAL 1076 1110 1178 2886 5 7 1183 55 1238 TOTAL 2 2640 2719 2893 177 3070 ©Richard Garcia and Associates, Inc., 2005 • • • Table: T-3 3760 Bird Road MUSP INTERSECTION APPROACH VOLUMES a o )71 ut w cn w Z INTERSECTION NAME APPROACH MOVEMENT PM PEAK HR COUNT Peak Hour Factor (.PliF) Date of Count PEAK SEASONAL ADJUSTMENT BACKGROUND GROWTH @ 2"! FOR 3 Years Committed Developments i Net TraiFc Site Traffic: w/o Project Vf'H) Total Traf;ir, { (VIBHj 1 2 2 5 6 7 6 , 3 Peacock Ave & SW 38th Ave. SOUTHOOUND SBR 0 0.920 Friday, September 08, 2006 1.03 0 U 0 0 t7 SET 115 03 1.03 118 __ 28 _._. ., 12b 0._.__ 126,.,..._ 155 Of3 12 _ 3-- _ '0 31 �39 0 ._.....15 1f35 0 43 0. 9 0 U c1 136 .__.__. .1'_.. 121� i 166 ..,'1 SOL 27 3U. _._... TOTAL 142 __._...._.,_ 146 ...... 155 - 0 WESTBOUND 1 3 1,i73 1,03 103 1.03 1.03 1_£3 1t)2 WBT 2 �iO 2 '2 2__._� WBL 179 1)34 .._.....,..... 268 136 TOTAL 280 30606 —...___� 3�� 97 112 0 249 411 97 1 57 NORTHBOUND NBR 89 92 143 0 235 97 139 1."�2 NBL 0 0 TOTAL 228 249 £1 249 EASTOOUND Ef7R 0 0 0 U 0 ' i BT 0 0 0 710 all. 0 103 TOTAL a 0 670 n 710 a 0 846 TOTAL 65A 0 4 Peacock Ave & SW 37th Ct. SOUT1IBOt}NO St3R 19 iit co 0 Thursday, September 07, 2008 €_03 20 21 21 1 45 �.. _._.._._. 187 1E1'i 0 � 0 2'5 11 31 SOT 10 1.03 1.03 10 11 SOL 42 10 � TOTAL 41 42 45 €3 173 ............._. 21e to WESTBOUND WBR 5 1.03 1.03 _....._., 1.03 5 5 �__ U WBT" 171 175 ..............__ 47 157 _.._......._. '1 i17 _._..--- .�_.__ 60 i 252 114 42 107 i 272 �,...........,..._ WBL 46 50 50 0 243 TOTAL TOTAL__ NOR 222,__„__ 229 243 9 NORTHBOUND 1 €3 1.03 11 3 124 i 21 0 MIT 38 1.03 39 42 42 __.._197 U 0 N81) 98 1.03 101 /07 TOTAL 249 1.03 256 272 0 272 14 ......_ 0 . EASTBOUND FOR 13 13 4 ..... 4t �........ E)3T 84 1.03 ._. 87 92 . EBI_ 9 1.03 9 tU tU �.97 .. TOTAL 106 109 116 0 116 37 '21 3 147 8P39 TOTAL 618 637 676 t7 676 West 1 TAM data provided by RCA, Inc. 2 Peak hour Factor from Peak Hour Traffic (page 2) 3 Day and Date Count was taken. 4 Peak Season Correction Factor obtained from FDOT's FTI2005 5 PM Peak Hour Peak Season Adjusted 5 Project is expected 10 have a build -out in 3 years. 7 Committed Development Traffic. 8 Net Traffic with seasonally adjusted, background and committed. 9 Site Traffic in Vehicles per hour. 10 Total Traffic in vehicles per hour ?0Eil20 06 67Richard Garcia and Associates, Inc., 2005 Start Pig Time ht Factor 1.0 M 04;15 P._..m.0. 0430PM 9 04:45 PM 4 Totat 23 05:00 PM 0515 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM Total 06:00 PM Grand Total Apprch % Total % • 38 AVE From North Thr Loft Ped Apo Rig s Total ht 10 0 0 1.0 ,.._. 0 22 1 0 21 2 12 4 55 7 10 9 7 2 Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc 13117 NW 107 Ave. Suite- No.4 Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018 I:305-595-75051Faxi305-675-6474 Groups Printed BIRD ROAD From East Thr Left Ped App. s i Total 1 ht 0 0 10' 312 5 1 319 7 306 4 0 312 `' 9 299 5 0 308 1 € 917 14 1 939 . 27 12 8 2 0 22 1 2 289 6 17 10 4 0 30 i 3 312 8 8 9 1 0 18 i 2 314 4 11 11 2 0 24 1 333 3 47 38 9 0 94 8 1248 21 9 12 79 76 46 44 2 4 1.5 1.4 0.3 0.0 3.2 0.3 1 0 22 g 2 16 0 171 17 9.4 0.0 0.7 321 248 6 97. 7 46. 8 fted SW 38 AVE BIRD ROAD From South From West Thr Left Ped App Rig Thr Left Ped App s Total ' ht u s . Total . Total .:L..1. 1 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 32 0 451 0 281 4 1 7 34 0 50 0 247 6 2 5 36 0 52 0 256 4 0 18 102 0 147 0 784 14 3 File Name : BlRDRO_ Site. Cade : 00000000 Start Date : 91712006 Page Na : 1 1 298', 14 5 38 0 323 12 6 27 2 322 14 6 32 1 338 11 7 29 4 1281 51 24 126 2 0 325', 9 37 5 2545 87 21. 8 0.7 0.1 47.9 1,6 1.5 0.2 5 47 11. 8 0.9 37 265 66. 4 5.0 286 672 255 638 260 632 801 1942 0 57 i 8 240 5 1 254 631 0 45i 6 250 2 0 258 656 0 52 0 289 3 1 293 685 0 47 0 278 4 0 282 691 0 201 14 E07 14 2 1087 2663 0 51 i 0 0 399 14 0.0 0.6 0.0 7. 0.3 301 214 2 97. 6 40. 3 5 1 307 705 33 6 2195 i 5310 1.5 0.3 0.6 0.1 41.3 0 m S* Out n Tota 97'.. 171 _ 2681 79 76 15 0 Riglr T hru Leif Peels 41 North 81712006 4:15:00 PM 19, /2006 6:00:00 PM Unshifted 4-7 Let Tiro Right Pads 265 47 87 0 a ID 1271 399' i 526 Out Total 38/ 38 AVE Percent 06:00 Volume Peak Factor Nigh int. Volume Peak Factor • Richard Garcia & Assaciates, Inc 1311 7 NW 107 Ave. Suite- No.4 Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018 I: 305-595-7505/Fax.305-675 6474 38 AVE BIRD ROAD rn North From East Start I Ped App. Rio Thr Ped App Time ) t ? u Lef s Total ht u Lett s Total Peas }-iour Prum 04.15PPSto0600PM- Peak1ot1 Intersect 05 15 PM on Volume 44 42 8 46 44. 8 7 9 12 1 05-15 PM 8.5 0.0 22 128 2 321 05:45 PM 16 10 4 0 30 i 333 0.78 3 8 0 VV38AVE From South r LeI Ped u 17 3 1308 46 24 125 97, 13 0.2 23. 12. 64. 9 6 3 2 0 325 9 5 37 05:30 PM 3 1 333 14 6 32 0.96 7 File Name : BIRDRO- Site Cade : 00000000 Start Date : 9/7/2006 Page No 2 BIRD ROAD From West App Rig Thr Left Ped I App. lot. Total ht: u s Total Total n 195 00 0 5 0 52 0.93 8 19 i 6 8 14 2 1140 : 2737 1.2 0.2 0 301 5 1 307705 98. 1 6:00 PM 0 301 5 1 307 0.92 8 SVv se AVE Out In T otal as I 94i ` 140 44I 421. 81 Right Thru Left Pe L tort} 977/2006 5: 1 5:00 PM /7I2006 6:00 00 PM Unsh4ted Left Thfg Right Peds 125 24 46 01 65' l 1951 260 Qua in Total SW 35 AVE - 0.971 Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc 13117 NW 107 Ave- Suite- N0.4 Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018 Tel: 305-595- 7 505/Fax.305-675-6474 Groups Printed- 3 COURT _-..... BERD ROAD From Nate From East Pi Y r Ped App Rl5 i nr Lett Ped 9 � Lett Tirne I 5 Total ht u I s Factor 0 0 1 0 1.0 ' i 0 ? 0 1.0i '© 04:00 PM 20 1 0 0 21 3 289 0 0 292 +' 04:15 PM 22 1 0 0 23 3 246 2 0 251 04:30 PM 17 2 0 0 19 , 3 252 3 0 258 04:45 PM 26 0 0 0 26 i 5 340 1 0 346 Total 85 4 0 0 89 14 12 6 0 1147 App. Total 05:00 PM 22 1 0 0 23 4 349 2 0 355 05:15 PM 18 1 0 0 19 3 350 2 0 355 05:30 PM 21 1 0 0 22 3 347 1 0 351 05:45 PM 17 1 0 0 18 4 351 2 0 357 Total 78 4 0 0 82 14 13? 7 0 1418 Grand 163 Total Apprch % 95.3 Total % 3.3 • 8 0 0 171 28 4.7 00 0.0 1.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 3.4 0.6 252 4 98. nshitted SW 37 COURT BIRD ROAD From SouthFran West Rig Thr eft Ped App. Rio Thf Ped ht a s � Total nt Lert .. s. 10, 0 1.0' 1.0 0 250 24 0 4 2 2 0 8 4 240 27 0 9 5 2 0 16 8 227 28 0 14 3 2 0 19 1 246 26 0 33 12 7 0 52 13 963 105 0 File Name - untitled3 Site Code : 00000000 Start Date : 9/7/2006 Page Na : App Total Total 274 i 596 271 553 263 l 556 273 664 1081 2369 12 1 2 0 15 6 238 19 0 263 656 10 3 2 0 15 0 255 21 0 276 665 11 4 1 0 16 0 246 20 0 266 655 13 2 2 0 17 0 243 18 0 261 ' 653 46 10 7_. 0 C 3 6 982 78 0 1066 I 2629 13 0 2565 79 22 14 0 115 0.5 0.0 68. 19. 12. fl.0 7 1 2 50. 0.3 0.0 51.3 1.6 0.4 0.3 0.0 2.3 5 19 194183 0 2147 4998 0.9 9 6 8.5 0.0 0.4 3 3.7 0.0 43.0 Q' 0 c $ 0 w I No I ;a SW 37 COi.:P T Out In To:al 2331 171: ', 404' 1631 81 0 0' Right Thru Left Reds Narih 9/712005 4:00:00 PM 9.,712006 5:45:00 PM Unshifted m il-, i -4 Left 11wCll Rig' ht Pede 14 22', 75 0: 'I 1-15 155 Out In T©tai SW 37 5OUFT Richara Garcia & Associates, Inc 13117 NW 107 Ave_ Suite- No.4 Hialeah Gardens, FL 33015 Tel: 305-595-7505/Fax:305-675--64 7 4 r COURT BIRD ROAD S'W 37 COURT From North From East From South Start R.g...Thr Left Ped App. Rig Thr Left Ped App. Rig ; Thr Left Ped App. Time hr u 1 s : Total ht u s Total ht u.... $ Total Peak Hour Ero 04.00 PM to 05.45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Intersecti G4.4 PM on Volume 337 3 Percent 3.3 05:15 15 1 0 0 Volume Peak Factor High Int. 04:A5 PM Volume 26 0 Peak Factor 0 0.0 1.1 Pile Name : untitled3 Site Code : 00000000 Star! Date . 9/712006 Page No :.2 BIRD ROAD From West hr Let Ped . Apra Int. Total i atar 15 138 6 0 1407 47 11 7 0 651 7 985 866 0 1078 2640 98 72. 16. 10 91. 5 0.4 0.0 3 9 8 0 0 0.6 4 8.0 0.9 3 350 2 0 355 10 3 2 0 151 0 255 21 0 276 1 665 0.992 05:00 PM 04:45 PM 05.15 PM 0 26 4 349 2 0 355 14 3 2 0 19 0 255 21 0 276 0.86 ' 0.99 ' 0.85 . 0.97 5 1 5: 6 D Q w I m:=-- i Fj, C ' �' cn m 27 t v O v ca , m 17, • SW 37 Out in Tofu[ 112 90 2021 87 - 3 0 Wight Thru Left Peds North 5,r712005 4:45:00 PM 91712006 5:3a 09 PM Unshifted Left Thru Rlght Peds 7 '11 471 0' 16' 1 65.i 811 Tot SW 37 COURT Richard Garcia & Assoc ales, Inc 13117 NW 107 Ave. Suite- No_4 Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018 Tel: 305-595-7505/Fax:305-675-6474 • Groups Printed- linshifted SW '38 AVE PEACOCK AVE SW 38 AVE PEACOCK AVE File Name untitled Site Code 00000000 Start Date : 9/81200.6 Page No From North From From West East From South : Start l Rig: Thr I Left Ped , App. • Rig . Thr ' Left Ped App Rig Thr Left Ped App i i Rigc Thr i Left i Ped App Int. iii Time ht l u s Total Total : . : Factor ' 1 0 1.0 I 1,0 ; 1.0 •1.0 1.0 1.0 10 1.0 l 10 . 1.0 , 1 0 l 1.0 l 1.0 1.0 : 10 04:00 PM 0 26 7 0 33 l 25 1 33 0 59 - 12 31 0 0 43 i 0 0 0 0 0 135 , 04:15 PM 0 29 3 0 32 1 32 0 39 1 72 22 25 0 0 47 : 0 0 0 0 0 1.51 04:30PM 0 34 7 1 42.22 1 38 0 61 20 24 0 0 44: 0 0 0 0 0 147 04A5 PM 0 21 6 0 27 28 0 49 0 7 7 23 49 0 0 72. 0 0 0 0 C ; 176 Total 0 110 23 1 134 : 107 2 159 1 269. 77 129 0 0 206 0 0 0 0 0 609 05:00 PM 0 33 4 0 37 I 23 1 54 0 78 , 25 31 0 0 56 0515 PM 0 27 10 1 38 I 26 0 38 0 64 21 33 0 0 54 05:30 PM 0 26 5 0 31 24 0 40 0 64 22 30 0 0 52 05:45 PM 0 24 8 0 32 27 0 41 0 68 23 31 0 0 54 Total 0 10 27 1 136 100 1 173 0 274 91 125 0 0 216 Gran0 Total Apprch % Total % • • 0 0 0 0 0 i 171 0 0 0 0 0 I 156 0 0 0 0 0 147 0 0 0 0 0 I 154 0 0 0 0 0 628 0 220 50 2 272 207 3 332 1 543 168 254 0 0 422 0 0 0 0 0 i 1237 80 18 1 38. i 32.60. 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 0,6 61' 0 2 ; 4 1 • 17 ; 16. 0.2 26' 0.1 43 9 13. 20. 0.0 4.0 0.2 22 0 i 0.0 0.0 34.1 i 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 i 6 5 w !VZ Ll_ El ! I 41' SW 38 AVE in Total 461 272 7331 0 220 50, 2, Right Thr .2 Let, Reds North 0 i V8/2006 40000 PM _ /80005 5:45:00 PM rc., < Unshifted rn ' 2.i 41 1 ,---I. ! , ! Left -16ru Right Pads 0 254 1551 01 552 I 4221 974 Out In Total SW 35 AVE Sta Time Peak Hour to 5ectf 04:30 PM on Volume 0 115 Percent 0.0 04:45 Volume Peak Factor High int. 04 30 PM Volume 0 34 Peak Factor From North Rig . Thr Left Ped App. Rig s Total ! ht m 04 00 PM to 05 45 PM Peak 1 of 1 27 18. 8 2 144 1.4 0 21 6 0 27 Richard Garda & As 13117 NW 107 Ave. HialeahGardens, Tel. 305-59 5-7505 F ax: PEACOCK AVE From Eas Tt r Left u. d App. Total 99 2 179 0 35. 04.7 69 U.0 28 0 49 0 05:00 PM 7 1 42 23 1 0.85 280 sedates, lnc Suite- No_4 FL 33018 305-675-6474 W 38 AVE From South g ' Thr Left 'ed ht U ' s 39_ 4 77� 23 File Name : untitled-1 Site Code : 00000000 Start Date 9/8/2006 Page No 2 PEACOCK AVE From West Rig Thr Le, � Ped App. Int, u s Total Total 137 0 0 226 0 0 0 0 60. 0.0 0.0 CIO 0.0 0.0 0.0 49 0 0 72 0 0 0 0 54:45 PM 54 0 78 23 49 0.89 7 3:45:00 PM 0 0 72 0.78 ' w —4 `or iCr • S`tN`5tAVw Out in Total 236 ! 144 i 350: 0: 115,. 27 2 Right Thru Left Peds North 9/8/2006 430:00 PM O/8r2006 5:15:00 PM Unstinted Lett Tnru Right Pads 0 137'.. 89', 0'.. j 294: 226 i 520 Out in Total SW 38 AV= 650 178 0923 Richard Garcia & Associates. inc 13117 NW 107 Ave. Suite- No.4 Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018 Te?: 305-595-750057Fox:305-675-6474 File Name : EACOC--2 Site Code : 00000000 Start Date : 9/7/2006 Page No : 1 .... Groups Printed- t nshifted 9 3 CC�'JRT PE1CG ,AVE SW 37 COURT PEACOCK AVE From North From East From South From West c Thr ............ Pe ..,. An R�n Thr Perri App. P A D. Thr ' Para ' A Ri Thr Start Left 7 Ape ; 9 Lett �f Left Tin -re I nt u " s Total ; 5t u s Total ht a Total ot<al ht a Le'' s Total Total Factor; 0 1 v 1. 0 0 ..... 11 1.0 1 0 E 0 1 0 1.0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1.0 0: 1.0 04:00 PM 3 4 1 7 42 �� 2 55 22 8 22 ... 53 4 20 1 0 25 144 04:15 PM 4 2 4 3 13 2 38 9 1 50 26 11 21 2 60 2 21 2 0 25 148 04:30 PM 5 2 2 2 11 2 41 8 0 51 24 7 19 1 51 : 3 23 2 0 28 141 04:45 PM 4 3 3 2 12 1 39 10 1 51 31 5 20 1 61 3 24 0 28" 152 Total 15 8 12 11 47 i E 160 37 4 207 103 35 82 22 2 88 6 0 106 : 585 05:00 PM 4 3 2 1 10 1 40 11 1 53 29 10 20 1 60 2 22 1 0 25 i 148 05:15 PM 3 0 1 2 6 1 42 15 1 59 30 11 25 1 67 3 20 5 0 28 l 160 05:30 PM 7 3 7 2 19 1 31 9 0 41 22 4 25 3 54 4 28 0 0 32 ' 146 05:45 PM 5 4 2 0 11 2 56 11 1 72 32 13 28 2 75 4 14 3 0 21 179 Total 19 10 12 5 48 5 171 46 3 225.113 38 98 7 256 13 84 9 0 106_ 633 Grand 35 18 24 16 931, 11 331 83 7 432 216 73 180 12 481 25 172 15 0 212 1218 Total 37. 19. 25. 17. 76. 19. 44. 15. 37. 11. 81. Apprch °1a 6 4 8 2 2.5 6 2 1.6 9 2 4 2.5 8 1 7.1 0.0 Total % 2.9 1.5 2.0 1.3 7,6 0,9 2 6.8 0.6 3 ,5 1 7 6.0 1 & 1.0 39.5 2.1 14. 1.2 0.0 17.4 ; SW 37 COURT Out 1n Ta a-. • • 99' 93 192'. 35' 16' 24 16 Right Thru North Ped ,9712036 4:00:00 PM 97712006 5:45:00 PM nshi8ed Left 1- iru Right Reds 180 73! 216 12! 126 i 481' i 607 Out in Total SW 37 COURT Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc 13117 NW 197 Ave. Suite- No-4 Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018 T ei 305-595-7505/Fax:305-675-64 4 File Name ; PEADOC 2 Site Code : 00090000 Start Date : 917/2006 Page No ;2 SW 37 COURT PEACOCK AVE S 1 37 COURT PEACOCK AVE From North From East From South From West StaffFrig , Thr Left Peel ...APE Rig Thr Peel Alp. i00 Tyr Let,Pee App. Rig Thr Lift Ped Aop Let, 1 Time I ht u is Totals ht s Total nt s Total s Total Peek Hour From 04 00 PM to 05.45 Pali- Peak 1 of Intersect' 05:0C PM on Voiume 19 10' 12 5 46 5 171 46 3 225 113 38 98 7 255 13 84 9 0 106 '. 633 4?. 21. 26. 10. 76, 20- 44. 14- 38_ 12. 75. Percent 3 1 9 2.2 C 4 1.3 8 3 2.7 3. 2 3.5 0.0 • 05:45 Volume Peak Factor High int. 05.3E PM Volume 7 3 Peak Factor 5 4 2 0 11 i 2 58 11 1 7 2 19 0.60 5 05:45 P Int. Total 72 32 13 28 2 75 4 14 3 0 21 I 179 0.884 V1 05:45 PM 0530 PM 2 59 11 1 72 32 13 28 2 75 4 28 0 0 32 0.78 0.85 0.82 1 3 8: SN 37 COL.07 Out In Total 52 4fi'', __ 9R 12 Right Thru Left Reds North 5/712006 5:D0:00 PM 19,712006 5:45:00 PM Unshifted w. Left Thr E Right Peels 98 38, 1137 69i 2561 ' 325 —out €r Total SW 37 COURT —r6 Ia m �I EN .5 Q H t- Is T iHrn 4 � 1 Wi iv • • Table: T-2 3760 Bird Road MUSP PM PEAK HOUR VOLUMES Link ROADWAY NAME EXISTING CONDITION (5:e4son 'Otte AT 41 0 3 ar E 0 L) EIR 8 PM Peak Hour Tuesday 4 Wednesday Thursday AVERAGE 1 9i PM PEAK HOUR VOLUME 1 2 Bird Road (SW 40th St) Douglas Road {SW 37th Ave) West of Douglas Road North of Bird Rood 0 t0 m to rn 1145 WB LINK NH 6S LINK 2417 3562 353 831 1184 '1228 1136 1 189 1,107 _ 25a7__._ 2ar,42476 2,499 3776Tm3650 3662 3,697 277 311 3t4 317 847 792 623 831 1124 1103 1137 1,148 Notes, 1 Roadway Name 2 Location of Count 3 Source of Data: RGA-Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. 4 Uegirrning of data count 5 Ending of data count 6 Peak Seasonal Correction Factor obtained front 2005 F1onda Traffic Information CD, Miami -Dade South Category 3701 7 Axle Correction Factor obtained from 2005 Florida Traffic Information CD 8 Link Direction 0, 10, 11 Raw Data 12 Average of Count 13 Peak Season Adjusted PM Peak Hour Ca1culalion Average`PSCF-ACF Richard Gard- ro.socitites, fnc. 2005 Start 0 3ep 06 Time Tue 12:00 AM 12:15 12:30 12:45 01:00 01:15 01;30 01:45 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 03:00 03:15 03:30 03:45 04:00 04:15 04:30 04:45 05:00 05:15 05:30 05:45 06:00 06:15 06:30 06:45 07:00 07:15 07:30 07:45 08;00 08:15 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:30 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 RCHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC 13117 NVV 107 AVE. UNIT NO.4 HIALEAH GARDENS, FL 33018 305.595.75051 FAX 305.675.6474 68 L�#S 48 121 40 57 29 63 23 44 18 49 17 29 9 35 13 24 6 33 16 30 19 19 24 24 32 12 16 12 11 10 17 20 39 16 40 19 55 41 79 78 130 98 172 92 258 177 271 254 268 355 304 439 364 362 315 365 348. 375 325 403 304 403 300 439 301 416 304 369 310 383 315 320 304 357 306 379 278 347 291 366 304 381 270 330 238 374 285 402 257 402' 273 :'437: 276 .: 460.. 235 457' Page 1 Site Code: 000000000000 Station ID: 12107 BIRD ROAD EAST OF SW 38 AVE Latitude: 0' 0.000 Undefined Total Total Percent 8420 10705 44.0% 56.0% 169 97 92 67 67 46 44 37 39 28 46 31 30 34 41 52 55 59 96 157 228 264 435 525 623 743 726 680 723. 728 707 739' 717 673: 693 635 661 685 625 657 685 600 612 687 659 710 726 692 19125 Peak Vol. P.H.P. • 06:30 11:00 1352 1746 0.929 0.955 07:00 2897 0.975 Start Time 12:00 PM 12;15 12:30 12:45 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:45 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 03:00 03:15 03:30 03:45 04:00 04;15 04:30 04:45 05:00 05:15 05:30 05:45 06:00 06:15 06:30 06:45 07:00 07:15 07:30 07:45 08:00 08:15 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:30 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 -Sep-06 Tue ES 259 251 260 262 267 275 241 273 305 251. 240 265 283 282 254 256 257 264 253 240 269 239 225 220 204 204 212 202 198 167 155 178 180 146 134 141 143 113 117 96 90 74 66 52 48 37 25 RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, iNC. 13117 NW 107 AVE. UNIT NO.4 HIALEAH GARDENS, FL 33018 305.595..7505 / FAX 305.675.6474 VV 6 500 505 497 498 473 521 584 516 450 538 552 533 514 484 556 510 525 570 556 620 632 563: 602 544 527 452 429 363 427 333 282 321 231 211 253 231 239 217 200 179 166 135 172 121 106 60 73 61 Page 2 Site Cade: 000000000000 Station ID. 12107 BIRD ROAD EAST OF SVV 38 AVE Latitude: 0' 0.000 Undefined Total 759 756 757 760 740 796 825 789 755 854 803 773 779 767 838 764 781 827 820 873 872 832 841 769 747 656 633 575 629 531 449 476 409 391 399 365 380 360 313 296 262 225 246 187 158 108 110 86 Total Percent 9489 18632 33.7% 66.3% 28121 Peak Vol. P.H.F. • 13:45 1145 0.906 16:45 2417 0.956 16:45 3418 0.979 btai: Time 12:00 AM 12:15 12:30 12:45 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:45 02:0 02:15 02:30 02:45 03:00 03:15 03:30 03:45 04:00 04:15 04:30 04:45 05:00 05:15 05:30 05:45 06:00 06:15. 06:30 06:45 07:00 07:15 07:30 07:45. 08:00 08:15 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:30 09:45 10:00 1.0:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:3D 11:45 5-Sep-0 EB 22 21 11 26 16 11 14 20 9 10 12 9 14 11 11 23 31 39 50 96 106 174 271 317 319 353 321 301 317 313 317 297 288 346 ...: 338 346: 290 308 313 337 313 292 270 251 308 302 305 302 RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 13117 NW 107 AVE. UNIT NO.4 HIALEAH GARDENS, FL 33018 305.595.7505 / FAX 305.675.6474 WB 52 46 44 49 44 31 27 21 12 18 20 12 12 11 16 38 17 24. 53 81 65 101 166 243 423 494 375 372. 432 408 442. 443 454 409 342 364 385 393 360 356 371 442 401 425 432 420 449 401 Page 3 Site Code: 000000000000 Station la 12107 BIRD ROAD EAST OF SW 38 AVE Latitude: 0' 0.000 Undefined Total 74 67 55 75 60 42 41 41 21 28 32 21 26 22 27 61 48 63 103 177 171 275 437 560 742 847 696 673 749 721 759 740 742 755' 680 710 675 701 673 693 684 734 671 676 740 722 754 703 Total Percent 8771 10996 44.4% 55.6% 19767 Peak Vol. P.H.F. • 08:15 1320 0.935 07:30 1748 0.885 07:30 2996 0.884 Start O6-Sep 06 Time Wed E8 12:00P1v1..... 242 12:15 281 12:30 295 12:45 278 01.00 285 01:15 261 01:30 255 01:45 296 02:00 329 02:15 299 02:30 304 02:45 295 03:00 286 03.15 273 03:30 279 03:45 295 04:00 250 04:15 281 04:30 265 04:45 294 05:00 259 05:15 277 05:30 273 05:45 216 06:00 241 06:15 209 06:30 205 06:45 198 07:00 220 07:15 215. 07:30 181 07:45 185 08:00 168 08:15 175 08:30 174 08:45 . 167 09:00 149 09:15 134 09:30 135 09:45 114 10:00 103 10:15 76 10:30 78 10:45 67 11:00 67 11:15 48 11:30 37 11:45 41 RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1,3117 NW 107 AVE. UNIT NO.4 HIALEAH GARDENS. FL 33018 305.595.7 505 / FAX 305.675.6474 V`J8 446 449 452 470 466 480 579 482 473 520 539 542 618 573 604 625 643 609. 623 672 595 563 478 396 385 253. 280 248 250 238 242 286 177 192 177 185 140 150 137 127 132 137 112 101 82 65 59 66 Page 4 Site Code: 000000000000 Station ID: 12107 BIRD ROAD EAST OF SW 38 AVE Latitude: 0' 0.000 Undefined T a] Total Percent 10055 17038 37.1% 62.9% 688 730 747 748 751 741 834 778 802 819 843 837 904 846 883 920 893 890 888 966 854 840. 751 612 626 462 485 446 470 453 423 391 345 367 351 352 289 284 272 241 235 213 190 168 149 113 96 107 27093 Peak 13:45 Vol. 1228 F.H.F. 0.933 • 16:00 2547 0.948 16:00 3637 0.941 • • St — Time 12:00 AM 12:15 12:30 1245 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:45 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 03.00 03:15 03:30 03:45 04:00 04:15 04:30 04:45 05:00 05:15 05:30 05:45 06:00 06:15 06:30 06:45 07:00 07:15 07:30 07:45 08:00 08:15. 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:30 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 Total Percent Peak Vol. P. H.F. Thu FB 26 22 18 18 16 20 18 15 17 11 12 12 17 16 24 23 40 52 55 79 115 183 263 308 298 351 318 286 289 311 243 266 251 314 346` 320 312 333. 312 326 305 277 283 302 281 279 300 274 8557 44.5% RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 13117 NW 107 AVE. UNIT NO.4 HIALEAH GARDENS, FL 33018 305.595.7505 1` FAX 305.675.6474 WB Page 5 Site Code: 000000000000 Station ID: 12107 BIRD ROAD EAST OF SW 38 AVE Latitude: 0` 0.000 Undefined Total _._..91 117 55 77 55 73 44 62 49 65 37 57 33 51 26 41 27 44 14 25 24 36 20 32 16 33 18 34 18 42 24 47 27 67 18 70 33 88 66 145 90 205 79 262 139 402 210 518 299 597 431 782 428 746 370 656 374 663 418 729 406 649 441 707 430 681 412 726 396 742 331 651. 361 673 382 . 715 370 682 363 689 369 674 351 628 408 691 402 704 414 695 435 714, 435 735 453 727' 10692 19249 55.5% 08:30 11:00 1311 1737 0.934 0.959 11:00 2871 0.918 • • • Start 07-$ep-OS Time Thu 12:00 PM 12:15 12:30 12:45 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:45 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 03:00 03:15 03:30 • 03:45 04:00 04:15 04:30 04:45 05:00 05:15 05:30 05:45 06:00 06:15 06:30 06:45. 07:00 07:15 07:30 07A5 08:00 .08:15 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:30 :09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 13117 NW 107 AVE. UNIT NO.4 HIALEAH GARDENS, FL 33018 305.59'5.7505 / FAX 305:675.64 r 4 EB VVB 277 451 274 476 286 473 302 475 299 472 289 494 280 532 297 548 320 466 285 506 277 536 271 536 251 528 227 5.51 264 565 249 557 267 575 283 '.':;; ` 607. 265 583 848 270 622 892 248 652 900 264 579 843 258 583 841 249 511 . 760 218 462 680 223 419 642 207 341 548 209 322 531 200 338 538 209 292 501 191 260 451 168 282 450 182 219 401 174 194 368 161 223 384 154 204 358 154 212 366 146 179 325 124 175 299 126 158 284 105 147 252 97 134 231 75 155 230 72 117 189 60 104 164 58 71 129. 43 69 112 0 0 0 Total 9908 17955 27863 Page 6 Site Code: 000000000000 Station ID: 12107 BIRD ROAD EAST OF SW 33 AVE Latitude 0' 0.000 Undefined Total 728 750 759 777 771 783 812 845 786 791 813 807 779 778 829 806 842 Percent 35.6% 64.4% Peak 13:15 16:15 16:15 Vol. 1186 2464 3530 P.N.F. 0.927 0.945 0.981 Grand Total Percent 55200 86018 141218 39.1 % 60.9% ADT Not Calculated Richard Garcia & Assocates, 13.117 NW 107th Ave, Suite 4 Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018 PH' 305-595-7505 FAX. 305-675-6474 Start .95.Sep-06 T]me Tue SB NB 14:DO Arv, 9 8 17 12:15 11 13 24 12:30 10 6 16 12:45 1.5 8 23 01-00 ", 1 7 18 01.15 8 5 13 01.30 7 4 11 01:45 6 .., 9 02:00 10 4 14 02:15 4 5 9 0230 4 3 7 02:45 9 3 12 03:00 8 5 13 03:15 9 3 12 0330 11 5 16 03.45 12 5 17 04:00 14 10 24 04:15 23 16 39 04:30 28 19 47 04:45 26 18 44 05:00 53 23 76 05:15 69 32 101 05:30 80 54 134 05:45 110 55 165 06:00 141 72 213 06:15 163 78 241 06:30 189 52 241 06:45 • 171 73 244 07:00 157 82 239 07:1.5 167 68 235 07:30 205 75 280 0745 176 - -74 250 08:00 162 - 90 252 08:15 159 ' 130 239 08:30 143 -83 226 08:45 140 61 . 201 09:00 145 85 230 09:15 161 83 244 09:30 124 78 202 09:45 142 71 213 10:00 170 56 226 10:15 159 49 208 10:30 181 77 258 1045 189 68 257 1100 • 197 61 258 1115 196 67 263 1130 . 204 81 285 11:45 169 72 241 Total 4557 2050 6607 Page 1 Percent 69.0% 31.0% Peak 10:45 07:45 Vol. 786 327 P.H.F. 0.959 0.908 • Site Code: 000000000000 Station ID: 12112 SW 37 Ave NO BIRD RD Latitude: 00.000 Undefined Total 10:45 1063 0.932 Start 0 Time 1120O PM 12:15 12:30 12:45 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:45 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 03:00 03:15 03:30 03:45 04:00 04:15 04:30 04:45 05:00 05:15 05:30 05:45 06:00 •06:0 06:30 06:45 07:00 07:15 07:30 07:45 08:00 08:15 08:30 06:45 09:00 09:15 09:30 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 • Tue 88 Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. 13117 NW 107th Ave, Suite 4 Hiaiea h Gardens, FL 33018 PH: 305-595- 505 FAX:305-375-6474 NFL 79 7 89 92 74 204 97 190 93 218 62 196 65 199 71 192 87 174 84 172 70 176 67 167 63 163 78 183 58 187 63 177 66 186 60 173 57 161 56 185 72 171 . 50 184 60 154 59 140 70 168 61 129 65 137 55 158 54 1.26 54 114 49 108 47 104 45 1.03 47 105 43 84 48 90 43 62 53 68 32 57. 26 73 30 41. 33 44 32 44 :23 53 22 27 19 19 9 23 9 Latltude: 0' Page 2 Site Code: 000000000000 Station ID: 12112 SW 37 Ave NIOBIRD R13 .000 Undefined T ot� 2/7 326 266 301 283 280 261 270 279 258 242 243 23C 241 241 250 243 246 230 217 257 221 244 213 210 229 194 192 212 180 163 155 149 150 148 132 133 115 100 83 103 74 76 67 75 46 28 32 Total 6516 2649 9165 Percent 71.1% 28.9% Peak 12:00 12:15 12:15 Vol. 831 353 1176 P.H.F. 0.877 0.910 0.902 • • art '6-Sep-06 me Wed 2:00 AM 12:15 12:30 12:45 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:45 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 03:00 03:15 03:30 03:45 04:00 04:15 04:30 04:45 05:00 05:15. 05:30 05:45 06:00 06:15 06:30 06:45 07:00 07:15 07:30 07:45 08:00 08:15 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:30 09:45 10:00 1.0:.15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 Total Percent Peak Vol. P.H.F. Richard Garc€a & Associates, Inc. 13117 NW 107th Ave, Suite 4 Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018 PH: 305-595-7505 FAX:3005-675-6474 SB NB 15 11 15 10 8 7 6 8 3 13 . 4 2 4 4 6 3 4 4 7 2 4 5 13 2 10 5 4 5 18 8 13 9 30 14 32 19 55 32 67 44 83 59 113 52 151 74 163 74 196 84 179 68 185 92 179 90 201 100 181 91 199 93 147 i105 164 143 '94` 170 1 02 162 92 152 85 157 79 125 72 160 82 165 93 172 89 '207: 89 88 . 79 i2o675 208 74 4706 2408 66.253 33.8% 12 10 11:00 08:15 809 409 0.972 0.947 Page 3 Site Code: 00000000000 Station ID: 12112 SW 37 Ave N/O BIRD RC Latitude: 0' 0.000 Undefined Tea! 27 21 24 18 13 11 20 66p 8 9 8 9 9 15 15 9 26 22 44 51 87 111 142 165 225 237 280 247 277 269. 301 272. 292 252 272 237 272 254 237 236 197 242 258 261 296 267 281 282 7114 07:15 1134 0.942 • • Start Time 1200FM 12:15 12:30 12.45 01:00 01:1 5 01:30 01:45 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 03:00 03.15 03:30 03:45 04:00 04:15 04:30 04:45 05:00 05:15 05:30 05:45 06:00 06:15 06:30 06:45 07:00 07:15 07:30 07:45 08:00 08:15 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:30 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 Total Percent D6-Sep-D6 Wed Ri- ;d Garcia & Assoctate5, Inc. 13117 NV 107th Ave. Suite 4 Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018 PH: 305-595-7505 FAX. 308-675-6474 Page 4 bite Code: 0100000000000 Station 0,12112 SV' 37 Ave N/O BIRD RD Latitude; 0' 0,000 Undefined Iota-) 8 66 241 54 253 59 273 5 44 239 205 45 250 233 62 295 203 59 262 165 54 219 201 63 264 180 48 228 168 71 239 119 60 179 142 46 188 152 62 214 151 50 201 161 77 238 171 63 234 169 56 225 181 67 248 184 69 253 184 49 233 157 50 207 165 50 215 172 ;'. 76 248 166 58: 224 166 76 242 133 67 200 140 67 207 138 60 198 129 . 44 173 116 50 166 109 53 162 106 43 149 112. 55,. 167 118 50 168 115 44 159 98 50 148 81 52 133 85 32 117 71 31 102 71 34 105 52 •35 87 51 27 78 45 21 66 50 . .. 22 72 38 :.:, 15 53 26 14 40 26 16 42 6488 2416 8904 72.9% 27.1 % S8 175 199 214 Peak 12:30 17:45 12:30 VoL 847 277 1057 P_H.F. 0.909 0.899 0.896 • • Start Time 12:00 AM 12:15 12.30 12:45 01:00 01:15 01:30 .4 015 v,J 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 03:00 03:15 03.30 03.45 04:00 04:15 04:30 04:45 05:00 05:15 05:30 05:45 06:00 06:15 06:30 06:45 07:00 • 07:15 07:30 07:45 08:00 08:15 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:30 09:45 10:00 10.15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 Total Percent Thu SB 4564 2291 66.6% 33.4% Peak Vol. P.H.F. • 11:00 07:15 748 384 0.969 0.906 Richard Garcia &Associates, Inc. 13117 NV1+ 107th Ave, Ste 4 Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018 PH: 305-595-7505 FAX 305-67 5-6474 Page 5 Site °ode: 000000000000 Station ID: 12112 SVV 37 Ave NYC BIRD RC Latitude: 0' 0.000 Undefined Tota': 21 11 32 12 6 18 18 5 23 12 6 18 18 7 25 10 5 15 11 5 16 13 4 17 8 5 13 9 4 13 8 4 12 2 3 5 12 4 16 6 5 11 7 10 17 11 5 16 21 12 33 27 13 40 47 15 62 45 29 74 51 26 . 77 77 68 145 96 53 : 149 122 60 182 157 58 215 155 78 233 166 91 257 168 85 253 1.50. 102 . 252 159 4:99 258 185 95 280 182 „88: 270 160 92 252 155 90 245 155 78 233 174 91 265 160 .89 249 172 84 256 184 .:80 264 154 74 228 165 85 250 161 71 232 170 , 64 . 234 85 106 291 81 64 245 193' 70 263, '189 76 .265 6855 11:00 1064 0,914 • • Start Time 1200PM 12:15 12:30 12:45 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:45 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 03:00 03:15 03:30 03:45 04:00 04:15 04:30 04;45 05:00 05:15 05:30 05:45 06:00 06:15 06:30 06:45 07:00 .07:15 07:30 :07:45 08:00 08:15 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:30 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 1.0:45 11:00 11:1.5 11:30 11:45 Total Percent 1_Sep- ThLI SB 162 208 181 175 211 177. 5 182 196 170 168 166 151 135 139 165 153 177 149 177 146 142 177 152 121 124 128 131 115 112 77: 99 .85 93 99 90 78 71 84 77 87 81 54. 56 44 48 30 Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc 13117 N'Ai107th Ave, Suite 4 Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018 PH. 305-595-7505 FAX: 305-6 t 5-6474 66 69 70 70 55 74 45 41 33 58 44 89 50 49 56 60 68 74 55 46 47 49 39 44 38 48 43 45 39 37 45 30 24 43 26 26 33 20 27 19 13 6247 2421 72.1% 27.9% Page 6 Sit Code 000000000000 Station ID: 12112 SW 37 Ave N/G BIRD R Latitude: 0' 0.000 Undefined To:al Peak Vol. P.I.P. 13:00 792 0.904 12:30 311 0.874 241 274 262 249 284 260 243 285 251 266 240 223 240 196 176 172 223 197 266 199 226 202 202 245 226 176 170 175 180 154 156 115 147 128 138 138 127 123 101 108 120 113 107 87 76 71 67 43 8668 13:00 1072 0,940 33078 14235 47313 69.9% 30.1 % • ADT Not Calculated Grand Total Percent 3760 Brci Rood MUSP Trafflc mpactStudy • • A • • Appendix 5: Committed Developments RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC, �5'FICUAS.i .La U ;1T'T OF Search Resuits Layers Legend Result Type: Project List Total: 4 iuv P:'o ect P a,- Bybios (Bird Road Khalil Condo) f 12 Bird Road Projedf 1 Miami Green (fka Domain at Douglas Station) Miami -Dade Water & Sewer Department (WASD) Headqua :899680.869 y:510610.373 1: home 's Glory city'`'`'Cicats cPmm This Web site is best viewed using Internet Explorer version 5.0 or higher with a Copyright © 2005, City of Miami, Information Technology Departr gent • Ittp://gis.miaxz ic.Tv.corn/ edDBGIS_50/Map Finis/a- rr RedDBMap.aspx?Scr -Ieiaht=566&Scram%lath-800 8/30/2006 0 0 0 Table:T-4 �^nf�J �yNU�� ��U= .�OEq" .v/`'~�. Committed Developments =K�0000U~~�= Link ROADWAY NAME 0R Project Name Total Committed Traffic Person Trip Volume@) 1.4 PpV Mass Transit im PE.Irauw-ThpC�� 8yb|os � Miami Green (fkeDomain at Douglas Station) 1 2 x 4 n n r 1 Bird Rood (SW 4Oth RU EB S 5 7 1 VVB 2 2 3 o LINK 7 V 7 10 2 2 Douglas Road (SW 87dhAve) NB U O 0 O 8B O U O D 1 ^ Notes: 1Roadway Name 2 Direction 3 From Traffic Studies on File at the City of Miami (see attached) S Total committed traffic assigned to analyzed roadways. 8Person trips assigned VpTransportation Corridor, 7 Transit trips assigned to Transportation Corridor. 0 r N !Y T.K 14 SW 29th Streeet to 10 N 21 —9 SITE PM Peak Hour In=30 Out = 35 Total = 65 2 Bird Road 2 1 ALFAA:21 TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS PM Peak Hour Site Only Volume Bybios FIGURE 4 • • A "nNikrs:toe 1 1-e 117-aoa-1 1 1,1117-001-2700 0 A 1200t0010 Nano NyNos (Dial Road Khalif Condo) Miami -Gruen (llia. Don, oin al W rrgles - ti nj pAians3"O d tvalnr. S,S,evmr Department MDT {WABn) HeirF1 nn Type at Porrnit MI11"20n5-011 Citywide Major Use Special Permits (MUSP) and applicable Class !1, Special Exceptions & Except Projects (Listed by Alphabetically by Project Name) (Status: A -Completed; 13-Under Construction; C-Approved; t3-Application; E-Preliminary; F-Withdraw Address 3134113ird Recur !Mg L atIonal I ntorrti,Hod eslden fn. Relc -Ave:rofe ,1#i led Noe; Othcd 8 Rota - Ouacriptlon Net Aeea WAY 3m1 5W 3A A m c";;;11-kera-,..T.Ja1nt E}evciuPni- it tt Mploirof Lrtlaficto for Caul ty CORALWSW (Mel€nraif - Oaisg€o5 Road loffceo Alf? . 11 .st ry parKErfg g-Pr ge for Uoisryas Rnntl Metross f €E M ur1 t h l y❑ R (Aug 2 0 f 36-1. e y0 E). xis 011ie® Retal! .2 1 13,.984 C. P000lutlon Re1'iavr Appro.-vet Coate' 3760 d Road MUSP pa Study • Appendix 6: Transit RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • • • Table: T-5 3760 Bird Road MUSP EXISTING TRANSIT VOLUME TO CAPACITY TRANSIT CORRIDOR TRANSIT ROUTE Additional Description 2004-2005 Peak Hr. Headway NUMBER OF TRANSIT VEHICLES 1N PM PK HOUR TRANSIT VEHICLES NUMBER OF SEATS TRANSIT VEHICLE LOAD @ 150% CAPACITY ROUTE PM PEAK CAPACITY Average Daily Ridership Peak to Daily Daily Ratio Ridership Peak Hour PM Peak Ratio {K} Volume __----- Transi# v#r. Bird Road (SW 40th St) 40 30 2 45 68 135 3, .94 0.0996 140 1.04 42 30 2 45 68 135 3 6 0.0926 G.096 F.) 1 ' 0.18 J Route 110 15 4 45 68 270 1.624 0.2184 389 i 14 TOTAL 540 514 J.95 Metro Rail MR Capacity from 2003 MEami EAR Analysis by KI IA 9840 1, 3'S3 ' S 194 i1.53 TOTAL 9840 -=r 5t94 Doustas Road (SW 37th Ave.) 37 30 2 45 68 135 1561 0.05 0.00 1 239 1.77 i 224 Coral Way Max 6 10 45 63 675 1,251 0.1239 2`i 0.04 TOTAL 810 263 1 0.33 ll Note: Data taken from 2003 Miami EAR by KHA. (see attached excerpts) This data was grown et a 3 percent for three year to represent year 2006. • • • Bus Ridership by Se meat From Tn37 40 42 feral Minx TOM Daily Ridership ' n�aI Pea HourRoadwaY Ridership_ SW 40th Street (.fiird Road) Ponce De ,con Boulevard SW 37th Avenue 1) . SW 40th'Street (Bird Road) SW 37th Avenue SoLIth Dixie High ay: 2,1. l3 980 4,{ 7 7,72; 7 SW 40th Street (Bird Road) South Dixie Highway SW 27th Avenue 0 ) NW 37th Avenue Dou las Road North of SR 836 Dol )hip Ex ressi SR 836 (Dot hiu hx . resswa. 3,587 3,58 7 218 NW 37th Avenue (Douglas Road) SR 83fi (Dolphin :Expressway) W Hagler Street 3,587 j,842 2.34 SW 37th Avenue (Douglas Road) W Flagler Street SW 8th Street 3,587 :3.842 234 SW 37th Avenue (Douglas Road) SW 8th Street SW 22nd Street 3,587 3 5f3 218 S1 37th.;Avenue (Douglas .Rand) SW 22iid StrOt South:Dixie Highway 3.,587 372 3,959 241 SW 37th Avenue (Douglas Road) South Dixie Higtway Main Highway 3,587 4,152 252 SW 37th Avenue (Douglas Road) South of Main Highway 11 0 0 • • • Daily Breakdown of Weekday Bus Ridership March 2002 to February 2003 13uti Routes 'I`ime 13erio0 37 40 42 Coral Way Max 17ouglas .1311. , 7 March-02 3,782 2,226 955 65 4,982 Anii-02 3,802 2,102 958 19 4,778 MI -02 3,771 2,067 1,010 36 4,843 June-02 3,538 2,025 938 21- ,332 .Tul, -02 3,520 1,996 964 38 4,457 Au_ust-02 3,551 1,994 970 53 4,533 Se-tember-02 3,542 2,069 974- 62 4,658 October-02 3,6311 2,247 1,039 37 4,776 November-02 3,509 2,148 5 38 4,826 December-02 3,4E-15 2,038 853 28 4,507 3a guar -03 .. 3,384 2,1.04 965 177 39 4,500 Fenuar -03 3,569 2,305 1,140 566 42 4,497 Daily Average aage 3,587 2,11.0 980 (A) Bus Ridership data enl(eeted feuu Miami -Dade rde Transit Riders P 372 40 rrical Reports (19sr- 7, 2(102 - ]%crhr-rumy 7003). 4,637 • • • Remaining Capacity Calculations Roadway T rom Co Mctrono if Total Person Capacil 'rota., Ridership }tea.aia illinpncit SW 40th Street (Bird. Road) Ponce DeLeon Boulevard SW 37th AVCIIIi(h.S=S. (} i_'t 3,0817 SW 40th Street (Bird Road) SW 37th Avenue South Dixie i.i lighway 9,8/10 4,753 5,087 SW 4I0th Street (Bird Road) South Dixie Highway SW 271.1i. Avenue 9,8/10 753 5 rn$7 NW :37lh Avenue (Douglas Road) North. of SR 836 (Dolphin Expressw SR 836 (Dolphin Expressway) .NW 37th Aveirue (Douglas Road) SR 836 (Dolphin Expressway) W Fiegler Street SW 376 Avenue (DouglasRoad) W Flagler Street SW 8th Street SW 371,11 Avenue (Douglas Road) SW 8th Street SW 22nd Street SW 37th Avenue (Douglas Road) SW 22nd Street South Dixie Highway 9,S/1.0 4,7 , 3 ,07 SW 37th Avenue (Dolislas Road) South Dixie :Highway Main Hil;liway 9,840 _ €,7.`i3 5,057 SW 37th Avenue (]Douglas Road) South of Maio.I..:iighway • • • Daily Breakdown of Weelulay .Ridership for Mertrorai.l Stations serving the Regional Activity Center (n) March 2002 to February 2003 "Lime Period Douglas R.ou.d March-02 2,4'77 April-02 2,35.1 May-0 2 2,387 July-02 2,314 Au ust-02 2,363 September-02 2,524 October-02 2,589 November-0 2 2,539 December-02 2,321 January-03 2,3 77 Fel7aninty_03 2,582 Daily .Average Peak .Hour Average 2,439 244 (4) h,fetrurtrrl.Ridersfrip data collected frontMiami-Dade Trara,PfEiders' p Trrctaticcrl Reports (March 2002 - IM,rnrar7003). • TRANSIT INFORMATION: 305-770-3131 'Residents South of SLJ 215 St_: 3O5-Rv1-3131 Tr( Use (for deaflhard of hea,riag):255-654-553 = Monday --Friday, 6 a_rr.. to 1 Weekends, ° a.m. to )vwAv, mis mid a de.g o vitro nsr. 40 SCHEDULE SERVICE: WEEKDAY DIRECTION: WESTBOUND 1Alcazar&'Dougtas 11SW40St1SW40St&1SW40St&1SW42St&11SW147Ave 1Salzedo 1 Road a& 67 Ave 87 Ave 1'1Ci7 Ave 127 Ave 11& 42 St 11 1 Station SVV 26 St &I SW 18 St &11SVV8St 11 122 Ave 1127Ave 1I&129 Pit 11 1; 05:48AM 11 05:04AM • 06.15AM 1 06:22AM 05:24AM 110526AM 05:58AM :106:O1AM1 1 06:24AM U06:27AM • 11 . 105:50AM1 05:58AM is h05:SOAM 106:OOAM 106:1 OAM I 06:15AM 1106:25AM , . 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Way; SW 24 St 15W 24 St & I Road i & LeJeune !& 67 Ave 87 Ave iStation I Rd fi06:19AM3 06:26AM ;; 06:33AM ` 06:40AM 1106:37AM1, 06:44AM ; 06:51AM i 06:58AM 0701AM O7:09AM ; 07:18AM 721AM j0729AM•;'€ 07_38AM.- 07:41 AM E 07:49AM.................................... 07:8AMj 08:06AM 08.14A.M 08_23AM 06.51AM 1(07:1.1 AM^= 1107:31 AMI �i07^SEAM; 103:20PM? 03:32PM 403:42PM 03:54PM 103:40PM 03:52PM II04:02PM f 04:14PM 04.00P404.12PM 1[04.22PM ' 04.34PM_j 04:2C}PM 04:32PM 11 04 42PM If 04:54PM E04:4OPMj 04:52PM 1'05:02PM ; 05:14PM ;I06:6613Mif 05:12PM 105:22PIvi ; 05:34PM 05:25PM 05:37PM 05.47PM 1 .__05:59PM I ,I05:45PM€ 05:57PM 06:07PM 106:18PM i Ii06:05PM1 06:15PM 1106:23PM ; 06:34PM 1=0625PM1 06:35PM 4#06:43PM i 06:54PM 06:55PM I 07:03PM SW 24 St & SW 26 St &E SW 26 5t OS 126 St 107Ave i 122Ave [& 142Ave'&152Ave.f- 06:46AM E 06:50AM 06:57AM IL 07:02AM I106:45PM 07:14PM 0 7:05AM 07:25AM 07:45AM 07:09AM 07:17AM 07:22AM 07:29AM 1 07:37AM ; , 07:42AM 07.49AM 07:57AM ;; 06:02AM 08:05AM h 08:09AM i 08:17AM 11 08:22AM 08:30AM 1[ 08:34AM 08:42AM 11 08:47AM 04:02PM 04:08PM 04:22PM 04:42PM 05:02PM 04:17PM i 04:23PM 04:28PM 04:37PM II 04:43PM 04:48PM 1 04:57PM 11 05:03PM L.05 :08PM I _05.17 PM it, 05:23PM CLOSE WINDOW 06:25PM 06:30PM t 05:22PM 1 05:28PM 105:37PM 05:43PM 05:48PM 05:57PM06:03PM 05:42PM 06:07PMi If 06:12PM 06:20PM j 06:24PM 06:38PM ' 06:42PM 06:41PM II1 06:46PM 1 06:54PM II 06:58PM €3 07:01 PM II 07:06PM 107:14PM .; 07:18PM 07:21PM " 07:26PM E 07:34PM ! 07:38PM Road MLISP Traffic mpact Study • • Appendix 7: Corridor Analysis (Person Trip) • RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC, • • Tablet T-0 37GO Bird Road MLISP PERSON TRIP VOLUME AND CAPACITY ANALYSIS TABLE ROADWAY 1411.14G:dNiltri O nai(Y. aPd Rona (staff 4au, sy�_ ishet�ne Ru. Bnuul'ss Douglas Rd. Leaaone E flaugiae RoddLBW 97a� Ave 51 SW 26 41)1 D TP FF f2aas Bird Road (SW R9lh St) Leteune Rd. DoLIEE86 R T10V91ae Rd, ��T 1,eioonn34 uoug€as Road WIN 57t11 Ave) i151 3W 26. DIR Ed W8 N© EI W SW 285i. us 1 SB 47gum[ioUf84 6%AVen TRaFF c' UIrd Rond (5 W AITEh 5t)L D�ugl_s Rd. Loi0000 Rd_ WO 04)33as Road (OW 37th Ave} 04 1 SW 26 Si N[3 SVJ 2B St._.,.,...._,_,,.,....._._...__...m.�..._,._..... 115 1 _ 9B WI#Hi�k�a?cTAND pA$kcrFa� No a'b0Ml�'Er7 ' Bird Road (5W 401h St) f{d. Nfii Onnpin�Rne6�5W 378, Ave] ..... .....�..._ US1 SW2B51. N9 5 M1AMI A00PTE0 LDS E E E Id ROAfl0AY AIOOE PFNSON- P£3250N, TRIP EXCESS ROADWAY TRE3 Rf7ADWAY VOLUME PERSON CORRIDOR VEHICULAR CAPACITY VEHICULAR 14 TRIP TYPE CAPACITY 38 1.0 PPV VOLUME PPV CAPACITY AI 4 1406 t904 1604 149* 41.0 1669 ELD .�..�.__1860 41.0 4L0 1860 1800 2800 476 913 1924 3739 011 1279 2437 1718 ROA(i WAY 0*1050N TRIP LDS Et19 PER- 091P CAPACITY 54O 816 916 RAIT PERSON TRIP CAPACITY A55 1'RANSIF MDO TOTAI TRANSIT PER rms, CAPACi0Y 0840 _ 1030FSW TRANSFT PERSON TRIP VCLUFSE L I TRANS,? L 566 PLP.S S 'EXCES VCIEUME 0APAC;TV 1 C4 i:c$ VC. LU0k 1Af 2'iTY 14r313 rz4'r7 0'3 rv'?V: V1C • • • Table: T-6A 3760 Bird Road MUSP PERSON TRIP VOLUME AND CAPACITY ANALYSIS TABLE ROADWAY FROM TO EXISTING CONDITION,',($###Ofallyi":, • 4$.t..00'., Bird Road (SW 40th St) LeJeune Rd. Douglas Rd. Douglas Rd. LeJeune Rd. Douglas Road (SW 37th Ave) US 1 SW 28 St 8SWTH t OfaNFOITION144ria:0"5'.'ggarj:M8'g:Ki' BACKROUWD AFFIDI(209) eJeune Rd. ad (SW 40th St) DIR EB WB NB Douglas Rd. EB Douglas Rd, LeJeune Rd. VVB Dou as RoadJSW 37th Ave US 1 SW 28 St. NB U SW 28 SL S 1 SB TRAFFIC - MIAMI ADOPTED LOS E CORRIDOR TYPE 4LD 4LD 4LD ROADWAY VEHICULAR CAPACITY 1800 1800 1800 PERSON - TRIP CAPACtTY @ 1 6 PPV 2880 2880 2880 ROADWAY MODE ROADWAY VEHICULAR VOLUME 1197 2499 PERSON- TMP VOLUME @ 1,4 PPV 1676 3499 EXCESS PERSON TRIP CAPACITY 1204 -619 4L0 1800 2880 1234 1727 153 4LD 1800 2880 2 7 ROADWAY PERSON TRIP V C -725 1.25 111111111111 4L0 1800 2880 326 457 2423 0.16 1681 CI 42 OS F Bird Road (SW 40th St) , LeJeune Rd_ Douglas Rd. EB E 4LD 1800 2880 1239 1734 1146 0.60 C Dou las Rd. LeJeune Rd. WB E 4LD 1800 2880 2577 3608 -728 1.25 F Dou las Road (SW 37th Ave) US 1 SW 28 St. NB E 4LD 1800 2880 325 457 2423 0.16 SW 28 St. US 1 SB E 4LD 1800 2880 866 1199 1681 0 42 eJeune Rd. u as Rd. Douglas Rd. LeJeune Rd. Douglas Road (SW 37th Ave) SW 2B St. US 1 SW 28 St. Notes: E E 4LD 4LD 4L0 1800 1800 2880 2880 913 1824 3739 6 1 SW 2 • Table: T-6B 3760 Bird Road MUSP PERSON TRIP VOLUME AND CAPACITY ANALYSIS TABLE ROADWAY PRaM TO XFS:TIN CiJNt31TIQ14 ( easonolly Atlj�€5fe Bird Road (SW 4ath 31) e,leune Rd. Douglas Rd_ Douglas Rd. LeJeune Rd. Douglas Road (SW 37th Ave) SW 28 St. US 1 SW 28 St. VitTWOA K+:ROUNt$1'RA.FFIC 0 Bird Roa jSW 40th St) LeJeune Rd, Douglas Rd Douglas Rd. LeJeune Rd US 1 Douglas Road (SW 37th Ave) US 1 SW 28 SI SW28S LeJeune Rd Us QiV(MITTEISTRAF9 Bird Road (SW 40th St} Douglas Rd. Douglas Rd. LeJeune Rd. Douglas Road (SW 37th Avg US 1 SW 28 St. SW26St. U51 W(�HPRL3JE11tt,BAGD .00M Bird Road (SW 40th St eJeune Rd. Dounlae Rd US Douglas Rd LeJeune Rd Douglas RoadiSW 37th Ave) SW28St SW28St. Notes, US MIAMI ADOPTED CORRIDOR DI R LDS TYPE ES WB E6 W6 C E NB E SB E lfirEt3.TRAFF NB S}3 E 4LD 4LD 4LD 4LD 4LD LD BUS PER- RAIL PERSON TRIP TRIP CAPACITY CAPACITY 840 540 910 ASS TRANJSIi M0t3E. TOTAL TRANSIT PER TRIP CAPACFTY 10300 10380 10360 VOLUME TRANSIT PERSON -TRIP TOTAL TRANSIT PERS ETRC?-RAIL VOLUME 5194 5707 6194 5707 TRANSfiT PERSON TR EXCESS CAPACITY SEGMENT -3SON TRES CAPACITY 13260 94 5709 4671 1326 194 57117 4673 1326 010 610 263 263 647 4LD 810 810 263 263 647 4LD 4LD Al0 4LD 10380 10380 610 810 321 4514 13200 4918 13200 a 60 3E390 SEGMENT PERSON TRi VOLUME 9205 SEGMENT PER -TRIP EXCESS CAPACITY SEGMEN? PERSON 1REP 5875 0.55 4054 0.013 707 2053 0.19 2203 0 3040 u.:72 0_44 • • • LEVEL OF SERVICE TABLE CLASSIFICATION TYPE FDOTS 2002 QILOS PERSON -TRIP LOS A - B C D E A B C D CLASS 1 ILU 0 220 720 860 890 0.00 0.25 0.81 0.97 1.00 2LD 0 1530 1810 1860 1910 0.00 0.80 0,95 0.97 1.003LD 0 2330 2720 2790 2840 0.00 0.82 0.96 0.98 1.00 4LD 0 3030 3460 3540 3590 0.00 0.84 0.96 0.99 1.00 CLASS II ILU 0 100 590 810 850 0.00 0.12 0 9 0.95 .00 2LD 0 220 1360 1710 1800 0.00 0.12 0.76 0.95 1.00 3LD 0 340 2110 2570 2710 0.00 0.13 0.78 0.95 1.00 4LD 0 440 2790 3330 3500 0.00 0.13 0.80 095 1.00 CLASS III ILU 0 0 280 660 810 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.81 1.00 2LD 0 0 650 1510 1720 0.00 0.00 .33 0.88 1.00 3LD 0 0 1020 2330 2580 0.00 0.00 04 0 90 1.00 4LD 0 0 1350 3070 3330 0.00 0.00 0 41 0.92 1.00 CLASS IV ILU 0 0 270 720 780 0.00 0.000.35 0.92 1.00 2LD 0 0 650 1580 1660 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.95 1.00 3LD 0 0 1000 2390 2490 0.00 0.00 0,40 0.96 1.00 4LD 0 0 1350 3130 3250 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.96 1.00 NOTES: DERIVED BY DIVIDING THE FDOT's 2002 LOS BY THE LOS 'EFOR EACH TYPE OF ROADWAY. LOS 'E' DETERMINED BY INCREASING LOS D BY 50 VPH CAPACITY WHICH CAN EASILY BE ACHIEVED BY OPTIMIZATION AND OTHER TECHNIQUES. 376Q ixd Road t Sf Traffic irraptudy • • Appendix 8: Intersection & Driveway Analysis o RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • • • Table: T-8 3760 Bird Road MUSP lm ac intersection Bird Road & SW 38th Ave Bird Road & SW 37th Court Peacock Ave & SW 38th Ave. Peacock Ave & SW 37th Ct. DM/ &SW37THCt Existing Proposed Delay 12.9 LOS B Delay 18.2 8.2 A 9,2 5.7 A 7.5 LOS B A A 6.6 A 12.0 8.3 A Existing PM Weak Traffic • 3760 Bird Road MUSP • ICM Signalized intersect Capacity Analysis 1: Bird Rd & SW 38 Av MOT, Lane Con fic0urations t, +I Ideal Flow (vpr,pl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1 00 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Last time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Lane Dtil, Factor 1.00 0.9,, 1.00 0..95 1._00 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 100 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.90 0.94 Fit Protected 0.95 1.00 0.95 1..00 0.95 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (pro;) 1770 3537 1770 3536 1770 1682 1738 Flt Permitted 0.17 1.000 0,19 . 1.00 0.58 1.00 0.98 Satd. Flow (perry) 324 3537 353 3536 1090 1682 1711 Volume (vph) 14 _ 1152 6 18 1318 8 129 25 47 8 43 45 Peak -hour factor, PNl" 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 Adj. Plow (vph) 14 1188 6 19 1359 8 133 26 48 8 44 46 Lane Group Flow (vph) 14 1194 0 19 1367 0 133 74 0 0 98 0 Turn Type Penn prni-pt Perrn Perm Protected Phases 2 1 6 8 Permitted .Phases 2 6 8 Actuated Green, G (s) 100.4 1 D0.4 106.0 106.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 Effective Green, 9 (s) 101.4 101.4 107.0 107.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.72 0.72 0.76 0.76 0.18 0.18 0.18 Clearance Time (s) 5.0 5.0 3.0 5.0, 4.0 4.0 4.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Ca v h 235 2562 .286 2703 195 300 306 vls Ratio Prot 0.34 0.00 c0.39 0.04 v!s Ratio Perm . 0.34 0.05 c0.12 0.06. vic Ratio 0.06 0.47 0.07 0.51 0.68 0.25 0.32 Uniform: Delay, .€ 1 56 8.0 5.5 6.3 53.8 49.4 ;: 50.1 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Incremental Delay„d2 0.5 0.6 0 1 0.7 9.4 0.4 2.7 Delay (s) 6.0 8.6 5.6 7.0 63.2 49.8 52.8 Level of Service A A A A E D D Approach Delay (s) 8.6 7.0 58.4 52.8 Approach LOS; A E D 3760 Bird Road MUSP Existing PM Peak (2006) :teecttn HCM Average Control Delay HCM Volume to Capacity ratio Actuated Cycle, Length (s) Intersection Capacity Utilization c Critical Larie Group 12.9 0.54 140.0 58.5% HCM Level of Service Sum of Jost time (s) ICU Level of Service 8:0 A florid ivI7-aa51 Page 1 Unsignaiized intersection Capacity Analysis 2: Bird Rd & SIN 37 Ct 3760 Bird Road MUSP Existing PM Peak (2006) Lane Configurations ' `' Sign Control Free Free Stop Stop Grade 0% 0% 0%; 0% Volume (veh/h) 89 1015 7 6 1428 ;15 7 11 48 0 3 90 Peak Hour Factor 0.99 0.99 C.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0_99 0.99 0.Q9 0.99 Houriy flow rate (veh/h) 90 1025 7 6 1442 15 7 11 48 0 3 91 P edestriar s Lane Width;(ft) Walk ng Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (vela) Median type Median storage veh) vC, conflicting volume vC 1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol tC, single (s) 4.1 4.1 tC 2 stage (s) tF (s) 2.2 p0 queue free % 80 cM capacity (veh/h) 460 it ctt5n Volume Total 90 684 349 6 962 496 Volume Left PO 0 0 6 0 0 Volume Right 0 0 7 0 0 15 cSH 460 1700 1700 669 1700 1700 59 222 Volume to Capacity 0.20 0.40 0.21 0.01 0.57 0.29 1.12 0.42 Queue Length 18 0 0 1 0 0 137 49 (ft) ;` ; , 9 Control Delay(s) 14.7 0.0 0.0 10.4 0.0 0.0 270.3 32.6 Lane LOS B B F D Approach Delay (s) 1.2 0.0 270.3 32.6 Approach LOS F D Average.Delay intersection Capacity Ut 1458.. zation None •:None 1032 2034 2678 ..56 2209 2674 .729 7.5 6.9 7.5 2.2 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 99 61 36 90 : 100 669._ 18 17 504 67 7 48 94 0. 91. 9 6.5 4.0 17 6.9 3.3 75 365 Page 2 floridlvi7-aa51 HCM Unsigria#ized Intersection Capacity Analysis 3: Pe cc ck Ave & SW 38 Ave 3750 Bird Road MUSP Existing PM Peak (2006) • • Lane Configu Sign Control Grade Volurne;(vehlh) Peak Hour Factor Hourly flow rate (veh(h) Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (fits) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type Median storage veh) VC, :conflicting volume vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2;':stage 2 conf vol tC, single (s) IC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) p0 queue free % cM capacity (veh/h) tion Stop 0% 0 0 0.92 0.92 0 0 None Stop 0 % • 0 184 2 0.92 0.92 0.92 200 2 None Free 0% 102 0 143 92 28 .118 0 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0:92 0.92 111 .0 155 100 30 128 0 457 445. 128 345 345 155 128 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.1 4. 100 100 441 496 3.3 3.5 100 67 922 599 4.0 100 565 3.3 2.2 88 100 890 1458 Volume Total 0 200 113 155 100 30 128 Volume Left 0 200 0 0 0 30 Volume Right 0 0 111 .0 100 0 0 cSH 1700 599 881 1458 1700 1310 1700 Volume to Capacity 0.00 0.33 0.13 €0.00 0 06 0.02 0.08 Queue Length (ft) 0 37 11 0 0 2 0 Control Delay (s) 0.0 14.0 9.7 0.0 0.0 7.8 0.0 Lane LOS A B A A Approach Delay (s) 0.0 12.4 0.0 1.5 Approach LOS A B !ado serolu� Average Delay Intersection Capacity: Utilization 5.E 25.:9% 0 ICU Level of Service 255 4.1 2.2 98 1310 7,7 Free 0 % floridlv17-aa51 Page 3 HCM Unstgnalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 4: Peacock Ave & SW 37 Ct a 7 60 Bird Road MUSP Existing PM Peak (2006) • Lane Configuratic ns 4/ Sign Control Free Free Stop Stop Grade 0% 0% 0% Volume,(veh/h) 9 87 13 47 176 5 101 39 . 116 12 10 20 Peak Hour Factor 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 Hourly flow rate (vehlh) 10 99 15 53 200 6 115 44 132 14 .11 23 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ftls) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median typo Median storage veh) vC, conflicting volume 206 114. vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol tC, single (s) 4.1 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) p0 queue free % cM capacity (vehlh) None None 462 439 106 583 444 203 7.1 6.5 6,2 7.1 6.5 6.2 2,2 2.2 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 9.9 96 . 76 91 `86 96 . `98 97 366 1476 471 489 948 328 487 838 Volume Total Volume: Left Volume Right' cSH Volume to Capacity Queue Length (ft) Control Delay (s) Lane LOS ... Approach Delay (s) Approach LOS tep etil Average Delay • intersection Capacity Uti 10 114 10 0 0 1.5 1366 53 206 115 176 53 0 115 0 132 0 6 0 48 14 23 700 1.476 1700 471 767 519 0.01 0.07 0.04 0.12 0.24 0.23 0.09 1 0 3 0 24 22 8 7.7 0.0 7.5 0.0 15.1 11.1 12.6 A A C B B 0.6 1.6 12.7 12.6 floridlv17-aa51 Page 4 Proposed PM Peak Traffic (2009) • 411 3760 Bird Road MUSP HCM Signalized fntersec 1: Bird Rd & SW 38 Av rapacity Analysis 3760 Bird Road MU P Proposed PM Peak (20 Lane Cr nfiqurations .Ideal Flow (vphpl) Total Lost time (s) Lane Oil. Factor Frt Fit Protected Satd. Row (prat) Fit Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) Volume (vph) Peak -hour factor. PHF Adj. Row (vph.) Lane Group Flow (vph) 1900 4,0 1.00 1 00 0.95 1170 0.15 280 15 0,97 15 15 4. 0.95 1.00 1.00 3531 1.00 353 237 0.97 1275 1295 1900 4.0 1.00 1.00 0.95 1770 0..16 301 19 38 0.97 0.97 20 39 0 39 1900 4.0 0.95 1.00 1.00 3536 1.,00 3536 1441 0.97 1486 1495 1900 1900 1900 4_0 4.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 0" 88 0,95 . 1.00 1770 1644 0.57 1.00 1056 1644 9 181 26 0.97 0.97 0.97 9 • 187 27 0 187 125 1900 1900 1900 1900 4.0 1.00 0.94 1.00 1738 0.98 1703 .95 . 9 46 48 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 98 9 47 49 0 0 105 0 Turn Type Protected Phases Permitted Phases Actuated Green, G (s) Effective Green. g (s) Actuated g!C Ratio Clearance Time (s) Vehicle Extension (s) Lane Grp Cap (vph) vis Ratio Prot v/s RatioPerm v!c Ratio Uniform Delay, d1 Progression Factor Incremental Delay, d2. Delay (s) Level of Service Approach Delay (s) Approach LOS HCM Average: Control 'Delay HCM Volume to Capacity ratio Actuated Cycle Length (s) Intersection Capacity Utilization c Critical Lane Group Perm 2 97.9 97.9 98.9 98.9 0.71 0.71 5,0.. 5,0 3.0 3.0 198 2494 0.37, .. 0.05 0.08 6.4 1,00 07 7.1 A 0.52 9,5 1.00 0.8 10.3 B 10.3 B Pm+Pt 1. 6. 106.0 106.0 107.0 107,0 0.76 0.76 3.0 5.0 3.0 3.0 273 2703. 0.00 c0.42 0.11 0.14 0.55 6.5 6.7.. 1.00 1.00 0.2 0.8 5.7 7.6 A 7,5 A Perm 8 25.0 25:0 0.18 4 ::0 3"0 189 25.0 25.0 0"18 4.0 3.0 294 0.08 c0,18 0.99 0.43 57.4 ;.51.1 1,00 1.00 61,7 1.0 119.1 52.1 F D 92.3 HCM Level of Service Sum of lost time (s). ICU Level of Service 8:0 Perm 4 4 25.0 25.0 0.18 4.0 3.0 304 Page 1 floridIv17-aa51 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2: Bird Rd & SW 37 Ct 3760 Bird Road MUSP Proposed PM Peak (2009) • Lane Gontigu Sigh• Control . Grade Volume (veh/h) Peak Hour Factor Hourly flow rate (veh/h) Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ftis) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type Median storage veh) vC,: conflicting volume 1.568 vC1, stage 1 conf vof vC2, stage '2.cont Vol tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) p0:queue free'% cM capacity (vehlh) 4.1 2.2 77 417 1.157 4.1 2.2 6 600 Stop 0% 48 12 0.99 0.99 48 12 966 0.99 97 TWLTL 2 2261 2956 578 1337 1337 924 1618 7.5 6.5 6.9 6.5 5.5 3.5 4.0 3.3 36 78 :79 76 54 459 Stop 0 3 0.99 0.99 0 3 95 0.99 96 TWLTL 2 2472 2957 784 1610 1610 862 1346 7.5 6.5 6.9 6.5 5.5 3.5 4.0 3.3 100 97 71 82 100 336 Volume Total Volume Left Volume Right cSH Volume to Capacity Queue Length (ft) Control Delay (s) Lane LOS Approach Delay (s) Approach LOS Average Delay' intersection Capacity Utilization 95 759 398 25 1034 533 158 95 0 0 25 0 . `' 9 0 0 18 0 016 417 1700 1700 600 ..1700 .1700 0.23 0.45 0.23 0.04 0.61 0.31 22 0 0 3 0 16.2 0.0 0.0 11.3 0.0 C B 1.2 0.2 9.2: 74.6"/% 99 48 0. 97 96 147 314 1.08 0.32 210 33 0.0 156.7 21.7 F C .. 156.7 21.7 F C ICU Level of Service floridlv17-aa51 Page 1 NCM Unsignalized intersection Capacity Analysts 3: Peacock Ave & SW 38 Ave 3760 Bird Road MUSP Proposed PM Peak (2009) • •r/ Lane Configurations Sign Control Stop Grade 0% Volume (veh/h) 0 0 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 Hourly flowrate (veh/h) 0 0 Pedestrians Lane Width :(ft) Walking Speeo (ftls) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type Median storage veh) vC, conflicting volume 650 540 137 435 435 165 137 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf voi tC, single (s) 7.1 6.5 tC, 2 stage (s) `. tF (s) p0 queue free % cM capacity (veh/h) None 0 92 0 6.2 212 0.92 230 7. Stop 0% 2 0.92 2 None 6.5 197 0.92 214 6.2 0 0.92 4.1 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.2 100 100 100 55 100 76 100 277 425 912 511 488 879 1447 Volume Tot 0 230 216 165 105 66 137 Volume Left 0 230 0 0 0 66 Volume Rigttt 0 0 . 214 0 105 0 0 cSH 1700 511 872 1447 1700 1293 1700 Volume. to Capacity 0.00 0.45 0,25 0.00 0,06 0,05 0.08 Queue Length (ft) 0 58 24 0 0 4 0 Control Delay (s) 0,0 17.7 10.5 0.0 0.0 7.9 0,0 Lane LOS A C B A Approach Delay (s) 0.0 14.2 0.0 2.6 Approach LOS A B 0 Free . Free 0% 0°.0 152 97 61 126 0 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 165 105 66 .1.37 . 0 271 4.1 2.2 95 1293 Average Delay Intersection Capacity Utilization 7.5 39.3% ICU Level of Service floridIv!7-aa51 Page 3 • • HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity ,Analysis 16. D!W &. SVI 37 Ct Wir Lane Configurations Sign Control Volume (veh/h) Peak Hour Factor Hourly flow rate (veh/h) 'ir Stop 85 1 3 0:98 0.98 87 177 Stop Stop 40 57 18 28 .98 0.98 0.98 0.98 41 58 18 29 3760 Bird Road MUSE' Proposed PM Peak (2009) Volume Total (vph) 263 99 Volume Left (vph) 87 41 Volume Right (vph) 177 0 29 Hadj (s) -0.3 .;0.1 . =0.3 Departure Headway (s) 3.9 4.6 4.2 Degree Utilization, x. 0.29 . ,0.13 0.05 Capacity (vehlh) 892 741 795 Control Delay (s) 8.5 ':8,3 7.5 Approach Delay (s) 8.5 8.3 7.5 Approach. LOS : A A A 47 Delay 8.3 HCM Level of Service A Intersection -Capacity Utilization 31.9% CU Level of Service Page 1 floridlvl7-aa51 ird Road MUSP Traffic mpact Study • • Appendix 9: Response City Comments RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • • RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC, PHONE: (305j 595-7505 FAX T Raj Shanmugam., P.E. ANSMITTAL FROM: Richard Garcia, P.E. ')474 COMPANY. URS DATE: 11/13/2006 Ax :N MEER 934-739-1789 TOTAL NC). OE PAGES INCLUDING COVER; PHONE NUMBER: 954-739-1881 SF ND I:'S REFERENCE NUS, BER: RE: 3760 Bird Road MUSP Responses CC URGENT 11 FOR REVIEW 0 PLEASE COMMENT d AS REQUESTED 0 PLEASE RECYCLE Raj: Attached herewith please find our responses and additional information to address the comments offered by your office dated October 3'd, 2006. Our responses are enumerated in the same order provided. 1. The Project has been revised with more precise programmatic data. The General Office is actually 319,607 SF and the retail is 22,783 SF. The residential component was completely removed. As such, we have revised the Trip Generation Analysis and found the revised land uses will generate 8 less trips during the PM peak hour. This corresponds to a 2.36% change in the trip generation. As previously discussed with your staff, such an insignificant change does not merit revised analysis. Attached please find the Revised Trip Generation Analysis and Program Data Sheet. 2. The Project Architect has informed us that the AutoTURI\I has been performed and was submitted with the revised plans. However, please let us know if this is not the case. 3. The lack of traffic volumes on the eastbound approach of Peacock Avenue and SW 38,h Avenue is accurate. This approach is a gated driveway and no traffic volumes were existing at the time of data collection or when i visited the site. 4. Signal Timing has been included herewith for the existing and proposed conditions. 5. A paragraph has been added to page 22 with a matrix of the calculations performed to determine the driveway volumes at the site driveway. 6. The intersection of Peacock Avenue/SW 37th Court was included in our report and must have been mistakenly not included during the report reproduction. Attached please find the LOS capacity analysis worksheet. Thank you for your help with this project. Sincerely, RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. Richard Garcia, P.E. • • • 3760 Bird Road MUSP Project Trip Generation Analysis Land Use (LU) General Office Specialty Retail Units 319,607 SF 22,783 SF ITE LU CODE 710 814 ITE TRIP GENERATION RATE 1.49 2.71 IN OUT TOTAL 17% 44% Trips 80 27 83% 56% Trips 395 35 TRIPS 475 62 Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment @ Transit Trip Reduction @ 16.0% Of Gross Trips 20% 17 80% 69 86 Pedestrian/Bicycle Trip Reduction @ Net Vehicle Trips 14.9% Of Gross Trips 10.0% Of Gross Trips 20% 20% 16 11 80% 80% 64 43 80 54 20% 63 80% 254 317 Percent Change from Previous Analysis (IN=67, OUT-258, TOTAL= 325) -5.60% -1.52% -2.36% Net Person Trips in Vehicles @ Net Person Trips in Transit @ 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 20% 20% 89 22 80% 80% 356 90 444 112 Net Person Trips (Vehicle and Transit Modes) 20% 111 80% 445 556 Net Person Trips (Walking/Bicycling) @ 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 15 0% 60 75 NOTES: Trip Generation from ITE 7th ED. Adjustment factors taken from Downtown Miami DRI Increment II for Omni Area. t Adjust for Passerby trip using ITE data attached. RT H & HDEVE|OPMENT 3760 Bird Road, Miami FL - Office Building Site Analisys ZONING OATA Zoning Designation Flood Zone Designation Net lot area Gross lot area 76,062.63 8F(1.76Acres) 135.707.31 BF(3.12Acres) C Setbacks Provided Fnon � 3VV48h[t� (Bird Road) (provided at Ground level) (Min. provided at Building above) Hoighilimit ot12Oft'thereafter a45degree line back into the property, Front :8VV37thCourt Front: SW 38th.Ave. Froot:Peo:ookAve- Height Limitations-, (min. provided) (max. provided) (min, provided) (max, provided) 10, 10' 10, 10, (At top of roo� Unlimited 4''5" Ailowed Provided Allowed on [-1 wyCkaon U application (0,8 of gross lot) 81,424.39 62,784 SF E F.A.R- Alfowad Provided Allowed Gross lot x(1.72) PUOBonus (F.A-R,xO.2) Development Bonus (F�.R.xO25) Metro Rail Bonus (F.A,FlxO.1) Office Restaurant area Retail area (F^4,Fl) Tota|F.A.R. (SF) 233,416,57 46,683,31 58.354.14 23,341,66 %G1,7Q6.6B F Parking Calculations Required Provided Required Re�il-.(1)space per 3D0SF Metro -Rail proximity Bonus (-10%) Sub -total Total required 1,065 45,5 81,3 1.202 120 1.082 G Open Space Required Provided (10% of Gross lot area) 24,361.00 H Loading Required Provided (4) 12'x35' Berths Same -- • Timings 1: Bird Rd & Lane Configurations Volume(vph) Turn Type Protected Phases Permitted Phases Detector Pusses Minimum initial (s) Minirnum Split (s) Total Split (s) Total Split (%) Yellow Time (s) Ai -Red Time (s) . . Lead/Lag Lad Lag Optimize? Recall Mode Ittesetio Cycle Length: 140 Actuated Cycle Length: 140 Offset: 53 (38%), Referenced to phase 2:EBTL and 6: Natural Cycle: 60 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated 38 Av Perm 4- 4\ 1 6 .. 8 8 4 4 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 21.0 21.0 8.0 21.0 20.5 20.5 21.0 21.0 96.0 9.0 15.0 111.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 69% 69% 11% 79°I 21% ":21% 21% 21% 4.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 10 .. 1.0 0.0 10 "0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lag Lag Lead Yes Yes Yes Coord Ccord None C3ord 3760 Bird Road MUSP Proposed PM Peak (2009) Splits and Phases: 1: Bird Rd & SW 38 Av T 01 """► 02 n Min Max Max , Start of Green 4 floridlv17-aa51 Page 1 • Timings 1: Bird Rd 3760 Bird Road MUSP Existing PM Peak (2006) Lane Configurations 1'14 ti+ 14 1152 18 1318 Turn Type Perm Pm+Pt Protected Phases • 2 1 6 Permitted Phases 2 6 j 8 . 4 . 4 Minimum Initial (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Total Split (s) 96.0 96.0 15.0 111.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 : Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 3,0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Lead/Lag Lag Lag Lead LeadLag Optimiz& Yes Yes Yes Recall Mode Coord Coord None Coord Min Min Max Max ----4u:ogtowcr:''—'-''''''':V-11PitttgMIEIFglnRgfatNE;Eilt.,ENMZttmgobsaimrv5,1fRwggfgRvoag:r4w:R:rizg.m::::g:3F Cycle Length: 140 Actuated Cyc[e Length 140 Offset: 53 (38%), Referenced to phase 2:EBTL and 6:WBTL, Start of Green Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Splits and Phases: 1: Bird Rd & SW 38 Av 1r 01 —0, 02 129 Perm 25 Perm 06 floridiv17-aa51 4 04 BI-W4021-00W-, 08 -25*.10,11tattiliegfe Page 1 • • 376 Bird Road USP Figure : Proposed PM Peak TMC (2008) Bird Rd peacock Ave Traffic frr pact Study From the information included in Figure 6 above we performed a driveway capacity analysis for the site driveway. The southbound driveway volumes were determined by adding the southbound through, eastbound right turns and westbound left turns then subtracting the right in volume the resulting calculations resulted (3+25+18+28=18). Likewise in the northbound direction, the eastbound left turn, westbound right turns and northbound through volumes was subtracted from left turn in volume; the resulting calculations resulted (41+14+42-40=57). These correspond to the through volume at the subject driveway. m RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1 iCl Unsignalized intersection Capacity Analysis 3760 Bird Road Mv1USP • 4: Peacock Ave & SW 37 Ct Proposed PM Peak (2009) 1 Lane Configure ns S:i rr Gontrul Gracie 1%olurne;(vehlhY. Peak Hour Factor Hourly.f(o rat (vehlh} Pedestrians Lane titth (ft) Walking Speed (ftls) Percent:Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type Median storage veh) vC, confl'icting volume '. vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 co f via! tC, single (s) tC 2 stage (s) "' tF (s) 0 queue free % cm capacity (veh/h) Free StopStop 0% 0% 0% 41 92 14 50 187 14 107 : 42 : 124 81 ' 11 126 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0,88 0.88 0,88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 47 105 16 57 212 16 122 48 141 92 12 143 Free 228 120 None 681 548 112 None 548 220 4.1 4.1 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 2.2 2.2 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 97. 96 56 88 85, 65 97 83 1340 1467 278 412 940 261 412 819 Volume Total Volume Left . Volume Right. cSH Volume to Capacity Queue Length (fi) Control Delay (s Lane LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS AverageDelay, Intersection Capacity Utilization 47 47 0 .. " 16 1340 '1.700 0.03 0.07 7.8 120 0.0 57 228 122 189 248 122 0 1467 1700: 0.04 0.13 0.44 3 0 53 7.6 0.0 27.7 D 18.1 47.9% 141 143 10 444 0.27 0.56 27 83 11.9 22.9 B C. 22.9 U Level of Service floridivl7-aa51 Page 1 Sib rrd Road t3SP Traffic Impact Study • Appendix 10: Sufficiency letter a RiCHAR© GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1.1/22/200$ 10:50 FAX JRS WitHa/ (FA URS Lakeshore Complex 5100 NW 33'1' Avenue Suite 150 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309-8375 Phone: 954-739-1881 Fox: 954-739-1789 FAX COVER SHEET FAX NO.: - 0(0 -o-1 TO: M. Lib I. Medina (F: 305,416,1019) Mr. Antonio E. Perez (F: 305,416.1443) Mr. Mnnv A. Veda(F: 305416.2153) FIRM; City Of Miami FROM: Quad Masood RE: 3760 Bird Road (WO. # 168) Sufficiency Letter DATE: November 21, 2006 COPY: Mr. Richard Garcia, P_E_, (F: 305.675.6474) PAGE 1 of: COMMENTS: Attached please find the letter for the subject project IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGES, PLEASE CALL US IMMEDIATELY AT THE ABOVE NUMBER • U/22/2006 IO5C 4002/ 004 • URS NOVVT:17er 21, 2006 Ms, Hie I. Medina, AICP Assistant Transportation Coordinator City of Miami, Office of the City Manager/Transportation 444 SW 2nd Avenue (10th Floor) Miami, Florida 33130 Re: 3760 Bird Road Sufficiency Letter — W.O. # 168 Dear Ms. Medina: Via Fax and US Mail Subsequent to our October 3, 2006 review comments for the subject project, we have received a response letter and also the revised site plan showing the turning radius of the delivery trucks from Richard Garcia and Associates (RGA) on November 21, 2006. Photocopies of the response letter and site plan are attached herewith, Please note that this particular project is located immediately adjacent to the Coral Gables Trolley. As such, a Trolley Station along the southern periphery of this project with an internal access from the project will help to encourage the use of mass transit in Coral Gables. We recommend the applicant should explore the feasibility of accommodating a station within their site plan. At this time, we conclude that the traffic impact report along with the subsequent submittal meets all the traffic requirements and the study is found to be sufficient, Should you have any questions, please call Quazi Masood or me at 954.739.1881. Sincerely, URS 1,jora Raj Seni hanmugTh r Traffic Engineer uthern Attachment Cc: Mr, Antonio E. Perez, Planner II, City of Miami Planning (Fax - 30.416.1443) Mr. Manny A Vega, Engineer 1, City of Miami Zoning (Fax - 305.416.1490) Mr, Richard Garcia, P.E. RGA In (Fax 305.675.6474) UR5 Comm:ton LakeViore Complex 5100 NW 33rd Avenue, 3ulte 150 Font Lauderdale. FL 33306375 954.739.18$1 Fax: 954-73g.172g 11/22/ 0O610;50_ FAX Nov 21 06 U 1 - 1 Hp URS Richard Garc1z, P.E. 305-G75--6474 ! UtJ:t/UU4 p, 1 • • • R. CHARD GAR -CIA Et ASSOCIATES, INC. PHONE: (305) 595-7505 TO: Raj ih.� CONIrANY: U5 Richard G3ra P.E. Dh FIi.7i a'dUta'IA�R: 954-739-1789 3 /2006 It),RL NO OF PAC itGL i?% G COVE !dE NUMSER: 954-739-1881 7 EP. S REP Et- 3760 Bixd Road MUST Responses IA SIX ENT "El FOR RE.'VIEV ® Pi.-EASB c c»iMENT El AS REQUE$TM © PLEASE 1:w.tCYCLE Raj: Attached herewith please find our responses and additional information to address the comments offered by your office doled Cctofaer 3rd, 2006. Our responses are enumerated in the same order provided. I_ The Project has been revised with more precise programmatic data. The General Office is actually 319,607 SF and the retail is 22,783 SF_ The residential component was completely removed. As such. we hove revised the Trip Generation Analysis and found the revised land uses will genercIte 8 less trips during the PM peak, hour. This corresponds to a 2.36% change in the trip generation. As previously discussed with your staFF, such an insignificant change does not merit revised analysis. Attached please find the Revised Trip Generation Analysis and Program EDato Sheet. 2. The Project Architect has informed us that the AutoTURN hos been performed and was subrnitteet with the revised pions. However, please let us know if this is not the case. 3_ The lack of traffic volumes on the eastbound approach of Peacock Avenue and SW 38+h Avenue is accurate, This approach is o Mated driveway and no traffic volumes were existing at the time of dato collection or when I visited the site. 4. Signal Timing has been included herewith for the existing and proposed conditions. 6. A paragraph has been added to page 22 with a matrix of the calculations performed to determine the driveway volumes at the site driveway. 6. The intersection at Peacock Avenue/SW 37th Court was inclucled in our report and must have been mistakenly not included during tI-e report reproduction. Attached please find the LOS capacity analysis worksheet. Thank you tor your help with this project_ Sincerely. RICHARD GARCtA & ASSOCIATES, INC, Richard Garcia, P.E. 1JRS 10004,! )04