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I-I State of Florida Documents.
r OCTM13-- i5 09:32 EMPIRE • MC),5 ARTICL-ES OF ORGANIZATION OF RD ROAD HOLDINGS LLC GPI The undersigrtarck for the purpose of forming a knead t btttly tart zany under tau LiabilityCcn nyAct FF S Chap,* 'SOS, he ebynaake, adcnowledsp, and No the following Aztkties of 01ganizat►on. ART701.E 1 — NAME The name of Ilre Awned liability company shal be ARTICLE R ADDRESS L4C 77W mallSvg address and afreet address of the prdlcaal office Who company shall be: 4535 Ponca d'. Lawn Boulevard, coral Gables Florida 33m4d, ARTICLE 111—DIAZATICW The °wow shell cenvnence Ifs existence on the date these Att c's, Ot Orilentretion aro Med by the Florida Department of State. The company's axitterroe shalt be perpetual, unless We company is earlier dissolved as provided in these *fleJeas of ARTICLE IV-. REGISTERED OFFICE AND AGENT The. turn* and sit address of Me Registered *t of !h* con snY irr Vte Sty? of Ftulda lw Carlos E. Padron, Esq.. 2 Alhambra Plaza, Sul. UUQ, Cora Gables, Florida 3H'34. THIS Pasinumoir PREPARED CY owlet L. Perin" Csganr 1.104 r•dren O. Meg P,A. Aftrasbrle Mire. Su* 100 CORAL GALLE FL $3134 TIOLJEPHONE 4e14U8 P.O*uvt ewt a9T Gal OC?--13-2 09;33 EMPIRE • • J RTICLrE V +• ADDIT ONAAL CAPITAL. CONTRIBUTIONS NS unanimous ��E'��a�ch member shaftthe mike eddl`�ional c�� 1u�s to the company only on the unani loos consent of all Th member ARTICLE 1I1 "' ADMISSION OF NEWMEMBERS No additional members shall be eOmittod lathe c mpeny except with the unanimous wren consent of all ib. members of the company and on such I.rMS and conditions as shaft be derby al the members, A member may transfer his or her InterestIn the comp.ny as set forth In the regulations of the company, but the trees feree shelf have no right to pubs in the management of the business and afaks of tha compstny or become a member unless eel the oilier members of the company other than 010 member propasrg to dispose of his or her Interest approve of they pmpasadtreruderby unanimous Helen =sent. ARTICLE VIC — TERMINATION OP EXISTENCE The Company sheer be dissolved on Ma death, bankruptcy, or dissolution of a ~ter ormaneage�r, oron the uocumenc ofany otherevent Mettormktates the mrrbnued membcrsh(p of a member Ir tha company, errrteas the business of the company Is continued by they consent of al the remaining members. provided there era at Mast two remaining nterrnbere ARTICLE WI MANAGEMENT The carnpsny shall be managed by Its managers In ecc avdanca wWi regulations adcptedby the member" for the menegement ofthe business end entire of the company, Thaw i,guy�s may contain any pro�v rzs for the regulation and management of the at/fairsthe company not inconsistent I4 h taw or these sulkies of organization. The name and address °f then kz1W& managers of the company are: HARVEYHERNANDEZ At ' 33 Ponce De Loon Boulevarr4 Coral Gables, Fkutda 33141 • • OCT i3 2005 EPPIRE P 04/05 ARTICLE 1X.1NDEWARCADON AND LL4aM117Y The Company may, as dstarmirevdbylha managers adzer Company, indemnify and edvanr sape►rtaers to a Member, Manager, employee or agent of the Company kr connootkm vvIth arty proceeding, to the extent permed by and in accordance with appfficabio laws end statutes and the mutations of the Company, W WIINES3 WHEREOF, the w dcxa#Qned organtzeniltaw made and subscribed these Articles of orpe*arron ire Wisrar, Aida, on this, Avg" day o October, 2005. STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF DADE ) as. A.fbte m., a Notary Public authorteed In the State and Comfy sett Ibrth above, personate appeanid IfAinfrafgatMerg known to tree and know) by me to be the persons, who, as organizer, executed the foregoing Article' of Organizatko and acknowledged bettors me that he **muted those Articles of Orgentretion. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, thew&ro s.#myhartdend affixed myofficial mg, in the Stabs end County aforosaid, this 42 day of October. 2005. sty C ommFaaion Expires: NOTARY Fit! STATE OF FL© DA 0 EMPIRE P.05,05 • • ACCEPTANCE OF REGISTERED AGENI The undersigned, being the person named in the erticiee of ocpare rhhcn of ,BIRD. ROAD FlOtztris g. LAX as the Registered Avant vfth is Onded IlaudW+compary, hareby ports la accept son** of process for the ibove stated company st the} pine designated in the Articles of Organization, and accepts the appointment as Registered d Agent and agrees es to actkr thus cagy. The underslainedfurtheragr es to corn* wllh the provisions of ail statutes relating to tyro proper and pence of his or her dudes, end i, fond/Far ww►Th end accept the oblig �n of Registered Agent. Reviewed Agent STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF MBE ) * - S:Wori ram, a AlcEery Pi o authorised bt the State and CoUrKy sat forth sbowt parsonatly appeared CA OS 1 PADRON known to me and known by ine tip be the person A et rt *t d agent executed me fensgvlio Acceptanceand sckro ed before ore me that he executed same knowingly end voluntarily. I MTNESS WhiEREOF, lhave to sot my hand and affixed my rrRtclal sea&, kr Me Stete and Coun►tyu e�id this or October. IN NQTAR STATE OF £ JC b IL A My Commission Expires: NOso 2'i2q/9 ell'11.611:NilizIplik" L -lir WTI iv . TOTAL P. EG Departturn 1 certify from the records of this office that BIRD ROAD HOLDINGS, LLC, is a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of Florida, filed on October 13, 2005. The document number of this company is L05000101382. I further certify that said company has paid all fees due this office through December 31, 2006, that its most recent annual report was filed on June 8, 2006, and its status is active. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Florida at Tallahassee, the Capitol, this the Fourth day of December, 2006 41-11_ 4-Tubb CR2E022 06)