HomeMy WebLinkAboutI-C Major Use Special Permit Resolution No. 06-0188.• • • City of Miami Certified Copy City Half 3500 Pan American give Miami, FL 33133 www.ci.miami.fi.us File Number: 05-01524b Enactment Number: R-06-0188 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENTS, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS, A MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT PURSUANT TO ARTICLES 5, 9, 13 AND 17 OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 11000, AS AMENDED, FOR THE BIRD ROAD PROJECT, TO BE LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 3760 BIRD ROAD, MIAMI, FLORIDA, TO CONSTRUCT AN APPROXIMATE 197-FOOT. 17-STORY HIGH MIXED -USE STRUCTURE TO BE COMPRISED OF APPROXIMATELY 254 TOTAL MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL UNITS WITH RECREATIONAL. AMENITIES; APPROXIMATELY 67,800 SQUARE FEET OF OFFICE SPACE; APPROXIMATELY 19,600 SQUARE FEET OF RETAIL SPACE; AND APPROXIMATELY 631 TOTAL PARKING SPACES; PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN FLOOR AREA RATIO ("FAR") BONUSES; DIRECTING TRANSMITTAL; MAKING FINDINGS OF FACT AND STATING CONCLUSIONS OF LAW; PROVIDING FOR BINDING EFFECT; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on November 7, 2005, Javier F. Avino, on behalf of Bird Road, LLC, contract purchaser and Bird Ventures, LLC, owner (referred to as "APPLICANT"), submitted a complete Application for Major Use Special Permit for Bird Road (referred to as "PROJECT') pursuant to Articles 5, 9, 13 and 17 of Zoning Ordinance No. 11000, for the property located at approximately 3760 Bird Road, Miami, Florida, as legally described in "Exhibit A", attached and incorporated; and WHEREAS, development of the Project requires the issuance of a Major Use Special Permit pursuant to Article 17 of Zoning Ordinance No. 11000, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended; and WHEREAS, the Large Scale Development Committee met on September 28, 2005 to consider the proposed project and offer its input; and WHEREAS, the Urban Development Review Board met on October 19, 2005, to consider the proposed project and recommended APPROVAL; and WHEREAS, The Miami Planning Advisory Board, at its meeting of January 18, 2006, Item No. 4, following an advertised public hearing, adopted Resolution No. PAB 08-06 by a vote of six to one (6-1), recommending APPROVAL of an amendment to Ordinance No. 10544, as amended; and WHEREAS, the Miami Zoning Board, at its meeting on December 12, 2005, Item No. 16, following an advertised hearing, adopted Resolution No, ZB 2005-1101, by vote of seven to zero (7-0), recommending APPROVAL of a change of zoning classification, as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, the Miami Zoning Board at its meeting of December 12, 2005, Item No. 22, adopted Resolution No. ZB 2005-1102 by a vote of eight to zero (8-0), recommending APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS of Variances as part of the Major Use Special Permit as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, the Miami Planning Advisory Board, at its meeting held on January 18, 2006 Item No. Ci13, of ..1110»rm Page 1 of 12 R-06-0188 File umber: 05-015 41.1 acts emNumber; R-06-0188 5, following an advertised public hearing, adopted Resolution No. PAB 09-06 by a vote of seven to zero (7-0), recommending APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS of the Major Use Special Permit Development Order as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, the City Commission deems it advisable and in the best interest of the general welfare of the City of Miami to issue a Major Use Special Permit Development Order as hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAM1, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2, A Major Use Special Permit Development Order, incorporated within, is approved subject to the conditions specified in the Development Order, per Article 17 of Zoning Ordinance No. 11000, for the PROJECT to be developed by the APPLICANT, at approximately 3760 Bird Road, Miami, Florida, more particularly described on "Exhibit A," attached and incorporated. Section 3. The PROJECT is approved for the construction of an approximate 197-foot, 17-story high mixed use structure to be comprised of approximately 254 total multifamily residential units with recreational amenities; approximately 67,800 square feet of office space; approximately 19,600 square feet of retail space; and approximately 631 total parking spaces; providing for certain floor area ratio ("FAR") bonuses. Section 4. The Major Use Special Permit Application for the Project also encompasses the lower ranking Special Permits as set forth in the Development Order. Section 5. The findings of fact set forth below are made with respect to the subject PROJECT: a. The PROJECT is in conformity with the adopted Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan, as amended. b. The PROJECT is in accord with the proposed C-1 (Restricted Commercial) Zoning classification of Zoning Ordinance No. 11000, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended. c. Pursuant to Section 1305.2 of the Zoning Ordinance, the specific site plan aspects of the PROJECT that have been found by the City Commission (based upon facts and reports prepared or submitted by staff or others) to adhere to the following Design Review Criteria (as appropriate to the nature of the special permit involved in the Project and the particular circumstances of the case) subject to the any applicable conditions in the Development Order herein: DESIGN REVIEW CRITERIA APPLICABILITY COMPLIANCE I) Site and Urban Planning: (1) Respond to the physical Yes. *yes. contextual environment taking into consideration urban form and natural features; (2) Siting should minimize the Yes. *Yes. impact of automobile parking and driveways on the pedestrian City of Miami Pcg e 2 of 12 R-06-0J88 Frio Number: 05-01524b Enactment Number: R-06-0FS8 environment and adjacent properties: (3) Buildings on corner lots Yes, *Yes. should be oriented to the corner and public street fronts. i1) Architecture and Landscape Architecture: (1) A project shall be designed Yes. "Yes. to comply with all applicable landscape ordinances; (2) Respond to the neighborhood Yes. *Yes. context; (3) Create a transition in bulk Yes, *Yes. and scale; (4) Use architectural styles Yes. *Yes, and details (such as roof lines and fenestration), colors and materials derivative from surrounding area; (5) Articulate the building facade Yes. *Yes. vertically and horizontally in intervals that conform to the existing structures in the vicinity. III) Pedestrian Oriented Development: (1) Promote pedestrian Yes. *Yes. interaction; (2) Design facades that Yes. *Yes, respond primarily to the human scale; (3) Provide active, not blank Yes. *Yes. facades. Where blank walls are unavoidable, they should receive design treatment. IV) Streetscape and Open Space: (1) Provide usable open space Yes. *Yes. that allows for convenient and visible pedestrian access from the public sidewalk; (2) Landscaping, including plant Yes. *Yes. material, trellises, special pavements, screen walls, planters and similar features should be appropriately incorporated to City of Mann Page 3 of /2 R-06-0188 • • umber. 05-0t524b Frsa:rtm t Nurnbier: R-(164HS8 enhance the project. V) Vehicular Access and Parkin (1) Design for pedestrian and Yes. vehicular safety to minimize conflict points; (2) Minimize the number and Yes. width of driveways and curb cuts; (3) Parking adjacent to a street Yes. front should be minimized and where possible should be located behind the building; (4) Use surface parking areas Yes. *Yes, as district buffer. *Yes. *Yes. *Yes. VI) Screening: (1) Provide landscaping that Yes, *Yes. screen undesirable elements, such as surface parking lots, and that enhances space and architecture; (2) Building sites should locate Yes. *yes. service elements like trash dumpster, loading docks, and mechanical equipment away from street front where possible. When elements such as dumpsters, utility meters, mechanical units and service areas cannot be located away from the street front they should be situated and screened from view to street and adjacent properties; (3) Screen parking garage Yes. *yes. structures with program uses. Where program uses are not feasible soften the garage structure with trellises. landscaping, and/or other suitable design element. VII) Signage and Lighting: (1) Design signage appropriate Yes. *Yes. City of Miami Page 4 of )2 R-06-0188 File Number: 0S-O 524b Enactment Number: 1x-06-018 for the scale and character of the project and immediate neighborhood; (2) Provide lighting as a design Yes. *Yes. feature to the building facade, on and around landscape areas, special building or site features, and/or signage; (3) Orient outside fighting to Yes. `Yes. minimize glare to adjacent properties; (4) Provide visible signage Yes. *yes. identifying building addresses at the entrance(s) as a functional and aesthetic consideration. VIII) Preservation of Natural Features: (1) Preserve existing vegetation Yes, 'Yes. and/or geological features whenever possible. IX) Modification of Nonconformities: (1) For modifications of Yes. *Yes. nonconforming structures, no increase in the degree of nonconformity shall be allowed; (2) Modifications that conform Yes. *Yes. to current regulations shall be designed to conform to the scale and context of the nonconforming structure. *Compliance is subject to conditions. These findings have been made by the City Commission to approve this project with conditions. d. The PROJECT is expected to cost approximately $166,084,363, and to employ approximately 210 workers during construction (FTE-Full Time Employees); The project will also result in the creation of approximately 10 permanent new jobs (FTE) and will generate approximately $803,513 annually in tax revenues to the City (2005 dollars). e. The City Commission further finds that: (1) the PROJECT will have a favorable impact on the economy of the City; (2) the PROJECT will efficiently use public transportation facilities; (3) any potentially adverse effects of the PROJECT will be mitigated through compliance with the conditions of this Major Use Special Permit; City of Miami Page 3 of 12 R-96-01S8 • • File Number 05-0t524b i nact.;mut Nun ber: i2--O6-0188 (4) the PROJECT will favorably affect the need for people to find adequate housing reasonably accessible to their places of employment; (5) the PROJECT will efficiently use necessary public facilities; (6) the PROJECT will not negatively impact the environment and natural resources of the City; (7) the PROJECT will not adversely affect living conditions in the neighborhood; (8) the PROJECT will not adversely affect public safety; (9) based on the record presented and evidence presented, the public welfare will be served by the PROJECT; and (10) any potentially adverse effects of the PROJECT arising from safety and security, fire protection and life safety, solid waste, heritage conservation, trees, shoreline development, minority participation and employment, and minority contractor/subcontractor participation will be mitigated through compliance with the conditions of this Major Use Special Permit. Section 6. The Major Use Special Permit, as approved and amended, shall be binding upon the APPLICANT and any successors in interest. Section 7. The application for Major Use Special Permit, which was submitted on November 14, 2005, and on file with the Planning Department of the City of Miami, Florida, shall be relied upon generally for administrative interpretations and is incorporated by reference, Section 8. The City Manager is directed to instruct the Planning Director to transmit a copy of this Resolution and attachment to the APPLICANT. Section 9. The Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law are made with respect to the Project as described in the Development Order for the PROJECT, incorporated within. Section 10. The Major Use Special Permit Development Order for the PROJECT is granted and issued. Section 11. in the event that any portion or section of this Resolution or the Development Order is determined to be invalid, illegal, or unconstitutional by a court or agency of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall in no manner affect the remaining portions of this Resolution or Development Order which shall remain in full force and effect. Section 12. The provisions approved for this Major Use Special Permit, as approved, shall commence and become operative thirty (30) days after the adoption of the Resolution. Section 13. This Major Use Special Permit, as approved, shall expire two (2) years from its commencement and operative date. Section 14. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor. {1} DEVELOPMENT ORDER Let it be known that pursuant to Articles 5, 9, 13 and 17 of Ordinance No. 11000, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended (the "Zoning Ordinance"), the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, has considered in a public hearing, the issuance of a Major Use Special Permit for Bird Road (MU-2005-032), (hereinafter referred to as the "PROJECT") to be located at approximately 3760 Bird Road, Miami, Florida (see legal description on "Exhibit A", attached and City of i a)1ii Page 6 of 12 R-06-0 i 88 • • • lent Number: R-96-0188 File Numb e : O 1US24h incorporated), is subject to any dedications, limitations, restrictions, reservations or easements of record. After due consideration of the recommendations of the Planning Advisory Board and after due consideration of the consistency of this proposed development with the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan, the City Commission has approved the PROJECT, and subject to the following conditions approves the Major Use Special Permit and issues this Permit. FINDINGS OF FACT PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed PROJECT is a mixed use development to be located at approximately 3760 Bird Road, Miami, Florida. The PROJECT is located on a gross lot area of approximately 3.12± acres and a net lot area of approximately 1.75± acres of land (more specifically described on "Exhibit A", incorporated herein by reference). The remainder of the PROJECTS Data Sheet is attached and incorporated as "Exhibit B". The proposed PROJECT will be an approximate 197-foot, 17-story high mixed use structure to be comprised of approximately 254 total multifamily residential units with recreational amenities; approximately 67,800 square feet of office space; approximately 19,600 square feet of retail space; and approximately 631 total parking spaces; providing for certain floor area ratio ("FAR') bonuses. The Major Use Special Permit Application for the PROJECT also encompasses the following lower ranking Special Permits: MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMITS MUSP, per Article 17 for development of 254 residential units. MUSP, as per Article 17 for parking of 631 parking spaces including 53 parking lifts. MUSP, as per Article 5, Section 502, PUD districts; to increase the floor area by twenty percent, 46,683 square feet. MUSP, as per Article 9, Section 914, a development bonus of 58,354 square feet of additional floor area, and to pay into the Affordable Housing Trust Fund an amount of $12.40 per square feet $723,590. VARIANCE(S) Variance, pursuant to the City of Miami Zoning Ordinance 11000 as amended, Article 4, Section 401, Schedule of District Regulations, required yards. Required of additional set back one (1) foot per each foot in height after 120' in height for buildings with frontages on Arterial/Collectors roads. Proposed to waive additional setback (45 degrees angle) allowing the building to have a maximum height of 172 feet at top of slab. Pursuant to the City of Miami Zoning Ordinance 11000 as amended, Article 4, Section 401, Schedule of District Regulations, required setbacks. Front Setback SW 38 Avenue Required 10 feet Proposed 0 feet C) of Mianrt Page7of12 R-06-01 88 File Number; 5-01524b Enactment Number: R-O6-0188 Request to waive 10 feet Front Setback SW 37 Court Required 10 feet Proposed 0 feet Request to waive 10 feet Side Street Setback SW 40 Street (Bird Road) Required 7 feet 6 inches Proposed 0 feet Request to waive 7 feet 6 inches Green Space: Required 13,571 Square feet Provided 0 Square feet Request to waive 13,571 Square feet Per City Code, Chapter 36, request for waiver of noise ordinance for construction equipment for continuous pours, CLASS II SPECIAL PERMITS CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per Article 4, Section 401, to allow construction fence and covered walkway. CLASS 11 SPECIAL PERMIT, as per Article 4, Section 401 to allow for outdoor eating areas and outdoor cafes. CLASS [! SPECIAL PERMIT, as per Article 4, Section 401 to allow a maximum of a building footprint of six tenths (0.60) times the gross lot area for project that comply with requirements A,B,C and D. CLASS 11 SPECIAL PERMIT, as per Article 9, Section 922.1 and 923.2 a request to reduce 1 out of the 4 12x35x15 required loading berths from 1 12x35x15 to 1 10x20x15. CLASS I SPECIAL PERMITS CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT, as per Article 10, Section to allow development/ construction/rental signage. CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT, as per Article 9, Section 906.9, to allow for a special event namely a ground breaking ceremony. CLASS 1 SPECIAL PERMIT, as per 917.1.2 to permit valet parking. CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT, as per Article 9, Section 920.1, to allow a trailer(s) for construction and other temporary offices such as leasing and sales. CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT, as per Article 9, Section 904, for parking and staging of construction during construction. CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT, as per Article 9, Section 920.1, to allow a construction trailer and watchman's quarters. CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT, as per Article 9, Section 915.2, for F.A.A. clearance letter. REQUEST for applicable MUSP conditions to be satisfied at the time of shell permit instead of at issuance of foundation permit: a) The requirement to record in the Public Records a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions providing that the ownership. operation and maintenance of all common areas and facilities will be by the property owner or a mandatory property owner association; and Ct1y a;`Miami Page 8 of 12 R-06-11188 • • Ntiniber: i5 01524b ct rtcut Vt rtber: R O6-018S b) The requirement to record in the Public Records a unity of title or covenant in lieu of unity of title. Pursuant to Articles 5, 9, 13 and 17 of Zoning Ordinance 11000, approval of the requested Major Use Special Permit shall be considered sufficient for the subordinate permits requested and referenced above as well as any other special approvals required by the City which may be required to carry out the requested plans. The PROJECT shall be constructed substantially in accordance with plans and design schematics on the prepared by Cohen Freedman Encinosa & Associates, dated October 31, 2005; the landscape plan shall be implemented substantially in accordance with plans and design schematics on file prepared by Fuster Designs, dated August 28, 2005; said design and landscape plans may be permitted to be modified only to the extent necessary to comply with the conditions for approval imposed herein; all modifications shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Director prior to the issuance of any building permits; and The PROJECT conforms to the requirements of the proposed C-1 (Restricted Commercial) zoning classification, as contained in the Zoning Ordinance, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miam' Florida, as amended. The existing comprehensive plan future land use designation on the subject property allows the proposed uses, CONDITIONS THE APPLICANT, ITS SUCCESSORS, AND/OR ASSIGNS, JOINTLY OR SEVERALLY, PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF ANY BUILDING PERMITS, SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1) Meet all applicable building codes, land development regulations, ordinances and other laws and pay all applicable fees due prior to the issuance of a building permit including the required Affordable Housing Trust fund contribution of $12.40 per square foot for any applicable FAR increase sought under those provisions, 2) Allow the Miami Police Department to conduct a security survey, at the option of the Department, and to make recommendations concerning security measures and systems; further submit a report to the Planning Department, prior to commencement of construction, demonstrating how the Police Department recommendations, if any, have been incorporated into the PROJECT security and construction plans, or demonstrate to the Planning Director why such recommendations are impractical. 3) Obtain approval from, or provide a letter from the Department of Fire -Rescue indicating APPLICANTS coordination with members of the Fire Plan Review Section at the Department of Fire -Rescue in the review of the scope of the PROJECT, owner responsibility, building development process and review procedures, as well as specific requirements for fire protection and life safety systems, exiting, vehicular access and water supply, 4) Obtain approval from, or provide a letter of assurance from the Department of Solid Waste that the PROJECT has addressed all concerns of the said Department prior to the obtainment of a shell permit. 5) Comply with the Minority Participation and Employment Plan (including a Contractor/Subcontractor Participation Plan) submitted to the City as part of the Application for Development Approval, with the understanding that the APPLICANT must use its best efforts to follow City of Miami Page 9 of 12 R-06-8I88 • • • File infer: 05-OI524b Eiiactrent Number: R-06-0if 8 the provisions of the Citty's Minority/Women Business Affairs and Procurement Program as a guide. 6) Record the following in the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Occupancy, a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions providing that the ownership, operation and maintenance of all common areas and facilities will be by the property owner or a mandatory property owner association in perpetuity. 7) Prior to the issuance of a shell permit, provide the City with a recorded copy of the MUSP permit resolution and development order, and further, an executed, record able unity of title or covenant in lieu of unity of title agreement for the subject property; said agreement shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney's Office. 8) Provide the Planning Department with a temporary construction plan that includes the following: a temporary construction parking plan, with an enforcement policy; a construction noise management plan with an enforcement policy; and a maintenance plan for the temporary construction site; said plan shah be subject to the review and approval by the Planning Department prior to the issuance of any building permits and shall be enforced during construction activity. All construction activity shall remain in full compliance with the provisions of the submitted construction plan; failure to comply may lead to a suspension or revocation of this Major Use Special Permit. 9) Insofar as this Major Use Special Permit includes the subordinate approval of a series of Class I Special Permits for which specific details have not yet been developed or provided, the applicant shall provide the Planning Department with all subordinate Class I Special Permit plans and detailed requirements for final review and approval of each one prior to the issuance of any of the subordinate approvals required in order to carry out any of the requested activities and/or improvements listed in this development order or captioned in the plans approved by it. 10) If the project is to be developed in phases, the Applicant shall submit an interim plan, including a landscape plan, which addresses design details for the land occupying future phases of this Project in the event that the future phases are not developed, said plan shall include a proposed timetable and shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Director. 11) Pursuant to design related comments received by the Planning Director, the applicant shall meet the following conditions: (a) The pedestrian sidewalk realm shall remain at a consistent height throughout and sidewalk materials shall be continued across any vehicular entrances. Vehicles shall rise to the sidewalk level with ramping beginning at the outer edge of the curb, with the ramp slope being the maximum allowed by Public Works; and (b) The exposed sections of the garage should be covered with landscape planters in front of the grill screen. 12) Pursuant to comments by the City of Miami Public Works Department, the following street improvements shall be required of the applicant: (a) Bird Road - Coordinate with the Florida Department of Transportation to replace ail broken and damaged sidewalk, curb and gutter adjacent to the project site; (b) SW 37th Court - Replace all broken and damaged sidewalk on both sides of the court. Construct new curb and gutter and pavement, in accordance with Public Works standards. Mill and resurface the driving lanes, full width, between Peacock Avenue and Bird Road; (c) SW 38th Avenue - Replace all broken and damaged sidewalks, curb and gutter on both sides of the avenue adjacent to the project site. Mill and resurface the driving lanes, full width, curb to curb, between Peacock Avenue and Bird Road; (d) Peacock Avenue - Replace all broken and damaged sidewalk, curb and gutter on both sides of the avenue adjacent to the project site. Mill and resurface the full width, curb to curb, between SW 37th Court and SW 38th Avenue. 13) A development bonus to permit a mixed use of 58,354 square feet of floor area shall Page 10 of 12 R-06-0188 Ciro' of,t-fiam • • File Nuarber. O5-03524b Enactment Number: R-06-0188 require payment to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund of an amount of $12.40 per square foot $723, 590. 14) That the requested application for the Change of Zoning, and the accompanying Future Land Use Change on these properties are approved by the City Commission 15) The applicant shall record a covenant, subject to review and approval by the city attorney, within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution, which states that in the event that this Major Use Special Permit expires or is abandoned, any future development of the subject properties shall require design review and approval by the planning direcr, utilizing the same criteria as the original Major Use Special Permit. 16) Within 90 days of the effective date of this Development Order, record a certified copy of the Development Order specifying that the Development Order runs with the land and is binding on the Applicant, its successors, and assigns, jointly or severally. THE CITY SHALL: Establish the operative date of this Permit as being thirty (30) days from the date of its issuance; the issuance date shall constitute the commencement of the thirty (30) day period to appeal from the provisions of the Permit, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW The PROJECT, proposed by the APPLICANT, complies with the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan, as amended, is consistent with the orderly development and goals of the City of Miami, and complies with local land development regulations and further, pursuant to Section 1703 of the Zoning Ordinance: () the PROJECT will have a favorable impact on the economy of the City; and (2) he PROJECT will efficiently use public transportation facilities; and (3) the PROJECT will favorably affect the need for people to find adequate housing reasonably accessible to their places of employment; and (4) the PROJECT will efficiently use necessary public facilities; and (5) the PROJECT will not negatively impact the environment and natural resources of the City; and (6) the PROJECT will not adversely affect public safety; and (7) the public welfare will be served by the PROJECT; and (8) any potentially adverse effects of the PROJECT will be mitigated through conditions of this Major Use Special Permit. The proposed development does not unreasonably interfere with the achievement of the objectives of the adopted State Land Development Plan applicable to the City of Miami. Date: MARCH 23, 2006 CiQ° af,l lams Page it of i2 R-196-1)i88 • • City of Miami Master Report Enactment Number: R-06-0188 City Hail 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.6.rniami.tl.us File Number: 05-01524b Version: 2 File Type: Resolution Reference: File Name: Major Use Special Permit - Bird Road Status: Passed Controlling Body: Office of the City Clerk Introduced: 1/25/2006 Requester: Cost: Final Action: 3/23/2006 Title: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENTS, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS, A MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT PURSUANT TO ARTICLES 5, 9, 13 AND 17 OF ZONING ORDINANCE: NO. 11000, AS AMENDED, FOR THE BIRD ROAD PROJECT, TO BE LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 3760 BIRD ROAD, MIAMI, FLORIDA, TO CONSTRUCT AN APPROXIMATE 197-FOOT, 17-STORY HIGH MIXED -USE STRUCTURE TO BE COMPRISED OF APPROXIMATELY 254 TOTAL MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL UNITS WITH RECREATIONAL AMENITIES; APPROXIMATELY 67,800 SQUARE FEET OF OFFICE SPACE; APPROXIMATELY 19,600 SQUARE FEET OF RETAIL SPACE; AND APPROXIMATELY 631 TOTAL PARKING SPACES; PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN FLOOR AREA RATIO ("FAR") BONUSES; DIRECTING TRANSMITTAL; MAKING FINDINGS OF FACT AND STATING CONCLUSIONS OF LAW; PROVIDING FOR BINDING EFFECT; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Sponsors: Notes: Indexes: Attachments: 05-01524b Outside Cover.PDF,05-01524b Inside Cover with Photos.PDF,05-01524b Table of Contents.PDF,05-01524b Article I - Project lnformation.PDF,05-01524b Letter of lntent.PDF,05-01524b Major Use Special Permit Application.PDF,05-01524b Zoning Write-Up.PDF,05-01524b Zoning Atlas.PDF,05-0 1 524b Project Data Sheet.PDF,05-01524b Deed -Computer Printout.PDF,05-01524b Ownership List.PDF,05-01524b State of Florida Documents,PDF,05-01524b Owner Authorization Letter,PDF,05-01524b Directory of Project Principals.PDF,05-01524b Article 11 - Project Description.PDF,05-01524b Article III - Supporting Docurnents.PDF,05-01524b Minority Construction Employment Plan,PDF,05-0I524b Traffic Impact Analysis.PDF,05-01524b Site Utility Study.PDF,05-01524b Economic Impact Analysis.PDF,05-01524b Survey of Property.PDF,05-01524b Drawings Submitted.PDF,05-01524b Legislation.pdf,05-0I524b Exhibit A.pdf,05-015241) Exhibit B.pdf,05-01524b MUSP Analysis.pdf,05-01524 & 05-01524b Zoning Map.pdf,05-01524, 05-01524a & 05-01524b Aerial Map.pdf,05-01524b Pre -Application Design Review Comments.pdf,05-0 I 524b Variances Fact Sheet,pdf,05-01524b Variances Analysis.pdf,05-01524b ZB Reso.pdf,05-01524b School Impact Review Anatysis.pdf,05-01524b PAB Reso.pdf,05-01524b MUSP Fact Sheet.pdf,05-01524b Legislation.Sub.pdf, History of Legislative File Version: Acting Body: Date: Action: Sent To: Due Date: Return Date: Result: Office of the City 3/20/2006 Reviewed and Attorney Approved City Commission 3./23/2006 ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS Pass C:ry of riiw a/ Page ] Printed on 6/1912006 • • • FiEe NumberP01S24b Enactment Number: it-06.018E Date: MARCH 23, 2006 Mover: COMMISSIONER SANCHEZ Seconder: COMMISSIONER SPENCE-JONE S Vote: AYES: 3 - COMMISSIONER GONZALEZ, SANCHEZ AND SPENCE-JONES ABSENT: 2 - COMMISSIONER WINTON AND REGALADO Action: ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS Date: APRIL 5, 2006 Action: SIGNED BY THE MAYOR I, Priscilla A. Thompson, City Clerk of the City of Miami, Florida, and keeper of the records thereof, do hereby certify that this constitutes a true and correct copy of Resolution No. R-06-0188, with attachments, passed. tby the City Commission on 3/23/2006. June 19, 2006 Date Certified {1} if the Mayor does,not- ibtl this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. C iv ofnliauri Poge 12 of 12 R-06-C/S EXIIIIT "A" PRi. P R AJORESS 3760 S.W. 40t6. STREET, M€AMI, FLORIDA 33146 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 18 LESS THE EAST 10.00 FEET, LOT 21, AND LOT 24, LESS THE SOUTH 10.00 FEET MY: ;N BLOCK 10 OF REAL SECURITIES CORPORATION'S PLAT OF COCOANUT GROVE, ACCORDING TO THE P'_A7 T! t.ER OF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2, AT PAGE 85. OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIANU-DACE COUNTY FLORIDA AND TRACT A REPLAT OF A PORTION OF BLOCK 10 REALTY SECURITIES CORPORATION'S PLAT OF COCOA NUT GRDVE ACCORD NG TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 45 AT PAGE 67. OF THE PUBLIC RECORDDS Cw WAM1-DACE. COUNTY, FLORIDA, LESS THE EAST 5.00 FEET, LESS THE SOUTH 6.00 FEET, LESS THE EXTERNAL AREA FORMED BY A 25 FOOT RADIUS ARC CONCAVE TO NORTHWEST AND TANGENT TO THE WEST 3.NE OF THE EAST 5 00 FEET OF SAID TRACT A AND TANGENT TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 5,00 FEET OF. SAIO AT AC T A, LESS THE EXTERNAL AREA FORMED BY A 25 FOOT RADIUS ARC CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST. N' HE WEST LINE OF T HE EAST 5.00 FEET OF SAID TRACT A AND TANGENT TO NORTH LINE OF SAID TRAM - AND LESS THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL: COMMENCE AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHERLY PROLONGATION OF THE WEST LINE OF SAID TRACT A AND THE WESTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID TRACT A; THENCE S 3`07'34' 6 A WO N.:� SAID NORTHERLY PROLONGATION FOR 25 42 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE HEREIN DESCREED PARCEL. THENCE CONTINUE S 3°07`34" E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID TRACT A FOR 196 91 FEET, THENCE N 87'45`24" E FOR 5.00 FRET, THENCE 3A RADIUS OI"25.00 FEET: THENCE SOUTA POINT HEASTERLY CURVATUREF ORF38 88 CURVE CONCAVE TO HE NORTHEAST, < EAST, HAVING ALONG THE ARC OFF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 59°07`02" TO A POINT OF CUSP, THENCE N3E 1 i'51" °V` FOR 30.58 FEET; THENCE N 3`07'34" W FOR 249.00 FEET TO A POINT OF CUSP WITH A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 25.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY FOR 25.60 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 58°40'04" TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. )ECT DATA A. 3GNIIf4: cz TC% C1 E'. CacsS Lor kf .4.A= 186?07 $.8, {1.12 LCIYI-1) KLY Lqr +aPw• 74.11E+2.68 5S. (1,75 Ate) DENSITY. AIW*R- 249 LRCMS PlaovTDIG: 244 MIS C. ®L�i1-PLtsf3 tlxlCFiT ALIA YYO; Pis)VDU: 186' AT 1'17.OF'€4fn LLMB TKEH 1 j1 aLTF.ACK D YZ'�ACL'1 8.[gjIYR9 alIali1T1YH noel ail silt AVP 10' il' ^kAWIsNC.i HEa?]L7^ Al Itn1 c Mm T 10' 4'-V161.61ta 1CR10p !":.1 O1* 1Y$ 7.5 1'"0° S. LFri CsI taa61 A 0.,t 67t. -1.747 Y It .. 11,11.1 18. tat i/ a.tt a WM...K.l2sI:M eaiinsari 'MAW WV. . Ttts'l swl.5 WWI 1L1671W: Es4741 12. s 1.71 - YSA.UJ LY. xas.w s a1 4A41a7 l..t. Hf5 sat:rs u 5 as4 - .M CL1 w C. 0*75JIsrct TTSWAMIS 0111 ( 0 IOTA. 11.:1*514.4 . 001.004 LT. 1 4P- 3 2.444 6.Y, LW,. t 54,402 cr. 1413. 477 4i.A4Aa0^ 41,710 *X. 4.71. 4 1s,474 11.4. 611.0, 4-11 44,111144. 5*,4ta cr. L71l. SA-45 If.'d4*44 44.454 41'. LA. 15 Y,455 51 Vag, 31,1 11 . 072.711 SX_ uric* 41,1541s. 1i/t4 lama ti. TOTAL P'ROVCJP mi.L¢a as. .4[111 •4, aaszse tr iaa Ca1Ci as Al to IMS- su. ar,e n.x - rut rune lY w a17 oa 'VW saw cmS i.14i 11r11 G. ra1:kv CALLvU11441 'wpm La234 T WW1. W aMW= 5 T5. 67. 1.I100a' 11i 01,001 tl'[s>1 0.100 l.t./ 355 44 zxa<Y W0STIV0 1/40 1T4i'l4+ aM aaan 11/14, 1f4 p.ILI.%� 1*1150 -4ii F10140277 '44 *0,[10 t61R1 10t41. 05 PaCata lain WIC 0 PM WRAC 1s4 laa 44f 6l1 EXHIBIT "B" s101aa®IIIsa®ssE ©111ModsMMEE1©gym■ Boa©ao111s1MENps d ■sao___ ■1awo 1 __ amr©s��©®oao ©mo1111:1■11s©■eMM©a ©nii� o.�■©.�:s, RESIDE NTCAL UNTTZ LYL s 47 UNTTS) (1S.=A6 el.) 0 UTC11 LVLS. 1-1 (L3 U!€tT'6 1 d LYS.) (61.445 a.r•) 88 Uxrct LVL. 6 (23 VS1rS t 1 1Y1.) (21.425 9.►.) 53 UNf79 LVL 1i^14 (LY Ut1T S Y 4 LYLS) (40.640 S.Y.) 4A ',oars in. 17 (P VMS) (6,684 5.t.) P 1TNra 10051. (200,655 S.T.] 254 4114459 3 L 11.1 ia.4 7 5J. Pa3Y1PTi raQat;.t Witastan L 1LU5£T40 4sactapat tt) 0'xs4' manse mamma (1) ttxga' as (.1) ssxCfa' =Ma OR. Bk 24666 '6 1571 L A 5 1 PAGE • • City of Miami Master Report Enactment Number: R-06-0188 City Hail 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 'ww. cl.rni ami_ fA.us t:)ffie o thL. Mayor 2 Orrice o Office of the Attorney 415/2006 Signed by the Mayor Office orthe City Clerk /6 rk 4'6/2/106 Signed and Attested by City CE rk 6/15/2006 Reviewed and Approved Action Note: Modifications made by Law STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE I HEREBY CERTIFY that ?his t y of the orrgrna! flied ofl,ce or da at ,,e1e2 1 r A U 20 WITNESS my rdr.d and 3ffir 1d! Seal. HARVEY R1JVtN, CLERK Oy y Page 2 Prins d on 6/19/2006