HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetterJan 12 2007 4:36PM
Juno e-mail fir fpolicepl@juno.com printed on Tuesday, November 07...
HP LASERJET FAX 305-642-1513 p.2
City of Miami
fire -Rescue D
1151 NW 7th S
Miami, Fla 33
Attn: Ast. Fi
Nov. 7th, 200
Dear Chief He
Thank you for
you...Below p
As I mentione
panda, we at
armor contrac
The Florida S
02-03-05 thro
avail themsel
IIIA vest for
adjustments a
are currently
the Florida S
that you acce
Miami Fire De
without subje
The Miami Poll
same vest fro
except the CA
reimbursed fr
For the past
Schools Folic
this same arm
have accepted
addition, Flo
Contract and
The only addi
is the 4"X 11"
read FIRE - R
our showroom.
e Chief Freddy Hernandez
the opportunity to participate in this project with
ease find the requested armor information.
onmy previous conversation with you and Lt. sal
lorida Police Products behold the state of Florida body
for the manufacturer American Body Armor.
ate contract # 680-850-05-1 is currently in effect from
gh 02-02-08. Under this contract any Florida agency can
es of the your inspected and approved concealable level
$ 591.21. But I do have the discretion to make price
the situation warrants itself. In your case, since you
in need of 150 vests, i highly recommend that you avail
ate contract for ordering purposes but r am proposing
t a price adjustment of $ 450.00 per vest as a
ourtesy from. Florida Police Products to the City of
artment. This price is inclusive of all size vests
t to any oversize charges that may be applicable.
ce Dept. .police officers individually purchase this
us at $500.00 for males and $ 550.00 far females,
of Miami's policy is that the officer gets 100 %
the City of Miami for their out of pocket expense.
years and currently still provide the Miami-vade
Department which has over 215 police officers with
r and they have accessed the Florida State Contract and
he courtesy discount which we have extended. In
'da Highway Patrol Troop E also avails the Florida
rchase this vest from us as well.
onal expense of $ 8.95 per vest to be incurred by you
embroidered panel for the back of the vest cover to
CUE. we would sew this patch once the vests arrive at
For your addit'onal consideration, we are a registered vendor with
the City of Mi= i and are also a certified SSE and certified
Disadvantaged inority vendor for all of Miami -Dade county.
If you need ad.itional documentation or information, please feel free
to contact me.
Cordially, Ray
Florida Police
701 NW 36th Av
Miami, Fla 331