HomeMy WebLinkAboutSurvey of PropertyBOUNDARY SURVEY ADDRESS: 1950 NW 1st AVENUE MIAMI, FL. 33130 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Irouts A end B, of „NATIONAL I iNEN PRO' RHES' according thereof as recorded in flat Book 115 et Pcge 21 of D i,' of Miami —Dade County, Florida. SURVEYOR'S NOTES: T) I he above captioned Property was surveyed dud desuriLfeu, f the above Legal Description: Provided by Client. 2) This Certification is only for- the lands as described. It certification of Tale, Zoning, Easements, or Freedom of tncu ABS iRAC NO REViE\NVED. 3) There may be odditionai Restrictions not showy on yi sat may be 'Found in the Public Records of this County, Examinp ABSTRACT OF iT TLE Will have to be made to determine reel instruments, if any affecting this property. 4) Accuracy: The expected use of ;he lend, cs classified in the `: Standards (61G17 61-AC), is Residential High Risk . relative distance accuracy for this type of boundary survey 1n 10,000 foot. the accuracy obtained by measurement and or a closed cfeomdtric figure was found to exceed this requHo d) Eeundat`ons and/ar footings that may cross beyond the pounc of the parcel Memoir described are not shown hereon. 6) Not valid without _he signature and the original raised seal of a or da Licensed Surveyor and Mapper. Additions or del °dons to sufvey maps or reports by other than the signing party or parties is prohibited without written consent of the signing party or parties. herein-desct cribed parcel Buildling andrHy Zoningy form too '<< on r 8) Underground utilities are not depicted hereon, contact the of uro>riate authority prior to any design work or construction on Ire proper y herein described. Surveyor snail be notified as to any dovictish orn utilities shown hereon. 9) The Surveyo- does not dot rmine fence and/or wall ownership. 10) Ownership subjects to OPINION 0s TI NE_ 11) -ype of Survey: BOUNDARY SURVEY 12) North arrow direction and bearings are based on Reco cod I'' ut Bank at pagP. 24 0 the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. 13) Elevations are based on the Ha:lanai Geodetic Verrrrtical Datum of 1929. 14) Ranch Mark Used: City of Miami Elev. 14-.685' or 14.83' N.G.V.D. 29 15) Hood Zone X Base Food Elev.: N/A as per Dade County, Florida FEMA Panel Number: 120650—C185 ,—MARCH 2, 1994 161 Tres NuAN Or SURVEY has been prepared for the exclusive use of the entries named hereon. the Certificate does net extended to any unnamed as A.) A 1 VANAGEMiNi CORD. B.) C.) D.) SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: Hereby Certify to the bust of my knowledge and belief that this lotion drawing is a true and correct represenlu�lon o-the BOUNDARY 'SURVEY of the real property described hereon. further certify that this survey was prepared in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter 61G1 7-6,=lorida Adr inl<,tr:ive (ode. Field ate: December ";o, 2003 Field GOOK: f' Ile AOY/A.t (o)L1C J Rabic) J. Alfonso P.S.M. Orfessloeal Surveyor & Map, r State of vior,do Dec, No. 5880 LAND SURVEYORS, INC. 6175 NW 153rd STREET SUITE 321, MIAMI LAKES, FL. 33014 PHONE: 305-822-6062 "" 305- 698-9466 ` FAX, 305-827-9669 esenfig FS ft BLOCK-113 JOHNSON AND WADOELL RESU5t51LISION (3-156) i I I 2912 ST JOHNSON AND WADWELL ADDI30N (9-53) BLOCK-23 BLOC SMCT NET AREA goose. 0 ea, NET AREA F1� - GROSS AREA AREA CALCULATION SKETCH NOT TO new. NOTE Tot. Gros plates and additional area limn that certain d Sy the Schoo T OF BLOCK 17 OF WADDELL'SADDITION", ne ng pet w!witsof ys as per Zoning Code, e06 Sq. ft. Sl,g, Ares SO3S. Ft. 93 Acres 102,330 Sq. Ft 2.45 Acres TOTAL GROSS AREA 172.22 Sp 2430) Acrest She rolloGng narNrrotion won verbally stoma. hy on 1/29/05 Base Sued, Sims ore the same a_ Property bn ,a deduckors as al 11/29/05. N LOCATION MAP NOT TO 3221,2 ADDRESS: IF9aIO. Ng, 22-0C20 NrlAul, a. 22136 EOLroeNo1 ��i 25-mz-0010 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Tracts A and B. OPERTIES' d, to the plot recordedeIn Plat 15 at Pnge 24 or the . alit Peers, of kmm1.o0de County. Florida SURVEYOR'S NOTES: ,) The obove captioned P e, rveyGa and descrebed based on described. It is not Certificafion only for n - Fr.edam at Encumbrances. art-featon o ABSTRACT mo NOT additional survey Mot y m be found in the Subtle Records of Ms County, E' xorniontiOn of ABSTRACTMSS will have to be made to determine recorded affectinginstruments. it an} Standards (610,-PFAC). is 'Residential rti9h The minim in 13,000 feet, The raceme, obtelned by reeosurerneet of e closed geometric Figure was found to exceed this / y -ent 5) s of the parcel herMn described one not shown deress 6) Not sand t the slenotme ono the original SurveyorLiconsed or reports by °filer than me g oorty or pm tree re dnodbncd without written consent of the signing party or parties. authorityherein-described parcel for Building and Zoning inforrnotlou hereln described. Surveyor Mall Se notified as to nay deviatGn from .Own hereon. 9) thet Sodded, ad/m wall ownersna. 10, OwnersMs subjects. to OMNON OF TITLE, 11) Type of Sarver BDUNDARY SURVEY 12; North ot Page e eow on end bearings are hosed on Recorded Public Records or Dade County. Florldn. RIM Book 115 13) Elewil0ns a - 9. IR Bench N booed City o a:sas' oe y "u61 .Df 129 FDA PaHood nel Number: 120E50food ' 0182-e-MA'RCms N/A as per r, 19c4 co cnamed hereon. The gertlficol, does got Wended t -med MANAGEMENTAll AM COPP. ER & PA C; ATTORNES E INSURANCE 3UNJ rn N v0.gP0RAr ON. ITS SUCCESSOAS NA of RssGNS n5 TGEIF INTEREST MAY APPEAR SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: 1 Hereby Certify to the best of n ern1 Unn nt .ns BCebelle( Mis SVNr of the red aroperty described hereon d the ca s ms of Sheet ee g ui] o. F do Aon s.r,.Ccde Pat }Pons, s M nemnel Sert t of Ida �e9. No.58N� BOUNDARY SURVEY R OR MISCUED: 2.2.A. SCALE: 30' FIELD DATE 12-P5-93 FIELD 900K FILE SHEET OF 1 SHEET