HomeMy WebLinkAboutLettersSEP 27,2005 19:02 Jan Dutton 603-225-9989 Page 1 WeatherBugi Glenn Marcos Chia Procurement Officer City of Miami 444 SW 2nc1 Avemio Miami. FL 33130 Mr. Marcos, November 22. 200(i This letter is to follow up on the November 21 discussion you had with John Doherty regarding the Fire Departments request for funding for a Weather flug Professional weather station network. To address uncertainty you may have regarding the sole -source status of our proposal to the fire deportment, 1'd like to explain further a few other agencies at which we've completed sole source justification. in the past throe years we hnvc completed scic source justifications with the Maryland Emergency Management Agency, The Pemuaylvania Office of Ce:o.spatial Technologies, and thc National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). NOAA manages the National Weather Service. A brief description of each is below. o Maryland Emergency Management Agency —MEMA and its emergency operations center staff have access to Weatherfiug Professional weather stations in the suite of Maryland via bcnh geographic information systems (GIS) and our Streamer desktop product. In addition, every county and throe city EOCs have access to weather station data in their county via the Streamer application. Both the state and the city/county EOCs have. a common weather platform to manage their severe weather, HAZMAT, and other potential man made events. The sole source justification centered on the fact that our company manages over 300 pre-existing weather station in the state and provides a level of detail, analysis, and weather intelligence not available from any other source, o Pennsylvania Office of Gcuspatial Technologies - PA-GTO has access to over 300 preexisting weather stations in the state of Pennsylvania via leading edge GIS technology that inserts live date streams directly into the PA GTO GIS infrastructure. In addition to the weather station data, we have integrated a wide range of ancillary data such a radar mosaics, single site radar data, lightning strike and prediction data. The primary role far access to our data in the, PA CiT() system is for the management of events associated with Nevem weather, 11AZMAT, and other potential man made events. Sole Source was justified in this cage because we are the only company with a pre-existing. centrally managed, uniform instrumentation weather observation platform within thc state. 12410 Milestone Center Drive, Suite 300 • Germantown. MD 20876 301.268.8390 • 800.544.4429 www.wentherbuaprofessional.com SEP 27,2005 19:02 Jan Dutton 603-226-9989 Page 2 O National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration WeatherF ug proti;ssiunttl has a Cooperative Agreement with the Air Resources Laboratory (ARL) which is designed to provide NOAA ARL 4eCess to our network of weather stations in 12 metjor metropolitan areas within the United States. Sole source was justified because of —► our pro -existing weather station assets, and —► our ability to remotely manage the weather station once installed, and our ability to conduct detailed, regular maintenance activities, and - our ability to rapidly disseminate the weather information collected, and —► the nationwide scope of our network, NOAA ARi. deemed our network and excellent resource by which to study advancers, in atmospheric dispersion modeling. In addition, our agreement also provides access of our data to the. NWS Weather Forecast Offices for use in their clay -to -day weather monitoring and forecasting responsibilities. The City of Miami Fire Department's role in emergency management and first response will be enhanced by the Wcatherl3ug solution. They will have live up date weather information not available from any other source with the defining features discussed alcove. Weather happens to be a regional phenomenon as much as it is a local one. As such, while the Fire Department Is establishing their own weather observation network, they will also have access to neighboring networks, such as that sponsored by tho Broward County Sheriff Office, the City of Miami Beach, Miami -Fiume County Emergency Management Office, and Miami L)adu Schools. The Piro Departments request will establish a unique but proven tool to better enable decisions during emergency situations. Tho citizens will therefore benefit as well. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thanks, `-1 n F. Dutton, PhD Director and General Manager ofWoatherBus Prolossiunul WcamhorBug Processional Services f103-226-9989 (o) 301-250-4506 (f) jdut1an(r.Jawrr.com 12410 Milestone Center Drive, suite 300 • Germantown, MD 20876 301.268.8390 - 800.b44.4429 www.weatherbupprafessional.com James E. Anderson Director — Government Services WeatherBug 2-5 Metropolitan Ct. Gaithersburg, MD 20878 John R. Conklin Emergency Management Coordinator City of Miami DEPARTMENT OF FIRE -RESCUE Disaster Management & Public Affairs Division 1151 N.W. 7th Street, 3rd Floor Miami, Florida 33136 RE: Sole Source Justification for WeatherBug Products and Services Dear Mr. Conklin WeatherBug operates a proprietary weather observing network of nearly 8,000 weather stations, including approximately 300 in Florida and 35 in Miami -Dade County. This network is completely unique. Weather tracking stations and cameras, primarily mounted at schools and public safety facilities, stream live data and imagery through our proprietary network architecture to over 20,000,000 active users every 2-seconds. It is the only truly real-time and highly dense network of weather stations. There is no other comparable network or source of data in the U.S. Access to this data is provided through a suite of proprietary applications and data feeds and available only from WeatherBug. Within the State of Florida, and throughout the United States, government agencies have repeatedly elected to work with WeatherBug on a sole source basis because of our vast network assets in there area. Because of these assets, we are the only company that can economically provide real-time, local weather intelligence and alerting for public safety officials, departments of transportation, public works departments or other agencies. By utilizing our network organizations inherently leverage the investment made by our existing partners — schools, TV broadcasters, government agencies and the general public - in their area. Currently in Broward County we are under sole source contract with the Broward County Sheriffs Department, Broward County Emergency Management Agency, and Fort Lauderdale Fire -Rescue. Other sole source customers in Florida include the Lee County Emergency Management Agency, Cape Coral Fire Department and several other organizations. Please do not hesitate to call if you need additional information or assistance. Sincerely, James E. Anderson