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Virginia }fey beack Park Trust
Miami City Hall, Commissioner Chambers
3500 Pan American Drive
Monday July 2, 2007
Present: Eugenia B. Thomas, Vice Chair
W. Mark Walters, Secretary
Miguel Germain, Treasurer
Gustavo Godoy, Trustee
Enid Pinkney, Trustee
Maud Newbold, Trustee
Patrick Range, Esq. Trustee
Absent: Gene Tinnie, Chair (Excused)
Erica McKinney, Esq. (Unexcused)
Guest: Audrey Edmondson, County Commissioner
Mr. Bereblum, BEA International
David Shorter, Executive Director
Guy Forchion, Director of Operations
Lee Robinson, Finance Director
Robert Blount, Museum Director
Valria Screen, Development Director
Terrica Johnson, Administrative Assistant
Veronica Xiques, Assistant City Attorney
• Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 6:03pm by Vice -Chair Eugenia
B. Thomas as a duly noticed meeting. A quorum was present at the start of the
• Commissioner Audrey Edmondson presented to the Trust a 5,000.00 check in
support of the Trust's operations.
• Minutes of the May 2007 Board of Trustees Meeting was approved.
• Minutes from the Special Called Meeting on May 16, 2007 were approved.
• Minutes of the June 2007 Board of Trustees meeting were approved.
• None
• None
• None
• Finance Director Leacroft Robinson provided the Treasurer's Report:
• The assets of the Trust Exceeded its liabilities at the close of April 30th, 2007 by
675,561 (Fund Balance), a $35,258 increase from the Fund Balance at the end of
the previous month. The increase in the Fund Balance results from higher
revenues versus expenditures for the current period. As a result, Cash and Cash
Equivalents maintained at the City increased by $31,592 and balances with Dade
community Foundation increased by $22,810. The increase in balances with Dade
Community Foundation was a direct result of the community outreach efforts of
the Development Department.
• Total year-to-date revenues after seven months amounted to $712,017. Included
are Grants and Contributions of $67,066 which now exceed the budgeted $50,000
anticipated for the entire year. The city of Miami's contributions to -date
amounted to $645,076; the full year budget appropriation is $1,680,955.
• Total year-to-date expenditures and encumbrances after seven months amounted
to $745,836, and is $550,251 lower than the year- to date budget. The primary
reason for the significant budget variance was due to the timing of the new
employee hires vs. the budget, $215, 778, as well as lower than budgeted Park
Operations costs associated with the planned park opening of approximately $87,
144. The budget anticipated the park opening in April 2007. Marketing
expenditures are also running $209,275 below year-to-date budget.
A copy of the Report was included in board packets.
• A Resolution of the Virginia Key Beach Park Trust authorizing the Executive
Director and the Manager of the city of Miami, to execute a Professional Services
Agreement, in substantially the attached form with BEA International / Huff
+Gooden Architect, LLC, the top ranked firm, pursuant to request for
qualifications No. 05-06-081, to provide professional architectural and
engineering design services in an amount not to exceed one million, four hundred
and sixty thousand dollars and no cents ($1,460,000.00 ) for the Historic Virginia
Key Beach Park Museum project, B-30508 allocating funds from the Miami -
Dade County Building Better Communities General Obligation Bond and other
Funding Sources as may become available, subject to budgetary approval.
➢ Trustee Pinkney asked who will own the plans.
➢ ED Shorter noted that ultimately the City will own the plans.
➢ ED Shorter introduces Mr. Bereblum, BEA to the Board of Trustees.
Trustee Germain moved and Trustee Walters seconded the motion. Motion
Carries unanimously.
• Discussion initiated by the Development Director, supported by the Executive
Director with the intention for the Board of Trustees to propose an annual level
policy for the Trustees of Virginia Key Beach Park Trust. The recommended
contribution suggested by staff is $1,000.00 annually; which can either be a direct
donation or a combination of event tickets sales, personal contribution (s) or
solicitation to include gifts in kind.
➢ Trustee Germain noted that he was against the Trustees having to give
a contribution of $1,000.00. He stated that the Trustees should be able
to contribute as much as possible to help the trusts but not specifically
a minimum of 1,000.00.
➢ Trustee Newbold noted that the board should be able to speak up and
let others know that the Trustees are providing contributions as well.
Perhaps, she states, if you cannot afford you will be able to solicit
support from family and friends.
• Trustee Walters states that the recommendation does not require
Trustees to come out of pocket with the entire $1,000.00 but there are
other avenues that Trustees can come up with such as having a tea
➢ Trustee Pinkney appealed to community to support the efforts of
reaching the goal.
➢ Trustee Godoy noted that he agrees with Ms. Newbold however he
understands Trustee Germain concerns that there are members of the
board that are not in a financial situation to contribute. He also noted
that there should be a list of incentives to get people to contribute.
➢ Vice -Chair Thomas noted that she is willing to contribute the
➢ Development Director (DD) Valria Screen thanked the board for their
support in the matter. In addition, she stated that donors will be given
plaques and there is also an idea of buying bricks for potential donors.
➢ Trustee Range noted that he is supportive of the notion.
Trustee Range moved and Trustee Pinkney seconded. Motion passes
• None
• CM1-Administrative/Personnel
➢ Administrative/Personnel and Audit/Budget committees had joint
meetings on June 25th and their joint report is in CM2-Audit/Budget,
• CM2-Audit and Budget
a. Finance Director (FD) Lee Robinson presented FY '08 Budget
Assumptions Revenues and Operating Expenditures as follows:
1. Operating grants and contributions are conservatively
estimated at $70,000.
2. Events revenues are estimated at $20,000.
3. Full-time staff to increase from 15 to 19 by the end of FY
4. Planned park opening date of February 2008.
5. Permanent park opening date of February 2008.
6. Permanent Part -Time Staff to be at 9 by the end of FY 2008
as a result of the park opening.
7. Salaries and benefits for new full-time and part time
employees is approximately $264,000.
8. The City of Miami Parks Department will incorporate the
Park's Maintenance costs into its FY 2008 budget.
b. FD Robinson presented FY '08 Budget Assumptions New staff Positions
with Salary and Benefits Costs. Total Salary and Benefits is $263,617. (A
break down of the numbers was included in the board packets).
c. FD Robinson presented FY '08 Revenues and Expenditures Budgets.
Total Revenues: FY 2008-$2,748,681.00 compare to FY 2007-
$2,127,253.00. Total Expenditures: FY 2008 is $2,748,681 compares to
FY 2007 $2,127,253.00. (A break down of the numbers was included in
the board packet)
Recommendation passed unanimously.
A. FD Robinson presented FY '08-'07 Proposed Capital Improvement Budget
Capital Improvements as follows:
a. The audit and Budget Committee recommends the following
capital improvement initiatives for Board consideration and
i. Miami -Dade County General Obligations Bond (GOB),
proposed project budget for the construction of the
Historic Virginia Key Beach Park Museum and
Cultural Center in the amount of $22,720.740.00
ii. Homeland Defense Bond funding appropriations
request for $856,205.00 for various planned park
improvements, including projects related to the
installation of the mini -train, and the planning and
installation of water supply plan.
(A break down of the numbers was included in the board
Recommendation passed unanimously.
B. FD Robinson presented the FY '08 Capital Projects to be funded by Homeland
Defense Bond Dollars as follows:
b. Capital Projects:
i. Mini train- Installation/ Platform/Painting-$300,000.00
ii. Water Supply plan- Installation/Shower/Fountains-
iii. Various Other Projects:
• 50% of Children's boundless playground-
• Picnic pavilion awnings-$70,000.00
• Environment Resources Permit- $30,000.00
• Park maintenance faciltity-$30,000.00
• Other projects-$129,705.00
Total Appropriations request-$856,205.00
Note: Balance of City of Miami allocation,
Recommendation passed unanimously.
• CM3-Development
• Development Director Screen reported that there were 13 donations to the
Trust in June totaling $8,245.00. County Commissioner donated a total of
$5,000.00 as well as a donation from County Commissioner Dennis Moss
in the amount of $2,500.00. Copies of the monthly fundraising report were
included in Board Packets. Also included in the board packet was an
Annual statement for the months of January thru June totaling $51,785.00.
➢ Development Director Screen presented Trustee Range with a token of
appreciation on behalf of his family for their donation during the radio-
➢ Gift Recognition Items were shown to the Board of the trustees for those
who donate monies between $500.00 and $5,000.00.
➢ Next Development Committee Meeting will be September 12th at Virginia
Key Beach Park Trust Office.
• CM4-Historic Preservation
➢ No Report
• CM5-Marketing
➢ Trustee Newbold reported that a draft of the billboard was included in the
board packet. ED Shorter emphasized that changes will be made to the
billboard so that they came go up as soon as possible.
➢ Trustee Walters ask where the billboards will be located.
➢ ED Shorter responded that the billboard's locations are contingent on
what's left after they sell their normal billboards.
• CM6- Nature and Environment
➢ No Report
• CM7- Planning and Construction
➢ DO Forchion presented a power point presentation on the update of
Construction and Park Activities:
1. Parking lot an striping and concrete parking blocks are
being installed at Historic Virginia Key Beach Park
2. The new sod is resistant to salt water and the newly planted
trees are native to South Florida
3. All of the work is not complete, additional striping; parking
blocks and signage are still to come.
4. Native Technologies, Inc. was selected to perform the
selective exotic vegetation removal on 17 acres of Historic
Virginia Key Beach Park.
5. Where native and exotic plants grow close together native
plants are being tagged and identified to protect them from
damage during the selective exotic removal process.
6. The removal of Australian Pines and Brazilian Pepper will
open world call shoreline views and vistas to the public.
7. Vanessa Herrero, YMCA Jr. Marine Biology Camp
Coordinator, works on the camp activities schedule. The
camp was made possible through a grant from the Miami -
Dade Children's' Trust.
8. Buses drop-off and pick-up students for the YMCA Jr.
Marine Biology Camp. The camp runs until July 31 St
9. The YMCA Jr. Marine Biology Camp includes marine
biology and environmental studies, water safety, junior life
guard training and swimming.
➢ Slides of the power point presentation were included in the board packets.
• CM8- Events -Trustee Walters, chair
➢ Trustee Walters noted that a recommendation from the Events Committee
is to establish a fee for the rental of space.
➢ Trustee Walters reported on the outcome of the Juneteeneth Event and
noted that this will be the last year that it will be it will be administered by
the Model City Neighborhood Enhancement Team; next year the trust will
assume full control. In addition, taking place on the park was the Ancestral
Remembrance hosted by Chair Tinnie which was well attended ceremony.
• CM9- Museum -Museum Director Robert Blount
➢ Museum Director Blount reported that the architect, BEA International
was finally selected. In addition, the Trust received another grant from the
Florida Department State Division of Historical Resources in the amount
of $18,100 which is a matching grant. The funds will cover the cost of
several activities that will be done around the grand opening.
➢ The Oral History Grant was completed. The grant activities included the
video recording of 57 individuals which produced 12 hours of unedited
tape which was edited to 7 hours and 2 hours were used in the finished
production which is a two disc set. 271 Copies of the DVD will be
distributed to South Florida High Schools, Public Libraries, and Colleges
and Universities. 23 Letters were sent out to elected officials telling them
about the grants; press releases were also sent to local media. MD Blount
as well as Event Coordinator Kechi Okpala recorded a promotional
interview with the Rodney Baltimore segment of the Tom Joyner Morning
Show, 105.1 FM which aired on Monday, June 18th and Thursday, June
l st
➢ Trustee Pinkney commended MD Blount on all the work he has done thus
• Tinnie-No Items
• Walters -No Items
• Thomas -No Items
• Pinkney-Noted a correction needed to be made to the June minutes.
• Newbold -Invited Community to attend the Black Archives Foundation Annual
post sentinel tee. Scheduled for July 29th at St. James AE church.
• Germain -No Items
• McKinney -No Items
• Godoy-No Items
• Range -No Items
• Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm. Next Board of Trustees meeting will be September
10, 2007 at Charles Hadley Park.