HomeMy WebLinkAboutZB ResoMiami Zoning Board Resolution No.: 07-0021 Monday, March 12, 2007 Mr. Joseph H. Ganguzza offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolution: AFTER CONSIDERING THE FACTORS SET FORTH IN ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 11000, THE ZONING BOARD RECOMMENDED DENIAL TO THE CfTY COMMISSION TO AMEND PAGE NO. 16, OF THE ZONING ATLAS OF ORDINANCE NO. 11000, AS AMENDED, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, ARTICLE 4, SECTION 401, SCHEDULE OF DISTRICT REGULATIONS, BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM R-1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO R-2 TWO- FAMILY RESIDENTIAL FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 3814 NORTHWEST 1ST AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS EXHIBIT "A" (HEREBY ATTACHED), PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA; ZONED R-1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. Upon being seconded by Mr. Angel Urquiola, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: Mr. Bret Berlin Yes Mr. Ron Cordon Yes Mr. Miguel Gabela Yes Mr. Joseph H. Ganguzza Yes Mr. Charles A. Garavaglia Yes Ms. lleana Hernandez -Acosta Yes Mr. Juvenal A. Pina Yes Mr. Cornelius Shiver Yes Mr. Angel Urquiola Yes AYE: 9 NAY: 0 ABSTENTIONS: 0 NO VOTES: 0 ABSENT: 0 Ms. Fernandez: Motion carries 9-0 Teresita L. Fernandez, Executive Secretary Hearing Boards File ID#: 07-00051zc Z.5 i) A BOUNDARY SURVEY Property Address: 3814 NW 1AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33137 LEGAL DESCRiPTION: LoisLoL 1 and 2, Block 5, of "PRINCES PARK" according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 6 at Page 87 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, SURVEYOR'S NOTES: The above captioned Property was surveyed and described based on the above Legal Description: Provided by Client. 2) This Certification is only for the lands as described. it is not a certification of Titie, Zoning, Easements, or Freedom of Encumbrances. ABSTRACT NOT REVIEWED. 3) There may be additional Restrictions not shown on this survey that rnay be found in the Public Records of this County, Examination of ABSTRACT OF TITLE will have to be made to determine recorded instruments, if any affecting this property. 4) Accuracy: The expected use of the land, as classified in the Minimum Technical Standards (61G17-6FAC), is "Residential High Risk". The minimum relative distance accuracy for this type of boundary survey is 1 foot in 10,000 feet The accuracy obtained by measurement and calculation of a closed geometric figure was found to exceed this requirement 5) Foundations and/or footings that may cross beyond the boundary lines of the parcel herein described are not shown hereon, 6) Not valid without the signature and the original raised seal of a Florida Licensed Sun./eyor and Mapper. Additions or deletions to survey maps or reports by other than the signing party or parties are prohibited without writter consent of the signing party or parties. 7) Contact the appropriate authority prior to any design work on the herein -described parcel for Building and Zoning information. 8) Underground utilities are not depicted hereon, contact the appropriate authority prior to any design work or construction on the property herein described. Surveyor shall be notified as to any deviation from utilities shown hereon. 9) The surveyor does not determine fence and/or wall ownership. 10) Ownership subjects to OPINION OF TITLE. 11) Type of Survey: BOUNDARY SURVEY. 12) North arrow direction and bearings are based on Recorded Plat Book 6 at Page 87 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. 13) Elevations are based on the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. 14) Bench Mark Used: # N/A of Dade County, FL. * Elev. = N/A' 15) Flood Zone: X Base Flood Elev.: NIA as per Dade County, Florida. FEMA Panel Number: 120650-0183-J-MARCH 2, 1994 16) This PLAN OF SURVEY has been prepared for the exclusive use of the entities named hereon. The Certificate does not extend to any unnamed party: A.) B.) 0.) D.) SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I Hereby Certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that this drawing is a true and correct representation of the BOUNDARY SURVEY of the real property described hereon. I further certify that this survey was prepared in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter 61G17-6, Florida Administrative Code. Field Date: December 5, 2006 Job# RP-06-2010 Pablo j. Alfonso P.S.M. Professional Surveyor & Mapper State of Florida Reg. No.5880 A AN rz0 0 . 8175 NW 153'' STREET, SUITE 321 MIAMI LAKES, FLORIDA 33.014 Fhore: 305-822-6062 Fax: 305-827-9669 Pace 1 of 2 F,BOUNDARY-SURVEY-NOTESZE-34 NW AV tirDATE{LOT E-2)-1,11.A.411-DADE-NTS ,;k At5MG :IT, um AYI LIMA f dwq 12/G/70,M F lo- 1/2 .I. F8. i/P" n I.Q. UNDARY SURVEY SCAL'L.. = 30. 39th ," AS' A!_i YE' £NT so R/'++ CONC. Cir09__„__.. 10 6' PARK -WAY 8 CA6G 54"SiRiJ.K 'f OW . NAS, & 89'54'07' 2s.00' A.39, 23' ,._PLATED :l97 :.l4C VACANT LAND c) LOT 23 A=90'05°52" R.A25,00' 3'1 1OC WALL A=39-31' (yA;tIES Rt WIN) LANK FENCE e rHNN i77t1i74.95'7t37J . >rr --.1007.74 '-2' YPLLEY 31TlEA Nl AN_ 38th STREET 16'ASPHALT PAYEMEN1 26' R/W A, \\LKA fHERLY R/W L1N5 OF SW 35 STRE£1 EXPRESSWAY (1.-155 EXPRESSWAY) PER MON1CIPAL ATLAS COY L:r MIAMI MAP-150 EIDErti- 4.ANC} >g 3..IRV EYd RSa 63.4'✓r, PHONE 365-822-6062 1 FAX: 305--827-9669 61T5 NW 153rd STREET SUIT 321 MIAMI LANE FL. 33014 LEGEND Over, Ccd Me Line A =Exla149 FIAA0t1AA. .• s• — Wood Fence ,,Catch Bag» —, Fence COD =Woter Meta' c iron F'erce =o, -Power Pule Monument Line 45 >=Alcr=haie - — — Centerline i a a 104411 NIAL PpVNO MOF7UMENT� 35.0 Foond N±i; Fr_4 r.Faurd Iron Reba, FAR. =Found Ire==. Pi7e/Pin r.N&o ..found NA6 a r3?sc S1P/R =Set Iron Fin %32ayor INV Ccnc, = Conc-e:o V.E. aL=1.111Ey EOsernent =Qr1i&C3C En5em Pal O. - �nrcnasss kAcirtenonce Eosernyn; A/C±Al, c«,&111±ner 3=Rad,ua A= Arc Tc Tenge:� Circle ,appropriate conaitio VVhen pertaining to the rezoning of land under application made under Article 22, the report and recommendation of the Zoning Board shall show that the Zoning Board has studied and considered, where applicable, whether or not: a) The proposed change conforms with the adopted Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan and does not require a plan amendment. b) The proposed change is in harmony with the established land use patterns c) The proposed change is related to adjacent and nearby district. d) The change suggested is not out of scale with the needs of the neighborhood or the city. e) The proposed change maintains the same or similar population density pattern and thereby does not increase or overtax the load on public facilities such as schools, utilizes, streets, etc. f) Existing district boundaries are illogically drawn in relation to existing conditions on the property proposed for change. g) Changed or changing conditions make the passage of the proposed change necessary. h) The proposed change positively influences living conditions in the neighborhood. i) The proposed change has the same or similar impact on traffic and does not affect public safety to a greater extent than the existing classification. j) The proposed change has the same or similar impact on drainage as the existing classification. k) The proposed change has the same or similar impact on light and air to adjacent areas as the existing classification. 1) The proposed change has the same or similar impact on property values in the adjacent area as the existing classification. m) The proposed change will contribute to the improvement or development of adjacent property in accord with existing regulations. n) The proposed change conveys the same treatment to the individual owner as to owners within the same classification and the immediate area and furthers the protection of the public welfare. c) There are substantial reasons why the use of the property is unfairly limited under existing zoning. p) It is difficult to find other adequate sites in the surrounding are for the proposed use in districts already permitting such use. Motion:,,A ter consider' g t e factors set forth in Section 2210 of Ordinance No. 11000,.1-move.that the request o gepc$ e # ` be recommended to the City Commission for (approva (denial). Agenda Item Print Name Date