HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2007-04-12 AdvertisementSTATE OF FLORIDA SS COUNTY OF DADE misa = Mhe filiami MintelS 00 NW 54th STREET. MIAMI. FLORIDA 33127 305-757-1147 Published Weekly Miami Dade, County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Saundra Davenport who, on oath, says that she is the Ad Traffic Clerk of THE MIAMI TIMES weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: April 5, 2007 Affiant further state that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of advertisement: further affiant says that she has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation : , y discount, rebat . mmission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement p ti . ation in this ne d Traffic Clerk Sworn to and subscribed before me on this day, 4th day of April, A.D. 2007 L ►` ..' 1, tC J NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA AT LARGE, My commission expires: • or Notary Public State of Florida Mitzi H Williams My Commission DD634753 Expires 01/30/2011 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held by the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, on April 12, 2007, commencing at 9:00 a.m., in the City Commission Chambers located at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida for the purpose of hearing objections from any interested parties affected by the proposed Amendment of the following Codes of the City of Miami, Florida, specifically, Chapter 20, "Flood Damage Prevention", Section 20-4, as amended, entitled, "Development within Special Flood Hazard Areas" to require that seawalls or bulkhead on waterfront property in the special flood hazard areas be above the official flood criteria; and Chapter 29, "Landfills and Waterfront Improvements", Article III, "Bulkheads, Seawalls, Piers, Docks, Groins, Marine Railways and Other Similar Structures,", Section 29- 89 "Design" to require seawalls to be constructed above the official flood cri- teria. All interested individuals are invited to attend this hearing and may com- ment on the proposed issue. Should any person desire to appeal any deci- sion of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodations to participate in this proceeding may con- tact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 250-5360 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or at (305) 250-5472 (TTY) no later than three (3) business days prior to the proceeding. Priscilla A. Thompson, CMC (#16213) City Clerk STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF, DADS Personally appeared before me the undersigned, Mr. Daniel E. Medina to me well-known, who being duly sworn deposes and says that he is Credit Manager of Diario Las Americas, news- paper of general Circulation, published daily except Monday, Dade County, Florida. Affiant further says that the above named newspaper has conti- nuously published daily except Mondays in Dade County, Florida, for more than one year immediately preceding first publication of said Legal Notice or advertisement and was during all such time and now is entered as second class mail matter in the Uni- ted States Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the Legal Notice or Advertisement, all copy of which is hereto -attached, was published in DIARIO LAS AMERICAS on the following days: Sworn to and subscribed before 200 in Miami, Dade County, P.O. # 16'2�3 Ad Ordered by: 5 0 R4 Invoice # (,1 5`713 Invoice amount $ me this Florida. By day of _4;1441014.1 nidad a la mejor ellos si pueden it a otras zantes. a capaci- D00 perso- a los re- ra de ellas ate a un uor perso- itrola con a identifi- ;tuales. aciembre Vasquez su deber, lue desde tre infor- :aso. tenida en existen- t en ese lada por for de in- plicia se- CIUDAD DE MIAMI, FLORIDA AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA La Junta de Comisionado de la Ciudad de Miami, Florida, celebrara una audiencia publica el 12 de abril del 2007, comenzando a las 9:00 a.m., en los Salones de la Junta de Comisionados, en el ayuntamiento (City Hall), 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, con el proposito de oir objeciones de parte de personas interesadas afecta- das por la propuesta enmienda a los siguientes Codigo de la Ciudad de Miami, Florida, especificamente al Capitulo 20, "Preservacion de Dario Por Inundacion", Seccibn 20-4, segun ha sido enmendado, titualdo "Desarrollo Dentro de Areas Especiales en Peligro de lnundacion", para exigir que los rompeolas o muros de contencion en propiedades que linden con el mar en las areas especiales en peligro de dano por inundacion esten por encima del criterio oficial contra inundacion; y el Capitulo 29, "Mejoras en Landfills y Frentes Marftimos", Articulo III, "Muros de Contencion, Rompeolas, Muelles, Aristones, Ferrocarriles Marinos y Otras Estructuras Similares", Seccibn 29-89 "Diseno", para exigir que los rompeolas sean construidos por encima del criterio oficial de lineas de inundacibn. Se invite a comparecer y ser oidas a todas las personas interesadas en la cuestion propuesta Si alguna persona deseara apelar cualquier decision de la Junta de Comis- ionados en relacion con cualquier asunto tratado en esta audiencia, dicha persona debera asegurarse de que se produzca una transcripcion literal de las actuaciones, in- cluyendo todos los testimonios y evidencias que pudieran servir de fundamento a dicha apelacion. De acuerdo con la ley denominada "Americans with Dis- abilities Act of 1990", aquellas personas que necesiten acomodaciones especiales para participar en estas actua- ciones, podran ponerse en contacto con la Oficina de la Secretaria Municipal (Office of the City Clerk), Ilamando al (305) 250-5360 (Voice) a mas tardar con dos (2) dias labo- rables previos a la audiencia, o al (305) 250-5472 (TTY) a mas tardar con tres (3) dias laborabies de anticipacion a la audiencia. Priscilla A. Thompson, CMC (#16213) Secretaria Municipal untarios con queratosis STATE OF FLORIDA SS COUNTY OF DADE e Inland Mimeo 00 NW 54th STREET. MIAMI. FLORIDA 33127 .,..l- 305-757-1147 Published Weekly Miami Dade, County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Saundra Davenport who, on oath, says that she is the Ad Traffic Clerk of THE MIAMI TIMES weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: April 5, 2007 Affiant further state that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of advertisement: further affiant says that she has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corpora ' • n a i y discount, ate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement •r pub : cation in this spaper. 6\ Ad Traffic Clerk Sworn to and subscribed before me on this day, 4th day of April, A.D. 2007 NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA AT LARGE, My commission expires: 0, Notary Public State of Florida Mitzi H Williams My Commission DD634753 Expires 01/30/2011 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A puthearing will be held by the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, on April 12, 2007 at 9:00 a.m., in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida for the purpose of hearing objections from any interested parties affected by the proposed Amendment to Section 54-190 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, entitled "Nonstandard Street Widths" by increasing the zoned right-of-way of NW/NE 79 Street between Biscayne Bay and the west city limits from 80 feet to 110 feet for the segment from Biscayne Bay to NW 7th Avenue (this is a 30 foot increase, 15 feet from each side of the roadway) and from 100 feet to 110 for the segment from NW 7th Avenue to west city limits (this is a ten (10) foot increase, five-(5) feet from each side of the road- way). The increase in zone base building line width is achieved through dedication as properties redevelop along the corridor. Dedication of the rights -of -way will be included in the building permit review process for new developments along NW/NE 79 Street. All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning this increase in zoned right-of-way width. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter con- sidered at this hearing, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing; special accommodations to participate in this proceeding may con- tact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 250-5360 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or at (305) 250-5472 (TTY) no later than three (3) business days prior to the proceeding. Priscilla A. Thompson, CMC (#16211) City Clerk STATE OF FLORIDA SS COUNTY OF DADE -= ' je Ial' iMimeo •00 NW 54th STREET, MIAMI. FLORIDA $9127 305-757-1147 Published Weekly Miami Dade, County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Saundra Davenport who, on oath, says that she is the Ad Traffic Clerk of THE MIAMI TIMES weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: April 5, 2007 Affiant further state that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of advertisement: further affia t says that she has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corpor.. '•n any discount, reb, e, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement or . blication in thiA n w s aper. Ad Traffic Clerk Q. Sworn to and subscribed before me on this day, 4th day of April, A.D. 2007 Oak, CD-1X -S NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA AT LARGE, My commission expires: Notary Public State of Florida Mitzi H Williams My Commission DD634753 Expires 01/30/2011 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC PLEASE ALL TAKE NOTICE THAT a special meeting of the City of Miami Commission has been scheduled for Thursday, April 12, 2007, at the City of Miami City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133. The special meeting has been called for purposes of conducting a private attor- ney -client session under the parameters of F.S. §286.011(8) [2006]. The person chairing the City of Miami Commission meeting will announce the commencement of an attorney -client session, closed to the public, for pur- poses of discussing the pending litigation case of CARL L. MASZTAL, et al. v. City of Miami, et al., Case No. 98-11208 CA 01, pending in the Circuit Court of the 11th Judicial Circuit, in and for Miami -Dade County, Florida, to which the City is presently a party. This private meeting will begin at approximately 2:30 p.m. and conclude at approximately 3:30 p.m. The session will be attended by the members of the City Commission:. Angel Gonzalez, Marc Sarnoff, Tomas Regalado, Joe Sanchez, and Michelle Spence -Jones, the City Manager, Pedro G. Hernandez; the City Attorney, Jorge L. Fernandez; Deputy City Attorney, Julie O. Bru; and Outside Counsel, Thomas E. Scott, Esq., Scott A. Cole, Esq., and Krista Fowler. A certified court reporter will be present to ensure that the session is fully tran- scribed and the transcript will be made public upon the conclusion of the above -cited, ongoing litigation. At the conclusion of the attorney -client ses- sion, the regular Commission meeting will be reopened and the person chairing the Commission meeting will announce the termination of the attor- ney -client session. All members of the public are invited to attend the regular portion of said meeting. Priscilla A. Thompson, CMC (#16209) City Clerk atilk< OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF, DADL Personally appeared before me the undersigned, Mr. Daniel E. Medina to me well-known, who being duly sworn deposes and says that he is Credit Manager of Diario Las Americas, news- paper of general Circulation, published daily except Monday, Dade County, Florida. Affiant further says that the above named newspaper has conti- nuously published daily except Mondays in Dade County, Florida, for more than one year immediately preceding first publication of said Legal Notice or advertisement and was during all such time and now is entered as second class mail matter in the Uni- ted States Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the Legal Notice or Advertisement, all copy of which is hereto attached, was published in on the following days: Sworn to 200 , in Miami, Dade County, Florida. P.o. #'/° ,2)1 Ad Ordered by: 2./l� ,0 g,4 Invoice # 6 / 5-cT/ TZ Invoice amount $ �� By DIARIO LAS AMERICAS and subscribed before me this day of _AgipLs. :q), y su hom°logo cubano, Felipe laci&n de la cooperacibn espanola Cuba desde 1998 y la primera tam- bien de un canciller europeo desde 003, Moratinos se ha reunido edemas con los vicepresidentes parlos Lage y Jose Ramon Fermin - el cardenal Jaime Ortega y el residente del Parlamento, Ri- ardo Alarcon. �unlon ariol MANUEL CUESTA MORUA GUTIERREZ MENOYO uestion mas bien simb°lica y bgicamente para acallar cual- luier protesta de un opositor en :spana de to que ha sido este 'iaje", apunt° Gutierrez Meno- ro, que consider° la visita "for- midable", aunque admitio que por el momento, no creo que e vaya a conseguir nada, ni en lemocracia ni en derechos hu- nanos, ni en nada". tiano invita a todos sus miem- bros activos y no activos, a los amigos del M.F.C. y a la comunidad de Miami en gen- eral, a la Santa Misa conmem- orando el Segundo aniversario de la partida del Rvdo. Padre Angel Villaronga a la casa del Padre, y a la bendici6n de la biblioteca en su memoria. El 12 de abril de 2007 a las 8:00 p.m. en Ia Casa Cana. La Casa Cana esta localizada en el 480 East 8 Street, Hialeah CIUDAD DE MIAMI, FLORIDA AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA La Junta de Comisionado de Ia Ciudad de Miami, Florida, celebrara una audiencia publica el 12 de abril del 2007, a las 9:00 a.m., en los Salones de la Junta de Comisiona- dos, en el ayuntamiento (City Hall), 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, con el propusito de oir objeciones de parte de personas interesadas afectadas por la propuesta enmienda a la Section 54-190 del Codigo de la Ciudad de Miami, Florida, segun ha sido enmendada, titulada "An- chos de Calles No Estandar", incrementando el derecho de zonificado de NW/NE Calle 79 entre Biscayne Bay y los limites occidentales de la ciudad de 80 pies a 110 pies para el segmento desde Biscayne Bay a NW 7ma. Avenida (es decir, un incremento de 30 pies, 15 pies a cada lado de la calle) y de 100 pies a 110 pies para el segmento compren- dido de NW 7ma. Avenida a los limites occidentales de la ciudad (es decir, un incremento de diez (10) pies, cinco (5) pies a cada lado de Ia calle. El incremento en el ancho de la linea de zona base de construction se logra mediante dedicacion a medida que las propiedades se redesarro- Ilan a lo largo del corredor. La dedicacion de los derechos de via estaran incluidos en el proceso de revision de per- misos de construction para nuevos desarrollos a lo largo de la Calle 79 NW/NE. Se invita a comparecer y ser oidas a todas las perso- nas interesadas en el incremento propuesto del ancho del derecho de servidumbre. Si alguna persona deseara apelar cualquier decision de la Junta de Comisionados en relacion con cualquier asunto tratado en esta audiencia, dicha persona debera asegurarse de que se produzca una transcripcion literal de las actuaciones, incluyendo todos los testimonios y evidencias que pudieran servir de funda- ment° a dicha apelacion. De acuerdo con la ley denominada "Americans with Dis- abilities Act of 1990", aquellas personas que necesiten acomodaciones especiales para participar en estas actua- ciones, podran ponerse en contacto con la Oficina de la Secretaria Municipal (Office of the City Clerk), Ilamando al (305) 250-5360 (Voice) a mas tardar con dos (2) dias labo- rables previos a la audiencia, o al (305) 250-5472 (TTY) a mas tardar con tres (3) dias laborables de anticipacion a la audiencia. Priscilla A. Thompson, CMC (#16211) Secretaria Municipal STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF, DADE Personally appeared before me the undersigned, Mr.Daniel E. Medina to me well-known, who being duly sworn deposes and says that he is Credit Manager of Diario Las Americas, news- paper of general Circulation, published daily except Monday, Dade County, Florida. Affiant further says that the above named newspaper has 'conti- nuously published daily except Mondays in Dade County, Florida, for more than one year immediately preceding first publication _,f said Legal Notice or advertisement andwas during all such ire and now is entered as second class mail matter in the Uni- ted States Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the Legal Notice or Advertisement, all copy of which is hereto attached, was published in DIARIO LAS AMERICAS on the following days: Sworn to and subscribed before me this 200 in Miami, Dade County, Florida. P.O. #/Q Ad Ordered by; C "M C 1 4 Invoice # Invoice amount $ By day o JUEVES 5 DE ABRIL DE 2007 DIARIO LAS AMERICAS - Pag. 9-AN rdson viajara a Pyongyang patriar restos de soldados y a - la ig le U a, Norte entre los proximos 8 y 11 de abril", anuncio hoy la por- tavoz adjunta de la Casa Blanca, Dana Perino. En un comunicado, la portavoz precisa que la mision de la dele- gacion encabezada por Richard- son consistira en "facilitar el re- torno de los restos de los soldados" desaparecidos en la guerra de 1950, cuando Corea del Norte invadio Corea del Sur. Perino recordo los esfuerzos re- alizado por el Gobierno de EEUU para la localizacion, recuper- acion y repatriacion de los restos de sus soldados desaparecidos tuden 'acion de encarcelado Especificamente el periodis- ta fue citado a declarer en el marco de una investigation del gobierno sobre un inciden- te en el que un policia sufrio una fractura craneana. Un abogado de Wolf mani- festo que la decision de que el ►- periodista recupere su liber- e tad fue tomada despues de y que publicara en su portal de internet el video, sin editar, t- de to ocurrido: n r s e r El abogado indico que ese video no rnuestra escenas del incidente en el que el policia resulto herido. Aiiadio que con esa publica- cion el gobierno determine que el periodista habia cum- plido con las exigencias del jurado y que no sera necesa- rio que comparezca a decla- rar. La periodista independiente Vanessa Legget estuvo 168 dias encarcelada entre 2001 y 2002 por negarse a entregar a las autoridades material no nublicado sobre un case de durante ese conflicto. "Este viaje reforzara los pro- gresos ya realizados en este area", aiiadio en un comunicado. Alas de 33.600 soldados estadoun- idenses perdieron la vida en el conflicto coreano, ocurrido entre 1950 y 1953. A ese balance hay que afiadir que 92.000 efectivos de EEUU re- sultaron heridos, mientras que otros 8.200 fueron dados por de- saparecidos cuando se firma el armisticio. RICHARDSON CIUDAD DE MIAMI, FLORIDA AVISO AL PUBLICO SEPAN TODOS QUE la Junta de Comisionados de la Ciu- dad de Miami ha programado una reunion especial para el jueves 12 de abril del 2007, en el Ayuntamiento de la Ciudad de Miami, (Miami City Hall), 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133. Esta reunion especial se cita con el proposito de efectuar una reunion privada abogado- cliente bajo los parametros de F.S. §286.011(8) (2006). La persona que presida la reunion de la Junta de Comisiona- dos de la Ciudad de Miami anunciara el comienzo de una sesion abogado-cliente, cerrada al publico, con objeto de discutir el caso pendiente en litigio de CARL L. MASZTAL, et al.v. City of Miami, et al., Caso No. 98-11208 CA 01, pen- diente en la Corte de Circuito del Circuito Judicial 11 no., en y por el Condado Miami -Dade, Florida, del cual la Ciudad de Miami es parte. Esta reunion privada comenzara aproxi- madamente a las 2:30 p.m. y concluira aproximadamente a las 3:30 p.m. A esta sesion asistiran los miembros de la Junta de Comisionados: Angel Gonzalez, Marc Sarnoff, Tomas Regalado, Joe Sanchez y Michelle Spence -Jones, el Administrador de la Ciudad, Pedro G. Hernandez, el abo- gado de la Ciudad, Jorge L. Fernandez; la Abogada Asis- tente de la Ciudad, Julie O. Bru y los Asesores Legales Exteriores, Thomas E. Scott, Esq., Scott A. Cole, Esq. y Kristia Fowler. Estara presente un reporter legal certificado para asegurarse de que se transcriba la sesion en su totali- dad y de que la transcription de la misma se haga publica al terming de la sesion de litigio antes citada. Al concluir la sesion abogado-cliente, se reabrira la reunion regular de la Junta de Comisionados y la persona que este presidiendo la reunion de la Comision anunciara el termino de la sesion abogado-cliente. Se invite al publico en general a asistir a la portion regular de dicha reunion. Priscilla A. Thompson, CMC CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held by the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, on April 12, 2007 at 9:00 a.m., in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida for the purpose of hearing objections from any interested parties affected by the proposed Amendment to Section 54-190 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, entitled "Nonstandard Street Widths" by increasing the zoned right-of-way of NW/NE 79 Street between Biscayne Bay and the west city limits from 80 feet to 110 feet for the segment from Biscayne Bay to NW 7th Avenue (this is a 30 foot increase, 15 feet from each side of the roadway) and from 100 feet to 110 for the segment from NW 7th Avenue to west city limits (this is a ten (10) foot increase, five (5) feet from each side of the roadway). The increase in zone base building line width is achieved through dedication as properties redevelop along the corridor. Dedication of the rights -of -way will be included in the building permit review process for new developments along NW/NE 79 Street. All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning this increase in zoned right-of-way width. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodations to participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 250- 5360 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or at (305) 250-5472 (TTY) no later than three (3) business days prior to the proceeding. (City Seal) (#16211) Priscilla A. Thompson, CMC City Clerk The Associa•• call i t g,:. t t a ` ALA: NNB in'1 1r `1 T I ii d i11 OF ,#f fit iY9BSI A It u �.7 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCES Notice is hereby given that the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, will consider the following ordinances on second and final reading on April 12, 2007, commencing at 9:00 a.m., in the City Commission Chambers located at 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida: ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING CHAPTER 14/ARTICLE II/DIVISION 2, OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, ENTITLED " DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT/DOWNTOWN DISTRICT/DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY," TO AMEND: (I) MEMBERSHIP QUALIFICATIONS, (II) THE TIME IN WHICH THE CITY COMMIS- SION MAY REJECT AN APPOINTEE FOR OFFICE, (III) TERM OF OFFICE, (IV) THE BOARD'S POWER TO EMPLOY STAFF, AND (V) BASIS FOR REMOVAL OF BOARD MEMBERS; PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENTS TO APPLY AS OF AUGUST 1, 2006; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING CHAPTER 2/ARTICLE XUDIVISION 2, OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, ENTITLED " ADMINISTRATIONBOARDS, COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS/STAN- DARDS FOR CREATION AND REVIEW OF BOARDS GENERALLY," MORE PARTICULARLY BY AMENDING SECTIONS 2-884, 2-885, 2-886 AND 2-887 TO RECOGNIZE EXEMPTIONS PROVIDED BY OTHER CHARTER OR CODE PROVISIONS PERTAINING TO SPECIFIC BOARDS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING CHAPTER 40/ARTICLE IIUSECTION 40-61, OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, ENTITLED "PERSONNEL/CIVIL SERVICE RULES AND REGULATIONS/DEFINITIONS," GIVING ELECTED OFFICIALS AUTHORITY TO DETERMINE THE SALARY AND TENURE OF THEIR RESPECTIVE STAFF AND REQUIRING COMMISSION APPROVAL OF ANY BONUS GIVEN TO SUCH STAFF BY ELECT- ED OFFICIALS UPON LEAVING OFFICE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVID- ING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE XI "BOARDS, COMMITTEES, COM- MISSIONS", DIVISION 17 "COCONUT GROVE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE (BIC)" OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED ("CODE") TO AMEND SECTION 2-1252 "MEMBERSHIP; QUALIFICATIONS; TERMS OF OFFICE; VACANCIES, OFFICERS, PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURES AND RULES OF PROCEDURE; MEETINGS; QUORUM; VOTING, ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS" PROVISIONS TO SAID CODE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, A SEVER - ABILITY CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Said proposed ordinances may be inspected by the public at the Office of the City Clerk, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., or at http://www.miamigov.com/Agendas/pubmeet.asp, five days before the date of the Commission Meeting. All interested persons may appear at the meeting and may be heard with respect to the proposed ordinance. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a ver- batim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based (F.S. 286.0105). In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodations to participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 250-5360 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or at (305) 250-5472 (TTY) no later than three (3) business days prior to the proceeding. #16216 Priscilla A. Thompson, CMC City Clerk iami. TV for "Mission Reporter." Miami tywide, Mami Beach citywide. S. Los Angeles. TV for "Top Chef" 3. 3, countywide, Miami Beach citywide. Los Angeles. TV for "First Class All the leach citywide, Miami International Air - All interested persons are invited to attend. For more information, please contact the CRA Office at (305) 679-6800 TD. Yarraville, Australia. TVfor"Nightshift ach citywide. DRY LEVERAGING FIRM. Miami Beach. fiami." Miami Beach citywide. 'York. TV for Miami Beach shorts series. 1, countywide. ETWORK. Miami. TV for "Despierta ni Beach citywide. OF MIAMI. Coral Gables. Film for nEvil." Virginia Key Beach, Virginia Key ENTURY FOX FILM CORP. Beverly Hills, achelor Party 2." Crandon Park Beach, h Park, Miami -Dade County property. SCHOOL OF THE ARTS. Miami. Film for Miami Arts - Sonali Eche. Several SCHOOL OF THE ARTS. Miami. Film on Miami/Arts. Miami citywide, iami Beach citywide. SCHOOL OF THE ARTS. Miami. Film >r Miami/Arts- Isais Ale. Miami citywide, TWORK. Miami. TV for Special events Miami Beach citywide. 3T1. Miami. TV for "Dame Chocolate." :auseway. le. TV for untitled. Beachfront from First OKMARK INC. Los Angeles. TVfor PR for I agency. Miami citywide, countywide. NC. Long Beach, CA. TV for Japanese ITERPRISE INC. Fort Lauderdale. Stills ine. Several locations. )UCTIONS. Miami Beach. Stills for JC Beach citywide. ). Hollywood. Stills for ABC/LTD. iami Beach citywide. ERTSON PRODUCTIONS. Miami Beach. :es. Several Locations. RES, INC. Coral Gables. Stills for Stock wide. ER. Boca Raton. Stills for Boston Proper n District sidewalks. PHOTOGPRAHY. Miami. Stills for Still ortrait. Haulover Beach Park. UCTIONS INC. Fort Lauderdale. Stills ami citywide, countywide. UCTIONS INC. Fort Lauderdale. Stills Imut. Miami citywide, countywide, Mi- wide. ITERPRISE INC. Fort Lauderdale. Stills ne. Several Locations. IODUCTIONS. Santa Barbara, CA. Stills ise. Crandon Park Beach. s. Miami Beach. Stills for Kaufhof. Mi- ountywide, Miami Beach citywide. s. Miami Beach. Stills for Karstadt. Mi- ountywide, Miami Beach citywide. Miami Beach. Stills for Woehrl. Miami ywide, Miami Beach citywide. JCTIONS. Miami Beach. Stills for Kohls. countywide, Miami Beach citywide. IODUCTIONS SERVICES. Miami Beach. irectory. Miami citywide, countywide. tywide. Jiami Beach. Stills for LGD Communi- Beach citywide. (#16220) James H. Villacorta Executive Director SEOPW CRA CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC PLEASE ALL TAKE NOTICE THAT a special meeting of the City of Miami Commission has been scheduled for Thursday, April 12, 2007, at the City of Miami City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133. The special meeting has been called for purposes of conducting a private attorney -client session under the parameters of F.S. §286.011(8) [2006]. The person chairing the City of Miami Commission meeting will announce the commencement of an attorney -client session, closed to the public, for purposes of discussing the pending litigation case of CARL L. MASZTAL, et al. v. City of Miami, et al., Case No. 98-11208 CA 01, pending in the Circuit Court of the l l th Judicial Circuit, in and for Miami - Dade County, Florida, to which the City is presently a party. This private meeting will begin at approximately 2:30 p.m. and conclude at approxi- mately 3:30 p.m. The session will be attended by the members of the City Commission: Angel Gonzalez, Marc Sarnoff, Tomas Regalado, Joe Sanchez, and Michelle Spence -Jones, the City Manager, Pedro G. Hernandez; the City Attorney, Jorge L. Fernandez; Deputy City Attorney, Julie O. Bru; and Outside Counsel, Thomas E. Scott, Esq., Scott A. Cole, Esq., and Krista Fowler. A certified court reporter will be present to ensure that the session is fully transcribed and the transcript will be made public upon the conclusion of the above -cited, ongoing litigation. At the conclusion of the attorney -client session, the regular Commission meet- ing will be reopened and the person chairing the Commission meeting will announce the termination of the attorney -client session. All members of the public are invited to attend the regular portion of said meeting. CMC Priscilla A. Thompson, #16209 City Clerk La maravilla de Rusia y Gran Bretana tambien se destaca en la obra de Arnold. ez tam- bien embellece la leyenda de los productores de tabaco. CIUDAD DE MIAMI, FLORIDA AVISO AL PUBLICO POR FAVOR TODOS PRESTEN ATENCION QUE una reunion especial de la Comisibn de la Ciudad de Miami ha sido programada para el jueves 12 de abril de 2007, en el Ayuntamiento de la Ciudad de Miami, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133. La reunion ha sido prevista con el prop6sito de llevar a cabo una sesion de abogado-cliente bajo los parametros de la ley F.S. *286.011(8) [2006]. La persona que preside la reunion de la Comisibn de Miami anunciara el comienzo de una sesibn abogado-cliente, cerrada al ptiblico, con el prop6sito de discutir el caso pendiente de CARL L. MASZTAL, et al. v. City of Miami, et al., Caso No. 98-11208 CA 01, ante la Corte de Circuito del 11' Circuito Judicial, dentro y por el Condado Miami -Dade, Florida, en la cual la Ciudad es en este momento un participante. Esta reunion privada comenzara aproximadamente a las 2:30 p.m. y concluir'a a aproxi- madamente las 3:30 p.m. Los siguientes miembros de la Comisi%n Municipal asis- tiran a la reunion: Angel Gonzalez, Marc Sarnoff, Tomas Regalado, Joe Sanchez, and Michelle Spence -Jones, el Administrador, Pedro G. Hernandez; el Abogado Municipal, Jorge L. Fernandez; la Diputada Abogada de la Ciudad, Julie O. Bru; y abogados privados de la Ciudad, Thomas E. Scott, Esq., Scott A. Cole, Esq., y Krista Fowler. Un relator del tribunal certificado estara presente para asegurar que la sesibn tenga un archive de to que se discutib al pie de la letra y que una trascripci6n se hard disponible al ptiblico a la conclusion del caso citado arriba, el cual sigue en proceso de litigio. A la conclusion de la sesibn abogado-cliente, la reunion regular de la Comisibn continuara y la persona presidiendo la reunion de la Comisi%n anunciara el fin de la sesibn abogado-cliente. Todos los miembros del ptiblico quedan invitados a asistir a la parte regular de la reu- nion de la Comisibn. (#16209) Priscilla A. Thompson, CMC Secretaria Municipal MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared O.V. FERBEYRE, who on oath says that he or she is the SUPERVISOR, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of (#16209) CITY OF MIAMI SPECIAL MEETING - APRIL 12, 2007 in the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 04/03/2007 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing t advertise publication in the said newspape Sworn to and subscribed before me this (SEAL) O.V. FERBEYRE personally known to me MARIA I. MESA NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA Commission #DD293855 Expires: MARCH 04, 2008 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC PLEASE ALL TAKE NOTICE THAT a special meeting of the City of Miami Commission has been scheduled for Thursday, April 12,2007, at the City of Miami City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133. The special meeting has been called for purposes of conducting a private attorney -client session under the parameters of F.S. §286.011(8) [20061. The person chairing the City of Miami Commission meeting will announce the commencement of an attomey-client session, closed to the public, for purposes of discussing the pending litigation case of CARL L. MASZTAL, et al. v. City of Miami, et al., Case No. 98-11208 CA 01, pending in the Circuit Court of the 11 th Judicial Circuit, in and for Miami -Dade County, Florida, to which the City is presently a party. This private meeting will begin at approximately 2:30 p.m. and conclude at approximately 3:30 p.m. The session will be attended by the members of the City Commission: Angel Gonzalez, Marc Sarnoff, Tomas Regalado, Joe Sanchez, and Michelle Spence -Jones, the City Manager, Pedro G. Hernandez; the City Attorney, JORGE L. FERNANDEZ; Deputy City Attorney, JULIE O. BRU; and Outside Counsel, THOMAS E. SCOTT, ESQ., SCOTT A. COLE, ESQ., and Krista Fowler. A certified court reporter will be present to ensure that the session is fully transcribed and the transcript will be made public upon the conclusion of the above -cited, ongoing litigation. At the conclusion of the attorney- lient session, the regular Commission meeting will be reopened and the person chairing the Commission meeting will announce the termination of the attorney -client session. All members of the public are invited to attend the regular portion of said meeting. (#16209) 4/3 Priscilla A. Thompson, CMC City Clerk 07-4-42/812716M MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared SOOKIE WILLIAMS, who on oath says that he or she is the VICE PRESIDENT, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of (#16211) CITY OF MIAMI - PUBLIC HEARING - APRIL 12, 2007 RE: AMENDMENT TO SECTION 54-190 OF THE CODE, ETC. in the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 04/02/2007 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he or she - neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation an discnt, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of .ecuri g this advertisement for publication in the said ne spa'er. Ji rah. �....t- Sworn to and subscribed before me this 02 day of APRIL (SEAL) , A.D. 2007 SOOKIE WILLIAMS personally known to me 4 „,Peiv Cheryl H Manner My Commission D0338559 0,,d°F Expires July 18, 2008 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held by the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, on April 12, 2007 at 9:00 a.m., in the City Commission Chaml,eis at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida for the purpose of hearing objections from any interested parties affected by the proposed Amendment to Section 54-190 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, entitled "Nonstandard Street Widths" by increasing the zoned right-of-way of NW/NE 79 Street between Biscayne Bay and the west city limits from 80 feet to 110 feet for the segment from Biscayne Bay to NW 7th Avenue (this is a 30 foot increase, 15 feet from each side of the roadway) and from 100 feet to 110 for the segment from NW 7th Avenue to west city limits (this is a ten (10) foot increase, five (5) feet from each side of the roadway). The increase in zone base building line width is achieved through dedication as properties redevelop along the corridor. Dedication of the rights -of -way will be included in the building permit review process for new developments along NW/NE 79 Street. All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning this increase in zoned right-of-way width. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodations to participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 250-5360 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or at (305) 250-5472 (TTY) no later than three (3) business days prior to the proceeding. (#16211) 4/2 Priscilla A. Thompson, CMC City Clerk 07-3-46/811663M MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared SOOKIE WILLIAMS, who on oath says that he or she is the VICE PRESIDENT, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of (#16213) CITY OF MIAMI - PUBLIC HEARING - APRIL 12, 2007 RE: CHAPTER 20, "FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION", ETC. in the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 04/02/2007 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attac -epy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he or sho as ne ther paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation a disco nt, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of .ecur' g this advertisement for publication in the said ne sp• per. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 02 day of APRIL ("'-4.Az (SEAL) , A.D. 2007 SOOKIE WILLIAMS personally known to me aterrovitt. Cheryl H Marmer My Commission DD338559 o, „,' Expires July 18, 2008 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held by the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, on April 12, 2007, commencing at 9:00 a.m., in the City Commission Chambers located at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida for the purpose of hearing objections from any interested parties affected by the proposed Amendment of the following Codes of the City of Miami, Florida, specifically, Chapter 20, "Flood Damage Prevention", Section 20-4, as amended, entitled, "Development Within Special Flood Hazard Areas" to require that seawalls or bulkhead on waterfront property in the special flood hazard areas be above the official flood criteria; and Chapter 29, "Landfills and Waterfront Improvements", Article ID, "Bulkheads, Seawalls, Piers, Docks, Groins, Marine Railways and Other Similar Structures,", Section 29-89 "Design" to require seawalls to be constructed above the official flood criteria. All interested individuals are invited to attend this hearing and may comment on the proposed issue. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodations to participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 250-5360 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or at (305) 250-5472 (TTY) no later than three (3) business days prior to the proceeding. (#16213) 4/2 Priscilla A. Thompson, CMC City Clerk 07-3-48/811669M MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared SOOKIE WILLIAMS, who on oath says that he or she is the VICE PRESIDENT, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of (#16216) CITY OF MIAMI PROPOSED ORDINANCES - APRIL 12, 2007 in the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 04/02/2007 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he or she ha -n-ither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any : isco t, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of s-curi • this advertisement for publication in the said ne .pa%er. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 02 day of APRIL (SEAL) , A.D. 2007 SOOKIE WILLIAMS personally known to me 40% Cheryl H Marmer IF• My Commission DD338559 or 1Expires July 18, 2008 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCES Notice is hereby given that the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, will consider the following ordinances on second and final reading on April 12, 2007, commencing at 9:00 a.m., in the City Commission Chambers located at 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida: ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMEND- ING CHAPTER 14/ARTICLE II/DIVISION 2, OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, ENTITLED "DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT/DOWNTOWN DISTRICT/ DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY," TO AMEND: (I) MEMBERSHIP QUALIFICATIONS, (II) THE TIME IN WHICH THE CITY COMMISSION MAY REJECT AN APPOINTEE FOR OFFICE, (111) TERM OF OFFICE, (IV) THE BOARD'S POWER TO EMPLOY STAFF, AND (V) BASIS FOR REMOVAL OF BOARD MEMBERS; PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENTS TO APPLY AS OF AUGUST 1, 2006; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING CHAPTER 2/ARTICLE XI/DIVISION 2, OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA. AS AMENDED, ENTITLED "ADMINISTRATION/BOARDS, COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS/STANDARDS FOR CREATION AND REVIEW OF BOARDS GENERALLY," MORE PARTICULARLY BY AMENDING SECTIONS 2-884, 2-885, 2-886 AND 2-887 TO RECOGNIZE EXEMPTIONS PROVIDED BY OTHER CHARTER OR CODE PROVISIONS PERTAINING TO SPECIFIC BOARDS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING CHAPTER 40/ARTICLE III/SECTION 40-61, OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, ENTITLED "PERSONNEUCIVIL SERVICE RULES AND REGULATIONS/DEFINITIONS," GIVING ELECTED OFFICIALS AUTHORITY TO DETERMINE THE SALARY AND TENURE OF THEIR RESPECTIVE STAFF AND REQUIRING COMMISSION APPROVAL OF ANY BONUS GIVEN TO SUCH STAFF BY ELECTED OFFICIALS UPON LEAVING OFFICE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE XI "BOARDS, COMMIT- TEES, COMMISSIONS", DIVISION 17 "COCONUT GROVE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE (BIC)" OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED ("CODE") TO AMEND SECTION 2-1252 "MEMBERSHIP; QUALIFICATIONS; TERMS OF OFFICE; VACANCIES, OFFICERS, PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURES AND RULES OF PROCEDURE; MEETINGS; QUORUM; VOTING, ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS" PROVISIONS TO SAID CODE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, A SEVERA- BILITY CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Said proposed ordinances may be inspected by the public at the Office of the City Clerk, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., or at http://www.miamigov.com/Agendas/pubmeet.asp, five days before the date of the Commission Meeting. All interested persons may appear at the meeting and may be heard with respect to the proposed ordinance. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based (F.S. 286.0105). In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodations to participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 250-5360 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or at (305) 250-5472 (TTY) no later than three (3) business days prior to the proceeding. (#16216) 4/2 Priscilla A. Thompson, CMC City Clerk 07-4-56/811792M naron, con 13 anos de vida, mericano. Reclamos inutiles presumiendo que sus retonos "huelga de hambre" de CIUDAD DE MIAMI, FLORIDA AVISO AL PUBLIC'f SEPAN TODOS QUE Ia Junta'Oe Comisionadds de la .C1u1 dad de Miami ha programedo una reunion especial _plena. el jueves 12 de abrii del 2007, en el Ayuntamiento de' la Ciudad de Miami, (Miami City Hall), 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133. Esta reunion especial. se 'cite lion el proposito de efectuar una reunion privada abogado- diente bajo los parametros de F.S. §286.011(8) (2006). La .persona que preside la reunion de la Junta de Comisiona- dos de Ia Ciudad de Miami anunciara el comienzo deuna sesibn abogado-cliente, cerrada al publico, con objeto de discutir el caso pendiente en litigio de CARL L. MASZTAL, et al.v. City of Mianii, et al., Caso No. 98-11208 CA 01, pen- diente en to Corte de Circuito del Circuito Judicial lino , en ypor el Condado Miami -Dade, Florida, del cual la Ciudad de Miami es parte. Este reunion privada comenzaraaproxi- madamente a las 2:30 p.m. y concluira aproximadamente a las 3:30 p.m. A esta sesion asistiran los miembros de .1a Junta de Comisionados: Angel Gonzalez, Marc Soff, . Tomas Regaledo, Joe Sanchez y Michelle Spence -Jones. -e_lAdministrador de la Ciudad, Pedro G. Hemandez,el:abo- . gado de' la Ciudad, Jorge 'L. Fernandez., to Abogada Asis- tente de la Ciudad, Julie O,: Bru y los Asesores Legales Exteriores, Thomas E. Scott, Esq., Scott A. Cole,: Esq. y Kristia Fowler. Estara presente un reporter legal airtl#icado para asegurarse de que se transcribe la sesion en su totals dad y de que la transcripcion de la misma se haga pa lic a al termini:, de la sesion de litigio antes citada. Al conduir.la sesion abogado-cliente, se reabrira la reunion regular de Iet Junta de Comisionados y la persona que este presidiendo la reunion de la Comisiun anunciara el termino de la sesion °abogado-cliente. ;Se invite at publtco en general a asistir a la porcion regular de dicha reunion. Priscilla A. Thompson Secretaria Municipal LG 1 val