HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal Petitionrecord in connoc.2tI, item Pt. ‘z on It-oq-o, Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk We the undersigned support the request to change the land use and zoning of the property located at 2648 NW 22 Avenue. - Application # 0601023LU/ZC VLkl Name �30 / ) • /o �U•�, 2 0 y L Address Name �3vi--7UJ/v ri Address /-r/7/�i ��LfGL Name ltfoa oUlU339- Address .fir 33�� v Signature ignature avdoitE0-5-P Name /r ( Zar2/10 Signature 2f/�trR1C2'7�—f S��,akY3s�y� Address Lqtrq - Name Signature rorG6 0)) {-11Address 4F �� - 6 /6,?.3 L� We the undersigned support the request to change the land use of the property located at 2648 NW 22 Avenue. Application # 0601023LU/ZC . / 74 f o oe T Name Lio 1e ,4 /-144 34 o 4 vc Address N \,,L) ef2-0 f.P-701),E -z, Name Address 276250 (I) 21)001-et Address -s 3 1 ZI ame wpfru-24?/ Address Nam Address `I i78 �1u) record in connection with item VZt3. cry 11-01-o6 Priscm b A. Thompson City Clerk and zoning e j c a a: 1 recyo w ;n , e, . r_. - item'e'L�� on J—Q-� — o(o Priscilla A. Thompson lerk We the undersigned support the request to change the land use and zoning of the property located at 2648 NW 22 Avenue. Application # 0601023LU/ZC . Ictrn ri/ef‘im I•rizte/ Name Signature , q -0 &4 -- `)--- A (/ . 3 3 icit Address Name Address 4- A 1 Name ��ti��33/cry ,i4of-ro (4-w' Signat re 0036 ix). IV. 2Z A-rtq aatF7-33iq Address c41 ie( 12.d Name Address Trt AlarDo 6PrNd)1Z0�J t.5=c� i I WI. F(.33141i Name Address • We the undersigned support the request to change the land use and zoning of the property located at 2648 NW 22 Avenue. Application # 0601023LU/ZC . A1a,12S Name Signature 6 0 $' N W CA- a F4 33 ( 2._--- Address Submitted Into the public record in connoc€ion with item P2.1)- on it-oq•0d, Priscilla A. Thompson City Cerk Q}, efrik4 i2-1 6V-740 t.k17.0 Name 7` Signature 0-634 kg0 1614 Address /Imo Rieivo �� Name Signature / Z 3t/ .3/(k Address eftaie 7�GL d Name 9)79/ KIV231 Stq4, F/ 33iyy, ss�E�Ev Name 31`lo kt($/fzP Submitted Into the public record in c©nne: tin with item P21 } on 11- Priscilla A. Thompson We the undersigned support the request to change the land use and zoning City Clerk of the property located at 2648 NW 22 Avenue. Application # 0601023LU/ZC . Vid � l Name Signature ?1 DO) 2-vb 5/ .getxv g-/ec ri 3 Address Feux Name Signature (q(t Zcfrfo. rfiz- /4r#39' Address Name VS6 k ESP Address Afli9 A/c/oh Name ? OVA? zz 14--14, Address W,3/e72, qr9,,Idt\ t R l Nam JC(,I I(k- Address Signature %3 3L--71 record in connocV,on with item on1.�-aq-o4 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk We the undersigned support the request to change the land use and zoning of the property located at 2648 NW 22 Avenue. Application # 0601023LU/ZC . g //4/441-e•Z 0/74=a=4aaa, Name uame Signature 2 /7 Ail/ s) 315 !6. ,-/)01?3N Address e' Name,Fo42 2/?ivw 2 1- 3 a Address ‘4—S1/4 A '17RC-z Name c),) )-7.‘ iv 2c Address Name e4- Signature 3� OV D 11117/3 NW g37-r Address 0 %CV Name MI IVOF(-5,3iyv Signature Ssr"ature )V Signatur+ SRu JmittricR records in conncc12on ,nth item PZ12. on 11-bi-ol. Pri ciF a A. Thompson City Clerk We the undersigned support the request to change the land use and zoning of the property located at 2648 NW 22 Avenue. Application # 0601023LU/ZC . Name i /�Cfi ll. ''`� Address Hi 1? M1 ,` 31�S Name e&4Iz64e Address Name (0Y:cai?C-k)-,,,Z3 e0;( 64Pc././1 Name 8�6q�133iv�- ik-r1_3pt-r%7 yip �,vv 9 Name -36n kiul2151 P441I Address Signature Signatu Signature S1�r^a..ni tec' !R° to r':i�1 r R" L9 V e � 91 ". s. �+' �r record in corer: o on with item 121� on a -off Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk We the undersigned support the request to change the land use and zoning of the property located at 2648 NW 22 Avenue. Application # 0601023LU/ZC . OUVYYLO‘A/4,1, Name P.51:2-ot out,) t r Ay Address 7 g„„42, Name ignature 2q 2-Q IA) W ti--v 4/1 '7 Address qt FT. `3 5 j kit 4Sp-e- -4,<suktit_13 44_4 Name Signature VALa/4-� Address W.5,f(C' 11. 30 9 >tu/L. ,FvusttiAA--0 Name Lc ,_q L W t ON--y al7? 3 / ;- Address 1 f r Name Signature vf 4 0 Address ( J 3 jr4ft Submit're. tidy W record in conncc' on. =h item.tv on 11-041 -My Prisciiio A. Thompson City Clerk We the undersigned support the request to change the land use and zoning of the property located at 2648 NW 22 Avenue. Application # 0601023LU/ZC Name .2 aq 1w%fit/.Lr w � i'cr Address apt. Name Signature \fr - aq Ij441 Ay ' 602 Address e y t fj r ettpuLt- Name :.q L/J Address , 3 5 / yG Name Address JI cA-03 / SLI `et"eiVYVAMito Signature VIr&k;--e-t_<.6„12A_ Signature Signature 9 1111UP 1161vO,p, 2of qdrt" Address Signature Submitted Into the pu5;c record in c3flflC tics with item PZ 1 y on 1.1 _ p o 4 Prig,,,A. Thompson City Clerk We the undersigned support the request to change the land use and zoning of the property located at 2648 NW 22 Avenue. Application # 0601023LU/ZC . Name 2-q AA) 66/ Address t4.( t 3 givozAkt9A-. 4.11.45-k„ Name Address ) r, jrf� � / r b)1(A,. Ar")'t-Sty Name a_qp_a tv w Ur/4,y sz,t Address r Fr‘ 5 3 (c,j t Name Signature Signature Signature Signature 2-9' VIA), / M—Y p/ 3cl— Address Or . F F' 53 ,`ft. aLL Nitkuld. Name �� v Signature 2q 2q NV. hAr / 2/ Address t {r 33 Nf2„- Submitted Into the puhlic record in conracc a item ?i I 1 onII -WI.OG Priscilla A. Thompson We the undersigned support the request to change the land use and zoningCity Clerk of the property located at 2648 NW 22 Avenue. Application # 0601023LU/ZC . rZ,�e c� ,e s rt A/ I ►� k0 Name Signature Address 04 �--- Name Signature .zaft 601-- Address 04 I t C�r 3 3/ „F2 1\4 aAA20_ koitActetiy Name 2a�Q til R [ k - t/ Wit 5/11 Addresspi, tiglr t Name Signature Signature .1(01 AiW.l8" -Uat fief" Address teP ,,,q, / Name AGM % t v M, Op /. 3- 3 Address 0, 53 Submitted record p�� d,:1 item ?1I? cn ll 1_7_04 P se a A We the undersigned support the request to change the land use and Prizoning. Thompson of the property Located at 2648 NW 22 Avenue. City Clerk Application # 0601023LU/2C PLFP..cla ,t}NdPON Name Address Q5 H a,- ea Name ��i�li Signature avc,o IS 0046/i Address �Q � 3; / Wuhen1 L#udoN Name Signature 2aelq 1at/.11/1-y apt 6l/rtc%-'4”/V4- Address Name 02q../St PI/ iir W qrok_c.f,Wcil/ Address l/ Name Address rSr ay. cvehro lii 1,7/ Signature