HomeMy WebLinkAboutSchool Board Comments (4.21.06)Superintendent of Schools Rudolph F. Crew, Ed.D. Ana Rijo-Conde, NCR Facilities Planning Officer Facilities Planning Ms. Ana Gelabert-Sanchez, Director Planning and Zoning Department City of Miami 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami, Florida 33130 April 21, 2006 RE: CIVICA TOWERS — 1050 NW 14 STREET Dear Ms. Gelabert-Sanchez: giving our students the world Miami -Dade County School Board Agustin J. Barrera, Chair Perla Tabares Hantrnan, Vice Chair Frank J. Bolahos Evelyn Langlieb Greer Dr, Robert B. Ingram Dr Martin Karp Ana Rivas Logan Dr Marta Perez Dr. Solomon C. Stinson Pursuant to the state -mandated and School Board approved Interlocal Agreement, local government, the development community and the School Board are to collaborate on the options to address the impact of proposed residential development on public schools where the proposed development would result in an increase in the schools' FISH % utilization (permanent and relocatable), in excess of 115%. Attached please find the School District's (District) preliminary review analysis of potential impact generated by the above referenced application, Please note that one of the impacted school facilities meets the referenced review threshold, The proposed residential development will impact Citrus Grove Middle School currently operating at 139% of FISH % utilization. It is our recommendation that dialogue between the School District, the City and the above referenced applicant take place prior to the May 17, 2006 Large Scale Development Committee meeting. As such, please send an email to morozco@dadeschpols.nel to schedule a dialogue meeting with District staff. Pursuant to the recently approved 5-year work plan, please note the attached updated analysis depicts the relief schools planned in the area, which includes the recently approved Facilities Year Work Program. Also a list of approved Charter School Facilities, which may provide relief on a countywide basis is attached. Additionally, pursuant to Miami -Dade County's Educational Facilities Impact Fee Ordinance the proposed development. if approved, will be required to pay educational facilities impact fees (impact fees) based on the following formula: New residential unit square footage X .90 (Square Footage Fee) + $600.00 (Base Fee) + 2% administrative fee = Educational Facilities Impact fee School Board Administration Building • 1450 N.E. 2"(' Avenue, Suite 525 • Miami, Florida 33132 305-995-7285 • FAX 305-995-4760 • arijo@dadeschools.net C|V|CATOWERS —1O5OhJVV14STREET Ms. Aria Ge|abert-Ganchez April 21.20O6 Page As an example, asouming the proposed unit is 1.000 square feet. the 558-unh development is estimated to generate approximately $834.000 ($1.500 per unit, mxC|uding the 2% administration fee) in impact fees. This figure may vary since the impact fees assessed are based on the actual square footage Vfeach dwelling unit. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter. P|enoo call mu should you have any questions at(3O5)995'72G7 SinCen3|y, iviA4YG.ViUaomi| Director I VGV:Dl0 L1267 Attachments Co: Ms. Ana R'n'Cnnde.A|CP Mr. Fernando Albuenne Mc |vanyW. Rodriguez, R.A. **PRELIMINARY** SCHOOL IMPACT REVIEW ANALYSIS April 20, 2006 APPLICATION: Civica Towers (LSD Mtg. May 17, 2006) REQUEST: Large Scale Development EXISTING ZONING: G/I Government — Institutional with SD-10 Overlay (150 DU/acre) ACRES: 1.82 net acres LOCATION: Approximately 1050 NW 14 Street MSA/ MULTIPLIER: 4.6 / 0.27 Multifamily NUMBER OF UNITS: 282 additional units Allowed Units 274 multifamily Proposed Units 556 multifamily ESTIMATED STUDENT POPULATION: 76 students ELEMENTARY: 35 MIDDLE: 19 SENIOR HIGH: 22 SCHOOLS SERVING AREA OF APPLICATION ELEMENTARY: Paul L. Dunbar Elementary — 505 NW 20 Street MIDDLE: Citrus Grove Middle — 2153 NW 3 Street SENIOR HIGH: Miami Jackson Senior High — 1751 NW 36 Street All schools are located in Regional Center IV. *Based on Census 2000 information provided by Miami -Dade County Department of Planning and Zoning. The following population and facility capacity data are as reported by the Office of Information Technology, msmfOctober 2OO5: Pau|L Dunbar Elementary Citrus Grove Middle Miami Jackson Senior High uroosmr popoLArmm 530 5GS ^ 1.283 1,282 1.737 1.759 ~ FISH DESIGN CAPACITY psmmAwswr 2,160 %onuzxrow NUMBER OF % UTILIZATION FISH FISH DESIGN pomrxeLs DESIGN CAPACITY cxpxon, arooswr psnmAwswr^mo CmwuLxrws 0 79 48 847 1.440 2,050 *Student pQ9u|Gti0n'increase aSaresult ofthe proposed development **Estimated # Of Students (cumulative) based on zoning/land use log (2001' present) and assuming all approved developments are built-. also asSunnBS none Of the prior cumulative students are figured in current population. _ ^ Notes: 1\ Figures above reflect the impact Ofthe class size amendment. 2) Pursuant to the |nter|oca| Agreement, only Citrus Grove Middle School nneets the review threshold, PLANNED RELIEF SCHOOLS |NTHE AREA (Information included in proposed 5-Year Capital Plan, 2005-2009, dated April 2005) Projects in Planning, Design or Construction School Status Modular Addition sd Under Construction Q1rv3 Grove Middle School (711 student stations) Miami Jackson Senior High Replacement (2.565ntudent stations) Projected Occupancy Opening School 2OO6 Under Construction Opening School 2O08 Proposed Relief Schools School Funding year State School ^GG'1^ FYOO'O7 (Jose DeDiego Middle School [e|ieD (Proposed) LAND TOBEDONATED BYCITY OFK0|/\K8| (1,241 student stations) OPERATING COSTS: Accounting tOFinancial Affairs, the average cost for K'12grade students amounts to $0.549 per ntudent. The total annual operating cost for additional students residing in this deve|opnn8nt, if approved, vvou|U total $497.724, CAPITAL COSTS: Based on the Otate'sApril 2000 student station cost factors*, Caphm| costs for the estimated additional students to be generated by the proposed development are: ELEMENTARY 35 : 14.364 = $502.740 MIDDLE 19 X 16.468 = $312.892 SENIOR HIGH 22 X 21'793 = $479.440 Total Potential Capita/ Cost $1.295'078 *Based VO Information provided by the Florida Department of Education, Office of Educational Facilities Budgeting. Cost per student station does not include land cost,