TO :
Pedro G. Hernandez,
City Administrator/City Manager
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ra egic Planning, Budgeting & Perfo ance
November 1, 2006
Emergency finding to waive formal
competitive bidding for parade production
services for the Miami Heat Parade
The Miami Heat during the 2005-2006 National Basketball Association (NBA) basketball season made a
successful run towards the NBA Championship Finals. In the finals the Miami Heat faced the Dallas
Mavericks and overcame a two games to zero deficit by winning four consecutive games to win the NBA
Championship. As a result, the Miami Heat and the City of Miami partnered to provide for a Miami Heat
Championship Celebration Parade on Biscayne Boulevard for the general public to attend. The parade
logistics was planned within twenty four hours after the Miami Heat won Game 6 of the NBA Finals
defeating the Dallas Mavericks 95-92. The quick turn around time to provide for a parade did not allow
sufficient time for the City of Miami to conduct a formal competitive sealed bidding process required by the
Miami City Code, Section 18-85. In lieu of a formal competitive sealed bidding process, the Department of
Purchasing still managed to conduct an informal competitive process in which five (5) vendors were
contacted to participate in the process to provide parade production services consisting of staging services,
sound services, and special effects. Three (3) vendors responded to the solicitation and the lowest
responsive, responsible bidder was Pete Diaz Productions, Inc. in the amount not to exceed $89,000. The
actual proposal and invoice submitted by Pete Diaz Productions, Inc. are attached providing for a line item
breakdown of the items, equipment, and services delivered for the parade held back on June 23, 2006.
The Office of the City Manager finds and determines that it was in the best interest of the City to have
waived competitive sealed bidding for the reason cited above. Your signature below will signify your
concurrence with our emergency findings.
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Pedro G. Hernan , ity Administrator/City Manager Dat
c: Glenn Marcos, Director of Purchasing