TO Priscilla A. Thompson
City Clerk
Taira13i + e►"!, Director
Department of Public Facilities
October 31, 2006
Conveyance of Four (4) Parcels of
land to FDOT and grant of a
Temporary Easement in connection
with the Northwest 5th Street Bridge
Reconstruction Project
Enclosed you will find an ad for notice of a public hearing to be held by the City Commission
on December 14, 2006, for the purpose of authorizing the City Manager to convey, at no cost
to the State of Florida, Department of Transportation ("FDOT"), the following four (4) parcels
of land to be used for transportation purposes: Parcel 1 located at 503 NW 7th Avenue, Parcel
2 located at 472 NW N River Drive and Parcel 3 located on the southwesterly approach to the
NW 5 Street Bridge, containing an aggregate area of 5,701 square feet more or less,
collectively referred to as Parcel 1031, such conveyance to be by City Deed. In addition,
Parcel 4 located at 470 NW North River Drive, containing an aggregate area of 2,421 square
feet more or less, referred to as Parcel 103.2, such conveyance to be by Quitclaim Deed.
Authorizing the City Manager to grant a Temporary Easement for the right to use
approximately 3,761 square feet more or less of submerged land, referred to as Parcel 702, for
a period beginning with the date of execution of such Temporary Easement and continuing
until completion of the project, but not to exceed one year, to facilitate the moving of
construction equipment during the replacement of the bridge and the associated roadway
improvements in connection with the Northwest 5th Street Bridge Reconstruction Project.
Authorizing the City Manager to execute conveyance documents in substantially the attached
form and all additional documents that may be necessary to effectuate such conveyances.
Please place the ad in accordance with public hearing requirements of the City Commission.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
EIGallastegui-Alonso, Agenda Coordinator