HomeMy WebLinkAboutAd_Fewer entries costs school districts minions Client Name: Ad Number: CITY OF MIAMI-CITY CLERK iv t 761249501 Insertion Number: N 0 a U a) 0 Qi a O 0 U lql Mfaml-Dada and Broward school districts have mirrored a statewide slowdown In student growth, which has cost schools $203 million. TALLAHASSEE — (AP) — School districts will lase $203 million In state asaiatance because sietowide enrollment Increased by fewer then 500 students this year, far below the projected growth rate, Florida education officials said Thursday. The 0.02 percent Increase Is the lowest since the 1991-S2 school year, when statewide enrollment also declined by lees than a percentage point. Mtoml•Dade public school enrollment has been steadily declining, from nearly 375,000 five year' ago to fewer than 34E000 In K-12 grades this year, to Braward, enrollment dropped for the second year, from 270,03S rtudenta last year to 262,616 this year. The net growth of only 477 students brought atstewlde enrollment to 2,641,590, The Department of Education had projected an Increase of 4g,853 students that lawmakers used when writing the annual state budget. The $203 million In enroll- ment -bared funding that's no longer needed — out of $9.9 billion In state esetetance — will return to Florida's trea- sury. School districts oleo will lore about $1 million our of 01A billion in local funding, LAW ENFORCEMENT State opens Foley probe for messages to pages BY BRAN SKOLOFF ASSOGFtted wag W1ST PALM BEACH — Floride authorities have opened a admired investiga- tion Into whether former U.S. Rep. Mark Foley broke any laws with aesually explicit computer measegea he sent to male teenage pages who worked an Capitol Hill. "1t was a preliminary Inquiry before. but we found the basis to open up a criminal Investigation," Kristen Pere - aloha, a apokeswoman for the Florida Depot truant of Law Enforcement, said Thursday, Site would not elaborate, cit- ing the ongoing Investigation. The PSI also le investigating whether Foley broke any fed- eral laws. Foley resigned from Con - gene on Sept. 29 after being confronted with the lurid cam- municetions. His attorney, David Roth, has maid Foley never bad inappropriate sex- ual contact with any minors. He declined to comment Thursday on the criminal investigation. Meanwhile. Foley has returned to Florida to attend his father's funeral after spending more than a month in an Arizona rehabilitation facility for alcoholism. Foley's father. Edward Foley, died Tumidity after suf- fering for yeast from cancer. A visitation was set for tonight. The funeral was set for Saturday in Weat Palm Beach. Foley will attend both, Roth said. He declined to com- ment further except to ask that Paley be given privacy in his Urns of mounting. Foley entered an Arizona treatment fecillty on Oct. 1, shortly before his attorneys announced the former con- gressman was gay, an alco- holic and bed been molested by a priest ea a teenage altar boy in Florida. The Rev. Anthony Mer- cieca has admitted having inappropriate encounters with Foley, Foley has not been seen publicly since shortly after hie resignation from Congress. Cheri Pierson Yecke, state chancellor for kindergarten through 12th erode. raid offi- ciate can only speculate why tha enrollment has become stagnant. Wo don't know because there are multiple factors at play,' Yecke sold. "Affordable housing la one. Insurance costa is another, hurricane activity." Nearly half of Florida's 67 school districts have experi- enced enrollment declines. Some of those 29 countlea have had large tnereaaus In housing costa, while many with the biggest growth have more effordable housing, Yecke eald. Monroe, Madison, Franklin and Glades counties had the biggest declines, ranging front 3 to U percent. Fleeter County pouted the biggest Inereaae of nearly 10 percent fnituwed by St. Ludo County at 7 percent. The diarricts with declining enrollments still will receive half of their per -student fund- ing from the state for each pupil lost, but only for a year. County enrollment erodes will be released Friday. Offi- cials In many districts had anticipated missing their pro- jections and already have made stalling and budgetary adjustments, Yecke said. She .all it still took state officials by surprise because they didn't begin to hear that districts were expecting lower numbers until the airing and summer — after the Legiela- lure already had approved the annual stet' budget. 'Ma enrollment numbers, though aren't all had news. '"Thla will make it easier for dletrlota to meet Maas size reeeiremerds," Yecke said. An amendment to the Flor- ida Constitution that voter' approved in 2002 sets limits of la students far kindergarten through third grade. 22 for fourth through eighth grade end 25 for high school. Those levels must be achieved in every elasaroom by 2010-11. until then, the moo - aura la being phased in. This year, the average class sine for each school must conform to the limits. The lower -than -expected enrollment also will help with a teacher shortage, but atrium'. Lion officials atilt eatlrtlate Florida will need 21,875 new teachers next year. That estimate Is based partly on an enrollment pro- jection for slightly more than 30,000 now students next year. That number, though, is sub. jeot to change as officiate re- examine models mod to make enrollment projections in light of what has heppened this year. we've looked in the pest at historical trends, but appar- ently there are changes now." Yorke said. "We all have to be more cognizant of tha models that we're using and how we can factor to those changing ace• nomic conditions." t o air Ijtr¢ City oEMiami a Onpaitmtnt of Community Development PUBLIC NOTICE Thursday, December 14, 2000 at 10:30 AM. City of Miami Commission Chamber 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Federal regulations governing CDBG and other HUD programs require that a perticipating jurisdiction provide oltizene with reasonable notice of and an opportunity to comment on any amendments to fundingof HUD programs. In addition, the public le advised of the proposed amendment(a) to the funding of the City progremj) Indicated below: * Discussion and Proposed Resolutions author zing the of funds for the following agenda Hemel: $Durres of Nlocatlgn Ammo! fltrransfer B Jl my ennde fund' &deity Name Smmini jo Aaerltleess7/Praorplf City of Miami Department of Off- Street Parking psalm) Total' 535,220A0 435,220.00 The Alternative Programs, Inc. (IDIS9 2198) Public Facilities and Improvement Building Imporavementa for the agency's facility located at 151 NW GO Street Total: 135,220.00 43e,220,00 • The adrpam al Phe0t maicelResdalon, by the City cosmosdon, authorise* the cry Macaw 10 amend the alp anise Ms re MWnl sores Actke Flan. 1 This ern,Wanal IQ bar 33, hie Nrwea nr , lwi ham �leedd to Ciless ty 30 Ins mewnovember on musedY D�eeertlader 14, MOS jna o 4,2poe,YW ends tit, 3006, the P"� 1 hearing), 9 Omit wplea wit be available al the Clty of MWni Departmental Carmtuniy Deniatme l oalce located at 444 sw and'vans and floor, Mlaml, Ronda, 39130, ConmerMla the amatdnalta rural ba sutanned In writing no 444 Sw and Manua, and floor, Mlernt, Florlda, 93139: Alin: Axel Rho. i0Mtt4W Indtvtdaat W nooura9ad10 IOW Nis Public Hearin. TM mining me la aeoeaade loins ha dicaprwl. Ra9ue444 lor!ped"' locommoarthn nay be Mond baths oapabnent d Canm,rny 0evacpnem at (30514talon). �leaa Nei aw9ie fbasn's' Pail Friar to tllo Public Hearingt. 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