HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdClient Name: 760732901 Ad Number: CITY OF MIAMI-CITY CLI Advertiser: Insertion Number: FTr U two f� N H 0 gx 0 lE Ns m ■R ,a a) CD .N }g 7 IJ p• Cp Ci y far 09 ▪ OM 1100 05 C.) c ■ate N . 0 z W geed JE1[NNERLEap1ICH AND NATALIE P. MCHEAL wds iwzoipellamiHeraldcorn Broward Sheriffs Deputy Brian Tephford, the father of twin toddlers and a 4-year-old girl, was shot to death execut- ing one of the most routine but dangerous acts that a law enforcement deputy will face: a traffic stop. And It wars the kind of stop that Tephford had the experi- ence to conduct, a simple reg- istration check Records show that in one year, Tephford lied handed out 406 traffic citations. On Monday, two days after the 34-year-old Tamarac dep. uty was slain attd another wounded, stew dwells emerged about the traffic stop -turned ambush that claimed the deputy's fife and led to the uvula of three GAP peas. Among details, according to investigators: that the sus. body was found dumped In the Everglades in 2003. CASE PICKS UP Oyer the put 40 hours, investigators executed search warrants and questioned wit- nesses, Including the surviv- ing deputy, Corey Carbaeei, 37, In an effort to put together a timeline of the tragedy. Tephford did not have a dash- board surveillance camera in his police cruiser, DSO said. Stitt, at the end of the day, there still seemed to be more questions than answers, and Broward County Sheriff Ken Jenne was tight-lipped about the investigation. "We feel very strongly about this cue, and let Inc tell you, title is going to be the most methodical case that the sheriffs office ever did," Jenne said at a press confer. ence. '1'aphford died at 12:01 a.m. Sunday from two bullet Corolla that didn't appear to have proper reglalratton. Tephford called for backup — which is normal protocol — and Carbocci arrived within a minute, according to BSO. Tephford spoke to the female driver, Shanta Spen- cer. Tephford returned to Ma marked patrol car and began to check the registration an his computer. in the mean- time, Carbaccl exited his vehicle and was standing out- sidu'fephford's cruiser. Suddenly, shots rang out. Authorities say Ingraham, e passenger in the 'Toyota, jumped out blasting.lnvesti- gators later found dozens of casings froin two weapons — both .40 caliber — scattered around the crime scene. Tephford was shot in the chest' and the leg. Carbocci, meanwhile. began running toward his car, searching for cover, and was shot twice in They all lumped into a white Geo Matra and aped away, eventually crashing at a strip mall at Oakland Park Boulevard and Hiatus Road. Tephford and Carbocci were rushed to Broward Med- ical Center, where Tephford woe pronounced dead. Car - lobed is recuperating In the hospital and expected to be released this week. PAIR ARRESTED Seventeen hours later, Ingraham; Delaney, 19; and Forbes, 22, were in BSO cus- tody, arrested at s Dania Beach motel. After newt of Ingraham's arrest, several agencies spoke with BSO detectives about the alleged killer and his possible links to several other homi- cides. One of Diesels the Aug. 19, 2002, murder of Harp. Miami Herald staff writer Roberto Santiago contributed to this report, Broward sheriff reviews bulletproof vest policy a For law enforcement In Broward County — like many across the state and nation — wearing a bulletproof vest le recommended, but not mandatory. BY !DOWER IEROVICH AND ROBERTO SANTIA00 gritiorlchrellidodlimalevarn in March, Broward Sher- iffs Deputy Brian Tephford — a elx•year veteran -- dried a legal waiver to work without wearing a bulletproof vest. "7 recognize that my fail- ure to wear protective body armor moy subject me to pos- sible physical harm, injury or death," reads his two -page waiver, in which he also accepts the risks and absolves the sheriff's office of any legal i MIANIRERALD.CON: CLICK ON • TODAY'S EXTRASTO READ THE WAIVER SIGHED BY BRIAN TEPNPIRO AND TO SEE THE ES0'S VEST -WEARING POLICY damages associated with his faiure to wear his vest Broward County Sheriff Ken Jenne is reevaluating his department's policies about wearingprotective vests as a result of Tephford's slaying during a routine traffic atop Saturday night la Tamarac. At a hospital news confer. ence Monday, with the wife of o wounded officer at his aide, ]sore expressed relief that the wounded officer's life may., have been spared because he had been wearing a bulletproof vest The wife of Deputy Corey Carbocci said Iter husband "had angels watching him" Saturday night when he was shot during the traffic stop. "He's very fortunate to he here," Nildy Carbocel said. It wasn't clear whether the vest saved Carhoccya life But Tephford — who wasn't wearing a vest — was killed, and the death was enough to give Jenne pause. "We're looking at our manual right new about making 10 mande- tory," Jenne sold. "As you know, every deputy sheriff is given one. When 1lssue the star to each deputy, f make sure that they're wearing It." The incident unfolded shortly eRer ll p.m. Saturday, when Tephford. 34, pulled over a car shortly after R p.m. and called for backup. When Carbocci arrived,a man in the car, Identified by BSO as Eloyn Ingraham, opened fire. Tephford, 34, was shot and later pronounced dead at Broward General Medical Center. Carbocci, 37. who was standing near Tephford'e cnilser when he was shat, was wearing a protective vest and is expected to make a full recovery, doctors said Mon- day. Moshe Stay, a trauma sur- geon at Broward General, said the vest may have saved Car- boccPs life. "1 never raw the vest, but I assume [it saved him] because if there is a Ina - let through the vest, the vest saved his life." Poe law enforcement in Broward County — like many across the state and nation — wearing a bullelproof vest is recommended, but not man- datory. a ° ,',;, r a am d M Citye4Miami e Department of :.... Community t ......._... Development PUBLIC NOTICE Thursday, December 14, 2006 at 10:30 A.M. City of Miami Commission Chamber 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Federal regulations governing CDBG and other HUD programs require that a participating Jurisdiction provide citizens with reasonable notice of and an opportunity to comment on any amendments to funding of HUD programs. In addition, the public is advised of the proposed emendmentje) to the funding of the City program(a) Indicated below: ' Discussion and Proposed Resolutions euthodzing the transfer of funds for the following agenda 11em11": 6ouroaa of Allocation Amount Recommended Activity Nam@ &a unt (AdndE fled trx.r11City of Miami Department of Community Development -Long Term Renter Assistance-301h yaw IIDlSl1715) Total: $5435,809.03 $585,e0g.03 City al Miami Department of Community Development - (IDIS#2187) Long Term Rental Assistance- 32nd year Total: 5585,609,93 *6Ba,eoa.as Urban Development Corporation-31st year IDISI1050) Total: 550,060.00 1180.0o0.00 City al Miami Department ni Community Development 031Si/2159) Dralrlat 2 Economic Development -Unallocated Account -32nd Year Total: $50,900.00 f80 000 00 Aliapattah Business Development Authority, Inc. • 291h year (DIS#1468) City el Miami Neighborhood Enhancement Term offices- 001801840) Spring Gardens Civic Aonocietian 001801064) City of Miami {}DISE1173) Teal: $2,500.00 63,957.00 $35,000.00 $28,643.00 $70,000.00 Tarpun Bey USA, Inc. (I0I8816321 Funds to be utilized for CommeroiafRehabilitation and the creation of alx lobe for reeldente of Little Haiti/ District 5 Total: $70,000.00 $70,000.00 • The adoption arihle OrirrnuMasdallon, by Ow City cammrrfen, eutholoos the City Manager la amend the eppmp4ala City of Mlemf annual Action Pion. t This enrndm.nl1a) MI Oa wallah. la wNk comment a d ,e+iaw for a wed of no Ma t an 3a ewe. The riliew and common period Wales Tuesday, Nov.mpa l4. ease end end, ..umber 13, 700E Tea poem. am.ndmen it al rill he proweed to Gay Commission for apPmval on Tlwradey. M adm.14, 2006(peamheadnol. r Oran cools wlllb* mho. al 11. City of Mi.m1 asoartm.nt of Community D.YNopmnl office locals. al 441 hW and Avenue, 3W Hoar, Miami Nelda, ten Cmnmentelo MMOam.ndmenta m,atbl nobnAlwo inwrlana tm M4 SW and Armor, And Poor Miami, Florida, 331aa: A1111: AMI 1140. InIaeata0 4ldividuaa are nleae*0rd to anal. INa Peel' Owing, The masllna elle le .co*Wtile in the hen6ic.prad. Ramos. la voiced afeomnatdalione may be dh.ctad to flu bapadnurfot Community an'eae4ent al 1301) 416-lava no Ira than Mon IA h,HInW days embr161h. P.bha Hearing mete. Ind 812r4accel SNAKES,FROM to park, federal and state wildlife agencies and regional weer managers to control the spread of the Burmese python — an exotic predator big, bad and voracious enough to potentially upset the natural balutcc of the Everglades. Researchers have found the remains Ma menugerie of native wildlife, from birds to bobcats, in the guts of cap- tured snakes. Photographs of one bizarre encounter last year made the invasion worldwide news when a 13. Tooter exploded after swal- lowing mere than it could digest — a six -foal alligator. "We know one thing, there is no silver bullet for control- ling this problem," said Ever- glades superintendent Dan Khnlael1 et a news canfcrence at park headquarters near Homestead. Beyond targeting makes in the wild, a handful of agencies' are taking aim at importers, who ship In thousands of the southeast Asian constrictors annually, and snake owners. By February, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conserva- tion Commission will con- sider new rules requiring owners of Burmese pythons and four other large constric- tors to acquire stare permlte and put the snakes in lacked cages. Another sole would require inserting microchips — similar to the IDA routinely implanted in many furry pets — to make it easier to (rack scofflaws. The U.S, Flab and W il Sarvtee and the South Florida dlife Water Management District — which has thrown $50,000 Into research and started rounding up snakes an Its vast land holding. — also ore pushing to add Burmese pythons to a list of "Injurious" species, which would make 1t more difficult to both impart and buy them. It's increasingly clear that pythons, which can top 20 feet in length and rank among the world's largest snakes, aren't likely to slither away on their own, said Snow. RECORD NUMBERS 'With nearly two months left In the year, the number of captures in Everglades National Park has jumped to 142 — a SO percent increase over all of 2005. While that may not sound like a lot of snakes in a vast park, annual captures represent onty a fraction of the actual impute. Bon. There are even more showing up outside the park. Bob Hill, who wrangles snakes on state lands owned by the South Florida Water Management Di*trlet, said he's handled "hundreds" of calls in the last few year*. to the winter, Hill sold. the snakes particularly seem en enjoy sunning themselves on the 1.-67 $sal levee, Until 2000, only about a dozen pythons had ever been documented in the park. For reasons not yet understood, it's been a steady and disturb- ing climb since. The python problem was initially caused by pet owners no longer able or willing to care for a critter that is cepa- hte, potentially, of crushing the life out of them. A few owners have been strangled by Overgrown pets. While dumping la still con- aid.red a major source of snakes, the larger concern Is that a foreign species has not only managed to survive but thrive. The Burmese are breeding, producing offspring that eat lust about anything — null s tat of anything. Snow end Ste- phen Secar, a University of Alabama biologist, have esti- mated for a python to reach an adult breeding aiee of about 70 pounds, it would have to gulp some 210 pounds of snorted mice, birds, rab- bits, raccoons and µators. Even controlling the snakes already out there will be a daunting challenge. Snow, who hes tracked the proliferation n t pythons for years and now Is in charge of finding ways to wipe them Mg, said researchers are only now developing good ways to track and Imp creaturea'het can live In lust about any llvergledes habitat, wot ear dry. They're also virtually Invisible, except when they choose to sunbathe along roads or swim in a ereek. Some dozen news photogra- phers struggled to locate a barely moving la-footer freed in a dry sawgrasa prairie — riglrt In front of their lenses. EARLY SUCCESS Radio -tracking has proved a promising first step. Last year, scientists released four snakes, each surgically implanted with two 5250 radio transmitters about the size of a lipstick tube whit a foot -long wire antenna. Scientists recovered all four snakes and captured a doken others, successful enough to up the high-tech squad to seven for this breed.. Ing season. The radio tracks also revealed some fascinating facts about the big snakes' movement through the Ever- glades. Doting wet season, one was recorded moving on astounding 20 miles or co from the east aide of the park all the way to Big Cypress National Preserve. Snow apeculatea big snakes are capable of covering long distances quickly, thtir heavy bodies apparently buoyed by the rising water — a trait that elm would allow them to eas- ily cruise South Florida's net- work of canals. During the drier winter, they tend to stay le smeller areas, such ea tree Islands, which con be prey -rich Wild- life havens but also may be important breeding grounds. Because pythons are wily hunter., patiently waiting to peons on passing prey, a trap baited with a rodent or rabbit may not be all that effective. So researchers are leaking for an alternative and pnatlbly muse enticing lure — sexttal attraction. They're studying the scent halls anekes leave behind as chemical signal° to .there of their species. Isolating and synthellking sexual scents, called pheromones, could become a critical tool for attracting wily pythons into traps. Snow has lust (niched an applicalion for $L02,000 In federal funding to launch the study. "Snakes have some kind of way to find each other," he said. "If we can get a clue to what that is, it will certainly help.,' ITY OF NORTH MtAMI BEACH PUBLIC NONCE COMMUNITY MEETINGS NmCT 35 HEREBY tMH1t AWTHE M4YORANDCIFICOIINOLHMEBC1E0111EO MUMS W�I164GEBC°°NCI IYES IAH,AEOf NTEREST*CKwNE4MWgn0. M COMMENTSTHEWNCI M1 sMEE WILL NAMABLE OAHSWTR YOUR pe540NS. 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