HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 6FEDERAL EMERGENCY I ANAGEMENT AGENCY 12?I�' 2,0. = 004�_ . HAZARD MRIGATION GRANTS PROGRAM . Obligation Report w! Signatures DIsaster FEMA Amendment State Action Supplemental No Project No Na Application ID No No State Grantee 1345 37 -R 0 45 1 55 FL Statawida Subgrantee: City of Miami Project Title : City of Miami, "Flagami area' Drainage Improvement Construction Phase II 5ubgrantee FPS Code:086-45000 - Total Amount Total Amount Total Amount Total Amount Available Previously Allocated Previously °b:ioated Pending Obligation for New Obligation 30 50 $8,607,000 $8,607.000 HMGP-OB-02 Project Amount Grantee Admin Est Subgrantee Admin Est Total Obligation IFMIS .Data IFMIS Stadia FY $8,607,000 543,5000 S92,823 $8,743,323 02104/2004 Accept 2004 Authorization Preparer Name: HMO Authorization Name: FAITH HANNAH BARBARA PICKENS Admin Calculation FEtiiA Project Prci Amenmberd 11pi Admin Cost Calculation 3 CalculationPercentage tage 18-R 0 45 Sliding Scale NIA 17.P 0 45 Sllding Scale N/A 23-R 0 45 Sliding Scale N/A 21-R 0 A5 Sliding Scale N/A 29-R 0 .45 Sliding Scale N/A 31-R 0 45 Sliding Scale NIA 28-R 0 45 Sliding Scale N/A 30-R 0 45 Sliding Scale N/A 33-R 0 45 Sliding Scale N/A .32-R 0 45 Sliding Scale N/A 34-Ft 0 45 51''ding Scale N/A 36-R 0 45 Sliding Scale N/A 38-R 0 45 Sliding Scale N/A 35-R 0 45 Sliding Scale N/A Iidtn S P rce • up to 5100,000 = 3.00% up to $ ;,000,000 = 2.00% up to 35,000,000.00 = 1.00% Excess = 0.5:1% Preparation Date: 02/04/2004 HMO Authorizadon Date: 02/04/2004 02/64/2004 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY 12:41 - `'= HAZARD MITIGATION GRANTS PROGRAM Obligation Report wi Signatures Disaster FEMA Amendment State Action Supplemental No Project No No Application ID No No State Grantee 1345 37 -R 0 45 1 SS FL Statewide Subgranlee: City of Miami Project Title : City of Miami. "Flagami area' Drainage Improvement Construction Phase it Suhgrantee FIPS Cods:086-45000 Adman Calculation FEMA Project proj Amend Appl Admin Cost Calculation Number Number ID Calculation Percentage 37-R 0 45 Sliding Scale N/A Auorizing Official Signature Authorizing Official Signature I n t n e: up to $100,000 = 3.00% up to 51,000,000 a 2.00% up to S5,003,000.00 a 1.0D% Excess 0,50% av/trF Aulit4 'Ski � 2• 0 Li Authorizing Official Title Authorization Date HMG'-O8 02 Authorizing Official Title Authorization Date 20—B 02/04!2094 12:522pM Disaster FISMA Number Project Nurrber 13a5 37 -R Subgrantee: City of heami PIPS Cade: 086-45000 Amendment Number 0 t" Amendment Status t Approved Granola : Statewide County Name : Stateurlde County Code : Place Narne ;Statewide Place Code : FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY HAZARD MmGAT1ON G RANT PROGRAM Project Mana9emerri Report App ID State Grantee FL Statewide 45 HMGP-AP-01 Project Title.; City of Miami, 'Flagami area' Drainage Improvement Construction Phase I1 .,.4 4rhgdule Sta14Mi' ps.rri TlIIffi�-1� 911 L_J'Pump Slatlona, Road Swales and Gravity Collection 4 Months Approval Slatuy:*pproved 5ubgrantee : :ty of Mtaml County Name : aiami-Dade County Code : Place Name : Place Code : 45000 Dapille Reviled Date W-10110241$ r e Total Approved Federal Total Approved Non -Federal Total Approved Net Eligible Share Percent Federal Share Arnaunt Share Percent • Non -Fed Share Amount 311,4781000 i 75,DODOOD00 8,807,0015 15.OD000OOt} 5Z,859,00 g Allocation caIFMIS IFMIS Submission Number Status Date Date FY 31 A 02/04/04 02/02/04 2004 Ilat tstt^poe Action 1FMIS IFMIS Subrrisslon Nr Status Date Date A 0204/2004 02/04/2004 2004 373190 45 1 ES Support ES Arn end Req ID 340641 4 Proj gooAmount mraee 6ubgrantae Total FeddSShare Adin Amount Admin Amount PJ1oc Amount 58,607,000 43,500 23 $8,743,323 Y 0 7,ti00 143,500 592.823<� i8,74,13?. Total —_—_— ES Support ES Amend Suppl Project Obligated Grantee Admin Subbrantee Total Obligated Amount Ad min Amount Amount FY Req ID Number Nr Amt - Fed Share gg,743,32 55 58,607,00D 543,60D; $92,023j 3,500? 592,82 3B, Tv�1 58�,6(17,00 54 743,923, 011'27/2°04. 2i23PM ' FF 1AL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENC , tAZARD MITIGATION GRANT PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 1 PROCESS REPORT Disaster FEMA Amendment App ID Stale Grantee Number Project Number Number 1345 37•R 0 Subgrantee: City of Miami F1PS Code: 086.45000 45 FL Statewide H MGP-E V-01 Protect Title : City of Miami, 'Sagami area' Drainage Improvement Construction Phase II gzecutive Orders Review Compliance Review Complete • E.O.119166; Floodpialne Public Notice, ll applicable 00 / 00 / 0000 Date of Initial Notice 0010010000 Date of Final Notice Q E.O. 11990: Wetlands Public Notice, if applicable 001 D0 / 0000 Date of Initial Notice 00/00/0000Date ofFinal Notic E.O.12694: Seismic Resistant Construction • E.O. 12893: Environmental Justice for Low income and Minority Populations 21 All Applicable Executive Order Compliance Reviews Completed Other Environmental Laws Review Standard Law Name Clean Water Alt Coastal Barriers Resources Act Coastal Zane Management Act Endangered Species Act Fan and protection Policy Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Natonal Hatortc Preservation Aci Wild and Scenic Rivers Act Conditions Applicable Completed Required 0 ❑ T ❑ C�i ❑ Comment of/27/%04 '-2:23 PM Fr 1AL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENC ,,AZARD MITIGATION GRANT PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 1 PROCESS REPORT HMGP-EV-01 Disaster FEMA Amendment App ID State Grantee Number Protect Number Number 1345 37-R 0 45 Ft. Stat wide Subsrantee: Cty of Miami PIPS Code: 086-45000 Pro)ectTrtie : City of Miami, "Flagaml area" Drainage ImprovementCorrstruction Phase II NEPA Prvr�s FEMA FEMA Initiated Completed ,gtatutory Exclusion Limited to funding authority ender Stafford Act sections 401, 403,406 when restoring a facility substantially to as pradisasrer candition,447, and 302. (See 44 CFR 10.8 (C) or Stafford Act 316) J Castetxsyiall Exeluslop SCATEXI 1f a a? � F irctahstanee i d} (31). am Envfists ron.Asa muuleads to a �hall betprepaao� enrol 011 27 / 2004 (If CATEX, see CATEX Type Code below) Environmental Assessment (EAj 00100 / 0000 Draft EA 00 (0010000 Final EA 00 (00 /0000 Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) if applicable 00100 (0000 Final Notice Published for FONSI or EA -S grlvIronmental Impact Statement (EMI D0100 / 0000 Publication of Notice of intern to Prepare EIS 00 / 00 / 0000 Initial EIS Scoping Meeting 00100 10000 Draft EIS Available 00 / 00 / 0000 Final EIS DecisiCf 0010710000 Record of Deasion CATEX Tyne Cods Codes And Standards (xv)