HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal Site Assessment AddendumHSA ENGINEERS & SCIENTISTS A member of the CRA family of companies Site Assessment Report Addendum Knight Ridder-Miami Herald Property HSA Project No. 8015.4385.03 June 27, 2006 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR TEMLON . 0'. Full Service Engineering & Construction / Environmental & Water Resources / Testing & Inspection / Drilling / Geological & Geophysical Services / Industrial Hygiene & Building Sciences Tampa • Ft. Lauderdale • Ft. Myers • Cape Canaveral • Pensacola • West Palm Beach • Hilton Head • Savannah www.hsa-env.com r June 26, 2006 Wilbur Mayorga, P.E. Chief Miami -Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management Pollution Control Division 33 SW 2nd Avenue, 8th Floor Miami, FL 33130-1540 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMP2"" ON irq40(, . RE: Site Assessment Report Addendum for Knight Ridder — Miami Herald Property (HWR-602/File-22234) Located at, near, or in the vicinity of 1431-1451 North Bayshore Drive Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida HSA Project No. 8014385 Dear Mr. Mayorga: HSA Engineers & Scientists (HSA) submitted a Site Assessment Report (SAR) in January 2006 to the Miami -Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM) for the Miami Herald property at One Herald Plaza, Miami, Florida (site). DERM responded to the SAR with the March 2, 2006 comment letter included as Appendix A. This Site Assessment Report Addendum presents the activities and responses to DERM's comments in that letter with the purpose of obtaining No Further Action without conditions (unconditional NFA) status. All sampling methods performed by HSA were conducted in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedures established by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. The analytical laboratories used are certified by NELAC. A Site Plan is provided as Figure 1. • COMMENT: The tidal cycle investigation conducted identified a depth to water range of 3.47 feet to 3.72 feet. Clark why an unsaturated zone thickness of 4 feet was utilized for the assessment/remediation activities. RESPONSE 1: While the depth to water was gauged between 3.47 to 3.72 feet below the top of the casings of the site's shallow -depth monitoring well network, this represents piezometric (rebounded) groundwater levels measured inside conduits (casings) unaffected by overburden. A nominal unsaturated zone depth of 4 feet was referenced in the SAR reflecting the (average) depth to the watertable detected in borings and pits penetrated through the upper soil SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM, ft+S; ON I1 O o` profile during the site assessment and source removal activities. Thus, the SAR-referenced unsaturated zone depth reflects the observed static (depressed) level of the groundwater accounting for variabilities from tidal influence and site topography. COMMENT 2: Comment 6 of DERM's September 13, 2005 letter, requiring a scaled site map depicting the location of the former facilities provided by the Phase II (including Sunoco Service, Ogburn Dry Cleaner, Parr Dry Cleaner and the Apartments) and the locations of any potential source areas, shall be addressed. Although Page 3 of the SAR states that "the locations of potential source areas were not evident from review of the historical documents", DERM files provide information on historic potential source areas (i.e., the underground storage tanks (USTs) in Lot B of the property); therefore, depict these potential sources on a scaled site map. Additional soil (from the appropriate intervals) and groundwater sampling shall be conducted to assess any potential source areas missed in the Phase II and SA.R assessment (i.e., the form- UST location in Lot B). RESPONSE 2: Figure 2 is a scaled site map depicting the approximate locations of the former facilities, including: Sunoco Service Station, Ogburn Dry Cleaner, Parr Dry Cleaner, apartments, and USTs. The locations were plotted from addresses provided in historical city directories and Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps. Sunoco Service Station was located at the southern site boundary. Impacted soil in the vicinity of the former service station was excavated during source removal activities (detailed in later text). Ogburn Dry Cleaner and Parr Dry Cleaner were located at the southwest corner of the site. Representative samples were collected from sampling points 1, 9, 10, and 12, as shown on Figure 2, and analyzed for mineral spirits during the Phase II investigation. The corresponding laboratory analytical reports indicated that concentrations of the contaminants of concern (COC's) did not exceed regulatory levels. Three apartment buildings were previously located within the current site's boundaries. The Bayshore Court Apartment building was located at the northern boundary of lot A. The other two buildings were located immediately north of N.E. 14th Street. During the Phase II and SAR assessments, samples were collected in these locations and analyzed for Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH) and 8-RCRA metals. The corresponding laboratory analytical reports indicated that concentrations of the target contaminants did not exceed regulatory levels. USTs were previously located at the north side of the east end of N.E. 14th Street (see Figure 2). A DERM memorandum, dated August 14, 1996 (see r 2 r 4-. rI" SUBMITTED INTO THE � PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM Fe is . ON rs i t-o,•o� . Appendix B) indicated that the tank closure ford Farty met Chdptci 62-761 F.A.C. requirements and that `further enforcement" was not required for the subject UST area. With appropriate closure conducted and enforcement actions suspended, HSA concludes that the potential impact from this facility's UST was adequately addressed by the closure. The absence of additional documentation of impact from this UST in DERM's files further supports this conclusion. The areas of all former facilities have been thoroughly investigated and based on the assessment data and results from confirmatory samples collected during source removal activities it is HSA's opinion that no further assessment related to the former facilities is required. COMMENT 3: Soil samples SBREC-2(2-4) and SBREC-13(0-2) exceed Direct Exposure Residential cleanup target levels (CTLs) for Barium and shall therefore be properly removed or addressed. Additionally, soils exceeding the leachability -based SCTLs (i.e., Dieldrin in SBREC-17 (2-4)) shall be addressed (see Supporting Information for the Implementation of RBCA, Risk Management Options Guidance, at hup://www.MiamiDade.gov/DERM/Land/Libraty/RBCA_Supporting Infor mation.pdj). Additional groundwater assessment may be required depending upon the leachability options elected. RESPONSE 3: Soil in the vicinities of SBREC-2(2-4), SBREC-13(0-2), and SBREC-17(2- 4) was excavated and transported to an offsite disposal facility. Confirmatory soil samples were collected from each excavation at the corresponding depth in all four cardinal compass directions. At SBREC-2 and SBREC-17, the excavations extended to the maximum depth of the water table, approximately 4 feet below land surface (BLS). At SBREC-13, the excavation was completed to approximately 2 feet BLS. Lab analysis of a confirmatory soil sample collected from the base of the excavation reported contaminants of concern below the Soil cleanup Target Levels (SCTLs). As shown in Figure 3, each of the referenced excavations has lateral surface dimensions of approximately 10 feet by 10 feet. The relative locations of SBREC-2, SBREC-13, and SBREC-17 are shown in Figure 2. Tables 1, 2, and 3 summarize the laboratory analytical results. Copies of the laboratory analytical reports are provided in Appendix C. COMMENT 4: Based on the population distribution of the sample data presented in the Phase 11 and the SAR, with the exception of the result from SBREC-19(2-4), the lead concentrations in on -site soil are indicative of background levels. Therefore, soil associated with SBREC-19(2-4) shall be remover,] characterized for disposal using TCLP, and properly disposed, if this 3 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR cikeltx.risr, interval is determined to be represe rce �d tne- uns to l zone (see comment 1 above). Following source removal, a sufficient number of confirmation samples, consisting of wall samples from the appropriate intervals and bottom sample(s) (unless the excavation extends in the water table), shall be collected and analyzed for lead. Source removal shall be deemed complete upon demonstrating that the confirmation sample results are consistent with the site -wide lead distribution. RESPONSE 4: The soil sample collected from the 2-4 feet zone at SBREC-19 contained lead at a concentration of 220 mg/kg, which is less than the SCTL for total lead, but exceeds the Risk Based Contamination Assessment (RBCA) guidelines provided by DERM in Chapter 24 of the Code of Miami -Dade County. The soil was resampled and analyzed using the Synthetic Precipitation Leachate Procedure (SPLP) to determine the potential for impact to the groundwater by leaching (and comparison to the SCTL for Leachability based on Groundwater Criteria) as well as by TCLP (for comparison to the Code of Federal Regulations' maximum contan it ant limit for RCRA hazardous waste determination). Laboratory 'analysis reported a SPLP lead concentration of 28 pg/L, exceeding the Groundwater Cleanup Target Level (GCTL) of 15 pg/L. The soil in the vicinity of SBREC-19 was excavated from the surface to the water table (approximately 4 feet), and confirmatory wall samples from the appropriate depths were collected and analyzed in a laboratory for total lead. A representative soil sample was analyzed using the Toxicity Characteristic Leachate Procedure (TCLP) and review of the analytical report indicated that the soil was classified as non -hazardous. The excavated soil was transported to an off -site disposal facility. As shown in Figure 4, the excavation had lateral dimensions of approximately 10 feet by 10 feet and extended to the water table, approximately 4 feet bls. The laboratory analytical results are summarized in Table 4 and copies of the laboratory analytical reports are provided in Appendix C. A temporary monitoring well was installed during the SAR in the location of "SBREC-19" and groundwater samples were collected from this location and analyzed for 8-RCRA Metals. The lab reported metals concentrations, including lead, below detection limits (lead reported < 0.005 mg/L, GCTL is 0.015 mg/L). The source removal is regarded complete because the confirmation sample results are consistent with the site -wide lead concentrations and review of the laboratory analytical data shows no impact to the groundwater. 4 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM P: ON „-of.„, . COMMENT 5: Soil assessment was not conducted at the 0-2 foot interval in the areas of the former Fincher Motors, Nash Body Shop, and Rubin 's Auto Body Shop, nor at the 2-4 foot interval in the area of the former Boat Repair Facility. Provide technical justification for not sampling these intervals. If justification cannot be provided, sample and analyze these intervals for the appropriate chemicals of potential concern, as specified in Comment 6 of DERM's September 13, 2005 letter. RESPONSE 5: Soil assessment for the intervals listed above was completed. Soil from the 0-2 foot interval was collected at SBREC-4, SBREC-5, and SBREC-16 (former location of Fincher Motors) using the direct -push method and analyzed for 8-RCRA metals. The laboratory analytical reports included in Appendix C and summarized in Table 5 indicate that all concentrations were reported less than respective SCTLs. Soil samples were collected from the 0-2 foot interval at SBREC-1, SBREC-2, and SBREC-18 (former location of Nash Body Shop) and analyzed for 8-RCRA metals. The laboratory analytical reports included in Appendix C and summarized in Table 6 indicate that all concentrations, except for original SBREC2-2-4 SAR data, were reported less than respective SCTLs. Soil from the 0-2 foot interval was collected at SBREC-7 and SBREC-19 (former location of Rubin's Auto Body Shop) and analyzed for 8-RCRA metals. The laboratory analytical reports included in Appendix C and summarized in Table 7 indicate that all concentrations were less than respective SCTLs. Additional sampling was not conducted at sampling point SBREC-8 (former location of Rubin's Auto Body Shop) because this location was excavated during source removal activities. Soil samples were collected from the 2-4 foot interval at SBREC-13 and SBREC-1 5 (former location of the Boat Repair Facility) and analyzed for solvents and 8-RCRA metals. The laboratory analytical reports included in Appendix C and summarized in Table 8 indicate that all concentrations were reported less than respective SCTLs. Additional sampling was not performed at sampling point SBREC-14 (former location of the Boat Repair Facility) because this location was excavated during source removal activities. COMMENT 6: DERM does not object to the proposed source removal of PAH-Impacted soil in the areas of EX-A5 and EX-C1, up to the location of soil samples collected with equivalent benzo(a)pyrene concentrations reported below the SCTLs. However, the EX-A5 source removal shall include the areas of EXA5-WROAD(0-2) and EXA5-NROAD(0-2) (be advised the analytical results for EX4511VROAD(0-2 ) indicate that Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene is 64 mg/kg, not .64 mg./kg). Furthermore, the EXC1 source removal shall SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM ON include EXC 1-N4(2-4). Based on the Figure 10 site map, soil sample locations EXA5-NROAD and EXC1-N4 do not appear to be located in the right-of-way. Additionally, DERM does not object to the proposed source removal in the area south of the parking garage, up to those areas where excavation is not feasible (i.e., the FPL utility setback area). However, soil concentrations exceeding SCTLs in PGW-25-60(0-2), west of the proposed excavation boundary, will need to be addressed (be advised, analytical results for PGW-25-60(2-4) indicate that carcinogenic PAHs are non - detect, not 1.58 as stated in table 5 and Figure 8). After source removal, confirmation wall samples (from the appropriate intervals) and bottom samples shall be collected for all areas (unless the excavation extends to the water table). Be advised, DERM disapproves the proposal to not address the soils exceeding SCTLs below the parking garage. For a No Further Action Without Conditions site closure, source removal shall be deemed complete upon demonstrating that all on -site soil sample results meet the applicable soil CTLs; therefore, those soil samples exceeding SCTLs below the parking garage shall be addressed For information on the requirements for a No Further Action with Conditions site closure option for the site, see Supporting Information for the Implementation of RBCA, Risk Management Options Guidance, referenced in Comment 3 above. RESPONSE 6:The upper two feet of soil in the vicinities of EXA5NROAD and EXA5WROAD was removed, and confirmatory wall samples from the appropriate depth were collected and analyzed by a laboratory for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). As shown in Figure 5, the excavation at EXA5NROAD had lateral surface dimensions of 15 feet by 10 feet, and the excavation at EXA5WROAD had lateral surface dimensions of 10 feet by 10 feet. Soil samples collected from the base of the excavations, approximately 2 feet BLS, were reported below laboratory detection limits. The laboratory analytical results are summarized in Tables 9 and 10 and copies of the laboratory analytical reports are provided in Appendix C. The upper two feet of soil in the vicinity of EXC1N4 was removed, and confirmatory wall samples from the appropriate depth were collected and analyzed by a laboratory for PAHs. Figure 9 originally included in the SAR, incorrectly referenced the soil sample "EXC 1 N4" as collected in the 2-4 foot interval. The text and tables in the SAR correctly reference these samples as being collected from the 0-2 foot interval. Therefore, the source removal activities in this area were further conducted in the 0-2 foot interval. As shown in Figure 6, the excavation at EXC1N4 had lateral surface dimensions of 15 feet by 10 feet. The northern boundary of the excavation could not be extended further due to a previously un-identified 6 SUBMITTED INTO THE 'ark PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM IVI ON 11-o1•0. underground gas transmission pipe installed in the southern right-of-way for N.E. 15t Street. The laboratory analytical results are summarized in Table 11 and copies of the laboratory analytical reports are included in Appendix C. As shown in Figure 7, the soil south of the parking garage was excavated to the following extents: from the southern side of the parking garage to the I- 395 off ramp (excluding subgrade utility right-of-ways); from the Florida Power & Light (FP&L) electrical transformer (on the east) to the sampling points PGW-5-40 and PGW-25-40 (on the west); and from surface grade to the water table. FP&L mandated a ten -foot wide restrictive setback from the I-395 off ramp due to a cement -cased electrical conduit buried along the site's southern boundary. A Bellsouth fiber optic cable also transgressed the target soil remediation area, limiting the lateral extent of soil removed so as not to encroach the utility. The upper two feet of soil in the vicinity of PGW-25-60 was excavated and transported to an offsite disposal facility. Confirmatory wall sau;pies were collected and analyzed by a laboratory for PAH. As shown in Figure 7, the laboratory analytical results in Appendix C dictated that the excavation had lateral surface dimensions of 10 feet by 15 feet. The laboratory analytical results are summarized in Table 12. Impacted soil beneath the parking garage slab was excavated in the vicinities of IPGE1, IPGM1, IPGC2, IPGD2, IPGE2, and IPGM2. Before initiating the source removal activities, soil borings were advanced with samples collected from two -foot depth intervals to the water table. The soil samples were analyzed for PAHs and the results were used to delineate the extent of soil impact beneath the parking garage. The extent of the excavations and the location and concentrations of the delineation samples are shown in Figure 7. The excavations near IPGE1, IPGM1, and IPGM2 each had lateral surface dimensions of 20 feet by 20 feet. The excavations near IPGC2, IPGD2, and IPGE2 had collective lateral surface dimensions of 60 feet by 20 feet. The laboratory analytical results are summarized in Table 13 and copies of the laboratory analytical reports are included in Appendix C. Prior to commencing onsite interim remedial actions (soil excavations for disposal), HSA obtained DERM's opinion that it was acceptable to limit the lateral dimensions of excavations to the locations of SAR soil borings that yielded all target compounds less than SCTLs without analysis of confirmatory sample from the excavation walls. See Appendix B for a copy of the electronic correspondence from DERM stating this opinion. COMMENT 7: RESPONSE 7: SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM?;' ON 11•09.0‘ . The source removal activities at EXAS WROAD, EXASNROAD, EXC1N4, PGW-25-60, and beneath the parking garage are deemed complete because the on -site soil sample results meet the applicable soil CTLs, therefore we propose no further assessment and remediation activities. The report did not include lithologic logs for the soil borings advanced; therefore provide these logs in the next submittal. Numerous soil borings advanced by direct -push equipment and hand auger and excavations throughout the site from January 2005 through May 2006 have provided visible evidence that the site lithology is uniform to a depth of at least 8-feet bls, only varying by surface material and thickness. Synopsized lithologic logs representative of all soil borings and distinguished by their surface material and depth are included as Appendix D. COMMENT 8: Provide documentation to support the statement that no buried soil waste debris exists at the site based on evidence from monitoring well installation and soil boring advancement (e.g., on a scaled site map depict the area identified in the geophysical survey as potentially containing buried solid waste debris in reference to the soil boring and monitoring well locations). Be advised, based on this information, further investigation (e.g., test pits, trenches, borings, etc.) may be required RESPONSE 8:Electromagnetic resonance (EMR) and ground -penetrating radar (GPR) techniques were used for underground clearance and subsurface investigation during the Phase II investigation and the SAR. The Phase II ESA report suggested that subsurface anomalies in Lot A (interference from the EMR and GPR equipment) were possibly due to buried debris. Prior to every surface -breaking event, all appropriate utility companies demarcated the locations of their underground lines. Afterwards, numerous soil borings, wells, and excavations of varying size and depth penetrated the site's subgrade, as shown in Figures 8 and 9. The SAR contended that since • no evidence of buried debris was identified during the SAR, no further action was proposed to investigate the potential for buried debris at the site. After completion of numerous additional borings and excavations the following objects were identified during the excavation south of the parking garage that extended to the water table at approximately 4-feet BLS that may have contributed to the anomalies reported during the Phase II investigation: • Florida Power and Light (FPL) concrete -encased electrical conduit installed along the southern site boundary; • Bellsouth fiber-optic cable installed adjacent to the FPL electrical conduit; = SUBMII JED INTO THE alk PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM vg., ON 11-01-0,. • Concrete footers for the parking garage, approximately four feet wide, beginning approximately 2 feet bls and extending laterally approximately 2-feet south of the parking garage; and • Small -diameter, rubber -coated electrical wiring for the irrigation system installed immediately below land surface (approximately three inches bls). • Numerous former subgrade utility right-of-ways transecting the investigation area (according to reviewed construction plans for the parking lots and garage provided by the site owner), No other objects or evidence of buried solid waste debris were discovered during any of the assessment and subsurface activities. Since the site, including Lot A, has been thoroughly investigated through the execution of a qualitative Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), an intrusive Phase 2 ESA investigation, a site assessment, supplemental site assessment activities, and interim remedial actions, and no evidence of buried debris was discovered, HSA concludes that buried debris is not present and that further investigation is not required. COMMENT 9: Groundwater sampling logs were not submitted for the December 8, 2005 resampling of MW-B2, MW-C1, and MW-D2; therefore, provide these logs with the next submittal. Additionally, a groundwater sampling log was provided for the December 16, 2005 sampling of MW-B4 for ammonia analysis. Provide the analytical results for this sampling event, if available. RESPONSE 9: The groundwater sampling logs from the December 8, 2005 sampling event for MW-B1, MW-C1, and MW-D2 are included in Appendix E. The laboratory analytical reports from the December 16, 2005 sampling of MW-B4, are included in Appendix C (on CD-ROM). The Phase II and SAR identified concentrations of ammonia in groundwater exceeding the Groundwater CTL of 2.8 mg/L and the Marine Surface Water CTL of 0.5 mg/L (2.9 mg/L in location 22 and 1.3 mg/L in MW-B4). Subsequent sampling events were completed to confirm the groundwater quality and to determine if the conditions at the property boundary that abut Biscayne Bay meet the more stringent CTL (i.e., the Marine Surface Water CTL of 0.5 mg/L). Additional groundwater samples were collected across the site from March through May 2006. Based on the population distribution of the sample data, the ammonia concentrations in on -site groundwater are indicative of background levels. Laboratory analysis of samples collected during the most recent sampling event report groundwater ammonia concentrations (< 0.01, < 0.01, 0.5, and 0.6 mg/L) in wells adjacent to Biscayne Bay yielded results below or slightly exceeding the Marine Surface Water criteria of 0.5 mg/L. Additionally, the reported groundwater concentrations are within the range of data reported in the 9 r SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMIA ON iFoq.a . DERM Ground Water Database ('89 — '97), ammonia concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 4.69 mg/L. Laboratory analytical results indicate that groundwater beneath the eastern portion of the site, which abuts Biscayne Bay, nominally exceeds the more stringent of the GCTL and Marine Surface Water CTL for ammonia at one sampling point (MW-C2) otherwise yielding results generally less than the applicable GCTL. Further, laboratory analytical results revealed that the groundwater beneath the western portion of the site does exceed the applicable GCTL. Since the western half of the site is not used for industrial operation and it has been confirmed that debris is not buried, the ammonia concentrations are likely due to background concentrations or representative of sub regional concentrations. It is HSA's opinion that the results of groundwater sampling events for ammonia conducted at the site not only reveal a trend of transience, they also demonstrate a general trend of reduction through the assessment and interim remediation period. Thus, the ammonia in the site's groundwater is otherwise attributed to non -site factors. The groundwater ammonia concentrations are summarized in Table 14 and shown on Figure 10. The laboratory analytical reports are included in Appendix C (on CD-ROM). Because the ammonia data represent a background concentration in on -site groundwater, the groundwater quality in wells adjacent to the Biscayne Bay on average are below the Marine Surface Water criteria, and the concentrations are in range of previously reported DERM background concentrations, Therefore, it is HSA's opinion that no further groundwater assessment or remediation is required. COMMENT 10: The next submittal shall include a well location map showing the approximate location(s) of all municipal/public wells and private supply well(s) (e.g., potable, irrigation, industrial, etc.) identified with a %2 mile and 1/4 mile, respectively, of the subject site. RESPONSE 10: Well location maps from the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), DERM, and Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR) are included in Appendix F. The SFWMD map indicates that four industrial wells are located between Vs and '/Z mile west of the site. DERM did not depict any wells within a 'h mile radius of the site. DERM personnel explained that this was to be expected because of the site's proximity to Biscayne Bay. The EDR map shows one water well approximately 1/8 mile west of the site, west of Biscayne Boulevard and south of N.E. 13th Street. The EDR map also shows three water wells between 'A and '/Z mile west of the site. r 10 SUBMITTED INTO THE alt PUBLIC RECORD FOR ON 11-o1.o‘. COMMENT 11: The site map in Figure 1 appears to depict the existing on -site storm drain catch basins, however these structures are not labeled in the map nor referenced in the text; therefore, clar5 the identity of the box structures in Figure 1. Additionally, provide information on any storm drain catch basin cleaning and/or assessment activities conducted at this site and address whether these storm drains may be a potential source of some of the soil contamination documented (e.g., SB-14 and SB-42, exhibiting "petroleum - like interference", as documented in the Phase II sample results, appear to be in the immediate vicinity of storm drain catch basins). Be advised, based on the information provided, additional assessment may be required. RESPONSE 11:The base map used for all figures was a JPEG file that already included the sampling points from the Phase II investigation. The gray "box structures" on Figure 1 of the SAR were used to block the sampling point names on the site map and do not represent physical features of the site. Figure 1 shows the storm dram locations installed at the site. There are no records available documenting the cleaning of the s;te's storm drains. Storm drains are installed throughout each of the four parking lots that comprise the site. Sampling and analysis since January 2005 has indicated that any petroleum - like interference was localized only at SB-14 and SB-42, and was not related to the storm dram system as a potential source of contamination. COMMENT 12: Be advised, the proposed excavation west of excavation EX-A5 appears to encompass a storm drain catch basin. If any stained sludge and/or soils are observed during the catch basin removal, they must be removed, stored securely on site, and chemically profiled for proper disposal. If contaminants identified in the soil/sludge exceed the applicable CTLs, further soil and groundwater assessment for these parameters will be required Additionally, please note that removal of an existing catch basin or drainage pipe may require an alternate drainage system; therefore, contact DERM's Water Control Section at (305) 372-6688 for drainage replacement requirements. RESPONSE 12: Figure 5 shows that soil in the vicinity of SB-14 was excavated (EX-A5) and confirmatory wall samples were analyzed for PAI-Is. During the excavation, the dram was temporarily removed and the underlying soil was also excavated. The excavated soil did not exhibit a petroleum -like odor and the groundwater did not exhibit a sheen, as shown in the photograph in Appendix G. After the excavation was competed, the storm drain and associated pipe were reinstalled to pre -construction specifications. COMMENT 13: Be advised, source removal and investigation -derived waste that is not a RCRA-regulated hazardous waste but is contaminated above the Department's Soil Cleanup Target Levels or the state standards and/or minimum criteria for ground water quality shall be properly disposed of 11 = SUBMITTED INTO THE Ma41".16.— PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM ON Submit documentation for the proper disposal of all water, soil, drilling mud, decontamination wastes from site investigations, exploratory borings, and monitoring well installation, refurbishment, and abandonment, and other source removal and investigative activities. RESPONSE 13:A11 wells associated with the Phase II investigation and SAR were advanced using the direct -push method, which did not generate investigative -derived waste. Upon confirmation by laboratory analysis that the suspect GCTL was not exceeded, any development water from well installations was returned to the source aquifer at the well. The laboratory reports for the soil disposal profile (pre -burn analyses) are included in Appendix C and review of these results indicates that all excavated soil was non -hazardous. Appendix H includes the waste manifests and a summary for the excavated soil. COMMENT 14:Be advised that the conditions at the property boundaries that abut Biscayne Bay must meet the more stringent of the Groundwater CTLs and Marine Surface water CTLs, and for soil, the more stringent of the Direct Exposure Residential CTLs, Leachability based on Marine Surface Water Criteria or Leachability based on Groundwater Criteria, as per Table 2 of the Miami -Dade County Code (the Code). The conditions at the property boundaries that abut an adjacent property must meet the Groundwater CTLs and the more stringent of Direct Exposure Residential Criteria or Leachability Based on Groundwater Criteria, as per Table 2 of the Code. RESPONSE 14:Soil in the vicinities of any samples that contained contaminants of concern in concentrations exceeding the more stringent of the Direct Exposure Residential CTLs, Leachability based on Marine Surface Water Criteria, or Leachability based on Groundwater Criteria were excavated and removed then corroborated with laboratory analysis of confirmatory wall samples (where previous laboratory analytical results did not define the extent of soil removal). Laboratory analytical results of groundwater samples collected from the permanent wells on site indicate that all contaminants of concern, except for a slight exceedance of ammonia, are less than the more stringent of the GCTLs and Marine Surface Water CTLs. Based on the data developed for ammonia in the site's groundwater, it is HSA's opinion that high concentrations on the western portions of the site represent background or sub -regional concentrations as demonstrated by the results from the groundwater samples collected from the eastern portion of the site that are less than or nominally exceed the more stringent marine surface water GCTL. 12 ER SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMtVI ON n•o9•w. All soil, which exhibited contaminants of concern in concentrations that exceeded the more stringent of the Direct Exposure Residential CTLs, Leachability based on Marine Surface Water Criteria, or Leachability based on Groundwater Criteria, has been excavated and disposed off -site. This addendum to the Site Assessment Report documents removal and off -site disposal of all impacted soils, up to those areas where excavation is not feasible (i.e., the FPL utility setback area and other utility right-of-ways) and demonstrates that all on -site soil samples results meet the applicable soil CTLs. The conditions at the property boundaries that abut Biscayne Bay meet or nominally exced the more stringent of the Groundwater CTLs and Marine Surface Water CTLs, and for soil, the more stringent of the Direct Exposure Residential CTLs, Leachability based on Marine Surface Water Criteria or Leachability based on Groundwater Criteria. The conditions at the property boundaries that abut adjacent properties meet the Groundwater CTLs and the more stringent of Direct Exposure Residential Criteria or Leachability Based on Groundwater Criteria. Based on the site status and the work completed, we respectfully request a No Further Action without conditions . determination be granted for the site. We would appreciate your timely response to the information presented. Please contact us if you have any questions or required additional information. Sincerely, HSA Engineers & Scientists TA., TerrenceR. Horan MI + ael R`Fisher P.E. Number 54815 r P.G. No. 852 r 13 TABLES r SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMT,11.:1 ON il•o9.x. TABLE 1 LABORATORY RESULTS OF SOIL SAMPLES OF SBREC2 FOR BARIUM - KNIGHT RIDDER - MIAMI HERALD PROPERTY ci E k0 SBREC2 8 U re m w cc ) *Cts; CC Resid. Indus. FDEP Resid. Indus. DERM CTL CTL leach. (DERM) (DERM) leach. —' W VJ VJ VJ VJ VJ vJ Vi V. re Arsenic' m9/kL._, »»9.77,.». 1.7 2.1 12 SPLP 0.7 4.1 5.8 Barium » mp/kg 7.7 ... 180 25 56 5.7 4.5 6.8 ....µ68 14 .... 35 120 130,600 1,600 120 110,000 1,600 Cadmium mg/kg 0 0.095 < 1.1 82 1 700 7.5 82 1,700 8 Chromium 5.1 3.8 210 470 38 200 460 38 Lead m 8.8.. 44 400 1 400 SPLP 400 920 SPLP Selenium ,,,»mp/kg <0.016 < 1.1 ... 440 11,000 5.2 440 11,000 5 Silver mg/kg _ _<0.01 < 1.1 . ....» 410 8,200 17 410 8,200 17 Mercury mg/kg _ <0.01 0.023 _ 3 17 2.1 4.6 28 2.1 Notes: DERM presented a subregional background level of at least 7.8mg/kg In their letter dated September 13, 2005. Blank cells = Not Analyzed Page 1 of 1 TABLE 2 LABORATORY RESULTS OF SOIL SAMPLES OF SBRECI3 FOR BARIUM - KNIGHT RIDDER - MIAMI HERALD PROPERTY Sam le ID Col Resid. Indus. FDEP Resid. Indus. DERM CTL CTL leach. (DERM) (DERM) leach. SBREC13-0-2' 160 120 130,000 1,600 120 110,000 1,600 SBRECI3 2-4' 28 SBREC13 0-2' 5N 20 SBRECI3 0-2' 10N 6.1 SBRECI3 0-2' 5E 13 SBRECI3 0-2' 5S 4.9 SBREC13 0-2' 5W 5.2 SBREC13 0-2' 10W 8.5 Page 1 of 1 m -13 c rrv� ,ANC) A] F. -ni 0 c) z O Z Cot, ED O ni Cy O --1 0. E R rn TABLE 3 LABORATORY RESULTS OF SOIL SAMPLES OF SBRECI7 - KNIGHT RIDDER - MIAMI HERALD PROPERTY SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMptr, ON n-09,0i.": SBRECI7 N Q W o: m in SBREC17-24 SBREC17 5W 2-4' BREC17 5N 2-4' SBREC17 5S 2-4' SBREC17 5E 2-4' BREC17 10E 2-4' Resid. Indus. FDEP Resid. Indus. DERM CTL CTL leach. (DERM) (DERM) leach. alpha-BHC »..._ ,gamma•BHC beta-BHC ».._ Heptachlor » » delta-BHC »..._........ugncg,» u R._, ug/kg» u Ikg.. , ij kj,,,_ ,,.,,.... 1:8,,,,..,.»„514,.,»,»._».......0;,345 » _ < 1.8 ».,,,,_< 1,:8 »...,,,, _ < 1,8 _ ,...,»». 1:.8 < 2,4 »»,»». < 2,4 »»..»_, < 2,4 _ <0,750 .<0.370_.._»».. <0,500 .» » <0.345,_...._. <0.750 »,...<0,370 - <0.500 »».» » <1.25 M_» <0;345_..,.,»,,,,,,.».0;345 <0,750 <0,370 <0,500 . <1,25 ..........»...._<1. • <0.750 <0 ;370,»»»-,,,,,_ <0.500 25» » ...... _ <0.345 <0,750 <0;370 <0.500 .. <1.25 n n n 200 n n n n 1,000 n n n n 23,000 n n n n 200 n n n n 1,000 n n n n 23,000 n _ < 2.4 » »».....»..<1.25µ Aldrin u2,/kg__ < 2.4 <0,480 <0.480 <0.480 <0.480 <0.480 60 300 200 60 300 200 Heptachlor Epoxide„ ,,,,»,,,,, u-g/kg„ _,»»,-<.1,.8,_,,,,» < 1.8 < 2,4 <0,365 <0,365 <0.365 <0,365 <0.365 100 500 600 100 500 600 gamma -Chlordane ugncg,,,,,, _,.,» 2 3,9 <0.360 <0.360 <0.360 <0,360 <0,360 n n n n n n alpha -Chlordane u ug/kp,,,, 1.7 3,1 <0.295 <0.295 <0.295 <0,295 <0.295 n n n n n n Endosulfan I ugncg__ < 1.8 < 2,4 <0.255 10,255 <0.255 <0.255 <0.255 450,000 7,600,000 3,800 460,000 7,800,000 3,800 4,4'-DDE u9/kg,_- __ < 3.8-» _»» »» < 4,6 <0,500 <0.500 <0,500 <0,500„» <0,500 2,900 15,000 18,000 2,900 15,000 18,000 Dieldrin ug/kg < 1.8 2.6 <0,400 <0.400 <0.400 <0,400 <0,400 60 3 300 2 60 300 2 Endrin u9/kg,»,,, <3.6 <4.6 <0.550 <0.550 <0.550 <0.550 <0.550 25,000 510,000 1,000 25,000 510,000 1,000 4,4'-DDD u9115.9,_„ < 3.6 < 4.6 <0.500 <0,500 <0.500 <0,500 9.500 4 200 22,000 5,800 4,200 22.000 4,000 Endosulfan II up/kp_,,,, < 3.6 < 4.6 _ <0.475 <0.475 <0.475 <0.475 <0.475 450,000 7,600,000 3,800 460,000 7,800,000 3,800 <3.6 <4.6 <0.800 <0.800 <0.800 <0.800 <0.800 2,900 15,000 11,000 2,900 15,000 11,000 Endrin Aldehyde u9/kg < 3.6 < 4.8 <0,355 <0.355 <0.355 <0.355 <0.355 n n n n n n Endosutfan Sulfate ug/Icg ». < 3.8 < 4.8 <0.650 <0,650 <0.650 <0.850 <0.650 450r000 7,600,000 3,800 n n n Metho chlor ugn9 <18 „_ < 24 <1.10 <1.10 <1,10 <1.10 <1.10 420,000 8,800,000 160,000 420,000 8,900,000 160,000 Endrin Ketone ,,,,,»u9ncg,,,... < 3.8 < 4.6 <0.340 <0.340 <0,340 <0,340 <0.340 n n n n n n Toxaphene uglkg <110 < 140 <15.0 <15.0 <15.0 <15.0 <15.0 900 4,500 _ 31,000 900 4,500 31,000 Notes: n = Not Established Page 1 of 1 r r r TABLE 4 LABORATORY RESULTS FOR SOIL SAMPLES OF SBRECI9 FOR LEAD KNIGHT RIDDER - MIAMI HERALD PROPERTY FDEP reg. DERM reg. Sample ID Date Collected limit limit Total Lead (mg/kg) SBREC19-0-2' 3/17/2006 400 400 3.7 SBREC19 5N-0-2' 3/31/2006 15 SBREC19 5N-2-4' 3/31/2006 29 SBREC19 5E-0-2' 5/11/2006 1.5 SBREC19 5E-2-4' 5/11/2006 <1.0 SBREC19 5S-0-2' 3/31/2006 22 SBREC19 5S-2-4' 3/31/2006 32 SBREC19 5W-0-2' 4/4/2006 23 SBREC19 5W-2-4' 4/4/2006 24 Sample ID Date Date FDEP reg. DERM reg. Collected Analyzed ant limit Lead (mg/L) SPLP TCLP SBRECI9 2-4' 3/31/06 4/6/06 0.015 0.015 0.028 0.019 4/4/06 4/6/06 0.015 0.015 0.004 Page 1 of 1 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM It3:11, ON 11.00t-ob. r TABLE 5 LABORATORY RESULTS OF SOIL SAMPLES FOR FINCHER MOTORS HISTORICAL REC (FORMER FACILITIES) KNIGHT RIDDER - MIAMI HERALD PROPERTY m a co Fincher Motor Fac 3 w CO w ilities SBREC4 0-2' Richer Motor Facilities In w i or c SBREC5 0-7 SBREC16 0-2' Resid. Indus. FDEP Resid. Indus. DERM CTL CTL leach. (DERM) (DERM) leach. O mann IYIG 1 MLJ Arsenic * n 2.4 1.9 1.4 1.3 3.2 1.3 2.1 12 SPLP 0.7 4.1 5.8 Barium ...» m...» 17. 7.9 8.6 12 14 11 120 130,000 1,600 120 110,000 1,600 0.15 Cadmium » » 3 1;2 < 1.2 < 1.1 „ 0.28 0.18 82 1.,700 7.5 82 1,700 8 Chromium „_ mg/kg „„� 2.9 • 2.9 . ....» 1.5 5.1 ..»». 3.9 „» »2.1„ „ »M� 210 470 38 200 4 460 38 Lead m„„ 25 ,„„„,_.,,, 14 ....» »» 10 25 20 18 400 1,400 S SPLP 400 920 SPLP ..- < 440 410 11,000 8,200 5.2 17 440 410 11,000 8,200 5 17 Mercury mg/kg _ .._...< 0.019 0.018 0.024 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 3 17 2.1 4.6 28 2.1 Notes: • DERM presented a subregional background level of at least 7.6mg/kg in their letter dated September 13, 2005. Concentrations greater than, or equal to, the lesser Residential CTL or Leachability standard are bolded. Page 1 of 1 Fi 22 22 zr co co rn O c zOz r T7 O O t O 0 �rn TABLE 6 LABORATORY RESULTS OF SOIL SAMPLES FOR NASH BODY SHOP HISTORICAL REC (FORMER FACILITIES) KNIGHT RIDDER - MIAMI HERALD PROPERTY 0 co Nash Body Shp) so F Nash iv W co co Body► Shop,,,.„_ fV 1. W cc co co co W.co co co »_ W iX co cv W. CC 03 co Resid. Indus. FDEP Resid. Indus. DERM CTL CTL leach. (DERM) (DERM) leach. - - -- - - ------ Arsenic' Barium --- __gel_ _„ 2:8 19 1.7 780 0,79 5.1 1.7 Ti 0.77 7.7 1.8 15 2.1 120 12 130,000 SPLP 1600 0.7 120 4.1 110,000 5.8 1600 n� Cadmium mg/ka 11.3„», < 1.1 1.2 0.33 11.095 0.16,» 82 1,700 7.5 82 1,700 8 Chromium ».»__„ �_ ,_»< 6 3.8 ,_,»< 5.3 4.6 5.1 4.2 210 470 38 200 460 38 Lead n /k „»»„ 62»» 44 ..,,,»,4.8 95 8.8 23 400 1 400 SPLP 400 920 SPLP Selenium , _„»,� rip_,,, »» 1.3 „», < 1.1 < 1.2 <0.08 <0.08 <0.08 440 11,000 5.2 440 11,000 5 Silver _,< », < 1.3 < 1.1 < 1.2 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 410 8 200 17 410 8,200 17 Mercury .........._...mat_. _ mg/kg _ 0.021 0.023 _ 0.01 _ <0.05 <0.05 _ <0.05 3 _ 17 2.1 _ 4.6 28 2.1 Notes: * DERM presented a subregional background level of at Ieast7.6mg/kg in their letter dated September 13, 2005. Concentrations greater than, or equal to, the lesser Residential CTL or Leachability standard are bolded. Page 1 of 1 -7771n,1 .1 TABLE 7 LABORATORY RESULTS OF SOIL SAMPLES FOR RUBIN'S AUTO BODY SHOP HISTORICAL REC (FORMER FACILITIES) KNIGHT RIDDER - MIAMI HERALD PROPERTY a co 0 Rubins Auto Body U w m m kn Shop Rubins Auto Body Shop SBREC19 0-7 Resid. Indus. FDEP Resid. Indus. DERM CTL CTL leach. (DERM) (DERM) leach. Arsenic* _»...:._.mQ»»„» »»,»µ» mg/kg 2.8 12 »_ < 13,;_,» 1,9 _ 7.2 < 1.?„__ 1.1 63 .. 0.42 2 2.5 0 0.82 2.1 120 12 130,000 _ 1,700 _. SPLP 1,600 7.5 0.7 120 82 4.1 110,000 1,700 5.8 1,600 8 Barium Cadmium q»»., ,»» 0.23 » » 82 » Chromium ,,,,,,,,,,,,,„_»,,,,».. »n g»» ... 2.8 »»»�,»». 8.4 ,»........_.. 7.1 ..». 7.1 .,.,.», 4 _».._ 210 470 38 200 460 38 Lead....»....»_. _,»»..ir 9»»__ 35 .........._......».._....».... 43 220 _.._ 18 ... 3.7 ».._» 400 ._..».»...._.................s......»..».. 1400 SPLP 400 920 SPLP Selenium mglkg < 1.3 < 1.2 -..- _0.45 'ZIT.-- <0,08 7.7» <0.80 440 � � 11 000 5.2 440 11,000 5 Silver _ < 1.3 < 1.2 „_„ .__ „» <0.05. » .<0,05 »„ ,»- 410 ._,. - 8 200 17 410 8,200 17 Mercury _TWIT mg/kg 0.038 _ 0.016 0.26 <0.05 <0.05 3 17 2.1 4.6 28 2.1 + Notes: • DERM presented a subregional background level of at least 7.6mg/kg in their letter dated September 13, 2005. Concentrations greater than, or equal to, the lesser Residential CTL or Leachability standard are bolded. Page 1 of 1 r r f" r r r r TABLE 8 LABORATORY RESULTS OF SOIL SAMPLES FOR BOAT REPAIR FACILITY HISTORICAL REC (FORMER FACILITIES) KNIGHT RIDDER - MIAMI HERALD PROPERLY 0 a E m N 8 RCRA METALS Boat Repair Facility 0 M w cr SBREC13 2-4' EXA1-N1 (SBREC-14) SBREC15 SBREC15 2-4' UBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR I•Z �S� Resid.ITEVt,tSd.ON,.I10.DFRM CTL Indus. CTL r cn. (DERM) (DERM) leach. Arsenic' Barium ... _ g_ mg m ncR^..., n iL........_..._2.:8._. mtilirti 2.9._.._. _ 180 __. 2.2 _..._ 28 ..__ 1 _._._.1: 7_._.........._ 4.5 < 1.1 4.6 2.3 1:5 ._.....__ 11 __....._._120 0.13 3.9..__._. 16 2.1_.._ M_ 82 210. .,._....470........_. 400 .... 12 _130,000 1,700 1,400 S SPLP 1,600_...M._ 7.5 38_....._ SPLP 0.7 120.4, 82^ . 200 400 • 4.1 1 5.6 1,600 . 9.4 Cadmium Chromium Lead ... <.1.7 ....._ 22 _. 0.23 13.._._....._ 25 0.2 5.5_ 30 ._ 1,700 460 920 ... 8 38 SPLP Selenium mpk9 < 1.7 <0.08 <0.08 < 1.1 <0.08 440 11,000 5.2 440 11,000 5 Silver mplk9 < 1.7 <0.05 <0.05 < 1.1 <0.05 410 8,200 17 410 8 200 17 Mercury mglkg _ 0.0078 <0.05 <0.05 0.019 <0.05 3 17 _ 2.1 _ 4.8 28 2.1 SCREEN Acetone mplkp 0.0081 0.0067 11,000 68,000 25 n n n Acr0teln mg/kg < 0.042 < 0.030 . 0.05 0 0.01 0.05 0.3 0.08 Aczylonitrile mplkg < 0.042 < 0.030 0.3 0.6 0.0003 0.3 0.3 0.0003 Benzene mg/kg < 0.003 <0.001 0.00082 <0.001 1.2 1.7 0.007 1.2 1.7 0.007 Bromobenzene make < 0.009 < 0.006 n n n n n n Branodtoromethane mpkg < 0.009 <0.001 < 0.008 <0.001 95 530 0.6 95 530 0.6 Bromodidgommethane mg/kg < 0.003 <0.001 < 0.002 <0.001 1.5 2.2 0.004 1.5 2.2 0.004 Bromoform mgAp < 0.009 <0.001 < 0.006 <0.001 48 93 0.03 48 93 0.03 Brontomethane mpg < 0.009 <0.001 < 0.006 <0.001 3.1 16 0.05 3.1 16 0.05 n-Bulylbenzene mpg 0.0025 0.001 n n n n n n sec-Butylbenzene moats 0.0014 < 0.006 n n n n n n tent-Butybenzene maim < 0.009 < 0.006 n n n n n n Carbon Disulfide mpkg 0.0017 0.0024 270 1500 5.6 270 1500 5.6 Carbon Tetrachloride mgkg < 0.009 .- <0.001 < 0.006 <0.001 0.5 0.7 0.04 0.5 0.7 0.04 Chlorobenzene mgl g < 0.009 <0.001 < 0.006 <0.001 120 650 ri 1.3 120 650 . 1.3 Cldoroetlrene make < 0.009 <0.001 < 0.006 <0.001 n n n 3.9 5.4 0.06 2-Chloroethylvinyl Ether mg/kg < 0.085 < 0.059 n n n n n n Chloroform make < 0.009 <0.001 < 0.006 <0.001 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.03 Chlommethene mg*J < 0.009 <0.001 < 0.006 <0.001 4 5.7 0.01 3.2 4.6 0.01 2-Chlorotoluene make < 0.009 < 0.006 n n n n n n 4-CNorotoluene maim < 0.009 < 0.006 n n n n n n Dibranochloromettiane make < 0.003 <0.001 < 0.002 <0.001 1.5 2.3 0.003 1.5 2.3 0.003 mgkm < 0.009 <0.001 < 0.006 <0.001 0.7 3.8 0.001 0.7 3.8 0.001 1,2-Dibramoethane mg/kg < 0.003 <0.001 < 0.002 <0.001 0.1 0.2 0.001 0.01 0.05 0.0001 Dibromomethane mg/kg < 0.009 <0.001 < 0.006 . <0.001 n n n n n n -Didtbrobenzene mg/kg < 0.009 <0.001 < 0.006 • <0.001 880 5,000 17 880 5,000 17 1, mg/kg < 0.009 <0.001 < 0.006 <0.001 380 2,200 7 14 85 0.3 14-Dichlorobenzene mpA g < 0.009 <0.001 < 0.006 <0.001 8.4 9.9 2.2 6.4 9.9 2.2 Didtiorodifluorornethane mg/kg < 0.009 < 0.006 77 410 44 77 410 44 1,1-DichIoroethane , mg/kg _ < 0.009 <0.001 < 0.006 <0.001 390 2,100 0.4 390 2,100 0.4 Notes: • DERM presented a subregional background level of at least 7.6mglkg M their letter dated September 13, 2005. Concentrations greater than, or equal to. the lesser Residential CTL or Leachability standard are bolded. n: A cleanup target level (CTL) has not been established Blank cell: analyses was not required. r Page 1 of 2 TABLE 8 LABORATORY RESULTS OF SOIL SAMPLES FOR BOAT REPAIR FACILITY KNIGHT RIDDER - MIAMI HERALD PROP 0 a E m rn VOLATILE SCREEN Boat Repair Facility SBREC13-0-2 c N M Ill CO _ W 87 CO U ID SBRECI S 2-4' EDR THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMfI ON iI-o+-w Resid. FDEP Resid. Indus. DERM CTL Indus. CTL leach. (DERM) (DERM) leach. 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene maika.._...__< _VIA miN mg/kg mgrkg 0.009 <0.009 < 0:009 _. ` 0.009 < 0.003 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 _. <0.001 <0.001 < 0.006 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 `0.001 <0.001 0.5 95 33 53 __. 0.6 0.7 510 0.01 0.06 0.4 .._._ 0.03 0.5 0.1'.?-:.- 33 53 0.6 0.7 _10.1 180 290 0.9 0.01 0.06 0.4 0.7 0.03 <0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.002 cis-12-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-DlcNoro9 opane 180 .... 290 .._.._._0.7 0.9 1,3-Dichloropropane mpg < 0.009 <0.001 < 0.006 <0.001 1.4 2.2 0.002 1.4 2.2 0.001 2,2-Dichlorooropane mgA, < 0.009 <0.001 < 0.006 - . <0.001 n n n n n n 1 1-Dich mgAcg < 0.009 <0.001 < 0.006 <0.001 n n n - n n n cis-1,3-Dichforopropene mgAcg <0.003 <0.001 <0.002 • <0.001 n n n n n n trans-1,3-Dichloropropene mglkg < 0.003 <0.001 < 0.002 <0.001 n n n n n n Etty►ibenzene mgAcg 0.0012 <0.001 0.0045 <0.001 1t500 9,200 0.6 1,500 9,100 0.6 Hexachlorobutadiene mgilcg < 0.009 < 0.006 n n n n n n 2-Hexanone mglicg < 0.085 < 0.059 24 130 1.4 24 130 1.4 Isopropyl Benzene mg/kg 0.00076 0.00046 n n n n n n 4-Isopropyl Toluene mgAcg 0.0011 < 0.006 n n n n n n MEK(2-Butenone) mg/fig < 0.085 < 0.059 16,000 110,000 17 4,200 23,000 17 Methylene Chloride nog 0.0049 <0.001 0.011 <0.001 n n n 17 28 0.02 M18K(4-Methyl-2-Pentencnet MTBE mg/kg < 0.085 < 0.059 4,300 44,000 2.6 300 1;600 2.6 mglkg < 0.009 <0.001 0.0012 <0.001 4,400 24,000 0.09 i 4,400 24,000 0.2 Naphthalene mpg 0.0044 0.0019 55 300 1.2 55 300 1.7 n-Propylbenzene mglkg 0.0017 0.0017 n n n n n n Sj rrene mglcg < 0.009 < 0.006 3 600 23,000 3.6 3,600 23 000 3.6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane mg/kg <0.009 <0.001 <0.006 <0.001 2.9 4.3 0.01 4.2 6.3 0.01 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Ttrac hloroethene mgAcg < 0.002 < 0.001 0.7 1.2 0.2 0.7 1.2 0.002 mg/kg < 0.009 <0.001 . < 0.006 <0.001 8.8 18 0.03 8.8 18 1 0.03 .. Toluene mg/kg 0.0017 <0.001 0.011 <0.001 7,500 60,000 0.5 520 2,800 0.5 Total Xylenes mg/kg 0.0054 <0.002 0.022 <0.002 130 700 _ 0.2 8 000 44,000 0.2 12,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichtorobenzene mplkg < 0.009 < 0.006 650 8,200 4.6 660 8,600 4.6 mike < 0.009 < 0.008 660 8,500 5.3 660 8,500 5.3 1,1,1-Trichloroethane mg/kg <0.009 <0.001 <0.006 <0.001 730 3,900 1.9 730 3,900 1.9 1,1,2-Trichtoroethane mgntg <0.009 <0.001 <0.006 <0.001 1.4 2 0.03 1.4 2 0.03 Tdch$omethene mglkg < 0.009 <0.001 < 0.006 <0.001 6.4 9.3 0.03 6.4 9.3 0.03 Trichlorofluoromethane mgrkg < 0.009 <0.001 < 0.006 <0.001 270 1,500 33 270 1,500 33 1,2,3-Trichioropropane mgAcg <0.003 <0.002 0.06 0.1 0.0001 0.02 0.03 0.00003 1.2,4-TrknedstIbenzene mgAcg 0.0085 0.0086 18 95 0.3 18 95 0.3 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ma cg 0.0025 0.0026 15 80 0.3 15 80 0.3 y Acetate mgAcg < 0.017 < 0.012 320 1,700 0.4 320 1,700 0.4 Vinyl Chloride mg%g < 0.007 <0.001 < 0.0047 <0.001 0.2 0.8 0.007 0.03 0.05 0.007 Notes: DERM presented a subreglonal background level of at least 7.6mg/kg in their letter dated September 13, 2005. Concentrations greater than. or equal to, the lesser Residential CTL or Leachability standard are bolded. n: A cleanup target level (CTL) has not been established Blank cep: analyses was not required. Page 2 of 2 Sample ID: LABORATORY RESULTS OF SOIL SAMPLES FOR PAH KNIGHT RIDDER - TABLE 9 ASSESSMENT AND SOURCE REMOVAL MIAMI HERALD PROPERTY OF EXA5 NORTH ROAD 1 -Methylnaphthalene 2-Methylnaphthalene N L a Acenaphthylene Anthracene Benzo[a]anthracene Benzo[a]pyrene Benzo[b]fluoranthene Benzo[g,h,i]perylene Benzo[k]fluoranthene Dibenz[a,h]anthracene Fluoranthene a) P. 0 u- Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene a m z Phenanthrene m c 0- Benzo (A) Pyrene Toxic Equiv. EXA5-NROAD-0-2 EXA5-NROAD-2-4 EXA5-NROAD-0-2-5E <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.55 0.6 0.9 0.27 1.75 <0.3 0.7 <0.3 0.5 1.25 1.13 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 BDL <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 BDL EXA5-N ROAD-0-2-10E EXA5-NROAD-0-2-5N EXA5-NROAD-0-2-5W EXA5-NROAD-0-2-10W <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.95 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 0.95 BDL <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.9 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 0.33 0.85 BDL <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 0.255 0.26 0.28 <0.3 0.245 0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 0.65 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 0.455 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 0.32 BDL Toxic Equiv. Factor n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.1 1.0 0.1 n/a 0.01 0.001 1.0 n/a n/a 0.1 n/a n/a n/a 1.0 Resid. CTL: 200 210 2,400 1,800 21,000 1.3 0.1 1.3 2,500 13 130 0.1 3,200 2,600 1.3 55 2,200 2,400 0.1 Indus. CTL: 1,800 2,100 20,000 20,000 300,000 6.6 0.7 6.5 52,000 66 640 0.7 59,000 33,000 6.6 300 36,000 45,000 0.7 FDEP leach.: Based on Groundwater 3.1 8.5 2.1 27 2,500 0.8 8 2.4 32,000 24 77 0.7 1,200 160 6.6 1.2 250 880 8 Resid. (DERM): 93 110 2,400 1,800 21,000 1.3 0.1 1.3 2,500 13 130 0.1 3,200 2,600 1.3 55 2,200 2,400 0.1 Indus. DERM): 510 610 20,000 20,000 300,000 6.6 0.7 6.5 52,000 66 640 0.7 59,000 33,000 6.6 300 36,000 45,000 0.7 GERM leach. Based on Groundwater 2.2 6.1 2.1 27 2,500 0.8 8 2.4 32,000 25 77 0.7 1,200 160 6.6 1.7 250 880 8 CTL: Cleanup Target Level All concentrations expressed in mg/kg Bolded values have concentrations greater than the lesser CTL BDL: AU contributing concentrations were below Detection Limits Page 1 of 1 Sample ID: TABLE 10 LABORATORY RESULTS OF SOIL SAMPLES FOR PAH ASSESSMENT AND SOURCE REMOVAL OF EXA5 WEST ROAD KNIGHT RIDDER - MIAMI HERALD PROPERTY 1 -Methylnaphthalene m c 2 i a I ea c >. a to se c N < Acenaphthylene Benzo[a]anthracene Benzo[a]pyrene Benzo[b]fluoranthene Benzo[g,h,i]perylene Benzo[k]fluoranthene a) t 0 Dibenz[a,h]anthracene Fluoranthene Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene c �o a as z Phenanthrene 4) c 2 4 Benzo (A) Pyrene Toxic Equiv. EXA5-WROAD-0-2 EXA5-WROAD-0-2-5S EXA5-WROAD-0-2-5N EXA5-WROAD-0-2-10N EXA5-WROAD-0-2-5W EXA5-WROAD-0-2.10W <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1' <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0,3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL Toxic Equiv. Factor: n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.1 1.0 0.1 n/a 0.01 0.001 1.0 n/a n/a 0.1 n/a n/a n/a 1.0 Resid. CTL: 200 210 2,400 1,800 21,000 1.3 0.1 1.3 2,500 13 130 0.1 3,200 2,600 1.3 55 2,200 2,400 0.1 Indus. CTL: 1,800 2,100 20,000 20,000 300,000 6.6 0.7 6.5 52,000 66 640 0.7 59,000 33,000 6.6 300 36,000 45,000 0.7 FDEP leach.: Based on Groundwater 3.1 8.5 2.1 27 2,500 0.8 8 2.4 32,000 24 77 0.7 1,200 160 6.6 1.2 250 880 8 Resid. (DERM): 93 110 2,400 1,800 21,000 1.3 0.1 1.3 2500 13 130 0.1 3,200 2,600 1.3 55 2,200 2,400 0.1 Indus..(DERM): 510 610 20,000 20,000 300,000 6.6 0.7 6.5 52,000 66 640 0.7 59,000 33,000 6.6 300 36,000 45,000 0.7 DERM leach. Based on Groundwater 2.2 6.1 2.1 27 2,500 0.8 8 2.4 32,000 25 77 0.7 1,200 160 6.6 1.7 250 880 8 CTL: Cleanup Target Level All concentrations expressed in mg/kg Bolded values have concentrations greater than the lesser CTL BDL: All contributing concentrations were below Detection Limits Page 1 of 1 rn c CO _N `, rn rn n oZ S .it7 -1 o ip kZ 0 a m Sample ID: EXC1 N4-0-2'-E5 EXC1 N4-0-2'-E10 EXC1 N4-0-2'-W5 TABLE 11 LABORATORY RESULTS OF SOIL SAMPLES FOR PAH ASSESSMENT AND SOURCE REMOVAL OF EXC1 N4 KNIGHT RIDDER - MIAMI HERALD PROPERTY c 0 c 8 ( c c eCo C c c 5 F c o a = r , c=o 2 fi eao �C "� 2 RC NC ei z` c a; g m 8 c s) Fluoranthene c d 0 u- Indeno[1,2,3-od]pyrene m d m a. 'a Z Phenanthrene a) a. <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 0.30 <0,1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 0.65 <0.1 1.65 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 1.35 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 0.18 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 0.17 <0.1 0.37 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 ..»»»»»»..»...._._........._................._---•-------•------ --- <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 Benzo (A) Pyrene Toxic Equiv. 0.03 0.02 BDL Toxic Equiv. Factor n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a .. 0.1 1 0.1 ' ' n/a 0.01 0.001 1 n/a n/a 0.1 n/a n/a n/a - 1.0 Resid. CTL: 200 210 2,400»»,»11800 21,000 ..1.3 0.1 1.3 2,500 1 13 1 130 0.1 3,200 2,600 1.3 55 2,200 2,400 0.1 Indus. CTL: .17.4, 00 2,100 20,000. 20,000 300,000 6.6 0.7 6.5 52,000 66 640 0.7 59,000 33,000 6.6 300 36,000 45,000 0.7 FDEP leach.: ... »»»»»» 3.1 »» »»» 8.$ » .» » »..»... .» »»....». 2.1 ���» 27 2,500 �.8 8 2.4 327600 24 77 0.7 1,266 160 6.6 1.2 250 880 8 » a, G vun..».. Based on Groundwate•r Based on Freshwater Surface Water 10.0 9.1 0.3 NA 0.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1.3 17 NA 2.2 NA 1.3 NA Based on Marine Surface water 1 10.0 9.1 0.3 NA 0.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1.3 17 NA 2.2 NA 1.3 NA »ased on Groundwater of Low rield)PoorQuality 31.0 85.0 21.0 270 25,000 8.0 80 24.0 320,000 240 770 70.0 12,000 1,600 66.0 12.0 2,500 8,800 80 Resid.IDERM): 93_ 110 2400 1,800 21,000 1.3 0.1 1.3 2,500 13 130 0.1 3,200 2,600 1.3 55 2,200 2,400 0.1 Indus. (DERM): 510 610 20,000 20,000 300,000 6.6 0.7 6.5 52,000 66 ' 640 0.7 59,000 33,000 6.6 300 36,000 45,000 0.7 DERMIeach. Based on Groundwater 2.2 6.1 2.1 27 2,500 0.8 8 2.4 32,000 25 77 0.7 1,200 160 6.6 1.7 250 880 8 Based on Freshwater Surface water 10 9.1 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.2 1.6 4.8 1.6 0.7 4.7 1.3 17 4.3 2.2 0.7 1.3 1.2 Based on Irs.iine Surface Water 10.0 9.1 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.2 1.6 4.8 1.6 0.7 4.7 1.3 17 4.3 2.2 0.7 • 1.3 1 1 1.2 ril CTL: Cleanup Target Level All concentrations expressed in mg/kg Bolded values have concentrations greater than the lesser CTL BDL: All contributing concentrations were below Detection Limits Page 1 of 1 Sample ID: LABORATORY RESULTS OF SOIL SAMPLES F KNIGHT RIDDER 1 "..._.i 1 TABLE 12 OR PAH ASSESSMENT AND SOURCE REMOVAL OF PGW - MIAMI HERALD PROPERTY 1-Methylnaphthalene a as Acenaphthylene 8 L_4 c Benzo[a]pyrene c 0 g N Dibenz[a,hjanthracene Fluoranthene c 0 Indeno[1,2,3-cdjpyrene c aci m a Z Phenanthrene c 0- Benzo (A) Pyrene Toxic Equiv. PGW-25-60 0-2' PGW-25-60-5E 0-2' PGW-25-60-5S 0-2' PGW-25-60-5W 0-2' PGW-25-60-5N 0-2' PGW-25-60-10E PGW-25-60-10N 0-2' <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0:3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.465 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 0.35 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 1.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 0.85 0.9 0.5 0.7 1.25 0.275 2.8 <0.3 0.65 <0.3 1.55 2.65 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.31 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 BDL BDL BDL BDL 1.40 BDL BDL Toxic Equiv. Factor: n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.1 1.0 0.1 n/a 0.01 0.001 1.0 n/a n/a 0.1 n/a n/a n/a - 1.0 Resid. CTL: 200 210 2,400 1,800 21,000 1.3 0.1 1.3 2,500 13 130 0.1 3,200 2,600 1.3 55 2,200 2,400 0.1 Indus. CTL: 1,800 2,100 20,000 20,000 300,000 6.6 0.7 6.5 52,000 66 640 0.7 59,000 33,000 6.6 300 36,000 45,000 0.7 FDEP leach.: Based on Groundwater 3.1 8.5 .1 27 2,500 0.8 8 2.4 32,000 24 77 0.7 1,200 160 6.6 1.2 250 880 8 Resid. (DERM): 93 110 2,400 1,800 21,000 1.3 0.1 1.3 2,500 13 130 0.1 3,200 2,600 1.3 55 2,200 2,400 0.1 Indus. (PERM): 510 610 20,000 20,000 300,000 6.6 0.7 6.5 52,000 66 640 0.7 59,000 33,000 6.6 300 36,000 45,000 0.7 DERM leach. Based on Groundwater 2.2 6.1 2.1 27 2,500 0.8 8 2.4 32,000 25 77 0.7 1,200 160 6.6 1.7 250 880 8 CTL: Cleanup Target Level All concentrations expressed in mg/kg Bolded values have concentrations greater than the lesser CTL BDL: All contributing concentrations were below Detection Limits Page 1 of 1 SUBMITTED INTO THE TABLE 13 LABORATORY RESULTS OF SOIL SAMPLES FOR PAH ASSESSMENT AND SOURCE REMOVAL OF IPG KNIGHT RIDDER - MIAMI HERALD PROPERTY PUBLIC RECORD 11,0 E g ' war h-tirt's ON IP en ,ple ID: d m p e ¢ Et; IPG-C2 0-2' <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 IPG-C2 2-4' <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 3.25 <0.3 <0.1 c a <0.3 <0.3 C 0- <0.3 C <0.3 • 1.3 3 IPGC2-0-2'-10S <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 IPG-C2-10N 2-4' <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 IPG-C2-10W 0-2' <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.345 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 IPG-C22-10W 2-1' <0,3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 , , <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 IPGC2-2-4'-10S <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 IPG-C2-N10 2-4' <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0,3 <0.3 <0.3 IPG-D2 0-2' <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 IPGD2 0-2'-10S <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 IPG-D2 2-4' <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 IPGD2 2-4'-10S <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1. 0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 IPG-D2-10E 0-2' <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 IPG-D2.10N 0-2' <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 IPG-D2-10W 0-2' IPG-D2-10W 2-4' <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0,1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3<0 <0.3 <0..»._....».»......». <0.3 .3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0,3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 IPG-D2-N10 2-4' IPG-D2-E10 2-4' IPG-E1 0-2' IPG-E12-4' <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 IPG-E1-E10 0-2' <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 ..._...._... <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 IPG-E1-E10 2-4' <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 IPG-E1-N10 0-2' <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 IPG-E1-N10 2-4' <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 IPG-E1-S10 0-2' <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 IPG-E1-S10 2-4' <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.415 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 1.5 IPG-E1-W10 0-2' <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 IPG-E1-W10 2-4' <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 Benzo (A) Pyrene Toxic Equiv. BDL BOL BDL BOL BOL BDL BOL BDL BOL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BOL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL Page 1 of 2 F -1 .I _ .Al .1 1 -� - , - 1 1 TABLE 13 LABORATORY RESULTS OF SOIL SAMPLES FOR PAH ASSESSMENT AND SOURCE REMOVAL OF IPG KNIGHT RIDDER - MIAMI HERALD PROPERTY Sample ID: 4 N 0 . 2 , R c e , ° 0. S '3 Fe N m 0 A. ' '8' S V U c d m air _ L a m m c Benzo (A) Pyrene Toxic Equiv. IPG-E2 0-2'_ »»» <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 ~••<•• 0,1••~•••~~<0.~� <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 "'3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 BDL IPG-E2 0.2'-105 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 BDL 2-4' „, • „<0.3 <0.3 < <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 1.45 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 0.405 1.05 BDL .IPG-E2 IPG -E2 2-44'-10S <0.3 <0.3 < <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 ...».<0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 _<0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 BDL IPG-E2-10N 0-2' <0.3 <0.3 < <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 BDL IPG-E2-E10 0-2' <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 ' <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 1.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 BDL IPG-E2-E10 2-4' <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 BDL IPG-E2-N102-4' <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0,1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0,1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 BDL IPG-M1 0-2' ....s.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0 0.445 ...<0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 BDL IPG-M1 2-4' <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 < <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 BDL IPG-M1-10N 0-2' ..„<0.3 <0.3 < <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 < <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 BDL IPG-M1-E10 0-2' <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 BDL IPG-M1-E10 2.4' ...••_ •„ <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 4 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 < <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 BOL IPG-M1-N102-4' <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 < <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 m.<0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 < <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 BDL IPG-MIS10 0-2' <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 < <0.3 <0.3 BDL IPG-M1S10 2-4' <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 _44<0.3 <0.3 < <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 BOL IPG-M1-W10 0-Z' <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0,1 <0.1 <0.3 „ <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 BDL IPG-M1-W10 2-4' <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 BDL Toxic Equiv. Factor. n/a n/a n/a nle n/a 0.1 1 0.1 rile 0.01 0.001 1 n/a n/a 0.1 n/a We n/a 1.0 Resid. CTL: 200 210 moo 21•,000 0 0.1 1.3 „„. 2,590 ..».13 ».~._130 „..„.„0.1 .. ,•0 3200 2,600 1.3 55 22200 2,400 0.1 Indus. CTL: 1,800 2,100 „,1*800._ 20000„ 29,000. •„•_1.3 300,00o„„ 6.6 0.7 6.5 522„0066 640 0.7 • 59,000 33,...00.0 6.6 300 36•,000 45,000 0.7 •_„ FDEPleach.: _..•» » » ,... » _ ._„ ...» »„ »»~» _» » ___.._...... » „_ » » .... » » „...._.......~ ~».....~_...._......».».. Based on Groundwater M. 3„1 „ 8„,;,5 2,1 27 2,500 0.8 8 2.4 32,000»,•„,44•„..•••••• 77 „„ 0.7 1 1 200 160 6 6.6 1.2 250 880 8 Resid.(DERM)„••„_,••,„,„,•,•-, 93 fief yob' 1,800 21,000„ 1.3 0.1 1.3 2,,500 13 130 0.1 3,200 2,600 1.3 55 2,200 2,400 0.1 .66,.~,•,~..640 0.7 Indus. (PERM): ,„„,„-•,•„510.„.„.„810,. 20,000~•20,000 300,000„,•,6.6 0.7 6.5....... 52,000..... 59,000 33000„,.•„6.6 300 36,000 45,000 0.7 DERMleach. _.....»...„........... »„.».».._...» ....».».. »_ Used on Groundwater 2.2 6.1 2.1 27 2.500 0.8 8 2.4 32,000 25 77 0.7 1,200 160 6.6 1.7 250 880 8 CTL Cleanup Target Level All concentrations expressed in mg/kg Bolded values have concentrations greater then the lesser CTL BDL: All contributing concentrations were below Detection Limits SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR 'TEM ::+156 ON is - Page 2 of 2 TABLE 14 LABORATORY RESULTS FOR WATER SAMPLES FOR AMMONIA KNIGHT RIDDER - MIAMI HERALD PROPERTY r r r r r r r Ammonia (mg/L) Dat� March Collected: 2005 12/16/05 3/17/06 4/4/06 5/12/06 Marine FDEP reg. DERM Surface 5/19/06 5/26/2006 limit reg. limit Water reg. MW-A1 0.75 2.8 0.5 " 0.5 MW-A2 2.4 0.56 MW-A3 3.4 0.02 0.63 MW-A4 0.81 0.2 0.51 MW-B1 0.79 <0.01 MW-B3 0.76 0.74 MW-B4 (GW-22) 2.9 1.3 0.81 0.74 duplicate 0.76 0.16 0.23 MW-C1 1.5 . 1.9 <0.01 <0.01 MW-C2 0.6 1.4 0.5 0.62 MW-D1 3.2 1.8 MW-D2 3.2 1.9 GW-8 <2.8 GW-28 < 2.8 GW-26 < 2.8 GW-19 < 2.8 Bolded values exceed the lesser of the applicable regulatory limits. Page 1 of 1 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM P;+T-1 ON Iboq.,r, . 7 FIGURES r SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMS n ON it osp-01.. nIntl�d� Cw.iFr��um.br ALVAH CHAPMAN_- BLVD. l� IIB (N.E. 15TH STREET) 1-395 OFF —RAMP VAH CHAPMAN BLVD. N.E. 15TH butttl) 0 foot 120 SCALE LEGEND YONITORINCLL SUBMITTED INTO T PUBLIC RECORD FOPi ITEM h ON 11=01.01. SOURCE EE&G ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES. ILC PROPOSED DRILLING LOCATIONS MAP, DATED MARCH 9, R/00S. 8 1 MEV 1%E SITE Plwlt FIGURE 1 0 1wt 120 SCALE LEGEND SOIL SAMPLING LOCATION • FOR FORMER FACILITY INVESTIGATION -- GROUNDWATER AND SOIL SAMPLING LOCATION FOR FORMER FACILITY INVESTIGATION SAMPLING LOCATION ♦ DURING PHASE II FACILITY INVESTIGATION ONLY CONCENTRATIONS WHICH EXCEEDED REGULATORY LIMITS ARE SHOWN. APPROX. BOUNDARY OF FORMER FACILITY SOL SMPLED FOR I PH DURING PHASE I(o4'BI.Sj RESULTS HERE LESS THAN SOIL APARTMENTS 8$RE-1 AFFWTED MTIN AVM BODY SHOP. SAMPLED FOR RCRA AETALL SOL SAMPLED FOR I PH DURING PHASE N (Id' BLS). RESULTS HERE LEES THAN SCTL } 7 MTH MORGAN CHEMICAL TTLD MTH MORGAN CHEMICAL HORGAN CHEMICAL (PESTICIDES. PCBs, RCRA METALS) SBREC-17 AFFUATLDMTHMORGAN CHEMICAL awry ZO wMB (-+'Ma) EXCAVATED. GROUNDWATER SAMPLED . FOR M METALS SPIRITS DINING PHASE L RESULTS MERE LESS THAN GM SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMIA 4N ��•04-n�, PARR DRY CLEANER BBRECi19 AFFILIATED WIT HRUBINSAUTO BODY SHOP. GROUNDWATER MD SOL SAMPLE FOR RCRA METALS. EXCAVATED. oGeURNCRY $ 7 WITH RUBINSAUTO BOO SHOP. SAMPLED FOR RCRA METALS. NASH BODY SKIP (RCRA mils) ruttifP( III111,1 FOT A EXCAVATED TO WATER ' TED WITH RUBI S. SAMPLED FOR RCRA METALS. RIABINS ALTO 'COY SHOP (RCRA iiErits) BBREO-19 AFFLATED WTIFINASHBODY SHOP. GROUNDWATER MDSOL SAMPLED FOR RCRA METALS. AFFEJAND VAN NASH BODY SHOP. BrUn:1110wolf EXCAVATED. III'IiII II NF. STATUS IN BAR SIREC4 AFRUATED N71HFlNC/ER MOTORS 8AAPLED FOR RCRA METAL& BIRECAS AFFWTEO!M HFNICIERMOTORS GROUDWA7ER MD SOL SAMPLED FOR RCRA METALS WT7H ARCHER MOTORS SAMPLED FOR RCRA METALS. FiCHIER MOTORS mErM BAYBHDIE COURT APARTIENTB BOAT REPAIR FACLTTY (BOWENTB. RCRAIETMS) AFFILIATED INN MOATRLPAUFACILI Y. Brran LLIOngt. VATTED. AFFLMITEO RIM GOAT REPAIR FACN.RY. GROINWWATIMAND SOLSAMPLEDFOR SOLVENTS AND RCRA METALS. IBIEC-14 (AL$OPRIM ETTA1s11) AFFILIATED WITH BOAT REHMAR FAOLlTY SAMPLED FOR BOLWL]VI8AND RCRA METALS. SERVICE SOL HASSEEN OLCAVATED,l8 NEAR BURIED UTUTES, OR LB N RIGHT-O .WAY. 0 rf c 9� Li fEII AIL mum ►ACI1R® FIGURE 2 LEGEND SAMPLE W 0111.111 MILT 0-7 40.1 EXCAVATION BOUNDARY CONCENTRATIONS IN rag/kg UNLESS NOTED. DIELDRIN RESULT GIVEN IN ug/kg BARIUM RESID. SCTL: 120 DIELDRIN LEACH. GRDWTR: 0.002 RELATIVE LOCATIONS SHOWN IN FlGURE 2. WATER TABLE JUST ABOVE 4'. 97 04 0-2. <0.0018 SBREC17 24 c M 1J // QDOLSISIDRUUVD 313REC17 58 343 2-4' <0.0004 SCALE SOREC17 2-4' <0.0004 3OREC134-24N 0-2' 20 OBRECII41.24W1 0-2' 0-2' 5.2 4.9 SUBMITTED INT PUBLIC RECORD tt S. ITEMV ON � i- SL4JRLS©O (c A c DVIA%I1) (00 SBREC1341424E (0-2'113 SBREC134 ..2-10N 6.1 0-2 31EC13.2 (SAM 0-2' 160 83REC13a-4 2-4'! 28 0 f..I 20 SCALE No v 0 THE FOR 1 J 8 s BARIUM AND ammmi FIGURE 8 0 f«I 20 SCALE LEGEND EXCAVATION BOUNDARY ALL RESULTS FOR DIRECT EXPOSURE AND GIVEN IN mg/kg UNLESS NOTED. SPLP RESULT GIVEN IN ug/L. WATER TABLE JUST ABOVE 4'. RESID. DIR. EXP: 400 mg/kg LEACH. BASED ON SPLP. GCTL: 15 ug/L Llgit SBIL©.19 (L SBRECI9 5W 0-2 0-2'123 1 _-- SBRECI9 5W 2-4 E A D SBRECI9 5N 0-2 SBRECI9 5N 2- SBRECI9 (SAR) SBREC 19 0-2 SBREC 19 2-4 28 SBRECI9 5E 2-4 3 m SUBMITTED INTO PUBLIC RECORD FERN ON it - FIR T�W 1 1 1 1 8 gi N 10 s D] O 1 ,411111E ISAD PMGUR6 4 0 1..t 20 SCALE LEGEND CONCENTRATIONS GIVEN IN AND REPRESENT THE BENZ ApYREENEE TOXICITY EQUIVALENT. SAMPLE LA DEPTH MOULT 0-2' <0.1 EXCAVATION BOUNDARY I %CAVAl 1J@N EXASNROAD (Ia 29 EXA5-N ROAD-0-2-1 OW 0-2' <0.1 EXA5-WROAD-0-2-5N 0-2' <0.1 EXA5-WROAD-0-2-5N 0-r1<0.1 EXA5WROAD (SAR) 0-2' 0.61 2-4' <0.1 EXA5-WROAD-0-2-1OW 0-2' <0.1 EXA5-WROAD-0-2-5W f 0-21<011 EXCAVATOO EXABWROAD (0-29 EXA5-WROAD-0-2-05 0-2' <0.1 EXAS-W4 (SAR) <0.1 <0.1 0-2' 2-4' EXAS-NROAD-0-2-5N 0-2' <0.1 9 0-2' <01 (SAR) EXA5-NROAD-0-2 0-r 1.13 EXA5-NROAD-2-4 2-4' <0.1 EXA5 NROAD-0-2-5E 0-2' <0.1 EXA5-N6 (SAR) 0-2 <0.1 EXAS-N3 (SAR) 0-2' <0.1 EXA5-N2 (SAR) 2-4' <051 0-r 0. EXA5-E2 (SAR) 0-r <0.1 2-4' <0.1 (PREVIOUSLY EXCAVATED) EXA5-W2 (SAR) 0-r 2-4' 0.52 0.51 EXA5-S2 (SAR) 0-r <0.1 1 1 1 ) 1 a 0 U SUBMITTED INTO EXCAVATION EXA5 PUBLIC RECORD FL, (o 2-4' <0.1 1': �S ITEM ��tM ON n-w (STORM DRAIN) a 5 FIGURE 5 LEGEND CONCENTRATIONS GIVEN IN mo/kg AND REPRESENT THE B 20[A)IRENE TOXICITY EQUIVALENT. SAWA w O KILT 0-2' 0.68 - THEES {o-EXCAVATIONBOUNDARY RggfIHSoimiMXpp PY zOrWCgLLCp69EFON EXC1 N4 (SARW') 0.80 0-2' M EXCI N4-0-2- o-r <0.1 (1C9 (DU (OM C(CQ44 (DU (04) SAR i) SUBMITTED INTO TV I PUBLIC RECORD :01V ITEMS ON ►►-�: EXc N4.o-r- arIo.031 ClN4-0-2-E10 o-zlo.02 GAS UNE EXC1 N3 (SAR) LARGE TREE MP (REMOVED &WIN TS1 1 1 2 8 _ ]C 1 1 l�1N4 MAD FIGURE e LEGEND EM PLE Ms ar <0.1 0 a.$ 35 SCALE CONCENTRATIONS GIVEN IN mg/kg AND REPRESENT THE BENZO[ApYRENE TOXICITY EQUIVALENT. EXCAVATION BOUNDARY UJ O ap ▪ CC O �.DD_ w 0 f �r (tea; cri co M CL PGW2560 PGW2560 0 0:- 0 1180.145602.5W-0-2 ar <0.1 2-4 2-4'<0.1� 2. 2-4 I PG-E 1-S 10-0-2 I PG-E 1-N 10-0-2 IPGE1 (SAR) 0hE9 () 1:10.1!iM!“l 560-10E-0- <0.1 c W256a10E-0-2 W-25-40 (SAR) 2-4' <0.1 I I 2r4' <0.1 IPGE1 (SAR) IPG-E1-E10-0-2 IPG-E1-E10-2-4 IPG-M1-S10-0-2 IPGE1 (SAR) 0.26 !PG-MI-S10-2-4 2-4' <0.1 IPG-MI W10-0-2 A07 <0.1 IPG-02-E10-2. - 4. i2 0-2 <0.1 IPG-E2-E10-2-4 IPG-M1 W10-2-4 2-4' 0-2' <0.1 IPG-E2-E10-2.4 y� //������ //��2.�4' j<0.1 I QPV02 AND UIrl�JI52. .. (0.2) "GW-5-40 (SAR) ar <0.1 POW(SAR) 2-4' <0.1 1 MPH (04) GARA <0.1 IPG-M1-N140-2 0-r <0.1 P&L AND BELLSOUTH R.O.W. IPG-M1-N10�2 IPGM1 (SAR) 02' W.1 IPGM1(SAM 2-4' 11.81 1 IPG-M1-E10-0-2 0-2 <0.1 IPG-M1-E10-0-2 ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER S J 1 a 5 W 0 0 0 ]([J YW W 5 SHEET nnE PGAE P FIGURE 7 UBMITTED INTO THE UBLIC RECO:OD FOR S-X4t,„11"11-2"" - `r 7 ar k SIP . x 1-12- eAklottorit,Cr, SMALL GAUGE ELEC. WIRING FOR IRRIG. LEGEND Ni 14TH STREET SUBMITTED INTO TH, PUBLIC RECORD FON ITEM= ON n-oi•or, ;. IIIITll1 I11111 Ifl11 FORMER U.S.T. AREA TANKS REMOVED NO FURTHER ENFORCEMENT REQUIRED 1 f 1 1 1 8 MEET AEE DEPT1ID Of UNDE�ROUND 1�107 A FIGURE 9 0 1EN 120 SCALE LEGEND SALVING DATE TOTAL MAGMA A mCONCENTRATIONS GIVEN 9 ALL MARCH 2005 SAMPLES COLLECTED FROM TEMP. WELLS. IS FROM PHASENIIII ESA REPORT. MW-D2 MW-D1 MW-A2 GW-19 MW—B3 MW—B4 GW 22 Calir +ivaz::IiIC'�'.1 ETii7�: rltJar E'C•®01130101112121111ME MR —AI 1s0.75 IDS1RYD.I aTs osmm. WHIZ FTi�%- 112:31113211Z111 SUBMITTED INTO PUBLIC RECORD ITEM 'NA ONii t MW—A3 (GW-8) FTI'Fia .ETATa. y TZ THE FOR y iJ 1 j 1 2 1I 0 a 9 a 5 8 1101 DDEIT pLPA ng ateittY811 HOUR! 10 ME SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMt ON1*9.D . APPENDIX A DERM Letter from March 2, 2006 C r r r r MAR. 3.2006 1:41PM DERM STORAGE TANKS NO.645 P.2 MIAMht? COUNTY ADA Coonnomlon A1L-ndi CoordMWlcn Animal S0,iH An In P,Mic P►+a Audis and Mananntoent SarvIco, Avl7jifrf IuiUdMS Bonding (ado Compliance Bi in.-aa peroiopnwM Gphal Impm.tmeno CIIIzMg' Indeprnoenf aompnrnllnnTr ' commission to F.aia and MO( Rug carnmankal am Community Adrian ARMey community & Economic pevelop,non( C n monlIy RNalimro Comonnt sertricet Conoolians & (lehappllayan Crluan gala Ejecnlorp cmalyMI MQonpnt Feniumpae Reiman Empowarn nanm EmorpdteTA:c hador/ Bestial rap enploymolN ►scoring Rowe Ijjfe Rescue cameral Seauca Adtalniamiim Mam0011T ok 11"in AVM Housing Ammo m Haman Swam Imtvenumn Rabat Anal Iniermolomt ToO• Canerlinnu nnnile Aneeeme n Conn Medical Whiner MantMaruiAginn1lon Mai Alan Hangdog orpnkadtn tnrk end Raog4•n Planning and Loh rrocimmatt Management fbliar pyppe l.praa>r 'taw pa4RmMa(tt salt NawluBgigad Plaid khan send wore Mamapnant Raga eatinew Manalum nl Team Moab Tam fume en Orlon roan41ie nnvialamlon sfmcim ma'am Acid Cudant YAW & Sewer Environmental Resources Management Pollution Control Division 33 SW 2nd Avenue • 8th Floor Miami, Florida 33130-1540 T 305-372-6817 F 305-372-6982 miamidade.gov March 2, 2006 CERTIFIED MAII. NO. 7003 1680 0000 8826 4077 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Larry Marbert VP Production and Facilities Knight Ridder One Herald Plaza, 8'h Floor Miami, Florida 33182 TON CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 7003 1680 0000 8825 1EM1(i # 1'i i i' b9 ' OV • RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED SUBMITTED INTO TH PUBLIC RECORD FOR n ir P.A. Bidder Miami Heald Publishing Company 50 W San Fernando Street San Jose, California, 95113 RE, Site Assessment Report (SAR) dated January 10, 2006 and submitted by HSA Engineers & Scientists for the )(light Bidder -Miami Herald Property family (HWR-6021Fl e-22234) located at, near. or in the vidnity of 1431- 1451 North Bayshore Drive, Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida. Dear Messrs. Marten and Ridden The Pollution Renlediation Section of the Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM) has reviewed the referenced submittal, received 'January 12, 2006 and hereby disapproves It due to the following: 1. The tidal cycle investigation conducted Identified a depth to water range or 3.47 feet to 3.72 feet, Clarify why an unsaturated zone thickness of 4 feet was utilized for the assessment/remediation activities. 2. Comment 6 of PERM's September 13, 2005 letter. requiring a scaled site map depicting the location of the former facilities provided by the Phase 11 (including Sunoco Service, Ogbum Pry Cleaner, Parr Dry Cleaner and the Apartments) and the locatfons of any potential source areas, shall be addressed. Although Page S of the SAR sues that "the locations of potential source areas were not evklent from review of the historical documents', PERM tiles provide information on historic potential source areas (i.e., the underground storage tanks (USTs) ih lot 13 of the property); therefore, depict these potential sources an a scaled eite melee Additfonai soil (from the appropriate intervals) end groundwater sampling shall be conducted Ip. asspps any potential aqwce arefs mtssect.(n the Phase II and SAR assessitibilt.(fb.::6113:forMerr•USTIOCiition.hYltK t}).. MAR. 3.2006 1:41PM DERM STORAGE TANKS NO.645 P.3 Larry Marbert & P.A. Ridder HWR-602/File-22234 March 2, 2006 Page 2 3. Soil samples SBREC-2(2-4) and SBREC-13(0-2) exceed Direct Exposure Residential cleanup target levels (CTLs) for Barium and shall therefore be properly removed or addressed. Additionally, solls exceeding the leachability -based SCTLs (i,e., Dieldrin in SBREC-17 (2-4)) shall be addressed (see Supporting Information for the Implementation of RBCA, Risk Management Options Guidance, at httc://www.miamidade.00v!denn/1andNbrandRBCA suppo►ting_Information,pdt). Additional groundwater assessment may be required depending upon the leachability options elected. 4. Based on the population distribution of the sample data presented in the Phase 11 and the SAR, with the exception of the result from SBREC-19 (2-4), the lead concentrations in on -site soil are indicative of background levels. Therefore, soil associated with SBREC-19 (24) shall be removed, characterized for disposal using TCLP. and properly disposed, if this Interval is determined to be representative of the unsaturated zone (see comment 1 above). Following source removal, a sufficient nurnber of confirmation samples, consisting of Wall samples from the appropriate intervals and bottom samples) (unless the excavation extends into the water table), shall be collected and analyzed for lead. Source removal shall be deemed complete upon demonstrating that the confirmation sample results are consistent with the site-wwide lead distribution. • 5. Soil assessment was not conducted at the 0-2 foot interval in the areas of the former Fincher Motors, Nash Body Shop, and Rubin's Auto Body Shop, nor at the 2-4 foot interval In the area of the former Boat Repair Fadlity. Pnwlde technical justification for not sampling time intervals. tf justification cannot be provided, sample and analyze these intervals for the appropriate chemicals of potential concern, as specified in Comment 6 of DERM's September. 13, 2005 letter. 6. DERM does not object to the proposed source removal of PAH-Impacted soil In the areas of EX- A5 and EX.C1, up to the location of soil samples collected with equivalent benzo(a)pyrene concentrations reported below the SCTt,s. However, the EX-A5 source removal shag include the 1 areas of EXA5-WROAD(Q-2') and EXA5-NROAD(0•2') (be advised the analytical results for EXA5- NROAD(0-2') indicate that Indeno(1,2,3.pd)pyrene is 64 mgikg, not .64 mg/kg). Furthermore, the EXC1 source removal shall include EXC1-N4(2.4). Based on the Figure 10 site map, soil sample locations EXA5-NROAD and EXC1-N4 do not appear to be located in the right -of -ray. Additionally. DERM does not object to the proposed source removal In the area south of the parking garage, up to those areas where enervation is not feasible (I.e., the FPL uttitty setback area). However, soil concentrations exceeding SCTt.s In PGW-25-60(4r2), west of the I excavation boundary, will need to be addressed (be advised, analytical results for PGW-21 ) Indicate that carcinogenic PAHs are non -detect, not 1.56 as stated In Table 5 and Figure 8). After source removal. confirmation wail samples (from the appropriate intervals) and bottom samples shall be .collected for all areas (unless the excavation extends to the water table). Be advised, DERM dleapproves the proposal to not address the soils exceeding SCTLe below the panting garage. For a No Further Action Without Cortions site closure, source removal shall be deemed complete upon dernonstrating that all on -site salt sample results meet the appiicable soil CTLs; therefore, those son samples exceeding SCTLs below the parking garage shall be addressed. For informatioon on the requirements for a No Further Action with Conditions site cue option for the site, see Supporting tnfonnation for the Implementation of RBCA, Risk Management Options ro Guidance, referenced In Comment 3 above. � PUBLIC RECORD FOR f ITEM= ONII- of w SUBMITTED INTO THE M. 3.2006 1:42PM Larry Marbert & P.A. Ridden HWR-6021Fi1e-22234 March 2, 2006 Page 3 DERM STORAGE TANKS SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMRii ON1).o+.0.. 7. The report did not indude Iithologic logs for the soil 1 orings advanced; therefore provide these Togs in the next submittal. 8. Provide documentation to support the statement that no buried soil waste debris exists at the site based on evidence from monitoring well installation and soil boring advancement (e.g., on a scaled site map depict the area identified in the geophysical survey as potentially containing buried solid waste debris in reference to the soil boring and monitoring well locations). Be advised, based on this information, further investigation (e.g„ test pits, trenches. borings. etc.) may be required. 9. Groundwater sampling logs were not submitted for the December 8, 2005 resampiing of MW- 132, MW-C1, and MWP2; therefore, provide these logs With the next submittal. Additionally, a groundwater sampling log was provided for the December 16, 2005 sampling of MW-B4 for ammonia analysis. Provide the analytical results for this sampling event, if available. 10. The next submittal shall include a well location map showing the approximate location(s) of all municipal/public wells and private supply well(s) (e.g., potable, irrigatIon, industrial, eta) identified within a 16 mills and mile, respectively, of the subject site. 11. The site map in Figure 1 appears to depict the existing on -site storm drain catch basins, however these structures are not labeled In the Map nor referenced in the text therefore, clarify the identity of the box structures in Figure 1. Additionally, provide information on any storm drain catch basin curing and/or assessment activities conducted at this site and address whether these storm drains may be a potential source of some of the �soll contamination documented (e.g.. SB-14 and SB-42, exhibiting "petroleum -like Interference", as documented in the Phase Ii sample results, appear to be in the immediate vicinity of storm drain catch basins). Be advised, based on the information provided, additional assessment may be required. 12. I3e advised, the proposed excavation west of excavation EX-A5 appears to encompass a. storm drain catch basin. If any stained sludge and/or soils are observed during the catch basin removal, they must be removed, stored securely on site, and chemically profiled for proper disposal. if contaminants Identified in the soil/sludge exceed the applicable CTLs, further soli and groundwater assessment for these parameters will be required, Additionally, please note that removal of an existing catch basin or drainage pipe may require an alternate drainage system; therefore, contact DERM'a Water Control Section at (305) 372-6688 for drainage replacement requirements. 13. Be advised, source removal and investigation -derived waste- that is not a RCRA-regulated hazardous waste but Is contaminated above the Department's Soil Cleanup Target Levels or the state. standards and/or minimum criteria for ground water quality shall be properly disposed of. Submit documentation for the proper dlsposat of all water, sot drllling mud, decontamination wastes from site investigations, exploratory borings, and monitoring well Installation, refurbishment, and abandonment, and other source removal and InvestjgaUve activities. 14. Be advised that the conditions at the property boundaries that abut Biscayne Bay must meet the more stringent of the Groundwater CTLs and Marine Surface Water CTI.s. and for soli, the more stringent of the Direct Exposure Residential CTI,s, Leachability based on Marine Surface Water Criteria or Leachability based on Groundwater Criteria. as per Table 2 of the Miami- r r MAR. 3.2006 1:42PM DERM STORAGE TANKS Larry Marbert & P.A. Ridder HWR-602/Fi1e-22234 March 2, 2006 Page 4 SUBMiUEJNTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM H'n ON n-w w . Dade County Code (the Code). The conditions at the property boundaries that abut an adjacent property must meet the Groundwater CTLs and the more stringent of Direct Exposure Residential Criteria or Leachability Based on Groundwater Criteria, as per Table 2 of the Code. Be advised that the vertical and horizontal extent of the contaminant plume(s) shall be fully delineated. DERM has the option to split any samples deemed necessary with the consultant or laboratory at the subject site. The consultant collecting the samples shall perform field sampling work in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedures provided in Chapter 62-160, Florida Administrative Code (FAC), as amended. The laboratory analyzing the samples shall perform laboratory analyses pursuant to the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) certification requirements. If the data submitted exhibits a substantial variance from the DERM split sample analysis, a complete resampling using two independent certified laboratories will be required. Loma Buckrlor of DERM must be notified in writing a minimum of three (3) working days prior to the implementation of any sampling or field activities. Therefore, within sixty (60) days of receipt of this Letter. you are hereby required to submit to the DERM for review an addendum to the Site Assessment Report, prepared in accordance With Section 44-44(2)0XIv), Code of Miami -Dade County, which shall address the above comments. The appropriate review fee of *462 shall be included with the submittal. Failure to adhere to the Items and timeframes stipulated above may result in enforcement action for this site, If you have any questions regarding this letter. please contact Sandra Rezola of the Pollution Remediation Section at (305) 372-6700. Sincerely. Wilbur Mayorga, P.E., Chief Pollution Control Division sr pc: Gordon Yamate, VP/General Counsel, Knight Ridder, 50 W. San Fernando Street, #1500, San Jose, CA 95113 Terrance R. Horan. P.E., HAS Engineers & Scientists, 1486-A Skees Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33411 r Mffi.a" SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM°»'., ONn•oab6. APPENDIX B DERM Memorandum Correspondence r r r r MEMORANDUM TO: STEVE DUROCHER ENFORCEMENT OFFICER II From: Alicia Becena DATE: 14-Aug-1996 01:49pm SUBJECT:UT-0656 MIAMI HERALD After review of the Tank Closure Assessment Report by the Waste Cleanup Section, David B. Shapiro, P.G. on 8/13/96 it has been determined that the TCAR meets the requirements of Ch. 62-761 and that no further enforcement of this case is necessary. CC: TALIBAH ADISA SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM oin ON q•w.x, • Miami Herald - confirmatory soil samples Page 1 of 2 Fisher, Michael R. From: Horan, Terrence R. Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2006 11:15 AM To: Fisher, Michael R. Subject: FW: Miami Herald - confirmatory soil samples From: Rezola, Sandra (DERM) [mailto:RezolS@miamidade.gov] Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 10:36 AM To: Horan, Terrence R. Subject: RE: Miami Herald - confirmatory soil samples SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMZI; ON n_w o� , Hi Terry, r" If the excavation boundary is defined by existing soil borings that document contaminant levels below cleanup target levels along the entire soil column (as documented in the SAR or SARA), then confirmation sampling in these areas is not required. Please be advised that if during source removal activities you should encounter stained soil, or any other sign of contamination, further excavation shall be conducted. Please let me know if you have additional questions. Thanks, Sandra " Hydrogeologist II Miami -Dade DERM Pollution Remediation Section 33 SW 2 Avenue Miami, Florida 33130 Phone: (305) 372-6700 Fax: (305) 372-6729 "Delivering Excellence Every Day" -----Original Message From: Horan, Terrence R. [mailto:THoran@hsa-env.com] Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 10:01 AM To: Rezola, Sandra (DERM) Subject: Miami Herald - confirmatory soil samples Sandra, I hope you're doing well. We have completed the additional data collection and will be proceeding with additional source removal, likely during the week of April 17 - I'II keep you posted. Please let me know if the Department allows the use of soil assessment data collected during the SAR and SAR Addendum as confirmatory samples in lieu of collecting sidewall samples from the excavations. We have analytical data reporting the soil quality for the appropriate interval(s) for each excavation. We have closed other Sites with this approach, but l would appreciate your opinion before we begin the source removal activities. Please let me know what you think. Thanks, . Terry 6/22i2006 Miami Herald - confirmatory soil samples Page 2 of 2 r r Terrence R. Horan, P.E. HSA Engineers & Scientists a Member of the CRA Family of Companies 1486-A Skees Road West Palm Beach, FL 33411 phone (561) 688-9008 fax (561) 688-9005 This information contained in this e-mail message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the recipient(s) named above. This message may be an attomey-client communication and as such is privileged and confidential. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or an agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this document in error and that any review, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail and delete the original message. SUBM1TUED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM11,_ONc)4 n•o9-oc. 6/22/2006 r r r �rr" r r r SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMONII.OI O6 APPENDIX C I.ab Analytical Reports and SAR Addendum Photographs Documentation (CD Roms) r r r r r r r r r r r r APPENDIX D Lithologic Logs SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM;;; ONU.ob r r - HSA Engineers and Boring Log Scientists - .- • . '. Report EIE-- WELL NO: Asphalt surface, 0-2' bls (see list below) Drilling Date: January 2005 to May 2006 Drilling Method: direct push and hand auger TOC Elevation: N/A Well Development: N/A Well Type: N/A Notes: This log pertains to all soil samples collected from 0-2 feet. The numerous samples have all had the same lithology - that of a fill material. SITE: Miami Herald ADDRESS: One Herald Plaza, Miami, FL JOB NO.: 801.4385-03 CLIENT: Knight Ridder, Inc. DRILLING CO.: Various DRILLER: N/A LOGGED BY: HSA PROJ. MGR: Terry Horan WELL CONSTRUCTION Et cI. y U _, O co 1 y DESCRIPTION _ 0.25 (0-0.25) Asphalt surface cover Asphalt 0.50 0.75 (0.5-8) Sandy tan fill with some gravel and pebbles, no organics 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 Maximum depth of all soil samples 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4,75 5.00 5.25 5.50 5.75 6.00 6.25 6.50 6.75 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.75 8.00 8.25 8.50 Pertains to: SB-7, 23, 34, and borings associated with EXASNROAD i-- 1-- SA Engineers and Scientists Boring Log Report WELL NO: Asphalt surface, 0-4' bls (see list below) SITE: Miami Herald ADDRESS: One Herald Plaza, Miami, FL JOB NO.: 801.4385-03 CLIENT: Knight Ridder, Inc. DRILLING CO.: Various DRILLER: N/A LOGGED BY: HSA PROJ. MGR: Terry Horan Drilling Date: January 2005 to May 2006 Drilling Method: direct push and hand auger TOC Elevation: N/A Well Development: N/A Well Type: N/A Notes: This log pertains to all soil samples collected from 0-4 feet. The numerou% samples have all had the same lithology - that of a fill material. WELL CONSTRUCTION S E G t'' 0 a E DESCRIPTION Asphalt v 0.25 0.50 (0-0.25) Asphalt surface cover 0.75 (0.5-8) Sandy tan fill with some gravel and pebbles, no organics 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 (3.5-4) Water Table 5.25 5.50 5.75 6.00 6.25 6.50 6.75 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.75 8.00 8.25 8.50 Pertains to: SB-14, 24, 25, 32, 33, and 38; SBREC-1-7, 9-13, 16, and 17; PGW-5-40, PGW-5-60,PGW-25-40, and PGW-25-60; EXA5W4-W9, EXA5N3-N6; and associated with EXASWROAD. 1 HSA Engineers and Boring Log Scientists .- - Report ""'"' WELL NO: Asphalt surface, 0-6' bis, (see list below) Drilling Date: January 2005 to May 2006 Drilling Method: direct push and hand auger TOC Elevation: N/A ' Well Development: N/A ' Well Type: N/A Notes: This log pertains to all soil samples collected from 0-6 feet. The numerous samples have all had the same lithology - that of a fill material. SITE: Miami Herald ADDRESS: One Herald Plaza, Miami, FL JOB NO.: 801.4385-03 CLIENT: Knight Ridder, Inc. DRILLING CO.: Various DRILLER: N/A LOGGED BY: HSA PROJ. MGR: Terry Horan WELL CONSTRUCTION =F C SOIL CLASS Stratum It DESCRIPTION Asphalt 0.25 (0-0.25) Asphalt surface cover ' 0.50 0.75 (0.5-8) Sandy tan fill with some gravel and pebbles, no ojgarries- 1.00 -1 1.25 IN III 1.50 1,75 2.00 r 2.25lir"'""Vehs 2.50 4. 2.75 : fi g 3.00 3.50 3.50 0p 3.75 (3.5-4) Water Table 4.00 C 4.25 ...� 4.50 4.75 Q C` 5.00 5.25 , T 5.50 5.75 6.00 Maximum depth of all soil samples Z 6.25 _ 6.50 6.75 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.75 8.00 8.25 8.50_ Pertains to: SB-9, 11,26, 36, 37, and 43 HSA Engineers and Boring Log Scientists . -• Report WELL NO: Asphalt surface, 0-8' bls (see list below) Drilling Date: January 2005 to May 2006 Drilling Method:. direct push and hand auger TOC Elevation: N/A Well Development: N/A Well Type: N/A Notes: This log pertains to all soil samples collected from 0-8 feet. The numerous sample,. have all had the same lithology - that of a fill material, SITE: Miami Herald ADDRESS: One Herald Plaza, Miami, FL JOB NO.: 801.4385-03 CLIENT: Knight Ridder, Inc. DRILLING CO.: Various DRILLER: N/A LOGGED BY: HSA PROJ. MGR: Terry Horan WELL CONSTRUCTION xF C li SOIL CLASS Stratum 11 I DESCRIPTION Asphalt V - 0.25 (0-0.25) Asphalt surface cover 0.50 0.75 (0.5-8) Sandy tan fill with some gravel and pebbles, no organics 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 • 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 (3.5-4) Water Table 4.00 4.25 C 4.50 ...2. C 4.75 5.00 J.•..�,,�I 5.25 - 144- 5.50 + _ c 5.75 '�n� 6.00 6.25 R 6.50 CS ( 6.75 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.75 1 8.00 Maximum depth of all soil samples -1"8.25 ■ 8.50 . (""4 Pertains to: SB-15, 16, 19, 28, and 44 HSA Engineers and Boring Log Scientists ....... - Report WELL NO: Concrete surface, 0-4' bls (see list below) Drilling Date: January 2005 to May 2006 Drilling Method: direct push TOC Elevation: N/A Well Development: N/A Well Type: N/A Notes: This log pertains to all soil samples collected from 0-4 feet. The numerous samplL.. have all had the same lithology - that of a fill material. SITE: Miami Herald ADDRESS: One Herald Plaza, Miami, FL JOB NO.: 801.4385-03 CLIENT: Knight Ridder, Inc. DRILLING CO.: Various DRILLER: N/A LOGGED BY: HSA PROJ. MGR: Terry Horan. WELL = F.CONSTRUCTION C SOIL CLASS Stratum 0 J DESCRIPTION Concrete v - 0.25 (0-0.5) Concrete surface cover 0.50 0.75 (0.5-8) Sandy tan fill with some gravel and pebbles, no organics 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 . 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 _ (3.5-4) Water Table 4.00 Maximum depth of all soil samples 4.25 M f4.50M 4.75 �. it, 5.00 �- 5.25 +`O 5.50 •� - 5.75 . ., . 6.00 r 6.25 6.50 O C 6.75 Z 7.00 7.25 ..... ! 7.50 1 r 7.75 0 8.00 8.25 t 8.50. v C Pertains to: SBREC-13 and borings inside parking garage 03 rn 0 m HSA Engineers and Boring Log Scientists - -- Report ': WELL NO: Concrete surface, 0-6' bls (see list below) Drilling Date: January 2005 to May 2006 Drilling Method: direct push TOC Elevation: N/A Well Development: N/A Well Type: N/A Notes: This log pertains to all soil samples collected from 0-6 feell'hc numerous sumplrs have all had the same lithology - that of a fill material. SITE: Miami Herald ADDRESS: One Herald Plaza, Miami, FL JOB NO.: 801.4385-03 CLIENT: Knight Ridder, Inc. DRILLING CO.: Various DRILLER: N/A LOGGED BY: HSA PROJ. MGR: Terry Horan WELL CONSTRUCTION DEPTH FEET - U .2 2 E 2 E cn DESCRIPTION Concrete V 0.25 (0-0.5) Concrete surface cover 0.50 0.75 (0.5-8) Sandy tan fill with some graveland pebbles, no organics I.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 (3.5-4) Water Table m - 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 N, 5.00 _; _ ..• 5.25 5.50 5.75 i 6.00 Maximum depth of alI soil samples j � 6.25 Z 6.50 E 6.75 7.00 .r • 7.25 • c 7.50 ,. 0 7.75 . - 8.00 8.25 - _8.50 - v / Pertains to: SB-42 as HSA Engineers and Boring Log Scientists - -. , Report WELL NO: Grass surface, 0-2' bis (see list below) Drilling Date: January 2005 to May 2006 Drilling Method: direct push and hand auger TOC Elevation: N/A Well Development: N/A Well Type: N/A Notes: This log pertains to all soil samples collected from 0-2 feet. The numerous sampIL, have all had the same lithology - that of a fill material. SITE: Miami Herald ADDRESS: One Herald Plaza, Miami, FL JOB NO.: 801.4385-03 CLIENT: Knight Ridder, Inc. DRILLING CO.: Various DRILLER: N/A LOGGED BY: HSA PROJ. MGR: Terry Horan WELL CONSTRUCTION a.. m ii, G r SOIL CLASS a ? i • DESCRIPTION Grass 0.25 (0-0.25) Grass surface cover . 0.50 0.75 (0.5-8) Sandy tan fill with some gravel and pebbles, no organics 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 Maximum depth of all soil samples 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 fT 3.75 T 4.00 4.25 L 4.50 �"0 4.75 - w 5.00 4. 5.25 1 5.50 5.75 O 6.00 6.25 6.50 • 6.75 i 7.00 I 1 7.25 Q 7.50 ..11i ' 7.75 • 8.00 ' Q 8.25 e 8.50 r Pertains to: SB-2 and 18, all borings associated with EXC I N4 1—� -1 — HSA Engineers and Scientists Boring Log Report .- ..... WELL NO: Grass surface, 0-4' bls (see list below) Drilling Date: January 2005 to May 2006 Drilling Method: direct push and hand auger TOC Elevation: N/A Well Development: N/A Well Type: N/A Notes: This log pertains to all soil samples collected from 0-4 feet. The numerous sample: have all had the same lithology - that of a fill material. SITE: Miami Herald ADDRESS: One Herald Plaza, Miami, FL JOB NO.: 801.4385-03 CLIENT: Knight Ridder, Inc. DRILLING CO.: Various DRILLER: N/A LOGGED BY: HSA PROJ. MGR: Terry Horan CONSTRUCTION S t• c a cn cn ; UI. $ g E DESCRIPTION Grass - V — 0.25 (0-0.25) Grass surface cover 0.50 0.75 (0.5-8) Sandy tan fill with some gravel and pebbles, no organics 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 T (3.5-4) Water Table .V 4.00 Maximum depth of all soil samples 4.50 a. 4.75 -ws4ea, r 5.00 C s 5.25 t • 5.50 .mot 5.75 i� 73 1 6.00 6.25O ^ 6.50 ` I 6.75 Z CO 7.00N 7.25 70trip7.50• p7.75g.o0 ill ni 8.25 1 8.50 0 g Pertains to: SBREC-8, 14, 15, and 18; an cj Borings south of parking garage 0 rn HSA Engineers and Boring Log Scientists - -- Report WELL NO: Grass surface, 0-6' bls (see list below) Drilling Date: January 2005 to May 2006 Drilling Method: direct push and hand auger 'IOC Elevation: N/A Well Development: N/A Well Type: N/A Notes: This log pertains.to all soil samples collected from 0-6 feet. The numcrous millr> have all had the same lithology - that of a till material. SITE: Miami Herald ADDRESS: One Herald Plaza, Miami, FL JOB NO.: 801.4385-03 CLIENT: Knight Ridder, Inc. DRILLING CO.: Various DRILLER: N/A LOGGED BY: HSA PROJ. MGR: Terry Horan WELL CONSTRUCTION DEPTH FEET SOIL CLASS Stratum II DESCRIPTION Grass `- • • 0.25 (0-0.25) Grass surface cover 0.50 0.75 (0.5-8) Sandy tan fill with some,ravel and pebbles, no organics 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 ...4_ 7 3.50 3.75 (3.5-4) Water Table 4,00 16.44 4.25 _oil 4.75 4.75 _- 5.00 era 5.25 • ss 5.50 5.75 C. 6.00 Maximum depth of all soil samples 6.25 .. 6.50 r.... 6.75 7.00 7.25 ,. 0 7.50 7.75 C 8.25 O 8.25 8.50 - Pertains to: SB-4 and SB-6 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM:.?; `ri ON 1.01-06. APPENDIX E Groundwater Sampling Logs r r SITE NAME 164 "Grl-r I rYDER WELL NO. DEP-SOP Groundwater 1 Sampling SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORDGROUNDWATER SAMPLING L.= FOR EMT,ON it• 1 � SAMPLE ID: SITE LOCATION: /P9m/ Alto— ,/ PURGING DATA WELL Z DIAMETER (inches): TUBING DIAMETER (inche +' WELL SCREEN INTERVAL DEPTH: 2.- feet 10 /2 feet STATIC DEPTH. it, TO WATER (feet? PURGE PUMP lirtf OR BAILER: rLyy7i44.-77 e WELL VOLUME PURGE: 1 WELL VOLUME _ (TOTAL WELL DEPTH - STATIC DEPTH TO WATER) X WELL CAPACITY only ON out if applicable) _ ( feel - 3. `/O feet) X Cr .i Ce gallons/foot = / • 3 8- gallons EQUIPMENT VOLUME PURGE: 1 EQUIPMENT VOL. = PUMP VOLUME + (TUBING CAPACITY X TUBING LENGTH) + FLOW CELL VOLUME (only fill out if applicable) = gallons + ( gallonsrfoot X feet)* gallons = gallons INITIAL PUMP OR TUBING /� DEPTH IN WELL (feet): to FINAL PUMP OR TUBING DEPTH IN WELL (feet): PURGING INITIATED AT: I �QoZ PURGING ENDED AT: f �P /3 TOTAL VOLUME PURGED (galena): j •24' TIME VOLUME PURGED (gallons) CUMUL. VOLUME PURGED (gallons PURGE RATE (gimp) DEPTH TO WATER t� pH (standard uMts) I TEMP (°C) COND. (turlh°skm a VS" DISSOLVED OXYGEN (drele mglL or % satura600) TURBIDITY (NTUs) COLOR (describe) ODOR (describe) / 'd7 /. 3 Y /• 31r p .3/ 57et Zle. ,• l•3 / 70$ Z. Fl2 ALONE NcKF Ile? &.m2 z.00 5,42 ZG. / z2,9 7Do Z- 74. I '/ /(ill r< Z.4,Z j 3.y3 /" 7Z9 664 z•7Z V /. i. /6i3 t r 3.ZY f I /f . W &SO z .1.2 V ,/ I/ WELL CAPACITY (Gallons Per FooQ: 0.75" • 0.02; 1" = 0.04; 1.25" = 0.06; 2" • 0.16; 3" = 0.37; 4" • OM; 5" • 1.02; 6" = 1.47; 12" = 6.58 TUBING INSIDE DIA. CAPACITY (GaLIFL): 1/8" • 0.0006; 3/16" • 0.0014; 114" • 0.0026; stir - 0.004; 3/8" • 0.00e; 1/2" • 0.010; 6/8" = 0.016 SAMPLING DATA "PLEED BY (PRINT)/AFFILIATION: .L.�i► Il DVANA!"iEeAr-f SAMPLERS) TUBES: _ ..� dLvh ' SAMPSAt IN TER T: / it) I3 SAMPLINGATT: /Ca / s PUMP OR TUBING DEPTH IN WELL (feet): SAMPLE PUMP FLOW RATE MIL per mirwrte : 1 \ 3 TUBING MATERIAL CODE: -'7— FIELD DECONTAMINATION: Y FIELD -FILTERED: Y S FILTER SIZE: RI/Mon Equipment Type: vim DUPLICATE: Y Ili' SAMPLE CONTAINER SPECIFICATION SAMPLE PRESERVATION SAMPLING EQUIPMENT CODE MENDED ANALYSIS AND/OR METHOD SAMPLE O CODE 8 CONTAINERS MATERIAL CODE VOLl1ME PRESERVATIVE USED TOTAL VOL ADDED IN FIELD (mg FINAL pH it -B! l l'i!Asoe zstmit f'rl`1 Q 3 D Z Arsejhcrc 1 • • REMARKS: MATERIAL CODES: AG • Amber Glass; CG • Clear Glass; PE = Polyethylene; PP = Polypropylene; 8 • Bacon; T • Teflon; 0 = Other (Spedy) SAMPLUNGIPURGING APP • After Peristd80 Pump; B • Baler; BP = Bteddet Pump; ESP = Electric Submersible Pump; PP • Perlstaltle Purnp EQUIPMENT CODES: RFPP • Reverse Flow Peristaltic Pump, Sit = Straw Method (Tubing Gravity Drain); VT - Vaarurn Trap; 0. Other (Sped y) NOTES: 1. The above do not constitute ail of the intonation tequked by Chapter 52-160. RA.0 2. STAWLIZATION CRITERIA FOR RANGE OF VARIATION OF LAST THREE CONSECUTIVE READINGS (SEE FS 2212. SECTION 31 pH: ± 0.2 units Temperature: ± 0.2'C Spedflc Conductance: ± 5% Dissolved Oxygen: all rearing* c 20% saturation (see Table FS 2200-2); optionaly. ± 0.2 mg/L or ± 10% (whichever b greater) Turbidity: ar readb gs c 20 NTU; optionally ± 5 NTU or ± 10% (whichever b greater) Page 32 of 32 Revision Date: February 1, 2004 .06 ■ r r"( r r DEP-SOP-001 /01 FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling SUBMITTED INTO THE Form FD9000-24 PUBLIC RECORD FOR GROUNDWATERR SAMPLING SITE NAME: //// ILN/Gr1-! E.(DDGR SITE LOCATION: /yr intiJfni 4TERI.p. r- ' V 'r N HH-0a�. WELL NO: �� _L+ SAMPLE ID: �� _�I / j( /` Z DS PURGING DATA WELL DIAMETER (inches)2 TUBING r DIAMETER (inches f WELL SCREEN INTERVAL DEPTH: Z feet to /.. feet STATIC DEPTH s. TO WATER (feet): • SG PURGE PUMP TYPE OR BAILER: P '2( 577/L Tit e WELL VOLUME PURGE: 1 WELL VOLUME = (TOTAL WELL DEPTH - STATIC DEPTH TO WATER) X WELL CAPACITY only fill out If applicable) _ ( / 2 feet - 3, 10 feet) X 0 . it, gallons/foot = / 3,o gallons EQUIPMENT VOLUME PURGE: 1 EQUIPMENT VOL. = PUMP VOLUME + (TUBING CAPACITY X TUBING LENGTH) + FLOW CELL VOLUME (only fie out If applicable) = gallons + ( gallons/fool X feet) + "gallons = gallons INITIAL PUMP OR TUBING / DEPTH IN WELL (feet): U FINAL PUMP OR TUBING /! DEPTH IN WELL (feet): ((' PURGING INITIATED AT: /07 i'7 PURGING ENDED AT / 0'. Z8 TOTAL VOLUME PURGED (gallons): 3.( TIME VOLUME PURGED 01) CUMUL VOLUME PURGED *Mons) PURGE RATE (9Pm) DEPTH TO WATER (feet) PH (standard uNls) TEMP. (°C) COND. ( al vSn) • DISSOLVED OXYGEN (drde mp1L or % saturation) TURBIDITY (NTUs) COLOR (describe) ODOR (describe) /0: 22 130 / 3 0 0. 3/ 3.90 - oti u, (e •/YS" 3,02 7 Wive_ Nom& 10:2Y D,47Z I.q2 f( /r 7,OG 2G,4, / l j z, F / 7 Io:2G , r 2..s''V ' •• , • 7,03 Z.G 5- /fly z. 8 7 1 /0:2� /' 3. i& fr %• z o0 2.U.S I /!e z.:so y )tif • WELL CAPACITY (Gallons Per Foot): 0.75" = 0.02; 1" = 0.04; 1.26" = 0.06; 2" = 0.16; 3" = 0.37; 4" = 0.65; 6" =1.0Z 6" =1.47: 12' = 5.88 TUBING INSIDE DIA. CAPACITY (Ga1JFL) 116" = 0.0006; 3/16" = 0.0014• 1/4" = 0.0026; 6H6" = 0.004; 3l6" = 0.006; 112" = 0.010; VII" = 0.016 SAMPUNG DATA SAMPLED BY (PRINT) ! AFFILIATION: Y14Yi o VAMOE%ZGeft sic SAMPLER(S) SIGNATURE& Rvc/, SAMPLING INmATED AT: / D : Z SAMPLING EKED . AT:. %O - "j p PUMP OR TUBING DEPTH IN WELL Uear Cif SAMPLE PUMP (I 3 FLOW RATE OnL per minute* 1), TUBING MATERIAL CODE: <� /�,, NTA FIELD DECO/Mk/AI/ATM Y CJ1V FNkalkin FIELD-FILTERED:Y FILTER SIZE EqulpmeSAMPLE is DUPLICATE: Y CONTAINER SPECIFICATION SAMPLE PRESERVATION INTENDED ANALYSIS AND/OR METHOD SAMPLING EQUIPMENT CODE &MAPLE ID CODE 6 CONTAINERS MATERIAL CODE VOLUME PRESERVATIVE USED TOTAL VOL ADDED IN FIELD (mL) FINAL oft 1.1w-(f / %11s1 /L t-- - f349,71 yr- . REMARKS: • MATERIAL CODES: AO = Amber Glass; CO = Clear Glass, PE = Polyethylene; PP = Polypropylene; 3 = Silaone; T = Teflon; 0 = OUrcr (Specify) SAMPLING/PURGING APP = After Peristaltic Pump; B = Ballet. BP = Bladder Puna; ESP = Elecbic Submersible Pump; PP = Peristaltic Pump EQUIPMENT CODES: RFPP = Reverse Flow Peristaltic Pump MA = Straw Method (Tubing Grady Drain); VT = Varwn Trap; 0 = Other (Specify) NOTES: 1. The above do not constitute el of the Intonation required by Chapter 52.160, F.A.C. 2. STABILIZATION CRITERIA FOR RANGE OF VARtATIoN OF urrItIREV9P1SECtMVE READINGS (SEE FS 2212 SECTION 3) • pH: ± 0.2 units Temperature: ± 0.2'C Specific Conductance: ± 5% Dlssolwd Oxygen: all readings < 20% saturation (see Table FS 2200-2); optionally. ± 02 mg1L or ± 10% (whichever is greater) Turbidity: al readings c 20 NTU; optionally ± 5 NTU or ± 10% (whichever is greater) Page 32 of 32 Revision Date: February 1, 2004 r r f r r r r r r r r r SITE C N/8H �rDl E,' NAME WELL NO 41LJ-pZ GROUNDWATER SITE /y aft LOCATION: /lrgym, IEM,Z+:_ON t' ti-F' Vq �T s s SAMPLE ID: k1/N !� Z DATE. /Z of o} SUBMITTED INTO THE DEP-SOP-001/01 FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling SAMPLING egiLIC RECORD FOR PURGING DATA WELL DIAMETER (inches): Z TUBING DIAMETER (inche/�� WELL SCREEN INTERVAL DEPTH: Z reet to / 2 feet STATIC DEPTH l� c TO WATER (feet) i0 PURGE PUMP r�L 1 OR BAILER: r.G-E _S 1 t2 WELL VOLUME PURGE: 1 WELL VOLUME _ (TOTAL WELL DEPTH - STATIC DEPTH TO WATER) X WELL CAPACITY only fill out if applicable) _ ( /2- feet - Z • yr feet) X O •/ee gallons/loot = '. Sz gallons EQUIPMENT VOLUME PURGE: 1 EQUIPMENT VOL. = PUMP VOLUME + (TUBING CAPACITY X TUBING LENGTH) + FLOW CELL VOLUME (only fill out If applicable) = gallons + ( gallons/foot X feet) + gallons = gallons INITIAL PUMP OR TUBING DEPTH IN WELL (feet): FINAL PUMP OR TUBING DEPTH IN WELL (feet): ef PURGING INITIATED AT: /S37 PURGING p ENDED AT. /5y0 TOTAL VOLUME v. PURGED (gallons):3 30 TIME VOLUME PURGED (gam) CUMUL. VOLUME PURGED (gallons) PURGE RATE (gPm) DEPTH TO WATER (feet) PH (standard units) TEMP. (CC) COND (w er µskm) DISSOLVED OXYGEN (dnie m94. or % satura6an) TURBIDITY (NTUs) COLOR (describe) ODOR (describe) / 5Y2 i.sz /,52 e •3/ Ziir 2 Z0 2_G.3 S 8's Z,40 (t Nome Monk: /TY" 6.(,Z Z./5/ ' ' Z.s:3 Z /5 // 99d Z •`/ Z 1 /SY4 • , 2. , , , , ., 1 r/ 40/3 2 . y2 Z /Pfir ,' 3.3 to Z.s-7 ?.1/ // 99fr Z 4/b ttill WELL CAPACITY (Gallons Per Foot): 0.76" = 0.02; 1" = 0.04; 1.25" = 0.06; 2" = 0.16; 3" = 0.37; 4" = 0.65; S" =1.02; 6" =1.47; 12" = 5.66 TUBING INSIDE DIA. CAPACITY (Ga1JFl): 1/5" = 0.0605; 3/16" = 0.0014; 1/4" = 0.0026; 5M6" = 0.004; M/6" = 0.006; 112 = 0A10; 5/6" Is 0.016 SAMPUNG DATA SAMPLEDAM8Y (PRINT) / AFFIUATION: !✓AYtb yIA ��F LER(S) SIGNATU/ROES: �Ilr,s�`�/� SAMPLING INITIATED AT: %YV4 SAMPUNG • ENDED AT: �S'SP PUMP OR Meet): G PUMP RATE ((mL per minute): 1 ►113 MSAMPLE OAT TUBING CODE: FIELD DECONTAMINATION: Y FIELD fILTEREQ Y �. FILTER SIZE: Filtration Equipment Type: pm DUPLICATE Y dB SAMPLE CONTAINER SPECIFICATION SAMPLE PRESERVATION INTENDED ANALYSIS AND/OR METHOD SAMPUNG EQUIPMENT CODE SAMPLE ID CODE 6 CONTAIRERS MATERIAL . CODE PRESERVATIVE USED TOTAL VOL ADDED IN FIELD (my FINALVOLUME pH IKw -D. Z • 1 Posrie Zoo t 1-1-NOs e. 2 Afersivrd ' 'P • • REMARKS: MATERIAL CODES: AG - Amber Glass; CO = Clear GUIs; PE - Polyethylene: PP • Polypropylene; S = SISeone: T = Teflon; 0 = Omer (Specify) SAMPLING/PURGING APP =.Awar Peristaltic Pump; B - Baler: BP = Bladder Pump; ESP = Electric Submersible Pimp: PP = Peristaltic Pump EQUOMENT CODES: RFPP = Reverie Flow Peristaltic Pump; Sit = Straw MMrod (Tubing Grevily Drain); VT - Vacuum Trap; 0 - Other (Specify) NOTES: 1. The above do not constitute aft of the Information required by Chapter 62-160. F 2. STABILIZATION CRITERIA FOR RANGE OF VARIATION OF LAST THREE CONSECUTIVE READINGS (SEE FS 2212. SECTION 3) pH: ± 0.2 units Temperature: ± 0.2•C Specific Conductance ± 5% Dissolved Oxygen: al readings < 20% saturation (see Table FS 2200-2); optionally. ± 0.2 mg/L or ± 10% (whichever is greater) Turbidity: alt readings s 20 MU; optionally ± 5 NM or ± 10% (whichever b greater) Page 32 of 32 Revision Date: February 1.2004 r r SITE NAME WELL NO: SUBMITTED !J'TO THE DEP-SOP-001/01 Lc .1 FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling PUBLIC RECORD FOR Form FD 9000-24 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING L SAMPLE ID: SITE LOCATION: 01, -e-- mtv-j7- PURGING D A fat •N ii_bq_c. tl DATE: ;_5-- - % 66- WELL 2 DIAMETER (inches): O- ; TUBING 0 , l.5 DIAMETER (inches): WELL SCREEN INTERVAL DEPTH: 2 feet to feel STATIC DEPTH TO WATER (teet)�� �� PURGE PUMP E OR BAILER: ` Phiap,WELL VOLUME PURGE: 1 WELL VOLUME = (TOTAL WELL DEPTH - STATICDEPTH TO WATER) X WELL CAPACITY��'v�- only fill out If applicable) feet - 2. ' feet) X O. / ir gallonsffoot = I .117 gallons = ( I Z 7 EQUIPMENT VOLUME PURGE: 1 EQUIPMENT VOL. = PUMP VOLUME + (TUBING CAPACITY X TUBING LENGTH) + FLOW CELL VOLUME (only fill out If applicable) = gallons + ( gallons/foot X feet) + gallons = gallons INITIAL PUMP OR TUBING DEPTH IN WELL (feet): FINAL PUMP OR TUBING DEPTH IN WELL (feet): Q. PURGING INITIATED AT:'t� , PURGING ,�� TOTAL VOLUME ,PURGED (gallons): 2 TIME VOLUME PURGED (gallons) M� FLUME PURGED (gallons) PURGE RATE (9pm) TO WATER (feet) PH (standard units) TEMP. (°C) COND. (,areloektn °` µ DAT OXYGEN (circlemgll or %saturation) TURBIDITY (NTUs) COLOR (desaibe) ODOR ((Wombs) Sj St4tc fr tes.3, 4 (. Vo ei .325 2. Ei ,29 0 ?86 4.62. 3. ciFt r t:3Z 1.2 0 �' •0�9 ` . to 4, 2 l, 2. ri 12:3 1.1 8.1 3. o b -sb ;Z9.0 b BS •' L Ill ,1 f2•3 -1. L 9.2 3..o% 7.% 9.n(,,tOg? 1— I - l• (1 WELL CAPACITY (Gallons Per Foot): 0.75" = 0.02 1" = 0.04; 1.25"' = 0.06; 2" = 0.16; TUBING INSIDE DIA. CAPACITY (Gal./FL): 1/6" = 0.0006; 3116" - 0.0014; 1/4" = 0.0026; 3" = 0.37; 4" = 0.65; 5" =1.0Z 6" =1.47; 1 r = 5.88 6116" = 0.004; 316" = 0.006; V2" - 0.010; 51a" = 0.016 SAMPLING DATA SAMPLED BY (PRI i AFFILIAT �i/kr(1(3'r ' NICwLd SAMPLER(S) SIGNATURES: '- SAMPUNG / -L.; 3t) INMATED AT: ENDED AT: -SAMPLING A 2 .41,10 PUMP OR TUBING DEPTH IN WELL Bee*&;), r)FLOW SAfr/JFAn��i�n;,Zf RATE brtl ter minute 23 OFIS TUBING —r MATERIAL CODE: —rFIELD DECONTAMMATION Y FikriMen �T FILTER ype DUPLICATE +C\ 3 SAMPLE CONTAINER SPECIFICATION SAMPLE PRESERVATION INTENDED ANALYSIS AND/OR METHOD SAMPUNG EQUIPMENT CODE SAMPLE ID CODE • CORM/HERS MATERIAL COOE PRESERVATIVE USED TOTAL VOL ADDED IN FIELD (mg FINALVOLUME pH MO -AZ ( PE /23-md ffzSby 0 Z ...... REMARKS: MATERIAL CODES: AG = Amber Glass; CG = Clear Glass; PE = Polyethylene; PP = Polypropylene; S = Silicone; T = Teflon; 0 = Other (Specly) SAMPLING/PURGING AP? = leer Peristaltic Pump; B • Wen BP or Bladder Pump; ESP = Electric Submersible Puns% PP.= PedstMlc Pump EQUIPMENT CODES: RFPP • Reverse Flow Pedsteltle Pump( SM = Strew Method (Tubing Greyly Drain); VT = Vacuum Trap; 0 = Other (Specify) NOTES: 1. The above do not constitute all of the information required by Chapter 62160. F.A.C. 2. STABRIZATION CRITERA FOR RANGE OF VARIATION OF LAST THREE CONSECUTIVE READINGS (SEE FS 2212. SECTION 31 pH: ± 0.2 units Temperature: + 0.2 "C Spedlk Conductance: +_ b% Dissolved Oxygen: all readings < 20% saturation (see Table FS 2200-2); optionaly, ± 0.2 mglL or ± 10% (whichever 1s greater) Turbidity: all readings <_ 20 NM; optionally ± 5 Pallor ± 10% (whichever is greater) a Page 32 of 32 Revision Date: February 1, 2004 SUBMITTED INTO THE r r6. r r r r r r r r r r DEP-SOP-001/01 RECORD FOR FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling Form FD 9000-24 4Z �s GROUNDWATER SAMPLING LO EIYIt.t1'1 ON i Q1-ob . SITE jj ( lYl�.J/iV / i�} LOCATION: �h%.. L lAk>.-C.,1 P---- !4-��r�L� �" f'-c ci 6i) 111,W , t _ 3 DATE: ., v/ 5 A, PURGING DA A SITE NAME: WELL NO: I"W SAMPLE ID: WELL Z DIAMETER (inches): TUBING 147, DIAMETER (inche WELL SCREEN INTERVAL DEPTH: 2 feet to (2 feet STATIC DEPTH TO WATER (feet):-' PURGE PUMP PE _ OR BAILER: 1 .. a�.Qtze_ WELL VOLUME PURGE: 1 WELL VOLUME _ (TOTAL WELL DEPTH - STATIC DEPTH TO WATER) X WELL CAPACITY only NN out N applicable) = ( C2- feet - S. feet) X O c 1.. . gallonsfoot = i 1Lr gallons EQUIPMENT VOLUME PURGE: 1 EQUIPMENT VOL. = PUMP VOLUME + (TUBING CAPA ITY X TUBING LENGTH) + FLOW CELL VOLUME (only fill out If applicable) = gallons + ( gallons/foot X feet) + gallons = gallons INITIAL PUMP OR TUBING DEPTH IN WELL (feet): g • 5- FINAL PUMP OR TUBING DEPTH IN WELL (feet): gz 5 PURGING INITIATED AT: 13 i2Z) PURGING ENDED AT ' 3 jOTAL VOLUME PURGED (gallons): TIME VOLUME PURGED (gallons) CUMUL VOLUMEURGE PURGED (gallons) PURGE RATE BIM) DEPTH TO WATER (feet) (��� units) T COND. ar VSVcad DISSOLVED (circle Of % saturation) (mJ)TY (COLORS) _ (describe) 1.3' Li.., 1., (j• 1.26 Q.. t. 5--b5 ai.c$ 23-87 5 6-a7. ( - St-1(. (3:2j • f).2 lt3 5 6 ? 5 S).-1 5x a 15- 1( I Ii:9 p- �(. 5-1Z T52 27.3? 35 1:3c ii t( t( 13-_ 4, a.25 I. 3, 5.73 —/-SDI 21.7.5. 7313 /34. 7/, li it iS' I d 42 • ,20 • 575 7•Z 27•l,( -73L 1 . It . 11 WELL CAPACITY (Gallons Per Foot): 0.75" = 0.02; 1" = 0.04; 1.25". 0.06; 2".0.16; 3" = 0.37; 4" = 0.65; 5" =1.02; 6" =1.47; 12" = 5.68 TUBING INSIDE DIA. CAPACITY (GaUFLk 1/6" - 0.0006; 3N6" = 0.0014; 114" ■ 0.0026; 5116" • 0.004; 3NS" = 0.006; 112" = 0.010: 518" r 0.016 SAMPUNG DATA SAMPLED BY (PRINT)1 AF TI cc. leps SAMPLER(S) SIGMA S: i+.�. te',/ )toipLIE) SAMPLING AT t3 (. ZC(ENDED AT: ( . Z�l'- Tt� DEPTH IN WELL (tom): FLOW RATE (mt. per minims : ‘`23a TUBBIG MATERIAL CODE FIELD DECONTAMINATION: Y FIELD -FILTERED: Y FILTER SIZE Filson Equipment Type: pin DUPLICATE Y _ SAMPLE CONTAINER SPECIFICATION SAMPLE PRESERVATION INTENDED ANALYSIS AND/OR METHOD SAMPLING EQUIPMENT CODE SAMPLE ID CODE Ni CONTAINERS MATERIAL COOE PRESERVATIVE USED TOTAL VOL ADDED IN FIELD M. FINALVOLUME pH httc% I3 y PE 1 ZS-nt f %aSDri 0 2. ;e REMARKS: MATERIAL CODES: AG = Amber Glass; CO = Clew Glass; PE - Polyethylene; PP ■ Polypropylene; S = Silicone: T - Teflon; 0 = Other (Seedy) SAMPUMPUROIIG APP =ter Peristaltic Pump; B = Ba6er, BP = Bladder Pump; ESP = Electric Submersible Pumps PP - PedsWtic Pump EQUIPMENT MODES: RFPP = Reverse Flow Peristaltic Pump; SM ■ Straw Method (Tubing Gravity Drab VT = Vacuum Trap; 0 = Other (Specify) : 1. The abovs do not cons) tuts all of the Information required by Chapter 12-160. F.I.C. 2. STABluzATION CRITERIA FOR RANGE OF VARITION OF LAST THREE coNsEcunvE READINGS (SEE FS 2212. SECTION 31 pH: 4. 0.2 units Temperature: ± 0.2 6C Specific Conductance: ± 5% Dissolved Oxygen: al readings < 20% saturation (see Table FS 2200-2); optionaly, ± 02 mglL or ± 10% (whichever Is greater) Turbidity: all readings _s 20 NTU; optionafy ± 5 NTU or ± 10% (whichever 16 greater) r Page 32 of 32 Revision Date: February 1, 2004 SUBMITTED INTO THE r r r r r r r r r r r f r r r SITE NAME l �7 �` i�IIG�IT I� tDDr-IZ SITE LOCATION: NAIANT/ • s ...ow.,--• • e MY j♦t 1 HE irA/_D WELL NO: MW —AV SAMPLE ID: NAV.I - 6 y DATE: lY l A'( I 77 2 0 Din PURGING DATA WELL 2 DIAMETER (Itches): TUBING ( ' DIAMETER (ladle): WELL SCREEN INTERVAL DEPTH: 2 feet to (L- feet STATIC DEPTH 7Q TO WATER (feet): `-O PURGE PUMP'/RPE - -Y OR BAILER: r--liu41.a, WELL VOLUME PURGE: 1 WELL VOLUME = (TOTAL WELL DEPTH - STATIC DEPTH TO WATER) X WELL CAPACITY only fill out if applicable) _ ( / 7;, feet - Zg - feet) X O ..J-•' 4 gallonsffoot = 1. OS gallons EQUIPMENT VOLUME PURGE: 1 EQUIPMENT VOL. = PUMP VOLUME + (TUBING CAPACITY X TUBING LENGTH) + FLOW CELL VOLUME • (only fill out if applicable) = gallons + ( gallonsfloot X feet) + gallons = gallons (5 • D DEPTH IN WELL (feet):INITIAL PUMP OR (5 P OR TUBING 0, DEPTHM WELL (feet): v - RGING , INITIATED AT: I PURGING "!j , ENDED AT 13 ;0c. TOTAL VOLUME PURGED (gallons):Z• 1 L TIME VOLUME PURGED (gal) CUMUL VOLUME PURGED (gallons) PURGE RATE (Pm) DEPTH TOvii WATER (feet)) (stud TEMP. (°C) COND. ( ar µ DISSOLVED OXYGEN (circle maL or % soon) TURBIDITY (NTUs) COLOR (describe) ODOR (describe) -sot) L ,2- 1.0? 1.0?) c•si6 5:3n 5"43 IC) C Pr,e• j2:' . ►-z T• 3_c 5 If Z�,1z 3ql sz' (1 rr 13 : o Z 1 Z1 i . h Z -. , . 33 << 3 5=3 ( rT 13: o r 2-1_ 1,89 5.4 8- ,7 333 s,f5 « 13 01. , -1- 2. ,1 5.54 A. �'1Z 3t 1 3:;1 &. ir it (� WELL CAPACITY (Gallons Per Foot): 0.76" = 0.02; 1" = 0.04; 1.25" = 0.06; 2" - 0.16; 3" = 0.37; 4" - 0.65; 5" = 1.02; 6" =1.47; 12" - 5.66 TUBING MISIDE DIA. CAPACITY (Ga1JFL): 1/6' = 0.0006; 3/16" - 0.0014; 1/4" = 0.0026; 6M6' = 0.004; 3R" = 0.006; 1f2" = 0.010; 6/6" = 0.016 SAMPLING DATA SAMPLED BY (PRINT) / AFF D Je.► &,� — ► SAMPLER(S) SIGNATURES: hip M� T:l3; is SAMPLING 13 ��O PUMP OR TUG 11 DEPTH IN WELL (teelY 8� - „ - SAMPLE PUMP FLOW RATE (nil per minute • ,17'3° TUBING MMITERNL CODE T FILTER SIZE pm DUPLICATE Y t� FIELD DECONTAMINATION: YFELD-F FiMMfoehEEgt11phr1ent TYD� SAMPLE CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONANALYSIS SAMPLE PRESERVATION INTENDED AND/OR METHOD SAMPUNG. EQUIPMENT CODE SAMPLE ID CODE A CONTAINERS MATERIAL 000E VOLUME USED TOTAL VOL ADDED IN FELD (mL) FINAL pH N 4 m -1 PE. f2sMt Hz.soii 0 z a u:. REMARKS: MATERIAL CODES: AG = Amber Glass: CG = Clear Glass; PE - Polyethylene; PP = Polypropylene; S = Saloons; T - Tallow, 0 - Osier (Specify) SAMPLINGIPURGING APP - After Peristaltic Pump; B - Beier; BP = Bledder Pura; ESP = Electric Submersible Pump; PP. Ped,lallic Pump EQUIPMENT CODES: RFPP - Reverse Flow Perbtallic Pump; SM = Strew Method glibInp Gravity Drain) VT = Vacuum Trap; 0 = Other (Specify) NOTES: 1. The above do not constitute all of the Mtfommtlon required loll Chapter 02--160, F.A.C. 2. STABILIZATION CRITERIA FOR RANGE OF VARIATION OFJ,AST THREE CONSECUTIVE READINGS (SEE FS 2212.SECTION 3) pH: ± 02 units Temperature: ± 0.2 •C Specific Conductance: ± 5% Dissolved Oxygen: all readings <_ 20% saturation (see Table FS 220E-2); optionally. ± 0.2 mglL or ± 10% (whichever b greater) Turbidity: all readings <_ 20 NTU: optionally ± 5 NTU or ± 10% (whichever b greater) DEP-SOP-001/01 FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling PUBLIC RECORD FOR Form FD 9000-24 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING A A P&15, coo. r Page 32 of 32 Revision Date: February 1, 2004 r r 3 r',„/ ik,. r r DEP-SO water S FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling Form FD 9000-24 PUBLIC RECORD FOR GROUNDWATER SAMPLING LOf ERA QN SUBMITTED INTO THE SITE ((��/n� I'J NAME C r i i t Arm /i rr7t D> �% ILN I &I41- Z DGG(Z- SITE ' 1 p / LOCATION: AL - f�-1 r J T s _ - WELL NO: Wisi_ R1 SAMPLE ID: `y, (l t 01 DATE: �j t PURGING DATA WELL DIAMETER (inetl TUBING r, - DIAMETER (incf�sf Z J WELL SCRAM INTERV DEPTH: Z teet to 2eet STATIC DEPTH � TO WATER (feel PURGE PUMP TYP OR BAILER: erl Stf-K- /hp WELL VOLUME PURGE: 1 WELL VOLUME _ (TOTAL WELL DEPTH - STATIC DEPTFI TO WATER) X WELL CAPACITY Dory fill out it applicable) 3 4{- _ ( `t � feet - feet) t) , gallons EQUIPMENT VOLUME PURGE: 1 EQUIPMENT VOL. = PUMP VOLUME + (TUBING CAPACITY TUBING LEN ) + FLOWCELL VOLUME (only fill out If applicable) = gallons + ( gallons/foot X feet) + gallons = gallons INITIAL PUMP OR TUBING �7 DEPTH IN WELL (feet): ,/: � FINAL PUMP OR TUBING DEPTH IN WELL (feet): ��� PURGING f INITIATED AT: 15r� PURGING ENDED AT 1 SO& TOTAL VOLUME 2.:%,_ PURGED (gallons): TIME VOLUME PURGED (gallons) VOLUME PURGED (gallons) PURGE RATE Wm) D TO WATER (feet) PH (standard(°C) TEMP. COND. bariticisialltx N OXYGENO (circle mg/L or % saturation) TURBIDITY (NTUM) COLOR (describe) ODOR (describe) ff sYSff K1 1tg L3- dis253.337.&is. �-c3 7z 3• d . c(t?o a.3k 4./Z3.3 Z_ �Z 23 �4 . 2 I roE rOS is , Z.o'7 �..iz,,19.6k 4 •53 Ig << D •. Z 4/Z � .32_ �j-� . % 7AZv....a3 26,- SZ- 3 flr 'I ,l/S-`0?' `( rS:b t Z-9G '3- 32� If /t WELL CAPACITY (Gallons Per Foot): 0.75" = 0.0Z 1" = 0.04; 1.25" ■ 0.08; 2" = 0.18; 3" = 0.37; 4" = 0.85; 6" = 1.02; 6" =1.47; 12" ■ 5.88 TUBING INSIDE DIA. CAPACITY (Gal./FL : 1/8" = 0.0006; 3/16" • 0.0014; 1/4" ■ 0.0026; 5116" = 0.004; 3/6" . 0.006; 1/2" = 0.010; 516" = 0.018 SAMPLING DATA SAMPLED BY (PRINT) AFFILIATION Vt 4J^�,mi '�` f S) SIGNATURES: . {, _ /� u ,�jj`�// `- SAMPLING �,O (� SAMPLING D AT: . r SAMPLING ENDED AT: �` P oIi TUBING DEPTH IN WELL (feet): PUMP ` 23 . RATE (mL per i TUBING - MATERIAL CODE FIELD DECONTAMINATION: Y FIELD -FILTERED. Y FILTER SIZE FAMaOon Equipment T pmDUPUCATT Y N _ SAMPLE CONTAINE SPECIFICATION SAMPLE PRESERVATION G EQUIPMENT CODE INTENDED ANALYSIS AND/OR METHOD SAMPLE ID WOE 6 CONTAINERS MATERIAL CODE VOLUME PRESERVATNE USED TOTAL VOL ADDED IN FIELD (rnLL FINAL pH 81w-61 1 PF /zr�[ •/a:soW 0 z Q.» :.- REMARKS: MATERIAL CODES: AG • Amber Glass; CO . Clear Glass; PE . Polyethylene; PP • Polypropylene; S = Simms; T = Teflon; 0 ■ O6mer (Speciy) SAMPUNGIPURGING APP • After Peristaltic Pump; B . Baiter, BP = Bladder Pump; ESP • Electric Submersible Pump; PP • Peristaltic Pura EQUIPMENT CODES: RFPP • Reverse Flow Peristaltic Pump; EM = Straw Melhod (Tubing Gravity Dram); VT .. Vacuum Trap; 0 = Other (Specihr) : 1. The above do not constitute all of the information regrind by Chapter S2-160 F.A.C. 2. STABILIZATION CRITERIA FOR RANGE OF VARIATION OF LAST THREE GQNSECUTNE READINGS (SEE F52212. SECTION 32 pH: ± 0.2 units Temperature: ± 02 =C Specific Conductance: ± 5% Dissolved Oxygen: all readings < 20% saturation (see Table FS 2200-2); optionally. ± 0.2 mglL or ± 10% (whichever is greater) Turbidity: all tend ngs<_ 20 MU; optionaNy ± 5 NTU or ± 10% (whichever is greater) Page 32 of 32 Revision Date:- February 1, 2004 r DEP-SOP-001 /01 FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling Form FD 9000-24 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING LOG SITE NAME: WELL NO: SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR 'fi• wi \ SITE '� 1 Ike�� �09�0� (' t C LOCATION: i /Y�— l SAMPLE ID: %�% !. -3 t DATE: /� (ij I )� PURGING DATA t�" WELL DIAMETER (inches) TUBING DIAMETER (inche' : WELL SC�``'N INTE DEPTH: meet to � feel STATIC DEPTH �1 TO WATER (tee•.4 PURGE PUMP T1�P ' • OR BAILER: 9"0. +i L WELL VOLUME PURGE: 1 WELL VOLUME _ (TOTAL WELL DEPTH - STATIC DEPTH TO WATER) X WELL CAPACITY only fill out it applicable) �/ = ( (/ Z feel - 3 Q';� feet) X O r .140. gallons/foot = 1 , gallons EQUIPMENT VOLUME PURGE: 1 EQUIPMENT VOL. = PUMP VOLUME + (TUBING CAPACITY X TUBING LENGTH) + FLOW CELL VOLUME (only fill out if applicable) . = gallons + ( gallons/foot X feet) + gallons = gallons INITIAL PUMP OR TUBING DEPTH IN WELL (feet): Q FINAL PUMP OR TUBING �7 ` DEPTH IN WELL (feet): ( PURGING (j INITIATED AT ;3 J PURGING / ` r ENDED AT 7Lt �.4�t 44111 111 TOTAL VOLUME PURGED (gaflons)�_? 2 TIME VOLUME PURGED (0000,11(g CUMUL. VOLUME PURGED (gallons) PURGE RATE pm) DEPTH TO WATER (feet) l PH (standard ems) TEMP. (°C) COND. (nmilsrass(circle or DISSOLVED OXYGEN mg/L or % ) TURBIDITY (NTUS) COLOR (describe) ODOR (describe) • 1.46_ f y� otz ,� ,, .30,1 .07./ . c(��- st (c ►3 Z 2.42 �• to _1441C Jb .20 4 r 1: yy2 Z. t ( I( ` z' - - 2 4 L d. zss -4_4 . svr? . • :.e 4.4 . -Z_ I. (r t ; I a •3 • Z.?z .c - �b 15� ' 5 �t,x. Z. I< WELL CAPACITY (Gallons Per Foot): 0.75" = 0.02: 1" = 0.04; 1.25" = 0.08; 2" = 0.18; 3" = 0.37; 4" = 0.85; 5" = 1.02; 5" = 1.47; 12" = 5.88 TUBING INSIDE DIA. CAPACITY (GaUFL): 1/8" = 0.0008; 3i16" = 0.0014; 1/4" = 0.0028; 5/16" a 0.004; 316" - 0.006; iir - 0.010; 51$" = 0.018 SAMPLING DATA SAMPLED BY (P /AFFI A� S) SIGMA RES: / sAMPUNG a41T1ATED AT: I - 60 SAMPLING ENDED AT: (f ( , TUBING PUMP ORl DEPTH IN WELL (feet): 'L'�o FLOW RATE Orel per minute l TUBING' MATERIAL CODE FIELD DECONTAMINATION: Y N h FIELD -FILTERED: Y '/ FILTER SIZE Mallon Equipment TrR4 ym DUPLICATE: Y N _ SAMPLE CONT SPECIFICATION SAMPLE PRESERVATION INTENDED ANALYSIS AND/OR SAMPLN4G EOUIPMENT CODE SAMPLE 10 CODE II CONTAINERS MATERIAL CODE VOLUME PRESERVATIVE USED TOTAL VOL ADDED IN FIELD OnLI FINAL PH nu. -63 / PE rzsmi. /47SUy O Z . asx.,tic x.r- REMARKS: MATERIAL CODES: AG - Amber Glass; CO = Clear Glass; PE = Polyet hyleno; PP • Polypropylene; S = SSfcone; T = Teflon; 0 = Other (Specify) SAMPLING/PURGING APP = Affix Pe.stallc Pump; B = Baler, BP - Bender Pump; ESP = Electric Submerse* Pump; PP = Portables Pump EQUIPMENT CODES: RFPP * Reverse Flow Palstaleo Pump; SM = Straw Heinen (Tubing Gravity Drib* VT = Vaawm Trap; 0 - Other (Specify) NOTES: 1. The above do not constitute all of the information required by Chapter 42-150, F.A.C. 2. MARS MATE* CRITERIA FOR RANGE OFYARIATION OF L.AST Titres c06secLrtME READINGS (sEE FS 2212. SECTION 3) pH: ± 0.2 units Temperature: ± 0.2'C Speemc Conductance: ± 5% Dissolved Oxygen: sit readings < 20% saturation (see Table FS 2200-2); optionally. ± 0.2 nglL or ± 10% (whichever is greater) Turbidity: sA readings < 20 NTU; optionally ± 5 NTU or ± 10% (whichever Is greater) r Page 32 of 32 Revision Date: February 1, 2004 r r r r t DEP-SOP-001/01 FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling Form FD 9000-24 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR GROUNDWATER SAMPLING LCZr-11 !t SITE NAME: �CL�t�� CA,t I' LOCTE ATION: v1�S V T 1 % r`t ! WELL NO: rl Vl 1 � 2 4 SAMPLE ID: �J� i1/f to - I'Y-�r / DATE: s- / I Y 16 G. PURGING DAT WELL -, DIAMETER (inches): v-DIAMETER TUBING (inches):- Z-3 WELL SCREEN INTERN L DEPTH: 1... _feet to 2feet STATIC DEPTH TO WATER (feet) -'U� PURGE PUMP TYP OR BAILER: PC i";*. J(c WELL VOLUME PURGE t WELL VOLUME = (TOTAL WELL DEPTH - STATIC DEPTH TO WATER) X WELL CAPACITY only fill out if applicable) = ( IL feet- 3f6feet) x 61 11, gallons/foot = c gallons EQUIPMENT VOLUME PURGE: 1 EQUIPMENT VOL. = PUMP VOLUME + (TUBING CAPACITY X TUBING LENGTH) + FLOW CELL VQL (only fin out if applicable) = gallons + ( gallons/foot X feet) + gallons = gallons INITIAL PUMP OR TUBING / DEPTH IN WELL (feet): 19 r FINAL PUMP OR TUBING� DEPTH IN WELL (feet):. PURGING PURGING } INITIATED AT: �� ENDED AT l•�fsci TOTAL VOLUME PURGED (gailons)Z..SL TIME VOLUME PURGED CUMUL. VOLUME PURGED PURGE RATE (OIL) DEPTH TO WATER (feet) PH (standard units) TEMP. (°C)(Mrshtakm,(circle COND. cr a SSOLVED OXYGEN mgIL or saturation) TURBIDITY (NTUs) COLOR (describe) ODOR (describe) ) 6:Z6 {(gas) l r 43 ,(/gallons) 1 A3 0.3zr 3,20• -7, .,, ,: St$ ?2z �j% `l; `c- /`4,,� rf 156_2.4 4r36 t. - . 7_44, 2E.A` 273, >. 7i 2, .0 it t 5t z 6.3 2.15 32 ? •63 2�, 2Z3 _ S i f 1,f (S: Z 0-3 .2.S� 3, 760 ,29- Z 2 - S 2. it „ /5; 3} r�.3S, 1a.P4 3.21 7.61 20. (r0 z22= S 2: (r (t • WELL CAPACITY (Gallons Per Foot)_ 035" = 0.02; 1" = 0.04; 1.25" = 0.06; 2" = 0.1 TUBING INSIOE DIA. CAPACITY (Gal/FL): 1/8" = 0.0006; 3116" = 0.0014; 1/4" = 0.0026; B; 3" = 0.37; 4" = 0.65; $" - 1.0Z 6" =1.47; 12" = 5.88 5116" = 0.004; •318" = 0.006; lei' = 0.010; 5/8" = 0016 SAMPUNG DATA tQv-t\ft NA, .PL SAPAPLI°T 5'3 SAMPUNG /S31- DEP'TH W WELL e(- S FLOW RATE (nil per mi k 1 i-- TUBING T MATERIAL CODE FIELD•FILTERED: Y ' N : FILTER SIZE pm DUPLICATE Y t N FIELD DECONTAMINATION: Y0 Filtration Equipment Type SAMPLE CONTAI SPECIFICATION SAMPLE PRESERVATION INTENDED ANALYSISANCVOR T1i0D ' t tJNG EQUIPMENT CODE SAMPLE ID CODE • a CONTAINERS MATERIAL CODE VOLUME PRESERVATIVE USED TOTAL VOL ADDED IN FIELD (mg FINAL MI Atli. DV / Pe /ZS /Iz. ! 0 2 .+ln., e.;_ REMARKS: � c_1'•► a,s^ 'jPL,,,. ()1 vo - D Co I,( 4(0 MATERIAL CODES: AG = Amber Gloss; CG = Clear Glass; PE = Polyethylene; PP = Polypropylene; S = Slicone; T = Teflon; 0 = Other (Specify) APP = Alter Peristaltic Pump; B = Baler BP = Bladder Pump; ESP = Electric Submersible Pump; PP = PeriamlG Pump EQUIPMENT CODES: RFPP = Reverse Flow Peristaltic Pump; SD = Straw Method (Tubing Gravity Drain); VT - Vacuum Trap; 0 = Other (Specify) NOTES: 1. The above do not constitute ale of the Infonnaton required by Chapter 62-160, F.A.C. 2. PASRILATION CRITERIA FOR RANGE OF VARIATION OF LAST THREE CONSECUTIVE READINGS (SEE FS 2212. SECTION 31 pH: ± 02 units Temperature: ± 02 'IC Specific Conductance: ± 6% Dissolved Oxygen: all readings < 20% saturation (see Table FS 2200-2); optionally. 2: 02 mg& or ± 10% (whichever is greater) Turbidity: a6 readings < 20 NTU; optionaly ± 5 NTU or ± 10% (whichever b greater) r Page 32 of 32 Revision Date: February 1, 2004 r r r r r r r r r 2. DTABILIZATIOH CRITERIA FOR RANGE of vARUT10N OF LAST T}IREE CONsEctrnvE READE4Gs (SEE .FS 2212. SECTION 3) pH: ± 0.2 units Temperature: ± 0.2 'C Specific Conductance: a 5% Dissolved Oxygen: ad readings < 20% saturation (see Tabb FS 2200-2); optionally, ± 02 mglL or ± 10% (whichever is greater) Turbidity: al readings < 20 NTU; optionally ± 5 NTU or a 10% (whichever Is greater) DEP-SOP-001/01 FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling Form FD 9000-24 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING LOG SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM,i1+r ON i.otj.�. SITE NAME: 1 _ j t .1 yJ 1�LC t`` (� . SITE �� LOCATION: t_.A-ty._. �(jL''ZL • 7�� V 1 �‘qC.`1 lA C�f{l ( WELL NO: V M CO C SAMPLE ID: t/J -� is / DATE: 5115 PURGING DATA WELL DIAMETER (inches): Z TUBING rn DIAMETER (inches). Z-' WELL SCREEN INTE VAL DEPTH: ... feet to feet STATIC DEPTH .11 TO WATER (feet)]• 3� PURGE PUMP PE , OR BAILER: • ,aee WELL VOLUME PURGE: 1 WELL VOLUME = (TOTAL WELL DEPTH - STATIC DEPTH TO WATER) X WELL CAPACITY only fill out if applicable) O . _ .1_, ✓ ( c _ ( feet- 32 feet) X gaaons/toot gallons EQUIPMENT VOLUME PURGE: 1 EQUIPMENT VOL. = PUMP VOLUME + (TUBING CAPACITY X TUBING LENGTH) + FLOW CELL VOLUME (only Rh out if applicable) = gallons + ( ganonsnoot X feet) + gallons = gallons INITIAL PUMP OR TUBING DEPTH IN WELL (feet): .1. FINAL PUMP OR TUBING DEPTH IN WELL (feet): 7,� PURGING INITIATED AT: >� PURGING ♦t ENDED ATJ 4 _a) TOTAL VOLUME PURGED (gallons):/ 4U5 TIME VOLUME PURGED ) CUMUL VOLUME PURGED (gallons) PURGE RATE (gpmm)) DEPTH TO WATER (feet) PH (standard wvb) TEMP. CC) COND. (innsakra ar µStan) DISSOLVED OXYGEN (circle mg/l or % saUuaJon TURBIDITY (NTUs) COLOR (describe) ODOR (desalbe) It of r ,/(ga -�s 9 1. �`i•4�7 3. 7•4 . rOz. S 5i4- i r 't'r i ,(s(C ��� 0 �. '� .I �.�. _ 51_ /1 /f 4Aar 0 • �6 e�, Zo '( ( f -)4103 o ,, ra. iZ 28.4� a , C'�k-- f 1 f�#t Q� 6 �. �✓4- 7:1;17.9q. 5. 4/ 1 i c�, f� WELL CAPACITY (Gallons Per Foot): 0.75" = 0.02; 1" = 0.04; 1.25" = 0.06; 2" = 0.16; TUBING INSIDE DIA. CAPACITY (Ga1JFt): 1/8" = 0.0006: M/16" = 0.0014; 1/4" = 0.0028; 3" = 0.37; 4" = 0.65; 5" = 1.02; 6" =1.47; 12" = 5.88 WAS" = 0.004: 3/8" = 0.008; 1/2" = 0.010; &I8" = 0.018 SAMPLING DATA SAMPLED BY �tN�T)�/ A� FFIW `t'1L�(� ) SK3NA t SAMPUNG / INMATE() AT: �� iG 10 f j/ ENDED AT: '"0. i . �G/ PUMP OR TUBING DEPTH IN WELL (feet): PUMP I We FLOW RATE (mt. per 12 = TUBING MATERIAL CODE: MU FIELD DECONTANATIOtt Y FILTER T� FILTER SIZE Equipment Wft DATE YFllIntalon . SAMPLE CONT SPECIFICATION SAMPLE PRESERVATION INTENDED ANALYSIS AND/OR METHOD EQUIPMENT CODE SAMPLED CODE 6 CONTAINERS WITEI 6AL COOS VOLUME PRESERVATIVE USED TOTAL VOL ADDED IN FELD MIL) FINAL pH hfw-,c. f I Pe 12s-mt N:soji 0 2 .:- REMARKS: MATERIAL CODE'S: AG = Amber Glass; CO = Clear Glass; PE = Poye6ylene; PP = Polypropylene; S = Silicone; T = Teflon; 0 = Other (Specify)AGING APP = After Peds*al lc Pump; B = Belsr; BP - Bladder Pump; ESP = Oecble Stblaetalble Pump; PP - Peristallc Pump EQUIPMENT CODES: RFPP =Revers. Flow Pedstallc Pump; SM = Straw Method (Tubing Gravity Maks); VT = Vacuum Tap; 0 = Other (Specify) Page 32 of 32 Revision Date: February 1, 2004 UBMITTED INTO TH -3 r r r DEP-SOP-001 /01 FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling t. 15 Form FD 9000-24 ITEM r GROUNDWATER SAMPLING LOG u,..r ON • PUBLIC RECORD FO1 SITE NAME: ‘1 U � g%1"" � � t c� . LOCATION: Cam^' I (.S-S—c), ^ / /SITE/1 't of C WELL NO. Ail C'% - SAMPLE ID: M CO — Ca_ . DATE: { l !N , PURGING DATA WELL DIAMETER (inches): TUBING ��w! DIAMETER (incllgt) WELL SCREEN INTERN L feel b feet STATIC DEPTH "„ TO WATER peat ).OR PURGE PUMP TYatDEPTH:- BAILER:-6L 4-1C WELL VOLUME PURGE: 1 WELL VOLUME _ (TOTAL WELL DEPTH - STATIC•DEPTH TO WATER) X WELL APACITY only fill out if applicable) _ ( I 2... feet - 3 feet) X Q.lif gallons/foot = I . gallons EQUIPMENT VOLUME PURGE: 1 EQUIPMENT VOL = PUMP VOLUME + (TUBING CAPACITY X TUBING LENGTH) + FLOW CELL VOLUME , (only fill out If applicable) .. = gallons + ( galionslfoot X feet) + gallons = gallons INITIAL PUMP OR TUBING • 7 DEPTH IN WELL (feel): •� FINAL PUMP OR TUBING DEPTH IN WELL (feel): . h PURGING •INITIATED AT: . IJ PURGING ENDED AT: i `1- i5 TOTAL VOLUME PURGED (gallon)... a T1ME VOLUME PURGED . (gallons) CUMUL VOLUME PURGED (gallons) PURGE RATE Wm) DEPTH TO WATER (feet) PH (dal ) % TEMP. (°C) COND u bm or µSky") DISSOLVED OXYGEN (Wide mgl& or % saturation) TURBIDITY WIN COLOR (describe) ODOR (describe) Il,.ttr 1.33 1- 33 _ 6.325 3 4 7•4i 27 - CIS 5( s4 C i4: e.,ts r.2S .51 - 7.4 1 y.V3 1g 44: ZZ o- 33 z�l 3.5�- ,63 "7 .2r'-fAY 5• ?.4• fr it Z4: - o ice 2.% 3.% 145 Fitz ra, 65 f( (, �t4f_z v-33 3.Or 3-<0 ? 214 A70.- S 4 « fr • WELL CAPACITY (Gallons Per Foot): 0.75" = 0.02; 1" = 0.04; 1.25" = 0.06; 2" = 0.16; 3" = 0.37; 4" = 0.65; 5" =1.02; 6" = 1.47; 12" = 5.88 TUBING INSIDE DIA. CAPACITY (Ga11FL): 1l6" = 0.0006; . stir - 0.0014; 1i4" = 0.0026; Sir = 0.004; 3M" = 0.006; ll2" = 0.010; 5/6" = 0.018 SAMPLING DATA NT) / AFFILIA SAMPLED j BY I50 VC.�1Q.�f�"�.� S) SIGNATURES: ;/ SAMPLING INITIATED AT: / Z SAMPLING ENDED AT: 1L��Zt C PUMP OR TURN0.I/ DEPTH IN WELL (feet): • FL RATEMIL per 1 (Z� MATERIAL CODE —I— k6N: FIELD DECONTANAT10Y N F Fetr TEREDY N FILTER SIZE : Equipment Type. Pm DUPLICATE: Y SAMPLE CONT SPECIFICATION SAMPLE PRESERVATION SAMPLING EQUIPMENT CODE INTENDED ANALYSIS AND/OR METHOD SAMPLE O CODE 0 CONTAINERS MATERIAL CODE VOLUME PRESERVATNE USED TOTAL VOL ADDED IN FELD (mt.) FINAL pH M(✓ -el. 1 PE rzs-mt- Ili Sa/ d Z egm- . me...:. REMARKS: MATERIAL CODES: AG = Amber Glass; CG = Clear Glass; PE = Polyethylene; PP = Polypropylene; 6 - =cone; T = Teflon; 0 = Other (Specify) APP =Altar P.d.t is Pump; B = Bea6r. BP = Bladder Pump; ESP = Electric Submersible Pump; PP = Pe staRic Pump EQUIPMENT CODES: RFPP = Reverse Flow Peristaltic Pump; SM = Straw Method (Tubing Gravity Drain); VT = Vaaaan Trap; 0 = Other (Specify) OTES: 1. The above do not constitute * of the Information required by Chapter 62160. F.A.C. 2. STABILIZATION CRITERIA FOR RANGE OF VARIATION OF LAST THREE CONSECUTIVE READINGS (SEE FS 2212. SECTION 31 pH: ± 0.2 units Temperature: + 02 "C Specific Conductance: + 5% Dissolved Oxygen: a0 readings _< 20% saturation (see Table FS 2200-2); optionally, ± 0.2 mg& or ± 10%(vtlhlchever is greater) Turbidity -all readings _< 20 NTU; optionally + 5 NTU or ± 10% 01W:hever b greater) Page 32 of 32 Revision Date: February 1, 2004 SUBMITTED INTO THE r r r r r r r r DEP-SOP-001/01 PUBLIC RECORD FOR FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling Form FD 9000-24 � GROUNDWATER SAMPLING w+��•� ON 11 -d�•0�s� SITE ( / t d NAME: (* (�1 �� LOCATION: (/�1-.44. L . \ IJ ( " � WELL NO: i 2 — b SAMPLE ID: fil W - JJ DATE: 5 I1 9 (4 b . PURGING DATA WELL DIAMETER (Inches):2 TUBING DIAMETER (inchesP r WELL SCREEN INTERVAL DEPTH: feet to feet STATIC DEPTH / (' TO WATER (leet}2.-'1Y PURGE PUMPIfY OR BAILER: ((Agit ( WELL VOLUME PURGE: 1 WELL VOLUME = (TOTAL WELL DEPTH - STATIC DEPTH TO WATER) X WELL CAPACITY = ( 17- . feet- only fdI out if applicable) . Of Cl t feet) X d . { gallons/foot = 1, gallons '' EQUIPMENT VOLUME PURGE: t EQUIPMENT VOL. = PUMP VOLUME + (TUBING CAPACI X TUBING LENG + FLOW CELL VOLUME: (only fill out it applicable) = gallons + ( gallons/foot X feet) + gallons = gallons INITIAL PUMP OR TUBING DEPTH IN WELL (feet): �h •5 FINAL PUMP OR TUBING DEPTH IN WELL (feet): -j . PURGING -/At1RGING INITIATED AT: Ib NDED AT 15; .4 TOTAL VOLUME`" • PURGED (ga6w►sK.:or If TIME VOLUME PURGED () CUMUL. VOLUME PURGED lons) PURGE RATE (gpm) DEPTH TO WATER gee) PH ("Ind"(°C) unite) TEMP. COND. m or Pam) DISSOLVED OXYGEN (circle mg1L or %saturation) TURBIDITY (NTUs) COLOR (describe) ODOR • (describe) lea- sit) y &.•3b j, zp . 304 16 s5 cac�c(r • .O��� ! b Z ( 0r -IV, 5�G1 2- ci - 4 6 a.. � ��10 �,o4. ? e lote- & et 4 a•31_ a.i3�. '.22'7.45 30, 1- 4r�$ 7 cIAA- nSA( —. • WELL CAPACITY TUBING INSIDE (Gallons Per Foot): 0.75" = 0.02; 1" = 0.04; 1.2r = 0.06; 2" = 0.16; CIA. CAPACITY (Gal./Ft): 116" = 0.0006; 3116" = 0.0014; 1/4" = 0.0026; 3" = 0.37; 4" = 0.65; 5" =1.02; 6" =1.47; 12" = 5.66 5H6" = 0.004; 3W = 0.000; 1/2" = 0.010; 516" = 0.016 SAMPLING DATA :TrW/ft /j%sfw f�4INfMTEDAJIPUkiPDEPTH IN WELL (feet.. FLOW RATE (rt L per 1 MATERIAL CODE l FIELD DECONTAMINATION: Y N FIELD•FILTERED: Y FILTER SIZE FiltratiPmc/K on Equi DUPLICATE: Y ` / SAMPLE CONTAINE SPECIFICATION SAMPLE PRESERVATION INTENCED ANALYSIS AND/OR SOD SAMPLING EQUIPMF-NT CODE SAMPLE ID CODE if CONTAINERS MATERIAL CODE VOLUME PRESERVATIVE USED TOTAL VOL ADDED IN FIELD (mL) FINAL pH Mw—DJ . ( PF Nzr... ASat • 0 2. a4.....:• REMARKS: MATERIAL CODES: AG = Amber Glass; CG - Clear Glass; PE = Polyethylene; PP = Polypropylene; 3 = Stilton; T = Teaon; 0 = Ober (Specify) APP = After PerisWtic Pump; B = Ba9sr BP = Bladder Pump; ESP • Electric Submersible Pump; PP = Peristaltic Pomp EQUIPMENT CODES: RFPP = Reverse Flow Peristaltic Pump; Sit = Straw Method (Tubing Grayly Main); VT = Vacuum Trap; 0 = Other (Specify) NOTES: 1. The above do not constitute ail of the information required by Chapter $2--160. F.A.C. 2. $TABIJzA1IoH CRITERIA FOR RANGE OF VARIATION OF LAST THREE CONSECUnVE READINGS (SEE FS 2212. SECTION 3) pH: *_ 0.2 units Temperature: ± 0.2 6C Specific Conduce: * 5% Dissolved Oxygen: all readings < 20% saturation (see Table FS 2200-2); optionally. ± 0.2 mglL or ± 10% (whichever Is greater Turbidity: al readings < 20 NTU; optionally ± 5 NTU or ± 10% (whichever Is greater) r Page 32 of 32 Revision Date: February 1, 2004 r SUBMITTED INTO THE DEP-SOP-001/01 PUBLIC RECORD FOR FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling ` � v, GROUNDWATER SAMPLING Form FD 9000-24 LTEM1 ON I I- b9, o4 SITE NAME' n ��{• .�� LOCATION: 0/-� 14 r �. oc,... c i c-, /T1 WELL NO: / ( — L J �_ SAMPLE ID: - w in �pSITE� DATE: J i C /w / PURGING DATA WELL Z DIAMETER (inches): TUBING I jS DIAMETER (inches): oo WELL SCREEN INTERVAL DEPTH: Z feet to 1 Z feet STATIC DEPTH �. TO WATER (feet)j4 . PURGE PUMP] PE OR BAILER: 1',t WELL VOLUME PURGE: 1 WELL VOLUME _ (TOTAL WELL DEPTH - STATIC DEPTH TO WATER) X WELL PACITY only fill out if applicable) , ( 12 . feet- Z. 4lb feet) X 0. lb gallons/foot = 6-4-gallons EQUIPMENT VOLUME PURGE: 1 EQUIPMENT VOL. = PUMP VOLUME 4 (TUBING CAPACITY X TUBING LENGTH) 4 FLOW CELL VOLUME ,. (only fill out if applicable) • = gallons 4 ( gallonsffoot X feet) 4 gallons = gallons INITIAL PUMP OR TUBING 1 DEPTH IN WELL (feet): 7t V FINAL PUMP OR TUBING DEPTH IN WELL (feet): r o . PURGING INITIATED AT: "`T PURGING ENDED AT 1(//y TOTAL VOLUME PURGED (gallons): 3. 0 5 TIME VOLUME PURGED (Ions) VOLLUME PURGED lons) PURGE RATE (gPrn) DEPTH O WATER ) PH (standard ��) TEMP. (°C) CONDTURBIDfTY orP--", • DISSOLVED (aim; pr % saturation' (NTUs) COLOR (describe) ODOR (desa*be) /(;o `l 1. 54 it 0. -g2..5 .4i ' .4:' 1,1 n8. 6. • -3 • c(�:�1 .-c (.c jla : j .3 t .13 a. eb./ g.8.qz 1 % 6/2 . *2- Cleo,. Si Su 1 C: .3 j.10 - 2 7-o. '1.4 ?a -4. if5 Si c(,o�).) 5•11 it: , . 3.66. • �,ey 7.43 8.ti0• 1,�143.513 1 (- Ott WELL CAPACITY (Gallons Per Foot): 0.76" = 0.02; 1" = 0.04; 1.26" = 0.06; 2" = 0.16; 3" = 0.37; 4" = 0.65; 5" =1.02; 6" =1.47; 12" = 5.88 TUBING INSIDE DIA. CAPACITY (GaI.FL): 1/8" = 0.0008; 3116" = 0.0014; 1/4" = 0.0028; 5/16" = 0.004; 3/8" = 0.006; 1/2" = 0.010; 691" = 0.018 SAMPUNG DATA SAMPLEDAMBY (PR / AFFILIATION nap rc� r- �Ta SIGNATURES: > g"Cc f��^�+[cTUBING SAMPLING AT: f6,15 SAMPLING % '� C� ENDED AT: r l�J �h/ i/OR TUBING DEPTH IN WELL (feet): -7 . 0 FI. RAT MIL per II 2 MATERIAL CODE: -- FIELD DECONTAMINATION: Y 0 FNlrallon FIELD -FILTERED: Y FILTER SIZE Equipment pm DUPLICATE Y 6 _ SAMPLE CONTAINER SPECIFICATION SAMPLE PRESERVATION SAMPLING EQUIPMENT CODE INTENDED ANALYSIS AND/OR METHOD SAMPLE ID CODE • CONTANERS MATERIAL CODE PRESERVATIVE USED TOTAL VOL ADDED INFIELD (mL) FINALVOLUME pH Mitt -Pi II pE IZ.Si L NZSO.y I2 S,=L Z. aot.m4x4;. REMARKS: • MATERIAL CODES: AG = Amber Glass; CG = Clear Glass; PE = Polyethylene; PP = Polypropylene; 9 = Silicone; T = Teflon; 0 = Other (Specify) SAMPLINGIPURGING APP = Aare Peristaltic Pump; B = B11er, BP is Bladder Puny; ESP = Baeflc Submersible Pump; PP is Pe hI.Lc Pump EQUIPMENT CODES: RFPP = Reverse Flow Paistallc Pump: 9M = Straw Method (TUbbng Greyly Drain); VT is Vacuum Trap; 0 = Other (Spedy) NOTES: 1. The above do not constitute all of the Information required by Chapter 62-160, F.A.C. 2. STABILIZATION CRITERIA FOR RANGE OF VARIATfpN OF LAST THREE CONSECUCVE READINGS (SEE FS 2212. SECTION 31 pH: ± 0.2 units Temperature: * 0.2 'C Specific Conductance: * 5% Dissolved Oxygen: al readlflgs < 20% saturation (see Table FS 2200-2); optionally. ± 0.2 mglL or ± 10% (whichever le greater) Turbidity: all readings < 20 NTU; optionally ± 5 NTU or ± 10% (whichever le greater) r Page 32 of 32 Revision Date: February 1, 2004 r r r r r DEP-SOP-001/01 FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling Form FD 9000-24 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING L SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR MLONU.00a, SITE NAME: WELL NO. SITE LOCATION: O A-Iy -- t; f E Y f-. SAMPLE ID: 5,.) (66))PURGING DA2.-TA DATE: WELL or DIAMETER (inches): TUBING A/ n _ DIAMETER (inches): WELL SCREEN INTERVAL DEPTH: feet to feet STATIC DEPTH TO WATER (feet): PURGE PUMP TYPE , /� OR BAILER: C-ri2' �r WELL VOLUME PURGE: 1 WELL VOLUME _ (TOTAL WELL DEPTH - STATIC DEPTH TO WATER) X WELL CAPACITY �: /,y-�y only fill out if applicable) _ ( feet - feet) X gallons/foot = gallons EQUIPMENT VOLUME PURGE: 1 EQUIPMENT VOL. = PUMP VOLUME + (TUBING CAPACITY X TUBING LENGTH) + FLOW CELL VOLUME (only fhl out if applicable) = gallons + ( gallons/foot X feet) + gallons = gallons INITIAL PUMP OR TUBING DEPTH IN WELL (feet): FINAL PUMP OR TUBING DEPTH IN WELL (feet): PURGING n INITIATED AT: /6� PURGING ENDED AT 1 �� d TOTAL VOLUME PURGED (gallons): 'A� T VOLUME PURGED (gallons) CUMUL VOLUME PURGED (gallons) PURGE RATE (gprn) DEPTH TO WATER (feat) PH (standard units)°t TEMP. (oC) COND. bum Pam) SSOLVED OXYGEN (drcle mg/L or % saturation) TURBIDITY (NTUs) COLOR (desebe) ODOR (describe) - - lirwttf.- h Wa' T . wA. le [ Si /k ' i(1J ,3-14/ WELL CAPACITY (Gallons Per Foot): 035" = 0.02; 1" = 0.04; 1.25" = 0.06; 2" = 0.16; 3" = 0.97; 4" = 0.65; 5" = 1.02; 6" =1.47; 12" = 5.88 TUBING INSIDE DUL CAPACITY (Gal/FL : 1/8" = 0.0006; 3116- • 0.0014; 1/4" • 0.0026; 6116" = 0.004; 3/8" = 0.006; 1/2" = 0.010; 5N" = 0.018 SAMPLING DATA SAMPLED BY ( INT) / AFF P15�` SAirPI,ER(S) SIGNATURES: X SAMPLING T:qa-t 'AT 17 1 0 TUBING DEPTH IN WELL (feet): SAMPLE PUMP FLOW RATE Sul per mime TUBING MATERIAL CODE: FIELD DECONTAMINATION: © N FIELD FILTERED Y ' FILTER SIZE F6Mation Equipment Type: µm DUPLICATE Y 6 — SAMPLE CONTAINER SPECIFICATION SAMPLE PRESERVATION INTENDED ANALYSIS ANDIOR METHOD SAMPLING EQUIPMENT CODE SAMPLE M CODE / CONTAINERS MATERIAL CODE PRESERVATIVE USED TOTAL VOL ADDED IN FIELD (mqj FINALVOLUME PH OW -AZ / Pe /z3ML !I.Spy O Z Ame&t.Ar14 REMARKS: MATERIAL CODES: AG = Amber Glass; Ca = Clear Glass; PE = PoIyetlrylene; PP • Polypropylene; 8 = SiNcone; T = Teflon; 0 = Other (Specify) SAMPLOMPURGING APP =Auer Peristaltic Pump; B • Baler; BP = Bladder Pump; ESP • Electric Submersible Pump; PP E. PafiWIC Pump EQUIPMENT CODES: RFPP: Reverse Flow Peristaltic Pump; Sal • Straw Method (Tubing Grayly Drain); VT = Vacuum Trap; 0 • Other (Specify) NOTES: 1. The above do not constitute all of the inforntagon required by Chapter 62160, F.A.C. 2. STABILIZATION CRITERIA FOR RANGE9F VARIATION oFy1sT THREE CONSECUTIVE R ADBIGS (ssE FS 2212. SECTION 3) pH: ± 0.2 units Temperature: ± 02'C Specific Conductance: ± 5% Dissolved Oxygen: all readings < 20% saturation (see Table FS 2200-2); optionally. ± 0.2 mg/L or ± 10% (whichever is greater) Turbidity: al readings < 20 NTU; optional,/ ± 5 NTU or ± 10%. (whichever is greater) r Page 32 of 32 Revision Date: February 1, 2004 SUBMITTED INTO THE SITE NAME. WELL NO: DEP-SOPUBLIC RECORD FOR FS 2200 GroundwwateraterSampling Form FD 9000-24 / PZ 7,1 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING LC -EM�� ON a-61 •o6 . SITE r 1 l 1 LOCATION: otxx— DATE: S i% t i(ar - SAMPLE ID: Sw- (67_ PURGING DATA WELL n- DIAMETER (inch ` TUBING A/ DIAMETER (inches : - WELL SCREEN INTERVAL DEPTH: ,A/feet to feet STATIC DEPTH TO WATER (feet):N� PURGE PUMP TYPE ////III� OR BAILER: WELL VOLUME PURGE: 1 WELL VOLUME _ (TOTAL WELL DEPTH - STATIC DEPTH TO WATER) X WELL CAPACITY only fill out if applicable) = ( feet - feet) X gallons/foot = gallons EQUIPMENT VOLUME PURGE: 1 EQUIPMENT VOL. = PUMP VOLUME + (TUBING CAPACITY X TUBING LENGTH) + FLOW CELL VOLUME (only fill oul it appecable) = gallons + ( gallons/foot X feet) + gallons = gallons INITIAL PUMP OR TUBING �- DEPTH IN WELL (feet): FINAL PUMP OR TUBING DEPTH IN WELL (feet): - PURGING INITIATED ATi �; PURGING } .7 i ENDED AT. / 1()� TOTAL VOLUME PURGED (gallons): TIME VOLUME PURGED CUMUL. VOLUME PURGED (gallons) PURGE RATE (gpm) DEPTH TO WATER (fell) PH (standard units) TEMP. (°C) COND. (pmD°'km or psr DISSOLVED OXYGEJN M mpll or (M% saturation) TURBIDITY (ems) COLOR (describe) ODOR (describe) 8 . 'tea f 41,412i 5747 11 Ckx -''c► • WELL CAPACITY (Gallons Per Foot): 0.75" = 0.02; 1" = 0.04; 1.25" = 0.08; 2" = 0.18; TUBING INSIDE DIN. CAPACITY (Gal./Ft.): 11i" = 0.0008; 3/16" = 0.0014; t/4" = 0.0026; 3" = 0.37; 4" = 0.85; 5" =1.02; 6" = 1.47; 42" = 5.88 5116" = 0.004; 318" = 0.008: 1/2" = 0.010; sir = 0.018 SAMPUNG DATA PLED BY (PRINT) / AFFI N: {- ri /1 (S) SIGNATURES:SAMPLING v%L / INITIATED AT: 1 /j 7 L© END:D AT 17ny�� j • PUMP OR TUB DEPTH IN WELL (feet): PUtAP FLOW RATE (mL per Il TUBING MATERIAL CODE FIELD DECONTAMINATION: N TERED Y COY FILTER SIZE: pm Equipment Type DUPLICATE Y OP SAMPLE CONTAINER " SAMPLE PRESERVATION INTENDED ANALYSIS AND/OR METHOD SAMPLING EQUIPMENT CODE SPECIFICATION SAMPLE O CODE 8 CONTAINERS MATERIAL CODE VOLUME PRESERVATIVE USED TOTAL VOL ADDED IN FIELD Oft) FINAL pH Svt-eL PF 12sa.L Nrsakr if, z A1,,,,..oK.A `_ REMARKS: MATERIAL CODES: AG = Amber Glass: CO - Clear Glass: PE = Polyethylene; PP = Polypropylene; S = Silloone; T = Tellon 0 = Other (Speedy) sAmpurnesuggpig /gap w Agar pqrsigusg pump; B • Bahr. BP = Bladder Pump; ESP = Becelo Submersible Marne PP = Perlstellic wrip EQUIPMENT CODES: RFPP = Reverse Flow PeNic Punp< SM = Straw Melhod Gmevty Drala VT Trap: 0 = Other (Specify) NOTES: 1. The above do not constitute an Otto Information regWnd by Chapter 112=160, F.A.C. 2. STABILIZATION CRITERIA FOR RANGE OF VARIATION OF TAW THREE CONSECUTIVE READINGS (SEE FS 2212. SECTION 3) pH: ± 02 units Temperature: + 0.2'C Specific Conductance: ± 5% Dissolved Oxygen: al readings < 20% saturation (see Table FS 2200-2); optionaly. ± 0.2 mg/L. or ± 10% (whichever Is greater) Turbidity: all readings < 20 NTU; optionally + 5 NTU or ± 10% (whichever Is greater) Oft Page 32 of 32 Revision Date: February 1, 2004 UBMlTTED INTO THE r r r r r r l SITE NAME: WELL NO: DEP-SOP-001/01 UBLIC RECORD FOR FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling Form FD 9000-24 rt IS GROUNDWATER SAMPLING t N 09. , fl1 t- It t J�_ L LOCATION: Jr � SAMPLE ID: S / . Ls PURGING D DATE: 1414/ ji i6 WELL Nr. DIAMETER (inches): TUBING iA/ (� DIAMETER (inches): WELL S. ,GREEN INTERVAL DEPTHfl Fleet to feet STATIC DEPTH TO WATER (feet): �- PURGE PUMP TYPE A /� OR BAILER: �-t 2ci17'�.' - ' WELL VOLUME PURGE: 1 WELL VOLUME _ (TOTAL WELL DEPTH - STATIC DEPTH TO WATER) X WELL CAPACITY t only fill out if applicable) `" - ( feet - feet) X gallons/foot = gallons EQUIPMENT VOLUME PURGE: 1 EQUIPMENT VOL. = PUMP VOLUME + (TUBING CAPACITY X TUBING LENGTH) + FLOW CELL VOLUME fill M (only out applicable) = gallons + ( gallons/foot X feet) + gallons = gallons INITIAL PUMP OR TUBING DEPTH IN WELL (feet): FINAL PUMP OR TUBING DEPTH IN WELL P (feet): ��ll PURGING /Zy INITIATED AT /, PURGING ENDED AT: TOTAL VOLUME PURGED (gallons): TIME VOLUME PURGED (gallons) CUMUL. VOLUME PURGED (gallons) PURGE RATE (1)Pm) DEPTH TO WATER (feet) PH (sad units) TEMP. (°C) COND. (gym ar y &bn► DISSOLVED OXYGEN (cirde mglL or %saturation) TURBIDITY (NTUs) COLOR (describe) ODOR (describe) g- `IX.2 QB;2 - 3 d , 0 (Uzi-- N - Plr WELL CAPACITY (Gallons Per Foot): 0.T5" = 0.02; 1" = 0.04; 1.25" = 0.06; 2" = 0.16; 3" = 0.37; 4" = 0.65; 6" =1.02; 6" = 1.47: 12" = SAS TUBING INSIDE DIA. CAPACITY (Gal./Ft. 1/6" = 0.0006; 3/16" = 0.0014• 114" = 0.0026; 5/16" = 0.004; 3/6" - 0.006; 1/2" = 0.010; 616".= 0.016 SAMPLING DATA FLED By (PRI / AFFFFIfLIA�TIO : VTUBING ce- R $ ) SIGNATURES: /�-L.•� , SAMP\ ING�j 6IfTIALTED AT: t L : ENDSAMPED / •Z I PUMP DEPTH IN WELL peel): PUMP FLO RATE (mL per TUBING MATERIAL CODE: FIELD DECONTAMINATION: N FIELD -FILTERED: Y FILTER SIZE: Farallon Type DUPLICATE: Y CD ' SAMPLE CONTAINER SPECIFICATION SAMPLE PRESERVATION INTENDED ANALYSIS ANDIOR METHOD SAMPLING EQUIPMENT CODE SAMPLE ID CODE 0 CONTAINERS MATERIAL CODE VOLUME PRESERVATIVE USED TOTAL VOL ADDED IN FIELD (mi.) FINAL pH SW—cz / pe p2S i.c 14.Spy D z A4,0wN.fi REMARKS: MATERIAL CODES: AO = Amber Glass: CO = Clear Glass; PE = Polyethylene; PP = Polypropylene; S = Silicone; T s Teflon; 0 s Other (Specify) SA MPLMIGIPURGING APP = After Peristaltic Pump; 8 - Baler. BP s Bladder Pump; ESP = Electric Submersible Pump; PP - Peristaltic Peep RFPP = Reverse Flow Penis talbc Pump SM = arm Melted (Tubing Garvey Dra1n); VT = Vacuum Trap; 0 = Other (Sped EQUIPMENT CODES: NOTES: 1. The above do not constitute all of the Information required by Chapter 52-160. F.A.C. • 2. SUStu2ATICN CRITERIA. FOR RANGE OF VARIATION OF LAST THREE.CO1 E READINGS (SEE FS 2212. SECTION 31 pH: + 0.2 units Temperature: + 0.2'C Specific Conductance: + 5% Dissolved Oxygen: all readings < 20% saturation (see Table FS 2200-2); optionaly. ± 0.2 mg/L or ± 10%(whichever is greater) Turbidity: MI readings <_ 20 NTU; optionally ± 5 NTU or ± 10% (whichever is greater) r Page 32 of 32 Revision Date: February 1, 2004" SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM": ONu.�.,.. APPENDIX F Well Survey Documents from SFWMD, DERM, and EDR :r ; PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP - 1523330.1s thigill1611:11 . i sw1 Ls__s-_. /l/I -t l 1 ►/l/ I Alt N County Boundary k E. Major Roads Contour Lines Airports Earthquake epicenter, Richter 5 or greater Water Wells Public Water Supply Welk Cluster of Multiple Icons 1/4 1 Milt d°et natGrou Flow at S I JrB.,M I TTED INTO H E Groundwater Flow Varies at LocatioP uBLicClosest Hydrogeologlcal Data Sink holes TARGET PROPERTY: ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP: LAT/LONG: 80154385 - Miami, FL Biscayne Bay Miami FL 33132 25.7891 / 80.1875 RECORD FOR ITEM1,1, ON . CUSTOMER: CONTACT: INQUIRY #: DATE: Conestoga -Rovers b Associates Kelly F. Connolly 1523330.1s September 30, 2005 5:36 pm coprwht 0 7006 F>54. ,ne 0 2004 GbT. Tne A.I. 07,2004. Al Rlghl. R.nrv.d. r GEOCHECK• - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY ;li 1;4, 115 ; PJCI_L INFOF1h1ATION li: WELL ID c.1 ;AI Iu'- FROM 1 P I USGS22549271/8 1/4 Mile WSW tau USGS225493247 1/4-1/2Mile estSUBMIl1ED INTO THE W D13 USGS2254932 1/4 - 1/2 Mile West D14 USGS2254954 1/4 - 1/2 Mile WNW DIG USGS2254953 1/4 - 12 Mile WNW DIG USGS2254952 1/4 - 1//2 Mile WNWPUBLIC RECORD FOR 017 USGS2254951 1/4 - 1/2 Mile WNW D I A USGS2254950 1/4 - 1/2 Mile WNb'�TE� ¶+n USGS2254949 1/4 - 1/2MleWNV ONE21 USGS2255117 1/2 - 1 Mile SWVV a E22 USGS2255118 1/2 - 1 Mile SW 23 USGS2254928 1/2 - 1 Mile West 24 USGS2254979 1/2 - 1 Mile NW 28 USGS2255100 1/2 - 1 Mile South G29 USGS2255104 1/2 - 1 Mile SSW G32 USGS2255103 1/2 - 1 Mile SW 34 USGS2255000 1/2 - 1 Mile NNW 38 USGS2255116 1/2 -1 Mile WSW 42 USGS2254940 1/2 - 1 Mile West J49 USGS2254996 1/2 - 1 Mile NW 52 USGS2255105 1/2 - 1 Mile SW 54 USGS2255007 1/2 - 1 Mile NNW FEDERAL FRDS PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM INFORMATION MAP ID WELL ID LOCATION FROM TP KSO FL4131563 1/2 - 1 Mile South Note: PWS System location is not always the same as well location. STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION MAP ID WELL ID LOCATION FROM TP A4 FLSO10000018033 1/8 - 1/4 Mile SW AS FLSO10000018034 1/8 - 1/4 Mile SW C8 FLSO10000018039 1/4 - 1/2 Mile SSW C9 FLSO10000018040 1/4 - 1/2 Mile SSW 10 FLSO10000019888 1/4 - 1/2 Mile NW 20 FLSO10000021783 1/2 - 1 Mile WNW H33 FLSO10000018216 1/2 - 1 Mile North H35 FLSO10000018218 1/2 - 1 Mile North 1-136 FLSO10000018217 1/2 - 1 Mile North H39 FLSO10000018219 1/2 - 1 Mile North H40 FLSO10000018220 1/2 - 1 Mile North 141 FLSO10000021692 1/2 - 1 Mile NW 143 FLSO10000021693 1/2 - 1 Mile NW 144 FLSO10000021691 1/2 - 1 Mile NW 145 FLSO10000021690 1/2 - 1 Mile NW TC15233'10.1s Page A-7 -1_ GEOCHECK' - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY STAlT DATABASE WELL INFORMATION MAP ID WELL ID .17 FLS010000019898 K48 FL010000019930 K51 FLS010000019929 L Al ION FROM TP 112 1 Mile NNW 112 - 1 Mile South 1/2 - 1 Mile South SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM_,,i ON . TC1523330-is Page A-8 buornitted Irv:01:11e pmfc record in connection with item rz Ilskiln I M. Igo Thompson ierk Key to "Use Status" Codes: PRM Primary SUBMITTED INTO THE PROD Production PUBLIC RECORDRCH RechargeFOR SEC Secondary �S STD Standby ITEM,41ON iI-b ��'♦q ABN Abandoned ASR Aquifer Storage & Recovery INJ Injection MON Monitor OTH Other PNC Proposed but Never Constructed TST Test TBPA To be Plugged and Abandoned Key to "Water Use" Codes: IRR Irrigation TST Test PWS Public Water Supply IRL Irrigation Water Replacement IND Industrial ASR Aquifer/Storage/Recovery DIV Diversion and Impoundment MND Mining/Dewatering PH Swimming Pool Heating/Withdrawal OTR Other AC Air Conditioning/Withdrawal PHR Swimming Pool Heating/Injection MON Monitor LIV Livestock DOM Single Family ARR Aquifer Remediation and Recovery FRZ Freeze Protection RCG Recharge .car .ct3 Water ..-_ni:geme.,t are not required for priviLe The following are attribute items: ITEM NAME PERMIT NO APP NO PERMIT TYP PROJECT NA LU CODE ACRESSERV FACILID FACIL_TYPE FACIL_NAME PUMP_TYPE DIAMETER PUMPCAPAC PUMP DEPTH X_COORD Y_COORD WELL DEPTH CASE DEPTH USESTATUS FAC_STATUS SOURCE WATER_USE SECNO TWP RGE DESCRIPTION Permit number Application number Type (INDividual or General Name of project Land use code (see below) Portion of the project (acres) serviced or irrigated SFWMD internal ID number Facility type (GW Well, SW Pump SFWMD internal facility name Pump type Of well, pump, or culvert (in inches) MAX capacity of pump (GPM) Vertical location of pump intake or culvert invert; referenced to NGVD for surface water pumps and culverts, land surface for wells X coordinate Y coordinate Total well depth (in feet) Cased depth (in feet) Primary, secondary, abandoned, stand-by, to -be -plugged -and -abandoned, recharge, monitor, injection E = Existing; P = Proposed Aquifer source or surface water source Irrigation, PWS, Industrial, Aquifer Storage Recovery, Monitor, Freeze Protection, Recharge, Diversion & Impoundment Section number Township Range Di s :. .: :tor (1, ., SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR perm„,lUmVi ON11-01.0‘. or Culvert) Note: PERMIT_TYP will be either GP or IND. GP indicates pumpage of <100000/gpd. IND is pumpage >100000/gpd. LU CODE refers to the type of water use (i.e. AGR = agriculture, PWS = public -water -supply, GOL = golf, DEW = dewatering, IND = industrial, LAN = lands•cape, LIV = livestock) In some instances there may be more than one WATER_USE for the same facility (i.e. both PWS and Monitor). This will result in TWO records for that one facility. COUNTY abbreviations are as follows: BR = CH CO = GL = Broward (06) Charlotte (08) Collier (11) Glades (22) MO = Monroe (44) MD = Miami -Dade (13) OK = Okeechobee (47) OR = Orange (48) If you have any further questions, please contact me. Janet Donnelly Staff Geographer South Florida Water Management District 3301 Gun Club Road West Palm Beach, 33416 Phone: (561) 682-6877 Email: <jdonnel@sfwmd.gov> r r SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMt-ii ON . r DISCLAIMER: Any information, including but not limited to software and data, received from the South Florida Water Management District ("DISTRICT") in fulfillment of a public records request is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind. The District expressly disclaims all express and implied warranties, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The District does not warrant, guarantee, or make any representations regarding the use, or the results of the use, of the information provided to you by the District in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, timeliness or otherwise. The entire risk as to the results and performance of any information obtained from the District is entirely assumed by the recipient. District GIS data is projected in Stateplane feet, Florida East Zone, NAD83. SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM ON Wog -op 0.6 0 1 Herald Plaza VENETIAN CY 4t4414it'llem•Pip. 0.6 reo rn -0 c wrei n rnm OQ0 Z0z ` C3 O 0 O A/Distribution Main (Water) Edge of Pavement Water bodies FT Property in 634231 1.2 Mlles 1 Herald Plaza 4 Miles 0P. co co rC) ' �`rn k:13 o c) z 70 00 o o= PO rn `/ Salt Intrusion 1995 Water bodies L Property in 534231 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM,".«''n ON 11-o,-oa. APPENDIX G Western Extension of EX -AS SUBMITTED INTO TP PUBLIC RECORD Fi ITEM°,;:h ON 109 Western extension of EX-A5, at storm drain. May 22, 2006. ENGiNE>;q$ & SCIENTISTS SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMI ON n-oq.o4. APPENDIX H Waste Manifests and Waste Disposal Summary r KNIGHT RIDDER Miami Herald Property Cleanup Impacted Soil Removal Transport Manifests Scale Weight Tickets May 25 2006 DATE MANIFEST DOCUMENT # WEIGHT (TONS) DATE MATCHING DISPOSAL FACILITY DOCUMENT # MATCHING FACILITY DELIVERY TICKET # WEIGHT (TONS) CUM WEIGHT (TONS) 4/26/2006 35727 17 5/2/2006 34778 8027700263 17 17 4/26/2006 35728 25 5/2/2006 34779 8027700268 25 42 4/27/2006 35737 25 5/2/2006 34780 8027700274 25 68 4/27/2006 35736 25 5/2/2006 34781 8027700281 25 93 4/26/2006 35735 25 5/2/2006 34782 8027700294 25 118 4/26/2006 35734 23 5/2/2006 34783 8027700308 23 142 4/26/2006 35733 24 5/2/2006 34784 8027700328 24 165 4/26/2006 35732 23 5/2/2006 34785 8027700350 23 188 4/26/2006 35731 25 5/2/2006 34786 8027700361 25 214 4/26/2006 35730 25 5/2/2006 34787 8027700364 25 239 4/26/2006 35729 24 5/2/2006 34788 8027700369 24 262 4/27/2006 35739 29 5/2/2006 34789 8027700379 29 291 4/27/2006 35741 25 5/2/2006 34790 8027700386 25 316 4/27/2006 35740 26 5/2/2006 34791 8027700389 26 342 4/27/2006 35738 24 5/2/2006 34792 8027700398 24 367 4/27/2006 35743 28 5/2/2006 34793 8027700403 28 394 4/27/2000 35742 26 5/2/2006 34794 8027700407 26 421 4/28/2006 35748 27 5/2/2006 34795 8027700414 27 448 4/28/2006 35747 28 5/2/2006 34796 8027700425 28 476 4/282006 35746 28 5/2/2006 34797 8027700428 28 503 4/28/2006 35744 24 5/2/2006 34798 8027700433 527 4/28/2006 35745 26 5/2/2006 34799 8027700434 ._«.__24, 26 .» 553, 428/2006 35749 26 5/2/2006 34800 8027700440 26 579 4/28/2006 35751 26 5/2/2006 34801 8027700443 26 605 4/28/2006 35750 28 5/2/2006 34802 8027700455 28 633 428/2006 35752 25 5/2/2006 34803 8027700463 25 658 4/28/2006 35753 26 512/2006 34804 8027700472 26 684 5/3/2006 35760 26 5/4/2006 33864 26 710 5/2/2006 35759 28 5/4/2006 33865 8027752591 28 738 5/2/2006 35758 25 5/4/2006 33866 8027752598, 25 763 5/2/2006 35757 25 5/42006 33867 8027752602 25 788 5/2/2006 35756 24 5/4/2006 33868 8027752606 24 812 5/2/2006 35755 25 5/4/2006 33869 8027752612 25.._........_ 837 52/2006....._ 35754 23 5/4/2006 33870 8027752616 23 860 5/3/2006 35761 27 5/42006 33871 8027752623 27 887 5/3/2006 35762 24 5/4/2006 33872 8027752627 «_» 24 912 5/3/2006 35763 25 5/4/2006 33873 8027752640 25 936 5/3/2006 35764 23 5/42006 33874 8027752649 23 959 5/3/2006 35765 23 5/4/2006 33875 8027752729 23, 5/4/2006 35766 22 5/4/2006 33876 8027752753 22 _.»«..._».982 1004 5/42006 35767 24 5/82006 33886 8027808079 24 1028 5/4/2006 35773 _ 24 5/8/2006. 33887 8027808098 24 1052 5/42006 35776 _...._....� 23 5182006 33888 _ »_ 8027808101-r 23 1075 5/5/2006 35774 23 5/8/2006 33889 8027808105 23 1097 5/0006 35775 21 5/8/2006 33890 8027808822 21 1118 5/52006 35768 23 5/8/2006 33891 8027808827 23 1141 5/5/2006 35769 22 5/82006 33892 8027808831 22 1163 5/8/2006 35770 225/8/2006 ..._._...._. 33893 .».._.... 8027808836 22 1186 5/8/2006 35771 22 5/8/2006 33894 8027808836 22 1208 5/8/2006 35772 24 5/8/2006 33895 8027808913 24 1232 5/8/2006 35777 21 5/8/2006 33896 13027808920 21 1253 5/9/2006 35778 24 5/12/2006 33897 8027908451 24 1277 5/9/2006 35779 24 5/122006 33898 8027908455 24 1301 5/92006 35780 18 5/12/2006 33899 8027908459 18 1320 5/9/2006 35781 25 5/12/2006 33900 8027908463 25 1345 5/9/2006 35782 17 5/12/2006 33901 "$O 4E; 1"9" r1 P 1►1 Peir THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM ON II-M•o� , r MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest DOCUMENT NO. GENERATOR TRANSPORTER RECEIVING FACILITY COMPANY NAME COMPANY NAME COMPANY NAME RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATION ADDRESS r- CITY F. I.D. NO.: TELEPHONE ST. ADORE SS ZIP COOE — CITY ADDRESS 1200 N.H. 137TH 4V—r..NUE ST. ZIP CODE CITY ST. ZIP COOC.- MIAMI TELEPHONE TELEPHONE FL 33152 305-225-1423 CONTACT: CONTACT: CONTACT: r- r GUST. P.O. I.D. NO.: M.S. NO.: I.D. NO.: FLD981758485 INFORMATION REMARKS MATEFUAL DESCRIPTION AND DOT SHIPPING NAME DOT 10 CLASS UNIVIAll WANT - VOA** CONTAIN. EA GENERATOR TM' Is to candy dim Ow above named matodal propenty described..packagadi inerkol.and Iiibalad:aod.awrein pop. . OOMPOOti Joe vanseortIng. accordleio tha aeploabkr:riseulations.ar der lLS,-:Orrearetient,'! 01 Transportatten.Errviranenental PrOiectionAgeney:aad contains notOrdc or hazardous substances OW vintdeCalote oilywave In bo daual.d as . a :TAM. cluracterlatie or %lad hazardous AUTHOSI2E0 SIGNATURE (preaajhard -copies); . TITLE VATE:OrSIIIPMENT• •••.: • (hit is to early the orociI0.101,01#1`,., d•scripsent glean and inOrtipirr condition Torthersport ireatmont AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Weal Otani - 6 toplint) r- -mu TREATMENT:FACIUTV !•' Yale Is to cattily kits otxteptinca-.of the tbeivd,ntimod MitadatIn-Ifie t amounts and daicriOilorioljiyanirtliiit,the'reinta1 tritaitoOrser.4iiiiMitaltak storage dispose or receding. DATE•�- r AUTHORIZEO SIGNATURE (press hard- 5 cdpitta) TITLE 1 DATE Zor SHIPMENT ii;14:. • Dis Paw EMERGENCY ANO SPILL ASSiSTANbCdiiii: YELLOW - Equipment >, 0. a 0 -CC ILI ..J 8 1141:dwiteATERIAS MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest DOCUMENT NO. GENERATOR TRANSPORTER RECEIVING FACIUTY COMPANY NAME ADDRESS 7 CtTY TELEPHONE ST. COMPANY NAME ADORE SS c COMPANY NAME RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATION 3 o- w 1200 N.W. 137T11AVENUE ST.:. . ZIP COOE FL 331102 ADDRESS ZiP COCE CITY ST. ZIP CODE CITY MI:\MI TELEPHONE TELEPHONE 305-225-1423 CONTACT: CONTACT: CONTACT: ID. NO.: I;D. NO.: I.D. NO.: FL0981758485 OUST. P.O. INFORMATION MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND OOT'SHIPPING NAME GENERATOR This is io csrtlt? 1lal the above iamb msterist is p desglbW.p'sakated. marked indJ:bOl d..nd. vwisperdrq'so ;btli,'appKesM 'r�gu. of Transpoi'tadon Eds vnieitaI Pei hazardous wbsiii*!:IM(*0td, cas7i4. char searisGC or tsi szstdo rs;iossl AUTHORIZED.SItT *funE{'iCpr s.A14. TRANSPORTER Tide Is to writ i lOVAI nc otih dssciptioragIvsnti dih"prspSrcondHa imam -of haiq AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (prssa.hat 5 TREATM TNs u cs i .mows atji rli F swags as +ssvi dRK‘rdegeYeO ce<0 t :at AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (pass hard'. 5 copies)::, Tutt.E M.S. NO.: 1 DATE OF SHIPMENT E► ERGENNCY ANO`S IC(A'S31$14ifiCEVia `'' REMARK & O J J w 0 0 O b cc z. ,tL r 1". MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest DOCUMENT NO GENERATOR TRANSPORTER RECEIVING FACILITY COMPANY NAME COMPANY NAME COMPANY NAME RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATION ADDRESS CITY 1 ST. ADDRESS ADDRESS 1200 N.W. 137TI ;AVENUE ZIP CODE TELEPHONE CITY TELEPHONE ST. ST. FL ZIP COPE CITY ZIP COOT MIAMI 13IS2 TELEPHONE 305-225-1423 CONTACT: CONTACT: CONTACT: 1.0. NO.: ID NO. t D..NO.: FLD98175:84.85. CUST. P.O. M.S. NO.: INFORMATION MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND DOT SHIPPING NAME GENERATOR TN* M to Wily.Iha1 the.abor0.narned:rttat tIolit deealbsd.packa9sd Nmwkrd urndrIt►b01s1nb ro:ii transporti_D actordirtad i hs ap 0.00 _ o Tr.Mportt0on Environmsm$Rtotaotirni'•- • herrdsus substances -that would Nsus-viikoo characteristic*, istadfiatardoiti i ist0: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE'(orosshtrd S:Cq .I) TITLE ..TRANSPORTER This M tl,firllltr 1ltf'i dtisedptlonsih f `" vsat'ment b>t Mty. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (prism TITLE TREATMENT'FACIUTY This is for csrllly ths;aaeeplsnco of tl. i amounts and dOsa ip6oris 4lviairetiO sloNape dooms/or rooming_ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (preis:twd-..5 copies) TIT1 DAlk:OF`SIIIPIAE11T- IDATE OF SHIFT IT REMARKS SPECIAL IN3T;. EMERGENCV'°JiNO SPI L ASSISTANCE'Cii� YELLOW - Equipment GOLDENROD - Transporter's Copy PINK - Generator (First) 1101. MATERIALS"' MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest DOCUMENT NO GENERATOR TRANSPORTER RECEIVING FACIUTY r COMPANY NAME ADDRESS COMPANY NAME COMPANY NAME RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATION ADDRESS f CITY r r r r r r r TELE PHONE T. 1 ZIP CODE CITY T. ZIP CODE ADORESS 1200 N.W. 137TH.;.AVF.NUE CITY ST. ZIP CODE: MIAMI £L 33I83 TELEPHONE TELEPHONE 305-225-1423 CONTACT: I.D. NO.: CONTACT: CONTACT: ID. NO.: I.D. NO.: FLD98175:8:485 COST. P.O. INFORMATION MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND DOT SNIPPING Fume GENERATOR TNs is to wit/ that OM abova named matsnalK;PfoporoY glassllsd; dasedbsd4046gSd. markOd and1tabslod=and irs, kt;prbpar550:itll .. vaasp g.accor t g to ttiiapplItebN MefiftJio i of ih it S. Qtrprrin. ofTnruportataa.EnYwonaMMMPiatetalon`tlpaneyailQonlalak Iat. Mtardous,suifstaness. that . , eagss trine"a be dts>rsicf. d as cMIietar.stie lisisd has ous wssti. AUT ORIZED=.SIONATURE,'(ptus hard . 5ueoples) M.S. NO.: TITLE TRANSPORTER TNs 4.10 .o rdlr the• at 1M i — desctimlons atiandk+' ` :coil don reatm.nt 1arilgr: • AUTHORIZED SI ONATDRE4press'hard ,• 6;nopirsl -.. DATE OF SHIPMENT . TREATY This hoikl-Ordty *M.iopce♦Perk. et .tM„ above •eyntad maliriat Itt thtii , amarntr dswMiPdoNi o `:rom tlia nseiiad tiieiaportartor watnte.n. 9 c , stomps disposal er tetitetki '. AUTHORIZED SIONATURE(Press hard • 6 wawa) TITLE I DATE OF SHIPMENT REMARKS EIAEROENCT AND SPILL,ASSISTANCE'C YELLOW - Equipment O • • 0 z D.. c 2 z. I MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest DOCUMENT NO. GENERATOR TRANSPORTER RECEIVING FACILITY COMPANY NAME ADDRESS COMPANY NAME COMPANY NAME RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATION rCITY 1 ST. r r r r r r TELEPHONE ADDRESS ADDRESS 1200 N.W. 137TH;..AVENUE ZIP CODE CITY ST, ZIP CODE CITY MI.\MI TELEPHONE TELEPHONE ZIP CODE. FL 33 I R 305-225-1423 CONTACT: CONTACT: CONTACT: I.D. NO.: I.D. NO.: ID. NO.: FLD98:1758485 CUST. P.O. INFORMATION MATERIAL_ DESCRIPTION AND DOT SHIPPING NAME GENERATOR This 4 to coolly Otat:IM .above nom.T matsnal is dtscnbed padiapid otaibd andiobMo d nanspoMeq sledordsn"p•lott!sPSi ofTnnssonallOt;EnWHNO OMIPaowelionAo.ncv hatadow so61404Os 04 i40uid-caug• oiy :wuiS roof, c i d+aroamleuaoiIIstsd i,t4o4easte M.S. NO.: AUTHORIZED SIGNATL E& esslwd 5 TITLE TRANSPORTER ...;" TNa is to oettfy)% a o046ptanco111 domdfolOMplottod coot wannont•Mel* AUTHORIZED:SIGNATUREIdtoos°har0 ,:Iv TREATMENT FJAO(LITY ; TNs Is to oerdly the too p aco of hs above n mrnofl.1 In Ir. ammrxs and iMitr� Siviin born rw •naia d aran`ap " soli 'imago disposal or f.cydinp. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE:0ms. hard-:.6'oopios) TITLE PMENT REMARKS EMERGENCY ANQ SPIV, A StStANCE C N YELLOW • Equipment GOLOENROD - Transporter's Copy PINK NImor MATERIALS MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest DOCUMENT NO. GENERATOR TRANSPORTER RECEIVING FACILITY COMPANY NAME COMPANY NAME ADDRESS CITY TELEPHONE CONTACT: ADDRESS ST. I ZIP CODE CITY ST. ZIP CODE TELEPHONE COMPANY NA►AE RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATION ADDRESS 1200 N.W. 137TH. AVENUE CITY * ST." ZIP CODE MIAMI J FL 13152 TELEPHONE 305-225-1423 CONTACT: CONTACT: ID. NO.: I.D. NO.: LC. NO.: FLC98175.8485 COST. P.O. INFORMATION MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND DOT SHIPPING NAME GENERATOR This Is to coolly that rho &bowinamad.mafarial )o. desaibodr packig$d. ttiukod ine: fab lad'.gd outscoring ucordkt9Io ho spill Obl idpuf oI Transportadon; EmdronIMnW Ptotkl(onAp ncy in d e hazardous substances this would; Cause oily watts :toil chanderleiC or timed hazardous Watt*. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (press hard - 3 ooplesy TITLE TRANSPORTER': Thisis Ito c r Iy o descNpdon$ OI S_! wid ii;perep. aeatmenutaaixr. - AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (press: hard -* Seaplss) .' TITLE TREATMENT FACILITY Thls is to certify thI aalptenco oL tI . aborIl amounts end ditabilina 4Nen-ha tithe ninied:yt msoral s disposal or recycling. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (press hard - 5 copies); TITLE I/.S. NO REMARKS YELLOW - Equipment GOLDENROD - Transporter's Copy PINK - Generator (Fir SUBMfrrEo IFl?07HE i IDATE OF SHIPMENT , EMERi ENCV ANb SPILL ASSIsTAir ■ wir MATERIALS'' MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest DOCUMENT NO. _.� GENERATOR TRANSPORTER RECEIVING FACILITY COMPANY NAME ADDRESS COMPANY NAME ADORE SS CITY 1 ST. ZIP CODE CITY ST. COMPANY NAME RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATION ADDRESS 1200 N.H. 133TH.AVENUE ZIP CODE CY ZIP CODE IT MIAM1 FL 33Ix? TELEPHONE TELEPHONE FELE PHONE 305-225-1423 I. t.U_NO.: CYST. P.O. CONTACT: CONTACT: CONTACT: I.D.. NO.: t.D. NO.: FLD9.81758485 r r ITLE M.S. NO.: INFORMATION MATERIAL O€SCRIPTION AND DOT SHIPPINt1NAME GENERATOR T. to to cot* that Saw *book nanwd;m*totiN desedb.A.,Packsg!d• *NO.: .... in t000dnD at oorth►s:IC * of Transportation. Emhartn+e+Na1 h.:mdous. subotanar; ihat NouldP *Uss CM charecsortstio or listed t attitiO *i<sM1i AUTHORIZED sicoula 1iiElekoi4* TRANSPORTER . This la w amity vat ell•M 0 e'tibt►iiatrial desdiptiono Oven ana in oarriewa►No aimAton trsatmInt feillty. AUTIIORQED SIGNATMTIE,(Orsl4+Isrd. 4; r r r TREATMEt T`FAC . This is wftatiyM t_ y ammo afts and d otoilptlofti 0441 ont i storao* disposal or recytl)no. ibol-naW .� AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (pet: hard . S copies) TITL( DOT to 0: UN%iKM T CONTAIN. TARE REMARKS DATE OF SHIPMENT. EMERGENftANETtPILL ASSISTANCE C.a11; YELLOW - Equipment GENERATOR 7 COMPANY NAME ADDRESS 7 CITY r TELEPHONE r. CONTACT: r r f r r 1.0. NO.: COST. P.O. GENERATOR This is to esi1 y due the above hamsd armorial R:propo.dy elassllset_ described. p•eb .d: marked-.nd Tabslal ae4 4n Ui, for s anspoitIn eccordno IOYhe ocie osbt. tipokz trfiswa gf" M v �• of Transportation, EnvirarmanWProt.e4oriA4psncy.afdcan llnsne tedeei hazardous. substances Vat wo.IW causo eay: viestOkai0 dassdi'ed as;a. dwaeterisde or listed hazardous waste. r ST. INFORMATION ZIP CODE AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (pmabird. S`eopes) TRANSPORTER This is to silty t*e aoeept aiiarot:rue;, d.saiptiOne0tven and in preiiiieio tresenent tsokr. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (Pass hard •'.5 s0 i s).>>: TREATMEtit FACILITY ` This is b psrtity the acceptance of shit *boss n.m amounts and i esaiedons=Olv.A'hom 1M•nimW rss word stereos disposal or recycling. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (press hard- 5 copiers) TITI DATE OF SHIPMENT MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest DOCUMENT NO. RECEIVING FACIUTY COMPANY NAME RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATION ADDRESS 1200 N.W. CITY MI A M I TELEPHONE CONTACT: • 137TH ;AVENUE FL 305-225-1423 REMARKS EMERGENCY /AND:SPILL ASSISTA1Nc a ZIP CODE,: 331112 YELLOW - Equipment MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest DOCUMENT NO. GENERATOR TRANSPORTER RECEIVING FACILITY F COMPANY NAME ADDRESS r r f r r r r r r r r r r ST. ZIP CODE COMPANY NAME ADDRESS CITY I ST. ZIP CODE COMPANY NAME RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATION ADDRESS 1200 N .11. 137TH -.AVENUE CITY -ST. -.. ZIP CODE.;. MIAMI FL 33I82 INFORMATION MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND DOT SHIPPING NAME GENERATOR This is to esrt y diit ihs abo s named matsrai Is.p'opor(I* e' tsi od ascribed. PaekaOadmrRad and IaQo(bd aff0. a►a yr►{ vanspordni accoidinq to:Uia pplc r•auktUoas oflha et Tansporte$on:Efl* nmsnlatProiaa16fAginoyand:. noan�dctfr hazardous 14144 0 es thol woad cause dly wsal• Garb.. [Md ss a chsractorisio «Iii1i4 hazardous wistW. AUTHORIZED. SIGNATURE (press Lad 6 eoplos) TELEPHONE CONTACT: I.D. NO.: M.S. NO.: CLASS TITLE TRANSPORTER,:. ThaisaosrYJjj SekSCOMISSIi .. d•scdpSor$gIwA l'rrptepardond11104 rPirlop Ie aunom taddtT. • AUTHORIZED'S1(31*TURE:(pnss:htre • CONWAY s): TREATMENT FACILITY:' CITY T E L E PHONE CONTACT: I.D. NO.: GUST. P.O. This Is a. cos' Iy thi.Acceptanc• of th• .boys named pION rn amounis and dsaerfbioss'yivin fuss h•.nt�nro6 trartlipo t :V eatmont motes,* disposal or r•cyding. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (Preis hard • S caplets) TELEPHONE 305-225-1423 CONTACT: I.D. NO.: ANT. . CONTAIN 4UME. ER FLD981758:485 REMARKS' TITLE I DATE OF SHIPMENT EMERGENCY ANO SPILL ASSISTANCE Calls sf-94 YELLOW - Equipment PINK - Generator (First) m. .7 GENERATOR r- COMPANY NAME ADDRESS r CITY r r t r r r r r TELEPHOPE CONTACT: 1.6.NO. GUST. P.O. INFORMATION MATERIAL DESCRIPTIONAND DOT SHIPPING NAME GENERATOR This is a.c.gU , VsI hho=sbovs named mal.rial Is'prp itt* dosaribs4d aoriar».agglri�s► ofTr.ns *i aSII..04 hazardous wbaanoe$:thv wou.- d ortwisdIs C 04IiM1004ZVrdoui:wa4E1 AUTHORIZEO'SIONATSJRE Asa hintsg !I TITLE TRANSPORTER This Is wOddl ** CGaptancs, w destrIpsdiorlihriMand pp op I•ca AUTHORIZED SIRRAATURE (posss —TITLE AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (press hard •.6 eopl.ar TITLE MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest DOCUMENT NO. RECEIVING FACIUTY COMPANY NAME RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATION ADDRESS 1200 N.M. 137TH AVONUE REMARKS. IDATE OF SHIPMENT Ef RGEN" f-KliD.SPIL TS $10E'CaI(ir YELLOW - Equipment 1% 0 0 c z a MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest DOCUMENT NO GENERATOR COMPANY NAME ADDRESS CITY J ST TELE PHONE rCONTACT: r r r f r" r 1.0. NO.: ADORE SS CITY TELEPHONE CONTACT: 1.0. NO.: TRANSPORTER ST. ZIP CODE RECEIVING FACILITY COMPANY NAME RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATION ADDRESS 1200 N.H: 137T11:,-,AVEKUE CITY ST. ZIP CODE` MIAMI FL 33110 TELEPHONE 305-225-1423 CONTACT: 1.D. NO.: FLD981758485. COST. P.O. INFORMATION MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND DOT SHIPPING NAME GENERATOR TNa s to esriily Ihat-1lw abow•efsmsd mewed is,prgiertlyNasslh d dssalbed. packaq d **Eked srtd:Iibelsd d tws:krp' 0 s1'eaid116a !ot vanspor*lp Ioytlw appkabls regute'aa►s N 1l sV S Drpa►m 01 of Transportation: E eOltrnettlelPietaceoryilgencyrind cornaara no toidc or hazardous substances lftai wood'cazis.olly wee& to bo Wssiyad as a�: chwadsrktic or tistidd hazardous visits. LI S. NO.: CLASS AUTHOFUZEO'SIGNATtet freel hard - S copies) TITLE TRANS Tttt.Is **COO* dsavipd—Or s414 &id t ueateistit` a l0.4. • AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE tprfss;`hsrd • S copies)_ DATE`S SHIPMENT TITLE TREATMENT FAO TNS k b cent *year_ o.n lei of tlbovoamod matsriet In t amounts and dssa�I71 i rrtrot tttb ndned trarisuo,tbt Jor riai mart mirage disposal or recycling. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Isom .nerd - S copies) TITLE DATE Of SHIPMENT: .DOT. tlS No, ••K: REMARKS'. DISPATCH; INFO: EMERGENCY AND: SPILL ASSISTANCE Cap: YELLOW - Equipment r GENERATOR COMPANY NAME r• AOORESS r CITY TELEPHONE f CONTACT: 1.D. NO.: r r r r r r CUST. D.O. 21P CODE INFORMATION MATERIA D(SORNPTION AND DOT SKIING NAME GENERATOR TNs Is IS coed!, that *as Above nuMd•msl.dol ls:pri dssallmS. DPC tpbd*ides d of aij�i 3 transpor$np eS0014100•MIIM: or Transportefee4EIMOMM1 41,O 'tidFon'1 hazardous suesiences Bock w iU Ui• o t c►eractorlsfc'6r'Iisis01414dous' -wino. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE 044:Piard 6 aoWs)5 TRANSPORTER - This la to osfHjt ttr4 soedp demelPaona r irTdYid memo* - tly. i • AUTHORIZED?$ • RE'(pr.. TREATMENT FACILITY This Is to Cerny OM!.xoptanco of the above Mend•mUaial b .r. mourns end dosalptia+r4Iva•n Nom- the n• i S•RensperTirlOii kg: storage disposal or reoycling AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(press hwd - S copies) MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest TRANSPORTER COMPANY NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE TITLE DOCUMENT NO. RECEIVING FACILITY COMPANY NAME RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATION AOORESS 1200 N.W. 137TH.,:AVENUE CTTY ST. ZIP COOS; FL E 31182 NIIAMI FELE PHONE CONTACT: 305-225-1423 E LD981758.485 REMARKS DATE OF SHIPMENT ` `EMERGENCY AND°SPILL ASSISTANCE "c- o E a 0 v LU 0 -J -J } a S • a 0Q Z w 8 a • ojair GENERATOR COMPANY NAME ADDRESS r" CITY f r r r r r r r TELEPHONE OUST. P.O. INFORMATION ZIP COOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND COT WRONG NAME GENERATOR This Is az tardy that We above named m.Nrial Is Pt dssei4Md. P.ek!Osd. wta!rksid and Iabs1•d snd n(a uanspordrlo aocprdirip lb h..ppiieabb v pulidofs. of Transport*Lion.Envirarrn.rigPronedOnApbnox and - hazardous substahcat would.esua. oily *ago tabor d.:idi.dtam charadNisdc or lined haZ rdou. *ants. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE W ir:Aard MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest TRANSPORTER TITLE TRANSPORTER This* to eerily.** accopI+rte.AI d** Ibo d.,cdpione*an and In pedper ooewlitior[ traaMMM ladlhy. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (press hard=.:6'0o04II0 TITLE TREATYENTTACILITY This is s, osrdy t►s .ao.ptsnca of IAo above rr:< amounts and d.salPdsns..0ieliiiiom th} nwnsd }I101! sang* dspoad ar 44014. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (prose hard - 5 copl.$) TITLE DOCUMENT NO. RECEIVING FACILITY COMPANY NAME RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATION ADDRESS 1200 N.W. 137TH.AVENUE CITY MIAM1 TELEPHONE ST. VP CODS. FL 331 B2 305-225-1423 c E a Q W 0 J W FLD981758485 a • m REMARKS 1 c IDATE or SHIPMENT EMEIIGEHOYiti`HGSPILL ASSISTANCE `Cap c { r I r WW1. LS MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest DOCUMENT NO GENERATOR TRANSPORTER RECEIVING FACIUTY COMPANY NAME COMPANY NAME COMPANY NAME RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATION ADDRESS ADDRESS TELEPHONE ST_ I ZIP COOS CITY ST. ZIP CODE ADDRESS 1200 N.H. 137TM VENUE CITY MIAMI sr. FL TIP CODE. 33182 TELEPHONE TELEPHONE 3.05-225-1423 CONTACT: I.D. NO.: CONTACT: CONTACT: ID. NO. ID. NO.: FM91758485 cusr. P.O. M.S.. NO.: INFORMATION MATERIAL:OE$CRWP`,T'�I..ON AND O T SHIPP Hi 1Y�1ME TRANSPORTER: TlikisIo 001tibOstOl$n 0t04004 9►;tn r uiatnlsrliy... AUTHORQED'SKINATLE spw j T r ITLE E TREATMENT`FA This is so Mii ilacspISA4 b amounts and. d Urddirs(�„ swops disposal sr0, brans -.,tF AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE fprtas )raid . S Copies) TITLE RENARKB YELLOW - Equipment Transporter's Copy a DATE OF'SHIPMENT MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest DOCUMENT NO GENERATOR r- CITY I ST r TELEPHONE CONTACT: CUST. P.O. GENERATOR TNs is to coney that do .abova nam.d matoriMIa daaetlbad. paokaoad. rnlrkad and IabNad diid, WOO v ns orgno.uadr* to Qi. ppte bl. , 9uIIt 040 ofTranopbnafton.En 1 otwn.ni.TPIoktxanAq Acyand hazardous substances th l rtfolild:cwo. o{ wrtt�:to eha..ct.riaic or nslad hazardotjs'wast.. AUTHORIZED SIGNATUtE•(pr.sshard • S topi.a)" TITLE TRANSPORTER COMPANY NAME ADDRESS CITY ST. ZIP CODE TELEPHONE M.S. NO.: DATED TRANSPORTER T1tt4M canlht 11» nceorol;ine: ease lRydnikehdit fn'O WedIlidh` tr.allnsni.fkolly. AUTNOR12EDSIGNATUAE lPr sahard a:c.c T1TL I—. TREATMENT FACILITY This 1s to c.rlyy tM aoceptonos, o11Aa amount* aihd dasafpions`ptran'bori tho +harn tl *sans • ; soorapo dlsposat or etycdno. r AUTHORIZED SIGIUTURE'(prass:hard - 6:coplu) _ : " i. yt Va TITLE 1 DATE OF SHIPITE,1 ;., EMERGENCY ANb SPILL ASSISTANCE Oil: RECEIVING FACILITY COMPANY NAME RINHER MATERIALS CORPORATION ADDRESS 1200 N.H. 137TH... vjUE CITY ST. ' ZIP CODE. MIAh1I 33I82 rEI.E PHONE FL 305-225-1423 FLD981758485 r YELLOW - Equipment a so - 0 0 CC w 0. J 8 PINK C cc MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest DOCUMENT NO GENERATOR TRANSPORTER RECEIVING FACIUTY COMPANY NAME ADDRESS CITY COMPANY NAME ADDRESS COMPANY NAME RINKCER MATERIALS CORPORATION ADDRESS 1200 N.W. 137TH AVENUE ST. ZIP CODE CITY ST. ZIP CODE CITY TELEPHONE TELEPHONE M1AMI TELEPHONE ST. ZIP CODE;. FL 33182 305-225-1423 CONTACT: I.D. NO.: COST. P.O. r'INFORMATION r r r r r MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND DOT SHIPPING NAME GENERATOR 1Ms k m Gordy that tho sbovw nomod ma sd& d.* .d pWsi$. ***AIM I bolt d a ;`at,. Jn nspodno.ordino ao*iti. y"` ta+ oITifnsponWon;E:twk¢Il uiniar hazasdous subs(Snbis tat. wbul8 Gauss: ehsrael.nsda.s:Iisiid W izitdous avast.. • ALITHORI*00:-SIONAVRtiOtaatiliA4 TITLE TRANSPORTER. This is so c rE1yh. iooipiin-osw theta d.EdlPliceS* t ,* !d utpion tnsunent fcify: . AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE 1Pfecs hard tit • TREATMENT'FACILITY This is to osrtly th. aoc ptadeo :bf Th. ,kbov. eN amounts and dotetIpdoq Wwn 1,om th. namdd Irani metope disposal art »chrip. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (psess :!asd- S moles) TITLE CONTACT: 1.0. NO.: M:S. NO.: '.0 OATE'OF SHIPMENTv I YELLOW - Equipment DOT•D CONTACT: O NO.: (WANT-. . �l UI• .,. FLD981758485 EMERGEf .CX-MD TW*SfST REMARKS MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest DOCUMENT NO. GENERATOR TRANSPORTER r COMPANY NAME r ADDRESS COMPANY NAME AOORESS RECEIVING FACILITY COMPANY NAME RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATION ADDRESS 1200 N.W. 137TH4,AVENUE CITY TELEPHONE ST. ZIP CODE CITY TELEPHONE ST. LP CODE CITY MIA MI TELEPHONE r ST, FL 305-225-1923 ZIP COOE 33182 CONTACT: CONTACT: CONTACT: 1.0. NO.: 1.0. NO.: 1.0. NO.: COST. P.O. M.S. NO.: FLa9$1758485 INFORMATION MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND DOT SHIPPING kiuAE GENERATOR ThIs 11 to o roy *hN Po sbow;namod described Mom. transporting df110 IPd_ra olTrvapona®en EIwI hazardous 1 44$ 1�e/ 'aeould C', Chmocterisdc b wliad iedOU* $ AUmom ZtD?Si0W TRANSPORTER This Is IoC.:0 ♦ d,Icnpdorh 9 wament AUTHORIZEO?SIGNAtU E OriNit'hlir TITLE TREATMENT Fli'(f TN* Is to ouiy',YN,�radeeptsnee s( 1h amounts and:dsse ISso iihan Vtom It*, stomps d.sposal•or.r. yiing: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (prise hoe 6;tdf>ks),; • TITa REMARKS DATE OF SHIPMENT ' ". : EIriERGENDy AND SPILL ASSI TANDE Coll: YELLOW -Equipment Transporter's Copy r r r aw MATERIALS MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest DOCUMENT NO. GENERATOR TRANSPORTER RECEIVING FACIUTY COMPANY NAME COMPANY NAME COMPANY NAME RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATION ADDRESS CIT Y TELEPHONE CONTACT: ST. I ZIP CODE ADDRESS CITY ST. ZIP CODE 1 ELE PHONE CONTACT: ADDRESS 1200 N.W. 137TH.,AVENUE CITY r ST. ZIP CODE:. MIAMI J FL 1 33I112 TELEPHONE 305-225-1423 CONTACT: I.D. NO.: I.D. NO.: I.D. NO.: COST. P.O. M.S. NO.: FLD981758485 INFORMATION REMARKS MATERIAL OESCRIPTKMAP ND 001 p OUANl:- COWAN. DOT SHIPPING NAME CLASS' UNa "> VOLU • :ER GENERATOR T I. is 10 aAiy tlwt; da above nwi.d mttorial 1 dietribelk padka(wd, C1 0►+d . atM� vanspolicco dngr. rptl+s of TreespoNolon. EN+Itoiwnwiasif' SNetToi hsasrdoue eutistanoos lbw wON rgetat ` cMracterisde orikrwd hs s dou[;wasti:. : AUTHORIZED:SIGNATURE:(Prat$kard:. 5 vopbfy TITLE TREATMENTR EiTY This Is to certiy 1(4 ooea�anu of tho etww na.,wd 33 amounts and d.s4IQ�ks.fron Ii m *ioin fldd vsn storage disposal' sr.N'Ytling. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (psis hard. I -copes) :-DATCOF $HIPLIEfiT.`i; ` • TITLE 1 DATE OF SHIPMENT 'ENERGERCYAND' YELLOW - Equipment • a MATERIALS "' GENERATOR COMPANY NAME r I ADDRESS rCITY f TELEPHONE CONTACT: LD.NO.: COST. P.O. r r r GENERATOR This. is to evWy that tie ahoy* named mawrrat a.propordy. described, pxkOb owked and' labeledand ah,kn�a is lransp s* E.atllio!rdklg lo'Vlif pp bM otTranspotgllok.E lroi►ilteo ,gtedie NaWdoUs twbeiric iitdr erir*C4u0 oily' d+miderisio or list dh llirdoua:wasto IST._ 1 ZIP CODE INFORMATION A HORIZED'S' —TITLE TRANSPORTER THals ocs1htfieabeeptanc.el meabovrmswfl dfoCAlnlonsISYNIandinPropar: iledidoiIlotetirli od treapeent �I[ai�ity. AUTHORIZEDstot'ATURE tirislbar4-_J TREAT ENT„F, if311 This 4 to atlity .thal'accepatnee el di: bovr ha iod i amounts sad .dedoriplleakelyerfkvm the.hamod ntporpet to h storage disposal or needing. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (press hard - 5 copies) MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest DOCUMENT NO RECEIVING FACILITY COMPANY NAME RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATION ADDRESS 1200 N _Se . 137TH_AVENUE CITY " ST. r- ZIP CODE' MIAMI FL 331K2 TELEPHONE CONTACT: 305-225-1423 REMARKS TITLE DATE O MO ENT 'EmEaogOkePlbsou ASSISTANCE Gilt: YELLOW - Equipment PINK - Genetat co c O. MATERIALS' GENERATOR r. COMPANY NAME ADDRESS r CITY f r TELEPHONE CONTACT: I.O. NO.: CUST. P.O. GENERATOR This is a: co* peat tea.Moose namrrd moiovialis,p►pl elincritiod. sMdmisod. rttmkod and i(IUelNsifnd ara,Il ;} IraMpotdniraIo Iha spplae*bIs Loin' of Tr niporladon E nnantat Ar ilfCdcnlljjinq M hazardous subsume.*Oat would .causa ply°waste to?be chraear',sdo tw tisud hszardoua,inisb. ST. I ZIP COOE • AUTHORIZEOISIGNATURE (prausdhr if b oopia1):;:, TRANSPQ1i'E This N t. cSd1 tdN tans : a..aihi,orIONGn ItiVirlitviiiHON8H140t Postmsat AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (Oros■ hard •;35'oopec) r TITLE TREATMENT FACILITY This Is o pig), IIN aoeaptance et the above r ano aus and d.sal0tddria Ois n kstn the ASfIlisil ti Morals disposal or ric"ydinp AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (press hard . 1 coplas) r MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest DOCUMENT NO. RECEIVING FACILITY COMPANY NAME RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATION ADDRESS 1200 N.W. 137TH;,AVENUE ZIP CODE ern, MIAM( CONTACT: TITHE 1 DATE bt SHIPMENT EN F30 N 1(dATdD"gPILL'A9SISTANCE Cd: ST. - ZIP CODE;: FL 31IIS? YELLOW - Equipment o• ( a► • r r r r r r r r 1121W MATERIA GENERATOR COMPANY NAME AGGRESS CITY TELE PHONE CONTACT: 1.0. NO.: CUST. P.O. 21P CODE INFORMATION MATERIAL CFrSCRIPTION AND DOT SHIPPING NAME GENERATOR Tits it to malty tl'ari+o avow edunitd:simmtiat is pt. dssodbod ,packaged marked arro JaDatod Ind err in kdnapertk+pi XVthfQID1(15 ppgpab�er Y�'ir o1T►anapoission.En*ManirMIMPAcienay1nd hazardous subsuoneas shit would taus• atgr;.«ralteiF fo bs. chvsotwlsic o. voted Nimiudous *astir: AUTHORIZED: SIGNATURE(press, hari TITLE TRANSPORTER. This Is a a rdlpha`aa. oplancro tl— deseupdonrsilottsand inp,opu:condtloi4. i" tnav+sonl fat*: AUTHORIZEO'SIGNATU[ (pnss`.iard ?6 i TITLE TREATMENTFACII This isso catty shr Icoeapuna of 1M. li aone and deialpio`i C914n from 1ha Ain swops disposal o' neyi;iMsg. AUTHORRED SIGNATURE (press hard - 5 copies). TITLE MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest TRANSPORTER DOCUMENT NO. RECEIVING FACILITY COMPANY NAME RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATION ADDRESS 1200 N.H. 137TIt.AVENUE 1.0. NO.: ZIP COOP a: 33Ix2 FLD981758414 REMARKS I DATE OF SHIPMENT • OAERGENCY.AfPO SPIV. AStiSTAWCE Gan: YELLOW - Equipment GOLDEI r r• t Mrii ATERIALS." MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest DOCUMENT NO. GENERATOR TRANSPORTER RECEIVING FACIUTY COMPANY NAME COMPANY NAME COMPANY NAME RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATION ADDRESS ADOBE SS ITY TELEPHONE ST. I ZIP CODE CITY TELEPHONE ST. ZIP CODE ADDRESS 1200 N.H. 137TK; AVENUE CITY ST.` ZIP CODE: MIAMI FL I 331 x^ TELEPHONE 305-225-1423 CONTACT: CONTACT: CONTACT: r.1o. NO.: UST. P.O. 1.D. NO.: M.S. NO:: ID. NO.: FLD98175.848¢ INFORMATION r FGENERATOR This is to codify that the show named mai.a.l is. dssatbsd. p.Nlsped. mwlisd . td Isbel d s[ . usnsportit� 'sccordlnp IOYir pIcsEid �!l of Transpo Biala nINI0MSAtil P. hazardous suitIh bstancs1 Would cistrr i chsrsasristic of tis e0 hsis,dous rasa AUTHORIZED SIGNATL%%E :(p'ss H.. TITLE FTRANSPOFIVR. tloscoodoys: nett sq.in. n avow'k AUTHORIZED SIONATURE;(prdis hard ITLE TREATMENT FAOIUTY rThis is. ss cetilx ft acwpiarsc• of lhs ebo amowtis ano sd desdipdh!eii lrom IMlvIiPi d storaQdi e sposal:or rscydin'p., AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (press hard=- S'copN ); . . DATE OF SH REMARKS Elr e3" EttdfxNO oto. AS§itTA t: N YELLOW - Equipment .J 0. THE a♦: r MATERIALS'' MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manliest DOCUMENT NO. GENERATOR TRANSPORTER RECEIVING FACIUTY COMPANY NAME ADDRESS /" CITY r r r r r r r r r TELEPHONE COMPANY NAME ADDRESS CITY TELEPHONE ST. COMPANY NAME RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATION ADDRESS 1200 N.W. 137THAVENUE ZIP CODE CITY ST_ ZIP COOEi:; MIAMI FL i3182 TELEPHONE 305-225-1423 CONTACT: CONTACT: CONTACT: 1.0. NO.: OUST. P.O. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND DOT SHIPPING NAIL GENERATOR TN. Is to certify that -the above named materiel is-preporSy4lassISml. d serlbsd, packaged. moulted st0.100s40d and am .I ODn p�tYER a transporting oordb g io tl+s sylpIioa i e ngulstions e( .:.. `.{. °., elTranspenadon. EneIren erntiOroticlienAp.ngsnd e%noCO:kGor huardow sobata}toae I1►st wouldiESsrst ol�r: waste cob c4atsii d si a charact.ristic'orlistsd halsrdouswsstt.. AUTHORIZED: SIGNATURE (pus Band,-.S4copios).. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (pi $u hard - 6.copies). TITLE TREATUENT FACT UTY This Is to:catty; th. `aoc.ptanc •e: Vlo sbers amounts and:dtsoilp6SWgivan ib m ki. namo►d *suit storage disposal o►'ircynp. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (press hard - 3 oopi.$) mar OATE OF SHIPMENT EMERGENCY AHD- SPILL` ASSISTANCE Cie 1i I.D. NO.: to. MID:: FLD981758485 YELLOW - Equipment a INFORMATION REIUARISS as • O` GENERATOR COMPANY NAME ADDRESS CITY TELE PHONE CONTAcr: t.D. NO.: COST. P.O. ST. INFORMATION r r r r r ZIP CODE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND: DOT SHIPPING SOME GENERATOR TNs Is to curdy, toot tds•atwvs.rn dotalbod. padcagsd mstlisd atedjaAi trangno O:b tlis tep �ts' o1TroOsoo1at(sn.E0.d iAO.ncysn0 hiN hazudow . substances' Pus astird ;Carus oiy +ratx. is M cIaUiisd ss t a .C1 rissto bsNd>hszs►doua?,NleRit.. MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest TRANSPORTER COMPANY NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE IttroMIIII rd•=. S.coOios) • TITLE TRANSPORTER. TNsts td t it �yl(es .ccsptnMa dssedpitostsa E diii:pt oe tr atnt:m AUUTHORtZED StGNATtJRE (prlsaf TITLE TREATIIESIT FACILITY This is to cur Iy th. aecapt.ncu>ot ttavaboV..nam.d u amounts and d:,wip}Eons given tlrenn tt»ii* oe Vani.Porbj stomas disposal oI rtitydikg. • DATE-OF1 SHIP{]EN, AUTHORIZED. SIGNATURE (prosCitord - S copies) TITLE WEe-EkPar- DOCUMENT NO. RECEIVING FACILITY COMPANY NAME RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATION ADDRESS 1200 N.W. 137TH4VENIJE CITY MIA M I TELEPHONE CONTACT: t.0. NO.: DATE OF SHIPMENT : = EMERGENCI''ANOgP1LL ASSISTANCE Cal: ST. FL 305-225-1423 REMARKS ZIP CODE 33Ix2 YELLOW - Equipment PINK - Generator (Frcst) A INTO THE 6 IU a V .c 0 0 r MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest DOCUMENT NO. GENERATOR TRANSPORTER RECEIVING FACIUTY rCOMPANY NAM ADDRESS lb". CITY TELEPHONE COMPANY NAME ADDRESS COMPANY NAME RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATION ADDRESS 1200 N.W. 137TWAVEN)E CITY ' ST. 1 ZIP CODE: 1 FL ! 331K ST. I ZIP COOE CITY ST. ZIP CODE TELEPIONE MIAM1 TELEPHONE CONTACT: CONTACT: CONTACT: 305-225-1423 I.D. NO.: CUST. P.O. r r r f r r r INFORMATION GENERATOR. Thla K.10 cviily that die abow•.namad,mat0 is p opoidp:eisasllPd.: dsscdbsd paaklgod-markad arldaabNod4nd:arp 6 propaT cq .tTon for; vanspoiD*g aeexwdlndlo t11s applic bM rAdulado+is of th0 S Ms tmsrtt; of Tran/porlaa on, EnvironmslliiP+peaehan A94 ncyaund de ns A$.1o+de or hsiavdoua sdeslanois dri -weu(d etwa otter :wasa 1 b. otassifod chsrsporlfo'or iistidf`l uvdo+oa was»: AUTHORIZED. IGNAAT s{prssi iioi I.D. NO. M.S. NO.: TITLE TRANSPORTER_ TNa Is gtok<ily WO astep1SAc oti dseCAydoni:9Mwi IONM'preytrt&?t+ds infanta,* ta,* E1Erky: AUTHORIZED SNOM JRE Oraaliard ebovs nR'nndr k trsR$er(itoetin AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Oren hard-.:5 copies) TITLE I DATE.Ot SHIPMENT IO. NO.: FLD981: 58485 REMARKS MER AND SPILL ASSISTANCE Call: YELLOW • Equipment r r r i r f f r r r r MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest DOCUMENT NO. GENERATOR. TRANSPORTER RECEIVING FACIUTY COMPANY NAME ADDRESS COMPANY NAME ADDRESS COMPANY NAME RINKER PIATERIALS CORPORATION ST. ) ZIP CODE CITY ST. ZIP CODE TELEPHONE CONTACT: O. NO.: GUST. P.O. INFORMATION MATERIAL DESCRIPTION -AND 00T SHIPPING NAME:` GENERATOR This Is q artily Mt fro .00vi named: sehei*I is sip dasgibad Padkspsd msrksd and Iaboii*.s-ii' sus in vsnspo inpiii$00:101p Ie.1h a1p14a of Trsnsporgtibn; Env,ownsnl& Pots " nalsrdou$'subs tancI$ oat would Owl charm:Wade (*listed ktisiardaus AUTHORIZED S1GH TUBE (press laird _ 5? Q)i , TELEPHONE CONTACT: 1.0. NO.; M.S. NO:: TITLE TRANSPORTER" This Is tocsaty'S o oul , dssedPtFOAiphNlIIIiII oa vsaottsnt lic fihr. AUTHORIZED -SIGNATURE (Pr+sst hia' TITLE TREATMENT F.AOILTTY This is to cordly I. acceptance: of thovidiova. n amounts and dasCrlpdonS:0Yan from he natnod,asnti slorspe disposal or ricydinp. AUT'HORIZED'SIGNATURE Week -herd . S:copies) QOT ID IOW `NAN ADDRESS 1200 N.W. 137TH_AVENUE CRY ST. ZIP CODE M1:1�71 FL 33IK? TELEPHONE 305-225-1423 CONTACT: I.O. NO.: FL1109817504.85 LDAi OF I1 :SUBMIUED 1 TITLE IDAT a Of SHIPMENT. REMARKS EIUlERGEI1CvAI4D0014LL"ASSISTANCE a YELLOW - Equipment 0. a. LU 0 0 0 PINK - Generator (First) g' MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest DOCUMENT NO. GENERATOR TRANSPORTER RECEIVING FACIUTY COMPANY NAME ADDRESS r CITY TELEPHONE pp r r r r r r r r r COMPANY NAME ADDRESS ST ZIP FIc6_cIr. ST. TELEPHONE COMPANY NAME RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATION ADDRESS 1200 N.w. 137TH:=AVENUE ZIP CODE CITY ST. ZIP CODE=. M1:\MI f FL. 33182 TELEPHONE 305-225-1923 CONTACT: CONTACT: CONTACT: LD. NO.: ID. NO.: I.D. NO.: CUST. P.O. M B. Nt : FI;D981758485 INFORMATION REMARKS' MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND DOT SHIPPING NAME S• OUANT. 1T.1JU ME COOK. ER . GENERATOR This Is to certify *+nt the mbar• nand material u pre red desedb*d..padlap d. nwtkf8 and Isbalad.<and w. In vansportlnp.accord4+a q tbsapp/gble retiplatiOrtf of of Trarnportstion. Ear orw*HOPrCoserkinAgangand hazardous substances *iatleauld cause oily waste characteristic or wad hazardous was*. AUTHORIZED SIONATURE'(prs;s hard •5 copies) TITLE TRANSPORERR Tres is mAear$iry the sae noe41. deseripdonVg$ ron irW w'041 ''eoalfdliortiT rGay ueawnent laalGly: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (prsss.hard • 6eopies) I TREATMENT FACIUW • This Is 10 aardtr rre ; Wtesof the ;nbo amounts .V.d'dfiibripttoits_ 11teh•.the named storage dIsposai or racrdieg_ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (prasa-nerd 5 amiss) TITLE i DATE OF SHIPMENT TO THE EMERGENCY AND SPILL -ASSISTANCE Cat YELLOW - Equipment GOLDENROD - Transporter's Copy PINK -Generator (First) MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest DOCUMENT NO. GENERATOR TRANSPORTER RECEIVING FACIUTY rCOMPANY HAW ADDRESS r CITY r" I.D. NO.: TELEPHONE r r r r r r r TITLE CONTACT: 1 ST. pip CODE COMPANY NAME ADORESS CITY COMPANY NAME' RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATION ADDRESS 1200 N .4J. 137TH .. VENUE TELEPHONE ST. ZIP CODE CITY MI AAMI TELEPHONE KM1 ST. ZIP CODE;: 1 FL 331:12 305-225-1423 CONTACT: CONTACT: 1.0. NO.: I D. NO.: COST. P.O. r MS. NO.: INFORMATION MATERIAL DESCRIPTIONAND DOT SNIPPING NAME GENERATOR • Iris is to:cerdly Mouths above nornbd modal ►s,properlly deasliled. desenbed p .M. mer.tOd• f Mad and an rt. r oon400.11 nt aanspoAnoaeege'db»�p 0lodI gt aims Obpa +itt of Tni sp VIsthe . E,rartn+ba •1►leh AQIetoyindacrtgttns no pbc or hazardous wb'stanbss that, Moyld rttsecoijr.vraste I N'.daulti d as.a. ehararaeristieet d'lluardouls v Ip AUTHORIZED.SIGNATURE (preee hdrd S poplet) TRANSPORTER. This Is so Or* th..ccsptance o! the above misled descnpdonsgiven end•iapreper tiddi`tbtYtorganepgrtt treavil re fatAiy. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Iptess hard • S.eopiss) • DA7CCOF` SNIPmENT. TITLE TREATM.ENT FACILITY This Is to certify the eoeeptence of the stove named material kt the amounts end descdpilisnirglion kern the nestled transients( ier Vestment storage dispose! or'recyding SHIP1iAENTa AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (press hard . 5 copies) TITLE 6ITE OF SHIPMENT SPE FLD981758485 REMARKS SUBMITfEU INTO THE DISCREPANCY INFO: EMERGENCY AND' SPILL ASSISTANCE Cori YELLOW - Equipment rn cc PINK- Generator (First) GENERATOR 11." COMPANY NAME ADDRESS CITY sT, zip CODE TELEPHONE r —CONTACT: 1.0. NO.: r r r d r r r CUST. P.O. INFORMATION GENERATOR. TMs Is to cattily that the above: named .naMrial is propony.014181R84 Sdild described. paekapsd marked and 10bdad and atI inpp vsnspoitlnO accdrd#np so:pN epp�'eabreregil docTt olxl*' , uiTrwrpertstioA,Envtronn+Mtalee*SiepionAy nytardeen*Ina'ne>nxiodi hazardous :aubutaaaa'that witu Gauss•oily wasts tostii:Cla"ssified u cr+araesilsiic:or'.riilad hasivdousMxrsi.. MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest TRANSPORTER COMPANY NAME ADDRESS DOCUMENT NO. RECEIVING FACIUTY COMPANY NAME RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATION Q ADDRESS W 1200 N.W. 137TH.,AVENUE CITY MIA MI TELE PHONE ST. ZIP COOS°'. FL 33182 0 -J W 305-225-1423 > FrD98175848,�5 REMARKS AUTHORIZEDSIGNATURE (ptess4fiud- 5 copies) TITLE TRANSPORTR TNska I s:aecsptsnpo desalpio0100: aod/Apbpir.,t Ycalmsnt MCP4iy. • AUTHORED SIGNATURE (press hard •;.6 copibsj': DATE,SHIPME TITLE TREATMENT-F.ACtUTY` This is to cer�. ylhs aot:opanos .of the •sooty n sekti amounts and detiaipljonsiveri irottitto named whit sto+sOrdlaposdot rscydln0. AUTHORIZED -SIGNATURE (press hard 6 copies) TITLE` IDATE OF SHIPMENT' " EMERGENCYA D SPILL ASSISTANCE VW GOI PINK Ganorato MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest DOCUMENT NO. GENERATOR TRANSPORTER RECEIVING FACIUTY ri COMPANY NAME ADOHESS I" Cm TELEPHONE re CONTACT: I.D. NO.: ST. COMPANY NAME ADORE SS ZIP COOS ST. COMPANY NAME RINIER MATERIALS CORPORATION ADDRESS 1200 N.W. 137TH :,AVENUE ZIP CODE TELEPHONE CONTACT: I.D. NO.: MIAMI CRY ST. ZIP COW. I FL 3318_i TELEPHONE 305-225-1423 CONTACT: 10.NO: GUST. P.O. M.S. NO.: FLD9817581.85 " INFORMATION REMARKS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND DOT SHIPPING NAME CLASS. _,, , 1 QUANT. VOLUTE, CONTA04- ER. GENERATOR This b to codify that the above named famed* 1s propetdy CMsli) dsscdbsd packaged m*ihked and:labeled xng arty in Erq tnnspotlinQ aeccestingt:Io the appieaN. roQW sons of elTtarispodalkk. EmbirottatatIVITOiSleli0PASteitcYandee hazardous ,substanno d►ai would :aaus.-ofk wasto to: bs . charadorbie oriistod hatardow w.sw. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (psKd tiard .S co9ies) TITLE TRANSPORTER: This R to burly tltb iicolpItmerkedlIWIIMireAMBIMI daeuladorii•plvon and kspiopsr+oodeldentot to tnotnienedeapi, AUTHORIZEDSN3NATURE (Ma* hard S,00pimst).: TREATMENT FACILITY This is All witty the Acceptance: of Iht aaovo namtid mstedsw �.. amounts and dsserlpions Ivenaroin the nanl 6:trinspokor toi v a ... storage disposeiof tsoyeiklg. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (press hoe5 copies) TITLE IDATE OF SHIPMENT EMERG N6fi► AND 'SPILL ASSISTANCE Call: YELLOW - Equipment 8 N O cc z W PINK - Generator (First) c r 1 MATERIALS''" MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest DOCUMENT NO GENERATOR TRANSPORTER RECEIVING FACIUTY COMPANY NAME ADDRESS rCITY [sT. TELEPHONE ForCONTACT: r r r I.D. NO.: COMPANY NAME ADDRESS COMPANY NAME RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATION ADDRESS 1200 N.W. 137TH ;AVENUE ZIP CODE CITY T. ZIP CODE CITY MIAMI :ST. FL TELEPHONE TELEPHONE 305-225-1423 ZIP CODE, 131y2 CONTACT: CONTACT: OUST. P.O. I.D. NO.: I:O. NO.: FLG9$1758484 INFORMATION REMARKS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND DOT SHIPPIIIG'NAIE CLASS Dar q. LINIfNM. COIIfAN EIS: GENERATOR This is to candy that the above;nsuned Materi SrproWetly daaNRod. described. /*skived. marted.aaai[b.led;ard:ar. Ik:prop condllon lor: n a transporting according to Pppfcabis tegfda5Oni.t tlieEt S D..rutteei � of Transportation. En onnlMial otechonAvilrs}randeorttansnotoxtror hazardous substances that wo;/d tones oNr web. to be dassifad as a charederlstio or Mated Hazardous waste. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE. (tries -:hard . Staples) TRANSPORTER This estogodly hesoetiptanc.oldieaiiii •in l descriptions given and l eprop.rcondilton lei pin* Pianism welt y. • AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE 1pr.0- Md - S eOPies)'. r TREATMENT FACILITY Thisis to candy the acceptance of tie above ntunod matel(al.In the amounts and doaapdeds-eh ercliors ate namrd:Iti*SPorieCIOreritivaore. storage disposd or rstcrding. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (press hard - 5 copies} TITLE IDATE OF SHIPMENT EfiAERGENCYKi dSPILLASISTANCE.CaN: YELLOW • Equipment GOLDENROD • Transporter's Copy PINK - Generator (First) MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest DOCUMENT NO. GENERATOR TRANSPORTER RECEIVING FACIUTY COMPANY NAME COMPANY NAME COMPANY NAME RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATION ADDRESS ST. TELEPHONE ZIP CODE ADDRESS CITY TELEPHONE S ZIP CODE ADDRESS 1200 N.W. 137TH ., VENVE CITY MIA MI TELEPHONE ST. ZIP CODE` FL 33la? 305-225-1423 CONTACT: r r r r r I.D. NO.: CONTACT: CONTACT: COST P.O. 1:D. NO.: M.S. NO.: I.D. NO.: F,LD98.1758:985 INFORMATION MATERIAL DESCRIPTIONAND. DOT SHIPPING NAME ID REMARKS M GENERATOR This Is to coley that Ihs above named matstial is proportly da ll ed desurbed. packagod.:maraed and IsbaI d s aan ui p cpu O d Ior. iranapoAnpKOtlyding mdl• applcabl�`r.gSf#0/ s 0f ., ant`. 0ITransportation.Emrteenmantal and•eoo `i ntno10lticol hazardous substances that would caAulit waits m s dassiftd, tie a. charactirisdc or teed hazardous Gatti, AUTHORIZED= SIGNATURE (mesa - TITLE t .TRANSPORTER This is tepidly the.sccaplana olthti o descdpdona given and in Proper cortd?tiNi`iti►,rsjtip treatment Malty. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (Press iatd4 1COpios) TREATt1EFIT FACILITY I This is at way ea tousle/ice softhe abo nan.AtmaIud = n 1ha, amounts and descriptions oiwn Iretnihoviims0-rransyorldr. keatrnent storage deposal or reading/. COCA:IF SHIPMENT.. 1.4 r t r- AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (Press hard • S copies' TITLE DAT CbDAT CV 1HIP1AENT DIS,PATCH•.INFo . EMERGENCY ANO SPILL ASSISTANCE Call: YELLOW • Equipment a. 8 PINK • Generator (First) c c cc z. r r r r r r r MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest DOCUMENT NO. GENERATOR TRANSPORTER RECEIVING FACILITY COMPANY NAME COMPANY NAME ADDRESS CITY TELE PHONE ZIP CODE AOORESS COMPANY NAME RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATION ADDRESS 1200 N.W. 137TH ;,AVENUE CITY T. ZIP CODE CITY M1Ah41 ST. FL ZIP CODE . 33IR2 TELEPHONE TELEPHONE 305-225-1423 CONTACT: CONTACT: CONTACT: I.D. NO.: 1.0. NO.: NO.: OUST. P.O. M.S. NO:: Ft.D98.1458485 INFORMATION REMARKS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND DOT SHIPPING'NALIE DOTI) • ER, r2 GENERATOR This b /o artily that 1M above named, material is Propsclly Mled dascv bed packaged.. marked and labolrrd;and are in pqfot. transporting aabofd10g Kr the applicable npuhbons of KM li S 0sp iinsnl of Trarapertadon. Eneronmsnssl ProlecdoriAgency vtdcentilnsri6Yauo or hazardous substances that would .cause oiy waste to be• claisified: as a charecSNstla or listed hazardous waste. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (press hard • 5 cope1 • .;;TRANSPORTER Ttr4kt I0csvlal r She aocaptanp"ot ei eoiwirt InetiWsI dasCntpdon.S vsnand rn p op•rbd.iditiori danop`orl tnarriattt fad*. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (press nerd • 5 copies) TREATMENT iFAcaltn, The .Is to a.effy the iccopfanoa of tM=above ns a, amounis Ind d Kripdoni &hnn,iron thItnsrned Par pwtsr i storage dispotal,or recycling. AUTHORIZEDSIGNATURE (prep hard - 6 copies) TITLE DISPJITcWiti FO IDATt Of SHIPMENT EMERGENCY ANO SPILL ASSISTANCE CIL YELLOW - Equipment GOLDENROD -. Transporters Copy PINK - Generator (First) '5 0 c MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest DOCUMENT NO. GENERATOR TRANSPORTER RECEIVING FACILITY r4 COMPANY NAME COMPANY NAME COMPANY NAME RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATION ADDRESS CRY TELE PHONE 7 CONTACT: r r r c r r rr r 1.0. N0.: - r ST. ADDRESS ADDRESS 1200 N.W. 137TH•AVENUE ZIP CODE CITY TELEPHONE CONTACT: 1.0.. NO.: ST. ZIP CODE CITY MIAMI ST. ZIP CODE-. FL 331E2 TELEPHONE CONTACT: 305-225-1423 FM98175:8485 GUST. P.O. INFORMATION MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND DOT SHIPPiNG.NAIrE GENERATOR TNs is so certify that the above named material is propatly;classified. described. packaged —marked and labeled and aN n plop. con llon for vansporting.ccordkt0 toM» applicable resuliticirisoUthe0Filemirtrisent of Traneportedon. EnvitenmenI& Probetion AOfetcy and i Aiosbsiado(: hazardous substanoss it at would.c.uaa oey Wawa • be4eitsifedM eharacurdsde or lisle hiuu.rdous west:. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (preas;llard • S'Copies). M.S. NO.: TITLE TRANS'PORTER• TNs Is to ow* Ms acceptance o/'Iho above Yribte4& doscripdonagiven srSe11 top►ruoidtttonfor4-#4**t d uoapnent Malay. • AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (meet hard - S•oopiss) TtTt DATE;QF SNIPP. KT" TREATMENT FACIUYTY Ties Is 10 certify tM actaptdnea.of the -ebOvo horned Afsterftt Id, amounts end deseripttona given from Mt nan ad kansp0 &10i lrbaon 1,01 storage disposal or recyct(np. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (press herd - 5 copies) TITLE REMARKS 6ATEW" SHIPMENT. EMERGENCY AND SPILL ASSISTANCE Call: E c m E a c w 0 J W >- c m • r MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION Transportation & Receiving Manifest DOCUMENT NO. GENERATOR TRANSPORTER RECEIVING FACIUTY COMPANY NAME COMPANY NAME COMPANY NAME MATERIALS CORPORATION ADDRESS ADDRESS _RINKER ADDRESS 1200 N.M. 137TH_AVENUE CITY ! ST. 1 ZIP COOE CITY 1! ! ST. 1 I ZIP CODE CITY MIAMI ST_ FL ZIP coop' 33 i$ TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE 305-225-1423 CONTACT : ~ CONTACT: r _ CONTACT: — ID. NO.: 1.0. NO.: 1.0. NO.: FLD981758485 COST. P.O. M.S. NO.: INFORMATION REMARKS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND DOT SHIPPING'NAIAE CLASS DOT ID UN& NM WANT- VOLUME CONTAIN. ESI GENERATOR THt is to cerhiy that the above Hamad mauliat is property ciassIf W. das ribed. packaged. marked and labelled and me In proper.00nditlon for. vanspordng according IDttm applicable rpnlulons of the (10. Department of Transportation. Environmental Protection Agency andcoriaains no toxic or hazardous substances tun would cause oily waste to be elassifed as a characteristic or listed hazardous wane: AUTHORIZED SK)NATURF..(press hard • S copes) __ DISPATCH INFO: Soled: DRIVER: A►riw Schott TRUCK: - Ache* GROSS TARE NET ryryrye as SPECIAL Ir TITLE OTLt E'OE SHIPMENT D INTO THE TRANSPORTER This is.tacirs'fy she acaptence of the above matedatitl desafptionsgivenandinpoperrooidlponkir=transporttotediiikiredb.Sr comment f6dity. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (press hard -6 copies) a ounts and P UB L I R ECOE) R FOR COMP ` _ I O ii O ADDRESS. -Dk 1 TITLE We Of 'SHIPMENT ST ZIP CODE ' TELEPHONE ,. TREATMENT FACILITY This 4 to certify the acceptance of tho'ebovo named material In the amounts and doscriptions given from the named Irsnsporror-lor trammel.% Kofatie disposal Or rleydk+g• - AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (gross hard • S copies) • DISCREPANCY INFO: -. TITLE DATE OF SHIPMENT I EMERGENCY AND _SPILL ASSISTANCE Can: YELLOW - Equipment