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Submittal FLUM Amendment
PARC ��ifs L I m i t 2. Znninn . 1P Andrew W.J. Mc. an Attorney at Law. 4!c Naples, FL T: (239) 597-701 7 F: (239) 597-2899 Miami, FL T: (305) 758-362I F: (305) 758-0508 Law Offices of ANDREW DICK AN, P.A. P.O.Box 771390 Naples, FL 34 107 andrewdickman®bellsouth. net �,+_;^..andrewdickman.us L Amen ent (parcel 3) Zoning Chan 'o (parcel 3) Approval (parcel 3) 1 Parcel 1 Needs Variances to complete epiat ai Herald nonoonfor hies become enlar ed Illegal OD RAD A' C-2 LiberalCo-mercial. rZ ! S Intent an ecr §z_Itetil The liberal coinniercial category allows coinniercial activities which serve the needs of other businesses, require extensive loading facilities, and often benefit from proximity to industrial areas. The district is also Mtended to allow a niix of office tvith retail uses. Hotels. motels, rescue missions and residential facilities of a density equal to R-3 or higher are the only residential uses allowed in this district. The district permits four (4) types of uses which distinguish C-1 from C- 2_ including wholes sling, light assemblage, secondhand merchandise sales and other outdoor sales_ Minimum lot size: Ten thousand (10.000) square feet. Setbacks: Front - no setback required_ side - no setback required, or the same as the abutting district, whichever is greater rear - ten (10) feet, or the same as the abutting district, whichever is greater_ Minimum lot width: One hundred (100) feet. Height: One hundred twenty (120) feet or ten (10) stories, whichever is less. except for hrof? i € one_lundre feet irr hei bt- sPe sec_tion-- 1 S Floor area ratio: Maximum of one and seventy -two -hundredths (1.72) times the gross lot area. Building footprint: Maximum of six -tenths (0.60) times the gross lot area. Green space: Minimum of one -tenth (0.10) times the gross lot area_ Offs t get Pw *iF:g ReePli'°elmen ts: C7e ;e al : As for `-1 uses. Other uses not itzc11uck d in C-] or specifically listed below,. Minimum of one (1) space per one thousand (1.000) square feet of gross floor area_ iniware of ses: Minimum. of one (1) space per one hundred (100) storage units and one (1) space for the facility manager. Garages, paint and bocb.. shops: Three (3) spaces for each service bay or stall. Flea markets: Minimum of one (1) paring space per stall and one (1) parking space for each five hundred fifty (550) square feet of gross sales area. Property Information Map Digital Orthophotography - 2006 .,.L ..",a ,. created ✓I• 10.25/2006 9 39: ?? ieo Ste 2002 Miami-Daoe County Ail rights reserved. 183 ft also N erty ress. Summary Details: HERALD P KNIGHT -RIDER NEWSPAPERS INC KNIGHT RIDDER PROPERTY TAX 1 HERALD PLAZA 6TH FLR `AIAMI FL 33132-1609 rroperty tntotmauon: nmary 'one: .00 LIBERAL K OMMERCIAL BEM 13 OFFICE BUILDING d`I3aths: loom. . ivin• Units: $ �i i Sq -eta^e. •04,146 Lot Size- 47.421 SQ FT 44ffr- 1963 ear Built tl.egaI Description. HERALD PARK PB 12 -4 TR LOT SIZE 5.680 AC MIL tseeuutiuns Taxable Value ,058,41 34,738,94 fai5 One Property Lot size 5.68 ac Historical Context. • he birth of "Mega tructures • Existing Streets Streets 'Yost" due to Development CRA Redevelopment Plan FINAL DRAFT T-s REDEVELOPMENT PLAN OVERVIEW The second component was the effort to create Miami's first "suburban" commercial destination, which began with the development of Sears at 13th Street and Biscayne Boulevard in 1929. Later developments would include the Jordan -Marsh department store in 1953, complete with its entrance oriented toward a rear parking lot with 3,000 spaces. The Jordan Marsh building would eventually evolve into the Omni Mall in the late 1970's. The Omni Mall, the Miami Herald Building (completed in 1960 )and the area hotel development on the waterfront all play a role in segregating the remainder of the area from Biscayne Bay through the overall scale of the buildings and their physical and visual obstruction to Biscayne Bay. Omni area historical street grid Omni Mall and area hotels o�. 36 jects era! 0 I II i prow boo u� he Vier; e—Farce ills°�d�'^�IdVldoiYli i'VI"0 Ili�iol'7„,;��I�h�l�lllliifl' I III II 111 I IIIIIIIIIIII 11!jp1pJu( IIll''IA'Iuu'uuIuYG'IuUIllluiluttile,m(6S ' U'jUuuul, Ills uiiluUUuuu a i1i''� No. Marne F ours Units Status 110 E EC 1. Herald Square (Parcels 1+3) 63 1,145* Public Hearings 2. Performing Arts Center - Under Construction 3. City Square & City Towers 62 985* Design Review 4. Florida Grand Opera 57 300* Approved (Class II) 5. 1490 Biscayne 65 850* Approved 6. The Chelsea (1550 Biscayne) 52 365* Approved 7. Omni Development 72 4,352* Design Review 8. 1650 Biscayne 60 896* Approved 9. Bayview Market (Retail Center) 5 24* Approved 10. Urbana Tower 37 100* Design Review 11. Ellipse 24 267 Approved 12. Opera Tower 56 635* Under Construction it -Indicates Mixed -Use Project with Retail and/or Office uses 111111111 0® . THE F 06-00383mu - Projects in the Vicinity (Parcel 3) et Lot 1 ross Lot 1 i 4.58 acres i 7.27 acres Tract A 1.1 acres 1 2.6 acres 5.68 1 9.33 acres Gross Lot Area 89,715 sq.ft. 406,396 sq.ft. --.2 Liberal a,=-mmerciai _----oninq R-,,oulaboi as Required Before Replotting Required After RESULT OF HERALD SELLING PARCEL 3 Replotting Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) = 1.72 times the gross lot area 699,001 544,591 The square footage of the Herald/printing press building is 604,146. Removing "parcel 3" would cause the structure/lot to be nonconforming to the C-2 requirements. Maximum Building footprint = 0.60 times the gross lot = area 243,638 - - ---- - 190,009 The footprint of the Herald/printing press building may already be nonconforming. The removal of parcel 3 enlarges this nonconformity. Minimum Greenspace = 0.10 times the gross lot area 40,640 - - 31,668 _ The parking lot (parcel 3) is not greenspace because it is an impervious surface. Therefore .93 acres of greenspace does not exist now. Removing parcel 3 enlarges this nonconformity. Offstreet Parking requirements for uses not included in C-1 or specifically listed below: Minimum of 1 space per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. 604 -------- 604 - The Her/printing press needs and uses Parcel 3 for parking. It is unlikely the minimum parking requirement is being met now, a nonconformity which would certainly be enlarged by the removal of its parking on parcel 3. Incorporate parcel 1 MUSP into the record ARTICLE 2.5. DEF]INITIONS Lot area:gross. T e net area ti lot, as defined herein, plus half of adjoining street rights -of -way and severity (70) feet of any other public open space such as parks, lakes, rivers, bays, public transit right-of-way and the like_ For areas included in applicableSpecial Districts (SD-5, 6, 7, 10, 11, -14, 16), the dross lot area shall include net area of the lot plus half of adjoining street rights -of -way and ninety (90) feet ;of any other public open space such as parks, lakes, rivers, bays, public transit right-of-way and the like_ In both cases, where such space adjoins lots on two (2) adjacent sides; the area thus added shall include the area required to complete the gap otherwise left at the intersection. Nonconforming structure. Any building or structure where the nonconformity was created by ordinance adoption or amendment, as provided at section 1101,2 of this ordinance. The element Of useeis not afactor in determining structural nonconformity Thus a stitibtfire—iiii nonconforming use is not to be construed as a nonconforming structure if otherwise lawful under district regulations concerning lot dimensions, lot coverage, height, yards, location on the lot. floor area ratio, or requirements other than those applying to use. _ Green space_ An open space area not occupied by impervious surfaces, and located at ground level. a cel 3 is ()V C 1 0 4 TIE 1) 2 15 v; I uN 11- Sec. 1101. Intent;general definition. Ilot 1. Nonconformities created by ordinance adoption or amendment. The following shall be defined as nonconforming for the purpose of this ordinance: (a) Lots; (b) Uses of lands, water or structures, or lands or waters in combination with structures; (c) Structures; and Aoal (d) Characteristics of use; which exist within districts established by this ordinance or later amendments and which were lawful before passage or amendment of this ordinance, but which would be prohibited, regulated, or restricted under the terms of this ordinance or its future amendment_ 1101_3. intent concerning nonconformitie - generally_ It is the intent of this zoning ordinance to require removal or cessation Of certain of these nonconformities, and to permit others to continue sub'ect to the terms of this zoning ordinance until they are otherwise removed, or cease; but not to encourage their survival, It is further the intent of this zoning ordinance that nonconformities shall not be used as grounds for adding other structures or uses prohibited elsewhere in the same district, nor shall nonconformities be enlarged upon, extended, or expanded_ Nothing herein contained shall be construed s prohibiting change in tenancy, ownership; or management of a nonconforming lot, use, or structure, provided such change is otherwise lawful_ 1104. i . Subdivision or structural additions_ Structures used f r_n ncontoin n pur ses as of the effective date or amendment oi this zoning ordinance shall not be subdivided, nor shall any structures be added on the premises„except for purposes and in' a rear er conforn ing the re tratuoi s ffo Est : ct rct etr premises are located. 1104.8. Destruction of structure or structures_ Where nonconforming use status applies to a structure or structures, or to a structure or structures in combination, removal or destruction of the structure or structures shall eliminate the nonconforming status of the land except as set out in section 1 1g4.g, and any new structure shall comply with all conditions of the district- "Destruction" of the structure for purposes of this subsection is defined as damage to an extent of fifty 50) percent or more of the gross square footage of the building at the time of destruction except in HP districts where the HC board may allow reconstruction of historically designated buildings. Where damage is less than fifty (50) percent of the gross square footage of the building, such structures may be restored to the same or lesser size and in the same location, provided, however; that restoration shall begin within six (6) months of damage and be diligently carried to completion_ and nonconforming use may be resumed and continued as before, or on a lesser scale, through Class II Special Permit subject to the applicable criteria listed in Section 1305, but in any case shall not be enlarged orntensified. Unless restoration is so initiated and completed, the use shall terminate and not be resumed. Sec. 1106. Nonconfor , ing tructures. 1106_ 1. Structural change, extension, or expansion; criter No portion of a building or structure, which is nonconforming shall be enlarged, extended, or altered in any way which increases its nonconformity. No variances from the provisions of section 1106 shall be permitted. Sec. 1113. Variances prohibited. No variances from the provisions of this article are permitted, except as provided in article 7 and article 19. (Ord_ No. 10771, § '1, 7-26-90; Ord_ No. 10863, § 1, 3-28-91) Variance. The relaxation of the terms of the ordinance by approval of the zoning board where such action will not be contrary to the public interest and where, owing to conditions peculiar to the property and not the result of actions of the applicant_ 4 literal enforcement of this ordinance would result in unnecessary and undue hardship on the property. As used in this ordinance, a variance is authorized only for height, lot coverage, dimensions of yards, parking, other open spaces and/or loading requirements. ;:ERBAC=, Pe=it' ne-, .3. --- ,•F r`1fli]:, FLORIDA, ro__tic.a= s.ab iv_s_.= of the Stage of Flor_da, and 02, LLC, a Florida _i:f.'-te.iLLabilL=y espc^de t3. Cps=..iu._ files Y.a 29, i]fi. ..A 1 1, CASE _du. '_L:OS--S";, LOWER IRI3::NrL NC. =- e 7AP As in Hemisphere Eq-_ Lty Real-`} C'. .. Rev 3__cavne ?r,=.;-ert_ ¶Thxpa1 --c As 'r,, 3f,1=3 ._ _ . 2a 996 (Fla. 3d D A 1_ , ) f we f- -'J 7-- basis t'- Lnt.r_;rfP,re with the major special bermtt r -r r N:_1 by the Ccmmission and =pbr v'= b k` the =:1 c _ _ court, , but conclude t. . r - - otherwise �.s t.,_ re -a�_iaz,.::e �� =ate hoLdincf. is based _n the -_mdisputed showing that the : a= -lance , which -resulted in __miss____ for the developer to build to the __;t Line contrary .a_op-o: ih1e setback req ::.remen-s, is totally L.!__s _ vex ,y the lecfa- ly_-, r .... - .-..rr re uLred by the governing :itv of M_ar.i ordinance to _ gas t_fv that Ye1_ef. . See He:r _a v. 6f7 (Eta. 2d 2CA 2023). =he other hand, by invalidating the variance, we reaffirm this Court's solemn promise, whi:h it has steadfastly honored. that }t,se 13y x3±2 not and cannot a22rove a zoning regulation or any aovernmenta2 action a ve s:_ affecting the rights 2f others which is based on no more than the face that those who support it have the sower to work their will. Allapattah Cmty. Asstn, =nc. cf Fia. v. City cf Miami, 379 So. 394 (Fia. 3d =CA __2J:, ::__, denied, 386 So. 2d 633 (F_a. i§3C Ce=t±czazi granted in part, denied in part. hat ha pens if parcel 3 is aprove 11 1. The Existing nonconformities are enlarged, violating Article 11 "Noy conformities" of the City's code of ordinances. 2. Knight -Rider would become more at risk due to the strict policy in Article 11 regarding cessation of nonconformities and their ability to rebuild in the event of 50% destruction of the building. 3. To sell and develop parcel 3, the city requires Tract A to be "replattecY'. 4. In order to replat Tract A, the Herald building ra i ding the printing press must meet the minimum requirements of C-2 zoning. Article 11 precludes the Herald from altering the noncorfor ing building, therefore the only option is to seek variances. 6. Article 11 strictly forbids variances (see section 1113 "Variances Prohibited) 7. The need for variances is a result of actions by the property owner, not hardship. The District Court of Appeals will void the variances in keeping with Auerbach v. Onyx 1 . 3. Depending on the terms of the contract between the developer and Knight - Rider, the sale will not be completed or perhaps litigation will ensue. Objective PW--1,2: Ensure adequate levels of safe water are available to meet the needs of the city.: F, Resource Conservation Objective YR-2.1.,1 Policy LL--1.1.1: Development order. authorizing neP, development a_ :ederelopment that resul-s in an increase in the density or cntensiv: of 12 :id use shall be cent.:igent upon the availabili-te of public facilities end senates that meet or exceed the mininnin_ LOS Standards adopted in the CIE. PolicyCI-1.2.3: Actep:able Level of Serv:ce Standards fo: public fac:lities U1 the Ci v of lv1ianii are: DEPARTMENT OF COSIUNITY AFFAIRS -aodicn!ed Ic mok,n7 ,orldn a bal(or place la calt;:am0' I Nr H- 4= x,M 1 ._f,::,'-+ - >1 t .;terF Af7 C` r,cr i63,n, IL r, thz seeesei Sn:arely, 4 Prcceeef No 06-08 ^ 502ICo6 • CONCIIRRENCY MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS CITY OF hd/AMI PLANNING DEPARTMENT IMPACT OF P ROFOSED AMENDMENT TO LAND USE MAP WITHIN A TRANSPORTATION CORRO+ OR AMEN0.MENT INFORMATION A2pticant Javier F. Avino on behalf of Citsquare Group LLC as contract purchaser and Knight Kidder Newspapers Inc. owner .paler ass: One Heraid Sousse Bo0ndary Streets; NurS'- fisIO 15th Street .Ens:; n/,s South:rAa %Nest: Hewitd Squarn P :`_sod Chionmi From: G;°'ta-a5Cc€:r eroa• To: Rno0t ,ed Ct rnrnotcrot Existing I?Wignatlon, Maximum Lps°J USE Inowsky Peak Hour Person -Trip Generation, Reside.,tint Other aq,N FA e'_ak Flour Person -Trio Genowaticn. Other Proposed Designation, ttaxim m Land Use Intensity Res!eeeTial 1,1 acre.. v :irecre Peek Hour Paean -Trip Genetalron, E'osidcntal Other so—P.0'e FAR Peak Hour Person-Tnp G e-n€rahmi. Oilier Net Increment With Procosee Change; Pcsoda'udn Dw--0tling Units Peak Rosa Person -Trips ! Planning District C°onty AO::Mwater Collection Zone Drainage :Sub-lchment Basin • Sold Waste Ccl'ecOon R rte Transgsmation Cc<r00r Nare 550 Du'_ 276 0 sq.11 50, DJ's 276 0 sq.N. 0 0 0 Downtown 308 K1 16 RELEVANT MCNP GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND POLICIES Land Use Policy l 1.1 CIE Pettey 1.2.3 CONCURKENCY ANALYSIS RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE POPS LOEIon increment, Residents Space Require-man.,eves Excess Capacity Bete a Change Excess Catiatedy A±1W.rChangee Concum -n,, Cheowc8 0 6.00 132.80 82.80 OK F :A3L,i= E,5 R,.i, 1i54iQN Pc, slat v5 mere. isol, Residents . Transmission Reetuttemt; f, g 1 E cese eines io r'e'"e chang. -ooss Caa i_(?:.`3,3 Concurrency Cher=-ok{ 0 - shove demand 2:-0 seso,e demo ii OK SANITARY -0RY SEWER TRANSMISSION Population Increment Reskients Transmisoinn P q .;-om n1. 0r4 Excess. Cacsaey 3-&ire Change ` xceos Cana,s y Aida r C;hanae coin -amen y Cholisoc11 0 0 See Nei.? 1. See Ne'e 1. $SASA Perms R€0eised STLIRM SE=VI:ER CAPACITY • _:.kw Sy gel", {e feel, Cheeele =ztlltraGan System Ater Change Concurrenty Checkoff Cn-site On -site OK SOLID WASTE COLLECTION Pastel -=_ten Increment Residents Solid Wasee Generation, torte ser Excess Caoaetio. DeVe: Change Excess Less "fir ,later Cbane Cencerrco y C srsof 0 0 B00 TRAFFiC CIRCULATION P-ro::o4_t:5n fncrsrnen'. R.1W111It Peak-l4,rr I a-fir:;.-Tro Generation LOS Be66e C5a'. LOSo: Cnaoa. .r -n Concurraresy Cloociooff 0 P � B OK 'd01 ES 1. Permli for snnitary acY�re.�• cc e h•_n mus', t,_ 15S.•_06 by ! etrc-Osde Water and Ssssi A.: i1ir Dear.(^ sit (OS'ASA). Excess ca7150Yy, it any, 0 c?,rrenyy not known ASSL' *TON,53 :Ckrr.'5 TS lr to be at tea _ , a-,s_ r•.a� u,_ a3,3_,-r +s b3 e - -.> T:C , :sg'so E- =- a. 7 r"Y criew oioi for ereve - vs13. es t'_rs=a r 1 C , i - -7nnii LOS Wt. ttam _ - 'T zitt t Tierns000We cotr - .ref weee -Prg for -s to k'- to p7d -?;` nc eta y:-ntei ,n P2c• nrw 50 - its ee, le be - : ee,e,, a R' Objections, Re dons, and Comments Report for llami-D ide County Amendment 06-1 February 20, 2 006 I. CONSISTENCY WITH. CHASTER 163, RN., AND RULES 9J-5 & 9J-11, F.A.C. The Dep;:;rtment has c:ornpieted its review of the proposed `.Miami -Dade County Amendment 06-1 and has the following objections and comments. ©J IONS NON -AVAILABILITY OF POTABLE 1VATt =' SUPPLY The Department objects to all seventeen of the proposed Miami -Dade County land use amendments (Applications Nos.:., 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 20. 21, 22, 23, inci 24) because r. 'y are not supported by an ,adequate potable water supply as, Ns. The total increaseal potable demand from the applications in Amendment 06-1 is estimated at approximately 3.1 million gallons a day. The County mu.. demonstrate that it has available potable water supply to serve this increats .l demand, Until this is done it would be i*tappropn.,te to approve land use changes to tl s comprehensive plan which would en ii1 in --rased water conumpt,_ :_The-tmend.mcnt also does not address any changes in the Capital Imj f otie lents Element that may be needed to provide for the facility enhancements to serve the proposed land use changes. The Department has received reports on Amendment 06-1 from the Florida Department of En ronmental Protection (DEP) and the South Florida Water Manatcment District (SFWMD or District) concerning e vailabi1it ' in Mi l Dade County. According to the District's report, the County h_s applied for a consolidated 20-year consumptive use permit for all of its v.effields, which is currently being processed by the District; howdver, data available to the District indicate that traditional cater supplysources will not adequate to meet the CountvN future water er supply needs. In order for the Counts- t' get a permit to meet Inc-ustu.ad demands, it will be necessary for the County to meet the criteria for issuance, including identifying and implementing effective alternative water supplies. The District's report st,ites that at this point in time the County cannot demonstrate that there are adequate water supplies to serve the cumulative de iet.,pment p-opusi-d in the 06-1 Amendment. Adoption o` the laid use a-nendmcnts in the absence of an -. sured water supply and necessary facilities would also be internally incons sent with existing Miaini- Dade County policy requiring coordination between future land uses, the availability of water, and necessary capital improvements, as expressed in CDMP _however, data available to the [water management] District indicate that traditional water supply sources will not CbeJ adequate to meet the County's future water supply needs." Posted on Wed, Oct. 25, 2006 email this _ Print this Florina c BY MATTHEW HAGGMAN na om na) lam t-i ra)d. om ess 1 Se PLA NI DEPA Trot ft33-; a m trr i r : .nm . p t9J-Ininct„ta,ti ,-S n.'lU �Felo-ornentiLar Citywide Major Use Special Permits (MUSP) and applicable Class 11, Special Exception & Exempt Projects Sum_ ation by Project Status s ho s ea y S tl As of September 30, 2006 No. EXISTING & UNDER CONSTRUCTION COMPLETED PROJECTS 100 Units 1 Square Foota Rest Condo 41% 15,525 Hotel f Projects Office Retail Parking Spaces Construction Cost (est.) 1,526' 1,609,744 UNDER CONSTRUCTION 99, 22,254 I 199 37,779 285,846 24,279 $ 4,135,875,238 407, 1,364,233 1,933 3,473,977 1,350,469 36,011 $ 9,150,716,074 1,636,316 60,290 $ 13,286,591,312 PROPOSED & FUTURE of Projects C APPROVED PROJECTS 123 29,558 2,907 3,919,930 3,770,710' 65,280 $ 13,687,706,238 D APPLICATION FILED PHASE 1 44 13,720 430 1,449,347 768,547 24,801 $ 5,509,647,231 E PRELIMINARY REVIEW PHASE 117 16,954 72 1,020,385 1,078 488 33,204 $ 709,004,700 2841 60,232 3,409 8389,662 5,617.746 123,285 $ 19,906,358,169 THDRAWN PROJECTS 1 3;246 543134,772 114,1221 5,681 $ 412,171,048 CITY TOT, ess withdrawn) !Nate: Gut data totals vsa as Vigo are not provided for all by developers EE n,'ilicli HASE II VIRON ENTAL SITE ASSESS %%ENT FOR KNIGHT-RIDDER MIAMI HELD PROPERTY 10 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED BETWEEN BISCANYNE BAY AN BISCAYNE BOULEVARD, AN if INORTHEST 13TH STREET AND NORTHEAST 15TH STREET A %I, ,; IA I -DACE COUNTY, FLORIDA PREPARED FOR: CITISQUARE GROUP, LLC C/O GREENBERG TAB RIG, P.A. 1221 BRIICKELL AVENUE MIAMI, FL 33131 Prepai d EE&G Environmental Services, LLC 14505 Commerce Way, S:site 400 Miaml Lakes, Florida 33?u16 (305) 374-8300 April 2005 roject No. 2005-0707 CragC. Clevenger, P.G. Senior Technical Advisor AUG 2 9 PollutionOeRM emediaton Section c\Av-\\C u.Q _Lo 02 \\ —22L3 Steven A. Harrison, P.G. Hazardous Subn,tance iami Practice Area Leader AN?NENE 0.1E ug/L 0.37 ug/ 0 P i R NE 0 5? ug/L l i;i 11 LOT 8 15& (109. 83 SO.FT.) IJJ..f 1111111111111111 _LN30(s) ,7 LU0RA14T:HE'4E- 0.17 ug; L. r4 .. 1,fH SYT^..[T (20.106 S.C. FT.) °1 L• JL �JI Is� [ ! 11illlilnTITs l!owL!II 11L111111irt1IlJ�' 1111 TT! Mill lllliF ; TOT..L VIPOD,Ef PAreynC LCTil- 1..F JI1 I T T 1 mail • ',or A (160.314 . FT.) --.` )�I i I If!Ii.11ll�I��_1�I a 1! I ,LL' lfi C'- AP0 AN P" ' 15T{ STk'_`1) BErd_O(b) FLUORINTHEKE 0.66 ug/L BE`I70(o) PYRENE • 0.50 uq/L BEN'O(o) ANTHRACENE 0.33 ug/L 5ErI Q(";) FLU04ANTHn E 0.72 ug; L E 1OEN0(1,2,3—cd) PYFr.:.IE 0.64 'ig/I )1rII lil I! HI)1111-�i111111F_� • LITT- �lJli)riLiIjJ, e r- 0 3J 60 90 120 J`` LVAH CHAPMAN BLVD. (N.E. 15T,--" STREET) �t1J �a)1i���lllYlil �il� €!i)�11� 1 \/' 1111111111lill 18 11j7 b LOT . m 156 (109,183 SO.FTJ 111 11 1 lI 1-1111 11 1l111� 1 -17- frSTREET C20.1 O5 SO. :T ) vF-6Errk F:i7: 11 ni -11 LOT a (160.314 SO.fT.) 1 ' L 111 I J 1 I1 Lf I I 1 l 11JL LLLLJj ':.` 'C LOT 4 . 111 mT TTT i l 111 111i� 1,1 a a 0 0 30 60 90 120 TRUCK STALING. A e ?3 1 1 I JJIJ 1 .L I11 IIW111.f.1�. )4L. 14H SrlKcc( (2[1,1(7,5 SO. FT.) IcilfleN 1 x;ftii< LI _it i l MI—FrII{I1i111f1 LC: A C:60...314 SOFT.) -- 1111I..f1IL11111UILLIJ 1.L1lJ rTl Tit 1111111 I lnTr I ., TOTSL L.`-::P11177. 4-....a I � lI1�f11 �Y 1111 1 ih 111J111;� 1 EMPLOYES ..>=22 1.3 i! 7 1 II ALVAH CHAP A' B'I VD• (N.E. 15TH STF":E 11111iy¥II, I. `1111 i loll il(II flililf f 1 Ia�l'IIC �i 0 0 60 90 120 = iRENE • 0.099 mg,/kg • Jr TRUCK STAGING. tgl 11I11111111111 LOT B - 155 (109. 83 50-FT.1 11 11 f11 l f_l l 11 I I �I I l! 11111J(Ll l l l l 1- , 111111111111111ii1[Jli „ki3 LOT A 050,314 S"-.FT L 1111t!!1111!1!j111111'11 fTr1i71T1ILT1-1I1Iii1in I1C?� TF L ail,,LC5CC PAT! '.AC LOT "e '39 S "� Ti11'IT 1[ 1 11 IlI1 ▪ 1L I 1 1111 - III1� i11 i�lti —1 PLOI E a2' 42 — 1 Il ALVAH CHAPMAN BLVD. (N.E. 15TH STREET) BE ,KC(o) P'iREi,E 0.53 rngjko ___�allllil '1'lilal[111111 ri { 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I l I11 '! F 1 I I I ail l l l 1111111 imeta 5 HEAV:' PETROLEUM I1:TLR'ER.ENCE SIGNATURE 0 3C 60 90 120 TRUCK S1AG w 4a LOT_ 8 . 156 (109,183 SO-FT 11111 ullll Illllllil111111J K.E. MTV STT tT (20,100 >O. i r.) f it-tCf 7L' 7->tta:.L: 1111I111111f _ LOT A (160,314 SO.FT.) (111U11111lI1(L._JI111I1illll_ 'PTi,ii1 ri I-1 f 1-1 lfiTT1IT_ T0(41 Eu" rr,tE P.ZT'(I11 LOT 'A'-1 9 4! dIIIi1111PII li II'1 I 7111CJ �= III�I`II ItIII r +IIR rT— H CHAPFLVD. E. 15TH STTr= T) L 1 n! 1,F, I l l liil s l 11 Ii11C=H11fl Illl(�Ily( �Il�lii'�" • 1, t:t:l'�. 0 0 30 60 90 120 1 LOT 8 - 155 (109.183 '111111►11J111111.13411 J11.111(1 11--1 rt,E. 1471+ STREET {--'99 59 Pi,) �. L. 111 1fTf 111 111l IT -! LOT A (160,314 Sof1') (L1 LLJ) 111- u.11all..1__ 11.1E1 ! � 1Tru 1 I I-1111 1-- �i114,1 Iil[I 11Elllll� ALVAH CHAFhiAN BLVD. (N.E. 15TH STREET) LIB lill 1 )1„n- .'irr II{i1.��v"�'L'.IL� LM Lc rilt H'7H H1(r MAR FOfrz1 ❑ Ike 1 e 0 30 60 90 120 1I'11I � LOT 15 JI1_IJLari 1 1 I E, ¶411i stf'EU (26,1cb So, Fr) I I I 1 I I I ICJ I f 1J_I_ll 111 I J IIIl11i fF-T1'(HI111 +�fl11fl�. TGT1<<. CS.!PLO"+'CE F•':^r;: ;Q LO' `e.1 ? r� nTrn i I (111 I l l 1'I f l 1 1i I 741t f±H*H 1p! 4y .€ tsgL01tE=223O I H CHAPMAN BLVD. E. 15TH STREET) TIIi1i1(lu-rn litrfi [T1 dill) LIT ijLllIllfl--21f ,1:a RM.r 0 30 60 90 120 111111111 0 11111111111111111111111 EE&G Environmental Services, LLC — 14505 Commerce Way, Suite 400, Miami Lakes, Florida 33015 305-374-8300 Phone 305-374-9004 Fa :4 *-040 0444a, • — •4 '21 8 - • '41:: • APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LOCATION • Pun — • , . .-7,.-r , . . °'• ',.f„,.• .„.. ••„,,, • ''' 11. •41t ii;11.,. ,,,,4) ''f.- ..,..,,ig',... •m "IA 4J • _ Pit#04.00.„,000.: „ ° 1 °•••0k0 . . '.1 ILI ;• • ....-i.• • • )4. ,), ap)::,. •,„ . • ; ...„), • -.. •••4.....• -• • • .4 ,.., "44.),..!J„,,,...,„.. „41 „,,, e, ,„., ,- le ' " ieel ''.. ... ."''''''''''''''"TH':•'.,•'(,-,.0:-; 0.....'::•77.•••.'2',iilitiii LI, 111.;:..'.1 ....••• , ,,,!''.-...,.... t,,,,s,.• •••:.' - . „. • ••::•,,,••,• ....,,,,,-, ...... ....... :f , 1 '4444) • 7.. ; : ; :4 , 4. ,, , • „„.,.,',,,,,,".11,1,1.,....4 ,...,,,,, -....,:...,,,,,,,::',.. •'. . : 4 Kffight-RIAder 7Alafri FV1i4,31.1rni, FL. Prot V", 200.5-0707 TopoGRAPILfie?, 11 AP source: COASTAL HIGH i HAZARD TJ DX COM NAITEE Goal C M-4: £rrsrtr pz c aratl the protection o f prcp€eii' tt i iili tiie coastal zone from; tie threat of iirfJ Ko es. jective CM-4.: Minimize the potential for loss of huff and the destruction of property from hurricanes. Areas, Subject to Coastal Flooding and High Hazard Flood Areas i)r24fti AYr;F. Nth, ILO -e. nAnd Err_h Eixsard •Nod Avcas ore; 4,77 licy :CM-41 Each imposed land use and lad eie ent re gion change Within the Coastal High 'Hazard area of the city • ill require an analysis 4 r is potential impact on evacuation times aud. shelter needs n the event of a hlllzicane. ARTICLE III. SHORELINE DEVELOP ENT REVIEW Sec. 33D-31. Legislative intent tal . The Board of County Commissioners of Miami -Dade County, Florida, hereby declares that it is in the public interest to provide a unified management system for the Biscayne Bay Shoreline Area that vain preserve the basic qu ,r es, _characteristics, and the natural, ' recreational and aesthetic values of the Bisc�[ one Bay area,tincluding the northern embayments of Dumfounding Bay, Maule Lake and Littler Maula Lak a In melting this declaration the Board is mindful of its authority under its Home Rule Charter to prepare and enforce comprehensive plans for the development of t ii:ami-Dade County; to est =lsh, coordinate and enforce zoning as is necessary for the protection of the public; and to exercise all powers and privileges granad to municipalities, counties and county offices by the Consti=u'lon and law of the State, and all powers not prohibited ny the Constitution or by the Charter, and to perform any other acts consistent with laws which are required by the Charter or which are in the common interest of the people of the County Greenberg Traurig 01IA HAND DEI IV'h:RN' e 1 _� Dc.,lopent-ntai irnnael Committee III , N'. F .al Sirect. V A ` Fi4,or Inv i1;-1 1.__19 .__ Re: Nnigh[•Ridd+?f-, Parcel I f Applicutioo for Biscayne Ray Shoreline Development Review / I_rrlo of Intent 1)0.,r',dr D. ils c (lit the 1 ❑ -; nt cl ti - t C_ velc�l jviili IC1,�C1 lti ft IreI rr1 fjfn rh r .1 J he 1' tic (ll., Miami , [I.c An hs•ut nnsrs.ral Jc1.5in1 Distficti. As. s li hell r IL efl i11,,h 1 ford l C o '[I I l 11�4Y l the Bay l _ r t :C entice naio.Lffur. gnalolu ,., kin -in Cn<,.14r 3;D sr 11 Front lime to- lim,. [lo al,pl f= e droop (the fie lap of S r , co11r11 d. ,. ..l phenol is o : •Inv a . dlacc,lytcu, e ThQ FL.a h onsdear acning and ,. , _,retail slafices,di4 fully. c _1e oand 13., )ne kLsidentnil tan!, so,,h lilt as, l,1 it is l`tia,_d. nl with the Objwiss of the Con-aal ManaL7,ernent ..� Devel putt [ f.damer Nan .:2CDMIra l •i:c i,sf al a Mini ill s...,ald Op or duplex residule.1 within the amo,ry 3 .111tse waxer di, 1, •nrrontncnt 1 ..,p._ icK and sick - as ..cd .00 Dade Ccnnit. !nay 1, inicndcd Greenberg Traurig 0 1.0 f lAND L)ELIVICR1' :10510 Di101111 rii, tilt 1, I lit i ',Willi, Florida 3,2•12fisl 023 Re: Knight-Ridde , Parcel 3 . Application for Hiscapne Bay Shoreline De. clopulent R - -rzs+' / Let-rer of Intent It'nr `-ir. Davila, A n*Hr. l-den-.zi fps' Tlc ,. ,faf.,x1 c.,lon by'P,- ent .._ --cu i1, prop•_gal f= ceivra[c -5 . of the Cn. , ,-.. 1 II .a,;.'- Pl.lzn, ilieotl. Florid, 011 Dt. . =i sot., I .0 projec Bicayite Ha cartIt.11i , t. .*.ys., the Official it of - _: p or nperty Ic, SD 6,1 crars1 ink r 1_,scsidenan.1 nrafy parking Sts:t lass, d s.a The nfe -..d pro,. s conoiolcm WW1 Obicetises of the=seastrl cm of .. C, - , .. ot. _ lkse.opunan Moona Plan CCDMI, Cornii:t or der dill: c 'f voter r .:red, or of a i nn!F'11 III - :u o oii'.1n soorchne acceos to _ .si ._r> i.:l - for.n Clsacnzz I D nf the ()sic to Nta I„n Dade C01101 __ Cron time _o lint. S.no1arly,Mjective 9G sun,. Overall Vision Dia9rarn 1J hrrreved Correctrvtfy 2) Omni Mall RedeveJ mem 37 kl e Herald and Su?7-17.o.nflfrtg Prcnerfle's Redevekram_rt ,11 Performing Arts Center 5! A,ne Capture ParLine 5! ff dr .Ernie f zrrt Ce5r:no /i Saja.ra, E) S2eetsceres !I), `rergneerhGOJ Greenep3ee f f) sr'` r et "ic.-g 21 Neighborhood School Tract A: one parcel — set back from the shoreline and 15th Street n Omni C %evelopment plan FINAL Dim, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Omni CRA e e l rit Plan 5' 5z -, RAE Urban Barrier: Biscayne Corridor 'ORTING PROJECTS Public/Private Strategies Omni Mail PA jam:, Herai City of Miami Properties School Board Properties PAC Parking Convention Facilities Regulatory Strategies Entertainment District Expansion Zoning Strategies Design Guidelines Improving the Public Realm Baywalk Historic Preservation Neighborhood Greenspace Transportation/Infrastructure Miami Streetcar 17th Street/FEC Crossing Street Reconstruction 2-way Streets EDEVFLOP ENT PLAN OVERVIEW The Plan Update proposes that the redevelopment of the Omni and Herald properties be supported by the CRA and the City of Miami, provided that the development solutions contribute to improved access and connectivity by establishing corridors through the sites and providing street level pedestrian oriented uses and architecture. CRA financial support may include aide for elements which contribute to the public good, including the development of new streets, infrastructure, public parking, public greenspaces/plazas, an improved Baywalk and streetscape improvements to Biscayne Boulevard. Biscayne Corridor Urban Barrier R. Existing Miami Herald Building Potential Redevelopment 3==1 ii CRC Redevelopment Flamm PROJECTS A D STRATEGIES The Plan Update supports a redevelopment proposal that includes the reintroduction of streets through the site, thus reconnecting the site within the urban fabric and providing dramatically greater overall development opportunities. Compared to the existing one million square foot facility, the current zoning of the property (SD-6) would allow for up to five million square feet of mixed -use development including almost 5,600 residential units. iF = aI Conceptual Aerial View 1 sing northeast) 1) New High Density Mixed -Use Development 2) New Streets 3) Biscayne Boulevard 4) People Mover 5) 18th Street ;--'0TE.P4TIAL DEVELOPMENT . 200,000+ SF Commercial/Retail 200,000+ SF office 5600 Residential Units Hotel/Convention Facilities New Streets/Parking 56 ANALYSIS FOR ZONING CHANGE Herald Plaza FILE NO: 06-00383zc Pursuant to Article 4, Section 401 and Article 22 of Ordinance 11000. as amended. the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, the subject proposal has been re%iewed for an amendment to the Zoning Atlas as follows: The request is to change the Zoning designation as follows: The subject property consist of the north portion of parcel which comprise the block bounded to the north by NE l511' Street and NE D ayshore Place aka "Herald Plaza" (Complete legal description on tile at the Hearing Boards Office), from C-2 "Liberal Commercial" to SD-6 "Central Commercial -Residential District". The following findings have been made: • It is found that the subject property is currently under the same ownership of the parcel immediately to the south, which 4onts NP Bayshore Drive (Herald Plaza). It also found that the proposed PARC=° 3 i rumen' hours the ptnnt m ares" buildinz_ or he Miami Herald and by virtue of this_te.q.051, the applicant sviil be ct -a t a non-ennforttjn" use_ within the requested SD-6 `Central Commercial - Residential District'. City of Miami Legislation Ordinance — r oyy hie Numbs. Q6-i . 53zr (h) will not create or excessively increase traffic congestion or otherwise affect public safety, (11 will not create a drainage problem; (j) will not seriously reduce light and air to adjacent area, (k) will act adversely affect property value in the adjacent area: (I) will not be a deterrent t4 the improvement or development of adjacent property in accorr' with existing regulations; (m) will not constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual owner so as to compromise the protection of the public welfare; (n) The subject property is currently under the same ownership of the parcel immediately to the south, which fronts NE Bayshore Drive (Herald Plaza); It is,also found that the pre osev_'PARCEL 3" currently )'.uses the printing press ultdlncter the tiami Herold and by virtue of this reuuestthe applicant will be creating a non -conforming use within the requested 60_6 Central Commercial-Resid€itaal Di€tact; (o) This petition is part of a Major Use --ecial Permit (MUSP) for a mix -use project named "Herald Square Parcel 3;" (p) The theoretical potential residential use created by this amendment will not be an intrusion into the existing Liberal Commercial use due to the fact that the project is located in downtown area, where this type of mixed -use project already exists, and (o) The requested change to `SD-6" Central Commercial -Residential District will allow for greater flexibility in developing the proposed mxed use.