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City of Miami
Request for Proposals
Purchasing Department
Glenn Marcos, CPPB, Director
Miami Riverside Center
444 SW R.7¢.Avonue,..01`.F.looC...........
Miami, Florida 33130
Web Site Address: www.cl,mlam}.Thys.
Single Purchase
Terry Byrnes, CPPB
Friday, March 17, 2006
Deadline For Request Of Additional Information l Clarification: 3/27/06
Proposal Submission Deadline
Day/Date: Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Time: 2:00 PM
Location/Mail Address: Office of the City Clerk
City Hall,1" Floor
3600 Pan American Drive
Miami, Florida 33133-5504
1.0 introduction to Request for Proposals (RFP) Process
2.0 RFP Scope of Services
3.0 RFP General Conditions
4.0 Special Conditions of The Proposed Contract
5.0 Instructions for Submitting a Response
6.0 Evaluation Criteria and Selection Process
7.0 RFP Response Forms
Sealed written Responses must be received by the City of Miami, City Clerk's Office, no later than
the date, time and at the location Indicated above for receipt. Submittal of Response by fax is not
acceptable. One (1) original, seven (7) hard copies and one 01 Copy on CD-ROM in PDF format of
your response and sets of response forms must be returned to the City or your response may be
City of Miemi, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-06-020
Sealad,..Res a.hSe . !i!l be: eceivied.-bythe City:.of-.Miarii. City Clerk's office located at City
Hall, First Floor, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Fla. 33133 until WEDNESDAY, APRIL
12, 2006 at 2:00 PM for the following:
RFP No: 05-06-020
RFP documents may be obtained via the internet using the City's website at
http:llcLmiaml.fLus/Procurementl. If you do not have Internet access, you may obtain
the documents upon request, during regular business hours, at the City of Miami
Purchasing Department, 444 S.W. 2nd Avenue, 6th Floor, Miami, Florida 33130, or call
(305) 416-1906 for more information.
Any Proposals received after the above stated date and time or delivered to a different
address/ department/ division will not be considered and will be returned to the bidder
The City of Miami reserves the right to waive any informalities or minor irregularities;
reject any and all Proposals which are incomplete, conditional, obscure, or which contain
additions not allowed for; accept or reject any proposal in whole or in part with or without
cause; and accept the proposal(s) which best serves the City.
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-06-020
1.1. invitation
Thank you for your interest in this Request for Proposals ("RFP") process. The City of Miami ("City"),
through its Purchasing Department invites responses ("Proposals" or "Responses") which offer to provide
the services described in greater detail in Section 2,0: "Scope of Services."
1.2. Business Objective.
The City, a municipal corporation of the State of Fiorida, is seeking the services of qualified and
experienced Proposer to furnish a complete and fully operational rapid response watercraft as per
Specifications, for the Department of Fire -Rescue.
1.3. Deadline for Receipt of Request for Additional information / Clarification
Pursuant io the Cone of Silence, any request for additional information or clarification must be received in
writing no later than 5:00 p.m., Monday, MARCH 27, 2006. Proposers may fax or email their requests to
the attention of Terry Byrnes, CPPB, Sr. Procurement Contracts Officer, at the City's Department of
Purchasing, 444 S.W. 2na Avenue, 6ih Floor, Miami, Florida 33130, The facsimile number is (305) 400-5230
or email: tbvrnes{cci.miami.fl,us. This RFP is subject to the City's "Cone of Silence" in accordance with
Section 18-74 of the City's Ordinance No. 12271. This Ordinance is available, upon request, as a
public record.
1.4. Cone of Silence
Pursuant to Section 18-74 of the City of Miami Ordinance No. 12271, a "Cone of Silence" is imposed upon
each RFP, RFQ, RFLI, or IFB after advertisement and terminates at the time the City Manager issues a
written recommendation to the Miami City Commission. The Cone of Silence shall be applicable only to
Contracts for the provision of goods and services and for public works or city improvements for amounts
greater than $200,000. The Cone of Silence prohibits any communication regarding RFPs, RFQs, RFLIs or
IFBs (bids) between, among others:
• Potential vendors, service providers, bidders, lobbyists or consultants and the City's professional
staff including, but not limited to, the City Manager and the City Manager's staff, the Mayor, City
Commissioners, or their respective staffs;
• potential vendors, service providers, bidders, lobbyist or consultants, any member of the City's
professional staff, City Department Directors or their respective staffs and any member of the
respective selection/evaluation committee
The provision does not apply to, among other communications:
• oral communications with the City purchasing staff regarding Minority/Women Business Enterprise
(M/ BE) and local vendor outreach programs, provided the communication is limited strictly to
matters of process or procedure already contained in the solicitation document;
the provisions of the Cone of Silence do not apply to oral communications at duly noticed site
visits/inspections, pre -proposal or pre -bid conferences, oral presentations before
selection/evaluation committees, contract negotiations during any duly noticed public meeting, or
public presentations made to the Miami City Commission during a duty noticed public meeting; or
• communications in writing or by email at any time with any City employee, official or member of the
City Commission unless specifically prohibited by the applicable RFP, RFQ or bid documents.
• communications In connection with the collection of industry comments or the performance of
market research regarding a particular RFP, RFQ, RFLI OR IFB by City Purchasing staff.
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-06-020
• Protests cognizable under the Purchasing Ordinance
Proposers or bidders must file a copy of any written communications with the Office of the City Clerk,
which shall be made available to any person upon request. The City shall respond in writing and file a
copy with the Office of the City Clerk, which shall be made available to any person upon request.
Written communications may be in the form of a -mall, with a copy to the Office of the City Clerk at
In addition to any other penalties provided by law, violation of the Cene of Silence by any proposer or bidder
shall render any award voidable. A violation by a particular Bidder, Proposer, Offeror, Respondent,
Lobbyist or Consultant shah subject same to potential debarment pursuant to the City Code. Any.person ..
.... having.. personal,. knowledge of a violation of:these. prov1signs'.shaf..report such,violat en..to.,ttie,State. Attorney , .,..
and/or may file a complaint with the Ethics Commission. Proposers or bidders should reference Section 18-
74 of the City of Miami Code for further clarification.
This language is only a summary of the key provisions of the Cone of Silence. Please review City of Miami
Ordinance No. 12271 for a complete and thorough description of the Cone of Silence. You may contact the
City Clerk at 305-250-5360, to obtain a copy of same.
1.5. Additional Information or Clarification
Requests for additional information or clarifications must be made in writing and received by the Senior
Buyer specified on the cover sheet of this RFP, in accordance with the deadline for receipt of questions
specified in the RFP (see Section 1.4) and the Cone of Silence (see Section 1.5). The request must contain
the RFP number and title, Proposer's name, name of Proposer's contact person, address, phone number,
and facsimile number.
Electronic facsimile or email requesting additional information will be received by the Sr. Buyer for this RFP
at the email address or fax number specified on the cover sheet of this RFP. Facsimiles must have a cover
sheet which includes, at a minimum, the Proposer's name, name of Proposer's contact person, address,
number of pages transmitted, phone number, facsimile number, and RFP number and title.
The City will issue responses 10 inquiries and any other corrections or amendments it deems necessary in
written addenda issued prior to the Proposal Submission Date. Proposers should not rely on any
representations, statements or explanations other than those made In this RFP or in any written addendum
to this RFP. Where there appears to be conflict between the RFP and any addenda Issued, the last
addendum issued shall prevail.
1.6. Award of Contract
A Contract (the "Contract" or Agreement") may be awarded to the Proposer by the City Commission. The
City reserves the right to execute or not execute, as applicable, a Contract with the Proposer that is
determined to be in the City's best interests. Such contract will be furnished by the City, will contain certain
terms as are in the City's best interests, will be subject to approval as to legal form by the City Attorney.
1.7. Contract Execution
Contract(s) will be negotiated and executed between the Successful Proposer and the City.
1.8. Unauthorized Work
The Successful Proposer shall not begin work until a Notice to Proceed or Purchase Order is received,
1.9. instructions
Careful attention must be given to all requested items contained in this RFP. Proposers are invited to submit
Responses in accordance with the requirements of this RFP. PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE SOLICITATION
BEFORE SUBMITTING A PROPOSAL. Proposers shall make the necessary entry in all blanks provided for
the responses, if applicable.
City of Miami. Florida Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-06.020
The entire set of documents constitutes the RFP. The Proposer must include all information necessary for the
City to properly analyze Proposer's response in total and in the same order in which it was issued. Proposer's
notes, exceptions, and comments may be rendered on an attachment, provided the same format of this RFP
text is followed. All Responses shall be returned in a sealed envelope or package with the RFP number and
closing date clearly noted on the outside of the envelope.
Proposers must provide a response to each requirement of the RFP. Responses should be prepared in a
concise manner with an emphasis on completeness and clarity.
1.10. Changes 1 Alterations . ... , .... .........
.....PropoSer..may .change:or.withdraw.a•Proposal.at.any.,time prior•.to.Proposal -submission deadline however, no
oral modifications will be allowed. Written modifications shall not be allowed following the proposal deadline.
1.11. Trade Secrets Exception to Public Records Disclosure
AU Proposals submitted to the City are subject to public disclosure pursuant to Chapter 119, Florida
Statutes. An exception may be made for "trade secrets."
If the Proposal contains information that constitutes a "trade secret", all material that qualifies for exemption
from Chapter 119 must be submitted in a separate envelope, clearly identified as "TRADE SECRETS
EXCEPTION," with your firm's name and the RFP number marked on the outside.
Please be aware that the designation of an item as a trade secret by you may be challenged in court by any
person. By your designation of material in your Proposal as a "trade secret" you agree to indemnify and
hold harmless the City for any award to a plaintiff for damages, costs or attorney's fees and for costs and
attorney's fees incurred by the City by reason of any legal action challenging your claim.
1.12. Discrepancies, Errors, and Omissions
Any discrepancies, errors, or ambiguities in the RFP or addenda (if any) should be reported in writing to the
City's Purchasing Department. Should it be necessary, a written addendum will be incorporated to the RFP.
The City will NOT be responsible for any oral instructions, clarifications, or other communications.
1.13. Disqualification
The City reserves the right to disqualify Responses before or after the submission date, upon evidence of
collusion with intent to defraud or other illegal practices on the part of the Proposer. It also reserves the right
to waive any immaterial defect or informality in any Responses; to reject any or all Responses in whole or in
part, or to reissue a Request for Responses.
1.14. Responses/Proposal Receipt
Sealed Responses will be accepted in accordance with the instructions detailed on the cover of this RFP, After
that date and time, Responses will not be accepted. The Proposer shall file all documents necessary to support
its Proposal and shall include them with its Proposal. Proposers shall be responsible for the actual delivery of
Responses during business hours to the exact address indicated on the cover and in the RFP. Responses that
are not received by the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE by the deadline established in the RFP shall not be accepted
or considered by the City.
1.15. Capital Expenditures
The Successful Proposer understands that any capital expenditures that the Successful Proposer makes, in
order to perform the services required by the City in this RFP, is a business risk which the Successful
Proposer may include in its proposed price. The City, however, is not and shall not pay or reimburse any
capital expenditures or any other expenses, incurred by any Proposer in anticipation of a Contract award
nor to maintain the approved status of the Successful Proposer if a Contract is awarded.
1.16. Nondiscrimination
Proposer agrees that it shall not discriminate as to race, sex, color, age, religion, national origin, marital status,
or disability In connection with its performance under this solicitation. Furthermore, Proposer agrees that no
otherwise qualified individual shall solely by reason of his/her race, sex, color, age, religion, national origin,
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05,06-020
marital status or disability be excluded from the participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to,
discrimination under any program or activity.
1.17. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA)
Any person or entity that performs or assists the City of Miami with a function or activity involving the use or
disclosure of "individually identifiable health information (IIHI) and/or Protected Health Information (PHI) shall
comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 and the City of Miami
Privacy Standards. HPAA mandates for privacy, security and electronic transfer standards that include but are
not limited to;
.1. Use.of•informaticn only for performing services-requiredty•the contract oras.required bylaw; .
2. Use of appropriate safeguards to prevent nonpermitted disclosures;
3. Reporting to the City of Miami of any nonpermitted use or disclosure;
4. Assurances that any agents and subcontractors agree to the same restrictions and conditions that apply to
the Bidder/Proposer and reasonable assurances that IIHI/PHI will be held confidential;
5. Making Protected Health Information (PHI) available to the customer;
6. Making PHi available to the customer for review and amendment; and Incorporating any amendments
requested by the customer.
7. Making PHI available to the City of Miami for an accounting of disclosures; and
8. Making internal practices, books and records related to PHI available to the City of Miami for compliance
PHI shall maintain its protected status regardless of the form and method of transmission (paper records,
and/or electronic transfer of data). The Bidder/ Proposer must give its customers written notice of its privacy
information practices including specifically, a description of the types of uses and disclosures that would be
made with protected health information.
1.18. Florida Minimum Wage
The Constitution of the State of Florida, Article X, Section 24, states that employers shall pay employee
wages no Tess than the minimum wage for all hours worked in Florida. Accordingly, it is the contractor's
and its' subcontractor(s) responsibility to understand and comply with this Florida constitutional minimum
wage requirement and pay its employees the current established hourly minimum wage rate, which is
subject to change or adjusted by the rate of inflation using the consumer price index for urban wage earners
and clerical workers, CPI-W, or a successor index as calculated by the United States Department of Labor.
Each adjusted minimum wage rate calculated shall be determined and published by the Agency Workforce
Innovation on September 30 of each year and take effect on the following January 111.
At the time of bid, it is bidder and his/her subcontractor(s), if applicable, full responsibility to determine
whether any of its employees may be impacted by this Florida Law at any given point in time during the
term of the contract. If impacted, bidder must furnish employee name(s), job title(s), job description(s), and
current pay rate(s). Failure to submit this information at the time of bid constitute successful bidder's
acknowledgement and understanding that the Florida Minimum Wage Law will not impact its bid prices
throughout the term of contract and waiver of any contractual price increase request(s). The City reserves
the right to request and successful bidder must provide for any and all information to make a wage and
contractual price increase(s) determination,
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-06-020
1.19. RFP Process Milestones
The anticipated schedule for this RFP and subsequent Contract is as follows. All dates are tentative and
sub[ect to change,
➢ RFP available„for,dislributian...,............ .. ...................,.,......,...,,,.Friday,, Mar.ch.17,.2Q..06..,...........
:.>..•: ,Due•date.lor Questions,:•.... •.:.Monday, March-27, •2006._
D Proposal Due Date Wednesday, April 12, 2006
➢ Evaluation of Proposers by Evaluation Committee Wednesday, April 19,2006
➢ Oral Presentations, if applicable week of April 24'", 2006
➢ Recommendation from Evaluation Committee to City Manager Monday, May 1, 2006
➢ Recommendation from the City Manager to the City CommissionFriday, May 12, 2006
D City Commission Approval and Authorization to Execute ContractThursday, June 8, 2006
City of Miami, Florde
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-06-020
The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to solicit proposals from qualified and experienced
Proposers to construct and provide one (1) Rapid Response Fire -Rescue Watercraft, for the City of Miami's
Department of Fire -Rescue. This vessel Is Intended to provide increased emergency response capability
and port prevention, which includes, but is not limited to, CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological,
Nuclear; Explosive)' response ,activities.' heavy. _firefcJ itirrg., suppression;.°.:emer pncy....m . f i3�..'.: a !1. 8; ,......"..... '.'.
•Specially Team support, defection; prevention, electronics,. riavigaiion,'communications;..command"platform
and other heavy support equipment.
Proposers are to refer to the American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) recommendations and standards in
the latest edition of Standards and Recommended Practices for Small Craft, published by the ABYC.
A. ABS - American Bureau of Shipping;
S. ABYC American Boat and Yacht Council;
C. Alr draft - The minimum height above the waterline of structure and antennas that cannot be
folded down, with the boat fully equipped, but without any fuel, potable water or
foam concentrate on board;
D. Beam - The total width of the boat including fenders or other attachments to the hull
E. CBRNE - Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive;
F. Db - Decibel;
G. DnV - pet Norske Veritas;
M. FPS - Feet per second;
I. Freeboard - The vertical distance from the waterline to the first exposed deck at any point along
the length;
J. Full load - The boat with crew and equipment identified in these specifications, and with full foam
concentrate, fuel and water tanks;
K. Fully planing speed - Determined by increasing engine rpm through the hump region until boat
speed is noted to increase while rpm remains constant. The speed at which this
speed increases stops is defined as the fully planing speed for the purposes of this
L. GPM - Gallons per hour;
M. GPM - Gallons per minute;
N, MFD - The appointed authorized representative of the City of Miami Department of Fire -
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP H05-06-020
O. Navigational draft - The distance from the waterline to the deepest extension of the boat structure,
rudder and propulsion equipment with the boat fully loaded with equipment,
personnel, fuel, potable water and foam concentrate;
P. NFPA - National Fire Protection Association;
Q. NM - Nautical mile;
R. Overall length - The total length of the boat including swim platforms, fenders or other
attachments fastened to the hull stf'Ccture;
.. .._..Revolutions erminute:............. .............. .....
S. RPM �• .. .....
T. Watertight - Capable of preventing the passage of water through the structure in any direction
under a head of water for which the surrounding structure was designed;
U. Weather tight - Capable of preventing water from penetrating into the vessel In any sea and
weather conditions;
1. The City is seeking proposals to acquire a Fire -Rescue rapid response watercraft, built
to its specifications, to provide increased emergency response and prevention
capability, which includes, but not limited to, CBRNE response activities, heavy
firefighting suppression, emergency medical services, specialty team support,
detection, prevention, electronics, navigation, communications, command platform and
other heavy support equipment. A crew of four (4) fire fighters will operate the boat.
2. All items shall be U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) approved and certified by the National
Marine Manufacturer's Association to meet all state and federal regulations. In addition,
NFPA, ABYC, ABS, UL (Underwriters Laboratory) and/or other pertinent entity providing
regulatory / recommendations shall be in compliance.
3. The Contractor shall construct the vessel of aluminum. This will minimize vessel
weight and reduce hull maintenance requirements.
4. The Contractor shall supply a twin engine, marine diesel propulsion system with
reverse gear and water jets. The propulsion system must allow the vessel to be
controlled and maneuvered, utilizing both propulsion engines, while the fire pumps
operate at full capacity. A clutch or clutches shall be installed to allow the fire pumps to
be operated without providing power to the propulsion system.
5. The Contractor shall supply fire pumps with a desired discharge rate of at least 3800
GPM. The fire pumps will discharge to monitors and a manifold fitted with valves and
hose connections.
6. The Contractor shall supply the following electronic equipment: VHF marine radio,
automatic direction finder, digital depth sounder, electronic compass, electronic
navigational mapping /plotter/radar/sonar, global positioning system, color thermal
imaging system, engine room monitoring camera, anti -corrosion monitoring system .
Systems shall have network connectivity. Other electronics are identified in this
document and additional components may be added as optional equipment The
Contractor shall supply Motorola 800 mhz radios as stated under the electronics
components section.
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #45-06-020
7. The Contractor shall supply a heated and air-conditioned cabin/pilothouse to contain
the steering station and a bench seat that will also serve as a cot for an Injured person.
In addition, stowage space shall be provided for CBRNE equipment, firefighting
equipment, emergency medical equipment, detection equipment, insulated water jug, a
marine sanitation device with a holding tank and pump out connections, and other
equipment defined in these specifications.
8. The Contractor shall provide a list of available options and specific pricing for each of
the listed options offered and/or available.
$., -SPECIFIC REQt.1IREMENTS• OP2RAF It;}..RESP'oWCE WATERCRAFT. :.................... ,.. .
These specifications shall be interpreted as the minimum acceptable. While a specification
in some cases describes a specific manufacturer or model number which has been
determined to be acceptable and suited to the needs of MFD, it is not intended to eliminate
from consideration any comparable equipment of equal performance, quality and value that
a manufacturer may have available.
Precedence: Federal regulations take precedence over all other requirements. Equipment
manufacturer's installation requirements take preference over NFPA and ABYC standards
and recommendations. Other conflicts between these specifications and referenced
documents shall be referred to The Miami Fire Department for resolution.
1. Overall Vessel Specifications:
The Rapid Response Vessel shall include, but not be limited to:
a. The overall length of the vessel shall be 45-49 feet measured from bow to stern
including jet guards and dive platform.
b. The overall desired beam shall be at 14-feet, 6-inch. The beam shall not
exceed 15 feet.
c. The navigational draft shall be measured at 3 feet. The navigational draft shall
not exceed 3 feet.
d. The vessel shall maintain a fully planing speed of at feast 30 knots, with the
vessel at full load. It is required that speed be achieved at 90% of the engine's
rated horsepower.
e. The hull deadrise angle shall be measured a minimum of fifteen to eighteen
(15-18) degrees at the transom and meet NFPA heeling angle requirement.
f. The wake shall be minimized throughout the speed range.
The vessel design must permit full operation of the fire pumps while providing
complete control of the vessel.
h. The vessel hull design shall be conducive to jet drive operation. Sea chest
design shall not shed air bubbles into the jet intakes causing cavitation. Hull
shape design shall concentrate water into the jet intakes in high speed turns.
i. All components shall be passively protected from electrolytic action. Faying
surfaces of dissimilar materials shall be electrically insulated and connections
made with stainless steel hardware.
2. Structure:
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-06-020
The Rapid Response Vessel shall include, but not be limited to:
a. The vessel shall be compartmentalized to maintain stability. The vessel shall
be designed to remain afloat after flooding of any one compartment. The boat
shall meet the simple wind heel criteria of NFPA Standard 1925. Weights
totaling 600 pounds placed along one side at the deck edge shall not reduce
the minimum freeboard on that side by more than a factor of 1/2 with fuel
tank(s) half empty. Simultaneous operation of the fire monitors at rated
capacity shall not cause the boat to heel in excess of 10 degrees and shall not
reduce the minimum freeboard on that side by more than a factor of 1/2 with
fuel tanks half empty and foam tank full.
All. structures•shall.be•free from resonant vibration over -the 'boat's'speed_-range:.........................
Free from resonant vibration means free from vibration detrimental to the
fatigue I1fe of the hull structure, the operation of mechanical or electrical
equipment and systems installed in the boat, or to the health and safety of
personnel operating the vessel.
C. Bulwarks are not required but should be offered as an option. They shall be
constructed to meet ABYC sight line requirements, incorporated into the hull to
increase strength. The arrangement of openings, freeing ports, and bulwarks
shall be approved by the Miami Fire Department if selected as an option
3. Hull Construction:
The Rapid Response Vessel shall include, but not be limited to:
a. All hull material shall be 5083 series marine aluminum alloy for salt water use,
and meet the requirements of the American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM) standard speciflcation 6928. Structural shapes shall be 6061 marine
aluminum alloys. All construction is to be welded in accordance with ABS
standards and performed by certified welders. The contractor shall certify in
writing that the aluminum alloy used in construction is as specified and that the
structural design meets the requirements of the ABS or DnV design rules for
high-speed craft.
b. The hull design shall be a commercially available workboat with flush deck
design or other suitable design with approval of MFD, A blunt forward deck
edge with push knee arrangement with vertical and horizontal 5" 'D' rubber
shall be mounted at the bow. The push knee shall provide a crumple zone for
collision and provide additional buoyancy for rough water conditions. The push
knees shall be capable of making contact with low floating docks and extend
just above the foredeck. Hull insulation is to be provided throughout to
eliminate Inside condensation.
c: Bottom plating shall be a minimum thickness of 1/4-inch. Side and transom
plating shall have a minimum 3/16-inch thickness, Deck and bulkhead plating
shall have a minimum 3/16-inch thickness.
d. MFD does not require additional hull plating for ice operations.
e. AU longitudinal stiffeners be a minimum of 1/4 inch thick and continuous
through frames and bulkheads. Intercoastal welding of longitudinals will not be
accepted. Bottom plating longitudinal stiffeners in the forward one-third of the
vessel shall be continuously welded to the plating.
f. All hull surfaces shall be smooth and fair. Deck surfaces shall not retain
standing water. An option shall be offered for diagonal fender strakes made of
3/16" structural 6061 extrusion and shall be continuously welded along the hull
side from the port & starboard quarter to just ahead of midships.
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-06-020
Access hatches shall be provided for removal of the fire pumps, engine
complete with gear, generator and water jets. These hatches shall be designed
as to allow direct access to the inspection cover on the top of installed water
jets. All hatches shall be placed as close to the centerline as possible. No
hatches shall be located at the deck edge without specific written approval by
the Miami Fire Department. Hatch covers shall be watertight or other as
approved by MFD, supported open by gas shocks with retaining bar and
operable by one person. A channel or gutter shall be installed to collect water
seepage through the hatches and drain it clear of the hatch opening. Water
seepage/drainage configuration to be .approved ,b Mi;D. All hatches .shall, .
Y . .
:have. fetches :or_dogs.to,hold:the. .i atch-closed—Latches.or-dogs.'shall.not create,
a tripping hazard. Latches or dogs shall not require entry into the compartment
below the hatch in order to operate the latch or dog. A channel or gutter shall
be installed to collect water seepage through the hatches and drain it clear of
the hatch opening Water seepage/drainage configuration to be approved by
MFD. Other watertight access hatches shall be provided for anchor locker,
Iazarette, engine room and cabin sole. An inspection plate in the cuddy sole to
access the forward bilge pump shall also be provided.
h. The Contractor shall design and construct the vessel such that the hull shape,
the location of all hull openings and location of transducers and all other
appendages satisfy the design recommendations and requirements of the
engine and water jet manufacturer.
I. Option for hydraulic trim tabs system shall be included in project.
4. CabinlPitothouse Structure:
The Rapid Response Vessel shall include, but not be limited to:
a. Ali access hatches located within the cabin for removal of the fire pumps and
engine complete with gear and water jets shall be designed and constructed as
to permit equipment removal without removal of the cabin/pilothouse outfit.
Hatch covers shall be watertight or other as approved by MFD, fully insulated,
supported open by gas shocks with retaining bar and operable by one person.
A channel or gutter shall be installed to collect water seepage through the
hatches and drain it clear of the hatch openings. Water seepage/drainage
configuration to be approved by MFD.
b. The cabin/pilothouse shall be acoustically and thermally insulated. Engine
noise level in the cabin/pilothouse at full power shall be no greater than 85db at
the steering station, underway, at maximum rated continuous power, not
pumping water, with cabin/pilothouse doors, windows and hatches closed, and
not greater than 90db under the same conditions with audible warning devices
operating and pumping water.
C. The cabin/pilothouse shall have a weather tight door in the aft cabin/pilothouse
bulkhead. Clear opening shall be at least 30 inches wide. The door shall have
a 4-inch coaming. The door shall be insulated, equipped with dogs/latches and
fitted with a marine quality lockset as approved by MFD.
d. Front windows shall be fitted with window washers and self -parking wipers.
Front windows shalt have a 10 to 15-degree inward departure from the vertical
as measured from roof of pilot house/cabin. Front windshields shall be heated
glass type for defogging.
e. Side windows shall be weather tight, open by sliding, have a provision to be
locked closed and fitted with removable screens
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP>Y05-08-020
f. All glazing shall be clear tinted 3/8inch safety glass, following the standards
and recommendations of the ABYC. Side & rear windows shall be darker tint
as determined by MFD.
g. All weather deck hatches shall be located as near to the centerline as possible,
and shall be in accordance with the recommendations and standards of the
h. A minimum 84-inch long bench, 24 inches wide, with 3-inch vinyl cushions shall
. be installed Qh .the., port, side of, the cabin/pilothouse. Three. seat/shoulder. belt..........
..restralnt.systemsshall .be..installed on beneh.seat atong•with 4. straint.-straps
for a patient positioned on bench. The front of the bench shall have sliding
doors and bench seat shall be hinged full length to allow stowage within the
bench. The bench shall be provided with louvers for ventilation. Configuration
and cushion color to be approved by MFD.
I. A 24-inch counter with 110 volt microwave on top and 110volt refrigerator shall
be supplied. Below cabinet space with shelves and door with lock shall be
located adjacent to the fresh water sink.
A fully adjustable suspension helmsman's seat, Bostrom suspension seat or
equivalent as approved by MFD, with armrests and seat/shoulder belt restraint
system shah be installed at the steering station In accordance with ABYC Helm
Position Visibility Standards. Configuration and seat color to be approved by
k. All controls and electronic equipment shall be arranged convenient to the
steering station. The steering station shall be located on the starboard side.
The Miami Fire Department shall approve the arrangement of the controls,
console and equipment prior to installation. A 36-inch by 36-inch chart table as
approved by MFD with red and white lighting for the use of small craft charts is
I. A fully adjustable suspension seat, Bostrom suspension seat or equivalent as
approved by MFD, with armrests and seat/shoulder belt restraint system shall
be provided for one crewmember on the side opposite the control station, A
third, adjustable suspension seat, Bostrom suspension seat or equivalent as
approved by MFD, with armrests and seat/shoulder belt restraint system,
facing forward shall be provided at the chart table. Configuration and seat color
to be approved by MFD.
M. The cabin/pilothouse shall be constructed of 5083 marine aluminum alloys or
equivalent as approved by MFD. Aluminum structural shapes shall be 6061
marine aluminum alloys. Means to access cabin/pilothouse roof shall be
designed and provided in the form of a ladder or other format as approved by
n. The cabin/pilothouse shall be a minimum length of eight (8) feet and have clear
headroom of seven (7) feet. The cabin width shall allow a walkway around the
cabin that is a minimum of twenty four (24) inches wide, port and starboard.
Cabin/pilothouse soles shall have Faucher neoprene rubber sound matting
0, The cabin/pilothouse interior configuration design shall be approved by MFD.
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft F?FP f105-06-020
If the engines are located below the cabinlpilothouse, it is required that the
cabinlpilothouse top have a bolted, removable patch on the centerline, with
ciearance to allow removal of an engine and gear. The patch shall be fitted with
a gasket and shall be watertight. A 24X24" watertight deck hatch shall be
provided for access of the void space below the main cabin. This space shall
be lit and have a treadplate deck for crew to inspect interior components as
well as use the space for storage of certain fire and EMS gear.
q. All side and top surfaces shall be fair and free from resonant vibration. Top
surfaces shall not retain standing water.
Forward area -of below cabin shall.be configured to -support fpH'utilization'of ail
available space for storage purposes. Privacy curtain or door as determined by
MFD shall be provided at entrance.
s. Option for hinged front center window to be utilized as patient transfer route off
bow to be included in project.
t. Option for complete cabin/pilothouse to be CBRNE environment protected to
be included in project.
5. Structural Bulkheads:
The Rapid Response Vessel shall include, but not be limited to:
a. All bulkheads shall be constructed of 5083 series marine aluminum alloy for
salt water use and meet the requirements of ASTM standard specification
B928. Structural shapes shall be 6061 marine aluminum alloys. All construction
shall be welded.
b. A watertight collision bulkhead shall be constructed between the stern and the
cabin/pilothouse, Additionally, there shall be other watertight bulkheads. These
compartments shall provide required stability flotation as damage control.
c. All bulkheads shall be located such that flooding of any one compartment will
not submerge a line drawn three inches below the deck edge, All penetrations
through watertight bulkheads shall be watertight.
d. All watertight penetrations of watertight bulkheads for piping and cabling shall
be placed as high and near the centerline of the vessel as possible. No
penetrations shall be made below the level of the deck plates or below the level
of the full load waterline of the vessel,
6. Mast and Radar Arch:
The Rapld Response Vessel shall include, but not be limited to:
a. Provide a marine aluminum mast in order to mount inland rules navigation and
restricted in ability to maneuver lights, spotlights, an emergency beacon light
and other navigation/electronics as needed. The mast shall have a yardarm
capable of displaying more than two flags. The mast shall be hinged at or
below the fixed height of the vessel structure (including the radar antenna).
Lowering of the mast shall be accomplished from the deck and must be
supportable on deck and capable of running under normal conditions.
b. The mast shall be provided with pulleys for flag hoists on each side of the
yardarm. Cleats shall be provided on the mast for each of the hoists. The mast
shall be configured within the radar arch structure.
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP W05.08.020
C. There shall be a two tier radar arch mounted on two watertight electrical boxes
that are integral to the cabin roof. This radar arch shall be made of 2" aluminum
pipe and span most of the width of the cabin roof. The arch shall have enough
depth for antenna seating for radar, Thermal Imaging System as well as
enough space for appropriate all antenna and other component spacing
according to manufacturer's recommendations. The upper tier shall provide
protection for the radar antenna and shall contain the locking pin for the mast.
7. Propulsion:
The Rapid Response Vessel shall include, but not be limited to:
a, ,, ......Supply. twin Cummins QSM1.1.Marine Diesel Propulsion Engines or........
•equivalent •asapproved -by ..Ulf D using..12-volt-electrical.comporterl#S,With'
direct drive through Hamilton I-iJ322 Waterjet propulsion units or equivalent
as approved by MFD. Twin Disc, ZF marine gear or equivalent as
approved by MFD shall be properly sized and matched for optimum
impeller HP absorption. The gear shall also be matched to the pump
loading and impellers. The contractor shall supply the necessary
transmissions to power the boats propulsion system and pumping system.
The boat will be capable of pumping and maneuvering simultaneously. All
shafts shall be installed as per manufacturer's recommendations. There
shall be shaft guards installed over any moveable shaft. Shaft guards shall
be easily removable and shall be painted red.
b. Contractor shall approve and accept all liability for its application engineering
as it relates to the propulsion package and all components.
C. The propulsion engines shall produce the required fully planing boat speed (at
least 30 knots) at 90 percent (90%) of the engine manufacturer's horsepower
rating, based on ISO 3046 conditions, which allows full power for at least 2
hours out of every 8 hours of operation, and allows at least 1500 operating
hours per year. Alterations to the engines are not acceptable.
d. The Contractor shall install engines in accordance with manufacturer's
specifications and requirements, NFPA 302 and the recommendations and
standards of the ABYC.
e. An aluminum catch pan shall be installed beneath each engine installed within
the hull to catch oil drippings. The catch pan shall be fitted with an accessible
drain at the forward and aft ends.
f. All oil and water filters shall be spin -on, disposable types.
Racor, or approved equal dual cartridge fuel/water separators with electronic
and manual warning indicators, shall be provided for each engine. All
separators shall be made by the same manufacturer and have the same
replaceable element.
h. All filters, dipsticks and maintenance checkpoints shall be located for ease of
accessibility and on the inboard side of the propulsion engines, if the engine
manufacturer offers this option.
i. Contractor shall provide a Fast Lube Oil Change System (FLOCS) pump
mounted on all engines.
Contractor to provide seawater elastomer impellers.
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFR #0£r06.020
k. Propulsion engine block heaters are not required.
8. Combustion Air:
The Rapid Response Vessel shall include, but not be limited to:
a. The vessel shall be designed and constructed In such a manner that
combustion air for the engines will be drawn from the machinery space.
b. All combustion air intakes for the engines shall be located to minimize chance
of water induction. Ducting shall be sized for maximum air velocity of 2000 fps,
or less if so required by the engine manufacturer. Fans shall not be used to
meet this requirement without especi is written approval of MFD: ::.
P Without thus eci
C. The vessel shall be designed and constructed in such a manner as to allow the
distribution of airflow equally throughout the engine compartment.
d. Combustion air intake vents shall be constructed as hinged louvers/covers that
will prevent fire fighting agent from escaping through the vents and prevent
outside air and oxygen from entering in the event of an engine room fire.
9. Exhaust System:
The Rapid Response Vessel shall include, but not be limited to:
a. The Contractor shall install all engine exhaust systems in accordance with the
engine manufacturer's recommendations and the recommendations/standards
of the ABYC and other agencies.
b. The exhaust system shall be constructed of non corrosive materials and be
fitted with an anti -siphon loop, and shall be sloped to eliminate standing water.
C. All engines shall be fitted with non -corrosive silencers or mufflers.
d. The vessel shall be designed and constructed in such a manner to allow the
locations of ail exhaust to exit at the sides of the boat, forward of the transom
or as approved by MFD.
10. Ermine Control Eaulnment:
The Rapid Response Vessel shall include, but not be limited to:
a. The Contractor shall install Keakhalfer Zero Effort racing engine controls far
each engine in accordance with the manufacturer requirements and the
recommendations/standards of the ABYC and other agencies. The
transmission controls shall be mounted in a protected area so they cannot be
accidentally jarred. The builder shall build a side console to house the controls
and control cables and optimize the shift lever operator angle.
b. Each engine shall be equipped with high temperature and low oil pressure
visual and audible alarms. Each reverse/reduction/transmission gear shall be
provided with high temperature and low oil pressure visual and audible alarms
and gauges. Ail alarms shall be visible and sound at the steering station and an
exterior location as determined by MFD. All engine/transmission alarms shall
be provided with a test feature.
c. Gauges shall be provided at the steering station for each engine consisting of:
engine revolutions, oil pressure, engine cooling water temperature, voltage,
operating hours, engine synchronization and other engine manufacturer
recommended gauges. Gauges shall be provided with red lighting or other
color as determined by MFD and a control for dimming the gauge lights.
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-06.020
11. Circulating and Cooling Water:
The Rapid Response Vessel shall include, but not be limited to:
a. All engines, reverse/reduction gears, oil coolers, exhaust manifolds, after
cooler and any peripheral engine equipment shall be cooled by fresh water with
antifreeze and nal-col additive.
b. Cooling system shall be correctly sized for engine operation at full power with
95-degree seawater temperature.
c. Propulsion engines shall have sea chests/seawater inlets/intakes separate
d. Vessel shall be designed and constructed in such a manner so that all through -
hull connections below the waterline shall be stainless steel and be fitted with
stainless steel sea cocks. Intake for HVAC shall be separate and independent
from other sea cocks.
e. All hose connections shalt be fitted with double hose clamps. All hose clamps
shall be stainless steel construction throughout.
f, Each engine shall be fitted with a duplex strainer for filtering of cooling water,
All filters shall be the same type and use the same replaceable element. The
hull coupling for the sea strainers shall be capable of being cleared from inside
the boat should it become clogged without seawater entering the engine space,
All components shall be passively protected from electrolytic action. Faying
surfaces of dissimilar materials shall be electrically insulated and connections
made with stainless steel hardware.
12. Fuel Oil System:
The Rapid Response Vessel shall include, but not be limited to:
a. All fuel tanks shall be fabricated of aluminum, and be independent of the hull
structure. Fabrication and Installation shall be in accordance with the
recommendations and standards of NFPA, the ABYC and other agencies.
b. AO fuel tanks shall be located as close as possible to the normal operating
longitudinal center of gravity (LCG) of the boat.
c. All fuel tanks shall be equipped with a bolted clean -out patch, and fore and aft
internal baffles.
d. Fuel tanks capacity shall consist of, as a minimum, the greater of:
(1) Operation at maximum speed for 30 minutes (1/2 hour) and pumping
at 100 percent (100%) capacity for eight (8) hours, followed by one (1)
Hour at normal cruising speed of 30 knots plus 10% reserve.
(2) Operation at normal cruising speed of 30 knots, using both engines for
(5) hours, plus a 10 percent (10%) reserve.
(3) NFPA 1925 Class "A" requirements for this type and size vessel.
e. All fuel tank fill and vent piping shall be sized and located in such a way that:
(1) Fuel spills will not enter the boat;
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-06-020
(2) All tripping hazards will be eliminated;
(3) Will allow a minimum filling rate of twelve (12) gpm;
(4) Will allow easy filling from the deck.
f. All fuel tank vents shall be fitted with a RACOR, or approved equal, anti -spill
protection device. Fuel fill inlet shall be clearly marked to indicate purpose.
g. Quarter -turn shut off valves shall be located In the engine fuel lines, close to
..the tanks, .These .valves shall be. remote, .fix mounted to a bulk head/panel and . •
liianuaily operated' from..thre weathardedk"Yo stop'fuel'ftoW;..Valves gliall"be
housed/protected from weather and other accidental damage. All valves shall
be clearly identified and labeled as to what it controls and the valve status
h. All fuel lines shall be properly supported and protected with chafing gear where
i. All piping and valves shall meet the minimum recommendations and standards
of the ABYC and other agencies.
j. A cross connection shall be provided between fuel tanks. This connection shall
be a minimum of one inch inside diameter and be fitted with check valves a full
flow control/shutoff valve at the connection to each tank.
k. All fuel tanks shall be equipped with an access allowing removal of the fuel
level -sensing units without having to remove fuel tank from mounted location.
Each fuel tank shall have a manual sight gauge at each tank clearly visible
from side. A remote fuel -sensing unit display gauge for each tank shall be
located at the steering station control panel,
All hoses shall have re -useable hose connections and meet the requirements
of ABYC, which references USCG and Underwriters Laboratories
13. Electrical Systems:
The Rapid Response Vessel shall include, but not be limited to:
a. Alt electrical systems shall be designed and installed in such a way that there
shall be no damage to the boat due to corrosion and electrolysis. All wiring
shall be coded and labeled. Each conductor shall be labeled at each end of
termination. Electrical installation shall comply with the recommendations and
standards of the ABYC.
b. The Contractor shall provide a 12-volt DC and a 120-volt AC electrical
distribution system.
c. The Contractor shall provide one (1) pair of 12-volt Optima 8050-160 D317
(single post) or 8052-161 D31M (dual post) 12 volt, 900 CCA, Group 31 gel
batteries or as specified by engine manufacturer, whichever is greater ,
wired In parallel, with battery isolators for each propulsion engine and the
fire pump engine (if installed). These batteries are in addition to any other
batteries required for engine operations. Three house batteries with same
above specifications shall also be provided.
City of Miami, Florida Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-06.020
d. Each propulsion engine shall have an alternator with external transistorized
voltage regulators Leece Neville, or the MFD approved equal, minimum 210-
amp capacity.
e. The Contractor shall provide a 120-VAC diesel generator, with a 15 kW
minimum capacity, which shall be connected to the 120VAC distribution
system. The generator shall be manufactured by Onan, or an approved equal
as determined by MFD. Fast lube oil change system shall be included.
f, There shall be at least six (6) 120- volt AC GFl receptacles located within the
cabin, and six ..(6) .120 volt AC GF1.20 amp twist lock .receptacles. on exterior.
-locations All -locations to•bedetermined°by°MFD. :_..................._..........._..................,
The generator engine shall have its own dedicated freshwater heat exchanger,
non corrosive muffler/exhaust system, exhaust and cooling water system fitted
with stainless steel through hull fittings and stainless steel separate seacocks,
The generator engine shall be equipped with Its own independent starting
battery/batteries as specified by manufacturer and low oil shut down.
Battery/batteries to be Optima 8050-160 D31T (single post) or 8052-161 D31M
(dual post) 12 volt, 900 CCA, Group 31 gel. The generator shall be operable
throughout the boat's speed range and capable of powering a marine AC
system as determined by MFD,
h. The generator engine starting controls, speed controls, high temperature and
low oil pressure alarms, voltage and hour meter shall be located adjacent to
the steering station control console. High temperature and low oil pressure
alarms shall be both audible and visible located inside near console and an
exterior location as determined by MFD.
The Contractor shall provide a 120-volt automatic battery charger capable of
being energized by shore power or onboard generator. Battery charger shall be
configured to charge all onboard battery banks collectively or independently.
Switches shall be clearly labeled as to what they control and position status.
j. The generator fuel lines shall be fitted with shut-off control valves located next
to other fuel control valves. Valves shall be clearly identified and labeled as to
what it controls and the valve status position.
14. Electrical Distribution System:
The Rapid Response Vessel shall include, but not be limited to:
a. A master propulsion engine battery disconnect switch shall be provided
and located in the cabin. The switch shall disconnect all batteries from the
distribution system. The switch shall allow either propulsion battery pair
and/or any battery bank to be connected to the distribution system.
Generator battery and group and house battery bank with disconnect
switching shall be interconnected/wired to propulsion battery distribution
system for redundant 12 volt starting capability.
b. The Contractor shall provide disconnect switches fitted with a field disconnect
to the alternators.
C. The distribution systems shall allow either propulsion alternator to be used for
charging either, or both, propulsion engine battery pairs and all other onboard
batteries including generator and house group.
d. All wiring shall be tinned and color coded in accordance with the
recommendations and standards of the ABYC. Wiring shall be run in 300
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercralf RFP#05-06-020
degree, heat resistant (SXL) looms. Wires to equipment and electrical outlets
shall be provided with a minimum three-inch service loop allowing replacement
of the equipment or outlet.
e. All penetrations of wires and cables through watertight structure shall be
watertight. Four (4) spare watertight penetrations shall be provided in watertight
bulkheads, with the exception of the collision bulkhead,
f. All circuit breakers (12volt and 110 volt) shall be located In the
cabin/pilothouse, near the steering station. Breakers shall allow use as
switches. At least four (4-12volt anad. 4-1.10volt) spare. breakers, shall be
.provide.," Broakcrs- shall be.:'provided ._ard..cfeeii 1abe1 lor..ait °least' the....'.
following functions:
(I) Master breaker and master switch for each battery bank/group
(2) Cabin/pilothouse internal lighting
(3) Navigation lights
(4) Control panel Instruments
(5) External floodlights
(6) Emergency beacon and siren
(7) Searchlight
(8) Radar
(9) Global positioning/mapping system
(10) Sonar
(I 1) Each Radio System
(12) Cabin/pilothouse heater
(13) Engine compartment lighting
(14) Air Conditioning
(15) Fresh Water pump
(16) Salt Water Washdown
(17) Thermal Imaging System
g. The Contractor shall provide a cable with a 20-amp capacity which will be run
from one spare breaker to a terminal strip adjacent to the steering station.
h. The Contractor shall provide a cable with a 20-amp capacity which will be run
from one spare breaker to a terminal strip on the aft cabin/pilothouse bulkhead,
near the installed bench seat.
City of Miami, Flonda
Rapid Response Watercraft RN' 0546-020
Contractor shall provide 3 DC 12volt constant power outlets: one in cuddy, 1 at
port console and 1 at chart table. MFD to determine exact locations.
The Contractor shall provide a master amp meter, watt meter and master
voltmeter which will be installed at the breaker panel(s) to indicate the total
electrical load for the 12-volt system.
k. The Contractor shall provide two (2) 50-foot, 30-amp, 120-volt AC shore cables
or equivalent to support full shore power of all AC loads of vessel, whichever is
greater. The connection box shall be the quick disconnect type. The
connectionsshall. be located on the starboard side. of the aft cabin/pilothouse
bulkhead, at least' 24 inches above the deck. A quick release Wain relief shall
be provided for each shore power cable to prevent any movement at the
connection box (MFD to confirm plug type.) An aluminum protective housing
shall house all electrical connection boxes,
I. The Contractor shall provide an isolation transformer(s) to isolate the 120-volt
system circuit(s).
m. The Contractor shall design and install a 120-volt distribution system Including
rated breaker panel to support in excess of full generator capacity in
accordance with the recommendations and standards of the ABYC, to include
as a minimum:
(1) Independent thermostat controlled Marine heater(s) and Marine Air
Conditioning systems in the cabin/pilothouse;
(2) One 20-amp GFI receptacle in the cabin/pilothouse, and one in the
engine roorn. Exact location to be determined by MFD.
(3) Six (6) 20-amp GFI receptacle twist lock receptacles in
waterproof/weather tight boxes on exterior locations. An aluminum
protective housing shall house all electrical connection boxes. All
locations to be determined by MFD.
(4) An automatic battery charger wired to all batteries.
(5) One 20-amp GFI receptacle located in the bench for charging of
portable EMS equipment.
(6) Lights and other AC equipment as identified in these requirements.
n. The 120-volt circuit shall be designed and installed with a master circuit
breaker, individual breakers for the circuits identified above and additional
spare breakers to support in excess of full generator capacity. A master amp
meter, watt meter and master voltmeter shall be installed at the breaker
panel(s) to indicate the total electrical Toad for the 120-volt system.
o, All switches and circuit breakers installed in locations where they may be
accidentally struck or activated during normal boat operations shall be fitted
with guards to prevent such activation. All switches controlling clutches of main
propulsion and fire pump systems shall be provided with protective guards
Cole-Hersy type or equal.
City of Miami, Florida Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-06-020
Ail breakers shall be located in readily accessible locations. Circuit breaker
sizes and locations shall be listed for each item of electrical and electronic
The Contractor shall provide a 12 VDC cable with terminal strip to be run to the
designated stowage for rechargeable emergency medical equipment.
r. All AC and DC wiring shall be tinned. AC wiring shall have a minimum size of
12AWG and meet all other regulatory requirements.
15. Lighting system: ....... ....................:..'..::.::'..........'.:...:.... . to: .....
I`he'Rk d'kesponse CUess'e1 shall include, but not be limit
a . Navigation lights for inland rules shall be installed in accordance with US,
Federal regulations and controlled by labeled switches at the steering station
control panel.
b. "Restricted in ability to maneuver" lights for Inland Rules shall be installed in
accordance with U.S. Federal regulations and controlled by a labeled switch at
the steering station control panel.
c. Six (6) redlwhite combination, 12-volt, 6-inch diameter stainless steel or
equivalent as approved by MFD, dimmable cabin/pilothouse lights, shall be
provided and controlled by switches at the Tight fixture, throughout the
cabin/pilothouse area.
d. One (1) redlwhite combination, 12-volt, 6-inch diameter stainless steel or
equivalent cabinlpilothouse light shall be provided, controlled by a switch at the
fight fixture, and located near the steering control station.
e. Three (3) redlwhite, 12-volt, 6-inch diameter stainless steel or equivalent lights,
located one each outboard of the engines, and one on the centerline of the
boat, shall be installed in the machinery space. A single labeled switch, located
in the cabin/pilothouse, shalt control the lights.
f. Two (2) white & red, 12 volt, 6 inch diameter stainless steel or equivalent lights
be mounted in the lazarette. A single labeled switch, located in the
cabin/pilothouse, shalt control the lights,
110 volt lighting capable of fully illuminating all machinery spaces, Iazarette,
cabin, pilothouse and other stowage areas shall be provided (lighting fixtures to
be approved by MFD). All control switches to be clearly labeled.
h. Six (6) 110-volt waterproof floodlights, 500 watt halogen each, shall be
mounted an the cabin/pilothouse top or mast (determined by MFD) to illuminate
the following: (2) for the aft deck work area, (2) for bow area, (1) port mid -ship
area (1) starboard mid -ship area. The mount shall allow 180-degree horizontal
and 120 degree vertical rotation of the lights. Four labeled switches shall be
located inside the cabin/pilothouse on the aft bulkhead to control each segment
of lighting,
i. Eight (8) 12-volt floodlights, halogen, shall be mounted on the cabin/pilothouse
top or mast (determined by MFD), two each port and starboard, two each bow
and stern. The mount shall allow 180-degree horizontal and 120 degree
vertical rotation of the lights. Four labeled switches shall be located inside the
cabin/pilothouse on the aft bulkhead to control each segment of lighting.
City of Miami, Florida Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-06-020
j. One (1) 12-volt, electric remote control searchlight with a minimum of 1 million
candlepower shall be mounted on the forward part of the cabin/pilothouse top
or mast/radar arch as determined by MFD, such that remote controls are
located inside the cabin/pilothouse, convenient to the boat operator. The
labeled switch shall be located on the steering station control panel.
k. A red/white/amber rotating LED/Strobe Iightbar, with a clear Tens, shall be
mounted on the mast. The labeled switch shall be located on the steering
station control panel. (MFD to approve emergency lights selection and'
-Contractor 'shall -design.end provide: underwater xenon: fighting flush'°with'`the
hull, two at stern (port and starboard) and two mid -ship (port and starboard).
Control switches for each group shall be located at operator station inside
m. Courtesy lighting (12 locations) shall be provided around and throughout deck
and step areas as determined by MFD. Control switches shall be provided for 4
groups and located at operator station inside cabin/pilothouse.
n. One 12volt flexible light shall be provided above chart table.
16. Alarm Systems;
The Rapld Response Vessel shall include, but not be limited to:
a. Each watertight compartment shall have an installed high water alarm float
switch designed to close/activate when bilge water reaches a depth of four (4)
inches. Closure of the float switch shall activate an audible alarm at the
steering station and outside pilothouse area. This alarm shall be operable at all
times, independent of the electrical master switch.
b. Each bilge pump shall have an installed light that illuminates at the steering
control station control panel when the pump is running. Lights shall be labeled
to indicate the pump that is running.
c. All warning lights and alarms shall be provided with a test switch.
d. There shall be (2) carbon monoxide detectors and (2) smoke detectors with
alarms installed in the cabin/pilothouse area. Locations to be determined by
17. Navistatlon And Electronics:
The Rapid Response Vessel shalt include, but not be limited to:
a. The Contractor shall provide and install the following equipment, in accordance
with the manufacturer's installation instructions and the recommendations and
standards of the ABYC:
(1) Two VHF marine band radios, Furuno model FM3000 or the MFD
approved equal, required antennas, exterior second station
microphones and speakers inside pilothouse and exterior.
(2) Complete Furuno NavNet vx2 system composed of 15" display with
blackbox, 4kW (36nm) Radome Radar, 12 channel GPS/WAAS chart
plotter (Navionics Gold Chart), GPS/WAAS 12 channel NavNet sensor,
Dual Frequency (600W/1kW) Sonar/Sounder, 1kW Dual Frequency
(50&200khz) thru hull stainless steel transducer with temperature,
underwater color camera, additional 15" remote monitor and Weather
City of Miami, Florida Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #0506-020
FaxlNavtex, Video Card, engine room color camera monitor, remote
control radar arch mounted color camera monitor. MFD approved
equal may be substituted for above.
(3) One (1) loudhailer/foghorn/intercom system, Furuno LH3000, external
PA and internal intercom speakers or the MFD approved equal.
(4) One (1) automatic direction finder SI-Tex 525 VHF/ADF adaptor or the
MFD approved equal interfaced into systems identified in (2) above.
(5) one (1) electronic siren and speaker, Federal Signal Corporation
.......................Model PA-300 or, the MFD• approved equal:........................: _........,
(6) One (1) fire department radio system, Motorola Astro Spectra Mobile
800 MHz model TDDDX, with following Motorola items Included: (1)
Q241 Analog, (1) 132W 800MHZ 35 watts W7 option, (1) G50
Smartnet software, (1) W484 3 db high gain antenna, (1) G24 two year
depot warranty, (1) W800 dual control head astro spectra mobile, (1)
G104 dual control head cable 75 ft, (1) DC head 13 watt speaker water
(7) One Motorola 400MHz radio model CDMI550 with antenna and
(8) One marine grade AM/FM/CD/Weather Station Band stereo system
with four speakers,
(9) One remote controlled AXSYS Technologies Thermal Imaging System
part # 23056EC-601 interfaced into systems identified in (2) above or
equal as approved by MFD.
b. External waterproof speakers with cutout switches shall be provided for all the
radios and intercom.
c. All electronic equipment shall be installed in positions where It is accessible by
the boat operator and a crewmernber assisting with navigation as approved by
d. The Contractor shall furnish and install, fully compensated at MFD location and
with all electronics operating, one (1) 5-inch minimum diameter magnetic
compass with dimmable red lighting. Installation of the compass shall be in
accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
e. All instruments shall be lit by dimmable red backlighting. There is no
requirement however for continuously dimmable lighting requiring a high cost
f. The Contractor shall install a coaxial cable fitting in a weather tight aluminum
enclosure on the aft bulkhead of the cabin/pilothouse to allow connection of a
dockside cable to MFD supplied equipment in the cabin.
The Contractor shall install NMEA interface cables between the electronic
equipment identified in section 17.a.(2) and (4) and demonstrate equipment
interfacing as designed.
h. The Contractor shall provide and install all sound signaling devices required by
federal regulations.
City of Miami, Florida Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05.O6-020
18. Antennas:
The Rapid Response Vessel shall include, but not be limited to:
a. The Contractor shall provide and install all antennas, components and sensors
required for the navigation and electronics systems.
b. The radar antenna shall be mounted on the radar arch or cabin/pilothouse roof
as determined by MFD, clear of surrounding objects.
c. All antennas extending above the fixed height of the boat structure (including
the radar, antenna). shall be .equipped for. folding so as to.be no higher..than the
.fixed structure. height whenfol..ded.......................................... ........... . , ........
d. Ail antennas shall be located to provide the maximum clear working arc for the
fire monitors.
e. Antennas shall be located to minimize interference between antennas.
f. All antennas shall be bonded and grounded to protect against lightning and
other electrical conditions.
19.Auxiliary Systems:
The Rapid Response Vessel shall include, but not be limited to:
a. Throughout the cabin/pilothouse, Marine Heating System shall be designed to
operate independent of propulsion engines and provided to maintain a
cabin/pilothouse temperature of 75 Fahrenheit degrees with external
temperature of 25 degrees Fahrenheit under all operating conditions. A
minimum of 32,000btu of heating shall be provided.
b. A system/equipment for defrosting of the cabin/pilot house windows and
general ventilation throughout the cabin/pilothouse under all conditions shall be
provided by the Contractor.
C. Two (2) aluminum frame 36"X24" tinted watertight roof mounted window
hatches shall be provided in the cabin/pilothouse top over the helm and
navigator seats for upward visibility and escape provisions, exact location to be
determined by MFD. Matches shall have fittings that allow the hatch to be
locked shut from the inside. Hatch construction shall be of structural design
capable of supporting the load of a 300 pound person on cabin/pilothouse
stepping on hatch and allow vision through hatch when closed. Hatches shall
be positioned to allow the boat operators forward and upward visibility to view
the roof monitor and navigation conditions when approaching alongside larger
ships or high seawalls/piers from their seated positions.
d. Marine Air Conditioning system shall be designed to operate off generator
and/or shore power and provided to maintain a temperature of 70 degrees
Fahrenheit throughout the cabin/pilothouse with external temperature of 95
degrees Fahrenheit and 80% humidity under all operating conditions with full
crew and one patient inside cabin/pilothouse. A minimum of 32,000btu of
cooling shall be provided.
e. There shall be a labeling system to indicate gear and operation throughout the
boat with a list of labels approved by MFD. Labels shall be melamine or
aluminum plates permanently attached.
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP 0r05,06-020
20. Piumbina Installations;
The Rapid Response Vessel shall include, but not be limited to:
a. The vessel shall be designed so that each watertight compartment and other
compartments including the iazarette will be provided with a minimum of two
(2) 3500 GPH electric bilge pumps and automatic float switches, Each bilge
pump shall be provided with a labeled on/momentary/off —auto switch with
activation light located near the steering station. Bilge pump instaiations shall
be in accordance with the recommendations and standards of the ABYC and
others, and shall be provided with a vented loop, Bilge pumps shall be located
as low in the..bitges as.possible where: water. accumulates... ,.....
b. Vessel shall be with
-provideda marine sanitation device, Lectra San toilet or
equivalent as approved by MFD with at least a twenty (20) gallon holding tank
with valve configuration for overboard and/or exterior deck pumpout
c. Vessel shall be designed so that all piping containing water be non -corrosive
and arranged as to allow the piping systems to be drained to prevent freeze
d. Vessel shall be designed with a potable water system consisting of a tank with
a minimum capacity of fifty (50) gallons, manual and electric tank indicator
gage with sending units easily located for service, switched controlled DC and
AC electric pumps, fresh water wash down hose bibbs at the aft deckhouse
bulkhead, exterior front of pilothouse, in the engine room, and at an
approximately ten inch square sink basin in cabin. Portable exterior shower to
be provided for work deck area. Exact locations to be confirmed by MFD.
e. A fill connection for the potable water system shall be provided on exterior
deck, clearly marked to indicate its purpose.
f. Vessel shall be designed so as to allow stowage for one (1) five -gallon
insulated water cooler, location to be determined by MFD.
Vessel shall be designed with a saltwater/external source washdown system
with separate stainless steel seacock, switched controlled DC and A-C electric
pumps, three (3) wash down hose bibs, 2 at aft, 1 at exterior front of
pilothouse, exact location to be determined by MFD.
h. The contractor shall supply a 500 GPM dewatering device. This may be a part
of the fire pump or a separate unit.
I. Windshield wiper and washer systems shall be installed to properly clear the
three forward cabin windows. Washer systems will be fitted with a 2 gallon fluid
21. Firemain System/Foam System:
The Rapid Response Vessel shall include, but not be limited to:
a. Vessel shall be designed so that all components of the fire pumps and firemain
system meet or exceed the requirements of NEPA standard 1925, and shall be
installed in such a way as to prevent electrolytic corrosion and cavitation. Ali
piping to be non-ferrous, non -corrosive material. At a minimum, all Firemain
piping will be Aluminum schedule 40 pipe.
b. Two (2) fire pumps, Hale, Dariey type or MFD approved equal, providing at
least a total of 3800 GPM at 150 PSI shall be installed, The pumps shall be
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-06-020
fitted with packing glands and the contractor shall fabricate and install a shield
to collect water dripping from the packing and drain it through a hoseto
bilge. Fire pumps discharge piping shall be configured to supply all
fisystem discharges on the vessel with one or both fire pumps operating.
c. Vessel shall be installed with two (2) independent 12-volt electric, priming
systems, Darley oil -less or equivalent model approved by MFD, for the pumps,
unless the pumps are installed such that the impeller Is hooded when the
suction valve Is open.
d, System to be provided shall have a,minimum 8 inch manifold and check valves,
.. e..synchronized..Contrclier forengine. speed.Wpermit both pumps to be run
together or. separate..._
e. A valve requiring at least three seconds to open shall be installed at each
pump's discharge.
f. Vessel shall be designed so that each pump inlet be provided with a metal
seacock at a dedicated fire pump sea -chests) fitted with a strainer. The
seacock shall be manually operated with position indicator visible. Option for
electric seacock control valves shall be included.
A minimum one -inch circulation valve, located to be readily accessible, and
associated piping, shall be provided from the discharge manifold to the fire
pump(s) sea chest.
h. Relief valves and thermal protection valves shall be installed
i provide ds haor ge
manifold. The relief valves shall dump to the pump(s) intake
capacity of the pump. The thermal protection valves shall include audible alarm
inside and outside of cabin/pilothouse.
Each fire pump shall be fitted with a vacuum gauge on the intake side of the
pump and a compound gauge on the discharge side of each pump. Gauges to
be located at cabin/pilothouse operator station.
Vessel shall be designed so that piping size and arrangement will allow
maximum access to the , with minimum friction loss and turbulence
in the system.Penetrati n of watertight deck and bulkhead structure shall be
maintained watertight.
k. The vessel shall be fitted with sea chests designed with removable intake
screens. Screens shall be removable from inside the craft with no intake of
seawater and permit full inspection of the sea chest and screens from inside
the boat, it is required that the vessel be designed so that all piping will drain to
the sea chest.
I. Vessel shall be designed and fitted with a firemain flushing system
incorporating deck fittings.
22. Design of Firemain SvstemlFoam System;
The firemain shall be designed to supply the following:
a. A remotely controlled 2000GPM monitor, Elkhart Brass (or the MFD approved
equal) consisting of Elkhart Scorpion RF Model # 8394-06 12 volt brass
monitor with panel mounted and wireless remote controller, package # 4 option
which includes: Elkhart Select-O-Matic Model # SM-2000 BE brass nozzle,
2000 GPM at 80 PSI, brass stream shaper and
Model # ST-195B bElkhart brass stack lip nozzles with Elkhart
tip sizes 2", 2 % ", and 2with a
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-06.020
mounting adapter (MFD to identify location). All above components and piping
for the monitor, sized to flow a minimum of 2000 GPM to be provided and
installed on the bow by the Contractor. An electric (with manual option)
controlled valve (Akron or Elkhart or MFD approved equivalent) shall be
installed in the piping in a location readily accessible to the operator of monitor.
Valve switch location to be inside cabin/pilothouse operator location. The
height of the monitor shall allow the monitor to place a stream on the water
within a 30-foot radius circle centered on the standpipe/monitor. One (1) 5-Inch
Storz coupling with open/close manual gear valve accessible from above deck
location shall be provided at base of bow monitor. All monitors, nozzles,
adaptors, shaper tubes, tips and related components shall be of brass
.coestrtictipn. All .syS.tettia.cemponents. shall,be..designedlconfigured.to..withstand...
marine environment.
b. A remotely controlled 2000GPM monitor, Elkhart Brass (or the MFD approved
equal) consisting of Elkhart Scorpion RF Model # 8394-06 12 volt brass
monitor with panel mounted and wireless remote controller, package # 4 option
which includes: Elkhart Select-O-Matic Model # SM-2000 BE brass nozzle,
2000 GPM at 80 PSI, Elkhart Model # 284-B brass stream shaper and Elkhart
Model # ST-195B brass stack tip nozzles with tip sizes 2", 2'/. ", and 2 with a
mounting adapter (MFD to identify location). All above components and piping
for the monitor, sized to flow a minimum of 2000 GPM to be provided and
installed by the Contractor above cabin/pilothouse roof as determined by MFD.
An electric (with manual option) controlled valve (Akron or Elkhart or MFD
approved equivalent) shall be installed in a location readily accessible to the
crew. Valve switch location to be inside cabin/pilothouse operator location. All
monitors, nozzles, adaptors, shaper tubes, tips and related components shall
be of brass construction. Ali system components shall be designed/configured
to withstand marine environment.
c. A riser, minimum 5-inch diameter, installed in an aft location approved by MFD.
The riser shall be fitted with one (1) 5-inch Storz coupling with open/close
manual gear valve accessible from above deck location.
d. Two risers for manual monitors and handlines, minimum 3-Inch diameter, shall
be designed and installed aft, both port and starboard in locations approved by
MFD. Each riser shall be fitted with a 3-1/2inch ball valve with 3 inch NST fitting
and 2-1/2inch NST adaptors. Manual monitors shall be Elkhart Brass (or the
MFD approved equal) consisting of: Elkhart Industrial Copperhead Model #
8593 manual controlled brass monitor with LA City style control handle; Elkhart
Select-O-Matic Model # SM-1000 B manual brass nozzle with 2 1/2 " thread;
Elkhart Model # 282-B brass stream shaper; Elkhart Model # ST-191B brass
stack tip nozzles with tip sizes 1 1/ ", 1 '/.", and 2 inch. Monitors shall be
capable of connecting to a 2-1/2 inch NST hose line. All monitors, nozzles,
adaptors, shaper tubes, tips and related components shall be provided and
installed by Contractor and of brass construction. All system components shall
be designed/configured to withstand marine environment. Stowage for two 50-
foot lengths of 1-3/4 inch hose with automatic nozzles shall be provided
adjacent to each riser. All pipe threads shall be National Standard threads.
e. A foam eductor delivery system shall be provided/installed and must be
compatible with the contractor Installed foam tanks and have the ability to
deliver all 150 gallons of foam easily in an emergency situation.
23. Foam Tanks:
Contractor shall install tanks for a total of 150 gallons of foam concentrate. The
tanks shall be of a non -corrosive material fully compatible with long-term foam
stowage as approved by MFD and contain baffles in the fore and aft direction. The
tanks shall be fitted with fill connections clearly marked/labeled, located port and
City of Miami, Ronda
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP i1105-06.020
starboard, near the deck edge. These connections shall have a clear opening to
the tank of at least (2) inches. The tanks shall be vented.
24. Fire Extinguishing System:
a. Vessel shall be equipped with an Underwriter's Laboratories approved
automatic fire extinguishing system such as the FM 200 system or MFD
approved equivalent, installed in the engine compartment, installation shall be
in accordance with the recommendations and standards of the ABYC.
b. The fire extinguishing system shall be provided with a visual and au
dible alarm
. indlcatpr at the steering .cantrot console .that indicates system discharge. An
.audible alarm shall•also•be-provided to outside deck area. . .
c. Four portable fire extinguishers, 2 dry chemical and 2 CO2 shall be provided
and mounted throughout vessel as determined by MFD. Extinguisher sizes and
ratings shall meet minimum regulatory requirements and approved by MFD.
25, Steering Gear System:
Contractor shall provide hydraulic steering (SeaStar, Jastram or MFD approved
equal), and a rudder angle indicator located at the steering station. A second
rudder indicator shall be located on the aft bulkhead of the cabin where it can best
be seen by the operator when backing the boat.
26. Anchor Handling:
a. The Contractor shall provide a 20-pound Danforth type anchor or size per
vessel requirements and stainless steel fittings for stowing the anchor in the
space forward of the collision bulkhead. The contractor shall provide ten (10)
feet of 2-inch stainless steel chain, stainless steel shackles, and 300 feet of
3/4-inch (or larger based on vessel requirements) diameter nylon line.
Stainless steel thimbles shall protect eye splices in the line, A watertight hatch
shall provide access to the compartment. The bitter end of the anchor line shall
be secured to an eye fitting welded to the hull structure within the
compartment. A deck scuttle fitting shall be provided for passing the anchor
line to the anchor.
b. The Contractor shall provide a 20-pound Danforth type anchor or size per
vessel requirements and stainless steel fittings for stowing the anchor in a
space near the stern of the boat. The Contractor shall provide ten (10) feet of
2-Inch stainless steel chain, stainless steel shackles, and 300 feet of 3/4-inch
(or larger based on vessel requirements) diameter nylon line. Stainless steel
thimbles shall protect eye splices In the line. A watertight hatch shall provide
access to the compartment.
27. Hull Outfitting:
a. An 8-inch diameter half -round rubber fender shall be fitted around the entire
deck edge at the sheer line. A rubber fender shall also be around the work
platform so as to ensure that the entire hull is afforded protection. The rubber
fender shall be provided with means of preventing separation of the fender at
joints between fender sections.
b. Four (4) 3-inch mooring bitts (two at the bow and one at each stem quarter)
shall be welded to the deck.
e each, port and starboard, at
forward)12-inch end of the icabin/peats ilotha se and onell be provided, each, port and starboard,the
at the aft
end of the cabin/pilothouse,
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response watercraft RFP NOS•06420
d. A minimum of four (4) 10-pound zinc anodes shall be placed below the
waterline at the transom, Doubler plates or insert plates shall be fitted in way of
the zinc anodes.
e. A water level, aluminum work/dive platform with half round rubber fender shall
be provided at the stern for victim recovery from the water, The platform shall
extend at least three (3) feet with option for 4 (four) feet and have the full width
of the hull. The platform shall support at a minimum, four (4) rescuers and a
victim with a combined weight of 1500 pounds. The platform shall be fixed
mounted for increased structural strength. A handrail located below work/dive
platform and extending. fill .length, shall be. provided. Handrail design shall not
....... Interfere with .vessel performance:- • . -
f. A ladder shall be designed and provided as approved by MFD on the work/dive
platform. The Ladder shall be foatable and able to be locked onto the platform
at three different locations. The ladder storage shall be offset to one side of the
platform or other location approved by MFD and positioned to prevent fouling
of mooring lines or a towing bridle.
Removable stanchions, 30-inch high, and lifelines shall be fitted around the
complete deck edge, inset approximately four inches from the deck edge. Grab
rails shall be fitted along the exterior cabin/pilothouse sides. Stanchions,
lifelines and grab -rails shall be installed in accordance with the
recommendations and standards of the ABYC. The MFD shall approve the
location of handrails. Note: Stanchions are to be located 4 inches in from the
deck edge to avoid damage when alongside another vessel. Portable light
weight bench seating shall be designed and provided for port and starboard
sides adjacent or attached to stanchions.
h. A lifeline track shall be provided on exterior brow of cabin/pilothouse.
i. Multiple tubular storage areas shall be provided on portand starboard side
cabin/pilothouse under roof brow. These storage locations are for storage of
pike poles or other long handle tools.
j. Two fixed handrails port and starboard on bow shall be provided as approved
by MFD.
k. Grab rails shall be installed in the cabin/pilothouse overhead and run the full
length of the cabin/pilothouse.
I. All watertight compartments shall be provided with a watertight access for
cleaning and inspection.
M. All attachments of equipment, hardware, fittings, rubber fender and grab rails
shall be through bolted with stainless steel bolts, backing plates, washers and
locknuts. Attachment using tapped screws or rivets is prohibited unless
expressly approved by MFD. All connections shall be insulated to prevent
electrolytic corrosion.
n. Two lockable storage lockers capable of storing backboards, stokes basket
and other equipment shall be provided and located aft on the main deck.
0. A portable canopy system and storage location as approved by MFD shall be
designed and provided to cover entire main deck aft of cabin/pilothouse.
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-06-020
28. Rigging:
A 1/4-inch nylon line flag hoist, stainless steel pulley and stainless steel fittings
shall be provided for the mast gaff and port and starboard yardarm.
29. Painting and Label Plates:
a. The vessel shall be finished with a Ameron paint covering system or
equivalent, reflective gold trim and MFD seals/logos. Colors and design
schemes as defined by MFD,
b. Prior to painting, ail surfaces are to be sandblasted and cleaned. Ameron paint
,covering system • to .consist of •3 separate coats of epoxy primers and twose,
applications on shall be applied as required by manufacturer specifications.
C. All surface imperfections such as sharp fins, sharp edges, weld spatter and mill
or fabrication marks shall be removed from the surface by the Contractor
before sandblasting the hull. Areas shall be spot cleaned by power wire
brushing or orbital sanding using 80 grit or finer to achieve a smooth,.
contoured finish. Only stainless steel pads or abrasive sanding disks shall be
used. Abrasive disks used to remove discontinuities shall not have been used
previously on other metals, or have been used to remove copper pigmented
d. Surface imperfections that remain (e.g., sharp fins or edges: Weld splatter, mill
or fabrication marks) after sandblasting shall be removed from the surface. The
area shall then be sandblasted again to insure continuity of the required finish.
e. All underwater portions of the vessel shall be equipped with an antifouling paint
system addressing MFD onsite location conditions in accordance with ABYC
recommendations and manufacturer's directions.
f. All valves, liquid fill components/locations and other control devices shall be
clearly marked and labeled with waterproof labels to identify the function of
each and position indicator status if a valve.
30. Deck Covering:
a. Removable aluminum plating shall be installed in the engine space.
b. All cabin/pilothouse and exterior deck surfaces shall be covered with non-skid.
31. Hull Insulation:
The interior surfaces of the hull and cabin/pilothouse shall be insulated to minimize
condensation. Interior surfaces of the cabin/pilothouse shall be sheathed with gray
perforated aluminum panel or PVC plastic as determined by MFD. The Contractor
may propose an alternate non-combustible sheathing as approved by MFD. All trim
work to utilize anodized aluminum.
32. Open Stowage:
a. The Contractor shall provide and install two (2) 24-inch life rings with light and
line at locations determined by MED.
b. The Contractor shall provide a Category 1, 406/121.5 MHZ. Float -free,
automatically activated BPIRB. Detectable by satellite anywhere in the world.
Recognized by GMDSS.
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05.06-020
c. Unless specifically noted, all materials and equipment shall be procured and
installed by the Contractor. All equipment shall be new. No substitution of
equivalent materials or equipment shall be made without the written approval of
33. Compartment Stowage:
Stowage arrangements shall be approved by MFD prior to construction. Stowage
shall be provided for items summarized in Equipment List Including designated
stowage for six (6) five -gallon cans of AFFF foam,
......... .EiPt�e�it it
Turnout complete w/o SCBA
Rechargeable light & charger
Trauma ba•
Qty Unit Weight Width- Height- Depth
WefincInches inches
NE 10
Ina 20 20
UPI 16 16 MEM 10
5 5 16
20 20 18
10 20 21
Ox en ba• w/airwa kit
Suction unit
Pediatric 13roslow Bag
d- bottle- oxygen
Tool kit
SCBA bottles
Floating Stokes Basket
5-• anon water 'u • full
8 ft •ike •ole
100 ft utility rope
100 ft NFPA 1983 rescue
i0 10
22 88 14
20 80 6.5 111111
15 15
1 23 23
75 ft throw rope in bag 1 6 6
PFD- Type V
6 2 12
100ft5inhose 1 120 120
50 ft 2 % in hose 2 70 140
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft
RFP 005-06-020
50 ft 1-3/4in hose
25 ft 1-314 in hose
125 GPM foam eductor Akron
125 GPM nozzle
500•GPM foam nozzle
og nozzles-1-3/4in
Eductor Akron 521
Halligan bar
6 lb flathead axe
6 ftpry bar
24 in bolt cutter
10 lb sledge hammer
Adjustable hydrant wrench
5 ,
Spanner wrenches
Grappling hooks & 50 ft line
Subtotal - lockers
Extinguisher 2-A, 10 BC
Miscellaneous other
Total Weight - Lbs
1 600
34. Inspection:
All items delivered under this Contract shall be subject to inspection by MFD.
Acceptance thereof will be contingent upon the materials passing such inspection.
The Miami Fire Department reserves the right to reject any and all items which fail
to qualify to the quality and workmanship so desired.
35. Delivery:
Vessel shall be delivered fully serviced and ready to perform the work for which it is
being purchased. All manufacturers' warranties shall be included with
documentation provided at delivery of vessel.
36. Warranty and Service:
AU repairs and/or replacements shall be made at no cost whatsoever and to the
complete satisfaction of the Miami Fire Department. This guarantee shall not cover
breakage or damage caused by acts of God, neglect, misuse or wrecking caused
by actual use, collision or carelessness on the part of others than the manufacturer,
after the vessel has been placed in-service. The Contractor shall also guarantee
that the vessel has been thoroughly "run-in" and tested prior to delivery. All
warranty repair requests shall be completed within fourteen (14) days of the
Contractor's receipt of the warranty repair request. To protect the interest of the
Miami Fire Department, the manufacturer shall guarantee in writing that all
equipment offered is new equipment, of the most current design, is a regular stock
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP 1005-06-020
product, with a guaranteed availability of parts for a minimum of fifteen (15) years
for engines, gears and shaft bearings. In the event that a manufacturer may offer
extended warranties, the Contractor shall not add markups to these warranties.
The manufacturer shall provide a written ten (10) year hull warranty in addition to a
minimum one (1) year warranty that covers all defective parts and/or components,
the improper choice of materials, parts and/or components, improper design or
engineering and poor or improper workmanship or quality control techniques. This
warranty shall cover the completed vessel and shall include any and all costs for
labor and parts that are required to correct any and all deficiencies. Alt warranty
periods mentioned in this specification shall commence from the date the
Fire/Rescue Boat is "placed in-service" unless otherwise stated.
37.Service Factlltv(Warranty Repairs:
It Is required that the Contractor have the ability to provide warranty service in the
City of Miami and/or Miami -Dade County, no exceptions. All warranty repairs shall
be completed at the above referenced location(s). However, MFD retains the right
to repair the vessel with State, Federal or City of Miami personnel at a labor rate of
$80.40 per hour with the manufacturer/contractor reimbursing MFD for all
expenses and supplying whatever parts, assemblies, systems, services, etc., that
are necessary 10 complete the repairs; and/or as elected by MFD, at a commercial
boat repair facility, at Contractor's expense and with Contractor reimbursement of
all expenses and parts, assemblies, systems, services, etc., that are necessary to
complete the repairs without voiding any warranties.
38.Electrical System Warranty:
The manufacturer shall provide a five (5) year electrical system warranty that
covers all electrical connections, harness, switches, circuit breakers, and relays.
39.Generator Warranty:
A five (5) year unlimited hours warranty shall be provided for the generator.
40.Engine Warranty:
A five (5) year, unlimited hour warranty shall be provided for the engines.
41.Hamllton Waterjet Warranty:
A five (5) year unlimited warranty shall be provided.
42,Pump Warranty:
The pump shall be covered by a five (5) year unlimited warranty.
43. Start of Warranty Period;
All warranties shall commence on completion of training and successful passage of
acceptance tests with the Miami Fire Department. The Contractor shall be notified
by electronic or U.S. Mail of the date. Contractor is responsible for ensuring all
manufacturers' warranty paperwork is correctly completed and submitted to
manufacturers. Contractor shall provide MFD all supporting documents and
documentation of manufacturers' registrations,
44. Deliverv:
The Contractor shall ensure that the vessel is fully completed and delivered no
later than 270 consecutive CALENDAR DAYS from the receipt of the purchase
order from the City of Miami. Contractor shall submit a firm delivery time (number of
calendar days from date of order 10 date of delivery) of said vessel with the offer.
Quoting number of days after receipt of all components is unacceptable and may
pe cause or your proposal to be reiected. Delivery shall be accompanied . by
invoice(s) and shall be identified with a Purchase Order Number and Vessel
Identification Number. The receipt of the vessel, manuals, instruction, training,
compliance with all scope of work requirements and acceptance certification of all
prescribed tests will constitute delivery. At the presentation of delivery, the
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP 1105-05.020
Contractor shall produce a Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin. Delivery of the
vessel incomplete or requiring changes or modifications shall be unacceptable and
be considered not meeting specifications in which liquidated damages will be
assessed as cited below.
F.O.B. Destination: The vessel shall be delivered free on board (FOB) in the water
City of Miami
Fire -Rescue Department
Attn: Copt, Loren Dougherty
401 Biscayne Boulevard
Miami, FL 33132
GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: Latitude 25.47.0 N / Longitude 80.11.0 W Located at
Statute Mile 1090 on the Atlantic ICW at Marker 53, Just South of the Port of Miami
Causeway l Dodge island Bridge
45. Liquidated Damages:
A deduction of $200.00 per day will be made for each day over and above the
required delivery date as mentioned above. The $200.00 per day deduction also
will apply if the vessel is delivered and rejected, until the vessel is returned meeting
specifications. These deductions shall not serve as a penalty, but as "liquidated
damages" for the Toss of use of the vessel daily.
46. Construction Inspections and instructions.
In the interest of quality control and adherence to these specifications, the
Contractor shall provide/pay for four (4) factory inspection/visit trips as follows:
Each trip shall include provisions for three (3) officials of the Miami Fire Department
or their designees; Each trip shall be for a period of two nights and three days and
shall include the total costs of all lodging, meals, and transportation; if the distance
is over 100 miles, travel shall be by commercial air lines from Miami International
Airport to the Contractor's facilities and back. The first inspection/visit trip shall be
the Pre -Construction Engineering Conference. The second inspection/visit trip shall
take place when construction of the hull and superstructure is substantially
complete. The third Inspection/visit trip shall take place when engines, gears and
shafts are installed, but prior to closing of any permanent void spaces. The fourth
inspection/visit trip shall take place during tests and trials at Contractor's
manufacturing location and prior to shipping/delivery. Failure on the part of the
Contractor, without the express written approval of the Miami Fire Department, to
schedule these inspections will result in the rejection of the vessel upon delivery.
The Miami Fire Department at their expense, reserves the right to make additional
inspection/visit trips above the four paid for by Contractor. Additional
inspection/visit trips caused as a result of the Contractor's or vessel's failure to
successfully pass a scheduled inspection or any acceptance test shall be paid for
by Contractor.
1, The Contractor shall assume all normal and generally -accepted expenses
incurred for food, lodging and commercial air and ground transportation for City
staff, from Miami international Airport to the contractor's facilities and back. The
contractor shall provide a clean, well -lit, climate -controlled environment In
which to conduct the inspection. All work shall be completed and the vessel
shall be cleaned and prepared for inspection prior to the scheduled inspection
2, The vessel will not be accepted upon delivery if the construction is incomplete.
City of Miami, Florida Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-06-020
3. The vessel will not be accepted upon delivery if the vessel is not in accordance
with these Specifications, or fails to meet any of the tests prescribed in these
Specifications, or the Contractor fails to provide the required inspections.
47. Acceptance Testing and Inspections
a. Intent: The vessel is to be used under emergency conditions. It will
sometimes be subjected to severe operating conditions and equipment failures
could conceivably result in loss of life or injury to firefighters or others. For this
reason, the vessel must pass these acceptance tests before being accepted for
service by,the MFD, API acceptance tests shall by accornpjlshed.Writh,a,full load
. . of •fuel,...:.full...tank ..of..potable:-water; .fuiJ:-foam- tanks:-(or~equivalent.-weight'
allocations inside hull area), all equipment (or equivalent weight allocation
onboard) and crew (four personnel).The Miami Fire Department shall witness
all tests. The Contractor shall provide notice to MED at least ten (10) working
days before performing tests. The Contractor shall provide access for
inspection by the Miami Fire Department prior to closure of void spaces.
b. Dock Trial Acceptance Test: Before sea trials are run, a test of all machinery
and electronic equipment shall be made at the dock. The engines shall be run
at 1600 rpm for at least one hour. All engine temperatures and oil pressures
shall be within manufacturer's tolerances throughout the test. Special attention
will be paid to monitoring piping, fuel system, engine mounts and engine
controls for weakness, leakage, excessive vibration or failure.
c, Speed Acceptance Test; The fully loaded vessel must be capable of
maintaining the desired speed for two hours at full Toad. Failure to attain the
desired speed, porpoising or heading instability shall be cause for rejection.
Speed shall be determined by six (6) timed runs (three in each direction) over a
measured mile or half -mile course, or by global positioning data, in water at
least thirty (30) feet deep. During this test, engine temperatures, pressures,
piping and connections shall be monitored by an engine manufacturer's
technical representative. The main engines must not exceed the
manufacturer's certified continuous operating rpm. Special attention wilt be paid
to monitoring piping, fuel system, engine mounts and engine controls for
weakness, leakage, excessive vibration or failure.
d. Maneuvering Acceptance Test: The vessel shall be tested for stability and
maneuverability in high-speed turns, and shall not exhibit any dangerous or
undesirable handling characteristics. Examples of dangerous and undesirable
handling characteristics are broaching, excessive rolling, loss of power, loss of
steering control, excessive wave impact while underway, seepage of water into
the cabin/pilothouse or excessive water intrusion/seepage into the bilge, The
vessel shall be required to make an emergency stop at maximum speed by
lowering the reversing buckets of the waterjets with stopping distance to be
within length of vessel. As an additional facet of the maneuvering test, the
vessel firepump systems shall be engaged and operating at full capacity. The
vessel propulsion systems must allow the vessel to be safely controlled and
maneuvered utilizing one or both propulsion engines.
e. Vibration Acceptanr@ Test: Vibration which can damage or fatigue structure,
electrical, machinery, piping or electronic components of the boat may result In
rejection of said vessel.
f. Severe Weather Acceptance Testy This test shall be conducted in waves of
3-foot significant height. The vessel shall not exhibit undesirable or dangerous
characteristics. Examples of undesirable or dangerous handling characteristics
City of Miami. Florida Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-06-020
are broaching, excessive roiling, loss of power, loss of steering control,
excessive wave impact while underway, seepage of water into the
cabin/pilothouse or excessive water intrusion/seepage into the bilge. The
speed requirement for this test is ten (10) knots.
g. Pump Acceptance Test: The Miami Fire Department or designee shall
conduct a standard fire pump acceptance test that complies with NFPA
Standard 1925 guidelines. During these tests, engine pressuresand
temperatures shall not exceed manufacturer's limits. Special attention will be
paid to monitoring piping, fuel system, engine mounts and engine controls for
weakness, leakage, excessive vibration or failure,
h. Fittings Acceptance Test: All weathertight/watertight components/fittings, ail
windows, all doors, all hatches and all structure shall be free from leakage
when exposed to a 40-psi stream from a 5/8-inch nozzle at a distance of
eighteen (18) inches. Test of each item shall be for ten (10) minutes.
Second Trial/Acceptance Testing: In the event that the vessel or any
component of the vessel fails to meet any test requirement, second trials shall
be made at the option of the Miami Fire Department within thirty (30) days of
the date of the first trials. Such trials shall be final and conclusive, and failure to
comply with these requirements through the successful completion of all tests
shall be cause for rejection. Contractor shall pay all costs for MFD personnel or
their designees for the return visit/trips as specified under section #48
Construction Inspections and Instructions.
48. Training and Additional Requirements
The Contractor shall prepare a recommended hull and machinery maintenance
program. When the boat is delivered, the Contractor shall provide at least three (3)
days of on -site training providing a complete familiarization of vessel systems
operation and maintenance. This training is to be included in the overall proposal
price. This training is for three (3) shifts of firefighters/MFD personnel and shall be
conducted in Miami, Florida.
49. Documentation and Outfit:
The following documentation shall be provided with the vessel upon delivery:
a. One (1) reproducible copy of the boat's lines drawing
b. Two (2) copies of all final construction drawings as built, including final
electrical wiring diagrams, final plumbing diagrams and other system diagrams
and one (1) AutoCAD file of ail as built drawings including above Identified
C. One (1) copy of all purchase orders for vessel equipment.
d. One (1) copy of the weight certificate for the vessel equipped for delivery, with
no liquids except engine coolant and all.
e. Two (2) copies of installation, operation and maintenance manuals of the fire
pump. Two (2) copies of parts, service and maintenance manuals for the
engines. Two (2) copies of installation, operation and maintenance manuals for
ail other boat equipment. If manuals are available on a CD-ROM, those CDs
shall also be provided.
f. A list of all electrically powered equipment, identifying each associated circuit
breaker/fuse location and size.
City of Miami, Flonda
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-06-020
The vessel shall be delivered in the water in the City of Miami, Florida with the
following spare parts:
(1) Two (2) spare fuses for each fuse,
(2) One (1) spare titter or filter cartridge for every installed replaceable
(3) Two (2) spare bulbs for each installed light
h. The
shipping/deliveryr costs from provide
Contrac or's vesselfor
manufactr. ring sto Miami,
ssei transportation
manufacturing site
Florida, Bayslde Manna in the water, Transportation mode shall be by truck,
rail, ship or any necessary combination.
50. Mandatory Conferences and Meetings:
a. Engineering Conference: Prior to the start of construction of the vessel that is
the subject of these specifications, the Contractor shall schedule an
Engineering Conference at the Builder's facility with officials of the Mlaml Fire
Department and/or authorized designees to review in detail the necessary
drawings, designs, measurements, electrical load analysis, etc., and samples
of welds that may be required to fabricate the vessel. The preliminary design of
the steering control console shall be reviewed at such conference.
b, The Engineering Conference shall be scheduled within forty-five (45) days from
the receipt of the award of contract and issuance of a purchase order.
Subsequent inspection/visit trips as identified in Section #46,shall be scheduled
at not less than ten (10) work days notice to the parties involved.
51. Detailed Drawings and Blueprints:
a. A detailed computer generated drawing or blueprint shall be prepared by the
contractor and submitted to the Miami Fire Department a minimum of ten (10)
days prior to the Engineering Conference. The original copies of any drawings
shall be reviewed, approved and signed by an appropriate official of the Miami
Fire Department and contractor prior to any construction of any part of the
vessel subject to these specifications. The purpose of these drawings Is to
assure the Miami Fire Department that the proposed design provides a
satisfactory arrangement meeting the intent of these specifications. To this
end, the drawings must be drawn to scale and show:
Inboard and outboard profile and deck arrangements, with
dimensions, demonstrating pilothouse visibility, operational arcs of
monitors, compliance with Rules of the Road requirements for
navigational lights, and arrangement of equipment and outfit as
described in Section 27, "Hull Outfitting."
(2). Structural configuration demonstrating compliance as described
above In Section tit"Structural Bulkheads."
(3). Arrangement of propulsion units, gears, propulsors, fire pumps,
generator, fuel tanks, foam tank, combustion air ducting, water tank
and fire main and exhaust piping runs, demonstrating ability to
access and remove components for maintenance and repair.
(4). One -line schematic diagrams of the fire main, electrical, circulating
and cooling water, and fuel oil systems.
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-06-020
(5). Design of the control console, including arrangement of electronics
equipment listed in Section #17, "Navigation and Electronics".
b. The Contractor shall provide the Miami Fire Department with four (4) copies of
the final drawings after the Engineering Conference. Freehand drawn drawings
or sketches are unacceptable. For vessels under 50 feet overall length, the
scale of arrangement and hull lines drawings shall not be less than '/2 inch
one foot. The scale of control console and electronics equipment arrangement
shall not be less than one inch = one foot. Approval of these drawings does
not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for satisfying the performance
requiter eras cunt, iriedinthese specifications,
52. Life Cycle Costing/Total Cost of Ownership
Each Proposer shall refer to Section 5.1, Subsection 6, Life Cycle Costing/Total
Cost of Ownership, and detail any and alt direct and indirect costs of the acquisition
based upon four hundred (400) hours of operation per year for a period of ten (10)
years to provide the required product and services as listed herein.
53. Right to Add or Delete Equipment
Proposer, as part of its response must submit a price list of all optional equipment.
The City reserves the right to add or delete any equipment or change specifications
as part of Contract negotiations with the Successful Proposer, to ensure the
watercraft remains viable, up-to-date, and state-of-the-art.
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP 1105-06-020
3.1. Acceptance/Rejection
The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Responses or to select the Proposer(s) that, in the
opinion of the City, will be in the best interest of and/or the most advantageous to the City. The City also
reserves the right to reject the Response of any Proposer(s) who has previously failed to properly perform
under the terms and conditions of a contract, to deliver on time contracts of a similar nature, and who is not
in a position to perform the requirements defined in this RFP. The City reserves the right to waive any
irregularities and technicalities and may, at its discretion, withdraw and/or re -advertise the RFP.
It is further expressly
:.Cit Not.Lla
y agreed that in no event shall the City be liable for, or responsible to, the Contractor,
any sub -contractor, or to any other person for, or on account of, any stoppages or delay in the work herein
provided for by injunction or other legal or equitable proceedings or on account of any delay for any cause
over which the City has no control. The agreement will include a "no damage for delay" clause.
3.3. Contract Award and City's Rights
The City reserves the right, as it determines to be in Its best interest, to accept or reject, any or all
responses to this RFP, waive informalities, technicalities, minor irregularities, and request new proposals on
the goods and/or services specified in the RFP.
3.4. Cost Incurred By Proposers
All expenses involved with the preparation and submission of Responses to the City, or any work performed
in connection therewith shall be borne by the Proposer(s).
3.5. Legal Requirements
This RFP is subject to all applicable federal, state, county, city and local laws, codes, ordinances, rules and
regulations that in any manner affect any and all of the goods and/or services covered herein. Lack of
knowledge by the Proposer shall in no way be cause for relief from responsibility.
3.6. Non -Appropriation of Funds
In the event no funds or insufficient funds are appropriated and budgeted or funding is otherwise
unavailable in any fiscal period for payments due under the Contract, then the City, upon written notice to
the Contractor or his/her assignee of such occurrence, shall have the unqualified right to terminate the
Contract without any penalty or expense to the City. No guarantee, warranty or representation is made that
any particular or any project(s) wit' be awarded to any firm(s).
3.7. Occupational License Requirement
Any Proposer with a business location in the City, who submits a Proposal under this RFP, shall meet the
City's Occupational License Tax requirements in accordance with Chapter 31.1, Article i of the City of Miami
Charter. Proposers with a business location outside the City of Miami shall meet their local Occupational
License Tax requirements. A copy of the license must be submitted with the Proposal; however, the City
may at its sole option and in its best interest allow the Proposer to supply the license to the City during the
evaluation period, but prior to award.
3.8. Payment
Payments to the Successful Proposer shall be made In arrears or as established in Contract negotiations,
and based on work performed to the satisfaction of the City.
Payment shall be made after delivery, within 45 days of receipt of an invoice for services/goods and
pursuant to Florida Statute 218.74 (Florida's Prompt Payment Act) and other applicable laws.
3.9. One Proposal
Only one (1) Proposal from an individual, firm, partnership, corporation or joint venture will be considered In
response to this RFP.
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-06•020
3.10. Minimum Qualification Requirements
Proposers shalt satisfy each of the following requirements cited below. Failure to do so will result to the
Proposal being deemed non -responsive.
a) Possess experience that demonstrates the Proposer's ability to provide a Rapid Response
Watercraft of a similar nature during the past three (3) years, particularly for a government
entity(s), and provide documentation of same.
b) Possess sufficient resources and personnel to provide a Rapid Response Watercraft, and shall
have sufficient financial support, equipment, personnel, supervision, and organization to ensure
that it can satisfactorily meet the City's required deliverable timeframe.
c) Not submit a response should the Proposer have any member, officer, or stockholder that is in
:•. arrears :. or.,.ia.,-in.;:defauit::.of: anV:_debt •,or-bdritract:.inuofving: the :City; ifs:.a:..defaulter:ar:.:sUrety:• ::,.::.".... .
otherwise, upon any obligation to the City, has failed to perform faithfully any previous contract
with the City.
3.11. Proposer Registration
It is the policy of the City that all prospective Proposers register as a Bidder indicating the
commodities/services which the Proposer can regularly supply to the City for inclusion on the City's
Proposer/bidder's list. Should a prospective Proposer not be currently listed on the City's Proposer/bidder's
list, you may register via the Internet at: htto://eaov.ci.miami.fl.uslbids/bids.asn. For any questions, contact
the Vendor Registration Section at (305) 416-1913,
3.12. Public Entity Crimes
A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted Proposer list following a conviction for a public
entity crime may not submit a proposal on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity,
may not submit a Response on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public
building or public work's project, may not submit a response on a lease of real property to a public entity,
may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract
with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold
amount provided in Section 287.017 of Florida Statutes for Category Two for a period of 36 months from the
date of being placed on the convicted Bidder/ Proposer list.
3.13. Resolution of Protests
Any actual or prospective contractual party who feels aggrieved in connection with the solicitation or award
of a contract may protest in writing to the Director of Purchasing/Chief Procurement Officer who shall have
the authority, subject to the approval of the City Manager and the City Attorney, to settle and resolve a
protest with final approval by the City Commission, Bidders are alerted to Section 18-103 of the City's
Ordinance No, 12271 describing the protest procedures. Protests failing to meet the requirements for filing
shall NOT be accepted. Failure of a party to timely file shall constitute a forfeiture of such party's right to file
a protest. NO EXCEPTIONS.
3.14. Review of Responses for Responsiveness
Each Proposal will be reviewed to determine If it is responsive to the submission requirements outlined in
the RFP. A "responsive' Proposal is one which follows the requirements of the RFP, includes all
documentation, is submitted in the format outlined in the RFP, is of timely submission, and has appropriate
signatures as required on each document. Failure to comply with these requirements may deem a Proposal
non -responsive. A responsible Proposer is one that has the capability in all respects to fully perform the
requirements set forth in the Proposal, and that has the integrity and reliability, which will assume good faith
3.15. Sales Tax
The City is State Sales Tax exempt. Notwithstanding, Proposers should be aware of the fact that all
materials and supplies which are purchased by the Proposer for the completion of the contract is subject to
the Florida State Sales Tax In accordance with Section 212.08 Florida Statutes as amended and all
amendments thereto and shall be paid solely by the Proposer, if applicable.
City of Miami, Ronda
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-06.020
3.16, First -source Hiring Agreements.
(a) The commission approves implementation of the first -source hiring agreement policy and requires
as a condition precedent to the execution of service contracts for facilities, services, and/or receipt
of grants and loans, for projects of a nature that create new jobs, the successful negotiation of first -
source hiring agreements between the organization or Individual receiving said contract and the
authorized representative unless such an agreement is found infeasible by the City Manager and
such finding approved by the city commission at a public hearing.
(b) For the purpose of this section, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have
the following meanings:
Authorized representative means the Private Industry Council of South Florida/South Florida
Employment and Training Consortium, or its successor as local recipient of federal and state
training and employment funds.
Facilities means all publicly financed projects, including but without limitation, unified development
projects, municipal public works, and municipal improvements to the extent they are financed
through public money services or the use of publicly owned property.
Grants and loans means, without limitation, urban development action grants (UDAG), economic
development agency construction loans, loans from Miami Capital Development, Incorporated, and
all federal and state grants administered by the city.
Service contracts means contracts for the procurement of services by the City which include
professional services.
Services include, without Limitation, public works improvements, facilities, professional services,
commodities, supplies, materials and equipment.
(c) The authorized representative shall negotiate each first -source hiring agreement.
(d) The primary beneficiaries of the first -source hiring agreement shall be participants of the City's
training and employment programs, and other residents of the City.
3.17. Employees are Responsibility of Successful Proposer
All employees of the Successful Proposer shall be considered to be, at all times, the sole employees of the
Successful Proposer under its sole direction and not an employee or agent of the City. The Successful
Proposer shall supply competent and physically capable employees. The City may require the Successful
Proposer to remove an employee the City deems careless, incompetent, insubordinate or otherwise
objectionable and whose continued employment under this contract is not in the best interest of the City.
Each employee shall have and wear proper identification.
All the goods and/or services required herein shall be delivered/performed by the Successful Proposer, and
all personnel engaged in delivering/performing the services shall be fully qualified to deliver/perform such
All personnel of the Successful Proposer must be covered by Workers Compensation, unemployment
compensation and liability insurance, a copy of which is to be provided to the City. No personnel of the
Successful Proposer may receive any City employment benefit.
3.18. Use of Name
The City is not engaged in research for advertising, sales promotion, or other publicity purposes. No
advertising, sales promotion or other publicity materials containing information obtained from this Proposal
are to be mentioned, or imply the name of the City, without prior express written permission of the City
Manager or the City Commission.
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-08-020
3.19. Collusion
The Proposer, by submitting a Proposal, certifies that its Proposal is made without previous understanding,
agreement or connection either with any person, firm, or corporation submitting a Proposal for the same
goods/services, or with the City's Purchasing Department or initiating Department. The Proposer certifles
that its Proposal is fair, without control, collusion, fraud, or other illegal action, The Proposer further certifies
that it is in compliance with the conflict of interest and code of ethics laws. The City will investigate all
situations where collusion may have occurred and the City reserves the right to reject any and all
Responses where collusion may have occurred.
3.20. Ownership of Documents
Proposer understands and agrees that any information, document, report or any other material whatsoever
by thp..cji .to. . cp§s.aful .PrppQse....or,,wh chi ...Qthgr Wi ._oOtoinei..p.C'pi'ware.4.4y.1Stigc ssfmi..
Proposer pursuant to or under the terms of the RFP is and shall at ail times remain the property of the City.
Successful Proposer agrees not 10 use any such information, document, report or material for any other
purpose whatsoever without the written consent of the City, which may be withheld or conditioned by the
City in its sole discretion.
3.21. Unauthorized Work
Neither the Successful Proposer nor any of his/her employees shall perform any work unless duly
authorized by the Contract Administrator or his designated representative. The qualified Proposer(s) shall
not be paid for any work performed outside the scope of the contract or any work performed by an
employee not otherwise previously authorized.
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-O6-020
Upon authorization of the City Commission (if required) the City Manager or his authorized designee shall
negotiate all aspects of the Contract with the Successful Proposer. The City Attorney's Office will provide
assistance to the City Manager or his designee during the negotiation of the Contract and must approve the
Contract as to legal form and correctness prior to the City Commission's authorization (if required) for the
execution of the Contract by the City Manager. The Contract shall comply with all applicable laws, City
Charter, and code provisions. The contract shall include certain clauses which will safeguard the interests
. of..,.the ' City.; . it:lcluding, :,: without..... iimitaations,_..canoeJiatioli..for...convenlance, .:.hraid.. 'harmless/indemnity, •..no._.
damages for delay and no adverse interest to the clauses:
The Contract shall address, but not be limited to, the following terms and conditions:
The City Manager or his authorized designee shall have sole authority to amend the Contract on
behalf of the City,
The Successful Proposer shall not assign any portions thereof, or any part of his/her operations,
without written permission granted by the City through the City Manager, in the City's sole
The Successful Proposer shall comply with ail local, state, and federal directives, ordinances, rules,
orders, and laws as applicable to this RFP. Non-compliance with all local, state, and federal
directives, orders, and laws may be considered grounds for termination of Contract.
If any individual member of a proposing team, or an employee of a proposing team/firm, or an
immediate family member of the same is also a member of any board, commission, or agency of
the City, that individual is subject to the conflict of interest provisions of the City Code, Section 2-
The Code states that no City officer, official, employee or board, commission or agency member, or
a spouse, son, daughter, parent, brother or sister of such person, shall enter into any contract,
transact any business with the City, or appear in representation of a third party before the City
Commission, This prohibition may be waived in certain instances by the affirmative vote of 4/5 of
the City Commission, after a public hearing, but is otherwise strictly enforced and remains effective
for two years subsequent to a person's departure from City employment or board, commission or
agency membership.
This prohibition does not preclude any person to whom it applies from submitting a Proposal.
However, there is no guarantee or assurance that such person will be able to obtain the necessary
waiver from the City, even if such person were the Successful Proposer.
A letter indicating a conflict of interest for each individual to whom it applies shall accompany the
submission package. The letter must contain the name of the individual who has the conflict; the
relative(s), office, type of employment or other situation which may create the conflict; the board on
which the individual is or has served; and the dates of service.
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP 1405.O6-020
The Contract Administrator for the Contract shall be:
Name Brad Dougherty
Deputy Fire Chief, Operations
or His Designee
Department City of Miami Department of Fire -Rescue
1151 NW 7th St
Miami, FL 33136
For each good/service proposed, Proposer shall include the name and telephone, and/or beeper number of
the firm's intended City's Project Manager. In the event the Contract is awarded to Proposer, the City's
Project Manager, designated by Successful Proposer, shall be available at one of these contact numbers
on a daily basis during at least regular business hours, Monday through Friday, for purposes of addressing
complaints and receiving information as to Contract performance. Should the Project Manager deemed
acceptable by the City leave the Successful Proposer's firm for any reason, the City reserves the right to
accept or reject any other proposed Project Manager.
The Successful Proposer shall agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City and its officials,
employees and agents (collectively referred to as "Indemnities") and each of them from and against all
losses, costs, penalties, fines, damages, claims, expenses (including attorney's fees), liabilities (collectively
referred to as "Liabilities") by reason of any injury to or death of any person or damage to or destruction or
loss of any goods/services arising out of, resulting from, or in connection with (i) the performance or non-
performance of the goods/services contemplated by the Contract which is or Is alleged to be directly or
indirectly caused, in whole or in part, by any act, omission, default or negligence (whether active or passive)
of the Indemnities, or any of them or (ii) the failure of the Successful Proposer to comply with any of the
requirements specified within the Contract, or the failure of the Successful Proposer to conform to statutes,
ordinances, or other regulations or requirements of any governmental authority, federal or state, in
connection with the performance under the Contract. Successful Proposer expressly agrees to indemnify
and hold harmless the Indemnities, or any of them, from and against all liabilities which may be asserted by
an employee or former employee of Successful Proposer, or any of its subcontractors, if applicable and as
provided above, for which the Successful Proposer's liability to such employee or former employee would
otherwise be limited to payments under state Workers' Compensation or similar laws. The Indemnifications
will be interpreted to comply with §725.06, Florida Statutes.
Within ten (10) days after notification of award, the Successful Proposer shall furnish Evidence of Insurance
to the Purchasing Department and to the Risk Management Department. Both departments are located at
City of Miami, 444 SW 2 Avenue, Miami, FL 33130. Please refer to Section 6.3 Indemnification and
Execution of a Contract Is contingent upon the receipt of proper insurance documents. If the insurance
certificate is received within the specified time frame but not in the manner prescribed in this RFP, the
Successful Proposer shall be verbally notified of such deficiency and shall have an additional five (5)
calendar days to submit a corrected certificate to the City. If the Successful Proposer fails to submit the
required insurance documents in the manner prescribed in this RFP, within fifteen (15) calendar days after
the Successful Proposer has been made aware of Commission award, the Proposer may be in default of
the contractual terms and conditions. Under such circumstances, the Successful Proposer may be
prohibited from submitting future Responses to the City. Information regarding any insurance requirements
shall be directed to the Risk Management Administrator, Risk Management Department, at (305) 416-1700.
Additionally, Successful Proposer may be liable to the City for the cost of re -procuring the services, caused
by Successful Proposer's failure to submit the required documents.
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP 005-06-020
The Successful and for fines which may result froml hold harmless and theCity for any errors in
Successful Proposerthe provision of
The Successful Proposer agrees to provide access to the City, or to any of its duly authorized
representatives, to any books, documents, papers, and records of the Successful Proposer which are
directly pertinent to this Contract, for the purpose of audit, examination, excerpts, and transcriptions. The
Successful Proposer shall maintain and retain any and ail books, documents, papers and records pertinent
to the Contract for three (3) years after the City makes final payment under the Contract and ail other
.. pending matters .:are..dosedf..'.S jecessfUI Prwpo.ser'a
condition shall result In the immediate cancellation of the Contract by the City.
Proposer warrants that no one was paid a fee, commission, gift, or other consideration contingent upon
receipt of an award for the services specified herein.
The Successful Proposer Is permitted to make and maintain duplicate copies of the files, records,
documents, etc. if the Successful Proposer is desirous of such records subsequent to contract termination.
However, in no way shall the confidentiality as permitted by applicable law be breached.
Delivery is required no later than two hundred seventy (270) consecutive CALENDAR DAYS after
notification of award, execution of a contract, and issuance of a Purchase Order. It is understood and
agreed by the Successful Proposer that time Is of the essence in the delivery of the product of the character
and quality specified in the RFP and Proposal submission. If the Successful Proposer fails to deliver the
product within the specified delivery lime, it is understood that the sum of $200.00 per day for each and
every calendar day of delay shall be deducted as liquidated damages, for each day beyond the specified
delivery time, not as a penalty but as a form of compensation for the loss of not having the ability to use the
The Successful Proposer will be required to submit a 100% Performance Bond. The Performance Bond can
be in the form of a Cashier's Check, made payable to the City of Miami; or a bond written by a surety
company authorized to do business in the State of Florida and shall comply with State Statute 287.0935; or
an Irrevocable Letter of Credit. if the latter is chosen, it must be written by a bank located in Miami -Dade
County, be in the amount of the contract and should clearly and expressly state that it cannot be revoked
until express written approval has been given by theCity of Miami.
PraCity,osero draw on same, would merely
have to give written notice to the bank with a copy to the
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-06-020
The response to this solicitation should be presented in the following format. Failure to do so may
deem your Proposal nonresponsive.
5.1 Submission Requirements
The following documents must be submitted as part of the Response to this RFP:
• lnGttudtians'tO•Fiapasers ....:Each Csubrr ittat•MusE-corita'in• the following doeureente each -fully -completed,
and signed as required. Submittals which adoa°�tinclude
on each documtent, mayrbe dee edtto be
the required format, or do not have the appropriate
non -responsive. Non -responsive submittals will receive no further consideration. This information should be
for thei Psubmitted which do not include the following items er and any Sub -Contractors to be ilmay beized rdeemed non -responsive the work eated ndhmais y not
Proposals subm
be considered for contract award.
Contents of Proposal
1. Cover Page
The Cover Page should Include the Proposers name; Contact Person for the BE; Firm's Liaison
for the Contract; Primary Office Location; Local Business Address, if applicable; Business Phone and Fax
Numbers, if applicable Email addresses; Title of RFP; RFP Number; Federal Employer identification
Number or Social Security Number.
2. Table of Contents
The table of contents should outline, in sequential order, the major sections of the proposal as listed
below, including
osu es should be clearlyall other documents and consecutively numbered and corresponested for submission. All d to the tables of the e of contents.including
the enclosures,
3. Executive Summary:
A signed and dated summary of not more than two (2) pages containing Overall Qualifications and
business anand d contact nical Solution,
e person. Provide contained summary oftthe Ivessel ande name
equipment proposedorganization, by
business p
4. Overall Qualifications and Experience of Proposer
a) Detail the years Proposer and/or firm has been in business providing a similar
watercraft and service(s), and indicate whether the City has previously awarded any
contracts to the Proposer/firm.
b) Provide a list of ail principals, owners or directors.
c) Describe the overall company size of Proposer and include a description of how the
Proposer proposes to provide the Watercraft. Discuss its capability and skill level of
the organization and personnel that will be responsible for the performance of the work.
d) Submit proof of its qualifications and experience that demonstrates the Proposer's
ability to manufacture, provide, and deliver in a timely manner a Rapid Response
Watercraft, of a similar nature, during the past five (5) years, particularly for a
government entity(s). Include recent experience with similar projects that the Proposer
has completed, or is in the process of completing, with a detailed description of the
location and scope of the similar projects involved in and their respective cost. Include
the address, phone number(s) and contact persons within each organization.
References are subject to verification by the City and be utilized as part of the
City of Miami, Florida Rapid Response Watercraft
RFP #05-08-020
evaluation process. The City reserves the right to contact any reference as part of the
evaluation process.
e) Provide evidence that the Proposer has currently in operation a facility more than
adequate for the manufacture of the vessel that it intends to furnish, and it is equipped
and staffed with suitable facilities and expertise for this purpose. Identify where the
watercraft will actually be built.
f) identify the location of the service and repair facility located within the City of Miami or
Miami -Dade County.
g) Provide a resume / qualifications of each of the key management personnel assigned
to this engagement.
h) .Describe..Proposer.'s ability topro.vi.de on -going maintenance, training, and ,technical
suppertto the -City:
i) Provide information as to how Proposer will be able to handle the City's engagement,
in addition to the provision of other vessels by other entities it has contracted with.
Provide evidence that the Proposer's current workload would permit the prompt
commencement of the project, and that the Proposer has the ability to Implement
project in a timely fashion so that the project is completed within the time frame set
forth within the RFP,
j) Should Proposer propose to utilize a Sub-Contractor(s), broker or authorized dealer to
perform any of the services, Proposer must identify Sub-Contractor(s), broker or
authorized dealer and those specific goods and services to be delivered/performed.
Proposer must provide subcontractor(s), broker or authorized dealer qualifications and
experience in detail, highlighting all similar experience as addressed in this RFP and
anticipated to be performed by the subcontractor(s), broker or authorized dealer.
Proposer must dearly reflect in its Proposal any Sub -Contractors, broker or authorized
dealer proposed to be utilized, and provide for the Sub -Contractor, broker or authorized
dealer the same information required of Proposer. The City retains the right to accept
or reject any Sub -Contractors, broker or authorized dealer proposed.
k) Provide a minimum of three (3) references on Letterhead from former clients, for the
provision of similar services within the past five (5) years. Include name of reference,
contact name, period of time, and model of watercraft provided, including life cycle
cost/total cost of ownership. All references are subject to verification by the City as part
of the evaluation process.
1) Provide a detailed timeline or schedule the Proposer would require from receipt of
Purchase Order, for manufacture, delivery, and training of City staff.
m) Discuss how Proposer would handle and coordinate the City's requirement of on -site
construction inspection/visit trips at Proposers facility as the vessel is being built.
n) Provide information as to current or past, within the past five (5) years, of any litigation
and/or bankruptcies involving the Proposer, if applicable. Indicate reason(s) and
e. Technical Solution
a) Provide Proposer's understanding of the scope of work/specifications, and overall
approach to address the requirements reflected within this RFP, per Section 2.2 of the
RFP. Include detailed discussion on the specifications of the proposed watercraft; its
basic components; and all other services including training, technical support, and
b) Provide Its comprehensive Technical Solution, and provide a detailed list of all
components and accessories of its watercraft, as proposed. Brochures and literature by
itself will not be acceptable. Technical information provided with the proposal shall
include at minimum, the vessel's overall length, chine length, overall beam, chine
beam, hull draft, navigational draft, and an estimated weight of the vessel with full load
as identified In acceptance tests.
c) Provide, with its Proposal, descriptive literature, drawings, technical documentation,
and service information for each of the components of the vessel, so as to better
visualize the proposed unit. All components of the unit must meet or exceed the
City of Miami, Florida Rapid Response Watercraft RFP 1105-08-020
specifications contained within this RFP. The purpose of the technical documentation is
to demonstrate compliance of the unit proposed pursuant to the applicable technical
requirements of the RFP, for evaluation purposes. Also detail the electronic equipment
to be utilized, and any optional equipment that could be installed.
d) Provide safety record of operating the proposed watercraft; current accident(s) or
incident trend(s) involving this particular proposed watercraft; occurrence report dealing
with the operation of the proposed watercraft, as applicable; and safety
recommendation that are likely to either directly or indirectly affect watercraft
e) Discuss the required acquisition of fuel and supplies for an -going utilization and
maintenance of the watercraft; including its consumption of fuel to include type and
miles per gallon; • training and/or user manuals, etc. .It is the • City's- intent to. have
.complete -.knowledge of the" total -cost -of acquiring; operating, and' supporting" the ..`......
f) Detail how it plans to train City personnel on the operations of the watercraft.
g) Detail how Proposer will provide technical support, maintenance, and service on an as
needed basis.
h) Discuss the provision of manuals,
i) Discuss how it will address technological updates to watercraft components in the
future, if requested.
j) Provide any and all additional information on the watercraft, and discuss the product
warranty, extended warranty, and anticipated overall period of performance,
maintenance upgrades, fuel consumption costs, replacement parts, and other
requirements necessary over a period of time. Should the City seek 10 procure an
extended warranty, detail what elements that would include and the length of time.
k) The City further reserves the right to view a demonstration model of a watercraft, as
proposed to the City that would closely resemble the unit being requested in design
and equipment, manufactured by the Proposer, as part of the evaluation process.
6. Life Cycle Costing / Total Cost of Ownership
it is the City's desire to not only obtain the cost of the watercraft, as proposed, but the total
projected cost, or life cycle cost, for ownership over a period of time. As such, the
Proposer shall:
a) Submit its proposed total ownership cost of the Rapid Response Watercraft, including
all components, and direct and indirect cost of the acquisition. Provide a detailed cost
for the watercraft, by line item, including the cost for City on -site inspections at
Proposer's facility.
b) Provide, for example, recurring costs such as fuel, routine maintenance,
repair/replacement of parts, etc., including the resale value of the watercraft at the end
of its life, as applicable.
c) Provide cost(s) for an extended warranty over a period of time, for vessel and any
applicable components.
d) Provide a detailed list of any optional services or equipment that could be installed or
included, and with their respective cost(s), should the City determine to add, upgrade or
include newer models and/or technology than reflected within its specifications when
the RFP was prepared.
e) Provide any other costs, not included in above all-inclusive cost. Such cost(s) may
include any extended maintenance support and/or extended warranty cost(s),
acquisition of supplies/equipment for on -going maintenance of system from Proposer,
additional training and/or user manuals, etc. It is the City's intent to have complete
knowledge of the total cost of acquiring, operating, and supporting the watercraft; and,
what is the life of a watercraft before it requires replacement.
f) Submit any other information as needed as it relates to the cost of the acquisition.
7. Trade Secrets Execution to Public Records Disclosure
All Proposals submitted to the City are subject to public disclosure pursuant to Chapter 119, Florida
Statutes. An exception may be made for "trade secrets."
City of Miami, Florida Rapid Response Watercraft
RFP 05.48-020
If the Proposal contains information that constitutes a "trade secret", all material that qualifies for exemption
from Chapter 119 must be submitted in a separate envelope, clearly identified as "TRADE SECRETS
EXCEPTION," with your firm's name and the RFP number marked on the outside.
Please be aware that the designation of an item as a trade secret by you may be challenged in court by any
person. 13y your designation of material in your Proposal as a "trade secret" you agree to indemnify and
hold harmless the City for any award to a plaintiff for damages, costs or attorney's fees and for costs and
attorney's fees incurred by the City by reason of any legal action challenging your claim.
8. Affidavits / Acknowledgments
Each Proposer should complete and submit as part of its Proposal all of the following
forms and/or documents:
• 8.1 RFP Information Form
• 8.2 Certificate of Authority
• 8.3 Insurance Requirements
• 8.4 Debarment and Suspension Certificate
• 8.5 Statement of Compliance with Ordinance 10032
• 8.6 Copy of Proposer's Occupational License
• 8.7 Conflict of Interest, if applicable
• 8.8 Complete Proposal, including all required documentation.
5.2. Response Format
One (1) Original and Seven (7) bound copies of your Proposal to This RFP, and seven (7) conies on CD-
ROM in PDF format, must be delivered to:
Ms. Priscilla A. Thompson, City Clerk
City of Miami
Office of the City Clerk
First Floor
3500 Pan American Drive
Miami, Florida 33133
Responses must be clearly marked on the outside of the package referencing RFP NO. 05-06.020.
Responses received after that date and time will not be accepted and shall be returned unopened to
Proposals received at any other location than the aforementioned or after the Proposal submission
date and time shall be deemed non -responsive.
Proposals should be signed by an official authorized to bind the Proposer to the provisions given in the
Proposal. Proposals are to remain valid for at least 180 days. Upon award of a Contract, the contents of the
Proposal of the Successful Proposer may be included as part of the Contract, at the City's discretion.
Proposers must provide a response to each issue. Proposals should be prepared in a concise manner with an
emphasis on completeness and clarity.
City of Miami, Florida Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-O6-O20
The procedure for response evaluation and selection is as follows:
1. Request for Proposals issued.
2. Receipt of responses,
3. Listing of all responses received.
4. An Evaluation Committee, appointed by the City Manager, shall meet to evaluate each
response in accordance with the requirements of this RFP. The Committee may select a
minimum of three (3) firms deemed to be the most highly qualified to perform the required
service, unless fewer than three proposals are received, to provide brief public
5. The Evaluation Committee shall forward their recommendation to the City Manager in rank
order the response or responses of which the Evaluation Committee deems to be in the
best interest of the City.
6, After considering the recommendation(s) of the Evaluation Committee, the City Manager
shall recommend to the City Commission, in rank order, the response or responses which
the City Manager deems to be in the best interest of the City.
7. The City Commission shall consider the City Manager's and the Evaluation Committees
recommendation(s) and, if appropriate and required, approve the City Manager's
recommendation(s). The City Commission may also reject any or all responses,
Proposals shall be evaluated based upon the following criteria:
CRITERIA Percentage
Overall Qualifications and Experience 40
Technical Solution 40
Total Cost of Ownership 20
100 %
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft
RFP #05-08-020
1]��'9e dMS. 171 �ihL�Ft'atliI 1.�� ,ih� . s'4AI'
414 alalttk.ri tisf� Fiatpt��sle�:
.1kFn i..4,1 ?6 .'0 I2;!7'h.VitN.=fl'If3ir ,
Sec. 18-105. First -source hiring agreements.
(a) The commission approves implementation of the first -source hiring agreement policy and
requires as a condition precedent to the execution of service contracts for facilities, services, and/or
receipt of grants and Ioans, for projects of a nature that create new jobs, the successful negotiation of
first -source hiring agreements between the organization or individual receiving said contract and the
authorized representative unless such an agreement is found infeasible by the city manager and such
finding approved, by the city commission at a public hearing.
(b) For the purpose of this section, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall
have the following meanings:
Authorized representative means the Private Industry Council of South Florida/South Florida Employment
and Training Consortium, or its successor as local recipient of federal and state training and employment
Facilities means all publicly financed projects, including but without limitation, unified development
projects, municipal public works, and municipal improvements to the extent they are financed through
public money services or the use of publicly owned property.
Grants and loans means, without limitation, urban development action grants (WAG), economic
development agency construction Ioans, loans from Miami Capital Development, Incorporated, and all
federal and state grants administered by the city,
Service contracts means contracts for the procurement of services by the city which include professional
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP 1#05-06-Q20
Services includes, without limitation, public works improvements, facilities, professional services,
commodities, supplies, materials and equipment.
.(c) The authorized representative.shall negotiate each first -source hiring agreement.
(d) The primary beneficiaries of the first -source hiring agreement shall be participants of the city
training and employment programs, and other residents of the city.
(Ord. No. 10032, §§ 1--4, 9-12-85; Code 1980, § 18-11)
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP f105-06-02D
7.0. RFP Response Forms - CHECK LIST
This checklist is provided to help you conform with all form/document requirements stipulated in this RFP.
Submitted With
7.1 RFP Information Form
This form must be completed, signed, and ►eturned with Proposal. YES
. 7.2.....Certifica.to.of.Authority.,.to.b.e..completed,. signed . and. returned.wilh.Proposal-..YES........... ........
7.3 Insurance Requirements
Acknowledgment of receipt of Information on the insurance requirements for YES
this RFP. (Must be signed).
7.4 Debarment and Suspension Certificate (must be signed) YES
7.5 Statement of Compliance with Ordinance 10032, N/A YES
7.6 Conflict of Interest, if applicable
7.7 Complete Proposal with all required documentation
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP ft05.08-010
7.1. REP Information Form
Issue Date: Wednesday, March 15.2006
RFP No.: 05-06.020
Buyer: Terry Byrnes. CPPB
Email: tbvrnesAci.miamt.fl.us
Commodity Codes
RFP NO. 05-06-020
I certify that any and all information contained in this Proposal is true; and I further certify that this Proposal is made
without prior understanding, agreement, or connections with any corporation, firm or person submitting a Proposal for
the same materials, supplies, equipment, or services and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. I agree to
abide by all terms and conditions of the RFP, and certify that I am authorized to sign for the Proposer, Please print the
following and sign your name.
F irm's Name: Telephone:
Principal Business Address: Fax:
E-mail address:
Mailing Address: Title:
Authorized Signature:
City of Miami, Florida Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-06-020
.I"HEREl3Y'CERTIFY I i'at'a'n eetirig. of"th'' Boaftt ofDiredeits of the ., '
a corporation existing under the laws of the State of , held on
20 , the following resolution was duly passed and adopted:
"RESOLVED, that, as President of the Corporation, be and is hereby authorized to execute the Proposal
dated, , 20 , to the City of Miami and this corporation and that their execution
thereof, attested by the Secretary of the Corporation, and with the Corporate Seal affixed, shall be the
official act and deed of this Corporation."
I further certify that said resolution is now in full force and effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the corporation this
, day of , 20 .
City of Miami, Florida Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-06-020
) SS:
Q.�1NTl...Q_1=................ .......).,..,_....
I HEREBY CERTIFY that a meeting of the Partners of the
organized and existing under the laws of the State of , held on
, 20 , the following resolution was duly passed and adopted:
"RESOLVED, that, , as of the Partnership, be and
is hereby authorized to execute the Proposal dated, 20 to the City of Miami and
this partnership and that their execution thereof, attested by the
shalt be the official act and deed of this Partnership,"
further certify that said resolution is now in full force and effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this day of
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP 1005-06.020
. STAT.E.OF . .
I HEREBY CERTIFY that a meeting of the Principals of the organized
and existing under the laws of the Stale of , held on
, 20 , the following resolution was duly passed and
"RESOLVED, that, as of the Joint
Venture be and is hereby authorized to execute the Proposal dated, 20 , to the
City of Miami official act and deed of this Joint Venture."
I further certify that said resolution is now in full force and effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this , day of
City of Miami, Florida Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-06-020
) SS:
I HEREBY CERTIFY that as an individual, I
(Name of Individual)
and as a d/b/a (doing business as)
(if applicable)
exist under the laws of the State of
"RESOLVED, that, as an individual and/or d/b/a (if applicable), be and is hereby authorized to execute the
Proposal dated , 20 , to the City of Miami as an individual and/or d/b/a (if
applicable) and that my execution thereof, attested by a Notary Public of the State, shall be the official act
and deed of this attestation."
I further certify that said resolution is now in full force and effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of Notary Public this
day of , 20
Commission No.:
I personally know the individual/do not know the individual (Please Circle)
Driver's License #
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP $$05-06.020
Successful Proposer shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City and its officials, employees and
agents (collectively referred to as "Indemnities") and each of them from and against all loss, cost, penalties,
fines, damages, claims, expenses (including attorney's fees) or liabilities (collectively referred to as
."Liabilities") by .reason of. any injury to or death of any person or, damage to or destruction or loss of any .
.pro.petty.,,prising.a .of,..result ng.fEom,_of..iC! 0(teot9.ri,with...().the..p..eriormance..Qr. non-perfprmanc.o..of,the.......
services•contemplated by the Contract which is or is alleged to be directly or indirectly caused, in whole or
in part, by any act, omission, default or negligence (whether active or passive) of Successful Proposer or its
employees, agents, or subcontractors (collectively referred to as "Proposer"), regardless of whether it is, or
is alleged to be, caused in whole or part (whether joint, concurrent, or contributing) by any act, omission,
default or negligence (whether active or passive) of the Indemnities, or any of them or (ii) the failure of the
Successful Proposer to comply with any of the provisions in the Contract or the failure of the Successful
Proposer to conform to statutes, ordinances or other regulations or requirements of any governmental
authority, federal or state, in connection with the performance of the Contract. Successful Proposer
expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Indemnities, or any of them, from and against all
liabilities which may be asserted by an employee or former employee of Proposer, or any of Its
subcontractors, as provided above, for which the Successful Proposer's liability to such employee or former
employee would otherwise be limited to payments under state Workers' Compensation or similar laws.
Successful Proposer further agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Indemnities from and
against (i) any and all Liabilities Imposed on account of the violation of any law, ordinance, order, rule,
regulation, condition, or requirement, in any way related, directly or indirectly, to Successful Proposer's
performance under the Contract, compliance with which is left by the Contract to the Proposer, and (ii) any
and all claims, and/or suits for labor and materials furnished by the Successful Proposer or utilized in the
performance of the Contract or otherwise,
Where not specifically prohibited by law, Successful Proposer further specifically agrees to indemnify,
defend and hold harmless the Indemnities from all claims and suits for any liability, including, but not limited
to, injury, death, or damage to any person or property whatsoever, caused by, arising from, incident to,
connected with or growing out of the performance or non-performance of the Contract which Is, or is alleged
to be, caused in part (whether joint, concurrent or contributing) or in whole by any act, omission, default, or
negligence (whether active or passive) of the Indemnities. The foregoing indemnity shall also include
liability imposed by any doctrine of strict liability.
The Successful Proposer shall furnish to City of Miami, c/o Capital Improvement Department, 444 SW 2nd
Avenue, t3'" Floor, Miami, Florida 33130, Certificate(s) of Insurance prior to contract execution which
indicate that insurance coverage has been obtained which meets the requirements as outlined below:
A. Limits of Liability
Bodily Injury and Property
Each Occurrence $1,000,000
General Aggregate Limit $2,000,000
Personal andAdv. Injury $1,000,000
Products/Completed Operations $1,000,000
B. Endorsements Required
City of Miami included as an Additional Insured
Employees included as insured
Contractual Liability
Waiver of Subrogation
Premises/ Operations
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Wefercreft RFP #05-08020
Care, Custody and Control Exclusion Removed
A. Limits of Liability
Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability
Combined Single Limit
Any Auto
Including Hired, Borrowed or Non -Owned Autos �,000,000
Any One Accident
B. Endarsement5 Required
City of Miami included as an Additional Insured
Employees included as insured
Limits of Liability
Statutory -State of Florida
Waiver of Subrogation
A. Limits of Liability
$100,000 for bodily injury caused by an accident, each accident
$100,000 for bodily injury caused by disease, each employee
$500,000 for bodily injury caused by disease, policy limit
The City is required to be named as additional insured. BINDERS ARE UNACCEPTABLE.
The insurance coverage required shall include those classifications, as listed in standard liability insurance
manuals, which most nearly reflect the operations of the Successful Proposer.
All insurance policies required above shall be issued by companies authorized to do business under the
laws of the State of Florida, with the following qualifications:
The Company must be rated no Tess than "A" as to management, and no less
than "Class "V" as to financial strength, by the latest edition of Best's Key Rating
Insurance Guide or acceptance of insurance company which holds a valid Florida
Certificate of Authority issued by the State of Florida, Department of insurance,
and are members of the Florida Guarantee Fund.
Certificates will indicate no modification or change in insurance shall be made without thirty (30) days
written advance notice to the certificate holder.
Compliance with the foregoing requirements shall not relieve the Successful Proposer of his liability and
obligation under this section or under any other section of this Agreement.
The Successful Proposrelarntthe i
certificates required in
conjunction with this Section
ecnmin in force for the duration of the contractual period; Including any and all
option terms that may be granted to the Successful Proposer.
--If Insurance certificates are scheduled to expire during the contractual period, the Successful
Proposer shall be responsible for submitting new or renewed insurance certificates to the City at a
minimum of ten (10) calendar days in advance of such expiration.
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP W05-06-020
--In the event that expired certificates are not replaced with new or renewed certificates which cover
the contractual period, the City shall:
Suspend the Contract until such time as the new or renewed certificates are received by the City in
the manner prescribed in the RFP.
B) The City may, at its sole discretion, terminate the Contract for cause and seek re -procurement
damages from the Successful Proposer in conjunction with the violation of the terms and
conditions of the Contract.
The undersigned Proposer acknowledges that they have read the above information and agrees to comply
with all the above City requirements.
(Company name)
Print Name:
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-06-020
7.3. Debarment And Suspension: CITY OF MIAMI CODE SEC. 18-56,4
Authority and requirement to debar and suspend:
After reasonable notice to an actual or prospective contractual party, and after reasonable opportunity
to such party to be heard, the City Manager, after consultation with the Chief Procurement Officer and
the City Attorney, shall have the authority to debar a contractual party for the causes listed below
from consideration for award of city contracts. The debarment shall be for a period of not fewer than
three (3) years. The City Manager shall also have the authority to suspend a contractor from
consideration for award of city contracts if there is probable cause for debarment. Pending the
debarment determination, the authority to debar and suspend contractors shall be exercised in
accordance with regulations which shall be issued by the•Chief procurement Officer after approval by.
the City Manager, the City Attorney, and the City Commission:
(b) Causes for debarment or suspension include the foliowinci:
1. to
publicorn for commission private contract orf subcontract, or ncidenteobtain
to the performattempting
ance of such uccontract or
2. Conviction under state or federal statutes of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification
or destruction of records, receiving stolen property, or any other offense indicating a lack of
business integrity or business honesty;
3. Conviction under state or federal antitrust statutes arising out of the submission of bids or
4. Violation of contract provisions, which Is regarded by the Chief Procurement Officer to be
indicative of non -responsibility. Such violation may include failure without good cause to
perform in accordance with the terms and conditions of a contract or to perform within the time
limits provided in a contract, provided that failure to perform caused by acts beyond the control
of a party shall not be considered a basis for debarment or suspension;
5. Debarment or suspension of the contractual party by any federal, state or other governmental
6. False certification pursuant to paragraph (c) below; or
7. Any other cause judged by the City Manager to be so serious and compelling as to affect the
responsibility of the contractual party performing city contracts.
(a) Certification.,
All contracts for goods and services, sales, and leases by the City shall contain a certification that
neither the contractual party nor any of its principal owners or personnel have been convicted of any
of the violations set forth above or debarred or suspended as set forth in paragraph (b) (5).
The undersigned hereby certifies that neither the contractual party nor any of its principal owners or
personnel have been convicted of any of the violations set forth above, or debarred or suspended as
set forth in paragraph (b) (5).
Company name:
City of futiami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP 405-08-020
Proposer certifies that (s)he has read and understood the provisions of City of Miami Ordinance No. 10032
(Section 18-105 of the City Code) pertaining to the implementation of a "First Source Hiring Agreement."
Proposer will complete and submit the following questions as part of the RFP Proposal.
Violations of this Ordinance may be considered cause for annulment of a Contract between the Successful
Proposer and the City of Miami.
A. Do you expect to create new positions in your company in the event your company was awarded a
Contract by the City? No
B. in the event your answer to Question "A" is yes, how many new positions would you create to perform
this work?
C. Please list below the title, rate of pay, summary of duties, number of positions, and expected length or
duration of ail new positions which might be created as a result of this award of a Contract.
(Use additional sheets if necessary)
City of Miami, Conde Rapid Response Watercraft PPP #05-06-020
7,1. RIP Information Form
Issue Date: Wednesday. March 15, 2006 Buyer: Terry Byrnes, CPPB
RFP No.: 05-06-020
Email: tbvrnesaci.miaml.f.us
RaSponses iiiustbe'received by:. Wednesday, Apr'[I '122006at 2:0Q'
at tLoQtilae of the eity Clerk, 3500 Pan;Amorlkan Prive, Iiam , Florida 341314004
Commodity Codes
RFP NO. 05-06-020
I certify that any and all information contained in this Proposal is true; and l further certify that this Proposal is made
without prior understanding, agreement, or connections with any corporation, firm or person submitting a Proposal for
the same materials, supplies, equipment, or services and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. 1 agree to
abide by all terms and conditions of the RFP, and certify that I am authorized to sign for the Proposer. Please print the
following and sign your name,
1v i Qtl- /14-1 or (Tile hone:
Firm's Name: %� r P
Principal Business Address:
3 7 ew..c(:..r'sof ,�l
. T.K. Az
Mailing Address:
41 610 -qc4 --g Ge --6 0- rea -•*Iv
Fax: 6.c 3- 3-7.C—
E-mail address: [/eect,Th1A /`! /le
�a>i C K
Title: /"Cf{ F-.r N 1(/46J-4
Authorized Signature:
City of Miami. Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft
RFP #05-013-020
) SS:
t HEREBY CERTIFY that a meeting of e Boa
rd of Directors of the
rp ye '/ f I .0 D , held on
a corporation existing under the laws of the State of
20� , the following resolution was duly passed and adopted:
"RESOL at, as President of the arp or etion, be and is hereby authorized to execute the Proposal
cc__T 20 Q , to the City of Miami and this corporation and that their execution
thereof, attested by th Secretary of the Corporation, and with the Corporate Seal affixed, shall bet e
official act and deed of this Corporation."
I further certify that said resolution is now in full force and effect.
IN WITH SS WHER 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the corporation this
day of 01-- , 20
Clly of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Welercraf RFP iloz-oa-o20
) SS:
1 HEREBY CERTIFY that a meeting of the Partners of
organized and existing under the laws of a State of
20 , the fo •wing resolution was duly p ssed and adopted:
"RESOLVED, that,
is hereby authorized to exec
this partnership and that
be the offi
, as
�I dated, // 20 , to the City of Miami and
eof, att �ted by the
, held on
l act and deed of this Partnership."
I further cart that said r' olution is cw in full force and effect.
IN WI ESS WHEREOF, I hay • hereunto set my hand this day of
of the Partnership, be and
City of Mlaml, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft
PFP 005-08-020
I HEREBY CERTIFY that a meeting of th
and existing under the laws of the Stet
"RESOLVED, that,
Venture be and is hereby a
City of Miami official act
I further certify that
S = retary:
d rldsolu
rinclpals of the
, the fo
, held on
ng resolution was duly passed and
or to execute t : Proposal dated,
ed Is Join enture,"
on s now full force and effect.
ER L .F, I have
reunto set my hand this , day of
of the Joint
20 , to the
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft
PFP 005-06-020
) SS:
I HEREBY CERTIFY that as an individual, I
and as a dlbla (d
(Name of Individual)
business as)
exipt undthe laws of the St
ividual andlor d/b1 (if
on thereof, attest
"RESOLVED, that, as an i
Proposal dated,
applicable) and th my exec
and deed of thi : ttestation."
(if applicable)
ppli e), be and is hereby authorized to execute the
he City of Miami as an individual andlor dlb/a (if
by a Notary Public of the State, shall be the official act
I further . =rtify thalt said'resolution is in full force and effect.
, day of
hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of Notary Public this
Commission No.,
I person Ily kn. the individual/do not know the Individuai (Please Circle)
Driver's License #
City of Miami, Ronde
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-08-020
Successful Proposer shall Indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City and its officials, employees and
agents (collectively referred to as "Indemnities") and each of them from and against all loss, coat, penalties,
fines, damages, claims, expenses (including atterney's fees) or liabilities (collectively referred to as
"Liabilities") by reason of any injury to or death of any person or damage to or destruction or loss of any
property arising out of, resulting from, or in connection with (I) the performance or non-performance of the
services, contemplated by the Contract which is or is alleged tobe directly or indirectly causeg In whole or
in part, by any act, omission, default or negligence (whether active or passive) o) successful Proposer or its
employees, agents, or subcontractors (collectively referred to as "Proposer"), regardless of whether it is, or
is alleged to be, caused in whole or part (whether joint, concurrent, or contributing) by any act, omission,
default or negligence (whether active or passive) of the Indemnities, or any of them or (ii) the failure of the
Successful Proposer to comply with any of the provisions in the Contract or the failure of the Successful
proposer to conform to statutes, ordinances or other regulations or requirements of any governmental
authority, federal or state, in connection with the performance' of the Contract. Successful Proposer
expressly agrees to Indemnify and hold harmless the Indemnities, or any of them, from and against all
liabilities which may be asserted by an employee or former employee of Proposer, or any of its
subcontractors, as provided above, for which the Successful Proposers liability to such employee or former
employee would otherwise be limited to payments under state Workers' Compensation or similar laws.
Successful Proposer further agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Indemnities from and
against (I) any and all Liabilities imposed on account of the violation of any law, ordinance, order, rule,
regulation, condition, or requirement, in any way related, directly or indirectly, to Successful Proposer's
performance under the Contract, compliance with which Is left by the Contract to the Proposer, and•(fl) any
and all claims, and/or sults for labor and materials furnished by the Successful Proposer or utilized .In the
performance of the Contract or otherwise.
Where not specifically prohibited by law, Successful Proposer further specifically agrees to indemnify,
defend and hold harmless the Indemnities from all claims and suits for any liability, Including, but not limited
to, injury, death, or damage to any person or property whatsoever, Caused by, arising from, Incident to,
connected with or growing out of the performance or non-performance of the Contract which Is, or is alleged
to be, caused in part (whether joint, concurrent or contributing) or in whole by any act, omission, default, or
negligence (whether active or passive) of the Indemnities. The foregoing indemnity shall also Include
liability Imposed by any doctrine of stria liability.
The Successful Proposer shall furnish to City of Miami, c/o Capital Improvement Department, 444 SW 21'd
Avenue, 8t' Floor, Miami, Florida 33130, Certificate(s) of Insurance prior to contract execution which
indicate that Insurance coverage has been obtained which meets the requirements as outlined below:
A. Limits of Liability
Bodily Injury and Property
Each Occurrence $1,000,000
General Aggregate Limit $2,000,000
Personal and Adv. injury $1,000,000
Products/Completed Operations $1,000,000
8. Endorsements Required
City of Miami included as an Additional Insured
Employees Included as insured
Contractual Liability
Waiver of Subrogation
Premises/ Operations
City of Miami. Florida Rapid Response Watercraft
RFP #05-O&-O20
Care, Custody and Control Exclusion Removed
A. Limits of Liability
Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability
Combined Single Limit
Any Auto
Including haired, Borrowed or Non -Owned Autos $ 000 000
Any One Accident
B Endorsements Required
City of Miami included as an Additional Insured
Employees included as insured
LimiStatutory-State of Florida
Waiver of Subrogation
A. Limits of Liability
$100,000 for bodily injury caused by an accident, each accident
$100,000 for bodily injury caused by disease, eachaemployee
$500,000 for bodily injury caused by disease, p y
The City Is required to be named as additional insured. BINDERS ARE UNACCEPJ'ABLE.
The Insurance coverage required shall inthe clude
those otheclassifications,
Successful as
in standard liability insurance
manuals, which moss nearly reflect
All insurance policies required above shall be issued by companies authorized to do business under the
laws of the State of Florida, with the following qualifications:
The Company must be rated no less than "A" as to management,
and no less
than "Class "V" as to financial strength, by the latest edition of Best's Key Rating
Insurance Guide or acceptance of insurance company which holds a valid Florida
Certificate of Authority issued by the State of Florida, Department of Insurance,
and are members of the Florida Guarantee Fund.
Certificates will indicate no modification or change in insurance shall be made without thirty (30) days
written advance notice to the certificate holder.
Compliance with the foregoing requirements eshall notion relieve
of this the Successful Proposer of his liability and
obligation under this section or underany
red in
oSuccessful this Section rell be main in force for the duration onsible for ng that the Insurance of the contractual period; Including any sand all
conjunction with th
option terms that may be granted to the Successful Proposer.
Po insurance certificates
ertfortheduled submitting new oro grenewed insurance certificates period,
to the City at a
Proposer shall beresponsible
minimum of ten (10) calendar days in advance of such expiration.
City of Miami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-O6-020
-4n the event that expired certificates are not replaced with new or renewed certificates which cover
the contractual period, the City shall:
Suspend the Contract until such time as the new or renewed certificates are received by the City in
. the manner prescribed in the RFP.
p) The City may, at its sole discretion, terminate the Contract for cause and seek re -procurement
damages': from -.the Successful Proposer: in- conjunction.. with: the' 'violation" of -the' 'terms =acid.
conditions of the Contract.
The undersigned Proposer acknowledges that they have read the above information and agrees to comply
with all the above City requirements.
Proposer: PIP-C•117 r 4.1 Signature:
Company name)
KCL- `f" I C1 Print Name: iCr' X(4-.
City of Miami, Florida Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-08-020
7.3. Debarment And Suspension: CITY OF MIAMI CODE SEC. 18-56.4
(a) Authority and reuuirement to debar and suspend:
After reasonable notice to an actual or prospective contractual party, and after reasonable opportunity
to such party to be heard, the City Manager, after consultation with the Chief Procurement Officer and
the City Attorney, shall have the authority to debar a contractual party for the causes listed below
from consideration for award of city contracts. The debarment shall be for a period of not fewer than
three (3) years. The City Manager shall also have the authority to suspend a contractor from
consideration for award of city contracts if there is probable cause for debarment. Pending the
debarment determination, the authority to debar and suspend contractors shall be exercised in
.°•accordance with regulations which shall be issued by the Chief Procurement Officer after approval by
the City Manager, the City Attorney, and the City Commission.
(b) Causes for debarment or sus o nJnclude the foilowinc:
1. Conviction for commission of a criminal offense incident to obtaining or attempting to obtain a
public or private contract or subcontract, or Incident to the performance of such contract or
2. Conviction under state or federal statutes of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification
or destruction of records, receiving stolen property, or any other offense Indicating a lack of
business integrity or business honesty;
3. Conviction under state or federal antitrust statutes arising out of the submission of bids or
4. Violation of contract provisions, which is regarded by the Chief Procurement Officer to be
indicative of non -responsibility. Such violation may include failure without good cause to
perform in accordance with the terms and conditions of a contract or to perform within the time
limits provided in a contract, provided that failure to perform caused by acts beyond the control
of a party shall not be considered a basis for debarment or suspension;
5. Debarment or suspension of the contractual party by any federal, state or other governmental
6. False certification pursuant to paragraph (c) below; or
7. Any other cause Judged by the City Manager to be so serious and compelling as to affect the
responsibility of the contractual party performing city contracts.
(c) Certification:
All contracts for goods and services, sales, and leases by the City shall contain a certification that
neither the contractual party nor any of its principal owners or personnel have been convicted of any
of the violations set forth above or debarred or suspended as set forth in paragraph (b) (5).
The undersigned hereby certifies that neither the contractual party nor any of its principal owners or
personnel have been convicted of any of the violations set forth above, or debarred or suspended as
set forth in paragraph (b) (5).
Company name: 4 F1 niel' `( ate
_l_cf 6,6
City of M1ami, Florida
Rapid Response Watercraft RFP #05-06-O20
of Miami
inance No.
(Section 8-105certifieso that (s)he has read rtand nunderstood the to the Implementation of orovisions f 'Firyst Source Hiring Agreement."
(Section 18-105 of the City Code) pertaining
Proposer will complete and submit the following questions as part of the RFP Proposal.
Violations of this Ordinance may be considered cause for annulment of a Contract between the Successful
Proposer and the City of Miami.
A,.. , Do,you expect to create -ncw po3ltio ns,.in..your company in the event your company was awarded a
Contract by the City? Na
B. In the event your answer to Question "A" Is yes, how many new positions would you create to perform
this work?
new positions which might be created asias, number of positions, and expected length or
result of this award of a Contract,
duration of all
2) 4
(Use additional sheets if necessary)
PROPOSER NAME: r F( teaotiF litc..0
DATE: rA C,...L 7 06.