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Exhibit 13
TAB 7 f Bruce Robertson Has successfully completed the criteria and found to meet the standards of the American Boat & Yacht Council, Inc. to be a certified Has successfay completed the criteria and found to meet the standards of the American Boat & Yacht Council, Inc. to be a certified MARINE ELECTRICAL TECHNICIAN This certification has been duly listed in. the National Certification Registry of the -L-:1:V.,,,' '' 1.....;1"*': ' ,. ,.'1;.'' ';''% ,': "2:, ::'; - T • ''.• `• ..-.., - ..' • .. . ,., -....,..,.../..„......,...,,,,W.••••;1.01...11.,••.0#1•,••••,• ...m.o.,/ ,ola.,...,:pi,r,..,,,,..... ,4,.. -,4.1., ... * , Z. , I .0.. • . 1p • VO • II, 11 V •. .. la u d v • • , . + • Ji J. . . - r• ...' :., , • , . '....' . .. 4 ,. 4. ...,...-4. ,3),,„...„ ..,,*,,,......,,,,v,,,.., 4%.,,,,,....„...,,,,,—,„,,,,,..,...„,....,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,z,„..,........,,„,..z.„.,....,..,..„,,,..„.„,_.,,.....,_,, 4...,.........z,o,,,,.,,,,,,,,t„..z.„...2,...,;,,,,..,,,,y,„,,,,e,,,,v,..,,tt.,,,,t,,,,,...............o44.",16,•...b-ito.,....,,d.....;+...i„.+10;“........1,-. w,....",.....,....,,,,,,,....,....1.6.1,,,....,4,0si.,vt,i...09.____ ..e. .........., .......... 4:"....4.... .--"....7.,...-...z... ...`le' ......,...• :We' ,t,' v .....• 47.7,NZ7.7.' ,•,...itliori. ',Or'. 4Z.10",.11%," Nt.-V•17::•,..V.V41%,"...NV 44.1( .... ...- A) T.-55 =Z3.) -.45) -.-::.--2-.--";t• ..---....-...-st.:•. ...1._ 4.Z#1. , - • 0E-3 ' Zi•5 ) -.A •*) 0.E.;1 tii.. .........-_--1.1: „,,.--- _,7.1%.,:::,•• --, 7A) W f...&-- ,,....-...0. ::1 *), n:91• c----. :iciE,...: -.-.- 570 fiET-:: cci-; k ZE: ...,-- ......": -,-:"It::- :1:::::411:' ...-....... rt») 7.17......:::: - ......---,.-. --.:-- --..„0 .........,or ..5.7.- (,C::- (6Z1 3069 Solomous island Rd. (.--. (6,1 (O..- (E-•:, (c..z. - — (....- i..-: 4i) 676.: ---.:-.,,,,.......,,...-....-......-,,,,,,,...............„,........,,,,,,,.......-.......,,,,,,,,,,......,..,.....•..........,4".."......"........•‘..,......".",,,.......,••••,....,,.....r..............,....,......,....................................,...,,,,, -..------ --0,,,•.....,............................-......._ .,..._ ,....,"."..e,..,.,..•o.,..........,,........,..,...•"...",1..••.•.01.,••...o,..e••.•,.•,,........rs.o...,r,...-..........-..e,...... .....-............,, e.......•••••••••••••,..,,.....,',..........-.,",•,.........^......,Cr. 1,114.1.,11.4.‘,11.1...f7.741rw/......,,,V.rOirkolp,,,,10.111./101-1,010-.W.01/rt, lor.A. 4•/...rt.,,,T,t1m11.!". of, 1,11,0%. .1-,115104.. }11.31.17,11.1.1,!1-1, ,f,..111.11,11:0010,WOr."114.41111../r0,1?...711.,—:,14.;"CitAiti ' '•,'bk.'.,.:...: fital."7. ..... ... •?11;.?":•;,.. :•,1a-1., .. 4 . ':......,..1.•(...1.... ••••.!,•“,,.4.4‘,1,......! .14.1::!ili ,.....,IhilaA“' .C1.114;7,1,1., 1.,• a:.'“,••;;-.;,111•..1i;i16.7,1iG.11.• ....7"."..•."7."0" . ; .... .."..". ....... ' ....... ' " ...... ' •....."• . " . "j" 4))