FILE ID: 0 k p t %9
Date: 9/25/2006 Requesting Department: Fire -Rescue
Commission Meeting Date: jjIt4i2006` y District Impacted: All
Type: ® Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Emergency Ordinance ❑ Discussion Item
❑ Other
Subject: Urban Area Security Initiative ("UASI") Grant Program FY 2006
Purpose of Item:
2006 OCT 3 PM 3 51
Resolution to establish a special revenue fund entitled Urban Area Security Initiative ("UASI") Grant
Program FY 2006, appropriating funds in the amount of $15,980,000 received from the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security passed directly to the State of Florida Division of Emergency
Management; and authorizing the City Manager to execute Memorandum of Agreements with
contiguous counties Miami -Dade and Monroe, the City of Hialeah, and the Florida Department of
Health, setting forth the parties' responsibilities in connection with the development and support of the
UASI Project administered by the City of Miami Department of Fire -Rescue.
Background Information:
-Attachment -
Budget Impact Analysis
YES Is this item related to revenue?
NO Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below,
General Account No:
Special Revenue Account No:
CIP Project No:
NO Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds?
Start Up Capital Cost:
Maintenance Cost:
Total Fiscal Impact:
Final Approvals
CIP / �� Budget
If using,__ , , ��
Grants Risk Management
Purchasing �j� Dept. Director
Fire Chief City Manager
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Background Information: (continued)
The United States Department of Homeland Security's Office of Grants & Training ("OG&T"),
through the State of Florida Division of Emergency Management (DEM), has again sub -granted the
Urban Area Security Initiative ("UASI") Grant Program, FY 2006, to the City of Miami, it's
contiguous counties, Miami -Dade and Monroe, the City of Hialeah, and the Florida Department of
Health, in the amount of $15,980,000. This program targets homeland security funding to "high
threat" urban areas in order to prevent, respond, and recover from threats or acts of terrorism.
This year, based on a federal funding formula which includes population, critical infrastructure, and
threats, the Miami Urban Area was ranked number twelve (12) on the list of 46 high threat urban
areas identified by the OG&T. The Miami Urban Area's FY 2006 UASI allocation is 15.9 million, an
increase from UASI FY 2005. The funding, projects, training, exercises, planning, and equipment
have been designed by the Urban Area Working Group.
It is now appropriate to accept said grant award, establish a special revenue fund, and appropriate the
said grant award therein for this fiscal year. In addition, the City Commission authorizes the City
Manager to execute Memorandum of Agreements with contiguous counties, Miami -Dade and Monroe
Counties, the City of Hialeah, and the Florida Department of Health, setting forth the parties'
responsibilities in connection the development and support of the UASI Program FY 2006
administered by the City of Miami Department of Fire -Rescue; contingent upon funding of said
project being secured in the form of Grants from the United States of Homeland Security's OG&T
through the State of Florida DEM.
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