HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 5ATTACHMENT D: PROGRAMMATIC DATA REPORTING REQUIREMENTS DEMOGRAPHICS The Provider shall submit to The Children's Trust individual participant demographics, attendance, and outcome data as requested, using an electronic web -based reporting application, provided by The Trust, as follows for each program participant: u Participant demographics shall be entered within seven (7) days of entry into the program. All participant demographics shall be updated on an ongoing basis if and when new information is collected. u Participant attendance/participation in program activities shall be entered by the fifteenth (15th) day of the month following the end of each month, exclusive of legal holidays or weekends. u Participant outcome data collection activities shall be conducted and reported in an ongoing manner, in accordance with the Scope of Services Matrices. Outcome measures (e.g., pretests, posttests, other indicators) shall be scored and entered within fourteen (14) days of the date of collection. Demographics required for individual child participants: u Child's Name (last, first, middle initial) u Child's Date of Birth u Gender (male, female) u Child's Social Security # u Street Address, City, and Zip Code u Ethnicity (Haitian, Hispanic, Other Caribbean Islander, Other, None of Above) u Race (Black/African American, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander, White, Other) u Miami -Dade County Public Schools ID Number u Child's Home School u Child's Highest Grade Level Completed u Does child have a disability? (yes/no) u If disabled, what type? (Learning, Emotional/Behavioral, Sensory, Physical, Profound) For programs conducting Outreach or Advocacy Activities without direct contact or'only one-time contacts with individuals, Providers shall report the numbers of individuals, numbers of contacts, specific activities/events conducted, and program outcomes, as detailed within the Scope of Services Matrices, by the fifteenth (15th) day of the month following the end of each month, exclusive of legal holidays or weekends. SATISFACTION SURVEYS All out -of -school providers (summer and after -school) are required to administer The Children's Trust Satisfaction Surveys to child/youth participants and their parents. The surveys must be administered at a mid -point and end -point in the program for after -school services; and at an end -point only for summer programs. Providers must enter the data from each parent and child survey into the Trust's Satisfaction Survey Data Entry Spreadsheet and submit 06-2059 35 to the Trust on the dates listed below. The surveys and data entry spreadsheets for submission of satisfaction survey data can be found on The Trust's website at: http://thechildrenstrust.org/FundedProgramsForms.asp REPORTING DEADLINES All out -of -school providers (summer and after -school) are required to submit Program Measures and Outcomes Reports and Narrative Reports. Each provider will be supplied with an individualized report that is based upon the Scope of Services Matrix. Reporting dates are as follows: Summer Camp - ❑ Reporting Period: Summer Camp Start through Summer Camp End Required reports: Program Measures and Outcomes Report, Narrative Report and Satisfaction Survey Spreadsheet Due Date: September 15, 2006 After -School - ❑ Reporting Period 1: After -school Program Start through November 30, 2006 Required reports: (1) Program Measures and Outcomes Report, (2) Narrative Report Due Date: December 15, 2006 ❑ Reporting Period 2: December 1, 2006 through February 28, 2007 Required reports: Program Measures and Outcomes Report, Narrative Report and Satisfaction Survey Spreadsheet for both parents and students/children Due Date: March 15, 2007 o Reporting Period 3: March 1, 2007 through After -school Program End Required reports: Program Measures and Outcomes Report, Narrative Report and Satisfaction Survey Spreadsheet for both parents and students/children Due Date: June 30, 2007 06-2059 36