HomeMy WebLinkAboutIDRC Comments (1.31.06)C I T Y O i M I A M I PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRE -APPLICATION DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT KNIGHT-RIDDER SITE PARCEL 3 ONE HERALD PLAZA NET DISTRICT: DOWNTOWN 1-31-06 City of Miami Vision Statement: 'To Be an International City which Embodies Diversity, Economic Opportunity, Effective Customer Service and a Highly Rated Quality of Life" COMMENTS: The following comments were generated following the UDRB meeting on January 18, 2006 representing the Planning Department and UDRB member's final conditions for Major Use Special Permit approval. The City of Miami strives to achieve diverse pedestrian -friendly distinct neighborhoods, promote transit connections, and provide contextual, safe, and comfortable buildings, blocks, streets, and parks that contribute to a prosperous city for all residents to enjoy. Architecture • A habitable liner shall be constructed along the northern facade, 15th Street (Venetian Causeway), and the western facade, Herald Plaza Drive. (See photos) Urban design • Please coordinate with the City Square project to activate Herald Plaza Drive and retain the parallel parking. Open Space/Baywalk • Revise the Landscape plan to be consistent with the Performing Arts and Entertainment District Master Plan and previous comments, including coordinating the street lighting and paver surface materials with the Zyscovich streetscape guidelines. (We have provided copies of these) • Incorporate pavers on a sand bed and utilize the pervious cuts in the plaza as rain gardens reducing stormwater runoff and controlling non -point source pollution. • Please revise the landscape plan to include the existing row of Mahogany trees along NE 15th Street within the right-of-way. • Add a cluster of Medjool Date Palms to accentuate the corner of NE 15th Street and Herald Plaza Drive. • Include a pedestrian connection of landscape pavers across NE 15th Street connecting the Baywalk north of the Venetian Causeway. • Please look at an additional layer of shrubs on the berm hiding the truck access. Additionally, vines or some landscape should hide this wall's height from within. • Group the shade trees along the tree allee adjacent to Herald. Plaza Drive in planting beds with a small sidewalk space between to access the retail space and parallel parking. (This is coordinating a theme through the PAC area/City Square and allows parallel parking to enter the sidewalk.) • Integrate a double row of palms along the Baywalk. Provide Coconut palms within landscape planter beds with groundcover sized to allow proper root growth as shown in the Baywalk Guides and Standards. It is our intention with these comments to aid in expediting Special Permit applications with your voluntary efforts in making the necessary changes; thereby, avoiding any preventable delays particularly prior to a project's submission to the Large Scale Development Committee or the Urban Development Review Board. Page 1 of 5 Parking Garage/ Liner Units • As previously stated, the proposed aluminum louver and white stucco treatment of the unlined portions of the garage is unacceptable. Provide habitable liner units on the -3rd — 6th levels on the currently unlined portions facing Herald Plaza Drive and 15th Street (Venetian Causeway). Show a blow-up detail of how the louvers, mesh or other breathable material can be combined with stucco, glass, stone, aluminum or other material to create a more architectural solution to the remaining area. The parking garage has an excessive amount of spaces. The applicant is proposing nearly double the number of parking spaces required (688 required/ 1044 provided). The extremely bulky nature of the garage undercuts the principles of quality urban design. The parking garage shall be lined and reduced in size. *** - Please note that the Planning Department reviews Special Permit proposals based on architectural design, site planning and urban design issues. The project still needs to be reviewed and comply with other department's requirements. It is our intention with these comments to aid in expediting Special Permit applications with your voluntary efforts in making the necessary changes; thereby, avoiding any preventable delays particularly prior to a project's submission to the Large Scale Development Committee or the Urban Development Review Board. 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Page or 5 r;InpArilbhu,1„ ' 4,10.000,001 „ r;i• 4194 !TANI nr Alom,1 r /A 1l1*A11111',, 2,AAr. At"tic It is our intention nit these comments to aid in expediting Special permit applications with your Nolutitar efforts in making the necessary changes; therebN, tvoiding 'ally preventable delays particularly pricar to a project's submission to the Large Scale Development (omitiittee or the 1..rhart 1)e‘elopment Rex icw 'Board. l'Age 5 or.5