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I App F Warranty Deed Computer
11S I.' EN -TURF, I+,ade thi ;ll#th day of"yicvembet,.,a Der 1911, by and: till CCIP'J Y."CIF PillstSYL r41A, • corporation argati td and existing wK Co pe IC �c[■'i'.,Eiuesea sa tx't�e""at✓t�s�- ;a£: ois�o t"a Suss OfL;La?Ys.'r! hi NY, Yicisnsltaiti;,;,itex C " G€S F NY,,.:a tortd' rter called thy" l;c ntct; IrNESSETlt: That the said Grant4 treuaAnd Dollar a ($"4Y,t` roof is herebyat and in c©nsideratiott of,t tavful. marry of tht. t(s+it' d has granted;" harji+�,i`e sv. these r*after sea isei , mteased, convcytd :text 4niirmed and by "" " ,r,'" pcloth gran bargain, sell, alien, rowfst, release, convey snit ctmfiraF,>rtta"the Maid Crantts an4 to its successors And assigns ever, All that certain cel of land lying aid bcSr in Ole County of Dade and state of Florida, mare particularly described ❑s follows: de1tt4 ,'AY FiLi.,A6cor'Si rn '`"' Plat thereof as Lott Paot�?f: Fi Flat Sat Pace 120 al oe Public Records of D county, ounty. Florida;S less the following riexeribed"porttant' r{ hence rini C'"ioenrteafi ee aatdintantetrtxncc: at tom.hstaxt corner w6 Of .2..l feettot Segfnn, Of "n4iLV0. iocave theaatet along "satd cirivla Mitt"Krt'` a e`di eat."." ti:r".".�.,..-".�;< Mom- r a s cs" tines mil .. CSS � 01"Feteu..:. {..ln!" of:: di 1 t 4t e A= $4f to . t tKlF. Most to i:';10et ot,%t, , y t`t rdi; osl. s ." isas eti ,;*" circular, cuivex= concave to. i1 IfirtSsreo C. of 75 Feet and"a central" angle uf2I6,°, 2i' 1 for an distance or 17,37, feet to a"Point.of:.T n&tisc "with the' .Southt ac of,aidtot Y-t: thence"tiu 3' Xval :the South Of: fatd totp-tfor'112.15Vt *cif tr t P-ll thrnct'ruec llf, -04s-3f"ii" 5onntt th Vestcoral ne:of s Lot 43.Ot Peet to the �sitintt� tin Vest line:of said i,ee: Psi" fort Poioti".oY Eegianing,"_ Lying And being in the,City of•$iaaie" ;bode"CoUntYt Florida." r5TATE :i'1C114'vrARY." pElovE „a _ ►! 't IYA1**44:26 GratOrp C 14%ajaWeii;:7a o„ thce premise ericumbrancese7cept as aforesaid, and that-Ahe Crantor h:as, „ „.• authc.rity to%aell the same; and the GrantOr does hereby Italy wiria4;the title to that land,and will defend the same nlit the lawful claims of411 person, whomsoever claiming or to claim by, through or under the Grantor. IN WITNESS WIVt4OF, the Grantor has caused this Deed to be ;red in 4t$ n'me Y4:-:‘qer. Marketing Real E,tAte and Development and tti corporate t.O. tar firii_aboye written„' erii,144ritet my hand end af[tcial i atpfiiiede tate of Panaexlvsn sr [S%; oP-1714 - ?5i WARRA:' 'Y DIED THIS INDENTURE, Made this if day of October, A. D. 1959 between JAMZS L. PASQUARELLO and MARIE P. FRISCH, as Trustees for Paaquarello Holding Company, a co -partnership sad not a.corporation, and JAMSES L. PASQUARELLO, individually, and joined by his wife, FRANCES PASQUA/MLLO. and MARLE P. FRISCH, individually, and joined by her husband., YRED FRISCH, and CONCETTA PASQUARELLO, an unremarried widow, AUGUSTINE PASQUARELLO, a sin,;le Bien, FRED P. PA.SQUAREL1O, a single sun, THERESA A. LORINd and JOHN LORIN°, her husband, RALPH h. PASQUARELLO. • single man. and ELSIE PASQUARELLO, a single woman, of +.ie ;ounty of Dade snd.State of Florida, parties of the first par., and IHE MIAMI }ZIALD PUBLISHING COMPANY, a Florida corporation, having its principal place of business in the County of Dade and State of Florida, p :y of the second pert. (addreaa: NO South M€ami Avenue, Miami, Florida) wiTNESSETH: That the s parties of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of TEr DOLLARS ($L0.0) and other good and valuable considerations, to them in ha: tid by the *aid party of the second part, the receipt whereof is haret, ,.c,nowledged, have granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, forever, the following described land eituata, lying and being in the County of Dade and Stain of Florida, to -wit: l,p'ts P-2, P-3 and P-4 of CAUSEWAY FILL, according to the Plat / thereof recorded in Plat Book 5, at Pate 120, of this Public y/ Records of 'lade County, Florida, with ell improvements thsrson and all riparian rights appertaining tharato; SUBJECT, how war, to the rights of Dods County, Florida in and to that portion thereof taken in those certain condemnation proceeding* nog pending in the Circuit Court of Dada County, Florida, Law No. 51L-2580, described as follows:` That part of lots f-2 and f-.3 of the Cxuaevay Fill, according to the plat thereof recorded in flat Book 5 at Page 120 of the Public Records of Dada County, Florida, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest comer of said Lot P-2 resa S 1' 48'23" I along the West lint of sal Lo.t ? 2 for a distance of 20.2 foot to the point of eurra.tuta«o:f-a circylar curve to the left; thongs run along the arc of said circular curve to tba loft, having the radius of 25 fast and a central anal* of 90", for an arc distant* of 39,27 feat to the point of tangency with the south lino of said Lot f-2; thence run North vo'11'37" s along the South line of seid Lots P-2 and P-3 for a distance of 175.40 foot to the point of curvature of a circular curve to the left; tbenres run along the arc of said circular curve to the 1*ft, having the radius of 25 feat and a csntrel atilt of 71.43420", for as arc distanas of 31.30 first to a point; thence tea South 81'39'38" W for a distant of 16.82 fast to the point of cervatrrs of a Circular curve to the ri$}nt; thine* ran along the arc of said circular curet to the right, having a radius of 1427.19 fast tad a centrtl angle of 4'31'59", for as arc distance of 162.74 fast to a point of coapound curvature with a circular curve to the right, having s radios of 25 feet; thence run aloes the arc of said circular curve to the right, having s control angle of 90', for an arc distance of 39.27 feet to the point of tangency with a line that is 20 Coat East of and parallel co the West line of the aforesaid Lot P-2; thence run North 1'48423" V, along the line tan tnt to the last des.crib*d caret, for a distance of 14.24 feet to a point no the North line of said Lot P-2; thence run S 88'11'37" W along the North line of said Lot P-2 for a dt.atwnct of 20 feet to the Point of Beginning. AND Lot P-4 of the Causeway Fill, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat 3ook 5 at Page 120 of the Public Raccrds of Dads County, Florida, LESS that past of said Lot P-4 described as follows: 3sginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot P-4 run East along the North line of said Lot P-4 for t 3ist.ance of 173.85 feet; therms run S S1'39'38" W for a "tistanca of 174.99 feet to a point on the West line of said Lot P-4, said point hulas 19.91 fstt South of the afore- said Northwest corner of Lot P-4; thence run North along said Veit line of Lot P-4 for a distance of .19.91 feat to the Point of beginning. AND That certain tract of land lying between the Easterly extensions of tba North and South lines of the aforesaid Lot P-4 being bounded on the Walt by the East tins of said Lot P-4 and bounded on the East by the existing bulkhead line of diseayne Say. This Dasd also conveys all right, title and i undersigned as successors in interact to The In and to that certain 99-Year Lease batvaaa Compmy, we Lasser, and tiilbw, Inc., as Les G..ilhaw, Inc. having asatsntd its iaterast 1' the said This Mani Harald Publishing Copan dated Ssptembdr 15, 1958, said 99-Year Late August 29, 195o. SUBJECT to taxes for the year 1958 and a conditioas, restrictions and liaitatio plicabla Boning ordinances, easeuents utilities and other purposes, and to ritte sass a favor of Orkin 5xtsrninatins Coepany of nth Y •r , nc. and Peau tl'Or Sales Corporation, whose t is now owned by Plough, Inc. And the said parties of the first part do hsrsby fully warrant Cho title to said land, and vill defend the sawn against the lawful claims of all parsons whomsoever. tsrest of the away Comps Caw ar, thelsaid said,.aasa to byAfsignasat ng dated -2- t 1714 ;3-253 the foregoing deed. and anknowLsdgad before me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for tha purpoess herein expresasd. WITNESS ry ha and official seal at , said Couitj: and State, this day of cQCK- , 1959. Hot lit, State j;lazida at ;'gt my Commission expires 'tat of Florida. County of Dade. 'nix Instruments `ed Im record the r..a3r ICIir aI! ! t . ; duty recorded in OfFI AL rift f 3z' c=i Pag S'4iie 4it5 R ' . i a E. •. Lg..%ry ClAk Cmor Gaurr si. C -4- 1N WITNESS WRER.EOF, the said parties of the first part have hereunto ant their hands and seals tha day and year above written. 5 ;nod, aeald and delivered in the presence ;/ 1.t.-i mitt " j !! Japes L. Paaqunrella • gj� arie P. Frisch, AS TRUSTIES FOR PASQUAPELLO HOLDING COMPANY, a co -partnership and not a corporation 'r r (SEAL) Jape* L. Puquarello Frances Pasquarello Aerie P. frisch Fred Frisch Concetta Pugtitre (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL/ ` o-7 L} Amiss Pssquereilo Fr d F. Paa wars o 6Z144#k.. > t._1 . (SEAL) There a A. Lorin° „ (SEAL) Fohn Lorino f a j Ralph A. Paas(uareilo j u, tcezL ILe) (StJ L) Lisle Pasqua!' to STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY Or DADS WORE lit, the undarsisned authority, this day personally appeared JAMES L. PASQUA 11LO and MAIIt P. TIIMCM, as Trustees for Paaquarsilo Holding Company, • co-pertaerehip aad not a corporation, JAltt! L. FASQUARELLO and FIANCES PAJQUAMILLO, his Mile, HALLS P. FRIaCR sod FLED FLISCH, her aheats ld, Co$CLTfA PASQiUAX0Li O, an staresaasrtsd widow, AUG `S IZ W, a sins .aa, MEN P. PA UARLLlO, a suits maa, TWIREUA ,L RIN'LIIL and L0Or a her husband, RALPH A. PLIQUAULLO, a sin<le men, andsimile maniac', to ass moll known to he the persons described to and who executed -3- w.waAh T. t:ero • U.. Fw/CO'f POW 14 .r. cywrew:riw.. urranc t 18 rtZt 3ubrtttiurr. Mads:titit c /NCO Mules. KDa10.4 s•�s • 4.tt.t' 4 tti:rlv t;e:v WILLIAH C. MOU.STER3, joined by hie wife iiiITi 0. MCMASTIiR$ f� , of that County of - J.14,;x1c,4'Y and State of part i.es of thr Pit part, tae iTint 1433141 HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY . a rnrpor*Au• (kddcan: Zee So. Xtaxi Avenue Miassi, norida) rsi.tintl ender the teen of thw$tata of Florida . M.u:r.F it. pri..rip.t +r.• nt hasinr.. in the County of Dade good Saar wi Florida. and lawfully aafhorized so nosio 1 business in thr Sian of Florida. party of the seenntt past. (are1/4 ..6 9` � hoti rSir �# titf Fli�.dal 3 I hat t e part a! w t psa►t, ter tag rruvitTrritinre n the suns n TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE C(NSIDRRAT1ONS /LIZA. herd poll by the aid party of the sernost d pa. the erre•tpt .chrre.et .a hereby .er-lenrra� P dqe d. late* pranuvd barpai+tednd astaid so Ow mid petty ref ale /karn ma part. its sreraa Ws and .eEttnrin�{ de.rrih.•d twit situate, lying awd bftintt its the Gwetty .f Dade and Staff of Florida. urse it: ta,tne !•.rn.r. t6.• Lots -5ria d -# of NHL CAUSEWAT FILL, .4.. ct i io 't ee i' t 'thereon recorded in Platook 5, at Page 120 of the Pub- lic Records of Dade County, Florida. Together with all of the furniture, furnishings and fixtures located in the buildings situated on the above described property. This deed is given subject to mortgage dated December 19, 19 y- Robert Roaenberg and Anna wife to A. R. Diqkenson in th cipal amount of i44,000.00 recorded in Mtg. Book 2793 Public Records of Dade Con o his prin- gage 1a 345 of the orida. u t to sdeed is limitationaaofo �record axdiven ctaxesrsubsequents and to the year 1955. 4nd th, Hard put fee of the fatal part do hereby fatly Warrant the tithe tf.soot tend. end wild deferui th.- sa+t+. e,sein.t the isle fat riai,w• of elf perseese whominerer, T ` R !MESS i'MTF.R£OF, the said persi80 of the fire parr have heresa,.i+n a.•t their hood a soul stele the day end year abnu►'urines. 10n.4..•.4kd and dvttervrdt its pt+i•atnee of 1407 Jxx (/4 4t a.. - 4, r If1(rt� r w 1.14ae Edith O. icsstere d ,:4.,,t, STATE Of �. RE€tF ila 6 I (OUNTYOFor' 3 Bitrtbg (trtigg, That at this dex.parirr ;iy appeared before two, ass *firer duly ettsharisad to ortminiwer oaths and solo t[cknov.•ledtw[s*u. 11I1.I.I0 G. Mo.MASTERS, joined by his wifl EDITH. 0. MUSTERS deed. and arknoer• t., O Wen kno.rn to be the persona described ia and who tsecta:ed the foregoing t,+lgewl before mr that th.y ex*catad the name treaty and t'°luwla►ily far the purposes therein rrptr•ssed. Anb 3 Furiber 0itrttfur That eke said EDITH O. MUSTERS kiwwn hr tor oet a separat a and ;mirror to !rr the on t trf the add WILLIAM r C. , • ate a e from hra +cold husbat+ri. did arknrntr- v.tanrinattrin (a ad and made by and before m[. separ y Aar f relinquishing and conveying that shC made herself a party to said deed 1r,► the purpwe of renouncing, q 6 •riett titb• and imerrat. a-hwher doter, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitahl:•. ‘',.tJj m{{wet fir e iantls dr•ar•ibr+d therein. and rhos she rxe ntrd the &aid deed Jregdr and voluntarily rich• 1, 1►,tifr!y: """' constraint. appreltensian, or f rrir of or from her rani hnabund. '�g••''i.Lj hand and official seat of •� •�` • "'' ✓ �r" . CONntY .ef 1 Y ,. and `�` oc+i#f. This e day u �• ' 4-�14v, � A. ll. J9 S �a°ri .+ ( /� 'i..i:..Tyti� 1 Notary Public. Starr of r t1' {' / / 17 it rommhston ..spires, Y r : oP F1,ORtit.F. t mere,, ,- +if 3 litrrbil rag_ that on this day pr•rnasally appeared before mr, an etffero'r do to mho:hooter rwtt s aced take, ar r lgme+sts to roe it ell known to hr the person le�1g•�1 todore me- that ei Jer.•a:..l. Wastes rand! arrr! .,fJiriaf sea! at h,rid chic a 3 xA h q`y a�i < `C � is i. z a day of q fi'iird the fx,ff•$diti i .h• d. rut</ fix rntarit% ff.r th.• prafpose•. thrr,•tn l:ounry of 404. rt WARRI.NiY D[EQ tm eaaetas.ra.„ MAW it. L a4 Milts inbtuture. Made tht• ,f 7th 1 A. Mine Retweata aaa . Cawev.«..a.t tauxs, mew. -. daya1 April A.D.19* ,RETWFEN M. A, SMITH, an unmarried woman of the County of I 5ua it psrtXr of the first past, an is'MIAJ.0 H RAI.9 SHTif CxfWii All7E a corporation (Address: 200 So. Miami AVettLte, itiaatr Florida) existing under the lawn of the State of n.Oritta. , having its principal place of husineas in the county at -Dada _zw-i state of Florida anti h..rully authorized to transact husinew {a die State of Florida, party of the second part WITNESSETti: That the said pirt4 of the find part, for and in coruideratioq of the awn of 'en Doll-ar:, and other valuable considerations I ,ll.arw to ties._ .._. _in hund paid by the said party of thr second part, the receipt whereof ip hereby urinaw- Mi14ed....has ___granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the seceud part. its *twee -eon' awl a>wigtts, forever, the fallowing described land, bluets, lying and being in the County of _.-.ryat,3i=.. _ __and State of Florida, to -wit: ?L �eczrdtng to the plat thereof reco e ni at Book 5 at page 120 of the Public Recorels of f,rat?e County, Florida. Together with the furnishings, furnitures and fixtures contained in the building situated or the above described property according to the inventory which has been furnished. Alhject to taxes for the year 1954 and :u : e,.,,rntly, And the said party__. of the first pan do e n hereby fully warrant the title • <,a d land, and will defend the more igaiwt the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN W1TNInS WHEREOF, the said pertX— of the first part iQ.Q _. hereunto hel hand__ and neat...... the day and year shove written. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of us: f li; K. Smith Tp- (Seal) STATE Of rtatilEtttk, C000ty . 1 HEREBY CERTIFY, The on this day yersoaddli **peered Wei tan, an offiese shay shtherieed tr wholsia« oaths had taita actsstraeGpeesra M. At S,'oI.TH, an unmarried Woman to we wen karwa to be tla pan ■ - - deecribsd is and who eaeratta the foreIsias feed. and altanrlwited beret* as -- the she rreshted the tore freely esti eeketatily for the peepers therein sapeas. L ow s etPMrNG atA4 primes e b.rt the xi feels. mkt_ - ,.'— „ e:: . asid 6o4 4 d1s adtaowklte that the earls lwrorif * port], Libel.],Mend lasso byr, befar+t lee. sap+r fiR" _..hinf aa> �, title anal iateeate, became a wy ie +sad lead far, tsar :. .t ttati be rnRf to the !cads doura . hrther dower. jtomr. pee�tX. atetttteic as rtt+ i`' t hensiva ar fear ai oe fro. ,iR het .asi £rrely • ♦alaeda 7 and arle5aur atq rvreRpsiaiea. 'ehe+ colas. apptr y�lrvt mY h...4 had i `ef 6, tbir • 30 t CAS a i1f F LCiR1IMA. 1 1lt 11E1tY CERTIFY, Tbst oo this day peesenaliy swpeerrd brforr, rue, Mt Officer Jaty eetberit.od to eth eini-ter oetim and take. srknenlrlintrats„ ._.._....._ _. so Rae well kux.tn to f. the person. .., dreeeilted inMAI 'rho rsrrtned the f.rceauing 11.-rd, MA eekm .ir1ard Wore me thni - _ rserattd the tame freely and voktnearifa for the. puriro,.rt thrrtin rvprr•.rJ. ._ W1TM- $ toy hand and official Arai N._ _....... _ i'annry Of.. __ - t{e...,f. , a. Ft. t1t anti +tare ..i E�usi�ls, FI+iA. __ _.. ...-...__�._..___ ..._..�....... _ ._. a ciaf tsai tRe T kr'rt1'.K _ y fth lay of Apr{ _ _ A. D. .n. n— Notary rUhtte. State of_.....®.�..Seb 1. ..,,..,..._._......._�.�_._ !fy corrrntttsiow expire. r r WARRANTY GEED ,re toaraRxnoM, FARM tt K. 14 ZZ1 3nirnturr, ,iado tbia / ; f f� A. D. 14> �_, BETWEEN of the County or, .. 1YUER of the first part, existing under the laws of lousiness in the t:uunty of ji4.:ltc. rsa AilERKAM 1hVM1/44 C3.r04AT1oM 3044,, PLO/MA day of e �rrsman .and State of and VIE MARL HER AI.fl I11BI ISig lir CO IPALT . tvrporoaott (200 Jouth Miami Avenue, mist, Flort4,0 the State o£ ilor l (in — , baying its principal place of rinrie and 4tate of...E1 __ and lawfully Authorised to transact businer4 is the State of f leers, panty of the sernnd part. WL'I 1-$SETI.d: 'Clint the said part --I- .- of the first part, for and in a ntsidrratirnn of thr ruin of L it , h1i[.; t 1 `JALLIA 1 (:r Err_iI `.lERATIi NS Dollars, to her in hand paid by the said part)' of the secot14 part, the srrtipt ishFre° it hera'4r arl,tisrw, lr iw• d. : t 1.5 grar;ird, bargained and sold to the r.ui 1 party of the second learn, its .iiev •wrc4 sell f44r—ter. the f(ltk».iag described lamb Ritur.tr•, lying and bring at the Count.,.4 rt 1,, anti State of Florida, to.wit: tut 'ii, C.1tlyt• Y E•lt.t:, a at;tiiviion In `'•nctir'rt 11, trslrir `�3 South, R:,nre 42 East, nccnrdinr 1_0 tint *,npreof, recorded in Plat i!ook 5, at rare 120 of this :1• i it Rernrds of Dade County, Fi or1dR, otherwi: e• known described as Apartment buildir,.' located at 11,10 tt, F•. Pay =;bore Court, Miami, Florida, i'-ludinF fttrttitttre, furni..liinrn and equipment now 1oc i t< 1 in said ar.trtment, r',11d1nF . And the , riei part 3 of Ines first part du_e'ag hereby fully warrant tha title to said land, and will defend the .ante against the lawful vl'i' as of all persona whornioever. IN WITN1•'SS WHEREOF, the said part Y of the first hand_ _ and seal-- the day and Year above written. Sigurd, leaded sad delivered is prtrenee of us: - 17?i-6 part_ 121-5 here Into act _t?a7' 4 its ✓ STATE pF PEOR49e1, lt.u,aty of -- ' 1 11ki1F117f CERTIFY, not as this day pen.,a117 appeared h.-Fore art, as sanser desly suth.ri+e1l to aelmleletee F. I. SNYDERra g asehe and tste adtsto*ke+i;me's•sti .-,_..___.-.----�-..,---•----�^ ,__.____�--^-•---- "" oral arlc.�oalcd;rd before ass to me w.0 knows to tot the peso..--.- d"reriberi is sodxlw rscrutrd lb, furs -gain d.sai4. 3 1E teethed the ;omit fsesl7 east v.lawtasily for the purpose's tb.reia expressed_ Lno.a to too ANa ." FURTHER ELIITIFY. That the oast ow a arparet. s . � to he the *rite of the sal . _ ___�.. ..".s front hrysasd hart, 'dl her s4f,1r- title owl interest. * aossietatisat Wriest acid made by sad before a,q se her.�strtfwslY K acid eke l for the t itrls yt at n ananritu; r- �.�sz,� tiurrin. and that F5 (S.smaatEad w [ i ur7 or srta'ttel=En to end [w r eta Malls �`r�` s`•,> .- xi y soil atitltrot any rwnpaW ffi, ran»trsand. ayrprrlrenaitxt ar- �:r . '.lw new , r. as yy WreN, r ✓ r L r , E'at[nt7 oL.- �ri'-.rr►^�- «-,. Lewd artd official leaf a..»»...: ,./ tISs.=--' _ f atvl State of .t� ihla. _ _..'..: __ .�_-_flay af..� .�.` �-� «-'�`--^-- A. li, l 4:-.4-• Notary Public, Su* atJ .._„4.�e:.,.«w-- _...... .____ . 4 L_ Sly faa,ilit: Inn rip[rr<� ..F-r G �� J,. L - + t t.TF: t 1P 1-1.01111).t., C.-..lit .f 1 1U IU-:liY F:EiiTli'l-. That ort this day peraunally sppr•rrd 1.rf.,.. „_ . u „ft.r.r duly to .,latmt.trr .rt« awl taw a \.,,.vtr.lx = •a+•. t., site aril ►eta..n to l,e 1hr per.•,n ,1< ;died esr s[sd .eh, r.., wtr.1'thr (.,real, ns .Fred, acid a. Ltarw 3,-.1Fr.1 t.•farr11,16 ace r.v:ec1 tier rams truly and .a€untari€. far the 1,wtt.o•r.exprr•.-c4 1t.Ffti1_tii nay 1.10 anri :>fti=ix1 ar a€ St t..a,ai..4. ra,1 �tatr ,d F€ari.ta, liti, Y. r1 a b M t.11. 1't1 WARRANTY CAD carOdur Zttii 3tc3?uttu'r. 195 ► F;AX A. L. -,...--, B of the (',Aunty ittel Stat[r T)f`: 'Elxti ERALD LI SRI. NG COMPANY . corparation a( the Furtt pare. ►ad-.-ro Miami. Florida') (jtdQrass; 3(Kl So. }tixtttl, Arat�tat: � r:iirEing under the laws of flee State ci( its principal piece ai __ �, having Slats. c---- - business in the County ar ;}t�6 d in the State of Florida, party of the second part. lstwfuits� autiuti".,.d to transact bursnet• ITN aSF;T . if Tt>at a said d part - -.- or the first part, for and in consideration of floe sues et tRt firer, rr, the following ilescrilicil land, situate, tying and bring in rise Cotirtty at . "TI�Ff:3 =i:� C ki ) V LI' c P - CC!, .tii in hand paid by the said party of the second part- tire receipt whereof is hereby no w- granted, bargained and said to the said party of the accrntd part, its soceesenro and and State of Florida. to -wit; inns rdi `,e t a } , t. r•i: . ( e ..:E;. ,c: , r->SCri c'. lens anti ;r: lei t'• nr tr.,:. - 1.95 Anil the .aid part_.X,_- of the first part da per-- hereby fully warrant the title t the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said part.X- of the first part�138 hand . and seal— the day and year shove writttn. Signed, sealed and delivered h .p:eeenec of us: r o said land, and will dread i 5 iterentatet .et.. — �ls tSeal) Cooattr + ) .a officer daly sacheeiard r+ adaa4a i.t« STATE rT. That es ado day portoasily grand Wore i MOM maim oath* load s.Ea lo}*orladtwad.— .�,._ l e ,ha Vw"�- dercrited Is w1 stir EorcMiai dr< b wad arkao.l°diod by/we *a iha woe x — 1in� i. a�a _ _, MID I FLIRTlIER t'.ERTl r That the r-ti X s Xcpar.ir a. rhat. sa t_ _ I11t-- !v f�1 and is py foe rho purp•sa. t!. nia e.prca.cd. tha X X laasl a. i, did eaiva Zti, ttrN d sate es .6a sh lapcia s th. sai ` , p err tae, srploa�[ and .pF+t Ftoo d tat Al *r ri;ra, titt.yaa 1 inter.• ycamiw. port to and rit.dr i .� e( rcaoy .tat lagcrktt'seai rytitirri* rnd tK. N,Ixtir . iplw.ra� is said dead far 4 .tna r equksLlh io .ato the iamb de.*:ltd t ...t ded d baaa•asesd ar- � �Yu:d sri►L.K en: r Y'at.iw. craw9Wa6 -WPrehea .r f of .r ir..w star ...trusted t� etd deed rr.+ly .ni rM = her .aid Bu.b.adx L' .. 1 _ c:aru+T .t..r II1TNI nor hapd and arrkis1 seal st .day of-- TN'atary Pafaile, X � X AX a € kl Yif fE# 7r x x x x x Ai take ari.ruao .✓ _ an viS�rrt d.,kq so+rh au.�i tx sal i raaaally ayprarrd •..Sara Z.. 7i � }tF:i1F.HY t:>»i131r"Y, That an sh€� � 3 Cc X sass.. _ - .._ sash`... t. ie�tenrrsri.. X .. X ._ %, .--- _...__. sass. _. _.-. _.. snd .akao.a.k•terd €ui�,ye lots hi th ....._e.. _ dr.rrik an oral ,shun e.rruteat Op, furront�e dcr.i, a wet' it urlu he the gsrtaa° ' n a e..t+rr...=.i" x that. .. _-- %. ._.....,.. rarsutr.i rite sans free* and .atsarttwil7 for the Pur3"^"' ,�p Y X. _sass. . faunas ..f. _X-. R'iTtik5aJ0+Y hand :and afiiei� .rat at. .�«._ . "- -. _, :t, ii. if:. X day ar�. .. _ wad Slot of ri9ritia, 114.- ...-- iL x X c sa WARRANTY OECD rna tibenturr. Klein dst or � sntxa ty ,L p,r,a9 54 , SE'iWiEi'i.____. R. Y. a single wart of the County of. Siark.. --- _..— ..,.tad State or— hi° THE. =IAMI HERALD PUBLISHIt' COYAPANY a torpors peel, .w ni the flex[ part, dd ess: 'Lot'ida) (Addrara:. Z�lfl So- xfui �.vsnute., )rfatliF wirier the laws of the State �.. or_—_.i°riti;� '-' having its printipai pia existing hrRincw in the County of.— _ f°340 aatl State arFlorida awl lawfully autherizeat to trattdract bwainess in the State of Flarirla, party or the srcaad pait. ii"IT`1'SSFY'li: That the said part_Y.., .... _ of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum tar _... A'.,'' °y t .t .*, :iI `i[%i'i i..... itatlhEti: t4? i > to in hand held let fltr id party of the -hind hart. the rrxript whereiaf la hereby aa'I. xaw- ha I '1, 4 Meerut;. ttarytaineat Mitt *ail hi OW .ai<I party of the renxttl part, ita ruee'e ori, and y..ietS=. f>,ra•b, r, th=• 1,.11r.w ing ileaeribed hurl, situate, IA ing and being LI the I ;unity of. I H ".t • At r Awl ite- +:leer part Y of the first part do_ _Ls hereby fully warrant the tine to ;aid land, sad win rlefcnd the ranee ngainM the laMfut claiaaa of all persona whottuorte . 11 WITNESS WT3R;HE:f}F, the "Aid psrt_i_ of the feral pa hereruria art_ . hand.. _ and seal._..._ the day and year *hare written. Sign:4 realcrl and delivered in presence of ns: Seat! eted la tread who azmAmi tlta fare{eittr + � mad sekeewlsdied belays u SD; well Iowa to be the yssesa e h ria amass mod for lfta peas[ tIeeia expressed. .seated x toe xNn 1 FUWT11Ea CF t . tl" 'si X o« a se is ha thf wife of the aal eaaatiaati.l. takes sad merle by --a hereof s ya4r to will deed fur the I seratrJ su er eau 3Lur.E� ("nun sf �� t,{ i'1E-SS my head end *Mewl ire/wt. hooieiired a of die a It id d d freely her si .,ad sod., af. lsll this.,. ..._..,__ Ohio :tTE f1F F „taiiifl:#. X [t x X 1 % 111:11F:ISY CERTIFY, That ors an. day potsoaally sppesreri hrf.eri(mir, sn MOW( r .fury suthiuiysiI‹. anlaei.rtintar x •xx . .. wtha sri rate srinurledgmesils........._.. , ... _-... X XXX 1 tree _...r .. o ... __...- _..__tens J.ro in sod woo earrnrrd the (remnant else.[, sn=i srin.r+.€e,tYr.l ,r[yrr well � t he the person t x tf01. ale sad private r< (y sad (part eras }see raid uhsad. did arilsowlnl.Rd het rha IfFlfars Cjt has p tat sad eeneey all her right. tide lw9ex of apaly, statutory tortttel makable, in and i [sade deitrilatd thereet rvoX y, Natatory q Lcasiaa or rest se �allltaraad wtllkoat any iurnyuiaras, roa.t >tppprr , I 3"-'t) _._der of. __ . 1y•�"'�"" Netsry Yult ia; State ri._:_.:w',Z-/-='x._. �» My rwssi...iun rxpirxt__-... to tor wt t w.n a tt•sl ._ - _ - . rsecuttd the .seas •friiely and 4ol=intern, ter the lauepa-rs 1hrrrio , mount[ nt x r!G lend and o!€icia[ .cal at_ _ X ... _- and :+[air d F'Iuri.IK this, ..._...._._.._-- X x 4 'patty of the second pttz : ii granted. and sold kt the amid party 4o i:,zta. forever, the following tiveeribed land, situate, it ins and beLog in the Caonty of_ r 4tat� Florida, t�t: t7 7 t..1 r t r, 1.• t�;r f• I: C ' Tsi.liA 1:rW0`t^^lE. 10 tester is here ra r r or err{`�' p ' of t7te� flx:t sxi doo_.— hey lolly wart I1t the title to uid #antf� "#tid w t uatett� �n,l the said mrt,w..W.�.N-: 13 the tame opine t e arr c1aWU of mlt persons whomsoever, y:�l�" fnl. ,.:. .,::..r; :ice : �'�=': hetaspnt#" • IN Ill' zt i3)RUF tlia said pmet oc the ftrst p+tt---- ,... abma rri Cetlatr ✓ f.fLai�FI+....- / ecci w +iwlstn eppearrd Ware me, xa affirer dui? authors 1 flEilE8Y { t7IFf, That w tk4 day per=f `k 1T�R j ' jninerl by ti}9 5 w '•" aa$t. wad ba..cknarl«jt"""'� WILLUN Q.; ti gr� ;r?r T u 0. MCW .` rI'SS w ors well kea.+ to M the pea»s.-5.--- aomrIbr:a its and lei. enarnted tbi Iareielei deed, ••d adtaewiedged hrfora use t ease.+md the Door OW* ..d ylsnuarily to the prrpoece therein e AND 1.F'{)RTF?Lii CERTIFY, Thai the sail - PITH • MCKA`31-ifi6 , known to toe t� .: . an . �Q.rrte and private r b. eita rue et the oaf i end Great from her. acid. Ai awrka r. tar that d wade ruminative Velum ae,d tuade br and l d.n at wep+raiE r uuhi se and etestersig rift 4 title and Weer*, her.dt ap�t y iw raid lord ter tin p"a. 4 „--- �rl#L retioV .vltekexe sled t isaid red tore'' et ala theal ee rcr.o.p t. in and to the lands tfe agod thil t .he executed tie said drsd ttctbi :..wlaahyaed rritl avt 4Py rratptai an, ea>atitttini; ap{tre her said Irt.li ,A. .tay..yy,-si r WITNESS My hood and official leliyV L h D. !4%_r u t 31 aG i3.1Gi+ this _ /—cac slay ad_t"_ ._... Tieary 4'u6kr, State of � _-..-L[,...scg y rommi>.ioct ',piersrl'm.: t ,ussii of :....._ _... _ ...— I TIE:REST t:E[1TI Y, Thu OM thi. day t.rr oaally app rr'"i t.rfore i:,«, an affirm duly anthariaefi cu admi,.i.Kr rnt■.. aadt. awl take rfknu.lra€Fm _.�.__� ___....,,_.._e__,_.._......-.. ... _. __ .,-... to Mr well known to be the prna*t. _ dr.-cared to and who rm.-tub-a the (..era inn Area, ml e•l.•..wt..axr.S l.rf..re 111, rnecutrd du, aan.e ferelr nod valuntarilg row :he pwriu,vs thrrrin *nitro'-rd. WiT\t.S.+ ;n) hand and s.ifiriat .*al at _ _._. -rosmty al " . 1t, ffi. anti State at Mails, thin.._.. _.. __...._.....,,.....-- ._...,: —_Ant of W ARRAN rV otlt? (vo ccr.waa,a«t Gilts 3t ?rniurp. af.4 t1i.___. A. D. IP[.. BETWEEN_ _ . • • M4'fE L1-111. of th. County ��_ _. .. _ a • corporation . -. of the [brat curt, and i :is ? -. � part. g2.lfl South Miami Aveenue, iarrt i., rlor'ida.) l lace of t8� ltavttt its rx irtittg wider the lama of the State a%.......��- pxineipaR 1,0-,ne+s in cite G, Canty of_ -_ _. �1de and State at Florida ,nx.l la.vfulLy ui1wriird to tra:1 *d Maine*, in the State of Florida, party of the wewcd part. WITNE S` ETII s That the bald part--- of the first part, fur and in consideration of the *um of u i t i1 ADD �dALtt3B1.= t,ub€STll l'i:TI4_{a 7hsli xr. in band l,aal hr the said party of the second part, the receipt whtrcof is herchy art ouw. 15 crttik- i, bargained dull sold to ti3r raid party of the ar u4I part, its sin-4.room and ;,.,,;;n•, t..r..Aer, th:flrrrrihed land. sitoat., 1? tit and being is the C,oartty of. State n( Florida, to..vit: An,l the +aid part Y. of the first part do_ ._ .. hereby full* warrant the title to said land. anti will .lcfend the +atrir against the lawful claims of ell parlous .whom*oes er• IN wIT* iSS vatEREOF, the said part y -- of the first htrennto .ct ._ harm sod Jet& the day and year above written. Signed, sealed and delivered •e preacace of tat 1 delivered • .... (31,..1) Xfttl!!Xto admintata. ----X----j X HER MY (k mff, ne m ao this del ]Farmeany appeared before at .ftkee duty antta.rised X main aid trio X X x X to me wtFt ath.t to be the pane---...- described ira r4 whin ancented the torrt.lni dee, and acknamdmiged Wore ma tt s a.ma keels seinelutemily for tba parpsw< thereieorpcomm - y , known to au Awn t F' YTf ER CERTIFY, Taal the raid X .a a .rya and print* to be the wits of 71pi 1,7 ma Wan ax...Pi t1 ami Ee�+e krr wit ttn*Itra€t. did a}ktt.it separate that dte mats tromineti.a orlon pia ou ys..1 y s and ratorjinF MI her shin and karma, w .elf a cry to .a. heed for the p'p *IC K aitabte,_ in and ttra€'. lands d therein, and °d[the; ie mic torch. sehl cad ar of mod tors ?('etso without aas ront ahe eaerttted the said did trawl" mod wa�ta 7 had 'impulsion, % hrr ::it htt.twnd. x X .�.. WITNESS my tuna 00 offtttnt Kidst _..._ .x, t:uuat" of — x owl Stow of Florid*, thtia_, _.x..... _ _ _..—.-, X— ... x_ ...._,....... .._. X Memo Public. '*ate of. --. X My rnattni.sian rpirr. STATE Or .its+ OHIO S P a � L.r..rr toe, a attire, ef,l. authuri•. I to admire:ter 1 tfEFiE RY CERTIFY, Y. Ti-. on this ��7 a i rtr f F: 14O lai., r, owili, •nd €riLe aekemode.t Irate. — —...__ to tar well knoon.tti lie dm pen ........_ dr.rril.rd tr and alto narrated € o. f....a,•7€tR .irrd• and a.icu._f.tRrd before air she eaerrutrd the **ma feral" attd potpie..., far the pur•e. thrrrin aapre.aed, tilt. _. . �1 • I:nntttr of a.a[.�a""fev�� ......... .- R"IT'it�'<.ti € Y nest Seal official .rat .e_' _ y f. d_ _.. _ � end Sate of tF2hfr7rAG ad._.r_... t1}^{r: o ✓ Notary' it r SLat o P4 Ccia ixoion expire*: • ,f2. i e > s .. tit itio. t.l I 1 11 i ! . ,.. 71 i yy y� td • 3 .?f = is tLi% 4 V �„? C 3 C iin a .c itF ♦ i f$$ A xw tE leaeu{ paiei ley the *aid party of the 1 •ir KI. _ l granted, bargained and sold to ..--n;m_ f.rerer, the f+:ik.+.ing rh'Kriheel land, iituatr and State of Florida, lo.wit: State the • (.'.ounty• of t:li t.Ii1h".I HERALD Fjt l I3kIt#G •:Oi.3A 1Y • corporation ssi 200 So at lliaitli avows, iltaai, Florida) haring its principal. pt140 of istinI andarthe !arts or the State e: d SaltaF orida the County of-t:fami Florida.) dreta: 2, O 3cz*�rth i�lasiavenue, ► of thosecondP - fully ao rorixed 1u tra ct baaunesa in the State of flon4a, party Q`iTNE.SSi%"71I: T1u t Litt said port_..--- ofthe. find part. for and in consideration of heuitn of Mrh x y i, AN_J OTB R GOOD M I) VALUABLE C0t+SIDERATlCNS .. •• second part, the receipt whereof is hereby *Arrow. Ow sail party of the second part, its .n.C.”1..ar+ and , lying and being in the County of. rots 4 :1 ins 1' of -t subdifision known b.liasrsCausewa 'rill, to i' It book 5 it pa- 110, ae CIor Ida. r elne in - :inv and all tc.l•rovettents thereof: ;and includin.- 3nv ai i a1i ri ari.tt; ri tts Possessed by the rtrArttor. : b'ect to zoninc ordinances of the City of k'i itr.i i usual sub- division restrictions; taxes for the year 1953; anu to oral montt'-ro-.month leases with Jerry's Bait & Tackle ...hop ,oral 'i. 5l1 tort Co. F LORUDA And the said part_ Y of the first part do—.-- hereby folly warrant the title to rsi+i lax < S, and sill defend the ratite sgairut the lawful claims of ail persona wheresoever. IN WITNESS A`l1ElLF:QF, the said pan;Y of the lint pa t1815 - bereonto hand._ _ and seal._,, the day and year above written. 75. • WARMITY DEED oCOPPOPATIVO -*14, — wilts Jtaittiturt, made day A. 1). 1011;t_ BETWEEN ROBERT RENE MAT . a sin le an 5"- 1954 FORM 11. II- 14 of the County of_ state ot ohio part2t..,„ of the first part, asid-TAI411411131,-im--11-P-a' 11§-1422L.S.=,-----•-•-•-•-• a on:T.:Indian (AddrIess.:. $qutit etaxi• AveaueXi4a1 nor Itia) existing under the law* of the•State having its principal plane business in die County of_ State of Florida laisfully authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, party 01 the coud part, wrrm.......5sFrii: 'that the said part—,Y____ of the first part, Gar wad ill consideration of the sum at 0?.11Doitfl» f:,r TithLabla csmat dorat Ian Deitars, hin iss hand paid Ity the iaiI party of the second part, the xtocipt whrri,4 � lierchy aria -tow. ledger!, granted, bargained arol told to the said pafly of the meting] part, its SVIC-CriWITIE and ,s-s.sgss, forr“-r.ih foli giostriiteti lona, iitnate, lying 3,t+i being in the Cenral of. .al.afi t.t • t,,f V V Piewnw* 11111Aia4. Ft.0002.1 4[1•1 State of Florida, htewit: '44' • I nee. r• 1 t o t • • f •rt,t •oei 1:r• ' utqle A se -,etr ,o_,th -11 rri•sr 1 sul-0.11c.t. to tAx.$ Tir0 fnr the 7, t,!cte ts-srirs• orti nasicre syr tsr• y of mrel t4.•',:stss ear t•-•- I serv;-,t Inn.5 341.1. ert ref"'rls. Alb the said party _ of the find part &ea__ hereby fully warrant the tide to mud land, soil will defend the tame against 1.110 Isaul claimof all persons whonssaverr. IN WIT,N1--S.i WHEREOF, Owe said part_Y___ of the Br part -La -I— henrulte I.. I hand. and real_ the day and year attune written- Signe ed iteibisseil npreeleare of us: (11 Hot) rt Rene flay •,1 ' 1 t Sesii liAtIANTt USD TH1s j L1 tUfi, made, .this 15th day of September, A. D. 195$ bstveen GILKr. INC„ a corporation *slating nadir the laws of the State of Florida, hiving its principal piace'of businaas in the County of Dade and State of Florida, and lawfully authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, party of the first past, and TES IIAMI HIIALD PUBLISHING COMPANY, ■ corporation existing indsr the laws of tbs State of Florida, baying its principal place of business in tiro County.of Lade and State of Florida (addreaa: 200 South Miami Avon**, Miami, Florida). and lawfully authorised to transact business in the State of Florida, party of the aacond part, YITHLSS1T1i: That the said party of that first part, for and in consideration of the ausa of Tan Dollars ($10.00) and athsr good and val%able considerations to it in band paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to ehe said party of the second part, its asccsssors aad assign* forever, the following described laud situate, lying and being in the County of Dade and State of Flo W a, to-vit; PARCEL of CAVS#AT FILL■ a Subdivision deardSng to the Plat thereof. recorded in Plat look 5. at Page 120 or the Public Records of Dada County, Florida. #✓g�' 3 5 CAITSWAT PILL, aE 1 ioit SsctfOM 31 Township 53 South. Lange 42 last, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat look 5, page 120 of tbs Public Isnorda of Dada County, Florida. PARCELAO Lots 3 u 2 c ' tSSiAT FILL, NOWi5 � -.�aecorr�i�# to '��a Fat thereof, recorded in Pladlook Sat Page 12:0 of the Public L.tords of Dads County, Florida. PARCEL MO. 4; Lots 4 and 5, in hock 2, A rssabdi'rislon of Lots 25, 26 and 70 of ISLSON VILLA 5U)DIVISI0N, and Lots 1 and 2, in Elock 1, of CAMS OF MN SUSDLVISION, according to the Plat thereof, re- corded in Plat look 1, at ?age 174, of the Public &accords of Pads County, Florida. ALSO All of Lot 6, and all of that portion of Lot 7, lying bottle*** Lot 6 and what is commonly known as SAT SIii&I PIACI, Mock 2, of the Amended Plat of Lots 4 to 16, inclasiye, is Block 1, and (Corporate dissoletiaa - no Documentary Stamps required) inn`) 614 Parcel No. 4 (costiasnd) s Lots 4 to 20 Lact*aivs, 'lock 2, of a rssubdivi- sion of Lots 25, 26 Lai 70, of NILSON VILLA 583- DIFItIONN and tots 1 and 2, 1. 11,o the of fat 2D there- of, ULI 3U)IfISION. a 20,o f ere of, rscordsd it Flat lGw0, at Tads. tire lsblia 'words of 'ede Lots 4 and 5, is 'ay Sumo, according to the pAt!:at pats / Plat thereof recorded in Plat book 7, 135 of the Public L.corda of Deis County. Florida, which is a ressbdiviaioa of tots 1 to 6 of Block 2 of Pershing Court. Iq. is Lot 9 and Korth 48 feet of Lot 10, OF NUM, !recorded in Plat Lccordkal to the Flat tksrsof, book 7, Faso 135, of tine Public Lscords of Dads Cosaty, Florida. IJtSCi3. M4, 7s The North Halt (8 1/2) of Lot 11 and all Lot 12 of rssy,bdtYision of Hock 2a f fnbd3I r ixsioncof Dods !fir ice' ma and Lot 7 of Florida,WAL.c ��' to the Plat cheroot County, da, eceordiit pogo 143 of the r,b1Lc recorded in Flat Nook 4 Florida;ogo Kscords of Dads County. AND appertaining Aoy and all littoral end riparian rights apP to any of the above 1Kacribsd portals of load. And the said party of the first part doss hereby fully warrant the title to said Land, and will defend the SLAM against the lawful claims of all parsons whomsoever. IN y1T8Uy VZ7WP, the said party of the first put has caused these presence to he signed is its name by its proper officers, sod its corporate seal to ha attissd, attoste4 by its 5ecratar7, the day and year above writtsa. Signed, sealed and deliverai is this presence of; GILN, INC. t,TtW • -2- 4 president ecrtit'y, tPc StATI Of,, TLD U COUNTY Of. _.. 1958. and ly of Ciihew corporation welder:` to me known to bpi' Glns Persons who aigas Olden; and Sacrstary raspeeti^ lies of the State of foregoing instrument as such off#tars and stver*lly acknowledged the execration thereof to be their: free act and dsad'as such officers for Oa rsas and purposes thsrsia a+s:tioned and that thay•affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. WITNISS my hand and official seal at Miami, in the County of Dads sad State of florida the day sad year last aforesaid. cA4 Maury Fuilic1 SStat4 of F odds at Largo my Commission expires November 5. 1960 State of Florida, County of We. this rnstrument was lied for record the_. /4111'! off" ` 1958 at. ; a_9 and duly worded in OFFICIAL Ri.Ct)RDS gook..° c! on Page,41 'free E. ss. LtATM.ZRMAN Clerk Cittbst Cout! -3- B3 ,..1._ -➢. C. • • .>: , --, "•, , , / L---f .' • / / / MINING /16 WRODELL. STREET 0 k 6 16 F ZIVATE rdVt .e.4..sr.4947.4415/0.41 O a AZEIS/1/1W 011/477- W. rower .(45,M5i4.64,64:1' 1VetP, raVs, ZAN' SI.: AVIV 3! 4,4, .14 (4tokst at, .-three-11 odf AN+ sne 44, AWE. 0,40.1'•4 6.0••• ==.4.; ' ....7Z;471.r•= Amt at, rno....4 ,ver,io, 4,41r +6,..v Oar azUe.per 1r4.1,0;11,-,te, ak.aagr, '7 1,4,1 /AL : • 411 TVIS INDENTURE, Wads,.ehia 15th day of Ssptsabar, L. D. 1958. betweaa GILD, INC., a corporation szisting cedar the laws of the State of Florida, having its principal plus' of hosing** in the County of Dads and State of Florida, and lawfully authorized to transact *wanes* in the State of Florida, party of tbs first part, and TUX SUAIQ WI1tALD MILLItHI)G CO1SFLllil, a corporation existing wader the laws of the State of Florida, having its principal place of business in the Couaty.of Dade and Stets of Tlorida (addrese: 20Q South Miami Luanne, Miani, Florida), and lawfully authorised to transact business in the State of Florida, party of the second part, JITNESSzrx: That the maid party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Tan Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valwabla considez'ationa to it in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof 1s hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the second part, Its successors and assigns forever. the following descrtbad land situate, lying and being in the County of Dade and State of FloriAa, to -wit: Lot I-2, of CAUSEWAY FILL, a Subdivision r!_ according to tbs Plat tberaof. recorded in Plat look 5, at pats 120 as the Public 1scords of Dada County, Florida. PAR Lots S-1, 3-2 and 3-3 of CAUSEWAY FILL, a aubdivteioa is Section 31, Township 53 South, Rungs 42 last, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Flat Zook 5, page 120 of the Public iscordo of Dads County. Florida. PA&C61 1R4, 2i Lots tir-1 cad V-2 of IUX CAUSEWAY FILL, according to the Flat thereof, recorded in P1aiebook 5 at Fags 120 of the Public &..cords of Dade County, Florida. PLRtC RCTL llt341 Lots 4 and 5, in Bloch 2, A rssabdivisioa of Lots 25, 26 and 70 of NELSON VILLA SU1DIfl$ION. N,f and Lots 1 and 2, in !lock 1, of GLIDER 3UZDIYISI0I, according to the Plat thereof, re- corded in Plat look 9, at ?age 174, of as Public lacords of Pada County, ALSO L11 of Lot 4, and all of that portion of lot 7, lying hstvaaa Lot 6 and what is commonly known as In SEDRii PIACI, Block 2, of the Laisadsd Plat of Lots 4 to 16, incl+rsive, in Block 1, and (Corporate dissoletioa - co Doca.antary Stomps. required) 17'CWF S its sesecasaota {fie mid ore 1 of 114e pan, fur d ba"ea+e+} and other good an vnt% iris coos idstacion kiinrd pod by' tha p r gr ne+d imerg' sw d said it tkt said p're y Mirk r4 asaipu. forever, ;i4e S_i_ N sesx tart b'dl_ta,�d'tiomua Dade d Stigdi r# Court and b ss Shore ( �: a per plat of taaeebdt'risis>w bardsblock ck 5hars (boulevard) CO Dxirs, ea P of WALDl$e Mixt. recorded of illctk Z, of tSiSlr:ai has! e'.+d w� 1111r! rPytm.' elr, 8£4756 60:EZ POH/zZ/ZI • C fR -r • m 85R QO c 64 c C, si r CLAIM DEED t F[r E l m 3T5 TSIS maim" made thin 23rd day of Decasber 1985, batween SRMEST J. lMUT, Trust**, afd Individually, party of the first part, and .iRi1Ls8T BIDDER N1:WSPAflRS INC., a florid* corporation, whose addruaa is cjo The Nisei fsr.ld Publishing Company, One Harald Plasm, Miami, -Florida 33101, party of the second part. uI TNtSSETHi That the said party of the first part does hereby grant, bargain and quit claim to the party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, the following described lands situatm, lying and being in the County of Dade, State of Florida, to -faits Lot 10 and the South 2/2 of Lot 11 in Block 2 of RESUBDZV1$.IIi 07 BLOCK 2 of PES.SHING COURT AND LOT 7 of FAL UN COURT, according to the plat thereof resordsd in Plat Book 4 at Fags 148 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has caused these presents to be properly +sxscuted the day and year aforesaid. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: 410 J. , i`ruates, and ividually THIS INSTRUMENT NOT SUBJECT TO DOCUMENTARY TAX OR DOCUMENTARY SURTAX PURSUANT TO RULE 12B-4.14(2) and (5), F.R.C. a Mal. NI •!2n61 snot STATE or FLORIDA ) COUNTY Of DADE ) Before as the undersigned authority, personally appeared EIS' J. HEWRT'f. Truett*, and Individually, vbo attar first being duly sworn acknowledged before as that he exocutad this inatrumant, that the above described property is not his homestead and i* n0a-contiguous thereto, that said abays dssanibed property is located at 1361 North Bay Shore Drive, Miami, florid*, and that his homestead is at 1408 southeaiit Jiey- Shore Drive. Miami, florid*, .��`"" m,000;.• C°' WITNESS my band and official'anal in the Q State last aforesaid this 23rd of December, 1985. ,f�'t.•. ARED BY,...:,t4 + T & DAM ,IfflAtaa ir= tkviS $otary Public, State of YI My Commiisalon Bxpiresl NotiettilAGStiwatnoto .; kty (vo:uou Curia 110 • 2 • pti3XY2 hi 4:01 8 3 R i 38?65 ed .for t..rera' liar C..r►utl rand, thftwe;., €tneida This instrument was prepared hs. 7,;,,,„, iylan {, Kout, Esq. tw� Zt 11803 (i ZZO dd:,- 42.QJjcani atoad a rariy mo(11AMQlti KNtM—SEC of 689.02 f.3.) " Miami Beach, Fla,."33139 Mbt9 Jarman.. glade ads e•,1 Sr day of May LAUREL SCHILLER, a single person, PHtLLIP KUSHNER, a single pet FLORENCE TAYLOR KUSHNER, a single person of the County of Dade ., State of Florida KNIGHT- RIDDER NEWSPAPERS, iNC. , a Florida corporation 1 Herald Plaza, Hiami, Florida 33101, Attention: dames A. Rengarges whose post office address is of the Cmmty ni Dade . State of Florida 19 83 . iirlttfrrn on,and . grantor". and . grantee*, 111(1- raart1, 3imt said grantor, for and in rnnsideratinn of the sstm of TEN ($10.00)----- -- - ... - - - - - ... pedlars and other good and vainabie rotrsiderations to said grantor to hand paid by said itrunttre, the rcreipt whereof is herein' acknowledged, has granted, hargtinrd and sold to the said granter, turd grantees heirs and assigns forever, the lot - hewing ciescrihcd land, situate, lying and Irving in Dade Cunty, Florida, to -wit; Lot 9, in Block 2, of Resubdivision of Block 2, of £'ERSEUNG COURT and Lot 7 of WALDIN COURT, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 4. Page 148, of the Public Records of Dade Cotnty, Florida, together with the appurtenances and improvements thereon. SIJi3*iECT TO; 1. Conditions, restrictions, limitations and easements of record. Tastes for the year 1982 and subsequent years. 3. Zoning ordinance of the City of Miami. Florida. rot fOat 8,, t trod said grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said hind, .end will defend the saute against the lawful claims of all person whomsoever. • "Grantor- and -grantee arc used for ci gniar o: plrtr.I). a. caste€€ rminires. .3ti NUMBS Illftertnr, Grantor haS bore -Milo set punters hand and sr.tl the In and year first alxtve writtrn. Signed, sealed and delivered in our present ll/ % ;`� LA %t mot- PHtLLTP �S13)C R -7 CE TA` U st1 ( Ei Se+di L L' ��t e& Ist t(f STATE OF TENNESSEE COUNTY (3F SHELBY i HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day Wore. me, an officer dilly tittatdrd to take acknowletlgolttd1,� l, rserwltr• npr parrd LAUREL SCHILLER. a single person ' 1., ',t 41.,c to me known to be. the person described in and who exectrttdl the foregoing instrument Aid 4eir mr that Eke executed d the saute. - ie ��/� r� WITNESS m1 hand grid official seal in the County rind State last ,ctfon- lath this S Y'-.. da•l _of •' 'r My trttrtrrlis7iciri raptors: it i'�� 9 STATE 3W0. J'LO A that an this day'beforr tor. an (fCicrt duly qualified to. take aektretuierfg+metits. personally sf 1IttSSl R. a single rnan and FLORENCE TAYLOR KUSHNER, .4. 1g deirribed in and who executed the foregoing iusti5nnnent aril .sekuerwirripti before rr ; sone. ' +sill seal in the Clout) ;tnd $Ittc last aforesaid this ".27 h day of May 1°.sri i 1 .......e . ,,,.r,*;r .iS;.'.. .-3 >-s.'y' UIL^ .._.._ S't"s' 4.. ... . ' • NEAS .„ritlrfle .. (Snail '•i YM,' rt , 1 59/b6 39 d 11, t ?L • s .t gift �!!* n+ih aim 1P Arai 1 11KTy1* ZILAIrager **woes. ,.. .aarp.lr+a ♦s1 *u bon r slur 4 O. Soo.rt i1toihrE! . 4r� mar. /r...._FrdmGaol04 Wm red boo.t 11,44414 • w.1 i...f.>A? MILr1.l+1 F ate. Irir+w Y A. *rot 4 let..li► pat! . d - .. . riel t7li MWU UW CLURJ a ~rare pat *'!MN . a.r flaw, N1Md► 334 1►lieLla ..... r • r . w saM +rwrMw't'w'�. li. L.. at ka.bow 4 Mot& ..... �y rilr.w.l J•Y* I LYIMW i. tA. newel 4 AO* . r ► . rrF'li.r.. .t I!Y� r and L.1r11s yui.nl.d to ~ow #wLrM it Ad *w .., Mk& owl "1 . aw...) +r+, rir1LY1i►;th rti« s►. Ow wel .r ar Ana Ir' F+ ..e .. r....anNow -1 Al! •M •f Tot Della?+ (210.00) sort Our nlwrlks s.aa*trati*os .e Ili w..e — �! aa► wu r.** .J der _e....1 pew.'a. try.* ►bra..i .. i.— *tari.irrd. ... ra.+*.! ►Rr*i«.i .44 ..rt •1 rare rY rife? r.w~+ pr•. aoa ,.., t.+.t-.• at, /.d'.....t tr.trattql i.aJ rl.r.. h+ar=WI i.+4: A...Como d >Y« wog Stow ri iMwl....:f e tot Ccirt is 1t•Qtt TIM C2) at •->r. cocoa owl Lot ihreas of II= Wrrl, sneaelial to do lilt tW sdtr+s lia "Plat rMr le at VW i!a! Itist Ussril< • K 71ri. Coil*. r1ar31Is.. It La ..lasratsad art ogrood fiat tais. p.'t7 is UM* salt Sod porcMl'd eab,fsct t4 Woe Ear ll43 1W PliesOliesissert pore, >"A3*s lieu. .tilitLtr, if restr public maim( sr�diaal*+4s lM t► ri mod, trrtll tvtttJ►tiara. 1..4 fa.....4 r'r'e' -1 •i- fins pro d.." r+ris 104 .ee+*M tar pair rr• .M.•+' tie 1w.7..i O=#ia1* b7' tRPw.e.* pe' .& ar U {jr.rt.c bonito. 3 11J. MS 60b0S8£b96 Li. 60 :90 590z/b6/Il Matt,o3"r imr einntlij tar rag 31 e * Ora., this • Wort prrtaiWir rt *1 • t, .. .44 F. 't4t.0 irwawr PTevortiss. im6ar;restI4 ,6. li+.w, .! 0,14vet+ .1 w A++ww rr « .el+�411011004116440 1440 a I k er'wyrt wi WA re" a, /+�+1 +rt"4k1h' rsw.rcrl+r'' zA» fottwwhst es.+wr1 I ! ilhaf Mir ate oind .1rri M rr l ./itit$ far tir s rt .tut repro. r1 rem atslikryi owl afkit +A.w4kaike •etry. • 1.4 4 ad nr# i" . aid dire et�1 lice wirwt i* rir anima $+t 4 i sigrrtitl ryr � *Wittig rs iasl+�s++r !pa atittY tut 144 } • r y i :. I*4.i.raer.04 Wit tart ow! str•.ei Mrw Murk A����sl OK .� illy Art owl Ywr 4r aj.,+rr.� t- ?fir. r.W. S8/S0 3JVd 311I1 MS 60%0586b96 G0:S0 900Zlb0/f0 41.7:%".-k , Si* P*At iw,I. km.4;i4'46'. I16-iii4,Wac;.612. wallabis cod*rit 4 444111 li •• '1:;,: 24" , ''''••• - "Ag•mi pom.-016,0;04.+Ohermii i0 h!etht le1414111111t#4 . ' . . • 1"' i-R;01, of amass p,:ii. 4„„,t0„,iin mod •Flirr.5r OCiP4100.oppArovilmmtisa4Masan;*nt,i4400i0sawli'Gmw,"I' " • ii‘ae • , - ioiSm#,Kkiowiikkormig: - Mu portion. of'int's 1 ead 4 nock Z "Ult-GALDEa OF • ' , . --. EOM', aexonitag V> tbe ?tit auroot, itsgasded In Pim at- Ibliss02. of tbe,.:. rubitc Ueeotda of bads •Coomy, f1oa4s,41-isigWnst of Sayaboys ?tsar (nom: •Aartald 1sta)..1W4vOcrmat 137.SO fv oasoofe ., • - . ola4 ' ' ' 00 vest 4.50 foot of tbo East 137.50 fens of• ale , time of timid tots 1 and 2, lyin* 11.st o7filttEZ:i-or south 57.50 fortof tbo combined lit.4th Place. . • • tAtt4 goc _AMP -FAX1 • 3 •?,, (0 • • ••'' • Fi.063 'tit. • ---••—• •: . • • 3 4 t I• 4.41 oh.. Amid p•itry tOt. /Low JIIIhwitrtsia4 rmt, Len.1.446,1 mitt (1.1.-.4 ale boor. 11100/14 go tau ti4 &um I Pr( ail JarrIkpiou arilitiviePort•Fr g2,q0 39Vd 311I1 MS 60t0g8eV56 60:92 500Z/tO/TO • 'a• Ms t)*J S r 6113 -ti..t *ww* Go lost4t4rioio. afrkrrimil4.4 rho #so:rri.ys oAor it 444A i o. 4 wr imp i «/iew.1Ntf'_it #.svi * rrrr piovio4444ew wl +rir rim" �..f r.ar —f ...t t•i t -'ww4 rR.r, .bra wie•srw.we is ti. 4P'1.ail.f i...t 4 w1 toiji e!miir, rr i.rrk wMi + "r lama .. rL.• i wru. rE• sr : ` - swot Sorb, 'Florida Conisissica expires; PTV- t IS 0 i. tic a 1 -."..I .4.ks`i : 7.t t c i 'it • 22 rok S0/E0 3DVd 37111 MS b0#068£#S6 60:90 600Z/#0/T0 • • .L., 1 1a K : trot __ • 9543850409 12/21/2004 -f GF1.010pN4[RF701.111.'ly 0KAWASitroWpm ime.p..i l.0..r. � �: .�. ...rse ayw--w.rrwr..w�....r- ..RW'bllRt .4MFi.a< a�su�.wr.au,...-.r .21c6,7- 1/4-727.4 /),-(4(.4, 'e otrwaas +.• rs nawarra. f ra+rl cue€=resa' ..t d! . D no. 70 MRg RARE AAMAr Ale aw{ S,4a'A ..... Awe ...a.'a' OW .a.r a J.w. Y.Y 4s. , !WA, #11.1fne...,.Y,.Y.r.Mw4 ...... h.ran.ww.re-...a.fj .+wa - .P a .s.a s .a.na. • rower a,a,r.Iran) ....' Aar j a,fl im armor ,a,.► Al.,.aw.a.drian.a ...ear .,.. .M.Fa•fear- PO ,.w.a...uvs... +rs.wa , F.Aumw+wa. - .e.a.e ..re .wsws+ .m.....v,s� .arrrra'/...RM calla name, ...ea Ale, "+w...eae.-s srr�.s :.c-..,,. ti M. sa rT.+aawraaw A waMa..s ra.rr- f�xe-eArer ..a..,+ir.11.: rAwr»,s re w+r. CITY dr . ' 4.i' 2# zvesf•$ ' - FifeYI224 rimy Aor fr ' AY .Meer J/J ; a.r- fiV .tar ....6%,... P......aeala, aa,aa a mill. p; ..Aa a4 .a.,. cosh, .w .-m IK.le.aaui .44 .ael..s r,Aminawme - .......=/A# ,-n ar..a. !a ..... . - imw`�'.►.+aORr 4—.4 .- �f eqe ,.asx- r'.• .•..A..... -..,.'a.A46_, MI- .10"_ r4rR"� ' •. a'.V ar.a..., .p�-.:...w, .be s.wrr s at..' rw4a - .d :7 •- we�`'. • _ VaA�a sfeaW' .. �a��i.w..�`.a ASV d4 r n.f .rot 4o Ake 4•••• o/ ,. ., 9✓ tea" � A. -4-'- -' . a4.• . ✓ ' A. �' c .r+.Ga� ..r p -Y �..rodX�jb'a0csx.r� a� q"=u� .�' ai.+aaa+r....i.,.f.. +wr a d..r 4Ate . it ew a. AdI . r. ome• A. ,arm 0- any " 0..j. r' raw W." y +fti af.t AieNanr..aGG1....t r .gu +nc**G.wr�he..t.7ffina' air eW!:�. ,6.J"45' �iia'r.lw'dr", ,elr.0>wrx�.ae...r ' r MeV A.- AveAY 4r.M ..-ar 4a J...• .sa7aaa `tetra p..,>k.w• 'y .XZnrr .mr:444,e✓— .. dkaaira~..at. sri+n.[1.w:.i..,uya_.a4.-. wCwarts++w.w11jrp.d.d�.'i.! ad✓3r AA,.11.1mrri.n, ..s...... W 4,,r,2r> ..3U.0' .. ••••"wr,.6w•&ay...am.r e .c•>r , ."9' a..,a.r.✓;6 •Y7a.1aoS.r� ;=. - —t �'''4 ajr s.+.rsr .crammer "iY°MF A0(.i_. 4,.,.m ....a w�.*urr• Faced' /�U..,,M...r gin✓ ...... 4,.. Arr. I L, "AiF ....Wen- WAWA, s.c....rs....S^ esxa.aa.. r 4.14410, Zak of ' .r. rsa..a�r � Fl =r7 4.:5 Aka �.'Al a 4:161.)- oir.iod6,.4t:.l�w:r�� ar.uY a st,.r waive is ✓ • ''_•fr w? AMP." v' .ace r •a..eweq• roadie skarraimaafoniln airaLtagaaw -..• rlar.94iwta.- �a� .010eicr t.e.10`+ ` .ot✓cr ,..amass .zx ar aisn.a.,ar ats C.Y� Avirlat "4r tp:Y.. 0...(s� •wr 'fL altr . Ar..y.x.Srr'� sgei 4.490.1 .dVw • .AiRewrw: a+.Y ..msnr.raWri� aiew:'Oa, a.0,e.t4....i'&44* • • • taut, Ahaeaki, GA 'AND CO. atkiA seurpneas" pxauw .juibp ik. l.rI (#1 the State of Florida kgugUI prwipcl Are of tiott hocitekr'Jottit;wized to fronsdia IngSbUrSit UV State of Florid*, pitetir:'.nril, firg pan. wj business iiii....,;rivitrety of Dade 4u'd 560-61. Florida TIM Alit HERALD PrI3LiSHINGC0MPA (Adilresst Number On, lrald Plaxa Miami, Florida r.nia.rarinneriatna ander the lows of the sfu,4 Florida. having its principal place of hioortett its the Cower, a/ Dade owl State of Florida dratl Lau lofty authorized to vas -sort Mai/less IPI ;kir Siaw of nor*, party iij M. second part. ITNESSET11: Thor the 4aict party of the Ara port, for and itt ronsisferetithIS of the stew, 14 TEN DOLLARS (S10,00) and other good and valuable consideration Danalt,K a, a ,,, 1.ud p.tuI h., the said pu4 the tomtid porr. the receipt whereof is hereby Oriltfluleozgeri, has hot gam,' aryl uw.Ufro the ..141a pc -fly el the Welffid us. if surc,s.sews and eueli,f/U fe,re•sw, da, 1,41.4..ng dvu'r46.-#1lrn.l situare, 1ring ezesellkinvinalet7ountyof awl State 4 Etneida..11,40.4: Dad;, That ta.'rt fort cf Lots 1 and 2, Ulock 2, "THARDEN OF .XDEN", a.zordin,t.! to the Plat thereof, recorded In Plat tik '., at Fage 12, of the Public Records ot Dade County, rlorida, lying West of Bayahore Place (now: Herald Plage.), less the East 137.50 feet thereof, and The 'West 2 .50 feet of t he East 137.50 f eet of the SOuth 57.50 feet of the combined width of that por- tien of said Lots 1 and 2, 1yin' West. o'f said Bay.shere Place, and tot 14-"SERENA PARK", according to the Plat thereof, recerded in Plat Book 76, at Pago 86, of the Public Neeords of Dade Cauity, Florida. tiMENTAFY E FLOR/DA ' STAMP TAXI - fAtiFS S'"IrrNy If; -• " ' • FLORA \\J 4ott the soi+1 part), 4 the put, does hereby fult.., uterian$ the title 14, sued teod, era fen. thr irSti4 GY RI SPOW ne f, s.vtrd and khi 11—A, _T itatt of )1114.0*..:";: anntq of DAM 3 iirrrbp Crrtif . 14:4 dnt this 6tia 4 fi. /968. . l>,rf.,rr nFe• 4:*i .8I11%. ejrinlurd tJ( . OR a DOCTOfi MARTIN S,'...BE.LLE, President, V OME;A LAND CO. a/k.fs OMEGA LAND COMPANY dtr.• Ntatt- ni FIAri.da ,•ln tnf"t»>tn. r., he thrperson.. tih... si$n.J ,itir ir.re- ...,rt rnsttatrU=•nt ns ut.h nffiid=rs anal srtrrafls ar'knuu'fr•riplithe rte-da.t(nrt there tal tr. he tfe.•rr rut Wirt .1. <.t a. no, h •+ij rr rd for the• ur.K end fntrt'r.rsrs thereeat m.'s.xtinnr.l an.f that Owl a{f• reel tl,, •,.tl .•r snr.l rnrl.errata..n. an.i that the rani in.t,vrnent is Orr a t and dr•..l .4 .aid r.,r f..rrati..n 12,:t BB ,.. hoof and njju ;at .,'41 ur it, ..f Oadta h. ,&i, and ,.-nd 14,7 at•rt.-,ntd. My f;oreais.;ian expiccs; PI June . OREN, FORS, .t?OROf33 Pres.d.•nr and Sve-rrtar7 . q rarr lrnati.wt 3111dlrr and Starr it, Florida e NOTARY ' .LIC, State ut F'icrida ., Lar ►tr.:^L r--i• • • WARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTS= Made, this 13th day of Sept..abtr, A. D. 1954, betvetn GILAZW, INC., a corporation ezistiag under the laws of t e State of Florida, having ita principal Eiace'of luminous in the County of Dada and State of Florida, and lawfully arthorissd to transact ►osias*s in the State of Florida, party of the first part, and TAX M AKL R!*st-D PUBLISHING COMPANY, a corporation szistiag Under the laws of tba State of Florida, having its principal place of business in the Coutty.of Dada and State of Florida (addrssa; 200 South Miami .Averts*, Miami, Florida), and lawfully authorised to transact business in the State of Florida, parry of the second part, WITNLS5rrR; That the said party of that first part, for and in consideration of the sue of Ten Dollar• ($10.00) and other good and valuable conaidttattons to it in bawd paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the laid party of the second part, its auccasaors and assign* Lorimar, thr following deecr':bed land situate, lying and being in the County of Dada and State of flori'a, to-xit: PARCEL NO, 1: Lox !-2, of CAUSEWAY FILL., a Subdivision according to the Plat tharee. recorded La Plat gook 5, at Page 120 or the Pnbiic Records of Dads County, Florida. PARCEL NO. 2; Lots S-1, S*2 and 3-3 of CAUSEWAY FILL, a Subdivisioe in Iection 31, Township 53 South, Rings 42 East, according to the Plat choreal recorded iu Plat Book 5, page 120 of the Public Records of Dada County, Florida. PARCEL NO. 3; lots W-1 and il-2 of Taa CAUSEWAY FILL, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plafbook 5 at Page 120 of tbs Public Records of Dade County, Florida. PARCEL !IF)* bt. tots 4 and 5, in Block 2, A ruabdtvision of Lots 25, 24 and 70 of NELSON VILLA SUBDIVISION, and Lots 1 and 2, in Block 1, of CAMS OF IDEA SUBDIVISION, according to the flat thereof, r.- cordad in Plat Book 4, at ?age 114, of the ?ablic Escorial of rods County, Florida. ALSO A11 of Lot 6, and ail of that portion of Lot 7, l.yiwg batrssn Lot 6 and what is commonly known as SAY Stow t'LACI, Block 2, of the Amended Plat of Lots 4 to 16, incitcsiv., in Block 1, and rA— I' (Corporate disao1.tioa - no Docommutary Stamps :squired) inr � 614 ?arcal No. 4 (coetiassi)s Lots 4 to 20 inclusive, Block 2, of a ressadivi- *ion of Lots 25, 26 aid 70, of lEILSON VILLA 3 V DIWIBION and Lot, 1 and 2, ii Block 1 f041Dlat 4X OT ULI i fl1Yl$ION, according to the of, recordod is flat look 30, at Tag: 20, of tad belie **cords of Dada C•aaty., Florida. `- PA CIL S: tots 4 and 5, in Bay Serum, according, to the Plat thereof rscordad in Flat Book 7, at Tara 135 of the Public goeor4a of Dads County, Florida, 1�L1vl which .is a rasehdivisioa of Sots 1 to 6 of B1oek 2 of Psrshins Court. P1liCI1, so. ;s Lot 9 and North 48 foot of Lot 10, BAY SEIM, accord/as e 1 ,ofthsNotts Flat look 7lacords of Dads look 1, Pugg County, Florida. PAICIL 7; The North Ball Of 1/2) of Lot 11 and all Lot 12 f r of rem hiivisioa of Block 2 of MIMINGWUKT and Lot 7 of WALDO 00U11, a subdivision of Dads County, Florida, according to tba ?bat thereof recorded in Plat Book 4 at page 148 of chi Public Lacords of Dods Camay, Florida; AND Any tad all littoral and riparian rights appartaiaing to any of Om above a'nacsibed parcels of Land. And the said party of this first part doss harsh), fully warrant the tills to said 1aad, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persona whomsoever. IN V1rfl.S3 miser, the said party of tha first part has caused Ooze prsseats to be sigesd is its seam by its proper officers, and its torparata seal to ba affixed, attested by its Sscrstary, the day and year shows written. $L$D*4, *oohs# and daiivsrad to the prssance of:• -2- MIMI, DC. AAIT1t1T is deist ccratiTy ,,' �t9 .p, 14 1958, helots sat personally appeared and Ernest J. Hewett STATE or Timm xi ULM 1 SEXIST CitiTITT, that on this i�h day o€ Septtmher. D: Gtotge T. Gilleland , ?rssidsat, tad Secretary rseptctiwa., ly of Gilbawe, Inc„ s corporation aadtr tka lays of tbs State of Florida, to ma known to ha tbt parsons who signed tba foregoing in/ trusseat at such officers and severally acknorladged the sxec+stiou thsrsot tobe their free act and deed'sa such officers for the sass and Forgoes, therein stationed and that they affixed tbsrato the official seal of said corporation, and that the raid instruaeot is the act and deed of said corporation. itITHYSS wy hand and official s u1 at Miami, in the County of Dads and State of Florida the day and year last aforesaid. Notary lublic, State of Florida at Latga !17 Commission tzpirsa No:venber 5. 1$fj0 Sure of Flovna, County of Dade. This instrument was filed for record the.... /3`4 of77 �.. 19S8 et 'a9 . and duly recorded in OFFICIAL RMCtaRUB Pl&e..../riiite 4•58R. -•J '. t. . LLATH[RMAN Clerk Circuit Court -3- 8Y�7 � .D. C jJT%F'TJS ,That.4.! owl p 4 tA. Arse piwt. foo. *fa is Irro4.44.44s14-04, Eke .t4(1(0 • i)e „Jiat$ .0•10.00) 4o4 other ilea end velhAble eerp•kieree i one • — Arta of tkr ierowf poo•rt, trereipt okr444-of #0.114., 4.400 WO: :44ii.the ...4 pony 4.4 ‘Ikr r141%. VI* ..110-1e* f.,.,••0•= 1014 ails•sutf. Itramg -4.4- Csamwt of Ara St•t+, FL.1.4a. a.0,4.4°7"*L-",nv, of Ict).t, a4e4i14 p4t Pt. 04 taLIV 4{4 cbttzttOto 0‘.0s ET TO r• ant:, '...7,1=1 1!< •1 - st-A-re c=p DOCyAktP4TATIX STAMP TAX oc — ata.(11111.S., 7i$ ;it • 9 9 9 „r 4,tqf Or, 1.e4-. 4 11, k u kw,rf 5{,t. t xivarrverte oh. <=s7. , 1-o.,• .gsrow..r twt -4 .14 4.4 .�. A., Se&1CIATk:., iAC,L • bar..jwrriunar. c•A.# .a..t.usi qLT . t.,. & arr'.'ra And ..rr raLt rri . • .:...«ix , :.. ,. i1r�,ItriertitiEFwrR t { � .'..ra^ aad �.rA p.wa ri.vrraat r(pkxri r aAwt tld.-p a¢goi�+,w� er+v+ws 1«K AT- .sra€.iNat=i`,�:�i1r wr.,Rd:dr..t »( ..,d F.v .A.in t-.q.ely .6, tiLLV 4.14 ..awe 1644 a{wAar.d .. .. ?MAZY FOLIC WOW Y 1 :fltM -a. ni CEF 71 0 WAPONOrtir PPM ,ittikhemlwir Milts 34tniurt, oda EMMY: Scautrii „ , . whose ad.,, is: 200 South, 0/ the Conotty Dab, wine-4E7M Tisto pert lee, Ten dollars Mid attar gopcl leek. te then in trend piaci Ify 1.1.6 eehneienedAe4 bier* Airou4N, itr Dleeildfai (.it Dmis Lots Two (2), Three (3)s:Elibt Be), Serena, aecordtht to 1.4t Rt pep 135, af the PablI�0. as, together with riparian rie4747 the above described prapartx. 4.4.41hrum.Jimm4irs oftiorpapartalo Yfr... epeinit 910 e r 1 1 i : rh, 444fist rittims 4f al pretens. 1 : IA Prit.N.LNS N HEREOF. .the mid 'mutt tee Ft*ittial Aeil i ihrii:M.tr ii"Ct WOW 416:0,... 1r .14,41.1.1. .aili,r1 1111,1 4-4.£ •F*4 4#1 proPOArho Of NV magma A.IIIHaIA 041.1104:11 ehilletarOltoma commie* *IMO *IR Kamm% Mat* limbo:ad ititits, . les It. f pantos ,r4 fa, fir pert. end pert,' t td the neenn4 peer, far en.:if rufsajdootirtedin j t1vcr mit 44 deretionel Iktigra. *Para p4flpf, Ohr ref...ip/ *eh...pm,' Ea h.•reh, 1,thr. sitidi:;p0417 1 the ier.ns4 intkAi.ettnntr, kting end being en 0 ot ketwordikiinPlat4 Book 7) riorlda; 604: appurtenant to rPorr tab- fp* ra4d arid t. oit dolvtiPi bars ho..-104so 'el their ni J SLCILTZV25 Yva 01 flBL 0/CZ/ZT 1017 12/23/ 4 THU 1506 FAX 9542171375 • r 77 ' a FIDELITY WESTON E . - *c. WAIM,wTV ante tn.aao./aa,..aa of tb. t'.,.q.ty K ' IL! _alit part. t of the f M p.,1, existing endlt tha lawn at tba Stag bathos a G; tbo Co...tr twL nnri (Address: #200 • Svuth Miami Avet au+i lawfully authatta.d to tnu.aat butitaas is >K rrA'FSSETH: That tb..ati pan —Lai...: Tr71 DDLLARS AND QTR7R GOOD Att t„ .. t h Qst - ;a hand paid .by the told patty 1.doert, . ItBwrl► granted, bar taiucd ana ara.lawm, forme, the following den rihpl Isad, .i Dad a and Stare of Florida. it Lot b in Bay Serena, accord. in I -tat Nook 7 at pare 135 a Florida. To tether with env riparian r rri l j a.•es appurtenant therm, This deed is -iven subjectt covenants, it any, of record spacial asaeasments and lien ordinances and laws. the ..id part. 1e30.1. ih. raga part eats moo wino the lawful claim of all gatapo. IN W1T'iE WHEREOF. who raid poet of h.aw.i ..nil .unLA tiw day awl 'oar above Altai.. aipat;d, o clod sad doiic..nd La pr.raaea of m I tf a d werseutioa laming its Had* plow. at dr patty or the *mood part. ps+tin far wail to eoualdotrdion of the ou.t of LF OONSIOSRATIQNS MMus. pats, deo toteript whereto( i. hereby .etnow- a.id party f the ood #' y o+wp+r'6 its w..trgore Oki sad being la the Co nety of.. ...._. —y he Plat thereof, recorded Public Records of bade County, , littoral riolets and water ntro lied by the Grantor. still' easements and restrictive 31tauses said subsequent taxes, i ,a1i applicable soninir • rr1N No.Lsaii AnIlaula SLGtLTZt'S6 XV t tro: T 11H.L DO/£Z/ZT STOVJ NO1S . • • Ago ; • L.- t 1.U. CZ14.."7. Ti ,Si a :4!:1-1k". 2LCTLIZt.9.6 XYd PO:ST ani OJEZ/aT WAR ANTY 01*0 ors t taf.termou Mitts 31nbenturt. iiLteatt �: 195) A. O. .. BS' s YT NAM .0 MA wttu, Coartry of 841,04, ' Ohio es of the:iir.t Fart. awl mz non amp iiidasfinto Ct PMiT . 6 a41o4.166 (Addreaas P. O. Box #.Sufi ,: i,forida) exudes maw do laws of the Sate its Fri.rip.1 plaoo at baiaas to the Count', or _'Bads ' .,.a,i $estlofFlorida ! F7iicids, party or the ateoad part. att..it . 1 and lawdufy .ud*,rtatrd to uset..et bagmen io tlti Stets. - —in luta paid by 'the said perry *tithe hgas �h .—_—.- • ..tratttmd baemlacd soil saki to Marne . forever, ihr futlnwinx d..crithed Itad. sh..te, _ Dade and State of !'bride, with: Arita eemeepe swam item* .01 And YDITH O. #te)tAs7,05 .11 rP1T EssEi'B: The: the saki 'pen. *A,,,,,, et the TAN DOLLARS AND OTHER 000D AND Oen, the ressipt ethereal' is burly acieoMr. Oeidne!perty of the aecoad pert, its .e..eete Arid at+d beteg la the County of.. 'pert. toe end in ropstderatiat; of the sent of ALi3 SLE CONSIDERATIONS - - - Dd e; Lot 7 and the South . remt 01 a subdivision of Dade Caittnt7, to the Flat thereof recordoc page 135 of the Public iti,eaor Florida. SUBJt.c'T to restrictions, j 1iai: taxes stubsequent 'to the year; ; :44 10, BAY $iiRENA , Tljorida, according in Kat Book 7, s . df Dade County, 1 the rows *waft the lawful spim of all person. r.bestone..r. IN WITNESS WHEREOF„ the mid para.. et tbs trtst' l+and—s aid ae.L.,.lstha day and Tsar ebo*e written. • Sigee,.L, sc.I d and d*llvered itt prere se of as: q the title to mild !sad., and will kfeed have heeo.mto .et Gheir /r fl'•a /e,R �i� (Sea sters Ed th O. McMasters MossA =.L a ma WeLCTLTZ6SB Yd CO:ST 13u bO/CZ/T (Beni' • "Thrit011titaceitt OHIO. two, sugutt, 1 BM= =Tim not .• isij tabor 24savpaisieseries, 1011 111‘.. e. MA Ulf*. mit kaaresit iss be die possaa-111.... fists:10boi • ' AM 1 *rift arm noir de• 4:4 vl,rodt •ii is* pie, au eats** #aly sastierteel is+Isislasies fist *net 4 th fl1101411.11t'•r2,. .31111: !I • tesaitai4 44. oral sairmaeristler4 Way tea ibis poison* sisieslit 014.7111161111. O McMaster' i;lb the wits 41ii *Ai e. bkItin inivad.4•• bus 104 welly br mei Isetere MI6 sigarlial; trot dit impede or tomoiorlow ra biri.6401 or of sapirsey odd bailar lot weieeigertir fri rrin lima eat ottlidd owl et =4. t =ATV OF Fi.01.1OA4 roomy or I iti3MBY =Mir, Tias ses ibis Jay rodeo awltikE tramognotrapow.ta„ aa • sopseela whoa fern Ike selal lisys4 tissi siss iambs obi* ari srsyisa ISSr eiiie is sa4 isk tba lapis ilassiribri *webs, mist dui ssiresiiiiiisissi se fear of ow from Ne4140G.•46,6:4 0.1,1...495) is1414 Sow 4— 144.4 4"..0 eltifer *sly ssiiiseiseJ ISstbsise'aer 0. ft, well kw". Fs is dm passoa_. deorrits.4 feral .4110 AeWevrunt ta.4.14.14 ital. rad esiaass1.44.1 Wars ea ;II , %MEM Bo 5.9.1 ai seal slem :ror Fog km+. rtrimides siorrriw msitypnwihi, 5fti4 41 Fletiock, dbis :41 VI* 7 ck t ktY I I, I 7 • ; • C 0 E NOISSAI lallaa 3aILTZT16 IVd VO:ST PO/CZ/Zi z Itli!otOtc:01131adi) recofitiff Itrailat14tiok 7 ati; ite"A3 5 or tbe . . . UBJCT tc;,..ipptittiOns 4ny, . ;. • , ' • And i6C said pat —if the fini pen benbyfuU warned the tille to add Wel, stul will defend • the rune azabeat the lawful deltas al ali peteaue wirenewner. 114 warsEss WEEREOY, the said partioll of the Aro part—laUt— hiu.i i Gheir band-1 end aaaL.P. the day am! year shore written.: Signed. waled and Adhered ku.iP mem* et z •,.t ^ZJ (Seal) 01 010 NoIsaM AirlaaId 2LCILTVI26 Iva TO:ST aui 170/£U/ZT TTOt Z i fir• !ranorramewic OHIO / -1100✓y j t Mtn ter.Thm au *a 414, Wets me . as surer&Ay t.tdt.ei.ai +r rdisr.tibet sid e LrlrWilliam C. M ere..• joined by his wife, . :d &th C3. t h ! : M w will Lams to is 444 wmlew4 iite tntdti.i Art IPA t+itlgvt•itil..t t!.1a.w tr. law froitt • Attp 1 ice" 31.1.11et taatti. 4d . Stet t!t.e.!a r t r ilt..rtt. tdtr taail Willi*ii C. ) ee&afteret tar tat* lass wait h a.ad Weep py, alma rim hie .4 i�td a41 1r . dot A* um& ' i+eaH R . M d +ftrl► tar t3ta piths #rrrw.irttF i t . +.tlrr ti bus risk, atl. w.4 Woo** ..14 1 10, +e M a1•M la�i Ammuil.r. *mak swat ti . rrti t w.t� ;raE tart iidita.t wf s04rtFt4 a4 +ootr trrr wF w how i 1aT karat tad aitidti log_ 'a rp`r tt.i. ..{ 11.7 wl; '- i_ b. 744..:.4.54 Alt llWwtl{ ►^rig.- Ll:i MF�lill�f ."LVi{i ; X X Ix X two" Apt2. .:. x t .{ Kilt RE1rY 117iV Y, Thi S al 046 II r,*ww.{i . app.aait ttotat. a!r, .a .11'.... dut7X...k..64.4 tw 4.1,.6..i.t..t IV , atilt. .ika taw a:Asst lr.tp .,.tn„ X _. X s X t X -- i� I. a.. WO ^'Fr a POba aba pYe++su,.--- je dirt 1t abt rlw ,.stu b Nor .44 d.�,�. nod a[k. 1l. .04 irr. . i. ,f . dua------- ]--� „art-.----..;sMted d o aorta �rPri..r .4 tituttlaa ii rw: ixpiq.w. ti.,•e.iw..pi-, 4 x e 1.4 ..a .rr><lat aaa at,._ I tw.i at..i F1.trid+Kttis - Y I dos a 1..,.........._..�___ _ A. S. t.t,_.�- t.._... . X . X......._ P uoxsam aiz13Qra 9LCTLTM6 IVd Z.O;2T 1'O/EZ/gT qc.,!,(moo tam IthtlAWIT "LED T113 xNEOITORE, 144s. ,thin lith day of 9ept.sisr, A. D. MS, bacvesa OILMEN, INC., a corporation setstia soder the Lars of tbs State of Masada, having its pristipsl pled' at bests**. La Om *Misty of 2444 sad State of Florida, 444 latf»Lly authorised to tsaassat bssiasws to the State of Florida, patty at the first part, sad YU 1ftAK WALD PUILISDANO tY7ilt'i1T, a Corporatleu ssistiss Maier the Laos of the State of Florida, baviag its prisctpal place of bwiasas to the Coauty,ot Dods sad state of llari4a (address: 200 South Wiest Atsuse, Masi, Florida). and lwfully authorised is trraasc•t bs+►ias•r in the State or Floride, party of tbs second part, WiTNTSSITIII That the maid party of the first part, tar and is consideration of the sr of Toe Dollars (510.00) and other good asd valsabla considerations to it is band paid by the said pasty of the second part, the :ecrLpt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has grouted, bargained and sold to the said party of the s.ecood part, Ws successors said aasigo,s forever, the following descrt.hed land sttoats, lying and but in the County of Dade ,sad Stets of Fleri ra, to►vlt. PARCEL .a!?ti 1: Lot 142, of CAUSEWAY FILL, a Sehdivtaton according to the Plat tbsrsof, racordsd 10 Plat Soak 5, At Pais 120 of the Public records of Dads County, Florida. MUM NO. 2; Lots 11-1, 2-2 asd S-3 of CAUSEWAY FILL, a iubdi talon is section 31. Township 53 South. Bangs 42 Last. according to the Plat th.rror recorded to Piet look 5, pas. 120 of the Public Records of Dada County, Florida. Leta Y-1 sod 2-Z of tilt CAUSEWAY i'LLL, aesordrng to the Plat thereof, rocos4sd to ?`tai#sok 3 at Page 120 of the Public lacords of Dada Couocy. Florida. PROM 44. 4: Lots 4 and 5, to Block 2. A reaabdistsioa of Lots 25. 2' and TO of NILSON VIVA SUI1DIVISIOK, end Lots 1 and 2, in Slack 1. of QUM OF IDES 3UIDLYSS104, according to tke Flat tii.t.of, re- corded Le Piat look !, et ?age 114, of the Public **cords of L`sde County. Florida. ALSO All of Lot 4, sad all of that portion of Lot 7, lying bsiruaa Lot 4 and what Ls caisoaly kao,.a as RAY $ 31Z PLM I, Stock 2, of the aweads2 Flat of Lots 4 to Li, Lnclasivr, is Shock 1. and FA 1L #qt )l (Corporate dieseletioa - ao Recumeatory Stamps required) NOLS3M 1LIII3ciid SLCTLiZl96 YYd OO:ST 11EL 'OICZ/ZT LOOT] ., .i CliiV Fl,';615 3TATE or mitioli 6 Ctatt ri or DIM I HZ ut Ci1:ai]Ft, that out this 13th day of 3sptmmi+er6 A. D. 1958, before no psrsoeaLly appeared 0e0rgt T. Gilleland and trn,:at J. Newest Fresideet; lord secretary reopen lee•, ly of GlAbwp Lac., a corporation ender the lava of the State of Florida, to ae known to be the persona who signed the foregoing instrument se such officers and .evsxslly acknowledged the execution thereof to he their free act and deed to such officer' for the rear end porpoise ttersie *tutted mad that they affixed thereto the official seal of maid corporation, and • that the ■aid instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. WIT:43$ my hind and official seal at Miami, in the County of Dede and Stet* 03 Florida the day end year Lest aforesaid. Satsmj Public, State of Florida et Large !ty CoMai,asiaa expire. Novo.ber } ivayr Stott of Fforidi. Count} tit We. ;m, eistrummi was tleo for tern the /. l i u* 19',R at ? P end duly rtconkilirtOFFICIAL RLC0Rt1S ...,..oe •Pale._(,/'Fite a5i3• r e. ea. s.eAlHfRMAr.+ Cied Circuit Court -3- axe"=,,,`..-_ k - U C soop] MOLSHA A.Li I3flld 91£14TyT18 XV3 TO: ST iiH,L o/CZ/ZT lw M.4 qi� w 3 .v1 13;39E487 TRW INDENTURE made this/Oily of Mareh, 1959 by and between the CITY OF NUNI, a eetunielpal $orporation or the State of Florida, Count+y of Dade, of the Met part, as Grantor, and 'sla ,THE I(Il►fEI in 1'U ILI3HX) G COItPANY, . a Florida eorporstion, or the second part, a■ Grantee (she word Grantee meaning either the assigns or suceeseore thereof where ,the eorfteXt required or admits), VITKESSETx: That the said Grantor for and In eon.eideration of the cunt or wen Dellara (010.00) and other good and valuable considerations in nand paid by the Grantee, the receipt whereof, is hereby acknowledged, has remised, released and quit»claised, and by these presents does remise, release and quit -claim unto the said Grantee, its legal representatives, successors and assigns for►ver, all the estate, right, title, lien, equity, interest, claims, and demand which the said Grantor has in and to the roilowing real estate situate, lying and being in the State of Florida, County of Dade, cl.ty or Miami, more particularly des- cribed as follows: Commence at the southwesterly corner or BAY SEREN A, as recorded in Plat Book. 7 at Page 135 or the Public feeorde of Dade County, Plvrida; thence run northwerdly along the easterly property line or M.S. Bayshore Place, is shown on said Flat of BAY SEREMA a distance of 135.88 feet to a point of curvature, said point being the Mint of Beginning of the following d.oecribed Private Court; thence run northwardiy seal eastsrtard.ly along the arc of a curve to the right having a raglan of 20.00 feet and a central angle of 90 21' 00" a diatanoe of 31.54 feet to a point of tangency; thence run eaetwardly a distance of 110.00 feet to a point of curvature.; thence run e*etwardly and southea dllr along the arc or a curve to the right !saving a radius at 20.00 feet and a central angle of 89°39100" a distance of 31..29 feet to a point of tangency; thence run aauthwird1y a distance of 116.12 feet to a point; thence deflecting to the left 89c 39, 00` run eastwardly a dis- tance of 20.00 root to a point; thence de- rlecting to the let 90o 2.' 00w r+en north+rardly a distance or 260.00 feet to a; po'.nt; thence i00[ musak! 1L,LII3GId 9LCTLTZII98 Fla 00:ST all 60/CZ/ZT 4.1330 ro 88 deflecting to the lift 89°i 39' 00* run west. wavily h distance of 20.00 feet to a point; thence detleeting to the left 900 211 00 ran soutkeserdly a distal** et 63.88 fast to a point'or curvature; Q• rah southwardly and westwardly along the era of a curve to the right • distance of 31.54 i'Nt to a point of tangency; thane raft westwardly a diatom, of 110.00 feet to a point of curvature; thence run westwardly and north- +ard2y along the arc of a curve to the right 'wring a radiva or 20.00 test and a central awe of 890 39+ tap" a 4tetance of 31.29 feet to a point of tangency on the easterly property line of the atorereftionea N. E. Belabors .Macey thence rule fouthwardly a distance of 8o,00 feet to the Point of Beginning; containing approximately 11,543 squire feet, also knower as, Private Court, BAT smaBmA, a Reaubdivision according to ?let :mock 7, rage 135, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; subJert to the ro1lowifl: 1. Taxes for the year 1959 and subsequent years, 2. Restrictions, conditions and limitations of record, if *my. 3. Zing 0rdtnanoee or the City of Miami. IN i1TMUS WHEREOF, the City of Miami, a s<untetpsl ecrPor- ation or the State of Florida, has caused thin instrument tc be executed in Its name and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto by its 0i;gAgnager and its City Clerk, both thereunto duly author lt0day of March, 1959. signedc.44aled aetdeiivered in' alle reeaetsee eft: orry lama (sEAi.) BT ./ ref. f Attests S00 123 NOLsa 1 ,i.LI 3cIH cLCTLTZTIS6 IVS 00:ST flJLL T0/6Z/ZT 900 [2] ccuwry 0, DAD[ STATE OP FLORIDA) ))SS I, an officer daly authorised to take aolclorlsdlgleata, hereby certify that on this LLI day of -Marsh, 1959 personally appeared hears se ZRA P. WILLARD and P. L. ccaRELL, known to see to be the City rtarlagtr and the City Clerk. reap*CtiTely, or the City or slant, a municipal corporation in and sander the Lava or the Mate of Florida and knoen to he to be the persona who executed the foregoing ins;ruseeit, and that that' rwwer141Y acknorledded the execution thereof to be their free Ind voluntary act and deed as moth tensors, for the whew and peroosea therein expressed, and that they suited thereto time official real of the said municipal corporation, ell by and with the authority or the law and or the City Coee*1ssion, and that the said instru- ment is the free and formal met of said municipal corporatiCr. VTTKE33 ay hand and offlnial seal at Miami, In raid County and State, the date and year last aforesaid. . ry G r v , .r r ire biro .... .bye rl. M; t. EXECtrrED pursuant to RT OLt7 XOX MO. 30639 .. + dated March a, 1959 �iO M XIrma13 APPROVED A.5 TO PORK AND LEQ&I.LTY: ittsatan cnyRiLorney -2- l'414 m r1#. C ecif of Dees. BAR wwi 13e4IDe 11=4 T/14 44.4411i +e) t'lf9 SWI e,wtely nwied se c*nct*& REDOEI3 r 2LCTLTZ1 6 xva oo : ST i'O/TZ/ZT t' corporation existinL Piece of business ia the Collar lei I to trant OUStibei2 14 the Statr Malt the Itai of the sum of Ten Duller, 6.nd other 1,14)RIPA paid by the Slid party of ihe I• has granted, bargained andisold iLoit I ant! assigns forever. the followiag,1 Dade sad State or Florid*, i A portiott of I Rang, 42 Reit, Line Florida. ! • '•15tar#ing at t of Settion 5-5 2 of t* Seabliard alone:said 4igh feet to a point and 1260 fet: triangle of Tract:31, SoOti Parcel 1, RI7NMXTR1 Parcel Ir. Plorida Fruilt • in SoOk /2, page Cwunti, Restrictiunaland Pa*cel 112, Southwest quart . 1 Tan (2;4 Tovaahi Eust, Dade Clunt Parcel 17. Trutt thirty& Fifty-three 03) CountY1 r1,0444$ in Plat Nook 2, Florida, ; Lean 12 sect 15 of 11440.4n, atcOkie t Rook at poi,. 1,3 Florida. E .11 N./ 1ml ,tham Amnia TIAMUMMftwavemsatwwfles MMeLireMnomONAAA.Afm^Memioe, :A.D., 1656, Reran 4hrr Florida, having it t principal Orida sad lawfully authorised the first part, and COKAKT - - -- Florida, having its principal Florida, and lawfully authorise xecond part. part, for and in considereti onsiderations, to it in hand 'whereof is hereby &aim:wind th; am -cow part, it, 3MCCO3sor xylat and being in the Lea Township 52 South,' 'of the Seaboard Air CountyV State or row:lion of the West line - = t)line of the Right of Way iun 1450 feet Northeasterly NorthweeterlY some 1200 • 6f Section 5-52.42 bngiuning, being in all roxiatety 17 erreS.11 55 S, Range 40 R. ?1.it #1, Recorded 1Ricods of bide glade* Drainage 10 acres mare or less. Quarter (SW4 Section South, Range Fatty (40) (11) rovnehip 3' (40) Rust, Dade Plat. thereof recorded ards of ide County. .vision of Dade County, her* recorded in Fla' 4eorthi of Dedu County, I I IITOtt SLCILTV/16 YVd 2,0:2T 1 PO CZ/2"( �1 1I. Part of Fdet thereof're ike:erds ' itj as follows: Beginning II gfte, alovi a di,t said sots ?� project no land hsrrtaf proadcastiMg tract coare of 57.5 tent of the tee 't 3r N. C. asap to the nor{ East 1;9 fee '''tart`; thane - r••s• ,fore je, S. theirt04 herstot Begir: is a Ai Parcel Vti That part os according t:, pace COog .i. Let 2, Block the south 11 a point ea sa d intorsect Itfae Piave, which property tterr foot to an i Biscayne Bei west pare 111 Galen of intersects Plate: t c of the scale it beginning; ; too together with tower; Wiwi. iwi. heat in this bu Parcel TI.I.i. Lot One (1) ; o reCOr4ed is P1 jl D*de.Countyy�:o! ALSO conveying to party o radio tower located on or in cetunett And the said p:•�-ty of ties to said land. and will defend the sr soe'v er. presences to be signed in its aerie 'by be *.t ixe4, Attested by its Secretory 6TOe es et t ae GordanAa of Edon, according to plat se 12, of the Public sore particularly described r of Lot 2, Kock 2, Garden of peg the south line of maid Lot 2 a hr less, to the inters.e.:tion of lima of Northeast Baythote Place tbeisetthwest corner of tract of Drgelt Block, Inc., to the .tismi caortl airbag the rest line of sz.td Broadqasti g Caseany, a distance iitcti is the Point of Beginning tce north along the east lin. etjd worth, a distance of 54 feet olio p, Garden of Edon, thence olail iron pipe located an the Uld a the northeast corner of tract ebroadcasting Co Qany, Ai afore „tilt north liras of the tract deastiteg Coo, to the Point of Y €>f seism, Dade County, rlorid... a of Carden of Eden Subdivision e 12, of the t'ttalic *cords or ng Ftlthe sruthue,t corner of ttg; site' ao easterly direction a1 o 2, * distance of 371.51 feet to xt d, of said Lot 2, that would this east lie of Northeast Baysho m4ift of beginning for the the* -eAst a distance or 26:42 orth ralong the western Lino of .5 feat to an iron pipe; thence ne extended of Lot 2, Block 2, .x{ feet snort or less to the stl line of Northeast Bayshore Of 5r,5 feat alone the prolosferti Epee 1'1.-ao to the point of Lpar'an rights appurtenant theret and tooruation only for radio t• theiraiio tower and the equip- nel:e�ed in this transfer. I I ceordiag to the plat thereof ge 135, Public gel.ords of 13 .„ iparian rights, easements a d73cribod premises, hero r fully Warrant the title veal claims of all persons Vac part has caused these Cers1'anf its corporate seal to ear have written. I Bi,Y{AcCASTl t —-s•Cent SLcILTZ69e XVd 90: T ?WT YU/Ct/ZT ;7 ! emery or. rourzszo or THIS nrizawit. • proiiittaos Itritsiftettioitelbed:yotteklia the • tot /Oa 'itaiittettd to:04=4 hi • otsuatt.' • .4' ,• 4nd ,heittltid � iaflind.'end to0Oheht ?Oh bszni -NOWA! E,1011.111T;IliSISS tit • ..,fseiiiovieteat 'itterlf,thiltatertt • Mit*" tiflitTF;**4111.; ie .62 In hied eild. the' *i4 knd 1*.thite re444t4,do • 06 mut ti(tite.hilalog "ireeti • " Slaty of Florida; ficrefewee4 toideitifted 4 k N.1.. • tieti. • ..:11W7t11110:1,? 61769 a -74933 )1 PATE Said In Halters 1 -Rt1KRVI& unto the State of !Aix-44ga* 44,o1411 widi of ths tiOtarlPaO of oar pactellittibod is . li TO HAVE AND ID HOLD Om abort root ' lo4ro, sotosioni id loofiroo i01410414 ",..,t).11, 11.011140HT inozoror thomild ri)tatt4 her,Qh''...'-. 'bwoottattgatAirriest;thit ?tit statt iltr'i tits • 1,1.044,1)1 , ..+- • .. :.•,,.., ,:,.. •••--.. .;:•i 1.!,...,NtAir ,..!....: :,..."..,..i4s$ . Ni, ..,.. vi. - •/ *. S . * , bris3&1',/ ...... ;,"" S • !A: • -o F04 •-•iW LZO1 NOISMI LLriaa DIM PO— : A 1• • • „ TRH *TAXI! OF notroa, GRAIITO11: • • ..••„ • • Stott Of17.01112:4-41 lit 4 Piiii44 Xits 1,374.11t 4tate:Nraikid .sietion - „.o!..riLionmainiii0munt rupa'.-ap klittitoeemeent Ftv4 sole; thtatiday VAT tit Wild 114toloot/i.hieloit ;teteeptird Atilt * lini :tii,thoirtruti „matting noolf:1•144-" " ffr ' • :RI Lnoos . 414 in ,tAo pit). f«it Mind, *AA 6;01, thai;• forofil ito.st AO warded in • 4ork*,.44 Pote ..1"1"Ve: f ft& R,;14?,19° • 4.4A etc, • Cut id JCigM or rkr. .000 th. da. f thlu d.,d tbzoq s. iamb . id 1 onol mak. luAo the 441,1 GRANTEX 1 of amour MN aforsookt ravipo4 Pond of tho 84414 of Fla Uwe iid 110fto,44141 lung mood the mot of th. 'flowl, it tho Capitol, la tie CIO- of Tatheltaposee,, 4 : 44:1, : • ' ,-., • . ?•;;; 91,CILTItt28 IVA 2TT •VO/CZ/ZI rrw..xrery aetb r.a+r yga.aa.r,aw M t4.40441.4041 r, ( 59SS 'wr:69 t arrantu {}lilts 3nbrnlurr. aF.ar.ifrii fith f0.7-WF:F;N OMEGA LAND CO. alias rti.Nrrag mule, the &tr•t of the Stour of buainras in thr f'raWI ! aJ Dade June LAND COMPANY Florida RAlaCO'S FORM XV% , ,t. D. 1968 . . rr+rpnrariore kevu its principal place of and Butt of Florida and tatcfudlr :rthr.rizrrt to transact brsi+vu to thr Stair of Florida, party of dar first parr. and THE `RANI HERALD Pt.'3LIS1II131; COMPANY (Address: Number One Herald Plaza Miami, Florida a rr.p.,rattnn rrtiara iurng under ihr (aa of the Starr of Florida krn'inr oea principal piers- 4 bu.ioras in Ow Cr ii of Dade sad Stair of Florida anrf iau wits authorra.,f to trimmer tacitness in the Stair of Florida, party of Mr srrraid parr. trsf:.. FT1f: Thor the said pass of air first part, for and in rr.niidtraiir.n of thr inns o.f TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and c.th:•r good and valuable consideration /0 a Ot lr rind pail he rho ma party of tAe snood part. the re•rrrips who're.' etc herr6y ar%rwat... et, hos Croons!. targarn.,l and u.ld ftr rho said party 4 Thy $. i nr! parr. ire wrr.xu.r+ and assigns J.,rr•tvr, rh, 1.,11:,r„n,t ,brler.l,r-,l band .rruarv. !sing and being an the f:,,e.arr of 8,�..r, a..,l •Stoic• off orxla, r.,-Yrt: That i,•z o? Lot„ 1 and 2, liek "THE GARDE':: l}1' E:iri;;:", M1a.;.,rc€inr t ih,° Plat th.•r.•t,f, recorded in Plat Eiook a Page 12, of the Public Rrcords of Dad, County, Florida, lying best of Bayshore Place rots.: herald Plaza), less the East 137.50 feet thereof, and The West 2.50 ie'et ut the East 137.50 fait o1 th.• South 57.50 feet o? £he ccrmbin d width of. that par- tion of said Lots 1 and 2, lying W._st of said -Baysh r. Place, and Lot 1., "SERENA PARK", accordion; to the Plat thereof, rs c:c rdc•d in Plat Book 16, at Paf;e Sb, of the Public Rocor=fa of Dade County, Florida„ v STATE FL©R1OA1 DOD ME TART r STAMP TAX 3 4 I . 1A1tFS FF S'•tr Cn!Y ?€! :art thy said poly 4 rho jigs,/ p.rrc r#r..•a hr•rrtrr ludo warrant thr fitly it, .aid tnn.l, sort uvll rl.J,•nrl rho 59SS 3n Witness Iti;Prtt1 , the said party of the first pet hat reused there press -nit to br Ached in its name by its prop., ofrie ra. sod its corpus -we peel to be ajrixrd. Nitrated by ilt Secretary. At; day anti ear Nh.nr written. OMEGA 1&'D CO. afkla OffiC.A Lkto COl1P " islrsidtoG Can „ / t Retest _El 5apn..1. as -stiff/ and 1kLit rd ujhi preserve of ut: batty of $iurita, Quuntp of DADE 3rrrbi; rrtifl;, that wA this 6ih slay of June !. 11 Pt h6 . f.'Ertl.mr p•rs.r.afl,' app-aretil DOCTOR BENJAMIN C. OBEN, HRS. 11oRnTNY S. nr.rf DOCTOR '2.tART1ti $. BELLS:, Pr eaident, Vice ...1'rrtedrei and S.rrerart .rap 'cert. .•4 OMEGA 1.4;iD CO. afkfa OMEGA 'i.P.ND COFSPAIiSi • rt.rl..rari.,rr Mettler ale, 10.0+ .4 1t..- 'trill, ..t Florida . tat oar 1c414.1,1t tro its th. I. suer.t a. h..1rFr..<1 the• t.tr. ,.nu .,rtrr.rr:r,r.r, .t, ..u'h ,tfjatrr.. t.i ttt.10111 Atknau-fttt telthert.+utOM it..'n„I e.. t» :h, rr itt•t-a.1 rtnrl sf• ••t :. ,i: i. ,.rJrr.•ra tear ai.r ut.•t ant! parp....•s rhorcin mtati..n.rl anal that r1.r•, ra1]r..t1 th.e.tt. II, ..11 1,11 ,. 41 .4 ..rr.l r.rrl.,.ratmet. snrf Ehat the .ntrl in.t'.!n.rnt is the a• i ttntt itt ,.1 .•f .a.of t.•r 1=.raa<.tr • ilil:tt. r.,s hand doed..f1.rt.tl •.•r.ar uLar:i cnrl >r.al. rtt -1.,, „+r• ,.vu I...r uj..r. tafd, s:; ion .:•xpires: F" for Lclit Fs OKES NOTARY P�•LtC, Stare oi Florida .: Lar Kt' ` WY ��Yv- r vil grit Vi s' - '" L'b 'rli`' i► r.:, ,.„ *.. k:t. L \4\$F r-aV i4 • • • 1'.‹..Ci1LSh1b •$P-l'5Z)i':� - RGI AIJ J 14 i is iz F .a . r 9 p. T. a 5 • t i yg 3� 9 JJ v� i [ r. m 7.14 GARD .rt air' " ` Fri • CriT II1Fji LGKLl, ♦ Ca4w.S.4.44A. ..ioctC x....... 440 r»s., dr 4r se prsaor ; .iat r"V7r9e Z'R.9s aw".1A'`.Fwn. ram,c• /040/-144'. 44r",4r Cdy of.1..i..a.. koGr - sick.; cfuiwaco .'.rrra o.3i .4......* .✓•.�s..ix-.•'i !^, r t ...A.A..rry .r.XJa .n.'. X r: J!✓1y Ji0 qrA!t✓iiia 47 - pi /ds e y4440.'s, :4....$ fearc,.1.40 4 e..4 M.1d 7grt r41Fd ri1✓.'rJ sfj.. re rrn�: w .� a. • .a • S ?I 6 7 e `( 3 PLA.1 0L- PER S1 VG- 0QU1'l it KNATIOtl TO rue Y P. tVUAl��t� l= L.. CQ V-110 ^ . 8L155 venrson•ENGR5- i=EeRVARY•Isis SCALE' lJ14•60F7 ...- as a rt•f host .,wed A• * nark Ae., dyS.�{e +�'r rr„e i.,.7 a w.sd...•ro— v, a/ ,,,e ••••i ofsrr'prr" Dynes' r+ Ad ...111 An. nu/ ea* ne42 4 14,0 .+�} + at n ,.,rZik'SS .43 .i .e4 .'�w�y++,a• 4,' A'iari AI H Aft Eaf r bvr nr* Iksatto ,r g— /kW si ttt riRry , ,. .r epr 4 a�has if ipeeran, efewr! :r :4-s j .c' .Gw Am.,5 4, Jew An+ w,sr /.and A..7.4 .. �r **PAW ar+fvr * oft Mx.+,S er.. fr p A.o. e74ve Ao ✓ewA nInno. an,* 44..," nl eAn• drw a .res4r /1 .o dint D ,d <bp 4, Qd a«.. �rx asr.w.e r& nocry*.af 40 ,aums7 d vd tea.' . Al Ode" 4nue .us. 'f ,r.,.. w ., ..n Afr An!' ,H i...e. e$lkr�+��' G?'n Msn r iinr*.e ...aa& enn.'-.9 w of A p,,. hw.A.adyid,rav+a:r.. sync fM lAge a `r w, - t,M s e � '.' ... v' bW.Saw .. 5' S J• sr r+re /rxcr.Mt w3.n6 acak#, ansr�ai .tf 0Ld ,nni , �•w .s.+r Anno, Awwkf.Y t++.Y!^�' f cr�rad n't.t �IIr J4..V f. �' rr - se.* don' fY a it a ac m non.14w +Winn .f'enee .•sr •f .a,..• srm .06~ at of .+r ab,c'pnau r✓ i,r,!•r na. —h e IfWenlf . a+C+s -.+awn'arrcre=Zt, rt'mre:r J.x .44.011.1 frr irsw1.r a, er**,rrs"f cif:01 on I iry *.v.stoire retie, I Mild LLOYOOK tntOn TO iaele* ST/Nl thit'. '-ii a '' " August , 4. 0..f9 6 a ittifitatC'erlr.irifof andrr the fasts of r1, a= lorida p P,1a rirsi'< a un�sr its the County, of ;,; �tti3ir-s,��, mod Slats anll fast falls Bath etcgret trNr,aa boailli' is►°Ma. Slat► of Florida. party of the Kean PsrG (Addreeei'IEg;=1 {{erald Plata, Miami, Florida) if IT%E ETW ; Thet thr raid party .nf tip , Part• few and i� wtsas'+ TEN DA EtS 010.00) and outer good and, valuable cotsridettt rw a en kid paid by the ,aid party of the wand part. the receipt whereof iti heieb7 ecknouiedged. laa+ grasteii. bvreainnf and sad to the said party of the stand pre, its aucteuors awd aMitpss (*rage, the 1I46cin;, d,-scribed land ,uuate. Icing and bring in the Couttrr of Dade end Starr of Florida, ro-toil: Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block 2, CARDER OF gt3EN SUBD/FISTON, as per Plat _.l Plat Book 4 at Page 12 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Subject to conditions, restrictions and limitations of record, if any, without attempting to reimpose samo,'to taxes for 1969, to applicable govermsemtal regulations and to existing easements, if arty.' '. SURI resiwriirre oI t thr i4rer Ise mewl...tor tnWke. Otrie free are and &wit etue asetsttooril sod that they offi ':•yeel thereto Ow elle cis.; Jowl of _ lost. I c • - rimier-, is rise set tout deed of mitt tc*pear' atu.n. Wittf00 ',sr kiwi tout *tuck, seat co! lUsirraiWk e-'--.4 i - - • in thr ruiouY oi ZOE-IVO si-;41.,./4-Ccei 0,-4 imi State of Bat," 'IO-r-k -) 4 the di", and year lost eforrsoid, ••, • r c, • -/ 1•••••-/iirc < e- t. Hotav/Publifyou. ST Of arum Hy Comilla Lon a...A. sower ••• at (5.4.11 41 Vatgl 1171 :zoom* 0 x 111;4,:t..ttui ;11343 AN 10R 4:.?. A Yon.. in1rinattO-5ocit6891,02 U . ....„ .• .i: • . : ::.. ....„ . :. • = oh1.3tturi.,,•4,4Jr th. loth 60;,4•:: tiovcrnber tali .'ltel • ,,,,,. ... Alll$E;WP.*1.4e.49N andOARRIET SAYRON,. *5 Vile, and LEO N. EnowN stack LAMA A..:*:01t*St...64.wila .. .,, . „. • : 4 tii,•;0•4*4710,:','::...' :1Yi4 ,Statc 4 Vorida 4it'aittnei, and TUE MIAM.t.lin4.ALD PUBLISHING COMPANY, a Fli.lrida cori.Tration r..1..4er.tilt.,..is One Herald Piaza, Miami, Florida 33132 Florida Taitnestiet. '11.....Aat p.m.,. h. .o4 i.....44.4non 4 the VIM 4 Ten and Not ilia .. . tg..01 .tiltrz p'....4.4tud t.4421-4e v...frafre.dittsts. h. Wel seratofor to Wolf Falai" vaid gl...11,frt. I tir trstript wist.irotte, aakotitaliali,rtii has etsoottasf,. heetttioott 404 VFW 141- tftta letift 191614$fr$% $$(14: Vinare $ heir $ an.J S.I.,4g4g, ftgrVrt; thr fa, fotettg ttostrttrett fiti4. sitetatet brillg WWI &nog it, Dade Cow?, "tool*, to -wit. i.;it,, '!t,1,itniUFo4-4,0411iE1441414dtititiltAA'CMlrAW Plat thereat recorded in Plat Brielk 4, tat Page 147; oth Pabiic rto.corits of Dadt1 County, Florida; together .with insproveroonts situate thereon. THIS 001:11 i , :lade and given subject to reEtrietiong, reservattona, and !Imitation; il any, -,f retortl; stai..-Ilieahle rofnag ordinances, taxes su:::sequent to the year 1/470, * "a... 14. "L.. NI, '""a,. "r3-. 111. `Za. "5... "%. Vo• A - --7a-4-\ DnitiMARY F1:. " 141,4AA ' L.1)410A '‘ ST.CIIF. or FLORIDA i S4JR TAX — ... 4cm1 %API V ile.t ,14,11:44544":dt, learatsret ie ttde to sistef Land. and wilt tiaferati the sr, se sotto the Urdu! esthete . -(4.1 :Par- and 'rooter" Are ored for tier:Oar KW istont, as rantese teeptions :An tgitnria Inigtraf. G,..,...1,43 1,,,,,..44. itt Pardn" /011,t40 Y above *..4 . 4 .., Lt..-4 airt itaftt attest is, Ant IA r A AKA. i _ ; f c utr cr. le, irk/ t F.) ADE t '7,1rt , oAt at <tad, ttottfo•ti to take ,-,o4attgrtseatt, pestoorits ALBEFT SAP-0 IIARRIET SAFrtr!,i, his *Ife, , LEO N.-BROWN t•, e.F.• •" it.BOW aiI.r(' ar' t pilots, Fit oiataitawil wisa te,tttatat tha t'441Z74.A and 1,C.ICPC,;titef.g.f.d ,',. 3F:4', 4, 1.t." A§t aft,itaataial this lettt gro iqt..ritettattei,.. tetiersy.roht.k. Ameleri at AAA -A, vAtAA, A IAA.. '4et •-ve ef.:1 rt f.'Vi2:.0 1.10Y101 SKID <ROW 4.11re00M. �a R/rYAA urranft rr� fG "fdat of l6TvF.C.Y AMCF'S 60rnt }y'h February . t 11 tv i.g Ar coma ASSOCIATES, INC., raising arri rAir Woo ajtie Sotto of Tlorida 16.01.1. 0 tie Coo rers ►f Dade tr1 Ra.fatty awlerarf so *rowers &mimeo' jai eR. W. aJ THE H il212 FrrnAI Pt:SLIS-WC COMP .", • rsrpwet... rr'Nt>j w.1. tlr br.ra .f Lite Stele a1 Flo id. T spy -. of 1r..iwoof it to 17.1r1/ .( Dade .tl et.pt.rotte. Let (fig artA 'or .w. t,osl pl..r of and Sere of Flora ffr.uk putt nj the 1r111 ;raft, w.af (1 3s-t ois; Flat o's Fl, rida) 401 Si... f F': <r Lci:r . h#..AS ... e.d 1dio Nth ewb*+urd so root moot b..i.no is do, Sow/ of Florida, p.rrr <1 fit a*,..d p.ar, 1F 1T11.Y.ti1.-.17.1. Tkoi ih. �d polo of At- Ain, port, for owd ,w .rw.a.F. rwr,..a ,.1 ....- TEN AND Naf16O UC i.ARS ($10_OO) and otfier good And valrak+lr <tn<1O.•rut: ,!.3fO01161 A. xe ,+. 1400( t+r.rf 8. sL. ,sd port* of eh.- rr..n.t p.re. 1a+• r.r.ope wier..,f .: h,r.$s hot X,rawt.d. ferX+rR.-d and wifi t„ r6- ,wd piur7 off rhr w=.rail p.'.r..r...f,. r. rkr 1s<1.i. ftwt i-.rrrh.d foald sttaser. hag trod ionng f"...loft e.td G.r..of f lorsdw t�..r.t. Pcginalag at the. Socha ant garner of the North 9s.,.is.r,- Dr1w• t[swi Venetian Wry, running tact .Lang the South si ix S[ •ttctiarl %ray z<1.08 tent, more or .boss; klscntr Sos,th 127.11 fret, mare or loss: tlseusce %kat 1S4.45 f or i.sa, to the £oat aid* at !:arth eaystiarr Driw; the in si.L,Ikeast.<r1y drtertton alone the Cast sEd• ,•£ h.-i>, E4yshc-r,- 12rivr t14.Ok feerf mire or lose, Ca tin• ?,-.inntr., paint; t.s•ing Lein [, 2 soil 1 of Mock 2 of the. R.'zcs•sl:; f Lc:, 2'S, 26 and IC [StISON VILLA StSDIVISIOn, ar+a 3."ti Aria# 2. Block 1, t.AADESt OF EDEN 5VgDivisi.ON, lot th, ILA '. • . c.synr ttaprovera:nt Cs'apany, accordrryt to Fiat s;srra',s•c in Plat ilavic a at Pai;.e 174 of Lire .+ff. of trig Circuit C4.t4t c^; 1lae: County. F€urtcia. s, Ain Siani� i l PE.i:S9i 4 t'4klitn -aLrr 1dit : f.. ti:• tfa-z6fi.4)r31:=tPat r :- rtPn a-cor4p-04E' DadCc,9tk Ffort r. . 'tit : a: e Y-. DOCUMFNtARY SSAM".' 7Ax: tit+..ke- 999 (.7r do.i fit. 1 ...4 prof, ..1 the pow prrr .loan A• r,J.s foil, th• rR, rc<.....r th, F.,. i.t tit..., -f aft ya-r.au.. ., h.... a..•,.. 3i •••;--71-,..11.!: . • • . . 8281 702 311 illhertor, rkp raiki parry' al At Aro /mai Aar taw.", pfrpfte* siit.ext 4t> **mu try W propv vpicy#A, lowir raclormilif It•Iti 10 • likregt, eU.1,144j, w .5"'""r1". • ate 4:61' old 0•11. astxnv ariatitta., J. A. .D,A XTOlt ASSOCIATES INC. L . . .,";71#11".•''' 254-00,40. T. • •Igd.o.di. mad tielo:arind sat :kr preititry al -au ^ c, 6tatt of litorthi, coutav of DADE 1 3 limbjj errtifg, a., rh,e 4 / ,••• , 1..400,x1.••• p..../.10.011/5 "••••.•-• riorida Mtft,rmf$M44 •••••.4 ,-, rod, • •kgrh .411r."01, her Ike fou•••• gm., pt., 14.•••••• • A,' •-•1 ad•••A fin.pormoowro. 34i.af rik, 604 thr.aAmastel •••••1,-A.- .n1 - F..bruary ri. rw 0••••••••• .•••••••p... 4orr4a vri • ..q.,441...4 441•Lit, 411, 4 ito• IAN por01.00 A.•••••t.goori Ihr buy, ••••••••aiovlored jI.•••••10...tion Arr.., 4. I.' 414.41. 1,74. 41011111,4d . thereea doruvalospoorel oolfel 'AAA Orel. *eh met* ikerrtfft4 • . ...0010400111. •111 th 4.1 41.4 nievst rowei rtleror4/•••As arif SPAA-••4.! Flt WUXI' Pk, IC anis, mot ATRAl el II AT WM OCI 11.1tAA tfJ11.1131 N1117 -1)>V151M • o (c4a) • •• • • oit AdaFr ort s a • • 1989 JAN t f PH 3:37 ' re: 13958Pt 354 Tax Folio Na: 01 3Z21 012 005Q 4 Grantee(s) Social security *(s): Tax ID a 38-0723657 89R 12 2 tSDcumencary stamps i0(ICCtCd i j o� t =' $,I Y'� €' SURTAX Doc. Stamps Co lecied Gass "C" tntariibia Tay Collected A,,,=.•",_ RIttlatd P, Urirlker, Clerk, Eksda Cevniy, f1a. WARRANTY DEED "t%7 TEIS INDENTUPB, made this 10th day of January, 1989, BETWEEN BISCAYNE PROPERTIES, LTD., a Florida Limited Partnership, grantor*, and RICEIWOOD, INC., a Florida corporation, whose post office address is c/o David Kennin, Esq., Greenberg, Taurig, et. al., 1221 Brickell Avenife, Miami, Florida, of the County of Dade, State of Florida, grantee*, (*"Grantor's and "grantee" are used for singular or plural, as context requires.) WITNES88TH, that said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN ($10,00) DOLLARS, and other good and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid/by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in Dade County, Florida, to -wit: SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED. This conveyance also includes all of Grantor's interest, if any, in the streets, alleys and public right of way adjoining such property. This conveyance is subject to taxes for the year 1989 and subsequent years; conditions, restrictions, limitations, easements and zoning ordinances of record, if any. Reference to the foregoing shall not serve to reimpose same. 0 and said grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, u and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WE REo?, Grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written. 0 fl`o.. .a u. •0 1 sc • ON t3 p4 .r, c �u H w U., CV 4.7 Z .0 al "N 5 Signed, Sealed and delivered in our press ce: BISCAYNE PROPERTIES, LTD., a Florid Limited rtnership "KJ �l`',G0,.SEAL) By: Elias K browski By: Rafael Kapustin Its Sole General Partners STATE OF FLORIDA) SS. COUNTY OF DADE) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before tie, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgements, personally appeared ELIAS KOBROWSKI and RAFAEL KAPUSTIN as the sofa general partners of Biscayne Properties, Ltd.., a Florida Limited Partnership, to me ., ,........, known to be the persons described in and .who executed the foregoingtt1.41,'.L, instrument and acknowledged before me that they executed the same., • ; t z-11p, tarts WITH 88 my hand and official seal in the County an State,.ri ti .;,04 i aforesaid this loth day of January, 1969.1 My commission expires: NOTARY PUBLIC This instrument prepared by: Elliott Harris, Esq. LAW 4f/,3t1C3 E LL1044 HARRIS. !!I 5 w 2" 5"C 4 • SS•" FLOOR. H4AH1. fLA "t30 • TEL 13051 3E6"14 E . Biscayne P operties,Ltd. to RichWood, Inc. RF ! 395811 355 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lots 12, 13 and 14, and a portion of Lot 11, Block 1, PERSHING COURT SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 4 at Page 147 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, Together with; Lots 7, 8, 9 and a portion of Lot 10, Block 2, MAP OF THE GARDEN OP EDEtt, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 4 at Page 12 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows; Beginning at the SE corner of said Lot 14, Block 1, PERSHING COURT, run west along the south lines of said Lots 11, 12. 13 and 14 for a distance of 186.54 feet to a point on the southeasterly right of way line of Biscayne Boulevard; thence run North 4 degrees 00 minutes 05 seconds East along the said southeasterly right of way line of Biscayne Boulevard for a distance of 250.32 feet, to a point on the north line of said Lot 10, Block 2, MAP OF THE GARDEN OF EbEN, thence run South 89 degrees 59 minutes 26 seconds East, along the north lines of said Lots 7. 8, 9 and 10, for a distance of 165.63 feet, to the NE corner of said Lot 7; thence run South 0 degrees 21 minutes 25 seconds West, along the east line of said Lot 7 for a distance of 99.90 feet to the SE corner of said Lot 7, thence run South 89 degrees 59 minutes 43 seconds East along the north lines of said Lots 12, 13 and 14 for a distance of 5.00 feet, to the NE corner of said Lot 14; thence run South 0 degrees 21 minutes 26 seconds West along the east line of said Lot 14, for a distance of 149.62 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 44,094.76 feet, or 1.012 acres, more or less, together with all improvements thereon and together with all rights of the Seller as the owner of the property, if any, in and to all streets, roads and alleys adjoining same, and all appurtenances thereto, tiromen; uF tllf/Ctki MOM WM cosAl,, 1i11kibA. .� m.,44s1r!WILti BICU).BD P. BIONIMIll Ctl1IK CIRCUIT CrIrn • • 5 0 • 1999.0 I1 PH 3'37 89R012L+2Li IL 13958N 354 Tax Folio No: Q Lf 221 012 0050 q Grantee(s) Social Security 4(s): Tax ID A 38-0723657 WARRANTY DEED Documentary Starers Collected $ ltgs f' - $ SURTAX floc. Stamps Collected Class "C•' IntanZit>re Fax Collected $,:z,...._ RkMalo p, tiriulser, Clerk, Chao Courtly, Fla. 6y r c C. 1 C 7� sG .•► • 7,7 TEIS INDENTURE, made this 10th day of January, 1989, BETWEEN BISCAYNE PROPERTIES, LTD., a Florida Littited Partnership, grantor*, and RICHWOOD, INC., a Florida corporation, whose post office address is C/o David rennin, Esq., Greenberg, Taurig, et. al., 1221 Brickell Avenue, Miami, Florida, of the County of Dade, State of Florida, grantee*, (*"Grantor" and "grantee" are used for singular or plural, as context requires.) WITNE88ETR, that said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN ($10.00) DOLLARS, and other good and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. has granted, bargained and sold to the .said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in Dade County, Florida, to -wit: SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED. This conveyance also includes all of Grantor's interest, if any, in the streets, alleys and public right of way adjoining such property. This conveyance is subject to taxes for the year 1989 and subsequent years; conditions, restrictions, limitations, easements and zoning ordinances of record, if any. Reference to the foregoing shall not serve to reimpose same. and said grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN wITNEBB matleor, Grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written. om C, 44 ak M Signed, sealed and delivered in our prese ae: BISCAYNE PROPERTIES, LTD., a Florid Limited P rtnership vrJ 4;4,1SLR AL} awski By: Elias Ed By: Rafael Kapustin Its Sole General Partners STATE OF FLORIDA) SS. COUNTY OF DADE) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgements, personally appeared ELIAS KOBRQHSKI and RAFAEL KAPUSTIN as the sole general partners of Biscayne Properties, Ltd., a Florida Limited Partnership, to me.. known to be the persona described in and who executed the foregoi1gt.Lig1,'' instrument and acknowledged before me that they executed the same. •, ;k•� WITNE8.8 my hand and official seal in the County an State ve ..,t aforesaid this loth day of January, 1989. : �� i.TA, PLC •� f C r My commission expires: NOTARY PUBLIC c- 1- This instrument prepared by: Elliott Harris, Esq. 1._ erects %I.J !I 14AR4145. 10 5 W 3*a yTRCCT • E4'.. NLOOR, 441AMl. ILA 333.70. • 'MA. $3051 350-D1.5 . Biscayne P operties,-Ltd, Ja to Richwood, Inc. 3956m 355 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lots 12, 13 and 14, and a portion of Lot 11, Block 1, PERSI3ING COURT SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof ail recorded in Plat Book 4 at Page 147 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, Together with; Lots 7, 8, 9 and a portion of Lot 10, Block 2, i+.AP OF THE GARDEN OF EDEN, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 4 at Page 12 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows; Beginning at the SE corner of said Lot 14, Block 1, PERSHING COURT, run west along the south lines of said Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14 for a distance of 186,54 feet to a point on the southeasterly right of way line of Biscayne Boulevard; thence run North 4 degrees 00 minutes 05 seconds East along the said southeasterly right of way line of Biscayne Boulevard for a distance of 250,32 feet, to a point on the north line of said Lot 10, Block 2, KAP OF THE GARDEN ❑F EDEN, thence run South 89 degrees 59 minutes 25 seconds East, along the north lines of said Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, for a distance of 165.63 feet, to the NE corner of 'laid Lot 7; thence run South 0 degrees 21 minutes 25 seconds West, along the east line of said Lot 7 for a distance of 99,90 feet to the SE corner of said Lot 7, thence run South 89 degrees 59 minutes 43 seconds East along the north lines of said Lots 12, 13 and 14 for a distance of 5.00 feet, to the NE corner of said Lot 14; thence run South 0 degrees 21 minutes 26 seconds Went along the east line of said Lot 14, for a distance of 149.82 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 44,094.75 feet, or 1,012 acres, more or leas, together with all improvements thereon and together with all rights of the Seller as the owner of the property, if any, in and to all streets, roads and alleys adjoining same, and all appurtenances thereto, RASf.iNU SM :u¢SZEst MC 7100 0006 1.101, (DWI, €tfMitlX vE•rs.0 rRaF,4.0 RICHARD P. BR1NbY.a c.uw cr€tcw! cast Miami -Dade My Horne Page 1 of 2 My Home • Show Me: Property lnformation Search By: Select Item Text cnly i..� } A valid P.el-at PPhoSog aphy "' 2004 trig tai Orthophotography - 2003 Pert° Appraise` Tax Estimate, Summary Details: Folio No.: 01-3231-045-0010 Property: 1 HERALD PLAZA Mailing Address: KNIGHT -RIDER NEWSPAPERS INC % KNIGHT RIDDER PROPERTY TAX 1 HERALD PLAZA 6TH FLR MIAMI FL 33132-1609 Property Information: Primary Zone: 6600 LIBERAL COMMERCIAL CLtJC: 0013 OFFICE BUILDING Beds/Baths: 0/0 .. Floors: 7 Living Units: 0 Adj Sq Footage: 604,146 Lot Size: /247,421 SO FT Year Built: 1963 Legal Description: HERALD PARK PB 121-4 TR A LOT SIZE 5.680 AC MIL Sale Information: Sale O/R: Sale Date: 0/0 Sale Amount: 0 ACTIVE TOO SELECT Aerial Photography - AirPhoto USA 2004 Assessment Information: • Year. rear 2005 2004 Value: $34,638,940$21,030,785 Building Value: $100,000 $100,000 Market Value: $34,738,940$21,130,785 Assessed Value: $34,738,940'$21,130,785 Total $0 $0 Exemptions: Taxable Value: i$34,738,940$21,130,785 • 0 183ft We appreciate your feedback, please take a minute to complete our survey. My Horne I Property information I Property Taxes I My Neighborhood I Property Appraiser Home I Using Our Site I About J Phoile Pirectory I Privacy I Cisciar.ner If you experience technical difficulties with the Property Information application, please click here to let us know. E-mail your comments, questions and suggestions to Webrnaster Web Site © 2002 Miami -Dade County. All rights reserved, r1 , Legend Property Boundary Selected Property Street Highway Miami -Dade County Water http://gisims2.co.niami-dade.fl.us/MyHome/propmap.asp?app=none&bytool—none&cmd=FINDFOLIO&c... 1 /10/200t