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TAB J - State of Florida Corporate Documents
State of Florida Department of State I certify from the records of this office that DIMAR AND BROTHERS, LLC is a limited liability company organized under the laws Of the State of Florida, filed on February 11, 2004. The document number of this limited liability company is L040000n 652. I further certify that said corporation has paid all fees due this office through December 31, 2006, that its most recent annual report was filed on February 20, 2006, and its status is active. I further certify that said limited liability company has not filed Articles of Dissolution. Given under my hand and the Gre Eat Seal of Florida, at Tallahassee, the Capital, this the 51:4A‘' Pt. E Secretary of State Fourth day of May, 2006 Authentication ID: 000073983320-050406-LO401O011652 To authenticate this certifcate,visit the foliowing site, enter this 11), and then follow the instructions displayed I www.sunbiz oig/auth.htuii 02/11/04 1YE.D 1 •43 F- . 4 4 Division orCoipora1i W»1I t ent of tate Division of Corporations Public Access System Electronic Filing Cover Sheet Note: Please prim this page and use it as a cover sheet. Type the fax audit tr nber (shown below) on the top and bottom of all pages of the doc neut. ((040001?309413))) Note: DO NOT flit the REFRESH/RELOAD button on your browser rrwn this page. Doing so will generate another cover sheet. To; .Division o CoxpOxationa Fax number : (95O)205-0383 From: AOoounr Namt : puTTTaN4ACHER 4 nOHATCai, P.A. Account Number : 119990000159 Phone : (305) 442--4911 Fax Number r (305)442-0911 LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AIMAR AND BROTHERS, LLC Certificate of Status Certified Copy Estansat urge 1 02 $15.5.00 2/001 Page 1 of 1 o rrtJY J� co 0 rn https://efile.sunhiz.org/scripts/efilcovr.exe .. iimaket 2/11/2004 02/11/04 WED 18:33 FAX 3084420911 GiiTiENMACHER & BaHATCH,P Audit No.: H04000030941 3 ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION FOR DER AND Ham, LLC a Florida Limited Liability Company The undersigned, for the purpose of forming a limited liability company under § 608 of the Florida Statues (tile Florida Limited Liability Company Act), hereby adopt8 the following Articles of Organization: 1. Name. The name of the Limited Liability Company is: DIM& AND BItoTHERs, 2. Address. The mailing address and street address oldie Limited Liabili y Compax►y is: cfo Clino Med, Inc, 3271 N.M. 7s` Street, Miami, Florida 33125. 3. .Registered Ant and OffIe _ The name and street address of the initial registered agent and office for the Limited Liability Company is as follows: John S. Bohatch,! Esquire, 2600 Douglas Road,. Penthouse 8, Coral Gables, FL, 33134. 4. a emen o an . The Limited Liability Company is t be member - managed. The name and address of the Member who is to manage is: Name Addresq Sandimar and Associates, Inc. ciO Clino Med, Inc. 3271 N.W. i th Street Miami, Florida 33125 MI 5. Amendment of Articles of Or anizatloue Any amendment to these Anti*a of; Organization shalt be on such farm and contain such terms and provisions as shallibe presctibed by the Department of State, shall be consistent with § 608 of the Florida Statutes and shall be signed and sworn to by the Member of the Limited Liability Company. In the event a new Member is added by such amendment, it sila!l be also signed by the Member to be added. Dated this // day ofFebxvary2004. of a Member or an authorized agent Representative of a Member MIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY: Jatsn S. Bohatcb. Esquire GUTTENMACHER8s BOHATCH, F.A. 2600 i7ougies Rost!, Penthouse 8 idJta iU1094i13 4 r002 OZ/11fO4 if;ED 16:33 FAX 3054420011 GUITEt M CHER & BOThtTCH,P Audit bdo,: I10400043Q941 3 ACCEPT icE OF REGIS` El g» A.CEr 'r Ii Having been matted as Registered Agent and to accept service of proceS�s for the above stated Limited Liability Company, I hereby accept the appointment as Registered Agent and agree to act in this capacity. I &rater agree to comply with the provisions of all Mutes relating to the proper and complete performance of my duties, and I am familiar with! and accept the obligations ofmyposition as Registered Agent 2 rigs iISTRtJMENT PREPARED BY: John S_ BQbaech, Esquire GuTTENMACHER & HMATC:, PA. 2600 Douglas Road, Penthouse S Fagg t b l4 11QO3 03/ 2/04 E I. 3 LI Diion of Co F1. da ep: rtm nt Of State Division o£Corporatians Public Access System Electronic Filing Cover Sbcet Note: Please pile't this page and use ft as a cover sheet. Type the fax audit number (shown below) on the top and bottom of all pages of the document. (((1 04000045436 3))) Note: DO NOT bit the REFRESH/RELOAD button on your browser from this page. Doing so will generate another cover sheet. To: Division o Corporations Fax Number : 050) 205--©383 From: Account Name : G13TT11NMACB R & BDHATCff, P.A. Account NaUbvr Z19990000159 Phone : (305)442-4911 Fax Number : (3O5)442-0911 ra 001 Page z of l t-" ra ;-i art n- c c t� LIMITED LIABILITY AMENDMENT D]MAR AND t BROTHERS, LLC • :ale Count E�tiznatcd Charge EiwAojgcl-Filit04 Nam hops:/!eate.sunbiz.c)rgisrripts/efilcovr ere 0 01 $25.00 C7 03/.02/04 TUE 12: 43 FAX 3054420911 GLITTENMACHER & BOHA.TCH, P 40, . S Audit Na.: 1-144040045436 3 ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT TO ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION OF AIR AND BROTRS, LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company FIRST: The date of the filing of the Articles of Organization was February i.1, 2004. SECOND: The following amendment of the Articles of Organization was adopted by the limited liability company: 1 D !etc the following portion of Section 4., Mary me tofCompany: The Limited Liability Company is to be member -managed. The name and address oft e Member who is to xnartagc is: Nang At cjress Sandia rar and A.ssOciates, XTtE. C/o Clino Mi ed, tC., 3271 N.W. 7th Suet Miami, Florida 33125 Instead Insert the following portion to Section 4.. Iticzna,gement ofCompariv: The Limited Liability Company is to be member -managed. The name and address; of the Member who is to image is: Nate Santiago Diaz Hernandez Dated this 1 day of March, 2004. Audit Na.: n04000045436 3 Address C/o Cno Merl, 1nc? l., 3271 N.W. 7th Strut Miami, Florida 331'25 az Heniandez Sole o Dimar and Brothers, LLC 9 9 .SP fed Z.- dVH 10 0002 (TV J. 977 3M:OOO vision of Corporations cxl -Vrr-cork Florida Department of State Division of Corporations Public Access System Electronic Filing Cover Sheet P.1 Page I of I Note: Please print this page and use it as a cover sheet Type the fpx audit number (shown below) on the top and bottom of all pages of the document. (((H05000249972 3))) Note: DO NOT hit the REFRESH/RELOAD button on your browser rota this page. Doing so will generate another cover sheet. To: Division of Corporations Fax Number : OS0)205-0393 From: Account Name : EXPRESS CORPORATE TILING .SERVICE INC Account !somber : 120000000146 Phone : (305)444-4994 Pax Number : (305) 4444--4977 • LIMITED LIABILITY AMENDMENT DIMAR AND BROTHERS, LLC i Attagab6iftI •• Docarrzen Examiner Dix . pdater V �.?r o r .,�kr y. I :u'•'ornetit DCC —' - ttps:lleflie. iiiiliFz.o riptsIciilcovr.exc W. P. V4erIfyer !3l 10/21/2005 ECFS 3O54444977 p,2 Diane Cushing FAX Aud, #: H05000249972 Document Specialist letter Number: 305A00O64622 envision of Corporations - P.O. BOX 6327 --Tallahassee, or d° $281 Nov 01 2005 1:17PM 854-205-0381 10/28,2005 4:38 PAGE 0O1/001. Florida Dept of State 1 stir `LOEIDA TIRPARTIAP.NT 4B' STATE Glenda E: Mood Seer jtary o£$tate October 25, 2005 DINAR AND BROTHERS, LLC c/O. cin ro MED, INC. 3271 NW 7TH ST MIAMI,. FL 33125 SUBJECT: DINAR AND BROTHERS, LLC REF: L040000111652 Ne received your electronically transmitted document. Bowever, the document has not been filed. Please make the following corrections and refax the complete document, including the electronic filing cos'+er sheet. Limited liability compaixies are either menebertmanaged or mataager mauzaged - not both. Member -managed coipa►niee are managed by the members of the limited liability company. adanagar-managed companies are managed by non. n mbi4s_,.=please amend your document to reflect either the limited iiebilit co pony is member -managed or manager -managed. If the l.i.mited l..ia>;33.i.t «'ao tawny is member-matnaged, list the names and addressees of the members :kbo 7ri1.1 melange the company and identify them solely as ranaging nemSara.I- Iis, tha limited liability company is manager -managed, 2.4.st the name,* act addresaes of the non-members who will massage the Company and 1dt/0ti.fy/ them solely as managers. Zou cannot' X4st both managersland m angi.ng mem srs. cn Plaaaa turd. your document, along with a copy of this letter, within 6D days or�our filing will be considered abandoned. If you have any guestione concerning the filing of your document call (850 # 245--6913 . g ' s'e rs' y _ r -11 G:,ti T'iov D1 213105 2:27Pt1 ECFS (((Ho5000249972))) ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT To ARTICLES OP ORGANIZATION Of (Dinar roters, £ACT aTanis £F rra4 yj 3054444977 FIRST: The date of filing of the Articles of Organization WIA February t 1, 2004. SECOND- The following amendment* to the Articles of QrganitFat on wasiwo e adopted by fhe limited Lability Organization: Xa,uiiement title Compaity Section 4 Vague deices sfittfoar44 g pmlian afSnction 4 The Limited Liability Company le to be Munber- Managed. The name and address af the member who is to manage it: Santiago Oise Hernandez Member &o: Cu?rnMed. inc. 3271 NW 701 Street Miami, FL 33125 l statdlruart ffiefotrowinerortirtg eaSsrtiets 4. The Limited Liability Company Fe to be manager niarteged. 'The name and addressor he appointed manager Is: ii$rlaor sapde elm Cilno Med, Inc. 3271 NW 7tih Street /glefn , FL 3312S [rate: This l c ay of November, ZCi4S. SantiEgo Diaz Hernandez Sa& lten6srn fiDimsar anietzekrrs, ACC Marta gar I p.3 0.71