HomeMy WebLinkAboutSchool Board Comments (8.23.06)Superintendent of Schools Rudolph F. Crew, Ed.D. Chief Facilities Officer Rose Diamond Planning Officer Ms. Ana Gelabert-S nchez, Director Planning and Zoning Department City of Miami 444SVVSecond Avenue, 3mFloor Miami, Florida 33130 RE: ILOFTlKA Dear Ms. : giving our students the world Miami -Dade County School Board Agustin J. Barrera, Chair Frank JDolailoo Evelyn Langlieb Greer Dr. Robert B. Ingram Dr. Martin Karp Ana Rivas Logan Dr. Marta P6mz [k 3vhomonC. 3ohxnn Pursuant to the state -mandated and School Board approved |nterlooa| Agreement, local govarnment, the development community and the School Board one to collaborate on the options to address the impact of proposed nuoidenUo| development on public schools where the proposed development would noau|t in an increase in the schools' F1S.H. Y6 utilization (permanent and ne|ooatab|o), in excess of115%.Attached please find the School District's (Diuhic1)analysis of potential impact generated bythe above referenced application. P|oano note that one of the impacted school facilities meets the referenced review threshold. The proposed residential development will impact Citrus Grove Middle currently operating at 139% of F.I.S.H. % utilization. Additionally, atits April 13. 2005mendng. the Board approved School District criteria that would allow, District staff to make recommendations on residential zoning applications that impactpublic schools beyond the 1159& of FISH capacity threshold (Review Criteria). In accordance with the Romiovv Criteria established by the Board, the School District determined that the payment of the required educational facilities impact fo*o for this proposed development will be sufficient to mitigate the impacts at the affected schools. As such, a dialogue between the School District and the above referenced applicant in not required. Aoacourtesy, the attached information ioprovided for informational purposes only. Should you have any questions, please contact yNo. Vivian G. VU|eomU. Director i Facilities Planning. at(305) 995-7287. VSV:mo L000 Attachment cc: Ms. Ana Rijo'Condo.A|CP Mr. Fernando /Ubunmo Mr. Michael A. Levine Mr. Ivan M. Rodhgmz,K& Mr. Kevin VValfor .F1anner Mr. Ben Fernandez, Esquire School Board Administration Building o\ , Miami, Flonid,3J/32 3O5-0SJru05^Fax 3u5'995-4n00^ ols.not APPLICATION: REQUEST: ACRES: LOCATION: MSAJ MULTIPLIER: NUMBER OF UNITS: ESTIMATED STUDENT POPULATION: ELEMENTARY: MIDDLE: SENIOR HIGH: *REVISED* SCHOOL IMPACT REVIEW ANALYSIS August23,2006 Lofihe / Oimorand BroU7ers, LUC Rezoning from R-2"Duplex Residential" (18 DU/ncna)toC4 "Restricted Commercial (150 DU/acre) �+.5net acres 726 NW 32 Place; 725 N\N33Avenue; and 733 NW 33Avmnue Miami 51 /.27 Multifamily and 5 Single -Family (SF) Attached 5Gadditional units 15additional students 7 5 SCHOOLS SERVING AREA OFAPPLICATION ELEMENTARY: MIDDLE: SENIOR HIGH: Existing Zoning 9 SF Attached Kensington Park Elementary —711 NVV3OAvenue Citrus Grove Middle —2153 NVV3 Street Miami Jackson Senior High —1751 NVV3GStreet All schools are located in Regional Center IV. Proposed Zoning 75 Multifamily 20 *Based on Census 2000 information provided by Miami -Dade County Department of Planning and Zoning. The following population and facility capacity data are as reported by the Office of Information Technology, as of October 2005: Kensington Park Elementary Citrus Grove Midle Miami Jackson Senior %onuzArow %unuzArow NUMBER OF FISH DESIGN FISH DESIGN FISH DESIGN ponrxnms oApAc/r/ aruoewr cxpAc/ry cxpxc/ry oruoswr PERMANENT AND cuMuLAT/vc popuuAnow pswMAwswr psnmmwcmr orAnowu msLonxrAaLs nrunswrn~ 1.267 1'274^ 1,263 1.268^ 1.737 1.742^ 956 832 2.10} 133% 135% 152% 152% 80% 81% 368 79 48 1.274 1.445 2,055 *Student population increase msaresult ofthe proposed development °^EaUmabad number ofstudents (cumulative) based on zoning/land use log (2001' present) and assuming all approved developments are built; also assumes none of the prior cumulative students are figured in current population. Notes: 1) Figures above reflect the impact ofthe class size amendment. 2\ Pursuant to the |nter|noa| Agreement, only Citrus Grove Middle School meets the review threshold. PLANNED RELIEF SCHOOLS |NTHE AREA (Information included in proposed 5-Year Capital Plan, 2006-2010, dated July 2006) Projects in Planning, Design or Construction School Status Modular Classroom Addition Under Construction Citrus Grove Middle (711 student stations) Miami Jackson Senior Hi h Replacement (2.565studcnt stations) Proposed Relief Schools School Prm|eotedOccupancy Date 2UO0School Opening Under Construction 2008 School Openinb Fundingymar OPERATING COSTS: Accounting to Financial Affairs, the average cost for K-12 grade students amounts to $0.548 per student. The total annual operating cost for additional students residing in this deve|npment, if approved, would total $98.235. CAPITAL COSTS: Based on the 8tade'n September 2008 student station cost faoors°, capital costs for the estimated additional students to be generated by the proposed development are: ELEMENTARY Does not meet threshold MIDDLE 3 x 19.508 = $50'707 SENIOR HIGH Does not meet threshold Total Potential Capital Cost $58J67 *Based on Information provided by the Florida Department cfEducation, Office of Educational Facilities Budgeting. Cost per student station does not include land cost.