HomeMy WebLinkAboutPAB Fact SheetPLANNING FACT SHEET APPLICANT Ben Fernandez. Euquire, on behalf of Dimar and BroUhers. LLC and Santiago D. Hernandez. REQUEST/LOCATION Consideration of a Major Use Special Permit for the Loft ikm project, located at approximately 3271 & 3289 NW 7th Street. 726NVV32ndPlace, and 725&733NVV33rdAvenue. [F|agami NET District] COMMISSION DISTRICT 1 ZONING DISTRICT(S) Existing: C'1 (Restricted Commercial) R'2(Two'Fani|yResidential) Proposed: C-1 (Restricted Commercial) SITE AREA 1.95± acres (Gross) and 1 .42± acres (Net) LEGAL DESCRIPTION See supporting documentation PETITION Consideration ofaResolution, approving with conditions, aMajor Use Special Permit pursuant toArticles 5.g. 13and 17ofZoning Ordinance No. 11OOO.asamended, for the Loftihmproject, tobe located at approximately 3271 & 3298 NVV7th Street, 726 NW 32nd P|oue. and 725 &733 NVV33rdAvenue, Miami, Florida, to construct an approximate 149'foot. 13'story high mixed use structure tobecomprised ofapproximately 183total multifamily residential units with recreational amenities; approximately 14.875square feet cfoffice space; approximately 11.3OOsquare feet ofretail space; and approximately 473total parking spaces; providing for certain floor area ratio (''FAR'')bonuses. PLANNING RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL with conditions BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS See supporting documentation PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD VOTE: CITY COK8K8NS8|ON CITY OF MI/\MI ° PLANNING DEPARTMENT **4GVvzwnAVENUE, o«oFLOOR ^mmM|.FLORIDA, J31Jo PHONE (305)410'1500 Date Printed: 8/31/2006 Page 1