HomeMy WebLinkAboutTabulation SheetNIR=No Response, $= No Bid Desnaiotion Section A. POLICE EQUIPMENT PURCHASE: Equipment only and includes all standard components regularly supplied with the component, Le. mounting brackets. hardware. etc. 1 LED Ughtbar: Same as a equal to Code 3. Mfg. Model 2147A-1PO2. EM. IXv. U1M A. Crown Victoria 165 Ea 8. Chevy Impata 165 Ea C. Dodge Charger 165 Ea D. Dodge Magnum 165 Ea Can you oiler a bettor standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (Circle one) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: Light/Siren controller. Same as or equal to Code 3, Mfg. Model 3892L6 or the Whelen, 295HFSA6. Controller shalt innckrde integrated siren and right controller with a three (3) level side switch and PA 2 ap yes. A. Crown Victoria 165 Ea B. Chevy lnpata 165 Ea C. Dodge Charger 165 Ea D. Dodge Magnum 165 Ea Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (Circle one). Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: Prepared by TERRY BYRNES, CPPB 09r 0106 TABULATION SHEET 0546435 POIJCE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT a doe Law Enforcement Supply Co. 5404 Airport Blvd. Tampa, FL 33634 N/A /Non -Local 1 Unit price None -Responsive: Extended Pkg. ManufJModetlf Failed to Sign Bid Form as Required 1 Vendor Dana Safety Supply ,. 4737 San Juan Ave. Jacksonville. FL 32210 Female/Non-Local Unit Price Extended Price Manuf./Modeta S 839.00 $ 138,435.00 Whelen CS8MIA $ 539.00 $ 138,435.00 Whelan CS8MIA $ 839.00 $ 138,435.00 Whelan CSBMIA $ 839.00 $ 136,435.00 CSBMIA YES 5 Years 26428 $ 43,602.90 W}elan295HFSRb 25425 5 43.502.90 Whelan 295HFSA5 26425 S 43,602.90 Whelan 295HFSA6 264.26 $ 43.602.90 Whelan 2951-GSA6 NO 2 Years N)R=No Response, $ =No Bid Speaker. Same as or equal to Code 3 Mfg. ldodel CV214 Whalen Eng., Model SA314 3 for vehicle specif.ed. A. Crown Vidalia 165 Ea 8. Chevy Impala 165 Ea C. Dodge Charger 165 Ea D. Dodge Magnum 165 Ea Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds hoop) years? YESINO (Ckcle ore) Please indicate number Of years of standard warranty: 4.Cornwr Strobe Package: Same as or equal b each Whelan 90 watt power 4 supply (CSP690) and four (4) Whalen clear A. Crown Victoria i65 Ea B. Chevy Impala 165 Ea C. Dodge Charger 165 Ea D. Dodge Magnum 165 Ea Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YESINO (Circle one) Pleas. lndratn number of years of standard warranty: Prepared by TERRY BYRNES, CPPB 09/20(08 TABULATION SHEET 05-06-035 POUCE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor t Vendor Law E..(w Lament Supply Co. g Dona Safety Supply 5404 Airport Blvd. s 4737 San Juan Ave Tanga, FL 33634 Jacksomri6e. FL 32210 N/A Mon -Local g FemaleMwFLocal 2 :5 $ $ 9425 $ 15.55125 Wneien SA314P wroacket 9425 5 15.55125 Whalen SA314P wlbacket 9425 $ 15,551.25 Whalen SA314P wibrad et 9425 5 15,55125 Whalen S5314PwJbacket NO 2 Years 171.61 S 28,348.65 Whelan 5e9OCCCCSP 171.61 5 26.348.65 whaler. 564nx'rrrsp 171-51 $ 28.348.65 women 569OCCCCSP 171.31 5 28,346.65 Whalen 5E9OCCCCSP NO 2 Years NIR=No Response, $ .No Bid Deck Light Package: (Items Only) Same as or equal lo Whelan Dash King (DKRSR and DKRSB) or Whalen Talon iLNCVSRB. Package pricing includes one (1) DKRSR and one (1) each DKRSB per vehicle or(1) Whelan Talon TLNCVSRB. A. Crown Victoria 165 Ea B. Chevy Impala 165 Ea C. Dodge Charger 165 Ea D. Dodge Magnum 165 Ea Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds hro(2) years? YESINO (Circle one) Please Indicate number of years of standard warranty: Prisoner Partition: Same as or equal to Troy Products TP-3US-F (75% Lean 1259L mesh) to include 2-PAR 28- driver advantage mountrg Iradware and 2-PAR- 25- lower extension panels (kick plate) for 6 vehicle specified. A. Crown Victoda 165 Ea B. Chevy Impala 165 Ea C. Dodge Charger 165 Ea D. Dodge stagoon 165 Ea Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YESMO (Circle one) Please Indicate number of years of standard warranty: Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB 09/20/06 TABULATION SHEET 05-06035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vender 1-10 Law Enforcement Supply Co. 5404 Airport Blvd. Tampa, FL 33634 NIA Mon -Local Nan -Responsive: Failed to Sign Bid Form as Required Non -Responsive: Failed to Sign Bid Formes Required 3 Vendor t Dana Saltily Supply 4737 San Juan Ave Jacksonville. FL 32210 FematerNon-Loral S 110.88 S 1829520 Whalen DKRSRi01¢ 2SB $ 110.88 s 18,29520 Whele,DKRSR/DKRS6 S 110.88 5 18,29520 Whalen DKRSR/DKR56 h 5 110.88 5 18,29520 Wnekn OKRSR.0104 8 k NO 2 Years 319.73 S 52.755.45 SEf1NA 85-PIFLEP 319,73 $ 52,755.45 SE11NA 115-PIFLEP 319.73 $ 52,755.45 SETINA 85-PhLEP 319.73 $ 52.755.45 SEtlNA 85-P/FLEP POLYCARE YES 3 Years 10 Years NUR=Nri Response. S .No Bid equal to Pro -Gard. Part # 56001 to 19 A. Crown Victoria 165 Ea B. Chevy Impala 165 Ea C. Dodge Charger 165 Ea D. Dodge Magnum 165 Ea Can you otter 1 better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (CIrc% one) Please Indicate number of years of standard warranty: TOTAL ITEMS Section A (1.7) POLICE EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION: (Bidder shag submit pricing for I nsblation only, city supplied equipment components. Inssaladorl prices steal include al requirements asked in the bld Section E. specifications_) snsb9ation of the light bar. siren and speaker per specifications, 3.1 12. 5.31 13. Est. Qv. A. polar Yrdpria 165 Ea B. Chevy Impala 165 Ea C. Dodge Chaser 165 Ea D. Dodge Magnum 165 Ea Can you offer a longer labor warranty Mat exceeds one (1) year? YESINO (Circle ens) Please indicate number of years of tabor warranty: Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB TABULATION SHEET O5-06.015 POIJCE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor 4 Vender Law Enforcement Supply Co. Dana Safety Supply 5404 Airport Btvd. p 4737 San Juan Ave - Tampa. FL 33634 C Jaciaunvife, FL 32210 WA /Non -Local % FenaleMon-Loral i V 4 196.41 196.46 $ $ No Bid No Bid 32,41020 32,41420 S 1,252,792.20 200.00 S 33,000.00 200.00 S 33,000.00 200.00 $ 33,000.00 200.00 S 33,000.00 Pm -Guard S6o01F-G Pro -Guard S52106 Not Avail. Thru Pro -Guard Nol Avail. Thro Pro -Coax! NO 1 Years YES Service Life of Equipment NIRcito Response, Seto Bid InstaOalion of four -corner strobe package 2 per specification 3.12. A. Crow) Victoria B. Chevy impala C. Dodge Charger D. Dodge Magnum Est pM. U!M 165 Ea 165 Ea 165 Ea 165 Ea Can you offer a longer labor warranty that exceeds one (1) year? YESINO (Circle one) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: Installation of rear deck fight package as 3 per specification 3.1.3. Crown Victoria B. Chevy Impala C. Dodge Charger D. Dodge Magnum VLA 165 Ea 165 Ea 165 Ea 165 Ea Can you offer a longer labor warranty that.exc..d5 one (1) year? YesAlo Please Indicate number of years of standard warranty_ Instaa9on of prisoner partition as per 4 specification 3.1.4 Est Gty. UM A. Crorm Victoria 165 Ea B. Chevy Impala 165 Ea C. Dodge Changer 165 Ea D. Dodge Magnum 165 Ea Can you otter a longer tabor warranty that exceeds one (1)year? YES/NO (Circle a.) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: Prepared by TERRY BYRNES, CPPB 09126ro6 TABULATION SHEET 05-06-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT '7 Vendor Law Enforcement Supply Co. 5404 Airport Blvd. Tampa, FL 33634 VA Non -Load Non -Responsive: Failed to Sign Bid Form as Required 5 V ndoT Dam Safety Supply 4737 San Juan Ave. Jacksonville. FL 32210 Female/Non-Local 133.00 $ 21,945.90 133.00 S 21.945.00 133 00 S 21,945.00 $ 133.00 $ 21.945.00 38.00 $ 6,270 00 38.00 $ 6,270.00 38.00 $ 6270.00 38.00 $ 6270.00 65.00 $ 10,725.00 65.00 S 19.725.00 65.00 $ 10725.00 65.00 S 10,725.00 YES Service Life of Equipment YES Service Life of Equipment Tie- Breaker Both Bidders submitted Drug Free Workplace Policy. Award made than to Local Vendor (City then llireni-0ade County) YES Service Life of Equipment TABULATION SHEET 05.06-035 POUCE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT v i_ALd.gs Law Enforcement Supply Co. 74 5404 Airport Blvd. Tana, FL 33634 N/A /Non -Local N/Rallo Response, $ =No Bid Installation of prisoner seal as per 5 specification 3.1.5. 5 Eat Qtv. U/M 4,;- A. Crown Victoria 165 Ea F1' B. Chevy Impala 165 C. Dodge Chanter 165 Ea et: D. Dodge Magnum 165 Ea Can you offer a longer labor warranty that exceeds one ill year? YES/NO (Circle one) Please Indicate number of years of standard warranty: installation of complete emergency equipment package to include light bar, siren, speaker, four-COMer strobe package. deck lighls, prisoner partition and prisoner seat (tum-key) aS per specification 3.1.1. through 3.1.6 A. Crown Victoria 165 Ea B. Chevy lenpats 165 Ea C. Dodge Chaiger 165 Ea D. Dodge Magnum 165 Ea Can you offer a longer labor -warranty that exceeds one (1) year? YESINO (Circle one) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: TOTAL ITEMS Section B: (1-6) Vehicle Emergency Equipment L:atarog Discount (Bidders need not bid on all Catalogues) Vendor MUST submit Section C: current catalogue liot prices along with Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB imam Non -Responsive: Failed to Sign Elkl Form as Required Vendor Dana Safety Supply 4737 San Juan Ave. Jacksonvile. FL 32210 FernaietNon-Locai $ s s $ $ s 60.00 $ £1.900.00 60.00 5 9,900.00 60.00 5 9,900.00 60.00 $ 9,900.00 446.00 $ 61,640.00 496.00 $ 61,640.00 496.00 $ 61,640.00 496.00 $ 51,640.00 654,7213,00 YES Service Life Of Equipment YES Service Life of Equipment NIRM1Io Response, $ 440 Bid Item A Whelan Catalog B. Federal Signal Catalog C. Code 3 Public Safety Equipment D. Troy Industries Catalog E. Adamson Industries Catalog F. Ray Allen Manufacturing Can pdny Catalog G. Ha+a-Shields Manufachairg Company Calabg H. Radiolonics. Inc_ Catalogue Total Items Section C (A-H): Section D. Labor Rah: (Bidder shall indicate epee' hour' shop labor rate for miscellaneous individual repairs andfor installation of police vehicle equipment components purchased hum catalogue and applicable offered discount percentages.) Labor Rate Per Haw for Miisc. Individual Repairs a ndlor Installation of equipment purchased undercatatog(s) 2 Warranty on work performed: Days to complete work after receipt of purchase order Vendor's Mien -Dade services location. Total items Section D: TOTAL ALL SECTIONS (A - DI: TABULATION SHEET 0$-06 4135 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor Law Enforcement Supply Co. 5404 Airport Blvd. Tampa, FL 33634 ddA Mon -Local Failed to Sign Bid Form as Required Vendor tE Dana Safety Supply 4737 San .ltom Ave. Jacksonville, FL 32210 Female/Non-Load 45% X$100 $ 0% X $100 $ 0% XSt00 $ 0% X $100 S 0% X$100 S 0% X$100 $ 30% XSt00 $ 0% X $100 $ 55.00 70.00 125.00 Par $ 70.00 Service Lite of Equtpmerrt 1372 NW 78 Ave-, Doral, FL 33126 $ 70.00 $ 1,907,70720 Prepared by TERRY BYRNES, CPPS 02r2W06 7 NIR=No Response, $ +=No Sid Section E. F1REJRESCUE EQUIPMENT PURCHASE:/Equipment only and includes a0 standard components regularly supplied with the component, i.e. inounthtg brackets, hardware. etc.) Bid price quoted will be for an estimated total of 303 vehicles, based on the vehicle Make and Model to be out fitted. Items wi8 be installed for Fire - Rescue emergency response vehicles {subject to change): LED Lightbar Same SS or equal to Wbelen 1 Teton Soper -LED Red (FLN1-R) Est gilY SL AL Dodge Durango 303 Ea B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea C. Chevy Blur 333 Ea D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea F. Van MID) 303 Ea Can you fifer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (Circe en.) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: Same as or equal to Whalen Low Profile 2 Head80er Mount Bracket (ILNSKT1) A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea C. Choy Blazer 303 Ea D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea E_ Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea F, Van (IBD) 303 Ea Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YESINO (Circle one) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: TABULATION SHEET 00-06-035 POLCE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor Law Enforcement Supply Co. 5404 Airport Blvd. Tampa, FL 33634 WA Mon -Local Non -Responsive: Failed to Sign Bid Form as Required 4 Vendor Y Dana Safety Supply - 4737 San Juan Ave. dadrsanvllle, FL 32210 Female/Non-Local 91.48 $ 27,718.44 WHELENTLN1-R 91.48 $ 27.718.44 WHELEN TLN1-R 91.46 $ 27,718.44 WHELENTLNI-it 91.48 $ 27,718.44 WHELENTLN1-R 91.48 $ 27,718.44 WHELEN TLN1-R 91AB $ 27,718.44 WIIELENTl.N1-R Yes 5 5.97 S 1808.91 WHELENTLN8KT1 5.97 $ 1,808.91 WHELEN TLNBKT1 5.97 $ 1,808.91 WHELEN TLNBKTI 5.97 $ 1,808.91 WHELEN TLNBKTI 5.97 S 1,808.91 WHELEN TLNBIRI 5.97 S 1.308.91 WHELEN TLNBKTI No Prepared by TERRY BYRNES, CPPB 09f201 6 8 NIR=Na Response, S .No Bid Same as or equal io Whalen Talon Dual Super -LED Red/Red (TLN2-RR) for vehicle 3 specified. Est...gtt, WM A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea C. Chevy Blazer 903 Ea D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea E Jeep Clenches 303 Ea F. Van (TBD) 303 Fa Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two {2} years? YESINO (Circle are) Please Indicate number of years of standard warranty: Same as or equal to Whalen Talon Dual 4 Super -LED Redfied (TLN2-RR) Est Qfy: UM A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea 8. Chevy Tahoe - 303 Ea C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea D. Dodge Stratus 903 Ea E. .keep Cherokee 303 Ea F. Van (TBD) 303 Ea Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YESIHO (Circle one) Please Indicate number of years of standard warranty: Same as or equal b Whalen Low PmHe Mounting Bracket For TLN2 only 5 (fLNSKT2) Est Qtr. M. A. Dodge Durango 903 Ea B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea 5. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea F. Van (TBD) 303 Ea Can you offer a better standard warranty that exoaeds two (2) years? YESINO {Circle one} Please *cleats number of years of standard warranty TABULATION SHEET 05.06-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Ve�dr Law Enforcement rent Supply Co. 5404 A'vport Blvd. Tampa, FL 33634 WA /Non -Local Non -Responsive: Failed to Sign Bid Farm IS Required 4 re - Vender Dana Safety Supply 4737 San Juan Ave. Jacksonville, FL 32210 FelrreleiNnn-L0cal S S 179.18 S 5429154 WHELEN TNR2RR 179.10 S 54291.54 WHELEN TNR2RR 179.16 S 54251.54 WHELEN TNR2RR 179.18 S 54,291.54 WHELEN TNR2RR 179.18 S 54291.54 WHELEN TNR2RR 179.18 S 54291.54 WIIELENTHR2RR Yes 5 179.18 S 54,29154 WHELEN TNR2RR 179.18 S 54291.54 WHELEN TNR2RR 179.18 S 54,291.54 WHELEN TNR2RR 179.18 S 54291.54 WHELENTNR2RR 179.18 S 54,291.54 WHELEN TNIt2RR 179.18 S 54,291.54 WHELEN TNR2RR Yes 5 6.15 S 1.883.45 WHELEN TLNBKT2 6.15 S 1,863.45 WHELEN TLNBKT2 6.15 S 1,663.45 WHELEN TLNBKT2 6.15 5 1,863.45 WHELEN TLNBKT2 6.15 S 1,863.45 WHELEN TLNBKT2 6.15 S 1,863.45 WHELEN TLNBKT2 NO Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB 09/20106 9 TABULATION SHEET 05-06035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor Law Enforcement Supply Co. 5404 Airport Blvd. j-; Tampa. FL 33634 WA /Non -Local NWR=No Response, $_44o Bid Same as or equal to Whelan 400 Series Single Level Linear -LED Super -LED Red sear Lens (400 SERIES LED R) Est. Qty. U110 X. A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea 14 B. Chevy Tahoe _ 303 Ea C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea D Dodge Stratus 303 Ea E. hap Cherokee 303 Ea F. Van (TBD) 303 Ea Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (Circle one) Please Indiicate number of years of standard warranty: Same as or equal to Wheten grille master 7 black hsusing wr swivel bracket (4EGRILB) Est Qty. WM A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea C. Chevy BErser 303 Fa D Dodge Stratus 303 Ea E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea F. Van (TBD) 303 Ea Can you offer a better standard warrantytlrat exceeds two (2) years YESINO (Circle one) Please Indicate number of years etstandard warranty. Same as or equal 10 Whelen 60-watt Undercover Strobe Package wv 2-15'. 2-30' Cables (S66OcCCCSP) Est. ON. Dodge Durango 303 Ea B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea C. ivy Buser 303 Ea D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea E Jeep Charmless 303 Ea F. Van (TBD1 303 Ea Can you offer a better standard warranty But exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (Climb one) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: Vendor it Dana Safety Supply 4737 San Juan Ave. ii .ladts0lwi0e, Fi. 32210 FemaleIon-Local $ 7858 S 23,803.68 WHELEN 40R022CR*4EGR1LB f $ 78.56 $ 23.863.66 WHELEN 40R022CR+4EGRILB $ 78.56 $ 23,803.68 WHELEN4OR02ZCR+4EGRILB S 78.56 $ 23.803-68 WHELEN 4OR02ZCR+4EGR1LB $ 7856 $ 23103.68 WHELEN 40R02ZCR+4EGi1 LB $ 78.56 $ 23.803.68 WHELEN 40R02ZCR+4EGR1LB t (Includes Bracket on Line 7) t Yes 2 p $ 78.56 $ 23.803.68 INCLUDED 11,1 LINE 6 $ 78.56 S 23,803.68 INCLUDED IN LINE 6 $ 7856 S 23,803.68 INCLUDED IN LINE 6 .a. S 7656 S 23.803.68 INCLUDED IN LINE 6 y $ 78.56 $ 23,803.68 INCLUDED IN LINE 8 's $ 78.56 $ 23,803.68 INCLUDED IN LINE 6 k S $ S S $ $ No 2 153.42 3 46,48626 WHELEN S660CCCCSP 153.42 S 46•48626 WHELEN S660CCCCSP 153.42 $ 46.48626 WHELEN 8660rrJT SP 153.42 S 46,48626 WHELEN S660CCCC SP 153.42 $ 46,48626 WHELEN S660CCCCSP 153.42 S 46.486.26 WHELEN S660CCCCSP No 2 Prepared by TERRY BYRNES, CPPB 09R0/06 10 NIRIo Response, S=fo Bid A. B. C. D. E. F. 10 A- B. C. D. E. F. Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB 09/20/06 Same as or equal to Whelan Headlight F (UHF215OA) Est Qlv. 303 303 303 303 303 303 Dodge Durango Chevy Tahoe Chevy Blazer Dodge Stratus Jeep Cherokee Man (TBD) Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds Iwo (2) years? YESINO (Circle one) Please iudicale number of years of standard warranty. Same as or equal to Whelan Wall Speaker 1W SSABKT9 mounting bracket (SA314P) Dodge Durango Chivy Tahoe Chevy Blazer Dodge Stratus Jeep Cherokee Van (TBD) Es4 Qtv. 303 303 303 303 303 303 Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two C2) years? YESINO (Circle one) Please Indicate number of years of standard warranty: Same as or equal to Star Control— Unistar Command Center (LCS88000NTOLER) Dodge Durango Chevy Tahoe Chevy Blazer Dodge Stratus Jeep Cherokee Van (MD) Es4 ON• 303 303 303 303 303 303 Can you offer a better standard warranty dial exceeds two (2) years? YESINO (Circle one) Please indurate motor of years of standard warranty: Ea Ea Ea Ea Ea Ea Ea Ea Ea Ea U1M Ea Ea Ea Ea Ea Ea TABULATION SHEET 05-06-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY Egt11PMENT Vendor _ Law Enforcement Supply Co. 5404 Airport Bvd. Tampa, FL 33634 NIA /Non -Local Norvliesponeiwn Failed to Sigh Bid form as Required Vendor Dana Safety Supply 4737 San Juan Ave. Jacksonville. FL 32210 Female/Non-Local 22.82 22.82 22.82 22.62 22.82 22.82 9425 9425 9425 9425 9425 9425 253.60 253.60 253.60 253 60 253.60 253.60 5 $ $ $ 5 S 5 6,914.48 8,914.46 8,914.46 6.914.46 6.914.48 6,914.46 28,557.75 28.557-75 28,557.75 28,557.75 28,557.75 28,57.75 $ 76,840.80 $ 76.840.80 $ 76,a4o.ao $ 76,840.80 $ 76,840.80 $ 76,840.80 WHELEN UHF2150A WHELEN UHF2150A WHELEN UHF2150A WHELEN UHF2150A WHELEN UHF2150A WHELEN UHF2150A No 2 WHELEN SA314P Wt BKT KIT WHELEN SA314P WI BKT KIT WHELEN SA314P WIBKT KIT WHELEN SA314P WI BKT KIT WHELEN SA314P WI BKT Kff WHELEN SA314P W/ BKi KIT No 2 STAR LCS660 STAR LC5880 STAR LCSB80 STAR LCS81BO STAR LC5B60 STAR LCS860 No 2 N1R No Response, $ =No Bid 12 Same as or equal to Headlight Flasher (Wg-wag} Est Qty. UM A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea A. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea E Jeap Cherokee 303 Ea F. Van (TBD) 303 Ea Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) yeas? YES/NO (Circle one) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: TOTAL ITEMS SECTION E (1 -12): FIRE/RESCUE EQU1PMENT INSTALLATION: (Bidder shall submit pricing for installation only, city supplied equipment components. Irnta1ation prices shall include all requirements listed in the bid Section F. specifications.) LED Lghibar: Same as or equal to Whalen 1 Takla Super -LED Red (TLN1-R) Est. Qlv. UM A Dodge Durango 303 Ea B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea D. Dodge Stratus - 303 Ea E. Jeep Cherokee 393 Ea F. Van (TBD) 303 Ea Can you over a trotter standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (Circle one) Pleas* indicate number of years of standard warranty: TABULATION SHEET 05.06.035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Law Enforcement Supply Co. 5404 Airport Blvd. Tanma, Fir 33634 N/A Mon -Local Non -Responsive: Kr Failed to Sign Bid Form as Required } Vendor a9Dace Safety Supply 4737 San Juan Ave. 3acksoarle, Fir 32210 {£ Fernald/ton-Local $ S $ 22.82 $ 6.914.46 WHELEN UHF2150A 22.82 $ 6,914.45 WHELEN UHF2150A 22.82 S 13,914.46 WHELEN UHF2150A 22.82 $ 6,914.46 WHELEN UHF2150A 22.82 $ 6914.46 WHELENUHF2150A 22.62 $ 6.914.46 WHELENUHF2150A $ 2.119,769_02 25.00 $ 7,575.00 25.00 $ 7,575.00 25.00 5 7,575.00 25.00 S 7,575.00 25.00 $ 7,575.10 k. 5 25.00 $ 7,575.00 k Includes Bracket - Line Ban 2 s $ No 2 Yes Through Services Life of Equipment Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB moms 12 N/R=No Response, $ =lo Bid Same as or equal to Whalen Lad Profile 2 Headfnrer Mount Bracket (TLNBKTS) A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea D. Dodge Strays 303 Ea E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea F. Van (TBD) 303 Ea Can you otter a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES1NO (Circle one) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: Same as or equal to Whalen Talon Dual Super -LED Red/Red (LN2-RR} For vehicle 3 spers0ed. Eat. Qtv. ULM A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea B. Chevy Tahoe. 303 Ea C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea F. Van (TBD) 303 Ea Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2( years? YES/NO (CIrde anal Please Indicate number of years of standard warranty: TABULATION SHEET 05.06035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT VMd4r ,N. Vantlar Law Enforcement Supply Co. Dana Safety Supply 5404 Airport Blvd. +. 4737 San Juan Ave. Tampa. FL 33634 Jatksomdle. FL 322t0 WA Non -Local Female/Non-Local NonRasponsive_ Faied to Sign Bid Form as Required Nonaiasponsive: Failed to Sign Bid Form as Required g Na Charge when $ installed $ with Line Item t $ No Charge when 5 installed S with Line hem t 30.00 $ 9090.00 5 30.00 S 9090.00 $ 30.00 $ 9090.00 k.. S 30.00 $ 9096.00 S 30.00 g 9.09000 S 30.00 S 9.090.00 Yes Through Services Life of Equipment Yes Through Services life of Equipment Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB 09/20106 13 NIRFNo Response. $_ No Bid Sane as or equal to Whalen Talon Dual 4 Super -LED Red/Red (fLoziiR) EstON- WM A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea D. Dodge Shatter 303 Ea E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea F. Van (TBD) 303 Ea Can you offer a bettor standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (Circle one) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: Same as or equal b Whelan Low Profile Mounting Bracket For TLN2 only (2LN91(T2) Est Q. S(:lra o. Dodge Durango 303 Ea a. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea C. Chevy BtazeT 303 Ea D. Dodge Shams 303 Ea E. beg Cherokee 303 Ea F. Van (TBD) 303 Ea Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (Circle one) Please indicate number of years of standard warrardy: TABULATION SHEET os-oB-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor von Law Enforcement Supply Co. i Dana Safety Supply 5409 Airport Blvd. 4737 San Juan Ave. Tampa. FL6i4 Jacksonvale. FL 32210 N/A Non -Local -g FemaiefN0n Loc l Non -Responsive: Failed to Sign Bid Form as Required Non -Responsive: Failed to Sign Bid Form as Required x 0 30.00 $ 9.090.00 '', $ 30.00 5 9,090.00 w 5 30.00 $ 9.090.00 3' $ 30.90 5 9.090.00 $ 30.00 5 9,090.00 :- $ 30.00 $ 9.090.00 iii Includes Bracket - Line Them 5 Yes Through Services Life of Equipment $ No Charge when g installed $ with Line Nam 4 g No Charge when g instated g with Una item 4 Yes Through Services Life of Equipment Prepares! by TERRY BYRNES, CPPB 0912666 1A Aerty ter 47/5/4A rorp4$ lee NIR=No Response, S =No Bid Same as or equal to Whelan 400 Series Single Level Linear -LED Super -LED Red 6 rdC1 Lens (40D SERIES LED R) Est. City. WM A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea D. Dodge Straka 303 Ea E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea F. Van (TED) 303 Ea Can you otter a better standard warranty that exceeds two f2) years? YES/NO (CIrcte one) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: Same as or equal to Whelan gone master 7 black housing w, snivel bracket (4EGRILB) Est QM. A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea B Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea C. Chevy Bar 303 Ea D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea F. Van (TBD) 303 Ea Can you otter a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO {Circle one) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: TABULATION SHEET 05.06-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor Law Enforcement Supply Co. 5404 Aimed Blvd. Tampa. FL 33634 NiA /Jon -Local Non -Responsive: Failed to Sign Bid Form as Required 41. Vendor Dana Safety Supply 4737 San Juan Ave. Jacksonville, FL 32210 FemaloSton-Local R $ zz.oD $ 6,666.00 1` $ 22.00 S 6,666.00 $ 72.40 S 6,660.00 $ 22.00 $ 6,686.00 22.00 $ 6.666.00 S 22.00 $ 6,666.00 a includes Bracket- Line Item 7 Yes Through Services Life of Equipment S No Charge when 5 installed $ with Line Item 6 $ No Charge when $ installed S with Line gem 6 Yes Through Services Lite of Equipment Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB 00120506 15 NIRt10 Response, $_=No Bid Some as or equal to Whelan 60watt Undercover Strobe Package vd 2-15', 230' Cables (5660CCCCSP) Ess-oY 5Lli A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea a. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea C. Chevy Blazer . 303 Ea D. Dodge Stratus 30] Ea E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea F. Van (TID) 303 Ea Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years7 YES/NO (Circle one) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: 9 Same as or equal lo Whelen Headlight Flasher (UHF2150A) Es4 ON. UNA A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea C Chevy Blazer 303 Ee D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea F. Van (TBD) 303 Ea Can you offera better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) yaars7 YES/NO (Circle one) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty. Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. co 09RO/06 TABULATION SHEET 05A6-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor Law Enforcement Supply Co. 5404 Airport Blvd. Ta+pa, FL 33634 N/A /Non -Loral Non -Responsive: Failed to Sign Bid Form as Required 16 ender Dana Safety Supply 4737 San Juan Ave. Jackaonwale. FL 32210 Ffontocal 2 $ 169,00 S 51207.00 S 169.00 5 51207.00 z $ 169.00 S 51207,00 3 169.00 $ 51207.00 3 169.00 S 51,207.00 $ 169.00 $ 51207.00 25.00 $ 7575,00 5 25.00 S 7575.00 5 255.00 3 7,575.00 g 3 25.00 $ 7,575.00 k S 25.00 S 7.575.00 C $ 25.00 $ 7,575.00 Yes Through Services Life of Equipment Yes Through Sexvices Life of Equipment NIRNlo Response. $ 47o Bid Same as or equal to Whelan Watt Speaker 10 wr*SABKT9 mounting bracket (SA314P) ESL Qtv. WM A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea B. Chary Tahoe 303 Ea C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea F. Van (TBD) 303 Ea Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES010 (Circle one) 'Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: 11 Command Center (LCS88000HTOLER) Est Otv. U1M A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea F. Van CThD) 303 Ea Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (Circle one) Please Indicate number of years of standard warranty: Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB 09R0196 TABULATION SHEET 05.06-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor ,- Vendor Law Enforcement Supply Co. i., Dana Safety Supply 5404 Airpod Blvd. ' 4737 San Juan Ave. Tampa. FL 33634 Jackzonvte. FL 32210 NIA Mon -Local ` Female/Non-Local Non -Responsive: Failed to Sign Bid Farm as Required 17 10.00 $ 3,030.00 10.00 $ 3.030.00 10.00 $ 3.030.00 10.00 $ 3.030.00 10.00 $ 3430.00 10.00 S 3,030.00 110.00 5 33.330.00 110.00 S 33,330.00 110.00 $ 33,330.00 110.00 5 33.330.00 110.00 $ 33.330.00 110.00 $ 33,330.00 Yes Through Services Life of Equipment Yes Through Services Life oT Equipment proved or Desgnee/5A NIRNio Response, $: No Bid 12 Same as or equal to Headlight Flasher (Wig-wdp) Est. Qty. UIM A Dodge Durango 303 Ea a. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea F. Van (TBD) 303 Ea Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (Circle one) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty TOTAL. ITEMS SECTION F (1 - 12); Vehicle Emergency Equipment Catalog Discount (Bidders need not bid on all Catalogues) Vendor MUST submit current catalogue fist prices along with Section 6: bid. Item WI Kk r Catalog Federal Signal Catalog Code 3 Public Safety Equipment 4 Troy Industries Catalog 5 Adamson Inch/sties Catalog 6 Ray Allen Manufacturing Company Catalog 7 Havis-Shields Manufacturing Company Catalog 0 Radiotmnics, Inc. Catalogue TOTAL ITEMS SECTION G (1-8): TABULATION SHEET 0506-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor Law Enforcement Supply Co_ ' 5404 Airport Blvd. Tampa, F133634 T' NIA Rion -Local Non -Responsive: Failed to Sign Bid Form as Required t Dana Safety Supply vs 4737 San Juan Ave. 7 Jacksonville. FL 32210 1 Female/Non-Local s $ S 25.00 S 7.575.00 25.00 S 7.575.00 25.00 $ 7,575.00 25.00 $ 7,575.00 25.00 $ 7.575.00 25.00 $ 7,575.00 S 610,626.00 45% XS100 S 0% X $100 S 0% %Sew $ 0% XS100 S 0% X S100 $ 9% XS100 5 30% X $103 $ 0% XS100 S S 5500 70.00 125.00 Yes Through Sdnices Life of Equipment Prepared by TERRY BYRNES, CPPB 09f19106 16 N/R410 Response. S =No Bld Section H. Labor Rate: (Bidder shall indicate ever Inuf shop labor rate for miscellaneous individual repairs a Wor insWGation of police vehicle equipment cpmponerds purchased from catalogue and applicable offered discount percentages.) Labor Rate Per Hour for Misc. Individual Repairs and/or installation of 1 equipment purchased under catalogs) 2 Warranty on work performed: Vendor's Miami -Dade services location: TOTAL ITEMS SECTION H : TOTAL ALL SECTIONS (E - H}: Delivery of Goods after Receipt of PO: instaladan of Goode after Receipt of PO: TOTAL ALL SECTIONS (A - H}: 'Location of Installation Facility: SUB -CONTRACTORS MUST BE IDENTIFIED: Notes and Comments: Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB 09Yt0f06 TABULATION SHEET 05-06-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT lLeffilsz Lahr Enforcement Supply Co. 5404 Airport Blvd. Tampa, FL 33634 N/A /Noe -Local Non -Responsive: Failed to Sign Bid Form as Req*ed 19 Vendor Dana Safety Supply 4737 San Juan Ave, Jacksonville, ille, FL 32210 Female/Non-Local S 70.00 j 70.00 j 811,023.00 30 40 $ 2.718,73020 x 1972 NW 78 Ave.. Dural. FL 331226 �i Trrr irk Nan. of Suboonbmelor SELF Through Services Liire of Equipment Abepiracsofa oa.av bar oean.no.st NIRIIo Response, S_o Bid Description Section A. POLICE EQUIPMENT PURCHASE: Equipment only and Includes all standard components regularly supplied with the canpo6Mnt. ig mounting brackets. hardware. etc. 1 A. B. C. D. Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB 09/20/06 TABULATION SHEET 0S-06o14 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor Emergency Vehicle Supply, LLG 4661 Johnson Rd.#1 Coconut peek. A. 33073 No. Minority l Non -Local LED L1gMbar: Same as or equal to Code 3. M1g. Model 2147A-MPD2. WA Unit Price 165 Ea :t S 995.00 165 Ea S 995.00 165 Ea S 995.00 165 Ea 3 995.00 Croon Victoria Chevy Impala Dodge Charger Dodge Magnum Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YESINO (Circle one) Please indrole number of years of standard warranty Lhghtr5iren controller. Same as or equal to Code 3. Mfg. Model 3892L6 a the Whe481. 295NF5A6. ControlSer shall include integrated siren and right mnhoaer With a three {3) level side snitch and PA Grimm Victoia Chevy Inmate Dodge Charger Dodge Magnin 165 165 165 165 Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES690 (Circle ace) Please lni5cate number of years of standard warrant". Ea Ea Ea S 220.00 S 220.00 S 220.00 S 22000 Extended Price $ 164.175.00 S 164,175.00 3 164.175.00 $ 164.175.00 36.300.00 36.300.00 36.300.00 36,30000 1 ManulJYode9 Feder0E Signal Argent 62.1.1PD Argent 52-LIPD Argent S2-1APD YES 5 Years Federal Signs{ FS-64000LPD FSC640004APD FSC-640004RD YES 5 Years Vendor Adamson Industries Corp. 314 South Broadway Laurence, AIA 01843 Female! Non -Loral Unit Price Non -Responsive: No Instal/aeon Facility Located in Mtarrri.Dade or Broward County As Required Extended Price ManufJMode9 Non -Responsive: No Installation Facilely Located in Miami -Dade or Broward County As Required APProved Director or Designee NIR.Na Response, S Milo Bid Speaker- Same as or equal in Code 3 Mfg. Model CV214 Whalen Eng-. Model SA314 3 for vehicle specified. A. Crown Ymcb[ia 165 EB B. Chevy Impala 165 Ea C. Dodge Charger 165 Ea D. Dodgems 165 Ea Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds TWO (2) years? YES/NO (Circle one) Please intimate number of years of standard warranty: 4 Corner Strobe Package: Same as or equal to each Whelan 90 watt power 4 supply (CSP690) and four (4) Whalen deer A. Gown Victoria B. Chary impala C. Dodge Charger D. Dodge Magnum TABULATION SHEET 09-06.35 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor i} Emergency Vehicle Supply. LLC 4661 Johnson Rd al Coconut Creak, FL 33073 Noo-kknority / Noo-Local S S iS 78-00 79.00 99.00 99.00 165 Ea S 184.00 165 Ea ..i S 184.00 165 Ea S 164.00 165 Ea S 164.00 Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (Circle one} Please Indicate number of years of standard warranty: 12.870.00 Federal Signal 12 870.00 FSC.75050149D 16,335.00 FSC.MS100. PO 16.335.00 FSGM5100.4APD YES 5 Years S 30.360.00 FSC Or Nova $ 30.360.00 690 Shop S 30,360.00 10t S 30,360.00 YES 5 Yeas Vendor Adamson Industries Corp- 314 South Broadway Laureumce, MA 01843 Female /Non -Local Non -Responsive: No Installation Facility Located in MiamiDade or Braward County As Required Prapaed by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB 09/20/06 2 PER-4lO Response, $ =No Bid Deck Light Package: (tams Orly) Same as or equal to Whelan Dash Kong (DKRSR and DKRSB) or Wren Talon TLNCV5RB. Package pricing includes one (1)DKRSR and one (1) each DKRSB 5 per vehicle or (t) Whalen Talon TLNCVSRB. A. Crown Victoria 165 Ea B. Chevy hnpala - 165 Ea C Dodge Chaff 165 Ea D. Dodge Magnum 165 Ea Can you oiler a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (Circle one) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: Prisoner Partition: Same as or equal ki Troy Products TP3115-F (75% Leman r25% mesh) to include 2-PAR-28- driver advantage mounting hardware and 2-PAR- 25- lower extension pares (kick plates) for 6 vehkle specified. A. Crowrn Victoria 165 6. Chevy Impala 165 C. Dodge Chw5er 165 D. Dodge Magnum 165 Can you offer a boner standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (Circle one) Phase Indicate number of years of standard warranty: Prepared by TERRY BYRNES, CPPS 09/20A6 TABULATION SHEET 05.u6-035 POUCE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor Emergency Vehicle Supply, LLC 4661 Johnson Rd.P1 Coconut Creek, FL 33073 Nan-Mincery Non -Loral 4 fi 4 s S 51.65 51.E+5 51.65 51.65 Ea S 415.OD Ea S 415.00 Ea l 5 415.00 Ea j5 415.00 $ 8,52225 $ 652225 $ 8.522.25 $ 8,52225 FSC Or Nord Viper Single @ S89.00 YES 5 Years $ 68.475.00 Tiny Mfg. $ 68,475.00 TP-TSWO33-F $ 66.475.00 7P-TSVU83e-F $ 68,475.00 TP4SW938-F YES 5 yeas Yendpr Adamson Industries Corp. 314 South Broaden), Lawrence, MA 01843 v Female / Non -Local Non -Responsive: No *Magadan Facility Looted in Mlarni-0ad5 or Broward County As Required • e. 3 . _.. = . _.,., Designee TABULATION SHEET 05-06-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT 1 Ir. Emergency Vehicle Supply, LLC t 4561 Johnson RdAl .-„ Coconut Cieek. FL 33073 t' Non -Minority / Non -Local NIR=No Resporwe $ .lo Bid "., 7 equal to Pro-Gatif, Part # 56005 to fit ... % A. 165 Ea t S 225.65 S 3723225 CrOVRI Vittoria B. Chevy impala 165 Ea : 5 27.5.65 6 3723225 C. Dodge Charger 165 Ea li $ 225.65 $ 37,232.25 D. Dodge Magnum 165 Ea t $ 225.65 s 37.23225 .',. Can you offer a better standard %warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (Ord. one) Please ireNcate number of years of standard w TOTAL ITEMS Section A: {1-7) POLICE EQUIPMENT INSTALLATiON: (Bidder shall Submit pdcing for installation only. city supplied equipment components. instaltatioe prim shall include all requirements listed in the bid Section B. specifications.) $ 1,364,203.50 installation of the light bar. alien aid Speaker per spedricalions, 1 3.1.12., Esck. te,. t; A. Crean Victoria 165 Ea $ 350.00 $ 57.75000 B. Chevy Impala 165 Ea 5. $ 350.00 $ 57,750.00 C. Dodge Charger 165 Ea ;t- $ 350.00 S. 57,750.00 D. Dodge Magnum 165 Ea ''.! $ 350.00 $ 57,750.00 Can you offer a longer labor warranty that exceeds one (1) year/ YES/NO (Circle one) Please intricate number of years of labor warranty: Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB 09/20/06 4 Pro -Guard 56001-S-G Pro-Gum:1 S600-s-F-G YES 5 Years YES 5 Years ; Vendor Adamson Induislrias Corp. 314 South Broadway Lawence, MA 01643 7 Female 1 Non -Loral Non-Riesponsive: No Installation Facility Located in kliami,Dade er Broward County As Required NiR to Response, $ =Pilo Bid 2 A. 6. C. D. 3 A. B. C. D. Installation of four comer strobe package per specifrcahon 3.12. Est _ 11�M TABULATION ET POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor Emergency Vehicle Supply, n n C 4661 Johnson Rd.1i1 Coconut Creek, FL 33073 Non-Mmorityl Non -Local Cron n Vittoria 165 Ea $ 140.00 $ 23.100.00 Chevy Impala 165 Ea \: $ 140.00 $ 23.100.00 Dodge Charger 165 Ea `i $ 140.00 $ 23.100.03 Dodge Magnum 165 Ea $ 140.00 $ 23,100.00 Can you offer a longer labor warranty that exceeds one CO yea? YES/NO (Circle oriel Please Irndicala number of years of standard warranty: installation or rear deck fight package as per specification 3.1.3. Est110f. WM Crown Vicio6a 165 Ea $ 65.00 $ 10,725.00 Chevy I npala 165 Ea $ 65.00 $ 10.725.00 Dodge Charger 165 Ea `-,' $ 65.00 $ 10.725.00 Dodge Min 165 Ea $ 65.00 $ 10.725.00 Can you offer a longer labor warranty Mat exceeds on. (1) year7 Yes/No Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: YES 5 Years YES 5 Years Installation of prisoner par$eon as per 4 _ specification 3.1.4 USA Tie -Breaker A. Crown Victoria 165 Ea $ 65.00 5 10,725.00 Both Bidders eueminad Drug Free 6. Chevy impala 165 Ea T $ 65.00 $ 10.725.00 Workplace Policy. C. Dodge Charger 165 Ea _- 5 65.00 $ 10.725.00 Award..d.ewc to Lein Vandw D. Dodge Magnum 165 Ea i $ 65.00 $ 10.725.00 (City then MomtDdr County) Can you offer a longer labor warranty that exceeds one (1) year? YESMO (Circle one) Pleas* indicate number of years of standard warranty: Prepared by TERRY BYRNE6, CPPB 09f20106 5 YES 5 Years Vendor Admnson Industries Corp. 314 South Broadway Lawrence. MA 01843 _: Female 1 Non -Local TABULATION SHEET 05-06-035 POUCE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vs Emergency Vehicle supply. iLC 4661 Johnson Rd.#i Coconut Creek, FL 33073 Non -Minority / Non -Local NIR'Io Response, $_=No Bid Installation of prisoner seat as per 5 specification 3-1.5. Fst, ply. Udall .. A Crown VIclona 165 Ea S 65.00 $ 10,725.00 a. Chevy Impala 165 Ea $ 65.00 $ 10,725.00 C. Dodge Charger 165 Ea '.. S 65.00 S 10.725.00 D. Dodge Magnum 165 Ea - $ 65.00 5 10.725.00 Can you Mier a longer labor warranty that exceeds one (1) year? YES/NO (Circle one) Please Indicate number M years of standard warranty: Installation of Complete emergency equipment package to include light bar. siren. speaker. four -comer strobe package. deck 6ghss, p;sonsr parbtvn and prisoner seat (hen -key) as per specification 6 3.1.1, th okgh 3.1.5. A. Crown Victoria 165 Ea $ 625.00 $ 103,125.00 B. Chevy Impala 165 Ea $ 625.00 $ 103,125.00 C. Dodge Charger 165 Ea .. 5 625.00 S 103.125.00 0 Dodge Magnum 165 Ea I $ 625.00 $ 103.125.00 a_ Can you offer a longer tabor warranty that exoesds cow (1) year? YESINO (Circle one) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: TOTAL ITEMS Section B: (1-6) $ 854,600.00 YES 5 Years YES 5 Years €4. VandQ_r - Adamson Industries Corp. k 314 South Broadway Lawrence. MA 01043 Female/ Non -Local Non.Responstve: No installation Facility Located in Miami -Dade or Broward County As Required Prepared by TERRY BYRNES,GPPB 09R0106 6 N/R4lo Response, $_siNo Bid Whine Emergency Equipment Catalog Discount (Bidders need not bid on ag Catalogues) Vendor MUST submit Section C: Curfewst catalogue list prices along with UM A. Whalen Catakig x 25% X 5100 $ 75.00 B. Federal Signal Catilog 56.00 :.: 44% X 5100 $ C. Code 3 Public Safety Equipment :. 40% X $100 $ , 60.00 D. Troy industrieS Catalog 36% X $100 $ •. 64 OD ,-, E. Adamson Industries Calabg : 1% XSI00 $ 99.00 F. Ray Allen Manufacturing Company Catalog 5% X 5100 S 95.00 G. Havis-Shields Manufacluring Company Catalog if, is,: x slop $ 95.00 '.1 H. Radiotronics, Inc, Catalogue 5% X$100 $ 95.00 ...': r Total Items Section C (A-H): c• S 629.00 Section D. Liter Rate: {Bidder shall ildicate a "per hour shop labor rale for l .'" miscellaneous individual tepees miller instigation of poke vehicle equipment components purchased from catalogue and applicable offered discount percentages.) ..,;.: TABULATION SHEET - 05-06-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT t- Vendor Eirergency Vehicle Supply, LLC 4661 Johnson Rd Pt Coconut Creek. FL 33073 Non-Minorily / Non -Local • Labor Rae Per Hour for %inc. tndividuat Repairs Erdlor Installation of 1 equipment purchased under catelog(e) 2 INarrardy on work pertormed: Days to complete work after receipt of purchase order Vendor's leiarni43ade services location: Total Items Section D: TOTAL ALL SECTIONS (A- D): Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB 09,20106 Pr Hoar $ 65.00 5 Years 4661 Johnson kel.g1, Coconut Creek. FL 33073 65.60 2,229,497.50 7 ; Vendor Adamson Industries Corp. 314 South Broadway Lamence, MA 01843 Female 1 Non -Local Non -Responsive: No Installation Facility Located M Miami -Dade or Brineard County As Required N/R-4to Response. 8,_=No Bid TABULATION SHEET 05.06-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor t Vendor ..., Emergency Vehicle Supply:I...LC Adamson Industries Corp. 4661 Johnson Rd,#1 t 314 South Broadway 1 Coconut Creek. FL 33073 Lvarenca., MA 01843 , Non-Minonly / Non -Local i. Female / Non -Local ':. ' ( -:. Section E. FIRE/RESCUE EQUIPMENT PURCHASE: (Equipment only and includes all standard components regularly supplied with the -4: compcoent, Le. mounting brackets, Janda/am etc.) Bid price quoted wall be for an estimated total of 303 vehicles. based on the vehicle Make and Model to be ou16tted. herbs will be installed for Fire. Rescue emagency response vehicles (subject b change): ;--: F.! LED Lightb.w. Same as or equal to Whelan .,. . ) 1 Tabn Super -LED Red (TLN1-R) rf.' fst- Qtv. A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea F-.. S 89.00 $ 26.967.00 Federal Signal B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea '. $ 89.00 $ 26.967.00 Viper -52 C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea 14- S 89_00 $ 26Single (led,967.00 i D. Dodge Stratus 309 Ea $ 89.00 $ 26.96700 E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea 1 5 NM 5 26,967.00 F. Van (TBD) 303 Ea ,'. $ 89.00 $ 26.967.00 ? .,.. Can you offer a better standard fl warranty lhat exceeds two (2) yaws? YESINO (Circle one) yes l Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: ,' 5 '., Same as or equal to Whelen Low Profile 2 Heartened' Mount Bracket (TLNBKTI) A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea ..; $ $ Included in Item 1 B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea S 3 Included in Item 1 i..,. C. Chevy Slater 303 Ea ) $ 3 Included in hem 1 D. Dodge Stratus 309 Ea .,..;`: $ S InClided in Item 1 , E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea 3 $ 0 $ Included in Dem 1 F. Van (TBD) 303 Ea 1 $ 3 - Included in kern 1 il. Can you offer a heeler standard wananly that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (Circ(e one) 4i'... Yes F, it Please Indicate manlier of years of standard warranty: 5 Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB 09/20/66 8 Non-Responshm: No Installation Facility Located in Miami -Dade or Broward County As Required TABULATION SHEET 05-06.035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor Emergency Vehicle Supply. LLC 4661 Johnson Rd.#1 Coconut Creek, FL 33073 Non•MInority! Non -Local S N)R=No Response. $ =No Bid 6. Same as or equal to Whelan Talon Dual Super -LED RedlRed (TLN2-RR) for vehide 3 specified. Est Qtv. Lifta A. bodge Durango 303 Ea y S 167.00 $ 50,601.00 Federal Signal B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea 1 167.00 $ 50,601.00 Viper S2 C. Chevy Blazer 903 Ea $ 167.00 S 50,601.00 Dual Red/Red D. Dodge Strains 303 Ea ' $ 167.00 $ $0.60t.00 E. Jeep Cherokee 903 Ea $ 167.00 S 50,601.00 >" F. Van (TBD) 303 Ea $ 167.00 $ %.601.004, Can you offer a better standard s;. Yes that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (Circle one} i': Please indicate number of years o1 standard warranty: 5 q Sane as or equal to Whelan Talon Dual 4 Super -LED Red/Red (TLN2-RR) Est, 4:6 turi A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea "- $ 167.00 $ 50.601.00 Federal Sign B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea S 167.00 $ 50.601.00 Viper 52 C. Chevy Bar 303 Ea $ 167.00 $ 50,601.00 Single Red D Dodge Stratus 303 Ea $ 167.00 $ 50601.00 5. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea $ 167.00 1 50.601.00 F. Van (TBD) 309 Ea t$ 167.00 $ 50.601.00 Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (Circle one) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: Yes 5 Vendor Adamson Industries Corp. 314 South Broadway Lawrence. MA 01543 Female / Non -local Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB 09/20/06 9 NIRNVo Response, So Bid Same as or equal to Whelan Low Protle Mounting Bracket For7LN2 only 5 (TLNBKT2) A. Dodge Durango B._ Chevy Tahoe C. Chevy Blazer D. Dodge Stratus E. Jeep Cherokee F. Van (TBD) TABULATION SHEET 054)6.035 POUCE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor Emergency Vehicle Supply. LLC 4661 Johnson Rd.81 Coconut Creek. FL 33073 Non4ainority / Non-Locat Est. ON. UAt 303 Ea ', $ 303 Ea A S 303 Ea P: $ 303 Ea $ 303 Ea $ 303 Ea S Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YESINO (Circle one) Please Indicate number of years of standard warranty: Same as or equal to Wheten 400 Series Single Level Linear -LED Super -LED Red 'K 6 w/Ck Lens (400 SERIES LED R) Est Qtr. ISM: 8 Prepared by TERRY BYRNES, CPPB 0912OI06 Included in Items 3 and 4 j Included in Items 3 and 4 j included in Items 3 and 4 3 Included in Items 3 and 4 $ included in Items 3 and 4 5 Included in !lens 3 and 4 Yes 5 Dodge Durango 303 Ea $ 92.00 $ 27.876.00 Federal Signal Chevy Tabwe 303 Ea g 3 92.00 3 27.876.00 Cuda 2 PK Chevy Blazer 303 Ea $ 92.00 5 27.876.00 Red Dodge Stratus 303 Ea y. S 92.00 3 27,876.00 Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea 3 92.00 $ 27.876.00 Van (MD) 303 Ea a S 92.00 8 27.876.00 Can you otter a better standard warranty that exceeds two (21 years? YESINO (Circle one) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: 10 Yes 5 Adamson Industries Corp_ 314 South Broadway I.annence, MA 01843 Female / Non -Local Nan -Responsive No Insta0ation Facility Loca*Bd in Miami -Dade or Broward County As Required TABULATION SHEET 05-06-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Emergency Vehicle Supply, LLC 4681 Johnson Rr111 Coconut Creek. FL 33073 NooMinority / Non -Local N1R No Response, $NIo Bid Same as or equal b Whelan gilUe master 7 black housing ref swivel bracket (4EGRILBI Est. Qty. lMs A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea r $ - $ Included In Line 6 B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea : S 5 Irked in L1ne 6 C Chevy Blazer 303 Ea $ $ included in Line 6 D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea . $ $ Included in Line 6 E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea $ $ Included in Line 6 F. Van (TB0) 303 Ea $ S Included in Line 6 Can you otter a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (Circle one) ?lease indicate number of years o1 standard warranty; 5arpe es or equal to Whalen 60-watt Undercover Strobe Packaged 2-15, 2-30' E Cables (5660CCCCSP) A. B, C. D. E. F. Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB 01820106 Yes 5 Fst OW, 111M Dodge Durango 903 Ea i S 157.75 $ 47.798.24 FSC or Nova Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea 5 157.75 $ Z9,798. 6 head, 60 W CBr 303 Ea aChevya $ 157.75 $ 47,79825 Strobe K3 Dodge Stratus 303 Ea S 157.75 $ 47,79825 FSC or Nova Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea $ 157.75 $ 47,79825 6 head, 60 W Van (TBD) 303 Ea .. $ 157.75 5 47,79825 Strobe Kit Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YEStN0 (Circle one) Yes 5 Please inchoate number of years of standard warranty: 11 Vendor Adamson Industries Corp. 314 South Broadway Laanence. MA 01843 Female / Non -Loral Nondtasponslve: No Installation Facility Located in Miami -Dade or Broward County As Required TABULATION SHEET 05-06-035 POUCE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vander Emergency Vehicle Supply, LLC 4661 Johnson Rd.#1 Coconut Creek, FL 33073 Non -Minority ! Non -Local NWR�lo Response, $ slip Bid 9 B. C. D. E. F. Sane as or equal to Whelan Headlight Flasher (UHF2150A) gA,_qt61 /CIA Dodge Durango 303 Ea $ 24.50 $ 7,423.50 Federal Signal Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea S 24.50 $ 7,4235D FHL2SC Clay. Bluer 303 Ea $ 24.50 $ 7,423.50 FHL2SC Dodge Stratus 303 Ea ' $ 24.50 $ 7,42350 FHL2SC Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea S 24.50 $ 7,423.50 F14L2SC Van (TBD) 303 Ea '1 S 24.50 $ 7,423.50 FHL2-SC 2 i Can you offer a batter standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YESiNO (Circle one) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: Same as 0r equal to Whalen Watt Speaker 10 ei#SABKT9 mounting bracket (SA314P) A. ,,,Dodge Durango B. Chevy Tahoe C. Chevy Bluer D. Dodge Stratus E. Jeep Cherokee F. Van (TED) Yan r Adamson Industries Corp. 314 South Broadway LIF Lar6Ulce. MA 01643 :�. Female / Non -Local Est tatty. VIM 303 Ewa $ 99.00 $ 29.997.00 Federal Signal f 303 Ea $ 99.00 $ 29,997.00 FSCMS100-MED 303 Ea $ 99.00 5 29,997.00 FSCLIIS100-MED 303 Ea 5 99.00 S 29,987.00 FSCMS100-MED 303 Ea $ 99.00 $ '29,997.00 FSCLIS100-LED 303 Ea '" $ 99.0D S x9,997.Og FSCt4S1004.EO Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (Circle one) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: Yes 5 Non.Reapansiw: No Installation Facility Located In Miami -Dade or Broward County As Required Non-Ftessionsivs: No Installation Facility Located In MianwDade or Prepared by TERRY BYRNES,CAM 0920/06 TABULATION SHEET 05-06035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT aVa_,, 4 Van Emergency Vehicle Supply. LLC ¢ Adamson industries Corp- 4661 Johnson Fel St 314 South Broadway C000nut Credo, FL 33073 ii Lavrca, MA 01843 47 Non -Minority 1 Non -Local a Female 1 Non -Local NIR=No Response, $ =No Bid Same as or equal to Star COMM; —Unislar 11 Command Center (LCSBBOCONTOLER) is Est Qp. UM A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea _�- $ 235.00 $ 71,205.00 FSC-G50001-MFD B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea $ 235.00 5 71205.00 FSC-G50001-IuliD C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea =- $ 235.00 $ 71 205.00 FSC-C-500014AFD D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea 1 $ 235.00 $ 71205.00 FSC-G50001-MFD E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea $ 235.00 $ 71205.00 FSGG50001-1.4Ft] F. Van (TI30) 303 Ea $ 235.00 $ 71205.00 FSC GS0001-MFD Can you offer a better standard; warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (Circle one) Yes Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: _ 5 12 Same as or equal b Headlight Flasher (Wig -wag} Escl- IL A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea ', $ 24.50 $ 7,423.50 Federal Signal B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea ,, $ 24.50 $ , 7.423.50 FSCFHC2SC C Chevy Blazer- 303 Ea n $ 24.50 $ 7,423.50 D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea,'. $ 24.50 $ 7,423.50 E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea : $ 24.50 $ 7,423.50 F. Van (TBD) 903 Ea ' $ 24.50 $ 7,423.50 Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (Circle one) Please indcate number of years of standard warranty: TOTAL ITEMS SECTION E (1 -12): Yes 5 $ 1,0 .353.54 Non -Responsive: No tnudallalion Facility Located in Miami -Dade on NoneReaponsine: Na hist:illation Facility Located in Miami -Dade or Broward County As Required Prepared by TERRY BYRNES, CPPB 09120106 13 Dep TABULATION SHEET 05416435 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor Emergency Vehicle Supply. LLC 4551 Johnson Rd.01 Coconut Creek, FL 33073 llon-Umofltyl Non-l_ocal N/R4lo Response. $ =No Bid MRFJP.ESCUE EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION: (Bidder shall submit pricing for Installation orgy. city supplied equipment components- Insudiation prices short include aU requirements fisted in the bid Section F. specifications.) LED lJghtbar: Same as or equal to Whelan 1 Talon Super -LED Red (TLN1-R) Est-Qr. UMI A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea : $ 65.00 S 19,595_00 B. Chevy Tahoe 363 Ea 1, $ 65.00 5 19969595.00 i: C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea .::: S 65.00 $ D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea g S 65-00 $ 10.605.00 E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea .SS 5 65.00 $ 19,695.00 F. Van (TBD) 303 Ea :-:, $ 65 00 $ 19.695.00 Can you offer a better standard Is warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YESMO (Circle one) 1` Yes Please indicate number at years of standard warranty5: Same as or equal to Wheien Low Protie , 2 Headliner Mount Bradtet (TINBK11) _ -- , A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea ; $ - $ No Charge when B. Chevy Tahoe 909 Ea E s s installed C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea -%, 3 S with U110 !null D. bodge Strata 303 Ea .. $ $ No Charge when E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea ; $ S Manned F. Van (TED) 303 Ea ... $ $ - with Line Item 1 Gan you oiler a better standard warn:ray that exceeds two (2) years? YESIND (Circle one) . et. Yes -..g Please lockoMe number of years of standard warranty: ,_ 5 Prepared by TERRY BYRNES, CPPB 09/20/05 14 Adamson industries Corp. 314 South Broadway Lareence. MA 01843 !. Female Non.Local Non-Ftesponsive: No Installation reality Located In tiliami-Dode or Brossard County As Required TABULATION SHEET 0506-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT s Vendor i V i_9.0r Emergency Vehicle Supply. LLC Adamson Industries Corp. ...; -1.-, 4661 Johnson Rdel I,'; 314 South Broadway Coconut Creek, FL 33073 .. Lawrence, MA 011343 Non-Mknority / Non -Local Female /Non -Local MR=No Response. $ =No Bid ''.1 ,: Sane as or equal to Whelen Talon Dual 4 Super.LEO Red (TLSO-RR) for vehicle ") ..; ; 3 Specified. Est. MY.. A. Dodge Durango 309 Ea it S 6500 $ 19,695.00 B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea ,.7,, $ 65.00 3 19.695.00 t-. C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea I $ 65.00 S. 19.695.00 1 Non -Responsive E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea S 65.00 $ 19695.00 19,695.00 i No Installation Facility Located in Mianii-Dade or D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea 3: 5. 65 DD 5 F. Van (TBD) 303 Ea $ 6500 S 19.695.00 ;t: Broward County As Required .-. Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YESIND (Circle one) Please indicate number of years of standard wamnty: Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB 0412C406 15 Yes 5 N!R No Response. S *No Bid Same as or equal b Whalen Talon Dual 4 Super -LED Red/Red (TLN2-RRI B. C. D. E. F. TABULATION SHEET 05-0E035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCYEOUIPMENT Vendor tS Emergency Vehicle Supply, LLC 4561 Johnson Rd.#i 4 Coconut Creek. FL 33073 Non-Mamrtty / Non -Local Es okr, WM Dodge Durango 303 Ea ,3 $ 65.00 S 19.695.00 Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea F. $ 65.00 $ 19,695.09 Chevy Blazer 303 Ea - S 65.00 $ 19,695.00 Dodge Stratus 303 Ea ' i 65.00 $ 19,695.00 Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea I $ 65.00 $ 19,695.00 Van (TBD) 303 Ea S 65.00 $ 19.645.00 5 Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2} years? YESINO {Circle one) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: Yes 5 �Yan�d rr Adanson Industries Corp. t314 South Broadway Laurence. MA 01643 Female f Nan -Local Nan -Responsive= No ]nstallalion Facility Looted in Miami -Dade or Brossard County As Required hY9_Vi.- Prepwed TERY BYRNES, CPPB 09I20106 16 P Di w 5nee NIR440 Response, $ 46o Bid Same as or equal to Whalen Low Probe Mounting Bracket For TLN2 only 5 (TLNBK12) Est Qtv; WA A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea C Chevy Blazer 303 Ea D Dodge Sys 303 Ea E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea F. Van (TBD) 303 Ea Can you otter a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YESINO (Circle one} Please indicate number of yws of standard warranty: Same as or equal to Whelan 400 Senes Single Level Linear -LED Soper -LED Red 5 war Lens (400 SERIES LED R) Est Qtr. A. Dodge Durango 303 B. Chevy Tahoe 303 C. Chevy Blazer 303 D. Dodge Stratus 303 E. Jeep Cherokee 303 F. Van (TBD) 303 Can you offer a bettor standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YESINO (Circle one) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: TABULATION SHEET 0s.6035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT 1 Vendor Emergency' Vehicle Supply, LLC 4661 Johnson Rd let Coconut Creek, FL 33073 I ,n Andity 1 Non -Local g $ g S Ea S 65.00 Ea . S 65.00 Ea S 65.00 So S 65.00 Ea $ 65.00 Ea "1 S 65.00 $ No Charge when 5 installed g with Line hem 3 and 4 5 Ne Charge when $ Metalled $ with Line Them 3 and 4 $ 19695.00 $ 1,9,695.00 S 19.695.00 $ 19,695.00 g 19.695.00 $ 19,695.00 Yee 5 Yes 5 Vender g Adamson Industries Corp. :`: 314 South Broadway Lawrence, MA 01/343 Female! Non Weal Non•Responslvec No Installation Facility Located In Miarni-Dade or Onward County As Required Prepared b TERRY BYRNES, CPPB 09120)06 17 NIR=No Response, $_4Io Bid Same as or equal to Whalen gN= masts 7 black hauskrgwf swivel bracket (4EGRLB) Dodge Durango B. Chevy Tahoe C. Chevy Blazer D. Dodge Stratus E. Jeep Cherokee F. Van (TBD) TABULATION SHEET 054M-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor Emergency Vehicle Supply, Lie 4661 Johnson Rd.01 Coconut Creek, FL 33073 = Non -Minority! Non -Local Est, Sri. 303 Ea ° $ $ 393 Ea :�;. S 5 303 Ea ; S 5 303 Ea r S $ 303 Ea S $ 303 Ea S $ Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (Mete ane) Please Indicate number of years of standard warranty: Same as or equal to Whelan 60-watt Undercover Strobe Package sr 2-15', 2.30' 6 Cables IS660CCCCSP) Est. Qty. WM A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea 5 160.00 $ 46.480.00 B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea 5 160-00 3 48.460.00 C. ivy Blazer 303 Ea $ 160.00 5 48.480.00 D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea = $ 160.00 S 48,480.00 E. Jeep Cherokee - 303 Ea 3 160.00 5 48,480.00 F. Van (13D) 303 Ea ,, $ 175.00 3 53.025.00 Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (Clicte are) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: No Charge when installed with Line Item 6 No Charge when Installed with Line hem 6 YES 5 Yes 5 Vendor Adamson Industries Carp. !. 314 South Bfead fay Laerence. MA 01843 Female f Non -Local Noo Responslve: No I"`on Facility Located in Miami -Dade or Browsed County As Required Prepared by TERRY BYRNES, CPPB 0920106 TABULAi1*1 SHEE I 95-06-035 POJCE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT YM Emergency Vehicle Supply, lLC 3Ys 4661 Johnson Rd.#i $ Coconut Creek, FL 33073 Non-Minofity l Non -Local N9iNio Response, $ =NO Bid 9 Same as or equal to Whelan Headlight Flasher (Ut1F2150A) U7N A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea #f $ 65.00 $ 19,695-00 B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea # $ 65.00 $ ' 19,695.00 C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea y S 65.00 $ 19,695.00 D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea 5 $ 65.00 S 19,695.00 E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea 5 65.00 S 19,595.00 F. Van (TBD) 303 Ea a $ 65.00 $ 19,695.00 Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (Circle one) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: Same as or equal to Whalen Watt Speaker w! OSABKT9 mounting bracket iSA314P) €s4 it1L- Dodge Durango 303 Ea 3 $ 65.00 $ 19.695.00 Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea ' $ 65.00 $ 19.695.00 Chevy Blazer 303 Ea f S 6S.00 $ 19,695.00 Dodge Stratus 303 Ea ?,F $ 65.00 $ 19,695.00 Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea i $ 65.00 $ 19,695.00 Van (MD) 303 Ea k S 65.00 5 19095.60 Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (C1rtM one) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: Prepared by TERRY BYRNES, CPPB 0920106 Yes 5 Yes Vendor Adamson Industries Cap. 314 South Broadway L6e000e, MA 01643 Female 1 Non.Local Nan -Responsive: No Installation Facility Located in Miami -Dade or Broward County As Required TABULATION SHEET 05-064335 POUCE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT _tor Emergency Vehicle Supply. LLC 4661 Johnson P.d.d1 3, Coconut Cinek. FL 33073 'I Non -Minority / Non -Local 10111,-No Response, $ 1=No Bid 11 Command Center (LC5813000NTOLER) EstQv. WM A. 303 Ea 'I. 5 195.00 $ 59,0E15.00 Dodge Durango i C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea 't' $ 195.00 5 5959:0a5085:0000 e. Chary Tahoe 303 Ea II_ $ 196.00 $ D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea :', $ 195.00 5 59,085.00 E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea i' $ 195.00 $ 59,065.00 F. Van (93D) 303 E''$ 195.00 3 59,085.00. 3-. Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YESINCI (Circle one} _. * Please indicate numbsr of years of standard wrarrardy: Y I 12 Same as or equal to Headlight Flasher (Wg-wag) ESL Obr.. INM ..- A_ Dodge Durango 303 Ea .g $ 65.00 5 19,695.00 B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea 3' $ 65.00 5 19,695.00 C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea $ 65.00 $ 19,695.00 0, 303 Ea ; 5 65.00 1'.• 5 19.695.00 E. Badge Stratus „hap Cherokee 303 Ea S 65.00 S 19,695.00 F. s _ 19,695.00 303 Ea ...'.- $ 65.00 Van (MD) i Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (Circle ale) ii Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB 09120/06 Please indicate mentor of years of standard wananty: TOTAL ITEMS SECTION F (1 - 12): $ 1,477,125.00 20 Yes 5 Yes 5 Vendor Adamson Industries Corp. 314 South Broadway Lawrence. MA 01843 Female / Non -Local Non4kespoitslve: No InclallatIon Facility Located in Miami -Dade or Braward County As Required NIR.No Response. $ +No Bid Vehicle Emergency Equipment Catalog Discount (Bidders need net bid on e0 Catalogues} Vendor MUST submit current otalogue list prices along with Section G: Mal. item 1 Whalen Catalog 2 Federal Signal Catalog Code 3 Public Safety Equipment 4 Troy Industries Catalog 5 Adamson Industries Catalog 6 Ray Allen Manufacturing Company Catalog 7 Havis-Shields Manufacturing Company Catalog 0 Re:6°tracks. Inc. Catalogue TOTAL ITEMS SECTION G (1-5): Prepared by TERRY BYRNES, CPPB 09r20/06 TABULATION SHEET 054164135 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT c Vendor Vendor Emergency Vehicle Supply, LLC 3 Adamson Indus -hiss Corp. 4661 Johnson Rd #1 ' 314 South Broadway s Coconut Creek, FL 33073 < Lawrence. MA 01843 -« Non -Minority / Nor -Lo621 i Female! Nun -Local 25% X$100 S 75.00 44% X $100 S 56.00 40% X S100 S 60.00 36% X$100 $ 64.00 1% X$100 5 99.00 5% X$100 $ 95.00 15% X $100 S 65.00 5% X $100 S 95.00 $ 626.00 21 NomReaponsire: No hrslagision Facility Located in Miami -Dade or Broward County As Required WR No Response. S_= No Bid Section H. Labor Rate: {Bidder shall irdicale a'per hour shop labor rate for miscellaneous individual repairs andlor installation of police vehicle equipment components purchased from catalogue and epptirable offered discount percentages.) Labor Rate Per Hour for Misc. Individual Repairs andfor lnstaeabon of 1 egvipment purchased under catalog(s) 2 Warranty on work performed: Vendor's Mi0n4-Dada services location: TOTAL ITEMS SECTION H : TOTAL ALL SECTIONS {E Delivery of Goods after Receipt of PO: Installation of Goods alter Receipt of PO: TOTAL ALL SECTIONS (A- H): Location of Installation Facility: SUB -CONTRACTORS MUST BE IDENTIFIED: Notes and Comments: TABULATION SHEET 05-06-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor Emergency Vehicle Supply, LLC 4661 JoM000 Rd.fi1 Coconut Creek. FL 33073 Non -Minority / Non -Local S 65.00 S 65.00 $ 1.4T7 J19.00 45 120 $ 3.707.316.50 486t Johnson Rdi1. Coconut Creek, FL 33073 5 DaYs Days ^.7Ypl d sews Nana urSbmrb iw ',Cense %nowt SELF ." Vendor Adamson hmhrstrfes Corp. 314 South Broadway Lea a ce. MA 01843 Female / Non -Local Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB 06120,06 22 TABULATION SHEET O5-06-035 POLCE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor Vendor Public sanely Equipment a Inor.IWlen.. Uric. dal PublicSdety Equipment Ca. Inc 1305 NYY 155 Dr. 3413A W Osborne Mani Gardens, FL 33159 Tampa. FL 33514 Female! Dade i Female! N5n-Local WR=No Response, S No Bud Section k POLICE EQUIPMENT PURCHASE - Equip' only end includes all standard components r.pnirty rgrplled with the component. Le. mourning brackets, hardware, etc LED Ughth.r Sire as or mud m Code 3. Leg. Model 2147A-MPD2 6L Dtr.7A 11M Price Extended Prise ManufjModud A. Drown Victoria 165 Ea S S No Eyd B. CeuY Impala 155 Ea S S No Bel C. Dodge Carper 165 E. S S No Bid D. Dodge Magnum 165 Ea S S No Bid Can you offer. natter atandrd waterway Met .ora.d. two i2) years? YESIND )Circle on.) Plane* hxdi0te rumen. of yews d sandard warranty LighUSh.n controller: Same as or equal to Code 3, Mfg Model 3392L6 or the Whalen. 20515 S55- Controller Mal irc hide integrated siren and light controller walla three {3) Mud slide peach and PA 2 casabaibrs, A. Crown Victoria 165 Ea S - S - No Bid B. Choy Impala 165 Es S - S - No Bid C. Dodge purger 165 Ea S - S No Bid D. Dodge Magnum 155 Ea S S No Bad Can you offer a batter standard warranty the .oeeas Iwo {2)years? YES/NO (Carla one) PMasa indicate number of yens of etindard stormier. Ural Prim Dd.M.d Price Mw.aJModel Non -Responsive: Failed to Sign Sid Form as Required New-R.gwnshs: Fated to Sign Bid Fab as Required Prepped by TERRY BYRNES, CPPB n424'65 TABULATION SHEET 0541e-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vander Vendor Public Safety Egrdpma0 & mml.tions. Inc s mat Put is Slay Equipment Ca. tr.. 1305 NW 155 G. i 3510A W Osbeane Muni Garden, FL 33166 Tampa. FL 33614 Female !Dads i Female Non-Lml NIR-No R..ponaa. 5_.I4015d Spanker: Same as or equal to Code 3 Mtg. Model CV214 Whelan Eng. Model SA314 3 for rdad..d A. Crawn Victoria 165 Ea 5 5 No Bid B. Ow./ Impala 15 Ea S - 5 - No Bid C, Dodge Charger 155 Ea $ S No Bid 0. Dodge Magnum 165 Ea S S No Bid Cart year ethrs bettor standard werr.rdy that crowd. tiro (2I yaws? YEZINO (Carer one) Plasm ind ahr amber of yawns at standard marbly: 4renar Stroh. Package same a or equal beach Whelan 00 watt puma 4 supply (CSP600) and raw {4) Whelan clear A. Cream Vrctaria 165 Ea 5 - 5 No BM B. Chary Impale 165 Ea S 5 - No Bid C. Omgo Paw 165 E. $ S - No Bid D. Dodge Magnum 165 Ea 5 5 No BM Can you MM.. bettor hdardard warranty ttat.acaada two RI years? 'Fsn40 (Circa anal P orpmed by tto-tY BYRNES, CPPE O 620406 2 A �! Failed to Sipe Bid Forme Required Fdl.d to Sign Bid Fern .a f0aauired TABULATION�§IEET r 65-ee-d35 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor 4 Vendor Public Slaty Equipment a Installatidn, Inc. , Central Pub& Solely Equipment Co. Inc. 1305 NW 155 Dr. 1. 3B10A W- Osborne Alarm Ganders. FL 33169 = Tampa FL 33614 Female / Dade :; female / Non -I c l Ndt•No Reapoew. $_WNo Bid Phew inddeata lumbar of yours d standard wren dy: Deets Light Package: (Mama Only) Same as or egad In Whelan Dash King (DKRSR and dtASB) or Whalen TalonTLNCvCt113. Package ping iritheles one {1 ) DKRSR and one (1) each D6RSB 5 mirrored* or{1)Whelan Talon TLNLl5R8 A. Crown Vadoria 165 Fa 5 S - No Bid S. Chevy Impair 165 Ea 5 S No Bid C. Dodge Charger 165 Ea $ - 5 - No Bid P. Dodge Maarten 165 Ea $ 5 No Bid Can you altar ■ batter standard ararrwy that exceeds two (2) yaws? YES/NO (Carla one) Pima* Indicate number al yaws d standard warranty: Prisoner Partition: Same as or equal to Troy Products TP-3U5-F {75% Loam / 5% mesh) to irckde 2-PAR-26- drive advantage mounting hardware and 2•PAR- 25- lower sidemen panels (kick Prates) for 6 vehicle specgiied. A. Cram Vidalia 165 Ea $ 5 No Bid 6. Chevy Impala 165 Es $ 5 No Bid C. Dodge Charger 165 Ea 5 - 5 No Bid D. Dodge Magnum 165 Ea 5 - $ No EMI Can you offers bolter standard nwr.nty that moaada too RI yaws? YES/NO {Circle err) Please indkc to numban of yours of standard warranty: Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB 09/20706 �f. Nee-RsPeaeive: Failed to Men Bid Corm as Rquiwd TABU .ATION SHEET O5-OG-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT • d a Vendor : Vendor Public Scanty EPdpn nI S. InsiallMlora, Inc y Canine Public Safety Equipment Co-. 1305ION 155 Cc. 3 3510A W. C.burc Miami Gardens. FL 33169 Tanpa. FL 33614 Female � me Female:Nw.Local WR-No Respww, 5_44o Bid an alto Fro -Gard. Pat s 50001 to fit A Crown Victoria 165 Ea 5 5 - No &d 6. Chevy Impala 185 Ea 5 S - No Bid C. Ceaje Aga 155 Ea 5 S - No Bid D. Lodge Magna 165 Ea 5 5 No &d • Section B. Can yen arcs a better stedad ...minty that exceeds two 121 years? YESIHO [finds ens) Neese indresh lumber d yeas d atendnrd wanwty: TOTAL ITEItS Section A (1-71 POLICE EQUIPMENT INSTALLATIOnt jBlddar shall. brit pricing tar Inualladon tray. city agpsad eaten' meal components. bobu.f:on prices WWI include all lagrdrenao4s listed in ale bid spsci1cetions.) 6da5ai.n W the ligtt bac siren and speaker per sawn:shore 3.1.1..1.. 3.1.12., & A Cry is 1a5 Ea S 210.00 5 34.650.00 B. Chary b„pat, 165 Ea $ 21000 S 34,650.00 c. Dodoe charger 160 Ea 5 210.130 S 34 50.0 D. Dodge Magrxan 155 Es $ 210.00 5 34650.00 Gut you vitae longer labor warady Una atom& one (1l yarn: YES,ND iUncl. one) Phew indicate number d year. d labor warranty. Yes 2 Filed la Sign Bid Fenn es Required N/R410 Response, S_-No Bid TABULATION SHEET QSDB-635 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Verde Public Sday TguiPnmt a ha bons. f.c 1305 NW 155 Cr. lfierni Gardens, FL 33160 Fonde/Dale Installation of tour -corner strobe package 2 par aaaaOcaaon 3.12. E.L Ow" USA A Croon Victoria 165 Ea S 125.00 S 20.625.00 S. Chevylrnpala 165 Ea 5 125.00 5 20,625.00 C. Dodge Charger 165 Ea 5 145.00 5 23,025.00 D. bodge Magner 165 Ea 5 19500 5 23.92500 Can you Offer• longer tabor Warranty met exceeds one CO year? YE401O (Chow anal Flames hrdn . lumbar of yawn of standard warranty: Installation of new dells 06f< package as 3 per speariolnn 3.1 3. Eat. Qty. WM A. Crown Victoria 165 Ea S 25.00 5 4.12500 B. Cues/ Impala 165 Ea S 25.00 $ 4,125.00 C. Lodge Charger 165 Ea 5 35-03 - S 5,77500 D. Dadge4wgnua 165 Ea S 35.00 S 5,77500 Cam you offer • leper labor au.* that eacm.da ore (11 year? YeeM5 Meese 15Srate nsenb.r of yams • aiarafyd arm0y: Yes 2 Yes 2 Vendor Central Public Safety Equipment Co.. Inc 30555 W. Osborne Tampa, FL 33614 Female/Non-Locel Failed to Sign Bid Farm as Required Moir -Responsive: Failed to Sign Bid Form o Required TABULATION SHEET O556435 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT " Aide Public Safety Equipment & kWalletions, Inc. Censaf Public Safely Equipment Co., Inc_ 1305 NW 155 Dr. t 3B10A W. Osborne Miami Gardens, FL 33159 Tampa FL 33514 Female/Dade Female/Non-Loral Nrtt-No R.sponw, 6 .No Oki 4 Fat- Qtr. l9M 1� A. Crown Yoloria 165 Ea 5 75,00 S 12,34.00 B. Chevy Impala 165 Ea S 75.00 $ 12.375.00 C. Dodge Charger 165 Ea $ 75.00 $ 12,375.00 D. Dodge Magnum 165 Ea $ 131300 $ 21,45000 lostelalion of prisoner partition as per speCdralion 3.1.4 Can you offer a longer lobar warranty the woad. one I1! year? Y£SINO (r1r J. on. Yea 5 Maw Indesb r.rebr d yore of .tended we runty: Imtauyfan or prisoner soar as pea 5 apep(calion 3,15, Fat QN. UM 9. Crown Yetoria 1135 Ea $ 5500 $ 5,07500 B. Cherry Impala 165 Ea 5 55.00 S 9.07500 C. Dodge Charger 165 Ea $ 55,00 $ 9,07500 D. Dodge Magnum 155 Ea $ 5100 $ L.9,07565 Can you offer ■ tamper labor warranty ttrt wards ow (1) year? YEsn/O (cirri. anal Plena nndr:.e. numb.r of yeas of alandrd w ornery;; Year 5 Felled 10 Sign Bid Form r R+quir.d Failed to Sign Bid Form es RaquFed TABULATION SWEET 05-05-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor Vw�d Public Way Equipment R Installations. Inc. 3 Gabel Public Sa4.y Equipment Co.. Inc. 1305 NW 155 Or. 3510A W. Osborne Miami Gardrss. FL 33169 . Tampa. FL 33514 Female Dale _ Female) Nonfatal tarn -No Rasps., 5 etvo Bid InetaaUbon of complete a,...v...y equipment package Ia include MN bar, siren. speaker. tour -comer strobe package. deck honks. prisoner partition and prisoner seal {4rrsk y) as per eperi19Calion 3.1.1. $ Broaghal5 Est. QtY. M A Orin Victoria 165 Ea 5 400.00 5 60.050.00 9. Chevy Impala 165 Ea $ 490.00 S 90,e5gw0 , t C. Dodge chap.tee Ea 5 520.00 $ 65,BCdb3 D. Dodge /lams n 165 Ea 3 575.00 $ 94.875.00 Can you offer ■ tong.r labor warranty that.009.da one III year? YES/NO (tlrcl. on.) Yes Plum ks4ofa number of was or standard warranty. 5 TOTAL ITEMS Section Et: (1-6) Whim Ensergsrmy Equipment Catalog Discoed (Bidders need not bid on .11 Catalogu.$1 Vendor MAST submit Section C: amain cabna. list prices .long with $ 634.750A0 Item A Whalen Catalog WA X 5100 5 No Bid B. Fedal Signal Catalog WA X 5100 5 No Bid C. Cade 3 P1bYc Safety Equpmels WA X1100 5 - No Bid 5. Troy Industries Catalog N/A X 5100 $ No Bid E. Adamson India:lries Catalog N/A X3100 $ No Bid F. Ray Alien Manlacheirg Cbmpry Catalog N/A X3100 5 No Hid O. riasis-Shields 1Aaufaebring Company Catalog WA XS100 5 No Bid H. Radpkrrics Inc Catalogue WA X 5100 $ - No 8iid Total Items Section C (A-HO: S No Bra Porn-Responaiw: Filed to Sign Bid Form a. Requesd TABULATION SHEET 05.011-035 POLICE VEIOCLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT yee�r ' Vander Pier= Safety Equipment 3. badltotiem, Ins. Central Public Side), Equipment Co -. Inc. 1305 NW 133 Dr. t 3610A W. osbon o Mani Gardena, FL 33169 t, Tampa. FL 33619 Female! Dade Female / Ion -Loral WR.No Reepmse, S alb Bid Section D. 2 Section E. Labor Rat: (Bidder shah indicale a ya hrur• shop labor rate tor miscdla sous bdrvi kul repairs and/or installa[i n of police vehicle equipment ...one. purchased from catalogue and applicable offered discount percentages.) Labor Rae Per Hour for lilac_ hrdvidea Repairs India( lesslaliation of equipment pas a . antler cdafog(s) Per Hee S 59.00 Wed .nty on work perfrmad: 2 Years 1 eye to complete week titer raoel%of poaehae. order Vander'. Mi.nt.D.de cervices location 1305 NW 13 br., Mani Gerdes& FL 33109 Total Items Section D: f 59A0 TOTAL ALL SECTIONS (A - D): (Lad9.tian Only) $ 034,504.00 FIRFJRESCUE EgtaPMENT PUROHASE (Equipment only end includes .f1 s}anderd mnpmsrb regul0Ay supp4.d with the comporwad, i.e, meriting brackets. herdsmen. otc.l Bid .to glpt.d el be for an estimated Iola of 303 .hides, lased on the vehicle Malin and Modal lobe 0WHled Hems ea be irmdd elf Fke- Raswe emagaa-T seesaws wades (miler! >d tl 10eo) LED Lighlbar: Saner as nr equal b Whelan Talon Super -LED Red (RN1-R1 ot Obi. ) $ A Dodge Durango 303 Ea $ s a Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea S $ C. Chevy glazer 303 Ea $ - 5 D. lodge Straus 303 Ea $ 5 E .11.p Cherokee 303 Fa $ - S F. Van (IBD) 303 Ea $ $ Cm yore after a bettor standard w.rra ty Ord asords two (2) yew*? YES/NO ICittl. one) Please indicate number of years of Mended aerrents Prepared by TERRY BYRNES, GPM 0a'20506 Tao Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid No aid No Bet TABULATION SHEET OS-06075 POLICE v ncLE EMERGENCY FQUIPMENT V.nda ` Vendor P b0c $ ty Ernipmeed IL Imh0Miona. Me- e. Central Public Safety Equipnerd Co.. Inc. t305 NW 165 Dr. _: 30f OA W_ Ostorne Lean Gado., FL 33109 1 Tampa FL 33034 Female !Pape Female! Non -Local WR..R Pon.. S_ No Bid Stine as or equal to Whelan Low Probe 2 Headliner Mount Bracket fTLNBKT1) A. Dodge Ouran0o 303 Ea S S No Bel S a. C ooy Tahoe 303 Ea $ 3 No bid " S c. Chevy Maar 303 Ea $ 9 - No Bid S D. bodge Stratus 303 Ea 5 S No end $ E J.op Char. a 303 Ea S $ No Bid ; 5 F. Van ITBDI 303 Ea $ $ No Bid 3 Can you offer a bettor •faad.d 0 .n.rdy teat embeds two RV year*? YES01D (Mrda oral Maas .0cate numb. of years of standard eearr1y'. Same m or eioal le Whelan Talon DIME Super -LED Red/Red (Ti.N2-R3) for vehicle 3 speared aat.s9L WIA. 333 Ea S s q 5 9. Dodge Durango& Cbavy Tall. 303 Ea 3 $ - No Hid 3 S C. a.vy Elam 303 Ea S i No Bid 1 $ D. Dodge Stmt. 303 Ea 5 9 No Bid ^ $ E Jeaa Char.. 303 Ea S S No Did - $ F. V. (rBD) 303 Ea S - S No Bid i S Can you offer a better 0 .nderd mon.dy (I.t eanande two RV yawls? YES/NO (Circle ark Plea.. intricate number of yaws of alaodard warranty: Prepared b TERRY BYRNES. CPPB 0921105 4 Fi1.4 to Sign Bid Farm as R.gnir.d FM. 10 Sign Bid Form as Rewind TABII.ATION SLEET RS-00-03y POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor Pulolls Safety Equipment E Iestallris0nu, Inc. 1305 NW 135 Dr, Aiwa Gader. FL 33160 Female 7 Dada NIi2-No R.aporsa,3 -No End I Canis! Public Safety Equipment Co., Ina. 37310A W. Osborne Tampa. FL 33014 Fannie / Non -Lapel Same ass equal 10 Whalen Tenon Dual 4 Super -LED Red/Pled fILN2.RR) Est‘,. UM A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea $ $ No Bid 5 B. Chary Tahoe 303 Ea S 3 No Bid $ C. Minty Blear 303 Ea 5 5 No Hid - 3 D. Dodo. Sbuus 303 Ea $ - $ No BO 5 E Jeep awoke. 303 Ea 5 $ No Bid i $ F. Van (T110) 303 Ea $ $ No Bid $ Can you offer a hatter standard warranty awn aae..d. toe (21 yens? YES/NO )Choi. on.) Plana kdi[ata number of years of standard warranty: Same as or equal to Whalen Low Profile Mounting Bracket For TLN2 only (TUffiKT?) Si.URA DLdge Durango 303 Ea 5 5 B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea 5 5 C. Cl+'ry Blazer 303 Ea 5 5 D. Dod0.5hatus 303 Ea 5 $ E. J.ap a,.rws. 303 Ea $ 5 F. Vern (TBD) 303 Ea 5 5 Can you offer . better standard wanrdy Met eaords two (2) yams? YES7100 prole are) Memo k1?oete numbs of yarn of atarrdvd 'any: Same as or equal to Weldon 400 Sa as Sank. Lewd Lanes -LED Sep.. -LED Red w0O5 Lan (400 SERIES LED R) No Bid No Bid No Bid No Hid No BidBid fAkgl1. 5LLB A. Dodo. Durango 303 Ea $ $ - No Bid 5 B. Clwy Tattoo 303 Ea S S No Bid t 5 C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea 5 - 3 No Bid 't$ 0. Dodo* Sbahs 303 Ea 5 5 No Bid 5 E.Jeep Clw.olw. 303 Fa $ 5 - No Bid a 5 F. Van (IBM 391 Ea S 5 No Bid , 5 Can you offer a belly standard warranty that exceeds two [2) nears? YE5040 {Cirri. on.) Pl..so in0ols number of yaws oT standard wramy. NOn R•lliporsieet Fulled to Sign Bid Fenn a. Regrind TABULATION SHEET 05-00-035 POLICE VEHICLE BAIS03F-NCT EQUIPMENT , PublieSafety EquipmarEquipment& Ind s[Idiom Inc. Central Public Slaty Equipment Co. Inc. 1305 NW 155 Dr. f 3010A W. Osborne 'Miami Gardens. FL 33180 '. Tampa. FL 33614 Female !Dale _, Female / Non-Lccal TYR-No Responae.3•-No Bid Same as or equal % W0.nll gr0. !mesh black housi g wr swivel brad. l4EGRILBI Eat. MY. vMM P- Dodge Durango Stu Ea 5 B. Chewy Tahoe 303 Ea S C. Cleary Wad 303 Ea S D. Dodge Strati. 303 Ea $ E Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea S F. Van (TBD) 303 Ea $ Can you offer ■ L.L.r standard werrnttynw ..ra.ds two Rl years? YES/ND {Circle ore) Mawr Indio. .area. of years of adnderd warranty: S - No Bid =5 s No Bid $ S No Bid , S S Nu Bid $ S No Bid $ S _ No Bid ', $ Same as or equal la Wh0.0 80-wen Undercover Strobe Paclage wf 2-15. 2-30' a Cables (5800CCCCSP) Ed. OW. S A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea 5 - $ _ No Bid . $ B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea $ 3 No Bid S c Cluny Shod 303 Ea $ S - No laid s $ D. Dodge Strap. 303 Ea 5 - $ No Bid S 5. J..p Chacol00 303 Ea $ S t.ofed S r. Van (1BD) 303 Ea S S No BM ` $ Can you offer a beet. standard warranty that ...ads ten (2) years? YESINO (Circle one) Phew brae. numb.04 years of standard warranty: Same .s or equal to Whelan Headigls Flasher (U HF2t5OA) •EsL 5112. M A Dodge Durango 309 Ea S S No Bid S B. Chewy Tdre. 303 Ea S S No Bid g S No Bid ( S C. Chevy131aar 303 Ea S S D. Podia. Sbatue VD Ea 5 S No Bid S E. Jeep Charot® 309 Ea 5 5 No Bid S F. Van ((B0) 303 Ea 5 S No Bid i S Can you offer a Letter standard wrr1My Ord asoseds two RI years? YFSINO (09rW one) PSnee undies. number of rd . of standard warranty: � aY Foiled to Sign Bid Form as Required TABU A31oN Slur II0-00O35 POLKA VEHICLE E1AF3tGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor Pu0Oc Seely Equipment 3 Inetatl. iee». Inc. 1305 NW 155 Dr. Miami Gardena FL 33155 Female / Dade 1a'R�No RoPoeee, $ eNo Bid Vendor Ceara Public S1<ay Equipment Co., InG 3010A W. Osborne Tampa, FL 33014 aFemale I Non -Local Same as or equal to Whelan Walt Speaker 10 a' 4$BABKF0 mounting brodcat (SA314P) Eat Qtr. WM A. Dod0e Durango 303 Ea S S No Bid i B. Chevy tame 303 Ea $ 3 No Bid S C. Choy Blew 303 Ea 5 S No Bid 5 D. Dodge Straps 353 Ea 5 - S No Bid s S E. Jeep Cherokee 303 E. $ $ No Bid 1 S F. Van (TSD{ 303 Ea S - S No Bid S Car you offer a bather ptaederd wahudy that emceed. two RI yarn? YFS04C ;Chyle enel Platese inrliwb narrba of yeerm of ata0dvd warranty. Sane as °r eWa110 Star Control — Vrratar 11 Con mend Center (4CS00000NTOLERl Est Car. Sal A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea $ $ No Pad ? S B. Clary tone 303 Ea 3 5 No Bid i S C. Chevy Blmr 303 Ea S $ No Bid z S D. Dodge Straps 909 Ea S 5 - No Bid - S E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea 5 5 - No Bid s $ F. Van (MN 303 Ea S 5 No BC t $ Can you Oar a beer acd.rd 5arrr5y UM exceeds Iwo (2] years? YES/NO {Circle oral Please hd'icae rumba of youm of aanderd warmer Nom-Rery0rrar4 F1Oed to Sip, Bid FOP.. a. Regained Na.R..perstee: Failed 10 Sign era Form as Required NIR.No Raapoena. _.No gad 12 Same as or equal In Headlight Flasher (W5-war9) A. DodO. Cionnalo Chevy Tahoe C. Cherry Blame D. Dadg. Stratum E Jeep Cherokee F. Van [MD) SectOn F. 1 Es<. trw, 01. A. Dodge Durango 303 F? S 95.00 5 28,785.00 B. C y Tahoe 303 Ea S 85.00 S 28.785.00 0. Chewy Blow 303 Ea S 9503 S 29.70500 D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea S 95.00 S 28,785.00 E. Jeep Cherokee Sat Ea $ 85.00 S 21.705.00 F. Van {IBM 303 Ea 5 5.00 $ _ a8,705.00 TABULATION SHEET 05-08-O35 POLICE VEH0CL£ EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor $ Vendor Public Seely Equipment 6llutallations, Inc. Canh►I Public Safely Emailnent Co. Mc. 1305 NW 155 Dr. 3910A W. Oshoma Mons Gardens. FL 33189 Tampa, FL 33614 Female l Dade : Female/Non-Loral Fy3 oiv. One 303 Ea S $ No Bid $ 303 E8 S S No Bid .: S 303 Ea S S - No Bid ° 3. 303 Ea $ - S No Bid i $ 303 Ea $ - S No Bid 3 S 303 Ea S - S No Bid e. $ Can you offer a batter standard watrardy that o:eaeds Iwo (2) yaws? YES/NO (Circle an.( Mete i ndce% number of years of standard werrardy; TOTAL ITEMS SECTION E (1 .12): FIRE/RESCUE EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION: (Bidder WWI submit pricing fo ipalall lion ody. city supplied •gr+pn•of components. Instalatlon prices shall include all 111/110amal4e lie1W in the old .pecitleatiors) $ No Bid LED L44bar, Same as or equal to Whalen Talon Super -LED Red (TLN1-R) Can you offer a Wier standard warranty that .80854s two 12) years? YES1NO {Clad. pre) Plsa. hdic . number of years of standard warranter Yes 4 C Non-Rwpaoiw: Failed to Sign Sid Form as Required Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CT:'PS 001'10108 13 TABULATION SHEET C6-O0-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Public Sealy Egoism/eel & 6lateaetiono. too. Coaxal Public Solely Equipm*R Co.., rat 1305 NN 155 Dr. F. 3010A W _ O4banw Miami Gadaw, FL 33189 ,_ Tampa FL 33814 Female 1 Dade 1 Femate 1 Non -Load NIR•No Regwrwe. S =Ns Bid Same as or equal lu Whalen Low Profile S Headman Mount Bracket (TLNBUT3) A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea S 10.00 $ 3,030.00 B. Prey Tahoe 303 Ea S 1000 S 3.030.00 C. Cleary Blame 303 Ea $ 10 00 $ 3.03000 O. Dedpe Stratus 303 Ea $ 1000 3 3 03000 E. Jeep Clwrek.. 303 Ea 5 1000 $ 3,03000 F. Van (TBD) 303 Ea S 10.00 $ 3,03000 Can you of ar a batter standard warranty that axolodetwo (2) yeas? YESMO (Circle one) Yes Pleas. indirats manias of yews of standard werm1l- 4 Same ao or equal to W Men Talon Dual Surer -LED PadRded (TLN2-RR) for vehicle 3 spai_ed. Kat ON. UM A Dodo* Durango 303 Ea S 15.00 $ 4.545.00 e. Choy Tahoe 303 Ea $ 1500 S 454510 C. Chary Blmr 303 Ea 3 15.00 S 4.545.03 D. Dodge Status 303 Ea S 15.00 S 4.545,CO E. Jeep Orakee 303 Ea $ 15.00 S . 4.54500 F. Von MO) 303 Ea $ 1500 $ 454500 Can you otter a batter standard w:r.rty that ana.de two (2) year.? YE8040 (cwct. anal Meese inacel• number d years of sdnd.rd w.rre ty:. Yes 4 Nom.Rpspanslve: Failed to Sign Bid Form as Required Non -Responsive: Failed to Sign Bid Form as Required Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB 013/20/03 14 TABULATION SHEET 116-06.035 POLICE VEWCLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor - Vendor Public Safety Equipment & lnatalletiono. Inc, j Central Public Safety Equipment Co.. Inc 1305 NW 155 Cr. ;` 36104 W _ Osborne ► ara Gardens. FL 33169 a Tampa. FL 33614 Female; Dade _' Farnale;Norwtual NIR.No Response, _'No Bid Same as or equal to Whalen Tabn Dual 4 Sugar -LED Red/Red (TLN2-RR) A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea S 15.00 S 4,545,00 " $ B. Chevy Tahoe 303 E. $ 15.00 3 4.545.00 .y S C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea $ 1500 3 4,545.00 ' $ D. Dodge Straka 303 Ea S 15,00 S 4,545.00 `; $ E JeP Cherokee 303 Ea 5 1500 S 4.54500 e S F. Van (TRO) 303 Ea S 1500 5 4.545.00 $ Cain you other a h.mr' standard w.rrsn8y that meads two (2) years? YES/ND (Circa one) Yes Please indicate number of years of standard warranty. 4 _Same as or equal to Widen Low Pnorae !buying Bracket For Ttld only 5 (31NBICT2) FiL QN. la A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea $ 1000 S 3.030_00 C 1 B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea S 10.00 1 3,030 00 F $ 0. Chevy Blew 303 Ea S 1000 S 3,030.00 d S D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea 5 10.00 5 3.030.00 d 5 E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea S 1000 S 3.030.03 1- S F. Van (TOM 3W Ea S 10.00 S 3.030,00 ':' $ Can you offer a better standard weranly that exceeds two 12) years? YESINO {Circa ore) Yes Plan. Mande number of years of wetland earranty: 6 Eck Lim .. A_ Dodge Durango 303 Ea 5 20,00 5 6.060.00 ' S B. Chevy Tales 303 Ea 5 2000 5 6,060.00 $ C. Chevy Blazer 3133 Ea S 2006 5 6,060.00 $ A Dodge Shifter 303 Ea 5 20.00 5 6.06006 "S E Jaen Cherokee 303 Ea 5 2000 S 6,060.00 S F. Von [MD) 303 Ea S 20.00 5 - '6,660.00 5 4 Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB 00.20A6 Same as 00 equal Io Whelan 400 Series Single Laval Linear -LED Spa -LED Rad wdgr lens (400 SERIES LED R) Can you offer a better standard werraury Bat exceeds two (2) yawn? YES/NO' ([arch one) Please indicate number of yes d standard yrarre5y 15 Yes 4 Non -Responsive: Failed to Sign Rid Form as Required TABULATION 9I0ET 05-06-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EOt1IPMEhJr Vendor 1. Yauuda[ Public Safety Equipment 6 lnatalteliors. Inc } C.ntrst Pubnc Safety EqulprnwL Co.. Inc. 1305l4W 155 Dr- 38104 W. Osborne Miami Gardens. FL 33169 Tampa, FL 33614 Ferro./ Dade female 1 NonLoral N!R#.lo Flasponso, SK4a Bid Same a. or equal to Whelan grlle maser 7 black housing ye' anima bracket l4EGRILBI A. Dodge. twang* 303 E▪ a $ 25.00 3 7.575.00 S B, Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea 9 25.00 5 7.57500 K $ C. Chevy Bluer 303 Ea 5 2500 $ 7.575.00 S D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea $ 25.00 5 7.575.00 S E- Cherokee. 303 Ea S 25.06 - S 7.575 00 ' $ F. Van tTBD1 303 Ea 5 25 00 $ 7575.00 S Can you offer a batter at.nd.rd warranty that axeada two RI yaws? Y55400 SGrda one) Yes 4 Please indnta number of years of standard warmly; Same as or equal a Whelan 64wan Undercover S5obe Package re2-15. 2-30' 8 Cables (5660CCCC5P) EM, qty. 5$ A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea 5 145. 0 $ 43,935.00 S B. C3w3TMne 303 Ea 5 145.00 S 43,935.00 .5 C. Chwy Blazer 303 Ea 5 145.00 $ 43,935.00 ? $ D. Dodge strafe. 303 Ea 5 14500 $ 43.935.03 S 0. *rap Mambas 303 Ea S 145.00 S 43.035.00 S F. Wen tTBD1 303 Ea 3 14500 $ 43.935.00 ', 5 Carr you offer a better M andartl warranty that words two (2) yews? YESr190 (Circle ones Yes Plasm inrrrcat. .mbar of yaws of standard warranty: 2 9 Same as or equal 10 Whalen HaadligN Flasher 41.1HF21504) ESL p(r' UM A Dodge Durango 303 Ea $ 45.00 S 13.5,35.00 3 B. pryyTato. 303 Ea S 4500 5 13.635.03 < S C. Clr•yy Dane 393 Ea S 45.00 S 13,835.00 'S D. Dodge Snafus 303 Ea $ 45.00 S 13.035.00 j, S E. Jeep Choreic.. 363 Ea S 45.00 $ 13,635.00 7 $ F. Van 6T90l 393 Ea $ 45.00 5 13.535.00 a $ Can you offer . bettor standard wer.rdy that ac0osds two f21 ysos7 YESMD (CirN. ors) Pleas indcem nunbar of yaws of standard warranty: VFs 2 Non-RespanSive: Failed to Sign Bid Form as Required Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CP99 9920 06 15 NOt=No Na6Ponw. $_eNo Bid TABULATION SHEET 05-05,035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Public Sataty Equipment 5 tnriodmm►. Inc. a Cwinl PthM Ue SaY E44i+ Y Co., 1305 N4 155 a. sal 0A.w. Osbm» Liam Gan as, FL 33169 - Tanga. FL 33614 Female! Dade Female / Nonl =cal n Same as or aqua) to Whalen wan Senator 10 w19SABKT9 mouraag bracket i54314P1 Eat Qlv' I1IM A. Dodge Durango 30.1 Ea S 2000 S 6,050.00 9. Chwy Talmo 303 Ea 5 2000 S 8,050.00 a C. gravy Blame 303 Ea $ 2000 5 0050.00 . S 5,050.00 # S M. Modee Strang 3Ea S 2000 5 E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea $ 20.00 $ 6.060.00 : $ F. Van (TB0I 303 Ea S 20.00 S 5.050.00 2 S Can you after • batter standard Yes ` warranty thet=wads tree L2I3 $? 'Mama (Maio o^e5 Pfar indicate honker of yeas d standard warranty: 11 Command Center (LCS59000ITOLER) Sell, Qty. NIM A. Dodge Mennen 303 Ea S 05-03 S 28.7E6.00 393 Ea S SECO $ 26.7ffi.00 B. Curvy Tahoe28.76s 90 C, Chewy BICM - 303 Ea 5 �.00 5 • O. Dodge. S1rM= - 3a3 Ea 5 96.00 $ 26,765.00 E. Jeep Cherokees 303 Ea 5 9.00 $ 23.705,03 F. Von (TBM) 303 Ea S 9600 S 25.705.00 Can you offers batter standard warranty that =oawa two 121 years? YES/NO (Clrola era) Pfasa indicate number of yaws of Mallard wanady. Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CP06 0920105 No 2 Neniiaspmmrs: Faitad to Sign Bid Farr as Ragoirad �9%5/4 App oye0 By: hector or Designee wN-No R.apore., $ alb Bid 12 Sarre as or own to Headfghl Flasher CWg-+e119? Eat gSL. WM A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea S 45.00 S 13.635.00 . Chary Taho3o3 Ea $ 45.00 $ 13,035.00 C. Chevy Bloom 303 Ea $ 45.00 5 13.035.00 303 Ea $ 45.00 $ 13.635.00 D. Dodge M13.635.00 E.. .Nap Men*. 303 Es $ 45,00 $ F. Yen (T9L1) 303 Fa S 45 01 S 1363600 TABULATION SHEET 05-0e-035 POI.I VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQU�PMFNT l Public SMay Equipment a IMalHtlona.I� 1305 NW 155Dr. Maud Gardens, FL 33165 Female 1 Dade Con you offer. better .tendard warranty that exc..de two{21 years? YF IND (Circle ono) Please Mamie number oryome or standard warranty: TOTAL 'ITEMS SECTION F 111 -121: Vanier* Ernmiwericy Equipment Catalog Disown' (Didion coal not blur on all OrraIogoss) Weldor MUST submit armor oet.iogoe fu4 price. along um Section G: 51d. $ O11.720.00 No 2 m=n N/A X S100 S No Bid 1 Whalen Catalog wA X$103 $ No Bid 2 Feae-ai Signal Catalog N/A X5100 S No Bid 3 Coda 3 Public Sorely Eq��Pr+KIy 4 Troy Industries Catalog WA XS100 $ No Bid S Adamson Industries Catalog NIA X S100 S No Bid S Hay ASen 1Avudadviq ConWauy Catalog WA X5100 5 No Bid WA X$100 $ Ne Bid • 4lavis-Shidda MMadcrrinq Company Calms RadimlrrrMGe. kw_ Catalogue WA X$100 5 No Bur TOTAL ITEMS SECTION G 11-111j: 5 No Did prppa.ed by TERRY BYRiNES. OFFS moons CnaM Public Surety Equipment Co.. Inc. 3310A W. Osborne Tampa. FL 33814 Ferule 1 Non -Local Non.Responshm: Failed to Sign Bid Form as Required MIR-No Respnw. $nao Bid Lebo Rete: (Bidder shall indicate a mour stoop labor rale for miscellaneous irdFntluar repairs 1M!or Installation of entice vehide equipment des purchased from catalogue and applicable offered discount percentages) Section H. Labor Rate er Pb.Hfor Wm. lndrvldmad Repairs and/or lrefallalion of equipment purchased under catabg(s) 2 Warrenty on Mork performed Vendors Uiemi-0ade services location: TOTAL ITEMS SECTION t TOTAL ALL SECTIONS (E - HI: Convey of Goode War Receipt of PO: Installation of Goods after Receipt of PO: TOTAL ALL SECTIONS (A - HI: Location of Installation Facility: 511&CONlRAGTORS MUST BE IDENTIFIED. Notes and Co,nmed.: Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB lla2Prce TABULATION SHEET 05.08-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT V Public Safety Equipment L InRMation. Inc. 1305 NW 155 Or. LOant Gardens. FL 3315E Kernels ! Dace gr-taOebom Only) S 54 00 s .54.00 S S61,174.00 NIA 4E (ln.t.I1 1 n only) S 1.666.57840 1305 NM 155 lk.. Miami Gardens. FL 33105 Loustrest INSTALLATIONS SELF 19 iVEAN Central Public Safely Equipment Oa.. 1ne. 3010A W. Osborne Tampa, FL 33614 Fergie7 Non -local 2 LSersoftamter Nan RespofSIVO: Failed to Sign Sid Form as Required TABULATION SHEET 05-06-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor Strobes -FL -Us 812 S Dixie Pompano. FL 33060 :-. Non-Minanty / Non -Local NIR�10 Response, S_Nlo Sid Description 5erlfgn A. POLICE EQUIPMENT PURCHASE: Equipment only and includes all standard components regularly supplied with the component, i.e. mounting brackel6, hardware, etc. 0 1 LED Ughtbar. Same as or equal to Code 3, Mfg. Model 2147A-MPD2. EsL g{y' UM Un' Price Extended Pripe ManufJMndate A. Cmxm Vicbria 165 Ea S 845-00 $ 139.425.00 Whelan CSBMLA B. ivy impala 165 Ea $ 845.00 $ 139,425.00 Whelen CS5MIA C. Dodge Charger 165 Ea ii $ 845.00 $ 139.425.00 Whelen CSBMIA D. Dodge Magnum 165 Ea S 645-00 $ 139,425.00 Whelen CSSMIA Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YESINO (Circle one) YES 5 Years Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: Light/Siren controller, Same as or equal to Code 3. Mtg. Model 3892L6 or the Whelen, 295HFSA6. Controller sha0 include integrated siren and fight controller with a three {3) level slide svrtich 2 and PA capabeli695. A. Gruen yctrwie 165 Ea -. S 271.09 $ 44.729.65 295HFSA6 B. Chevy Impala 165 Ea $ 271.09 $ 44,729_85 295HFSA6 C. Dodge Charger 165 Ea e $ 271.09 $ 44,729.85 295HFSA6 D. Dodge Magnum 165 Ea $ 271.09 $ 44,729.55 295HFSA6 Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years7 •YESMO (Circle one) YES Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: 5 Years Speaker: Same es or equal to Code 3 Mfg. Model CV214 Wheten Eng.. Model 3 5A314 for vetude specified. A. Crown Victana 165 Ea • 5 96.68 $ 15,95220 6A314 a. Chevy Impala 165 Ea • S 96.68 $ 15.952.20 5A314 C. Dodge Charger 165 Ea i $ 96.66 $ 15,95220 SA314 D. Dodge Magnum 165 Ea ` $ 96.68 S 15,95220 SAa14 Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two 12) years? YES/NO (Circle ens) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: Yes 3 Years Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB 0920f06 Deparbnen Director or Designee - Appnlved ay: -p C— L TABULATION SHEET 0506-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor Strobes-tqk 812 S Dixie 4 Pompano, FL 33060 Non .4inodty ! Non -Local NIRN10 Reapaese, -010 Bid 4-Corner Strobe Package: Same as or equal to each Whelan 90 wall power 4 supply ICSP690) and four (41 Whelan II pp 165 Ea $ 17626 $ 29,Q2.90 ¢ sosocCCSP A. Chem Impala 29.082.90 5690CCC SP B. Dodge impala 165 Ea $ 17626 $ 165 Ea $ 176.26 $ 29,082.90 9SSOCCCSP C. Changer D. Dodge Magnum 165 Ea P S 176.26 $ 29,082.90 Sesoc0CSP Can you offer a better standard NO warranty that exceeds two 21 rears? YES/NO (Circle one) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: Dock Light Package: (llsms Only) Same as or equal to Whelan Dash Keg pl(RSR and DKRSS)or Whey Talon TLNCV5R6. Package pricing includes one (1)01025R and one (1}eedf DKRSB 5 per vehicle or (1) Whelan Talon TLNCV55RB. A. Crown Victoria B. Chevy impala C. Dodge Charger D. Dodge Magnum 165 Ea $ 165 Ea ' $ 165 Ea ? 5 165 Ea $ Can you offer a better Standard warranty that exceeds Iwo 121 years? YESIN0 (Clmle one) P14.250 indicate number of Imam of standard warranty: Prisoner Partition: Same as or equal 10 Troy Products TP-IUS-F (75% Leman 125% mesh) to include 2-PAR-28- driver advantage mounting hardware and 2-PAR. 25- laser extension panels (kick dates) 8 for vehicle specified. A. Crown lrctona 13. Cherry Impala C. Dodge Charger D. Dodge Magnum Prepared by TERRY BYRNES, CPP9 165 165 165 165 Can you offer a better standard warranty that erCNdr. two (2( Years? YES/NO (Circle one) Please indicate number afyears of standard warranty: 2 Yeas 113.74 $ 18.767.10 w6den DS1cRs Per 113.74 $ 18.767.10 Whalen 45l SPar 113.74 $ 18,767.19 when 0SMis Pair 113.74 $ 18,767.10 Whelan 091UtS Par Ea $ 374.00 Ea ` $ 374.00 Ea $ Ea NO 1 Year $ 61,710.00 1UFL0C 31-363 $ 61,710.00 7u1L0C 31-308 $ WA $ WA 2 YES 5 Years TABULATION SHEET 05461135 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor Strobes4R4Js 812 5 Dixie Pompano. FL 33060 Non -Minority 1 Non -Local NTft=No Response, S =No Bid equal to Pro -Gard. Pad # 56001 to fit A. 165 Ea $ 'atop crown winds B. Chevy Impala 165 Ea $ C. ,„ Dodge Charger 165 Ea $ O. Dodge Magnum 165 Ea S Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two 121 years? YES/NO (Circle one) Please indicate number of yews of standard warranty: TOTAL FTEMS Section A: (1-7) $ 32,010 00 Brooking vs CV 12 $ WA $ NIA $ WA ▪ 1,147,25820 POLICE EQUIPMENT INSTAILAT1ON: (Bidder shall submit pricing for installation only. city supplied equipment components. Mstallation prices shall include all requirements Section B. listed in that bid specifications.' ..,, Installation of the light bar, siren and "., speaker per specifications, 1 3.1.12.. &, f gL.gEtt UM i A. Crown %Mori's 165 Ea ,'! 1 299.00 $ • 49,335.00 a. Chevy Impala 165 Ea .. $ 325 00 $ 53.625.00 C. Dodge Charger 165 Ea ..... $ 325.00 $ 53,625.00 D. Dodge Magnum 165 Ea S 325.00 S 53,625.00 Co. you offer a longer iabor Warranty that exceeds one (1) year? YES/NO (Circle one) Please incitcate number of years of labor warranty: Installahon of four -corner strobe package 2 per specification 3.12. Est. City. A. Crown Victoria 165 Ea ',.. $ 149.011 $ 24,585.00 B. Chevy Impala 165 Ea :F $ 159.00 ..... SS 2266,235050.06 C. Dodge Charger 165 Ea t. $ 170.00 D. Dodge Magnum 165 Ea : S 170.00 $ 28.050.00 ..`, Can you Mier a longer tabor warranty that exceeds one 411 year? YES/NO (Circle one) .. Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: 1 Yes 5 Years No 1 No Prepared by (7# k YA TERRY BYRNES. CPPB APPfd EY: 09/20/06 3 Director or Deugnett NJR No Response. $ =No Bid installation of rear deck fight package as 3 Per specfication 3.1.3. t 165 Ea 4. $ 49.00 $ 6.085.06 A. Crown Impalas - 5 065.00 B. Chi Impala 165 Ea $ 49.00 $ 49.00 $ 6.085.00 C. Dodge Charger 165 Ea 49.00 $ 6,085.00 D. Dodge Magnum 165 Ea '$ ; S TABULATION SHEET 05.06635 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Strobes-R-Us 612 S Dixie Pompano. R . 33060 Non-Minority?Non-Local 'Can you offer a longer labor warranty that exceeds one {1 j year? Yes/No Please indicate number of years of -standard warranty: Installation of prisoner partition as per 4 specification 3.1 4 Crown Victoria B. Chevy Impala C. Dodge Charger D_ Dodge Magnum Es. QM. 165 Ea $ 70.00 $ 11,550.00 165 Ea $ 70.00 S 11,550 00 165 Ea $ 70.00 $ 11,550.00 165 Ea 5 70.00 $ 11550.00 Can you offer a longer labor warranty YES/NO +CIrtM eras) that exceeds one 11) year? Phase indicate number of years of standard warranty Installation of prisoner Seat as per specification 3.1.5. A. Crown Victoria Chevy Impala C. Dodge Charger D. Dodge Magnum Prepared by TERRY SYRNES, CPPB 09R0f06 Est_,SaL M 165 Ea 3 $ 45.00 4 7.425.00 165 Ea ; S 45.00 $ 7,425.00 165 ,�;, $ 45.00 S 7,425.00 165 05 S 45.00 $ 7,425.00 Can you offer a longer labor warranty YES/NO {Circle ens) that exceeds one (1) year? Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: 4 r1. No No 1 No N/R=No Response, $��Bid Instalation of complete emergent' equipment package to include light bar. siren, speaker, four -comer strobe package, deck lights. prisoner partition and pa:toner Seat {turkey) as per specification 6 3.1.1. through 3-15. Est ON. UJM A. Crown Victoria 165 Ea B. Chewy Impala 165 Ea C. Dodge Charger 165 Ea D. Dodge Magnum 165 Ea Can you offer a longer tabor warranty that exceeds one (1lyear? YESiN0 (Circle one) Phase indicate number of years of standard warranty: TOTAL ITEMS Section B: (1-6) Veldce Emergency Equipment Catalog Discount (Bidders need not bid on all Catalogues) Vendor MUST submit Section C: currant catalogue bat prises along with Item A. Whelan Catalog 8. Federal Signal Catalog C. Code 3 Public Safety Equipment D. Troy Industries Catalog E. Adamson Industries Catalog F. Ray Allen Manufacturing Company Catalog G. HarLS-Shields MarufBC1U00g Company Catalog H. Radioennics, Inc. Catalogue Prepared by TERRY BYRNES, CPPB 09/20/06 TABULATION SHEET 05-06-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor StrobesR-Us 012 5 Dixie Pompano, FL 33060 Non -Minority! Non -Loral $ 529.00 S 87265.00 STROBESR-US $ 575.00 $ 94 875 0D STROBES-R-US S 529-00 $ 87265.00 STROBES-R-US $ 575.00 $ 94.675.00 S1ROBES,R-US No $ 789,690.00 52% XS100 S 48.00 0% X $100 $ No Bid 0% XS100 $ No Bid 0% X$100 $ - No Bid 0% XSt00 $ s NO Bid 0% X$100 S No Bid 0% XS100 S No Bid 0% X$100 $ No Bid N)R-No Response. S=No Bid Section D. Total Items Section C (MI): Labor Rats: 4Bidder shall indicate a -per hour- shop labor rate for miscellan¢aS edi iduat repairs andlor installation of pofine vehicle equipment components purchased from catalogue and applicable offered discount percentages.) Labor Rate Per Horn for Mac. Individual Repairs and/or Instillation of 1 equiprnerd purchased undercatelog(s) 2 Warranty on work performed: Section E. Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB 09/20418 TABULATION SHEET 05416-035 POIJCE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT StrobesA- 1s 812 S Dixie Pompom, FL 33060 Non -Minority 1 Non -Loral S 48.00 Pr Hour $ 49.00 1 Year Days to Complete work after receipt of purchase order Vendor's Miami -Dade services location: 812 S. Dbun Hwy.. Pompano. FL 33060 Total 'Items Section D: TOTAL ALL SECTIONS (A - DJ: FIREIRESCUE EQUIPMENT PURCHASE: (Equipment only and includes all standard components regularly auppliadwilb the component. I. mounting brackets. hardware. etc.) Bid Price quoted Ike be for an esfmuated tool of 303 vehicles. based on the vehicle Make and Model lo be outfitted. Items vd0 be installed for Fire - Rescue emergency response vehicles (subject to change). i 49.00 • S 1,937,045.20 TABULATION SHEET 05-06-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor Strobes-R-Us 812 5 Dixie Pompano, FL 33060 Non -Minority I Non -Local NJR=No Response, $ No Bid LED Lighlbar. Same as or equal to Whelan 1 Talon Super -LED Red (TLNI-R) WM A- Dodge Durango 303 Ea $ 845.00 $ 256,035.00 CS8MIA B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea 5 845.00 $ 256,035.00 C58MW C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea $ 845.00 $ 256,035.00 C58MIA D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea $ 845.00 3 256.035.90 CS8MIA E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea $ 645.00 5 256,035.00 CS8MIA F, Van (TBD) 303 Ea $ 845.00 $ 256,035.00 CSSMIA Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (Circle one) Yes Please indicate number of years of standard warranty- 5 Same as or equal to Whalen Low Profile 2 Headiner Mount Bracket (TLNBKT1) A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea 5 6-30 $ 1.908.90 TLNBKTI B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea 5 630 $ Y 1.90890 11..NBKI1 C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea 5 6.30 $ 1,908.90 TLNBKTI D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea $ 6.30 $ 1.906.90 TV4BKf1 E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea $ 6.30 3 1,908.90 TLNBKTI F. yan (TBD) 303 Ea $ 6.30 $ 1.906.90 TLNBKTI Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (Circle one) Yes Please indicate number 01 years of standard warranty: ` r 3 Same as or equal to Whelan Talon Dual Super -LED Red/Red (TLN2-RR) for vehicle 3 specified. Est Qtv. ![$$ A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea $ 184.84 $ 56.006 52 TLN2RR B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea $ 164.84 $ 56.006.52 TLN2RR C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea $ 184.84 $ 56.006.52 71.142RR D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea $ 134.84 3 56,006.5Z T1,N2RR E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea 5 184.84 $ 56,006.52 TLN2RR F. Van (TBD) 303 Ea 3 184.84 $ 56,006.52 RN2RR Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB 0920106 Can you offer a Uatler standard warranty that exweds two (2) years? YES/NO (Circle are) Yes Please indicle number ofyaars of standard warranty 5 1 TABULATION SHEET 05-06035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor Strobes-R-Us g 812 S Dixie v Pompano, F(, 33060 4 Nil+-Miino4ty/Nan-Local N/Ri=hlo Response, $=No Bid Same as or equal b Whalen Talon Dual 4 Super -LED Red/Red ITLN2-RRI Est Qty. URA A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea - $ 184.84 B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea $ 184.84 C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea 5 184.84 D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea T, 5 184.64 E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea ;: $ 184.84 F. Van (IBC) 303 Ea ' $ 184,84 x Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds Ore (2) years? YES/NO (Circle one) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: Same as or equal to Whalen Law Profile hiounting Bracket For TLN2 only 5 (TLNEK12) Dodge Durango B_ Chevy Tahoe C. Chevy Blazer D. Dodge Stratus E. Jeep Cherokee F. Van (TBD) E WM 303 Ea ', $ 7.30 303 Ea f $ 7.30 303 Ea $ 7.30 303 Ea ;1 5 7.30 303 Ea S 7.30 $ 56,006.52 TLN2RR $ 56.006.52 TLN2RR 5 56,006.52 TLN2RR $ 56,006.52 TLN2RR $ 56.006.52 TLN2RR $ 56,006.52 TLN2RR Yes 5 $ 2,211.90 TL14SK12 $ 2.211,90 TLNBKT2 $ 2,211.90 TLNBKT2 $ 2211.90 TLNBKT2 S 2211.90 TLNBKT2 303 Ea -: $ 7.30 5 2,211.90 TLNBICT2 Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds hen (2) years? YESINO (Circle one) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: Same as or equal to W helen 400 Series Single Level Linear -LED Super -LED Red 6 vdClr Lens (400 SERIES LED R) Dodge Durango B. Chevy Tahoe C. Chevy Blazer D. Dodge Stratus E. Jeep Cherokee F. Van ?BD) Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB 092M06 Est_ Qtr. WM s' 4 303 Ea S 80.52 5 24,597.56 303 Ea S 80.52 5 24.397.56 303 Ea sz S 80.52 $ 24,337.56 303 Ea ; 5 80.52 • $ 24,397.56 303 Ea 1 5 80.52 $ 24.337.56 303 Ea 5 80.52 S 24,397.56 Yes 3 40R022CR.4EGRJL9 44 0022CR+4EGRILB 4ORO22CR+4EGRILB 40R022CR+4EGRILB 40R022CR+4EGRILB 40R022CRMEGRILB Can you offer a better standard warrarky that exceeds two years? YES/NO (Circle one) Yes Please Indicate number of years of standard warranty: 5 8 NIR=No Response, $_WNo Bid Same as or equal to Whalen grille master black housing vd swivel bracket (4EGRILB) Dodge Durango B. Cher? Tahoe C. Chevy Blazer D. Dodge Stratus E. Jeep Cherokee F. Van (TBD) TABULATION SHEET 05.08-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EOLSPMENT Vendor Strobes -Rile 612 S Daie Pompano, FL 33060 Non -Minority! Non -Local Est v. WM 303 Ea 'i $ 60-52 3 24,397.56 40022CR 303 Ea r $ 80.52 $ 24,397.56 40'022CR 303 Ea 's_ $ 80-52 $ 24,397.56 40.022CR 303 Ea „. $ 80.52 3 24,39756 40'022CR 399 Ea =: $ 8052 3 24,397.56 40'022CR 303 Ea $ 60.52 S 24,397.56 40'022CR Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YESINO (Circle one) Yes Please in6cate number of years of standard warranty: 5 Same as or equal Io Whalen 60-watt Undercover Strobe Package r12-15', 2- 30' Cables (S660CCCCSP) Est.Oty. L11M A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea F. $ 156.35 S 47,374.05 SGGOCCCSP E. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea ' S 156.35 $ 47.374.05 SGGOCCCSP C. Chevy Blazer 303 E8 °. S 156.35 5 47.374.05 SGanrrCSP D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea $ 156.35 5 47,374.05 SGGOCCCSP E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea ` $ 156.35 $ 47,374.05 SGGOCCCSP F, Van (TBD) 303 Ea ;' $ 156.35 $ 47 374.05 SGGOCCCSP 9 Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years7 YESMO (Circle one) Please incicate number of years of standard warranty: Same as or equal to Wbetee Headrrght Flasher (UHF2150A) _ A. Dodge Durango B. Chevy Tahoe C. Chevy Blazer D. Dodge Stratus E. Jeep Cherokee F. Van (TBD) Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB 0920106 t.O1v. SL 303 Ea i $ 59.95 $ 18,164.85 303 Ea ' $ 47.00 $ 14,241.00 303 Ea i $ 23.40 $ 7,09020 303 Ea 2 3 23.40 $ 7.06020 303 Ea " $ 23.40 $ 7,99020 303 Ea Q $ 23.40 S 7,09026 Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YESINO (Circle arm) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: 9 NO 2 ET3PF1S000.P SOUNDOFF ETH1MPO-06 SOUNDOFF ETPPOO-P ETPPOO-P ETPPOO-P ETPPOO-P No Amoy By artrn t Director or Designee TABULATION SHEET 05489035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT V rWa Strobes-R-Us 812 S Dixie Pompano, FL 33060 Non -Minority 1 Nen-Local NIR44o Response, i '4Ho bid Same as or equal to Where watt Speaker wi NSABKT9 mounting bracket 10 (SA314PI Est. Qtv. URA :. A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea '.< 5 96.68 9 29294.04 SA314P e_ Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea ;, 5 96.68 S 2929404 SA314P C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea 5 96.68 $ 29294.04 SA314P D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea $ 96.60 $ 29294.04 SA314P E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea $ 06 68 $ 29294.04 SA314P F. Van (TBD) 303 Ea $ 96.68 $ 29294.04 SA314P Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (21 years? YESINO {Circle one) Yes Please ku5ca*e number oryears of standard warranty: 3 Same as or equal to Ste Contra/ — Unistar Command Center 11 (LCS880C0NT0LER) Est. Qty. 1,MM A. Dodge Durango 309 Ea is 5 359.00 5 108.777.00 LC5880 6. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea $ 359.00 $ 108,777.00 LC5880 C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea $ 359.00 5 108.777,00 LCS880 D. Dodge Straw 303 Ea . 5 359.00 5 106,777.00 LC5880 E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea 5 359.00 $ 108277.00 LC5880 F. Van (TBD) 303 Ea 5 359.00 5 108,777.00 LCS880 Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB 09rz0/06 Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (circle are) No Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: 2 10 NIR10 Response. $=No Bid 12 Same a4 or equal to Headlight Flasher (Wig -wag) Est Qty. A Dodge Durango 303 B. Chevy Tahoe 303 C. Chevy Blazer 303 D. Dodge Stratus 303 E. Jeep Cherokee 303 F. Van(TBD) 303 Can you offer a bettor standard warranty that exceeds twe (21 Years? YESINO (Circe ens) Please inSrcate number of years of standard warranty: TOTAL ITEMS SECTION E (1 -12): FIRE/RESCUE EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION: (Bidder shag submit pricing for Installation only, city supplied equipment components. Installation prices shall include all requirements Section F. listed in the bid specifications.) TABULATION SHEET 05-06-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor Strobes:i-Us 612 S Dixie Pp'pano, FL 33060 Nan -Minority! Nan -Local Ea 7 $ 59.95 $ 18,164.85 ET3PFISSO-P SOUNDOFF Ea 5 47.00 $ 14241.00 ETHIMPO-06* SOUNDOFF Ea $ 23.40 $ 7.09020 ETPPOO-P SOUNDOFF Ea : $ 23.4i $ 7.09420 ETPPOO-P SOUNDOFF Ea i$ 23.40 5 7.09020 ETPPOD-P Ea $ 23.40 $ 7,090.20 ETPPOO-P $ 3,423,948.44 LED Lighthar. Same as or equai to 1 Whalen Talon Super-tED Red (TLN1{i) Est Qltr. U1M A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea _ $ 93.84 $ 28,43352 B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea $ 93.84 $ 28,433.52 C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea 5 93.84 $ 28,433.52 D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea S 93-84 $ 24.433.52 E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea ;k. $ 93.84 S 24.43352 F. Van (TBD1 303 Ea S 93.84 $ 28.43352 Can you elver a better standard warranty ihal exceeds two (21 years? YESINO {Circle one) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty Prepared by TERRY BYRNES, CPPB 09t20/06 4. 11 1 Yes 5 NIR-No Response, $= No Bid Sane a5 or equal to Whalen Low Profile 2 Headliner Mount Bracket (ihNBKT1) A. Dodge Durango 303 B. Chevy Tahoe 303 C. Chevy Blazer 303 D. Dodge Stratus 303 E. Jeep Cherokee 303 F. Van (TBD) 303 Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two {2) years? YES/NO (Circle one) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: Sane aS or equal to Mahn r Talon Dual Supe71EO Red/Red (1N2-RRI for 3 vehicle specified. A. a. C. D. E. F. Prepared by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB 09RDI06 TABULATION SHEET 05-06-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor Strobes-R-Us 312 S Dame Pompano. FL 33050 Non -Minority I Non -.oral Ea S 7.30 Ea $ 7.30 Ea ` $ 730 Ea $ 7.30 Ea $ 7.30 Ea $ 7.30 S 2,211.90 $ 2,211.90 $ 2211.90 $ 2211.90 $ 2,211.90 $ 2211.90 EsIcIlL WM Dodge Durango 303 Ea S 164.64 $ 56,0136.52 Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea E 5 104.84 $ 56.006,52 Chevy Blazer 303 Ea ; $ 164.84 $ 56,006.52 Dodge Stratus 303 €a : $ 1134.64 $ 56,006.52 ,seep Cherokee 303 Ea $ 164.64 $ 56,006.52 Van (TBO) 303 Ea 5 184.84 $ 56,006.52 Yes 3 Can you oflar a better standard warranty that exceeds two 12) years? YES/NO (Cade ore) Yes Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: 5 4 12 TABULATIelN SHEET D5 =s tJ POCNI E VEHICLE EEIH•iEH 1PNIENT yeagtx Stra6ea•R-Us 812 5 Dale Pompano, FL 33060 Non -Minority I Non -Local NIRaro Response, 5 4N0 Bid Same as or equal b Whelan Talon Dual 4 Super -LED Red/Red (TLN2-RRI Es. A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea S 184.84 S 56.006.52 B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea :[ $ 184.84 $ 56,006.52 C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea '; $ 184.84 $ 56,006.52 D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea $ t84.64 $ ' 56.006.52 E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea $ 184.84 S 56.008.52 F. Van (TBD) 303 Ea ( $ 164.64 $ 56,006.52 Can you offer better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YESINO (Circle one) Yes Please indicate naaWer of years of standard warranty: 5 Same as or eremite Whelan Low Profile Mtownng Bracket ForTLN2 only 5 (TLNBK12) Eat. Cite. uIMU A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea • S 7.30 S 2,211.90 z B. Chevy Tahoe 903 Ea $ 7.30 S 2211.90 C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea S 7 30 S 2211.90 D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea $ 7.30 S 2211.90 E. Jeep Cherokee 303 - Ea $ 7.30 $ 2211.90 F. Van (TBD) 303 Ea S 7.30 S 2211.90 Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YESINO (Circle one) Please inc0rate number of years of Standard warranty: Prepared by TERRY BYRNES, CPPB 09I20T06 Yes 3 Pproved By:741 s Di nor Designee ( [j TABULATION SHEET 0506-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT V4 or Strobes.R-US 812 S oboe Pompano. FL 33060 Nonarrnonly / Non -Local NIR=No Response, $ 4Jo Bicl v Same as or equal to Whfiien 400 Series Single Level Linear -LED Super -LED Red 6 War Lens (400 SERIES LED RI Est. Otr. 11M1 A. Dow Durango 303 Ea , $ 80.52 5 24.39756 B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea $ 60.52 3 24,397.56 C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea `" $ 80-52 $ 24,397.56 13Dodge Stratus 303 Ea $ 80.52 $ 24.397.56 E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea ' $ 80.52 $ 24,39756 F. Van 0-B0) 303 Ea ` $ 00.52 $ 24,39756 Can you offer a bolter standard warranty that exceeds two CA Years? YESNO (Girds one) Yes Plsase Indicate number of years of standard warranty: 5 Same as or equal to Whalen gnite master black housing vd swivel bracket 7 (4EGPJL5) A. Dodge Durango B. Chevy Tahoe C. Chevy Blazer A. Dodge Stratus E Jeep Cherokee F. Van (TBD) Prepaed by TERRY BYRNES. CPPB 09/20106 E;L Qly. 303 Ea i $ 80.52 3 24,397.56 303 Ea ;i $ 60.52 $ 24,397.56 303 Ea g $ 80,52 $ 24,397.56 303 Ea :1 $ 80.52 $ 24,39756 303 Ea -. $ 80.52 $ 24,397.56 303 Ea . $ 80.52 $ 24,397.56 Can you offer a bettor standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YESINO (Circle one) Please Indicate number of years of standard warranty: 14 40'02ZCR Yes 5 Apprived By: $ C( or Designee TABULATION SHEET --05.09-035 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Strobes-R-Us 812SDWe Pompano. FL 33060 Non -Minority 1 Non -Local N1R�lo Response, 304o Bid Same as or equal to W1.elen 60.watt Undercover Strobe Package w' 2-15', 2- 6 30' Cables (S66OCCCCSP) Est. gtf,VIM A Dodge Durango 303 Ea ' $ 156.35 S 47,374.05 B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea S 156.35 $ 47,374.05 G Chevy Blame 303 Ea 1 $ 156.3E 5 47,374,05 D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea 3 $ 156.35 $ 47,374.05 E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea $ 156.35 $ 47.374.05 F. Van (TBD) 303 Ea 4 $ 156.35 $ 47,374.05 Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds two (2) Years? YESNNO (Circle one) No Pleas indicate number of years of standard warranty: 2 9 Same as or equal to Whelen Headlight Flasher (IJHF2150A) Est- ptv_ A. Dodge Durango 303 B. Chevy Tahoe 303 C. Chevy Blazer 303 D. Dodge Stratus 303 E. Jeep Cherokee . 303 F. Van (TBD) 303 Can you offer a Hagar standard warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (Circle one) Please hrdlwte number of years of standard warranty: Prepared by TERRY BYRNES, CPPB 0920106 UM ; Ea $ 59.95 $ 16,164.135 ET3PF1SSO-P Ea 4 $ 47.00 S 14241.00 ETHIMPO+06 Ea a $ 23.40 5 7.09020 ETPPOO-P Ea 4 $ 23.40 $ 7,090.20 ETPPOUF Ea ;., $ 23.40 $ 7,09020 ETPPOO-P Ea 3 $ 23.40 $ 7.090.20 ETPPOO-P 15 No TABULATION SHEET 05,06035 POIJCE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor Strobes-R{Is 812 S Dixie Pompano. FL 33060 Non -Minority !Non -Local NIRNJo Response, f_4lo Bid Same as or equal to Whelen Walt Speakerwl 0SABKT9 mounting bracket l0 (SA314P) Est ay. tom A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea ` $ 96.68 S 29.74.04 ( B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea $ 96.68 $ 29.2$1.04 H`�' C. Chevy Blazer 303 Ea 3 96.68 S 29.294,04 D. Dodge Stratus 303 Ea $ 96.68 $ 29294.04 E Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea 3'- $ 96.68 $ 29294.04 F. Van (T130) 303 Ea ? $ 96.68 $ 29,294.04 Can you offer a better standard warranty that exceeds Iwo (2) Years? YESINO (Cirete one) Yes Please Indicate number of years of standard warranty: 3 t1 Unistar Command Center Es. ti, A. Dodge Durango 303 Ea $ 359.00 $ 108.777.00 B. Chevy Tahoe 303 Ea 5 359.00 $ 108,777.00 C. Chevy BI3=9r 303 Ea . $ 359.00 5 108.777.00 D. Dodge Status 303 Ea $ 359.00 $ 108,777.00 E. Jeep Cherokee 303 Ea $ 359.00 $ 108.777.90 F. Van (fBD) 303 Ea ' $ 359.00 $ 106,777.00 Prepared by TERRY BYRNES, CPPB 09720f06 Can you offer a better standard warranty leaf exceeds two R) Years7 YES/NO (Circle one) Ho Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: 2 16 NlR4lo Response. $ chef Bid 12 Same as or equal to Headlight Flasher (Wigwag) A Dodge Durango B. Chevy Tahoe C. Chevy Blazer D. Dodge Status E. Jeep Cherokee F. Van (TBD) TABULATION SHEET 05-06a35 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vendor Strobes-R-Us 512 S Dixie Pompano, FL 33060 Nan-MinaiitylNon4.ocal Eat. Qiv. ChM 303 Fa -. S 59.95 369 Fa :: $ 47.00 303 Ea ; $ 23.40 303 Ea ` $ 23-40 303 Ea $ 23.40 303 Ea , $ 23.40 Can you offer a better standard ' warranty that exceeds two (2) years? YES/NO (Circle one) Please indicate number of years of standard warranty: TOTAL. ITEMS SECTION F {1 •12): Vehicle Emergency Equipment Catalog Discount (Bidders need not hid an a0 Catalogues) Vendor MUST submit current catalogue List prices along with Section G: bid. Rem 1 Whalen Catalog 2 Federal Signal Catalog 3 Code 3 Public Safety Equipment 4 Troy Indusines Catalog Adamson industries Catalog Ray Allen Manufacturing Company Catalog 7 Hauls -Shields Manufacturing Company Catalog 8 Radiab3nics. Inc. Catalogue Prepared by TERRY BYRNES, CPPB 00/20/06 $ 18,164.85 ET3PFISSO.P $ 14.241.00 ETHIMPO+06 $ 7.090.20 ETPPOO-P $ 7,09020 ETPPOC-P $ 7.0?020 ETPPOO-P $ 7,09020 ETPPOO-P No 1 $ 2,396,196.72 52% X $100 $ ` 48.00 0% X $100 $ No Bid 0% X $100 $ No Bid 0% X $100 $ No Bid 0% X $100 $ Na Bid 0% X $100 $ Na Bid 0% X $100 $ N0 Bid 0% X $100 $ - No Bid 17 TABULATION SHEET os-oe-ins POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Vender Strobes-R-Us 812 S Dixie Pompano, FL 33060 Non -Minority /Non -Local N/R440 Response, $ Bid TOTAL ITEMS SECTION G (1-8): Labor Rate: (Bidder shall indicate a "per hourshop labor rate for misceganeous individual repass andlor installation of porter vehicle Section H. equipment carreponents purchased from catalogue and applicable offered discount pereentages.) 48.00 Labor Rate Per Hour for 'Asc. Individual Repairs arid/or last:Mahon 1 Of equipment purchased under catalogis) 49.00 2 Warranty an work performed: Vendor's Miarri-Dacie senrIces locatian: TOTAL ITEMS SECTION H: 5 70.00 TOTAL ALL SECTIONS (E - H): $ 2,396,314.72 Delivery of Goods after Receipt ot PO: 30 Installation ot Goals after Receipt of PO. 40 TOTAL ALL SECTIONS (A. H): $ 4.331.358.92 Location of Installation Facility: 512 So. Obrle Hwy, FOrnpano, FL Days Dorm SUS -CONTRACTORS MUST BE IDENTIFIED: • Subcearinelsea Counly-Wwici00 4rivealiWorlt H. of Subcovrtrador Lk... W... Notes and Comments: SELF Prepared by TERRY B'flINES, CPPB 09/20/06