HomeMy WebLinkAboutSchool Board Comments (1.11.06)"PRELIMINARY" SCHOOL IMPACT REVIEW ANALYSIS January 11.2006 FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY; THE REQUIREMENTS UNDER THE |NTERLCJCALAGREEMENT FOR SCHOOL FACILITY PLANNING ARE NOT TRIGGERED SINCE THE SCHOOLS THAT WOULD SERVE THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ARE UNDER THE 115%THRESHOLD CAPACITY. APPLICATION: Urbana Tower (LSDMtg. February 1'2000 REQUEST: Large Scale Development ZONING: C'2 "Liberal Commercial District" (150 DU/acne) and GD'20 Edgewater & Biscayne Blvd. Edgewater Overlay District ACRES: ±1.34net acres LOCATION: Approximately 1753NE2n«Avenue, Miami MSA/ NUMBER OF UNITS: 100unUe ESTIMATED STUDENT POPULATION: 27 ELEMENTARY: MIDDLE: SENIOR HIGH: 12 7 8 SCHOOLS SERVING AREA C]FAPPLICATION ELEMENTARY: PhiUksVVhea1km Elementary — 1801 NW 1 Pi MIDDLE: Jose De Diego K8idd|o-31OO NW 5/\venLie SENIOR HIGH: BookarT. Washington Senior High —12OO NW 0Avonuo All schools are located inRegional Center IV. *Based on Census 2000 information provided by Miami -Dade County Department of Planning and Zoning. The following population and facility capacity data are as reported by the Office of Information Technology, as of October 2005: Phillis Wheatley Elementary Jose De Diego Middle Booker T. Washington Sr. STUDENT POPULATION 306 318 1,022 1,029 1,543 1,551 FISH DESIGN CAPACITY PERMANENT 638 1,043 2,270 % UTILIZATION FISH DESIGN CAPACITY PERMANENT 48% 50% 98% 99% 68% 68°/" NUMBER OF PORTABLE STUDENT STATIONS 0 0 0 UTILIZATION FISH DESIGN CAPACITY PERMANENT AND RELCOATABLE 48% 50% 98% 99% 68% 68"/0 CUMULATIVE STUDENTS" 1,242 2,834 4,678 *Student populafon i ncrease as a result of the proposed developm ent **Estimated # of students (cumulative) based on zoning/land use log (2001- present) and assuming all approved developments are built; also assumes none of the prior cumulative students are figured in current population. Notes: 1) Figures above reflect the impact of the class size amendment. 2) Pursuant to the Interloca I Agreement, none of the schools meet the review threshold. PLANNED RELIEF SCHOOLS IN THE AREA (Information included in proposed 5-Year Capital Plan, 2005-2009, dated April 2005) Projects in Planning, Design or Construction School Status N/A Projected Proposed Relief Schools Occupancy Date School Funding year State School "GG-1 " FY 06-07 LAND TO BE DONATED BY CITY OF MIAMI Proposed Jose De Diego Middle School relief (1,241 student stations) OPERATING COSTS: Accounting to Financial Affairs, the average cost for K-12 grade students amounts to $6,549 per student. The total annual operating cost for additional students residing in this development, if approved, would total $176,823. CAPITAL COSTS: Based on the State's February 2006 student station cost factors*, capital costs for the estimated additional students to be generated by the proposed development are: ELEMENTARY 12 x 13,962 = $167,544 MIDDLE 7 x 16,007 = $112,049 SENIOR HIGH 8 x 21,183 = $169,464 Total Potential Capital Cost $449,057 *Based on Information provided by the Florida Department of Education, Office of Educational Facilities Budgeting. Cost per student station does not include land cost.