HomeMy WebLinkAboutADTHE MIAMI HERALD I HiamIHerald.com LIBERTY CITY METRO & STATE THE ISLAND MUSE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER30, 2006 I DP Client Name: 755/7290/ Ad Number: CITY OF MIAMI-PURCHASING U) fy 01 N ti 1i.. ti Insertion Number. 1!2 042 'd' Q U 11) U tie 1 Group tries to line up support for local men tied to terrorist plot MI A local d.f.ne• committee Is tieing formed 10 gamer support for seven men charged with plotting a terror attack from Liberty Clty, BY DAM MCCLAIN dmcdam@;Hia nIA0a d.com Activists this week announced the formation of the''1Iherty City 7 Defense Committee" to support a group of local men attested and charged in June in con- nection with a terror plot to Mow up the Sears Tower In Chicago and federal buildings in MLooL At newt conference out- side federal court In down- town Miami, fondly members and representatives of sev- eral community groups called for the men's release. The on men are being held In federal prison pending a trial la March. 'We conclude that these arrests were wrongful, po11t1- eally motivated and racially motivated," said Max Aamoau ofMiand CopWalch, load group organizing the dofonsn committee. The .soon men In question are black. Pnmlly members of three POLK COUNTY The activists said the men lacked the financial and organizational capacity to canyon!' the bomb plot, of the men - Narseel Batiste, Stanley Phanor and I.yglen- aon Lemorin - stood shoul- der to .houlder, wearing T-shirts that featured the men'a phoingrephs and the word. 'The U.S. government la the real terrorise" None spoke to the press. Minerva Vasquez, the wife of Naneal Batiste, said her attorney advised her not to comment. The activists said the men lacked the ftnenclel and orga- nizational capacity to carry out the terrorist plot. "George Bush's war on ter- ror Is now grabbing for straws; said Slalom Sheth, a Miami Workers Center spokeswoman. "The danger of this fear -mongering is then It's making terrorists out of all of us." Some speakers repeatedly Invoked the names of rase Antonio Llama ■sad Orlando Bosch. two Cuban Americans who HOmeau said have been openly involved in plots against the Cuban govern- ment. Lim., known am Tolle, told El Nueva Horrid in lune that ealie groups created a paramilitary organisation to carry out deslaIdl1oingads in Cuba, tither 0He. denounced his statements es false. Bosch, a cuben exile who live. in Mimi, was acquitted in a Venesuelen court of the 1976 bombing o(a Cuban jetliner that killed 73 'Cho Liberty City Sev.11 terror care broke June 21 when federal agents rounded UP the seven defandante and charged them with cohtple• ing to support al girds In an alleged plot to blow up PHI buildings In five cities. including MIam4 Agentt raided the group's Liberty City warehouse, where religious .shuttles had been combined with military training. Defense lawyers decried the arreete. arguing their clients, were entrapped in a'ahem. ran up by the gav- ernment's two informants. Suspect in shooting death of deputy is found, NA man accused of killing a Palk sheriffs deputy w.s tracked down In a rural area end killed by members of a SWAT teem, BY HYPHEN MAIAOO A ,00I0tea Prvlt L.AKELAND - The man amused of shooting a sher- iff's deputy In death was killed by SWAT team mem- bers Friday after he raised the stein officer's gun in his right hand as he hid underneath brush and a fallen tree In ■ rural area. law enforcement officers walking ehouldne.to-shoulder to comb aver the UO-acre search area stumbled upon LIo suspect around 9:35 and one of them grabbed him by the shirt, Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd add When asked to raise his hands early Friday, only one came up, Judd said. A group of 10 SWAT members fired and shot him several times. It is unknown at this time how many rounds were fired, Judd said. "He ratted hie hand end it had a firearm in it," Judd said at a news conforenae Friday afternoon, 'Thal wan the le it thing he ever did" 1n addition to the deputy's handgun, the suspect was car- rying his awn gun - one that sources said he carried In his belt, Judd said. Initially It was believed the suspect wee a Miami man, but by Friday, doubts were raised Tentatively identified an Angelo Proelend, the suspect had been arrested In Polk County in 1999 far carrying:: concealed firearm end resist- ing arrest without violence, among other charges, The suspect had connections to Miami, Lakeland and ooendo, bot an exact name and hometown have not bean verified, Judd said. On Thursday, Freeland allegedly shot Deputy Ver- non Matthew Williams after being pulled over for speed- ing, provoking a mn.aive manhunt. In hi. car a book was found detailing his drug transactions, sold Judd, who promised to use the book as an investigative tool. ' WWreooming after you," he said about Individuals believed to be named In the book. We're gonna put you in lat' The suspect's death Friday morning ended what was nearly a 24-hour search that plunged this generally quiet town about 33 miles east of Tempe into a frenzy. Hell. content circled overhead Thursday evening end through the night. Authorlttee told 1rmWam to remain Inside their home.. Several echools were an lock - down. A aeorch through heavy brush during the night with night -vision tarpse was unsuccessful. Lakeland police .pokes - man Jack Gillen said hla department had two officers klfiad on the same day in 1932 - the only event of slar oircumstancet he could recall. Upwards of 100 law enforcement officer. from around the stale participated In the Investigation and the manhunt at different limes. The gunman's fees was Identified Thursday by Dep- uty Douglas Opel rut, moment. after Williams wail killed. !Dabs made the Initial tra@lc stop and was dot In tin leg. William., 39, probably died instantlymd "was slim multl- pin times. 1 don't believe he felt a Mho," Judd raid Williams had been with the eherifts office since April 1094. He had a wife and three I..Ilit;r to will every wcUk.! sal to da DI Is h 'rl tit as lu ca In w inn 0 Ex- Mommie Dearest' son-in-law gives scoop on Joan Crawford lam fast ran mach. -40an Crawford 'MemmI. Dearest' Mem- arieM David Koontz,..ere- tive producer of the cult clas- sic Dint Marengo Ammo will offer his test -ever pupils pre- sentation of"Mommie Deerest Memoriam" about hie former mother-in-law, Jam Crawford, tonight erem 7 to 9 at the home of sand Mara) e.,11 Cypress Dr, Key Haven. Attendees will di cover the inside EtJTL1R•IIWT tray floor (ra ford's t wtrageoua expletia, the Inspirations Chet motivated Mommie Dearest:author Chd.- Ilan Crewford, and the behind- Iheatxnes drama everounding the staking of the Elm. Gat i. OS pot person, including caktaila and gourmet nibble., with .M proceed. benefiting the Mi. Ida Bfor Fantasy Past goers campalym Ticket" 11. ...liable lithe d nr.� For more informaton, call Miss Melt at 305-29315969. The eighth annual Florida Key. Meding aedWlldllfe Fes- tival today and Sunday eels. Mates the tlatural wonders of wildlife at the peek of Gut fall birdies seamen, and feman s lecture. and guided tours throughout the Keys. Curry llentmnek Stale Dark, mile mariner 161n Marathon, hosts en envinonmenlatfalr from l0 a.m. too pm, both days, and will be open tonight pest *un- met far stargaolrrg and songs performed by Greet Living- ston at 6J0 and g30. GeB 305-289-2690, or visit www.keyebittillertorg for the late) rake of events and loallooM. • www.keyamte,enm.AB required materiels must he received by 3 pm. Wednesday. The Educational Coall- tion for Monroe County and the Marathon United Commu- nity Methodist Church are seeking mudciam of moderate 1. professional level for the Middle Keys Commudty Jaae Bead Countywide partici- pants and all inelntmentatlon are welcome. Rehearsals will be Thursday evenings under professional direction. Cell 304443-6215 for more DM, matIon. The Florida Kays Hlrtory of Divine Museum, mile marker e; Myslde in Idamor- ads, has completed construc- tional its final exhibit area and is open Arm 12 a.m. to y pm, Tuesdays through Sun- days. The museum 1s ded1- ated to a1Bemine, preserving, displaying andinterpreting artifacts, antiques, books, dos • ems, photographs sad oral hlIIory relative to the annals of diving, with a focus on ancient and antique equip- ment, Admission Is El0 for adults and a9 for adds 3-12. Children under 5 are admitted without charge.For more information, visit the muse- u m', webslte at www-dlving- museum.coot or ca11307.664- 9737. Auditions: The Kay West Players will hold auditions at the Waterfront Playhouse for their Peb. 211 to March 24 pro- ducdan of Urinetown, the Musical. The Tony Award - winning mu1mi will be directed by Daring Weathers, mink: director of the Kay West Players Inc, re Iaoldog for excellent Angus (eight men and sic wnmen,l is n broad range of Bpi, who can move wall. Dates for the audi- Lions are Oct.7 and A Audi - Molars can come anytime between 2 and s p.m. on either day; brings brief song and be prepared to dagwith the pro- vided accompanist Rehearsals start mkt -January. Fur Infer - motion, contact Danny We.th- ere at 305-296-0879 or at dan- Inkw®earthlInknet, The Studios of Key Well premieres Its Studlo Artiste featuring low-cost s into artists and writers In a community -booed envi- ronment within the historic ArmoryBuiiding and 01d City Hall Museums, Created to support local eructs end writ - ors, the Studio Artists Program Rime In foster the creativity, community and professional development Mitt jutted and selected applicants, More Ihm 20 studios will become avail- able in November and in Feb- ruary and June of 2007, eligi- ble to lower Keys artists and writers of varyingdlscipgnes. The application deadline le 5 pan. Oct B. Visit vlvlw.Kep- sArtarom and follow the Inw- ood studio' link for an appph- callanand more Inferrmetion. Madness Ambassadors Wanted: The Fanluy Feet "M de team needs volunteer dness Amba00d013"Io act as parade officals on Oct. 23. These essential people tat a front -row view of the fun endchma of the Captain Mar gen Original Spiced Rum Parade. Cea the Fantasy Pest oMee,30b-296-33.34, and lean your 1umo, address and phone number. Por a full schedule of the Od.20-29 Pantuy Fest event.,visit www.fantaey- fest.net Nancy Ruder -Rase tea free- lance writer and hook editor. g you'd lsrsdpieaie emaIl her react t T herriaadAPNm@oodopm 1LL11C.0 paycham�.idr..nomi- nated for the JoholC.110va1et Bdren Award at Independent Spirit The de artY who was Awards 2006,well* Mow. and 39, was 9300Send5eveninge Tropic stnded,r a gunshot Undiscovered dmpk C s monthlart of y rated fora gunshot wound enters thelegnododd RadThurs- enµ. Film Peslo1.Adonce y evening, Judd said Gems Film Fes[ivd. Advance WI1Bern. police dog, ticket Salm are available at the ngi, also was killed, theater box office, 416 Eaton g Ire had "topped Stir: if.►Wert,mdet pe pp e 900010n In north Lako- www.TropkCLnerru.catn.Call id near Interstate 4 30(-2�493 for more Maim.rti. .ortE The Monroe County Art 9 before noon mrsday and become suspl• in Public Place. board hat rasa of the men's identillea- rsl.med a cell to stets and a ,n Request for QJealificat101u ler The Port gunman got nervous the Kee Wert All Relmva- d polled Into the woods, lien project. Ifquelided, artists rid said. will ha requested to develop Spelrs pursued him end proposals bared on their ant. Iled for bucks . William. uetien of project and rite a Rived and theybegan work- oPM:tt•nities. You can g their wayrowan the wood.rowan a RPQapplioallonal hen the suspect fired, Judd id. Speim returned fire and h, ill a '1J;?Lf(l'.».'II • r[]1,F!1Q4Illof3l1'7-1 .SItIf4lihlf'6LH1! H611CF M HFAMY DTf 6F ORI N MAN melonuDee OPr1ECIIYOFN MO HA melon it WIN RA OIOINIALASIaN pjBgAND PaIAL REAWt6NM 6a6adkeUKSK8.14 ANOPOa1ANCE OF THE MATT 11011.111 MOAN BEACH FIORIm AMENm41T PA0KA ,TAMEAp3N FWPREHm00F MAN ,WENOMEN191REM •H'(1p07])�N FUME USD IEENLRATN7 GTEWM AND A WO OF MIRE MOB 106-0e2 THROUGH 102,3111 THE MY N NORT1104811 TFACN 011101E WIO USE tar 1.22 1MNBMIT ate MIMED :mamas ELDEST POLICY 1 &I, M. MpID rJn011 WmUSE A PAMENO BEACH CDMPREHEN0M MA91EN CO hNr SUPPORT 012 211(1a WO 144pY AfMIAT AND 07HER OETOWINAr(N OF COMBSIGE 189.5181 OF THE LOIItL 10585M MID AND pm:i b 100M0Nw 1c1*BI1Tu t011 [Am40110HMV MEANI'SOFnC1, 170112E.to 'MICE, SIAMOTHE Mcrl0Ayf9a0ULl FRMAC ALIINTDB1Tm PM1Na WY APHAAn TOTNEO1E00A1MS 0IC601. SOLOMON COOK COY CLEM • rrg�seaa�,1s Td'fg iiTi�aie�. um, ^..v.'.'a. We 0;7a. a � 1 ,111 ,t, ,,. .,e l.I.II]i!,[',R]UI,II'!. EPA LT09[p1 ems0 *Vb t• FIlob, At0CJI17onNF.la Aypa4,I OV40 Cw SSAGE Ef rAMW PaBEM.ETIER80F Ma CMcoMf10F THE Cm 6r ADOPTING COMPR SS/2M PLAN No. 00-1AG NO. 06.1 107.901 MIDm71 PMCf 111H WED USE LAND NEE NIV ar1EMw00TB E GUIDING REM 5113114170 COMA0FN0S611 WATER KAN O9EC71112 THE CM'' CLAN 70 re THE FJRSE L90 use us0 Tn 1H0 Alm A KIWI 0E PIT8TO71E CITY OF NORM MNA0 PVN FUME LAW LSE WI 1.22 TO TSB A0101 KP A EL AN MODESNr OF m REQUIRED BY 6ECn2N MPIT COMPNE0M1NE MAIM4M BY 7XE PUNK AT THE RR HOLM OF 0AONAAIM SOOm, 11E Mantle A16 BE HE/8YIRM MILT NOMAD SLIME, MT MOONEY hart' NwaaBAemszer ma rsa watw"i ii .�i�si . N v�L� r,� nT4e, iaT.tieM P NA. es shot. later c The suspectPR3P hanged gunfire with a ksland police detective ho was at a home warning ideate to stay inside. No ... hit. Subscribe today I•000.1 41"{44{ «ar ,,, a ,r 'r 4' a CI4VCAM,ani 0 Emparinenr0T Community Development PUBLIC HEARING NOT10E Taaaday, October 26, 200E at 10e30 A.M. City of Mieml Commission Chamber 3000 Pan Arnadoan Oren MIMTI, FL 33133 Went ra.p3p01oo lkn oreeming COE* and dhw H W raq,an that a pvthlpatln9 lIurnwheon pev0. Aeons with mumble Woo of and .0.0mengg lc to funding of the Clygemandmants to oaramh1t00110lad fordingd HUD pmgrnma In tddljn, Ill pubtle Is addead d the p,epwwl ' G'aau.slon old Pinpoa.d iaedudan. .olhauaq 1M ir...1a Oli nda for the 1o4o00e agenda Nemec t: Em&l2Io9[.dMtaallon Amglmt .0 AMARA MITEMZ8s1401 cIyoft4lr4MpaHO,rn d Ce,nmllnN'1 Development. Undefiled reamers 00151121.0) Tome 1300,050 Me0,600 Downtown Mlerl Pertnm.hlp.aM, Waal **.lends Housing a Economic Oweromenl Corp. COY of HAWN Deprlmem or Community DMetapmon- Commercial Fecede IIDI0a21261 VIM 1HDhbatnod Job C,Wlan Peoi Program Cotrunesslal FF.de Pro4rah Funds to he oilseed fa fol herd cool. awed0hd wllh the Canm.loL recede Program Tome a60,a00 a60ANN 12.50,000 Sam Poe • Ow WoprenerthhodN,.a0emaaoldbn, byth CNyfammaewn.ullartne0[Maly 141ana7.I10Anrndlh. appmphle 1M100 MlonIamwl {Action Pan. arqe Eey Tuesday, 0ep dembel, 28, NOS nod anew Octohs, public 20, 2008 7M prnpo•ed .maMnrkhl willpresented to renew ClrnmMWo�n 110 .0poval on Thumdvy, (Weber se, 21: 0 ipublb h.Mny. =peR coulee wllM evelletele d the Gil of Mull Somnolent or Community Development eV. keeled dN4 OW bet Ai4M,a, 2112 Floor. Mlemi Deride 11130. German!. to Ill es.. ell. mud be wheeled In ratting to, 444 SW 2nd Awns, 2nd Flow, Wang, M14..15110: Alm 16x1 ram. Ide,edW HndvlduMry. ana10pVrp.d (n Wend gel. Public Menem. 7he meeting e0. B Me0.dhh 1st Me haldkapp.d, R.g0Me for epeeist N�1. Pt0No 1.1I00 g Bet h. owl*, to Me DMeaMrad 09 C0mmvay P.v.lotmnl re p001416.2060 no le.e lhm th,.a pl bl.ln ae1.6 rya Prior to