TO :
Pete Hernandez
Chief Administrator/City Manager
FROM -LeeAnn Brehm; Chairperson
Evaluation Committee
DATE : July 17, 2006
Actuarial Services
Recommendation of Evaluation
Committee for RFQ 05-06-005:
Health Benefit Consulting Services/
As Chairperson of the Evaluation Committee ("Committee") for the above services for the City of
Miami, it is my responsibility to offer the findings and recommendation of the Committee,
The City issued RFQ 05-06-005 for the provision of Health —Benefit Consulting Services/Actuarial
Services and six (6) firms responded to the formal solicitation. The Evaluation Committee
("Committee"), appointed by former City Manager Joe Arriola, was comprised of the following
1. Scott Simpson, Chief Financial Officer, Miami Parking Authority
2. Willis Patterson, Assistant Comptroller, Miami -Dade County
3. LeeAnn Brehm, Risk Management Director, City of Miami (Chair)
The Purchasing Department held two separate (posted) public meetings with the Committee on June
1st and June 9th, 2006. In the first meeting, the Committee was provided with the six responses and
given instructions of the procurement process, including an overview of the Cone of ,Silence and
Conflict of Interest provisions, selection of the Committee Chairperson, and scheduling of a second
meeting for the Committee to discuss and render their findings.
Accordingly, on June 9`h, 2006, after in-depth discussion, evaluation and deliberation, the
Committee unanimously concurred with the Purchasing Department's decision that:
Cheiron- did not qualify for failure to meet the Proper Minimum Qualifications of having
performed similar satisfactory services in nature of experience, expertise, knowledge, skills, and
abilities for similar of larger size complex agencies on a continuous basis involving the government
sector for a minimum of five (5) years.
The Committee further unanimously concurred that:
FBMC- did not qualify under the category of Health Benefit Consulting Services for failure io
provide sufficient consulting information in their response to determine whether they qualify under
this category.