HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 13RFQ Number: Commodity Codes: Commodity Title: Type of Purchase: M/WBE Set -Aside: Sr. Buyer: Buyer Fax: E-Mail Address: Issue Date: Voluntary Pre -Proposal: Bid Bond:; Day/Date: Time: Location/Mail Address: Directions: City of Miami Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Purchasing Department Glenn Marcos, CPPO, CPPB, Director Miami Riverside Center 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 6th Floor Miami, Florida 33130 Web. Site.Address:.http;/,/oi.miami,fl,usi___.. Proposal Data 918-06. 918-12; 918-58;918-65; 918-66; 918-67; 918-75; 946-12; 948-42; 952-15; 52-I5; 953; 961-02 961-49; 961-51; 962-47; 964-63 HEALTH BENEFIT CONSULTING SERVICES AND ACTUARIAL SERVICES ONE (I) YEAR WITH OPTION FOR FOUR (4) ADDITIONAL ONE (I) YEAR PERIODS N/A GLENN MARCOS, CPPO, CPPB (305) 400-5026 gmarcos@ci.miami.fl.us March 13, 2006 peedline For Request Of Additional lnformatIoniClarificatioq: 3/21/06 N/A' NO Performance Bond: NO . Proposal Submission Deadline Monday, April 3, 2006 2:00 PM Office of the City Clerk City Hall,1't Moor 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133-5504 FROM THE NORTH: 1-95 SOUTH UNTIL IT TURNS INTO UST. USl SOUTH TO 27TH AVE., TURN LEFT, PROCEED SOUTH TO .SO. BAYSHORE DR. (3RD TRAFFIC LIGHT), TURN LEFT, 1 BLOCK TURN RIGHT ON PAN AMERICAN DR. CITY HALL 1S AT THE END OF PAN AMERICAN DR. PARKING IS ON RIGHT. VENUE, TURN RIGHT, PROCEED SOUTH TO SO. • BAYSHORE HORE DR. (3RD TRAFFIC L M THE SOUTH: US1 NORTH GHT), TURNTO 27THALFT, BLOCK TURN RIGHT ON PAN AMERICAN DR. CITY HALL IS AT THE END OF PAN AMERICAN DR. PARKING IS ON RIGHT. RFQ Content Sections 1,0 Introduction to Request for Qualifications 2.0 Specifications/Scope of Work describing what is needed 3.0 . Special Conditions within a proposed contract 4.0 General Terms and Conditions that are general in scope 5.0 Instructions for Submitting Response to this RFQ 6.0 Response forms and Check List to be completed, signed and submitted with Proposal Sealed written Proposals must be received by the City of Miami, City Clerk's Office, no later than the date, time and at the location indicated above for the Proposal Submission. Submittal of Response by fax is not acceptable. One original and seven (7) copies of your Proposal and response forms must be returned to the City or your Proposal may be disqualified. NOTE: This RFQ does not constitute an order for the goods or services specified. The number of copies requested in this RFQ together with completed Response Forms must be returned. City of Miami, Florida Health Benefit Consulting Services and Actuarial Services RFQ 05-06-005 CONE OF SILENCE ORDINANCE IS APPLICABLE TO THIS SOLICITATION. 2 City of Miami. Florida Health Benefit Consulting Services and Actuarial Services RFQ 05-06-005 CITY OF MIAMI PUBLIC NOTICE fed Responses will be` received -by the -City Miami, --City Clerk'S.'ofiice"I Cated'-at City-- -Sealed n-, p.. - y }1 ofo y-.�. .. first"-- loor, 3500...P.an-American '. Drive;-.MIaml, ._Fla: 33133 untll_.Monday .:April 3, 2006 at 2 PM for the following: RFQ No. 05-06-005 HEALTH BENEFIT CONSULTING SERVICES AND ACTUARIAL SERVICES Deadline for Request of Additional Information: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 at 5:00 PM RFQ documents may be obtained via the internet 'using the City's website 'at www.ci.miami.fl.us/procurement; If you do not have Internet access, you may obtain the documents upon request, during regular business hours, at the City of Miami Purchasing Department, 444 S.W. 2nd Avenue, 6th Floor, Miami, Florida 33130 or call (305) 416- 1906. . Any Proposal received after the above stated date and time, or delivered to a different address/ department/ division, will not be considered and will be returned to the Proposer unopened. The City of Miami reserves the right to waive any informalities or minor irregularities; reject any and all Proposals which are incomplete, conditional, obscure, or which contain additions not allowed for; accept or reject any proposal in whole or in part with or without cause; and accept the Proposal(s) which best serves the City. 3 City of Miami, Florida Health Benefit Consulting Services and Actuarial Services RFQ 05-06-005 1.0. INTRODUCTION TO REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS 1.1, Invitation Thank you for your interest in this Request for Qualification ("RFQ") process. The City of Miami ("City"), through its Purchasing Department invites responses ("Proposals") which offer to provide the services described in greater detail in Section 2..0: Specifications / Scope of Work. 1.2. Term of Contract _. _.. _... �..._.._.... __�.._ Thc:-Proposer(s) selected: to .provide the. services requested herein (the' `.`Successful..:-" Proposer(s)") shall be required to execute a contract ("Contract") with the City, which shall include, but not'be limited to, the following terms: A. The Contract shall be for an initial term of one (1) year. B. The City shall have the option to extend the Contract for four (4) additional periods of one (1) year each, at its sole discretion. Successful Proposer(s) will be given at least thirty (30) days prior written notice. The City has the option to extend the Contract for one hundred twenty (120) days with the Successful Proposer(s), to ensure continuity of services. 1.3. Business Objective The City, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, is seeking the services of qualified Proposers ("Proposer(s)"), which may be an individual, firm, corporation, joint venture, partnership or other legal entity, for the provision of health Benefit consulting services and actuarial services to the City, on behalf of City Departments. 1.4. Deadline for Receipt of Request for Additional Information / Clarification Pursuant to the Cone of Silence, any request for additional information or clarification must be received in writing no later than 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 21, 2006. Proposers may fax or email their requests to the attention of Glenn Marcos, CPPO, CPPB, Purchasing Director, Department of Purchasing, at email e,marcos@ci.miarni.fi.us or fax (305) 416-1925. This RFQ is subject to the City's "Cone of Silence" in accordance with Section 18-74 of the City's Ordinance No. 12271. 1.5. Cone of Silence Pursuant to Section 18-74 of City Ordinance No. 12271, a "Cone of Silence" is imposed upon each RFP, RFQ, RFLI, or IFB after advertisement and terminates at the time the City Manager issues a written recommendation to the Miami City Commission. The Cone of Silence shall be applicable only to Contracts for the provision of goods and services and public works or improvements for amounts greater than $200,000. The Cone of Silence prohibits any communication regarding RFPs, RFQs, RFLI or IFBs (bids) between, among others: • Potential vendors, service providers, bidders, lobbyists or consultants and the City's professional staff including, but not limited to, the City Manager and the City Manager's staff, the Mayor, City Commissioners, or their respective staffs; 4 4 uy VJ IYJ 4umt, J 1V/ILJu 14CN44/i £I ttCf it 1..VIiJ444.1.4/1-6 4JGI V4LCJ 411144 UP,VE+Y14.Gi J4 k/ v�'VV"VVJ • The Mayor, City Commissioners or their respective staffs and the City's professional staff including, but not limited to, the City Manager and the City Manager's staff; • Potential vendors, service providers, bidders, lobbyist or consultants, any member of the City's professional staff, the Mayor, City Commissioners or their respective staffs and any member of the respective selection/evaluation committee The provision does not apply to, among other communications: • Oral communications with the City purchasing staff regarding Minority/Women Business _,...Enterprise .(M/WBE)and .local .vendor.outreach.programs;.,,...�..._.._.�. • Communication is limited strictly to matters of processor procedure already contained in the solicitation document; • The provisions of the Cone of Silence do not apply to oral communications at duly noticed site visits/inspections, pre -proposal or pre -bid conferences, oral presentations before selection/evaluation committees, contract negotiations during any duly noticed public meeting, or public presentations made to the Miami City Commission during a duly noticed public meeting; or • Communications in writing or by email at any time with any City employee, official or member of the City Commission unless specifically prohibited by the applicable RFP, RFQ or bid documents. • Communications in connection with the collection of industry comments or the performance of market research regarding a particular RFP, RFQ, RFLI or IFB by City Purchasing staff. Proposers or bidders must file a copy of any written communications with the Office of the City Clerk, which shall be made available to any person upon request. The City shall respond in writing and file a copy with the Office of the City Clerk, which shall be made available to any person upon request. Written communications may be in the form of e-mail, with a copy to the Office of the City Clerk at icerrato@ci.rniami.fl.us. In addition to any other penalties provided by law, violation of the Cone of Silence by any proposer or bidder shall render . any award voidable. A violation by a particular bidder, proposer, offeror, Respondent, lobbyist or consultant shall subject same to potential debarment pursuant to the City Code. Any person having personal knowledge of a violation of these provisions shall report such violation to the State Attorney and/or may file a complaint with the Ethics Commission. Proposers or bidders should reference Section 18-74 of the City of Miami Code for further clarification. This language is only a summary of the key provisions of the Cone of Silence. Please review City Ordinance No. 12271 for a complete and thorough description of the Cone of Silence. You may contact the City Clerk at 305-250-5360, to obtain a copy of same. 1.6. Clarification Requests for additional information or clarifications must be made in writing and received by the Senior Buyer specified on the cover sheet of this RFQ, in accordance with the deadline for receipt of questions specified in the RFQ (see Section 1.4) and the Cone of Silence (see Section 1.5). The 5 City of Miami, Florida Health Benefit Consulting•Services and Actuarial Services RFQ 05-06-005 request must contain the RFQ number and title, Proposer's name, name of Proposer's contact person, address, phone number, and facsimile number. Electronic- facsimile requesting additional information will be received by the Sr. Buyer for this RFQ at the fax number specified on the cover sheet of this RFQ. Facsimiles must have a cover sheet which includes, at a minimum, the Proposer's name, name of Proposer's contact person, address, number of pages transmitted, phone number, facsimile number, and RFQ number and title. The City will issue responses to inquiries and any other corrections or amendments it deems necessary in written addenda issued prior to the Proposal Submission Date„,Proposers.should, not_,__.._ ...^, ,,._._rely on any representations, statements .or explanations.other than these made m...this.PFQ or. in any . ........ ....... _ . .. �.� s..RuQ .and -ply- ....... • written addenduri -to this RFQ.:�,'here'there appears TO be contlict between the addenda issued, the last addendum issued shall prevail. 1.7. Award of Contract The opportunity to enter into the Contract shall be afforded to the Proposer(s) whose Proposal is determined to be the most advantageous to the City and in the City's best interests, taking into consideration fees and other evaluation factors set forth in the RFQ (the "Successful Proposer(s)"). 1.8. Contract Execution The Contract will be negotiated and executed between the Successful Proposer(s) and the City. 1.9. Unauthorized Work The Successful Proposer(s) shall not begin work until a Contract has been fully executed. 1.1Q. Instructions Careful attention must be given to all requested items contained in this RFQ. Proposers are invited to submit Proposals in accordance with the requirements of this RFQ. Please read the entire solicitation before submitting a Proposal. Proposers shall make the necessary entry in all blanks provided for the responses, if applicable. The entire set of documents constitutes the RFQ. The Proposer must return these documents with all information necessary for the City to properly analyze Proposer's response in total and in the same order in which it was issued. Proposer's notes, exceptions, and comments may be rendered on an attachment, provided the same format of this RFQ text is followed. All Proposals shall be returned in a sealed envelope or package with the RFQ title, number, and closing due date clearly stated on the outside of the envelope or package. Proposers must provide a response to each requirement of the RFQ. Proposals should be prepared in a concise manner with an emphasis on completeness and clarity. 1.11. Changes / Alterations Proposer may change or withdraw a Proposal at any time prior to Proposal submission deadline; however, no oral modifications will be allowed. 6 City of Miami, Florida - health benefit Consulting .Yervrces and Actuartat bervrces (U u.)-uo-uuo 1.12. Assignment of Contract Successful Proposers) shall not assign, transfer or subcontract, at any time during the term of the Contract, or any part of his/her operations, or assign any portion or part of the Contract, except under and by virtue of written permission granted by the City through the proper officials, which may be withheld or conditioned, in the City's sole discretion. 1.13. Discrepancies, Errors, and Omissions Any discrepancies, errors, or ambiguities in the RFQ or addenda (if any) should be reported in writing .tothe ..City._s.Purchasing. .Dep artment,..Should it .be necessary;..a written •.addendum -wilt be. incorporated ------ .to -the RFQ,--The . City -will not be responsible for .any • oral instructions,- clarifications, or - other cornmunlcations. 1.14. Disqualification The City reserves the right to disqualify Proposals before or after the submission date, upon evidence of collusion with intent to defraud or other illegal practices on the part of the Proposer. It also reserves the right to waive any immaterial defect or informality in any Proposals; to reject any or all Proposals in whole or in part, or to reissue this Request for Qualifications. 1.15. Proposal Receipt Sealed Proposals will be accepted in accordance with the instructions detailed on the cover of this RFQ. After that date and time, Proposals will no longer be accepted. The Proposer shall file all documents necessary to support its Proposal and shall include them with its Proposal. Proposers shall be responsible for the actual delivery of Proposals during business hours to the exact address indicated on thecover and in the RFQ. Proposals that are not received by the City Clerk's Office by the deadline established in the RFQ shall not be accepted or considered by the City. 1.16. Capital Expenditures The Proposer understands that any capital expenditures that the Proposer makes, in order to perform the services required by the City in this RFQ, is a business risk which the Proposer may include in its proposed price. The City, however, is not and shall not pay or reimburse any capital expenditures or any other expenses incurred by any Proposer in anticipation neither of a Contract award nor to maintain the approved status of the Proposer, if a Contract is awarded. City of Miami, Florida Health Benefit Consulting Services and Actuarial Services RFQ 05-06-005 SPECIFICATIONS / SCOPE OF WORK 2.1 Background Information The City of Miami ("Miami") is seeking to pre -qualify proposers (aka "Successful Proposer(s)") based upon their credentials, experience, and expertise from which the City shall choose prospective contractors on an as needed basis to provide professional health Benefit consulting services and various types of actuarial services. The Health -benefit'' consulting services requited is to rov1d pm£essianal_ analysis of the City's i,.,. . �d for health insurarlcc "' r:iieaith benefit plans; ona monthly and qua eriy �as.�. the Cit'r, is self insure benefits and needs to constantly assess the performance of the different plans. The City's largest aspect of its budget is in this area, and the constant monitoring of expenditures and services is necessary to make sure that Third Party Administrators (TPA's) are complying with the different plan designs. The actuarial services required include, but is not limited to, pension systems, health, dental and life insurance, workers' compensation, disability, financial and budgetary analysis, plan design, plan documents, litigation and negotiation support for the City. The Successful Proposer(s) shall assist the City by providing risk analysis, annual actuarial report filing and assistance in dealing with external audits and self -funded plans, claims analysis, extensive actuarial input on GASB issues for plans that include coverage for retirees, outside review of the different insurance carriers, setting funding and COBRA rate for self -funded plans, actuarial models showing a range of possible outcomes, allowing the City to see the best case vs. worst case scenario, and most likely results for each flex plan alternative, valuing assets and liabilities in accordance with Federal, State, and Local guidelines, interpreting regulations including advice on recent changes and best practice, setting reserves, monitoring results, determining premiums and contribution rates, developing cost projects, evaluating reinsurance needs and assisting with the solicitation process, assuring design is consistent with plan goals, identifying and resolving any benefit overlaps or inconsistencies, assisting in designing RFP solicitation documents (i,e. scope of work/services) and placement of coverage and other actuarial matters. General categories are identified within Section 2.3, Scope of Work, of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ). As such, Proposers, in their Response, are to clearly identify those areas of expertise, on a per Category. basis, for which they are seeking to. qualify. Key personnel of the Proposer are desirable and should be identified in its responses to the RFQ. The City shall utilize Qualified Firms on the List, per Category, on an as needed, when needed, basis. Qualified Firms are not guaranteed specific work assignments or quantity of work under the categories, These Categories are not all inclusive and may be modified throughout the term of the contract. Therefore, the City reserves the right to add more categories and qualify additional firms under those categories or qualify additional firms under listed categories herein at any given point in time throughout the term of contract when deemed in the best interest of the City. 8 2.2 Categories of Expertise The City recognizes expertise of a Proposer may be in one or more Categories. It is the City's desire to secure the services of Proposers who can provide quality service in one or more areas of need, as listed in Section 2.3, Sc.ope of Work, and identified as "Categories of Expertise." In its Response, Proposers must reflect in which area(s) of expertise it is seeking to qualify under. 2.3 Scope of Work The Successful Proposer(s) must provide health benefit consulting services and actuarial services as stipulated by the While the "Categories of Expertise" reflects subject areas where the -City is ,seeking to qualify Proposers with experience and expertise, the City understands that each Proposer is uniquely qualified and may be an expert in some but not all subject areas. As a result, the City is seeking a number of qualified Proposers for each of the main subject areas reflected in the "Categories of Expertise". Proposers may seek to qualify for one (1) Category, more than one (1) Category, or all Categories, depending upon its expertise, qualifications and experience. At the time of need, the City will select a qualified Proposer from a Category, on an as needed basis, to perform required services. CATEGORIES OF EXPERTISE A general, but not limited to, description of services to be performed is provided below under the different categories. A. Health Benefit Consulting Services 1. Provide monthly written reports of health benefits plan performance in an approved format by the authorized representative of Risk Management. Health benefit plans include all components and includes medical, dental, prescription, savings accounts (if available/applicable), subrogation from workers' compensation, other liability programs, and stop loss. 2. Provide quarterly management review detailing plan performance to include at minimum projected expenses vs. actual expenses, IBNR's (Incurred But Not Reported), reserve practices, utilization review, explanation of differences between plans and recommended actions to improve data collection. Provide a monthly report that expense factors, reserves practices, loss development factors, stop Ioss reporting, claim payments, trends of UR (Utilization Review), and other claims analysis. 3. Review a census report provided by the TPA on a monthly basis to verify its accuracy. 4. Prepare quarterly theoretical rates for the City with information to be provided by the TPA and their assistance. Successful Proposer(s) shall be responsible for obtaining the relevant and appropriate information from the TPA. Successful Proposer(s) shall work closely with the TPA's underwriter department, as well as the account representative assigned to the account and a City representative. 5. Prepare written projections of value and expense based on data gathered from the City's existing health plans. 9 City of Miami. Florida Health Benefit Consulting Services and Actuarial Services RFQ 05-06-005 6. Develop models based on actuarial projections on how the City's health plans should be performing and compare to a number of variables and plan's past performance comparable to similar plans. 7. Suggest health plan changes to create savings and improve health plan performance. 8. Issue a written report on Actual cost comparison and performance against projected results. Analyze plans that show that they are performing well and according to projected performance and identifythe .elements .that ,_make .it.work..._......w _ ......__......_.._..... 9. Provide a semiannual fiscal year expense projection vs. actual 30 days before mid -year City's fiscal update. 10. Work closely with City staff to assist in Risk Management and City's "end of the year" health benefit section of a fund year report (year end Sept 30th). 11. Provide all written reports on a fund year as well as a calendar year basis. 12. Assist in evaluating Third Party Administrator (TPA) based on service, cost, and performance. To that end, Successful Proposer(s) shall prepare a report which shows: a) a comparison of year to date v. previous year total cost; b) Provide claims comparison of Actives and Retirees, at the different levels based on the different plans to achieve a cost per employee; and c) Such cost should be annualized and compared to previous year total contributions and total plan cost to examine net cost. 13. Proyide explicitly its observations and interpretations of data regarding plans and 'cost in each report. All paid claim analysis of the Medical, Prescription, Vision and any other City plan as requested by the City shall reflect plan cost, fixed cost, administrative cost and stop loss. 14. Complete an analysis of COBRA benefit provided by the City by cost, by different types of plans including medical prescription and vision, by claims paid, and administrative fees to include fixed cost and stop loss. 15. Prepare an analysis report on a monthly basis of Prescription Cost that represents usage, over - utilization, by Active/COBRA employees and retirees/in network& out of area, and retail v. mail order usage of prescriptions. 16. Assist in data preparation for GASB 45 and 43 on a continuous basis, by collecting the proper data from the different vendors and groups that must provide the necessary information for these reports. 17. Assist the City on their plan renewals and TPA contract renewals by providing information necessary to evaluate the proposals and contracts 18. Provide actuarial assistance as needed and upon request of the City. 19. Provide any other health benefit consulting services on an as needed, when needed basis. 10 t.,ury of illtatm, rlortaa t-ealrn !]eneju t.onscelrlllgoerVICes ana Actuarial cervices .ttr1IJ-UU-UUJ B. Health Actuaries (1) Appraisals (a) Perform Cash Flow Testing • (b) Perform Due Diligence Analysis (2) Cash Flow Testing • -(ay Perform Cash Flow Testingin Determining Reserve Adequacy • (b) Performing Pricing Studies (c) Evaluating Investment Strategies (d) Developing Financial Projections or Forecasts (e) Developing Actuarial Appraisals (f) Testing Future Charges of Benefits that may vary at the discretion of the City of Miami (3) Expert Advice, Witness and/or Testimony (a) Perform Analysis of Legislative Proposals in connection with actuarially related matters (b) Provide Expert Witness Testimony in connection with actuarially related matters (4) Financial Analysis, Projections, and Reporting (a) Account for Post-employment/Pre-retirement Benefits (b) Develop Financial and Other Projections (c) Estimate Incurred Health Claim Liabilities (d) Perform Asset Adequacy Analysis (e) Perform Cash Flow Testing in Determining Reserve Adequacy (0 Performing Pricing Studies (g) Developing Actuarial Appraisals (h) Testing Future Charges of Benefits that may vary at the discretion of the City of Miami (i) Perform Trend Analysis (including Development of Plan, Rate Setting and Liability Determination (j) Recognize Actuary's Responsibility to the Auditor in Connection with Preparation of (k) Review of Audited Financial Statements (1) Valuation of Incurred Liabilities and Other Items for Actuarial Opinions and Financial Statements (5) Group Benefits for Retired and Active Employees (a) Actuarial Projections (b) Financial Reporting for Post -Retirement Benefits (c) Funding of Post -Retirement Benefits (d) Plan design, including Rate and Contribution Determination, for Pre -Retirement Benefits (e) Financial Reporting for, or Funding of, Pre -Retirement Benefits (f) Provide Analysis of Managed Care, Social Insurance, Long-term Care, or Continuing Care Retirement Communities in Connection with Post -Retirement Benefits (6) Product Development/Ratemaking/Pricing (a) Design, Use, and/or Update Risk Classification Systems 1l City of Miami, Florida Health Benefit Consulting Services and Actuarial Services RFQ 05-06-005 (b) Develop Financial and Other Projections (c) Develop Rates, Plan Design, Quality Standards, Data/Claims Analysis for Products and Self funded Plans (d) Estimate Incurred Health Claim Liabilities (e) Perform Cash Flow Testing in Performing Pricing Studies (f) Testing Future Charges of Benefits that may vary at the discretion of the City of Miami (g) Perform Trend Analysis (Aggregate and Components) (h) Provide Analysis of Long-term Care Products, including Benefit Triggers, Non -forfeiture Benefits, Loss ratios, and Rate Stabilization Parameters (i)' Provide Analysis of Medical Economies' of Health Care'MechailisMC Provider'Staff Move s, Modeling Claims Expenses along Clinical Lines, Comparative Utilization Analysis/Profiling from Provider Perspective (j) Provide Analysis/Recommendation of Vendors for Medical, Dental, Long-term Care, Visions, etc. C. Life Actuaries (I) Appraisals (a) Perform Cash Flow Testing in Developing Actuarial Appraisals (b) Project asset Cash Flows in connection with Actuarial Appraisals (2) Cash Flow Testing (a) Perform Cash Flow Testing in Determining Reserve Adequacy (b) Performing Pricing Studies (c) Evaluating Investment Strategies (d) Developing Financial Projections or Forecasts (e) Developing Actuarial Appraisals (f) Testing Future Charges of Benefits that may vary at the discretion of the City of Miami (g) Project Asset Cash Flows in connection with Pricing Studios (h) Reserve Adequacy (i) Financial Projections (j) Actuarial Appraisals (3) Expert Advice, Witness and/or Testimony (a) Perform Analysis of Legislative Proposals in connection with actuarially related matters (b) Provide Expert Witness Testimony in connection with actuarially related matters (4) Financial Analysis, Projections, and Reporting (a) Account for Reinsurance Transactions in Statutory, GAAP, or Other Financial Statements (b) Perform Asset/Liability Management (c) Develop Financial Projections (d) Perform Asset Adequacy Analysis (e). Perform Cash Flow Testing in Determining Reserve Adequacy (f) Performing Pricing Studies (g) Developing Actuarial Appraisals (h) Testing Future Charges of Benefits that may vary at the discretion of the City of Miami 12 City of Miami, Florida Health Benefit Consulting Services and Actuarial Services RFQ OS-06-005 (i) Recognize Actuary's Responsibility to the Auditor in Connection with Preparation of Review of Audited Financial Statements (5). Post -retirement Benefits (a) Account for Post -retirement Benefits Other than Pensions (b) Value Retiree Death Benefits (c) Product Development/Ratemaking/Pricing (d) Design, Use, and/or Update Risk Classification Systems (e) Determine and illustrate Dividends for Participating Individual Life Insurance and Annuities (f) Performing Pricing Studies " ' -(a) Deveiepin Financial Projections or Forecasts (h) Developing Actuarial Appraisals (i) Estimate Incurred Health Claim Liabilities (j) Testing Future Charges of Benefits that may vary at the discretion of the City of Miami (6) Re -determine (or Determine) Non -guaranteed Charges and/or Benefits for Life Insurance and Annuities D. Pension Actuaries (1) Expert Advice, Witness, and/or Testimony (a) Provide Advice on the Selection of Assumptions for Employer Accounting Purposes (2) Financial Analysis, Projections, and Reporting (a) Asset/Liability Matching (b) Employer Accounting Valuation/Expense Estimate/Financial Forecast for Pension Plan (c) Employer Accounting Valuation /Expense Estimate/Financial Forecast for Post- employment/Pre-retirement Benefits (d) Funding Valuation/Cost Estimate/Financial Forecast for Pension Plan (e) Financial Reporting for Post -retirement Benefits (f) Funding of Post -retirement Benefits (g) Plan Design, including Rate and Contribution Determination, for Pre -retirement Benefits (h) Financial Reporting for, or Funding of, Pre -retirement Benefits (i) Provide Analysis of Managed Care, Social Insurance, Long -Term Care, or Continuing Care Retirement Communities in Connection with Post -retirement Benefits. (3) Valuation Services (a) Determine Actuarial Present Value of Accumulated Pension Plan Benefits (b) Determine Present Value of Unfunded, Vested Benefits (c) Employer Accounting Valuation/Expense Estimate for Pension Plan Special Income Items (d) Employer Accounting Valuation/Expense/Estimate/Financial Forecast for Pension Plan (e) Employer Accounting Valuation lExpense/EstimatefFinanciai Forecast for Post- employment/Pre-retirement Benefits (f) Employer Accounting Valuation /Expense/Estimate/Financial Forecast for Pre -retirement Benefits other than Pensions (g) Provide Advice on the Selection of Assumptions for Employer Accounting Purposes 13 City of Miami, Florida E. Casualty Actuaries Health tlenejit consulltng Jervices ana ,4civariae Services ecru w-tlo-LLJ (1) Appraisals (2) Expert Advice, Witness, and/or Testimony (3) Financial Analysis, Projections, and Reporting (a) .Analyze Cost of Capital Issues (b) Asset Liability Matching & Adequacy Testing ..(d):C.ompreheiisive7.Ann.ual_..Financial Reporting (e) Statutory and GAAP Reporting (f) Rating Agencies (3) Miscellaneous (a) Catastrophe Models- Development of Models (b) Selection of Vendors, and Use for Portfolio Analysis and Data Management (4) Product Development/Ratemaking/Pricing (a) Create and Review Risk Classification Plan (b) Determine impact deductibles, coinsurance, and insurance to value (c) Development of risk provisions (d) Perform individual risk ratemaking (e) Prepare relativity filings (increased limits factors, amount of insurance relativities, etc.) (f) Price new coverage and programs (g) Price reinsurance contracts, (h) Review territory definitions and relativities 2.4. Proposer Minimum Qualifications The following represent the minimum qualification requirements for a Proposer to be deemed responsive and qualified by the City, and Proposers shall satisfy each of the following minimum requirements cited below. Each must be addressed in detail to determine Proposer's responsiveness and if qualified. Failure to meet each of the following qualification requirements, and/or failure to provide sufficient detail and/or documentation in its Proposal to determine responsiveness by the City, will result in the Proposal being deemed non -responsive. A. Proposer must be properly licensed to do business in the State of Florida and have performed similar satisfactory services in nature of experience, expertise, knowledge, skills, and abilities for similar or larger size complex agencies on a continuous basis involving the government sector for a minimum of five (5) years. Proposer must meet these minimum requirements for each Category in which it is seeking to qualify. B. Proposer shall have no record of judgments, bankruptcies, pending lawsuits against the City or criminal activities involving moral turpitude nor have any conflicts of interest that have not been waived by the City Commission. 14 City of Miami, Florida Health Benefit Consulting Services and Actuarial Services RFQ 05-06-005 C. Neither Proposer nor any principal, officer, or stockholder of Proposer(s) shall be in arrears or in default of any debt or contract involving the City, (as a party to a contract, or otherwise); nor have failed to perform faithfully on any previous contract with the City. D. For each Category of Expertise for which it is seeking to Qualify, Proposer must clearly demonstrate its expertise, capability, qualifications, and experience to provide said services. Proposer must provide all necessary documentation to determine qualifications. Please refer to the above Section A and Section 5.3. Submission Requirements for further details. 15 City of Miami, Florida Health Benefit Consulting Services and Actuarial Services Kt' U5-U6-U05 3.0 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 3.1 Method of Award A Qualification Committee (aka "Committee"), comprised of City staff and the Contract Administrator, and other members as deemed necessary, will review and evaluate all Responses received from prospective Proposers to determine if Proposer(s) meets the minimum qualifications on a per Category(s) basis. All Proposers who meet the minimum qualifications shall be placed on a Qualification List, per Category, and be eligible for consideration for contract award, and it shall be .... '.s.....cre-..._.__.._..........,,w...._�_.� trac..,_._....._ Proposer, based. _,....._,_ that which is in the best the City's sole discretion to award a contract to anyPro oser based upon i h _ best -" interest -of the City. The Cityshall award a contract to Successful Proposer(s) through " action taken by the City Commission at a duly authorized meeting. This action shall be administratively supported by a Contract that shall be executed by all successful Proposers and the City. The Committee will evaluate each Response based on qualifications and submission of required documentation and information, per Category. The Committee shall submit its recommendation to the City Manager for acceptance. The City Manager shall make his/her recommendations to the City Commission, which will make the final determination of award. The City Manager will also request authorization to negotiate and execute a contract(s) with each of the recommended Proposer(s). No rights of any kind shall be provided to any Proposer until a Contract is executed by the City and the Successful Proposer(s). Upon authorization of the City Commission, the City Manager or his/her designee shall negotiate the Contract with the Successful Proposer(s). The City Attorney's Office will provide assistance to. the City Manager or designee during the negotiation of the Contract and must approve the Contract as to legal form and correctness. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all responses to this RFQ, waive informalities, and request new Responses for the services in this described RFQ. The City further reserves the right to add, delete or modify the categories on Attachment A. It further reserves the right to add additional qualified Proposers throughout the duration of the contract, depending upon need. 3.2. Work Assignments Identified by the City All service assignments during the contract period will be on an "as needed" basis, complying with notification requirements. The City offers no guarantee as to the number or frequency of work assignments or the amount of payments under the terms of this contract. 3.3. Use of Subcontractors The Proposer shall not, at any time during the tenure of the contract, subcontract any part of his/her operations or assign any portion or part of the contract, to Subcontractor(s) except under and by virtue of permission granted by the City through the proper officials. Nothing contained in this RFQ shall be construed as establishing any contractual relationship between any subcontractor and the City. 16 City of Miami, Florida Heatth Benefit Consulting Services and Actuarial Services RFQ 05-06-005 The Successful Proposer(s) shall be fully responsible to the City for all of the acts and omissions of any subcontractor and their employees for the performance of work under this RFQ, and for any acts and omissions of persons employed by Qualified Proposer. 3.4. Unauthorized Services Neither the Successful Proposer(s) nor any of his/her employees shall perform any services unless duly authorized by the Contract Administrator or authorized designee. The Successful Proposer(s) shall not be paid for any work performed outside the scope of the award, or any work performed by an emplo ee•not-'otherwise previously authorized:"� 3.5. Non -Exclusive Contract Although the purpose of this RFQ is to secure a Contract that can satisfy the total needs of the City or of a specific City department(s), it is hereby agreed and understood that this RFQ does not constitute the exclusive rights of the Successful Proposer(s) to receive all services that may be, generated by the City in conjunction with the services contemplated by this RFQ. The City also reserves the right to perform any services so deemed in its best interest. 3.6. Limited Contract Extension Any specific service assignment which commences prior to the termination date of the contract and which will extend beyond the termination date shall, unless terminated by mutual written agreement by both parties, continue until completion at the same rates, terms and conditions as set forth herein. 3.7. On-line Vendor Registration It is the policy of the City that all prospective Proposers register on-line at http://www.ci.miami.fl.us/procurement, click on the link, Vendor Registration, fill out all required fields, and indicate the commodities/services which prospective Proposer can regularly supply to the City for bid / RFQ notification purposes sent by the City to registered prospective Proposer via email or facsimile transmission, or both. Prospective Proposers who have already registered previously are not required to re -register. Unless, prospective Proposer has to update its information concerning changes such as ownership, new address, telephone number, fax, commodities, etc. Prospective Proposer can access its Vendor Profile by selecting the link; modify profile, and entering its assigned User ID and Password. All prospective Proposers should register on-line, regardless if Proposer submits a Bid or the "Statement of No Bid Form". The City will make its best effort to source all registered vendor with the related commodity or service of future bid/RFQ solicitations and send bid/RFQ notification via the email or facsimile, or both. Bid/RFQ Notification sent via e-mail to prospective Proposer will contain a link of the solicitation to download the document, and the entire document will be sent via facsimile to those prospective Proposers who choose to, be contacted via fax. A Purchase Order will not be issued by the City unless the Successful Proposer has registered on-line. For any questions, contact the Vendor Registration Section at (305) 416-1913. 4.0. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 17 City of Miami, Florida Health Benefit Consulting Services and Actuarial Services KPQ U)-U6-UU3 3.0 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 3.1 Method of Award A Qualification Committee (aka "Committee"), comprised of City staff and the Contract Administrator, and other members as deemed necessary, will review and evaluate all Responses received from prospective Proposers to determine if Proposer(s) meets the minimum qualifications on a per Category(s) basis. All Proposers who meet the minimum qualifications shall be placed on a Qualification List, per Category, and be eligible for consideration for contract award, and it shall be the City's sole discretion to award a contract to any Proposer, based upon that which is in the best ...._......__interest'of the -City. _.�_............._..,�. _ The City shall award a contract to Successful Proposer(s) through action taken by the City Commission at a duly authorized meeting. This action shall be administratively supported by a Contract that shall be executed by all successful Proposers and the City. The Committee will evaluate each Response based on qualifications and submission of required documentation and information, per Category. The Committee shall submit its recommendation to the City Manager for acceptance. The City Manager shall make his/her recommendations to the City Commission, which will make the final determination of award. The City Manager will also request authorization to negotiate and execute a contract(s) with each of the recommended Proposer(s). No rights of any kind shall be provided to any Proposer until a Contract is executed by the City and the Successful Proposer(s). Upon authorization of the City Commission, the City Manager or his/her designee shall negotiate the Contract with the Successful Proposer(s). The City Attomey's Office will provide assistance to the City Manager or designee during the negotiation of the Contract and must approve the Contract as to legal form and correctness. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all responses to this RFQ, waive informalities, and request new Responses for the services in this described RFQ. The City further reserves the right to add, delete or modify the categories on Attachment A. It further reserves the right to add additional qualified Proposers throughout the duration of the contract, depending upon need. 3.2. Work Assignments Identified by the City All service assignments during the contract period will be on an "as needed" basis, complying with notification requirements. The City offers no guarantee as to the number or frequency of work assignments or the amount of payments under the terms of this contract. 3.3. Use of Subcontractors The Proposer shall not, at any time during the tenure of the contract, subcontract any part of his/her operations or assign any portion or part of the contract, to Subcontractors) except under and by virtue of permission granted by the City through the proper officials. Nothing contained in this RFQ shall be construed as establishing any contractual relationship between any subcontractor and the City. 16 City of Miami, Florida Health Benefit Consulting Services and Actuarial Services RFQ 05-06-005 The Successful Proposer(s) shall be fully responsible to the City for all of the acts omissions ss ons of andy and subcontractor and their employees for the performance of work under this RFQ, Y omissions of persons employed by Qualified Proposer. 3.4. Unauthorized Services Neither the Successful Proposer(s) nor any of his/her employees shall perform any services unless duly authorized by the Contract Administrator or authorized designee. The Successful Proposer(s) performed shall not be paid for any work performed outside the scope of the award, or any work p _ ^^ by an employee not otherwise previously atithdrized --.._- 3.5. Non -Exclusive Contract Although the purpose of this RFQ is to secure a Contract that can satisfy the total needs of the City or of a specific City department(s), it is hereby agreed and understood that this RFQ does not constitute the exclusive rights of the Successful Proposer(s) to receive all services that may be. generated by the City in conjunction with the services contemplated by this RFQ. The City also reserves the right to perform any services so deemed in its best interest. 3.6. Limited Contract Extension Any specific service assignment which commences prior to the termination date of the contract and which will extend beyond the termination date shall, unless terminated by mutual written agreement by both parties, continue until completion at the same rates, terms and conditions as set forth herein. 3.7. On-line Vendor Registration It is the policy of the City that all prospective Proposers register on-line at http://wrx-w.ci.miami.fl.us/procurement, click on the link, Vendor Registration, fill out all required fields, and indicate the commodities/services which prospective Proposer can regularly supply to the City for bid / RFQ notification purposes sent by the City to registered prospective Proposer via email or facsimile transmission, or both. Prospective Proposers who have already registered previously are not required to re -register. Unless, prospective Proposer has to update its information concerning changes such as ownership, new address, telephone number, fax, commodities, etc. Prospective Proposer can access its Vendor Profile by selecting the link; modify profile, and entering its assigned User ID and Password, All prospective Proposers should register on-line, regardless if Proposer submits a Bid or the "Statement of No Bid Form", The City will make its best effort to source all registered vendor with the related commodity or service of future bid/RFQ solicitations and send bidIRFQ notification via the email or facsimile, or both. Bid/RFQ Notification sent via e-mail to prospective Proposer will contain a link of the solicitation to download the document, and the entire document will be sent via facsimile to those prospective Proposers who choose to, be contacted via fax. A Purchase Order will not be issued by the City unless the Successful Proposer has registered on-line. For any questions, contact the Vendor Registration Section at (305) 416-1913. 4.0. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 17 City of Miami, Florida Health Benefit Consulting Services and Actuarial Services RFQ 05-06-005 4.1. Acceptance/Rejection The City or the City Manager or designee reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Proposals or to select Proposer(s) that, in the opinion of the City, will be in the best interest of andlor the most advantageous to the City. The City also reserves the right to reject the Proposal of any Proposer(s) who has previously failed to properly perform under the terms and conditions of a contract, to deliver on time contracts of a similar nature, and who is not in a position to perform the requirementsdefined in this RFQ. The City reserves the right to waive any irregularities and technicalities and may, at its discretion, withdraw andlor re -advertise the RFQ. 4.2.. Cit Not Liable for Delays It is further expressly agreed that in no event shall the City be liable for, or responsible to, the Successful Proposer(s), any Subcontractor, or to any other person for, or on account of, any stoppages or delay in the work herein provided for by injunction or other legal or equitable proceedings or on account of any delay for any cause over which the City has no control. 4.3. Cost Incurred By Successful Proposer(s) All expenses involved with the preparation and submission of Proposals to the City, or any services. performed in connection therewith shall be borne by the Successful Proposer(s). 4.4. Legal Requirements This RFQ is subject to all applicable federal, state, county and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that in any manner affect any and all of the services covered herein. Lack of knowledge by the Qualified Proposer(s) shall in no way be cause for relief from responsibility. 4.5. Non -Appropriation of Funds In the event no funds or insufficient funds are appropriated and budgeted or funding is otherwise unavailable in any fiscal period for payments due under the Contract, then the City or the City Manager or designee, upon written notice to the Consultant or his/her assignee of such occurrence, shall have the unqualified right to terminate the Contract without any penalty or expense to the City. 4.6. Occupational License Requirement Any Proposer with a business location in the City, who submits a Proposal under this RFQ, shall meet the City's Occupational License Tax requirements in accordance with Chapter 31.1, Article 1 of the City of Miami Charter. Proposers with a business location outside the City of Miami shall meet their local Occupational License Tax requirements. A copy of the license must be submitted with the Proposal; however, the City may at its sole option and in its best interest allow the Proposer to supply the license to the City during the evaluation period, but prior to award. 4.7. Payment Payments to the Qualified Proposer(s) shall be made in arrears, and based on work performed to the satisfaction of the City. No advance payments will be made at any time. Payment shall be made after delivery, within 45 days of receipt of an invoice for services/goods and pursuant to Florida Statute 218.74 and other applicable laws. 18 City of Miami, Florida Health Benefit Consulting Services and Actuarial Services RFQ 05-06-005 4.8. One Proposal Only one (1) Proposal from an individual, firm, partnership, corporation or joint venture will be considered in response to this RFQ. 4.9. Public Entity Crimes A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted Proposer list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a proposal on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a Response on a contract with a public entity for the construction or rep air_.of-a_publir'.building or.public_ .worles..proj.ect,.. may. .not, ..submit.a..response.on. a- lease ..of real_.- ".._. _....__ __..property{ to -a ,public 'entity, may -not"be awarded or:-perfoilmlL 9rk as ' 0. :contractor -supplier, ... '" subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287,017 of Florida Statutes for Category Two for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted Bidder / Proposer list. 4.10. Resolution of Protests Any actual or prospective contractual party who feels aggrieved in connection with the solicitation or award of a contract may protest in writing to the Director of Purchasing/Chief Procurement Officer who shall have the authority, subject to the approval of the City Manager/Chief Administrator and the City Attorney, to settle and resolve a protest with final approval by the City Commission. Proposers are alerted to Section 18-103 of the City's Ordinance No. 12271 describing the protest procedures. Protests failing to meet the requirements for filing shall not be accepted. Failure of a party to timely file shall constitute a forfeiture of such party's right to file a protest. NO EXCEPTIONS. 4.11. Review of Proposals for Responsiveness Each Proposal will be reviewed to determine if it is responsive to the submission requirements outlined in the RFQ. A "responsive" Proposal is one which follows the requirements of the RFQ, includes all documentation, is submitted in the format outlined in the RFQ, is of timely submission, and has appropriate signatures as required on each document. Failure to comply with these requirements may deem a Proposal non -responsive. A responsible Proposer is one that has the capability in all respects to fully perform the requirements set forth in the Proposal, and that has the integrity and reliability, which will assume good faith performance. 4.12. Sales Tax The City is State Sales Tax exempt. Notwithstanding, Proposers should be aware of the fact that all materials and supplies which are purchased by the Proposer for the completion of the contract is subject to the Florida State Sales Tax in accordance with Section 212.08 Florida Statutes amended 1970 and all amendments thereto and shall be paid solely by the Proposer. 4.13. Employees are Responsibility of Qualified Proposer(s) 19 City of Miami, Florida Health Benefit Consulting Services and Actuarial Services RF¢ 05-06-005 All employees of the Qualified Proposer(s) shall be considered to be, at all times, the sole employees of the Qualified Proposer(s) under its sole direction and not an employee or agent of the City. All applicable taxes, fringe benefits, and training for all personnel for the performance under the contract shall be the sole responsibility of the Qualified Proposer(s). 4.14. Use of Name The City is not engaged in research for advertising, sales promotion, -advertising; ales promotionor-other - publicitymaterials containing .. Proposal -are to..beTrentionec, 'or imply- the.na e- of;t,e.'City. permission of the City. or other publicity purposes. No information obtained -from -the • vithcut prior': express - written 4.15. Collusion The Proposer, by submitting a Proposal, certifies that its Proposal is made without previous understanding, agreement or connection either with any person, firm, or corporation submitting a Proposal for the same services, or with the City's Purchasing Department or initiating Department. The Proposer certifies that its Proposal is fair, without control, collusion, fraud, or other illegal action. The Proposer further certifies that it is in compliance with the conflict of interest and code of ethics laws. The City will investigate all situations where collusion may have occurred and the City reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals where collusion may have occurred. 4.16. Contract Administrator The Contract Administrator for the Contract shall be: Name Department Address LeeAnn Brehm Risk Management 444 S.W.•2nd Avenue Miami, FL 33130 4.17. Indemnification The Qualified Proposer(s) shall agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City and its' officials, employees and agents (collectively referred to as "indemnities") and each of them from and against all losses, costs, penalties, fines, damages, claims, expenses (including attomey's fees), liabilities (collectively referred to as "Liabilities") by reason of any injury to or death of any person or damage to or destruction or loss of any property arising out of, resulting from, or in connection with (i) the performance or non-performance of the services contemplated by the Contract which is or is alleged to be directly or indirectly caused, in whole or in part, by any act, omission, default or negligence (whether active or passive) of the Indemnities, or any of them or (ii) the failure of the Qualified Proposer(s) to comply with any of the requirements specified within the Contract, or the failure of the Qualified Proposer(s) to conform to statutes, ordinances, or other regulations or requirements of any governmental authority, federal, state, or local, in connection with the performance under the Contract. Qualified Proposer(s) expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Indemnities, or any of them, from and against all liabilities which may be asserted by an employee or former employee of Qualified Proposer(s), or any of its' subcontractors, if applicable and as provided above, for which the Qualified Proposer(s)'s liability to such employee 20 icy vJ ,.uurJu, rww141.4.4 or former employee would otherwise be limited to payments under state Workers' Compensation or similar laws. 4.18. Insurance Within ten (10) days after notification of award, the Qualified Proposer(s) shall furnish Evidence of Insurance to the Purchasing Department. Please refer to Section 6.3 Indemnification and Insurance. Execution of a Contract is contingent upon the receipt of proper insurance documents. If the insurance certificate is received within the specified time frame but not in the manner prescribed in this RFQ the Qualified Pro oser,s„ shall be verbally, potified.of,such deficiency and shall have an .,_•_ ad itionai ,frive (5)..calendar..daysJo._ submit ,acorrected., certificate.to the. City „wIf the„Qualifie d Proposer(s) fails to submit the required insurance documents in the manner prescribed in this RFQ, within fifteen (15) calendar days after the Qualified Proposer(s) has been made aware of Commission award, the Qualified Proposer(s) may be in default of the contractual terms and conditions. Undersuch circumstances, the Qualified Proposer(s) may be prohibited from submitting future proposals to the City. Information regarding any insurance requirements shall be directed to the Risk Management Administrator, Risk Management Department, at (305) 416-1700. Additionally, Qualified Proposer(s) may be liable to the City for the cost of re -procuring the services, caused by Qualified Proposer(s)'s failure to submit the require documents. 4.19. Hold Harmless The Qualified Proposer(s) shall hold harmless and indemnify the City for any errors in the provision of services and for any fines, which may result from the fault of the Qualified Proposer(s). 4.20. Audit Rights and Records Retention The Qualified Proposer(s) agrees to provide access to the City, and to any of its duly authorized representatives, to any books, documents, papers, and records of the Qualified Proposer(s) which are directly pertinent to this Contract, for the purpose of audit, examination, excerpts, and transcriptions. The Qualified Proposer(s) shall maintain and retain any and all books, documents, papers and records pertinent to the Contract for three (3) years after the City makes final payment under the Contract and all other pending matters are closed. On an ongoing basis, the most recent Financial Statements and audit reports, whether internal or external audits, must be provided to the City. Qualified Proposer(s)'s failure to adhere to, or refusal to comply with this condition shall result in the immediate cancellation of the Contract by the City. 4.21. Proposer's Warranty - Proposer warrants that no one was paid a fee, commission, gift, or other consideration contingent upon receipt of an award for the services specified herein. 4.22. Applicable Laws The Proposer acknowledges, represents, and warrants that in the performance of all the terms and conditions of this Contract, Proposer shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and executive orders, now existing or hereinafter in effect and each and every provision required by law as a condition of any federal, state, or local grant received by the City with respect to this Contract. Lack of knowledge by the Proposer shall in no way be cause for relief from responsibility. 21 $ City of Miami, Florida Health Benefit Consulting Services and Actuarial Services RFQ OS-06-OOS f 5.0. INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTING A RESPONSE The following information and documents are required to be provided with Proposer's Response to this RFQ. Failure to do so may deem your Proposal non -responsive. The purpose of this RFQ is to hire qualified Proposers, which may be an individual, firm, corporation, joint venture, partnership or other legal entity, for the provision of various federal lobbying services to the City, on behalf of the Office of the City Manager/Chief Administrator. Therefore, only fully capable, experienced, and qualified Proposers should submit Proposals in response -to .:this..°FFQ Each, Proposer. must -clearly...reflect..-in--its-Proposal • any -Sub -Contractors- .proposed: to- -be ccl; and -.pro vide "Cur.:: the- Sub -Contractor -the !same -information-required of Successful Proposer(s). The City retains the right to accept or reject any Sub -Contractors proposed. 5.1 PREPAR.A,TION OF RESPONSES - Proposers are expected to thoroughly examine the RFQ to fully understand the scope of services the City is seeking to secure. Failure to do so will not relieve Proposers from responsibilities for estimating properly the difficulty or cost of successfully performing the work. 5.1.1 Each Proposer shall furnish the information and documentation required in the RFQ. The Proposer shall sign the Response to the RFQ and print in ink or type your name, address, and telephone number on the forms to be returned with Proposal, as applicable. 5.1.2 Proposer should retain a copy of all Response documents for future reference. 5.1.3 All RFQ forms as described under Section 6.0, must be fully completed and typed or printed in ink, and must be signed in ink with the firm's name and by an officer or employee having authority to bind company or firm by his/her signature. 5.1.4 Multiple Responses will be considered non -responsive. 5.2 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS In order to determine Proposer's Qualifications, on a per Category basis, the following documents, as a minimum, are to be submitted as part of the Response to this RFQ. The following documentation should be included as a minimum in the Proposal and submitted to the City. Responses to all requests for documentation requested below will be utilized to determine whether Proposer met all minimum requirements depicted in Section 2.4, Proposer Minimum Qualifications, and to determine qualifications for each Proposer on a per Category basis. Proposers must clearly identify under which Category of Expertise it is seeking to qualify, and Proposers may seek to qualify for one or more or all Categories. Within its Response, Proposers must provide, for each. Category of Expertise it is seeking to qualify, all the requested information sought below, in order to deter -nine whether Proposer met the minimum qualification requirements for said Category(s). The response to this solicitation should be presented in the following format for comparison purposes. 22 City of Miami, Florida Health Benefit Consulting Services and Actuarial Services RFQ 05-06-005 1. Cover Page -The Cover Page should include the Proposer's name; Contact Person for the RFC); Firth's Liaison for the Contract; Primary Office Location and Local Business Address, if applicable; Business Phone and Fax Numbers, if applicable Email addresses; Title of RFQ; RFQ Number; Federal Employer Identification Number or Social Security Number. 2. Executive Summary - A signed and dated summary of not more than three (3) pages containing the Proposer's Overall Expertise, Qualifications and Experience, including the Categories under which Proposer is seeking to qualify. Include the 'name of -the oranization,' businesshone, -contaet person,""arid" phone/fax/email add~.2ss. 'DcaCribE7 its aver all organization, _ history and baCi%giuititu,..tox, atatlia,. principals, owners, board of directors and/or board of trustees, number of professionals employed, and the date Proposer was incorporated/organized; State(s) incorporated/organized in. 4. Provide the branch or other subordinate units or divisions that will perform or assist in performing any work resulting from this RFQ; the number of years the firm has beendin existence and number of years firm has been providing this type of service; the overall size of the firm; and the primary sector (public vs. private) and markets the firm serves. 5. State number of partners, managers, supervisors, seniors and other professional staff employed at the office from which the work for the City is to be performed. 6. Provide the Proposer's, and any employee(s), partner(s), principal(s), officer(s) or owner(s) of the firm, and/or the firm or any of its affiliates or parent, including joint ventures, most recent and/or current experience in perforrning these services, including any previous City of Miami experience. 7. Detail its overall health benefit consulting services and/or actuary expertise. Provide the City with a list of other individuals, municipalities, associations, or organizations who have retained the Proposer for the purposes of health benefit consulting services and/or actuary services and detail the health benefit consulting services and/or actuary services provided for client; and indicate how long the relationship existed and the periods of service. Include contact name, telephone number, and period of time representation occurred. The City reserves the right to contact any reference as part of the qualification process. 8. Describe in detail, on a per Category basis, the health benefit consulting services (if proposing) and/or actuary experience and expertise of the Proposer; include resumes for the principal supervisory personnel who will be assigned to this engagement and describe their relevant experience in the past three (3) years in providing similar services and any experience. Include contact name, telephone number, and period of time representation occurred. The City reserves the right to contact any reference as part of the qualification process. 9 Include a description of how the Proposer proposes to staff this engagement, and include the name of the principal, the names of those members of the firm designated to assist in the various areas of required .expertise; the qualifications of the individuals in those areas; and the role each member of the actuarial services team will play. Provide resume(s) as necessary. • 10. List the most significant accomplishments related to health benefit, consulting services and/or actuarial services performed in the past three (3) years; summarize 23 City of Mramr, fartUa Health genIa e . onsu+�+n aervtces anu Ac+uanai aerv+ce.t hS scope of services, term of service, engagement partners, and the name and telephone number of the principal client contact. 11. Provide a minimum of two (2) references on the letterhead of the client to whom services of a similar nature were provided. The City reserves the right to contact any reference as part of the qualification process. 12. Provide details of any lawsuits, bankruptcies, indictments, or investigations involving the Proposer, an employee(s), partner(s), principal(s), officer(s) or owner(s) of the firm, and/or the firm or any of its affiliates or parent, including joint ventures, or any of its principals. 13.- Indicate whether'"tne"'selection of Proposer would "result in any current' o'r`"fiture potential conflict of interest. If so, your response must specify the party i.l1 which the conflict exists or might arise, the nature of the conflict, and whether your firm or any of its affiliates or parent, would step aside or resign from the engagement or representation creating the conflict. Please also disclose any financial or contractual relationship an employee(s), partner(s), principal(s), officer(s) or owner(s) of the firm, and/or the firm or any of its affiliates or parent, including joint ventures, has, or have had, over the past five (5) years with any City of Miami elected or appointed official, or with a firm in which they were employed. This information is subject to verification as part of the qualification process. 5.3. Response Format One (1) original and seven (7) copies of your complete Response to this RFQ must be delivered to: Ms. Priscilla A. Thompson, City Clerk City of Miami Office of the City Clerk First Floor 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Responses must be clearly marked an the outside of the package referencing RFQ NO. 05-06- 005, HEALTH BENEFIT CONSULTING SERVICES AND ACTUARIAL SERVICES. Responses received after that date' and time will not be accepted and shall be returned unopened to Proposer. Proposals received at any other location than the aforementioned or after the Proposal submission date and time shall be deemed non -responsive. Proposals should be signed by an official authorized to bind the Proposer to the provisions given in the Proposal. Proposals are to remain valid for at least 180 days. Upon award of a Contract, the contents of the Proposal of the Qualified Proposer may be included as part of the Contract, at the City's discretion. Proposers must provide a response to each issue. Proposals- should be prepared in a concise mariner with an emphasis on completeness and clarity. 24 City of Miami, Florida Health Benefit Consulting Services and Actuarial Services RFQ 05-06-005 A•i''i:.:l � s r Win.".`&."�'�P,."�3' ��S'PS4"'S1�3. ad.,,'S.ak6 18-105. First..source"'hiring - agreements. ! Its. (a) The commission approves implementation of the first -source hiring agreement policy and requires as a condition precedent to the execution of service contracts for facilities, services, and/or receipt of grants and loans, for projects of a nature that create new jobs, the successful negotiation of first -source hiring agreements between the organization or individual receiving said contract and the authorized representative unless such an agreement is found infeasible by the city manager and such finding approved by the city commission at a public hearing. (b) For the purpose of this section, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the following meanings: Authorized representative means the Private Industry Council of South Florida/South Florida Employment and Training Consortium, or its successor as local recipient of federal and state training and employment funds. Facilities means all publicly financed projects, including but without limitation, unified development projects, municipal public works, and municipal improvements to the extent they are financed through public money services or the use of publicly owned property. Grants and loans means, without limitation, urban development action grants (UDAG), economic development agency construction loans, loans from Miami Capital Development, Incorporated, and all federal and state grants administered by the city. 25 City of Miami, Florida Health Benefit Consulting Services and Actuarial Services RFQ 05-06-005 Service contracts means contracts for the procurement of services by the city which include professional services. Services include, without limitation, public works improvements, facilities, professional services, commodities, supplies, materials and equipment. (c) The authorized representative shall negotiate each first -source hiring agreement. (d) The primary beneficiaries of the first -source hiring agreement shall be participants of the city training and employment programs, and other residents of the city. (Ord. No. 10032, §§ 1--4, 9-12-85; Code 1980, § 18- 11) 26 City of Miami, Florida Health Benefit Consulting Services and Actuarial Services RFQ 05-06-005 6.0. RFQ Response Forms - CHECK LIST This checklist is provided to help you conform with all forrn/document requirements stipulated in this RFQ. Submitted With Pr_uoosa! 6.1 RFQ Information Form -5.. This form must be coinpieted;'signed, and returd w neith Proposal 6.2 Certificate of Authority, to be completed, signed and returned with Proposal. YES 6.3 Insurance Requirements Acknowledgment of receipt of information on the insurance requirements for this YES RFQ. (Must be signed). 6.4 Local Office Affidavit, if applicable YES 6.5 Debarment and Suspension Certificate (must be signed) YES 6.6 Statement of Compliance with Ordinance 10032 YES YES 6.7 Conflict of Interest, if applicable YES 6.8 Complete Proposal with all required documentation. YES 27