HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 11of 4RTUIi • • GLENN MARCOS JOE ARRIOLA Chief Proc:urcisnenl Officer City Manngcr ADDENDUIV. NO.3 VIA: Electronic Notification RFQ # 05-06-005 April 12, 2006 HEALTH BENEFIT CONSULTING SERVICES AND ACTUARIAL SERVICES Please refer to the attachment for the Questions from prospective Proposers and the City's Answers to those Questions received before the stipulated due date. ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE RFQ REMAIN THE SAME. SINCERELY, tCOS,CPPO, CPPB; DIRECTOR JREMENT OFFICER THIS ADDENDUM IS TO BE SIGNED AND DATED BY PROPOSERS AN.D SHOULD BE SUBMITTED AS PROOF OF RECEIPT WITH THE SUBMISSION OF RESPONSES. SIGNATURE: NAME OF FIRM: DATE: 4/12/2006 Addendum No.3: City of Miami llealeh Benefit Consulting Services and Actuarial Services RFQ NO. OS•O6•021 ADDENDUM # 3 HEALTH BENEFIT CONSULTING SERVICES AND ACTUARIAL SERVICES RFQ #05-06-005 c6 ��.;j..., a"pb�,tlAtt6-tfi ••;tYQ LY4y'i�,���+L''� Y� -'- Q". QI: Is this RFP for Prescription Benefit ManagementServices? Al: Proposers are advised this is not a Request for Proposals (KIT), •but a. Request for Qualifications (RFQ). Yes, this RFQ may include Prescription Benefit Management Services under the Health Benefit Consulting Services. Q2: Is the City currently using a consultant? If so, who is the current consultant? What are the current rates? How long has this party been providing consulting services to the City? A2: No, -the City currently is not using a consultant for. Prescription Benefit Management Services. Q3: On page 24 of the RFQ, under Section 5.2, item 11, please confirm if references from our clients are to be included in our proposal package (i.e., the client would provide the written reference to us for submission)? A3: Proposers are required to .include letters of reference of their clients in its proposal package. Q4: Is the City's current health plan a self -funded or fully insured plan? • A4: The City's current health plan is self -funded for generally employees and fully insured for executives, Q5: . What firm currently provides claims administration? A5: Cigna Q6: What type of health plan options are offered at this time (Le., HMO, EPO, POS, etc.)? A6: HMO, POS, OOA Q7: What dental plan options are offered at this time (Le, DHMO, Prepaid, indemnity, etc.)? A7: Prepaid 2 Addendum Nazi: City of Miami Health Benefit Consulting Services and Actuarial Services RFQ NO, 05-06-021 Q8: On page 10 of the RFQ, under Section 2.3, item A18, may the proposer subcontract for true actuarial services under Health Benefit Consulting Services as long as the specific actuary is fully disclosed in the proposal? A8: Pursuant to Section 5.0 of the RFQ document, Proposers must clearly reflect in its Proposal any sub -contractors proposed to be utilized, and provide for the sub -contractor the same information required of Successful Proposer(s). The City retains the right to accept or reject -any sub -contractors proposed. Q9: Please identify the annual fees for the current contract period associated with each incumbent firm engaged by the City of Miami for each component of the following lines of coverage: a. Health Benefit Consulting Services. b. Health Actuarial Services c. .Life Actuarial Services d. Pension Actuarial Services e. Casualty Actuarial Services A9: The City did engage a .firm to perform GASB 45 actuarial services for a non -recurring fee amount of $25,000. Q10 What is the total annual premium and/or actuarial premium equivalent for each line of insurance maintained by the City? a. Medical b. Dental c. Vision d. Life e. LTD f. STD g. LAP AIO: a. Cigna Medical - $27 million dollars, which includes stop loss overage b. Dental -Treated as a prepaid plan Vision-This-is,i clUde . the 1re�7ic al prerniuR+....-...,,., ..._......�._....�,-,n:.,�..,..d m N14 .1,ll+rCllvNJ�kJIvtJJlUll1� d. Life-$492,627 e. LTD -N/A f. STD -NIA g. £AP-$50,964.48 3 Addendum No,3: City of Miami Health Benefit Consulting Services and Actuarial Services R1 Q NO. 05-06-021 Q11: Please provide copies of all Union Contracts wherein group benefits programs are the subject to collective bargaining. All: See Attachment A Q12: Are benefits that are subject to collective bargaining different from those provided to non -union employees? Q13: if the answer to the question above is yes, please describe the differences or provide Summary Plan Descriptions or Group Policies for each union and non -union plan. A i3: Summary & .Benefits has been included (see Attachment :B) for union and non -union plans, which does not include Police. Q14: How many contract periods and optional renewals .have been granted to the current firm retained by the City? A14: The City currently does not have any firms under contract for consultants for Group Insurance. Q15: What is the cost sharing percentage between the City and participating employees for each group insurance plan and class of employees therein? A.L5: City is approximately 95%; City employee is approximately 50/0. Q16: Identify each insurance carrier and their respective contract term for each group insurance plan for the past 5 years. A16: Cigna Healthcare which provided our medical, dental, vision, stop loss and Cobra until 12/3:1104; Currently, they are administering our medical and vision only. -Minnesota Life Insurance; Contract term thru 12/31/2007 - Metlife Dental; Contract term thru 12/31/2007 -Star.mark (Paragon) Dental; Contract term thru 12/31/2007 - United Benefits Stop Loss Currier; Contract term thru 1/11/2007 - Ceri.dan (Cobra); - -Star HRG; Contract term thru 6/30/2006 Q17: Please provide the number of employee participants and retirees by class in each plan along with any dependents as may be applicable for any plan for which dependents are eligible. Provide your answer with the number of employees listed by tier of coverage, if applicable..(i.e., Employee Only, Employee plus Spouse, Employee plus Child/Children, 'Employee plus Family or the terminology used by the City to delineate participation). A17: See Attachment C containing data (Employee/Retiree Headcount as of 1/1/06). 4 Addendum No.3: City of Miami Q18: Please identify which of the following benefit programs are self -funded and the firm(s) that provide(s) administrative services and the length of time each firm(s) has/have been providing services to the City of Miami. a. Medical b. Dental c. Vision d. Life Health llenefit Corrsultins Services arrr1Actuarial Services RFQ NO. 05-06•021 f. STD g. EAP A18: The Medical, Vision, and EAP are self -funded benefit programs, Dental is a prepaid benefit program, Life is a' fully insured benefit program. Medical and vision is administered through CIGNA, approximate length of time is 11 years; Dental services are provided through Paragon, nJklal Starmark, length of time is 1 year; and METL1FE, length of time 1 year; the City does not offer LTD or STD programs; and EAP is also administered through CIGNA. Additionally, life insurance is administered through Minnesota for Executive and 'Managerial Confidential employees only. The City' uses Standard Life Insurance for AFSCME and Sanitation. Q19: Please provide the loss ratios for each of the benefit plans. A19: The City does not understand this question or why it is even being asked, since it is not .relevant for the RFQ proposal submittal. Q20 Identify current financing arrangements for the self -funded plans ie: thresholds of specific/aggregate stop loss. A20: Under the medical plan, excess coverage is through United Benefits. The specific/aggregate . stop loss is $200,000. Q21: Please describe the final selection process and the procedures to be followed. A2.1: The City of Miami is concerned about some of the questions being asked by some of the potential proposer(s). It appears some of the proposer(s) believe that this is a Request for Proposals (RFP), when it is not. This is a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) where firms - upon • • fernonst'aticof.their-qualificati s- rill bequal;±led•Lnder-teir„ atogLrIia R. oivpiitivn. Multiple firms will be qualified under the different categories and the City will select firm(s) on an as needed, when needed basis. Q22: Are there any benefit carve -outs? A22: The City does not understand this question or why it is even being asked, since it is not relevant for the RFQ proposal submittal. 5 Addendum No. 3: City of Miami Health Benefit Consulting Services cKI and Actuarial Servicer Q NO.05-0-02.I Q23: Regarding retirement Other (than Pension) Post -employment Benefits (OMB): a. Are these benefits pre -funded? b. Do retirees have the same plan options as active employees? c. Is retirement eligibility the same for OMB benefits as for pension benefits? d. Is the City's post-65 drug benefit considered to be creditable coverage when compared to the Basic Medicare Part D benefit? e. Did the City apply for the Retiree Drug Subsidy (RDS)? :::•,:.,;:,- 1..::, rthatis',theAot l—lie'•:befits.budgei:tor„the currentyeaz.:, ii}d t;1e-niost.recentey.compieted. cast two fiscal years? A23: a. Other Post -employment Benefits (OPEB) are not pre -funded. b. Retirees do have the same plan options as active employees. c. The retirement eligibility is the same for. OPEB benefits as for pension benefits. d. The City's post 65 drug benefit is considered to be creditable coverage when compared to the Basic Medicare Part D benefit. e. The City did apply for the Retiree Drug Subsidy (RDS). f. Health Insurance costs for FY 05/06 is $27,000,000 Q24: Please provide recent copies of the following reports: a. Monthly report of health plan performance b. Quarterly management review report detailing plan performance, including projected vs. actual expense, IBNR, utilization review, loss development factors, etc c. Report on TPA performance A24: The type of reports requested in a, b, and c is not available at this time; however, the City has attached (see Attachment D) a Benefit Analysis report provided by Cigna. (Questions 25 thru 39 is in reference to Pension Actuary Services) Q25: Which firm is currently the actuary for each of your Pension/Post-Retirement Benefit Plans? A25: Mercer Human Resources Consulting. . Q26: Will the current actuary be responding under the RFQ? A26 ---T.his_ is.,a b.t�siness .decision for. Mcrccs_.Human.Resources. Consulting..._....,.__...__._._._...........__. Q27: How long has the current actuary been provided services to the City of Miami? A27: Over ten (10) years. 6 Adtletichon. No. 3: City of Miami Health Benefit Consulting Services and Acurarial Services RI'Q NO. 05-06-021 Q28: Why is the City requesting qualification for actuarial/consulting services at this time? A28: The City currently and in the future may have different needs for actuarial/consulting services listed or not listed in the RFQ. Proposers are reminded that the categories listed in the RFQ are not all inclusive and may be modified throughout the term of the contract. Furthermore, the City reserves the light to add more categories and qualify additional firms under those categories or qualify additional firms under listed categories herein at' any given point in time throughout the term of the contract when deemed in the hest interest of Q29:.ls there a problem or dissatisfaction with the current actuary? A29: No. Q30: If there is a problem, is it fees, or timeliness of service, or quality of service, or something else? Please elaborate. A30: Not applicable. Q31: Please provide copies of all the invoices from the current actuary for the last two years. A31: The City does not understand the purpose of this request and the relevancy to this RFQ. Q32:' Please provide a copy of the current actuary's most recent proposal(s). A32: The City does riot understand the purpose of this request and the relevancy to this RFQ. Q33: Please identify the number of Pension Plans and/or Post -Retirement Benefit Plans that are currently in place? A33: Three (3) Pension Plans (GESE, FIPG, ICMA) and all three have Post-Retirment Benefit Plans. Q34: Please provide a copy of the most recent Actuarial Valuation Reports, including the 'Actuarial Assumptions and Plan Provisions. A34: See Attachment E, .JH....'...___w.._.�.__._.�..__�...�._...._._�......_�.._._..._,�.__,. Q35: Please provide a copy of the most recent census file, including all active and inactive participants currently receiving benefits in the Pension Plan(s) and the Post - Retirement Benefit Plan(s), A35: The City .is unable to fulfill this request at this particular time. Q36: Please provide a copy of a sample employee Benefit Statement. A36: The City currently does not provide employee Benefit Statements. 7 Addendum No.3: City of Miami 1lenith Benefit Consulting Services and Acuaarial Services Rf'Q N0. 05-06.021 Q37: Are there any existing lawsuits that would require the actuary to provide expert witness testimony? If so, please describe. A37: The City is unaware of any lawsuits. Q38; If there is a Post -Retirement Benefit ,Plan(s), what kind of funding arrangement is in place? For example, is the Plan funded through a VEBA Trust? A38: No funding arrangement is in place. It is based on the "pay-as-you-go" basis. Q39: Please provide a description of Pension Plan Special .Income items identified on page 13, item 3(c) of the RFQ. A39: The description of Special Income Items may or may not apply to the various City of Miami pension plans. Therefore, it was listed in the RFQ as a possible valuation service. (Questions 40 thru 44 is in reference to Casualty Actuary Services) Q40: Scope of Miami's Workers' Compensation Self -Funding — Is Workers' Compensation coverage self -funded by the city. If so, when did self -funding begin? Is the self -funding accomplished through a self -insured retention (SIR), deductible, or some other vehicle? What per occurrence and aggregate retentions are self -funded? A40: Workers' Compensation is self -funded by the City. The City is self -insured for Workers' Compensation, Automobile Liability, Police Professional Liability, and Public Officials Liability in accordance to, and subject to limitations of Florida Statutes, Section 768.28. The City also maintains an Excess Liability Policy in the amount of $10,000,000.00 per occurrence and $20,000,000.00 general aggregate. The Self -Insured Retention limit is $500,000.00. in addition the City has a Commercial Blanket Policy for Real and Personal Property in the amount of $200,000,000.00 subject to $100,000.00 deductible. Q41: Page 8 of the RFQ specifically mentions Workers' Compensation, but does not mention General Liability, Auto Liability, or any other casualty lines of business. Is Workers' Compensation expected to be the only line of coverage within the scope of the casualty actuarial services? If not, could you please list the other lines of coverage, and describe the self -funding or insurance programs? • i 4l - r:lease"refer to'A40,— n additio "there may -be some n ed.for•Fictua iaf services'loi -Ge'n�+'`[a'►... -.. .Liability, Auto Liability Orany other casualty lines of business. 8 Addentinrn No.3. City of Miami Health lfenefit Consulting Services and Actuarial Services RPQ ND. 0S-06.021 Q42: Questions about Section 2.3, Casualty Actuarial Categories of Expertise: Item 1, "Appraisals" •- The actuarial standards of practice specifically define "Actuarial Appraisal" in the context of insurance businesses. Specifically, actuarial appraisal value would be the present value, as of a specific evaluation date, of projected distributable earnings of an insurance business ..,". Is this the meaning intended by this item in the RFQ? If so, what types of casualty . �:: _. .:#t�s�'�a�xcc...btu$ir;��e:;�r�c+r�l���•1:.;�-h:��i,�; i�eti�-1`��r.:.al�lyt�a53i:bv�-tlse-c�tf'�•t3^ iti.::this'terr:� i�er±g.,.:.: used in a more standard context, perhaps referring to valuation of the city's self -funded reserve levels? A42: This term is being used in a more standard context regarding the valuation of the City's self - funded reserve levels. Q43: Item 3a — "Catastrophe models" Which catastrophes in particular? Does this item also include property coverages (i.e. involving windstorm catastrophes)? Or, is the catastrophe modeling limited to Workers Compensation losses (terrorism catastrophes, for example)? A43: The catastrophes model is not only limited to Workers Compensation losses, It may include, but may not be limited to property and automobile coverages due to catastrophe events as a result of hurricanes, terrorism, riots, floods, etc. Q44: Items in (4) ".Product' Development/RatemakingWPricing" For which lines of coverage does the City intend to apply these ratemaking and pricing studies? Is this intended for only for the self -funding of Workers' Compensation coverage, or would these topics apply to other lines of casualty coverage? A44: It may apply to Workers' Compensation Coverage as well as other lines of casualty coverage. Q45: What is the effective date? A45: The effective date is based upon when the City requires the services. Q46: How many copies of the response would you like? A46: As stipulated in the RFQ, one (1) original and seven (7) copies is required, Q47: Will we get a copy of other questions asked and responses? A47; Yes, They all have been included in this addendum. 9 Addendum No. 3; City of Miami Health Benefit Consulting Services and Actuarial Services !?FQ NO. 0S-06-021 Q48: The City of Miami website indicates there are 4000 employees, Is that the approximate number and of the 4000 how many are covered under your health and other benefit plans? A48: Yes, it is approximately 4,000, which 2,282 of those employees are part of the City's Health Benefit Plan and the remainder is with the other .Health Benefit. Plans. Q49: .How many COBRA participants on average per year? A49: The approximate per year average of COBRA participants is twenty (20). Q50: Proposal does not include request for a fee proposal. Is theiee/structure expected in response or negotiated later? A50: Proposers are again reminded that this is a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and not a Request for Proposals (RFP)..Fees shall not be submitted with your proposal submittal. Fees will be negotiated with the selected firm on an as needed, when needed basis. Q51: In reference to 2.4.A, which deals with similar experience, does experience have to he in Florida or does experience in other out of state municipalities meet the City's experience expectation? A51: Experience does not have to be in Florida and other out of state municipal experience is acceptable. (Questions 52 thru 56 is in reference to Health Benefits Consulting Services) Q52: Who is the current Health Benefit Consultant or who currently provides health benefit consulting services to the City? A52: • There is no current health benefit consultant to the City. Q53: Does the City currently have a qualified list of consultants and who is on the current qualified list of consultants? A53: No. Q54: Ho w . nany consultants does the City anticipate being on the qualified list in response -to •-_m_.__„ this RFQ? A54: As many as it can qualify. Q55: How are consultants on current qualified list selected for projects? A55: The City does not have a current qualified list. 1 0 Adslendtun No.3: City of Miami Health Benefit Consulting Services and Actuarial Services. JUT NO. O5.O€'-O2J Q56: How will the City select consultants from the qualified list to conduct specific projects? Will the City select a consultant to submit a proposed cost and work plan, or will the City request competing bids from consultants on the qualified list? A56: It is the City's intention to select a consultant to submit a work plan and proposed cost for Health Benefit Consulting Services and Actuarial Services on an as needed, when needed basis. (Questions 57 and 58 is in reference to Health Actuarial Services) Q57: Who currently provides Health Actuarial services to the City? A57: There are no current Health Actuarial Services being provided to the City. Q58: Has the City had a GASB 45 retiree health valuation or estimate performed yet? If so, • when and what firm conducted the study? A58: Preliminary work was done in .November, 05. 'Milliman was the firm that performed the estimate. (Questions 59 and 60 is in reference to Pension Actuarial Services) Q59: Who currently provides Pension Actuarial services to the City? A59: There are no current Pension Actuarial Services being provided to the City. Q60: Who currently provides Pension Actuarial services to each of the Pension Boards? A60: Refer to Attachment B. 1!